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Poetry by MAN Feb 2015
Yes I am familiar with the Nothing
It's the emptiness I fill with words
Paint a picture in minds put time in lines care into every curve
I'm also familiar with the All..
How the greatest of expectations fall..when it is love we call
Hearts broken down like cars that stall-MOVE YOUR PATHETIC *** OVER TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!-looking for it all..
M.A.N 2-13-15
Poetry by MAN Jul 2014
I bring my guns
Still a MAN of peace
My love evolves..I become a ****** beast
Yes I feast..insert my piece
Pop it in the West
Have you ******* in the East
*** Bandit..Alien from a ***** planet
My Rocket plug your socket inside I land it
Scorpio..Smoke you sexually till I'm ******
Slave to my sting you are about to get owned
Hey how ya doing may be wondering who I am
Just a poet who can flow it lay you down then slam
My tongue leave you sprung
Pound you like a drum
Glad you came.. Cause you are about to ***
Hum Hum yum yum I'm all about fun
Play all day still I'm not done
This poetry beast will have his feast
Lay you on table penetrate your crease
******* energy of the Tantric kind
Simultaneous explosion *** of the mind
There will be no stop for I cannot cease
Another chapter unfolds for this M.A.N of peace
M.A.N 7-18-14 I wrote this for my *** blog..It has been awhile since I posted a **** poem most are too raw for this site oh well I enjoy writing them..♏
Poetry by MAN Mar 2016
A poet is not perfect* although some claim to be
Scribblers of thought watchers of humanity
Pen every emotion fill it with devotion
Ride waves of passion chaotic like the ocean
A poet is not perfect with more than eyes we see
What's hidden what lies between prophecy
Future unfolding the past we keep holding
Now keeps rolling do you remember where you're going?
A poet is not perfect hmm what does this mean?
From life experience write a scene
Words forever blending combinations never ending
Translation of thought keeps the message sending
A poet is not perfect neither is humanity
Speakers of truth live on edge of sanity
Recognize what's broken book wide open
Read between lines multiply the hoping
A poet is not perfect many strive to be
Most fall victim to vanity
Born reactive to what's attractive
Division of emotions leave most subtracted
A poet is not perfect or what you might think
One universal mind flowing in sync
Discovering depth waking from sleep
Breaking silence with words perfect poetry we speak
Poetry By M.A.N 3-1-16
Poetry by MAN Jul 2013
I walk through life not searching but finding
Some paths are narrow while others winding
Love is so evasive but than again it is not
Looking not finding what we cannot spot
Emotions overflowing making us a wreck
Gathering them up keeping them in check
Focusing our will, love and desire
Looking for the spark to ignite ones fire
An inferno of love is what we are craving
The ashes from our heart is what we are saving
The awakening sun brings a new light
As I continue to fall for you at first sight....
M.A.N. 7-8-13
Poetry by MAN May 2016
Today I had a writer's dream
Challenged to create a scene
Shall I write some poetry
Release let it flow from me
If I had a **** to turn
All the way I'd let it burn
Molding letters with my tools
A creator doesn't follow rules
Definitions all in the mind
Meaning some will never find
A story that is born from me
Stolen moments of reality
As a writer I do the work
Reporter of the daily dirt
Putting soul into the lines
Insanity speaks in rhyme
Makes no sense so it seems
Waking from a writer's dream...
Poetry by M.A.N 5-11-16
Poetry by MAN Jul 2014
I am a creature of transformation
Evolved by experiences and conformations
I am no cheap imitation
Take me in..feel new sensations
Changes in me twist and burn
Memories I use to help me learn
Spark of thought ignites the flame
Burn down barriers in my brain
Tapped into my evolution
Sends power to my constitution
Strength I've gained I will use
Accumulated many handy tools
A storm has many variations
Severity depends on the combination
Rip me up till I am torn
Impregnate your mind feel my words being born
Transformation a part of me
In Becoming what I'm meant to be..
M.A.N 7-7-14 I am Scorpio of the Phoenix class reborn every day to kick some..♏
Poetry by MAN Feb 2014
Black Rose sweet Demon bud
A kiss from a Vamp with the taste of blood
Emotionless hearts infused with desire
Intoxicating lust sets us on fire
Exposed skin..Reveals our sin ..As we dig in
I tie you up..You go down..Feel my whip..Wrap around
Call me Dom..You my Sub
Wearing your body like a glove
Drop your disguise..Through your eyes..See this devil rise
No surprise angels cry when I enter your thighs
In the realm of our imagination together we flow
****** stroke mental poke entering you slow
Is there Beauty in the Darkness? I suppose...
My Bloom under the moon my Black Rose..
M.A.N 1-27-14 inspired by CR friend Vampskiss
Poetry by MAN Dec 2020
Once in a Blue Moon I think of you
That isn't true every Moon I do
In the stars I see your face
I close my eyes share your space
Never far always here
In my dreams you appear
Become a man discover love
Search for truth hovers above
On a journey far within
We find each other begin again
Midnight kisses caught in memories swoon
Souls waltz forever under Blue Moon..
I finally took time to edit this one..
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
A Beauty you are out and within
I have an insatiable desire to write poetry on your skin
Your body my canvas feel my gentle brush
Writing ******* with my ****** touch
Cinnamon lips I love your tone
Soft and silky to the bone
Finding my guide
As we connect I come inside
Filling each other..there's no strain
Steady my thoughts I must maintain
Watching my penmanship using a steady stroke
I start hallucinating from my mental smoke
Sends me into a frenzied flow
I'll find my pace..go on a roll
My words soak in as you taste
My emotions invade your inner space
Down from your toes..Up to your eyes
Writing Haikus between your thighs
Poetry on your body every inch
You start writhing from my Scorpion pinch
Sinfully venomous my words forever sink
Into your skin my poetic tattoo ink
As you lay naked I visually feast
Every line of your body a masterpiece..
M.A.N 3-7-14 One of my favorites I really enjoyed writing this poem..^_*  ♏
Poetry by MAN Sep 2014
Somewhere I heard the term "Body of God"
I always thought it was kind of odd
What is this "Body of God?"
Cells running around doing jobs
Perception is prone to deception..I've taken LSD
A mind can bend..see false reality
Is it far fetched that we all can be cells?
Constantly connecting creating our own hells
Hmm...I feel it in my bones
Communities thriving..Kings sitting on thrones
Are we created in the image of The Lord?
Minds refined sharp as a sword
Elevating becoming one with truth
Scars accumulated from wreckless youth
Some inside they don't display
Still they never go away
In death we rest in earth were sewn
Souls trapped in a heart of bone
Creates a garden full of Death's sod
Be the flowers that bloom from The Body of God..
M.A.N 6-27-13 I started this poem awhile back..finished it today..its one of my off the wall thoughts bouncing in me head somehow made it to paper...;)))
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
Every person is a book
I read when I take a look
Through the window of the eyes
I can see through your disguise
Masquerade if that's your plan
If you need to..I understand
There are places I still can reach
bring out your diamond that lies beneath
Spirituality just one handy tool
to understanding what is true
So walk with me down this path
as we calculate and do our math
Use our failures as stepping stones
providing strength we have never known
Phoenix Rising to become anew
Shedding fears of a fool
So go ahead and take a look
Read my soul just like a book...
M.A.N 3-18-14
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
There was once a butterfly born out of pain
With a heart of a poet and nothing to gain
On wings of dreams the reborn took flight
Came across a Dragon in the darkness of night
Together they flew in a spectacular display
As if two children fondly at play
A spiritual union filled with delight
No shades of darkness..only light
Soaring together getting lost in fun  
Lighting up the sky like the morning Sun
Two minds open one heart they share
Twin souls bonding in the midnight air
What an odd sight this twist of fate
Destiny's opening is like a gate
Path is laid now happiness finds
A place in the heart as well as the mind
Majestic in flight as they both fly in
To dwell and slumber in the Dragons den
Comforted in trust and a friendship so true
For there is a Butterfly in me and a Dragon in you...
3-3-14 M.A.N
Poetry by MAN Feb 2014
I'm a Champ
He is a Chump
His *** you need to dump
So load up on your pump
Go out and shake your ****
Um Ya need to feel this playas swaggle
As I diggle in your daggle
Fiddle ya then stab ya
*** on...slide up and down my pole
Lick it
Slurp it watch me as I grow
Hmm señoritas let me rub your chi chas
You can be me Mija
Every time I see ya
Blow ya ***** up with my D bomb
Shrapnel from my nut
ya need to stay yo *** calm
Hmm that's how I dews it
Confuse it then lose it
Go ahead and choose it
I promise to abuse it
Um yous Filthy and so *****..
*** so fucken pretty
Wake you up early to get ya ***** swirly
I will be your ecstasy
Go ahead and swallow me
***** so sprung
Why ya always following me?
Huh, My **** will show you magic
Makes your ***** so spastic
Have you fiending for my ****
Too bad you can't have it..
Huh, I aim to tease
***** begging me please
Drop down on them knees
Give this Scorpio a squeeze
Um I'm *******
this game I'm back to running
Who woulda thought
M.A.N would come back more stunning
Hmm thats just my stinger
Born to be a bringer
My presence seems to linger
I'm in your ***** with my finger
lol that's just my stamp
I feel I got you damp
A King wears a crown
So does this Cali Champ!! Ugh..
Kung Fu poetry flow hybrid poetry Hip Hop M.A.N 2-5-14 ill slam the **** out of this poem lol
Poetry by MAN Dec 2015
I'm drawn into the darkness in your eyes
I feel at home I don't know why
Tap into energy you supply
Magic explodes there is no more try
Inside you I want to become
A warrior for your heart under each passing sun
Battle like a gladiator till it's won
Satisfaction in action you're sure to come
Never been holy a Devil I am
Don't have to speak words vibes you understand
Scorpio mystic powers I command
Practice creates the master who makes the plan
You can check the clock there is no time
Same way there's no limit to our minds
Words born from emotions that cannot be defined
Translated by a poet patterns become design
Keep love flowing infinite always growing
Not what I say it's about what I'm showing
Drink from the river of ever knowing
Fine tune inner light till its glowing
Did you put me under your spell?
Drunk with love my defenses fell
Detached from heaven I walk through Hell
Listen to demons and stories they tell
I write them all down chapters for this book
Analyze recognize path they took
Cast out heart meat on the hook
Appeals to third eyes many take a look
Dare touch caress don't mangle
If I Expose my wick will you light my candle?
Release tension heart strings untangle
Charmer of my snake all yours to handle...
Poetry by M.A.N 12-10-15 I wrote this one a while back it's a bit naughty but I assure all my readers I am nice..;)
Poetry by MAN Oct 2014
I burn inside for your love
Phoenix flames rise above
Ashes of me fill the air
Reborn I'll be without a care
Truth is I hope you dare
Rip me up go ahead and tear
Every way you are a beauty
Shining star stepped out a movie
Feel your skin soft and soothing
Enticing lips yes you move me
Imagination builds my fire
Fills me up with pure desire
Worship in me will not retire
For the Goddess I admire
With you I feel no hesitation
Together we share all information
Time well spent in preparation
Seeds intertwine for our new *Creation...
M.A.N 10-29-14
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
I sit alone in my cyberspace home, king of my universe on my internet throne, searching through threads for my cyberspace queen, born in a fantasy, died in a dream, reality on the horizon through a sea of doubt, my cyberspace soul dissipates when my user logs out....
6-13-13 M.A.N
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
Welcome to the dawn of a new age
Open up the book turn the page
Excel to a higher degree
Understand the evolution of humanity
Back on track showing I don't lack
Doing what I do to make you react
Lets take a trip through my mind
A poetic M.A.N is what you find
Who has the answers?
Let's ask the questions
It is as if no one is even paying attention
To money which was created by man
It separates people
Are you starting to understand?
It's a trap set by death it wont stop
Till we breath our last breath
Hmm that's right!!
Not even death is free
"Money" is the maker of poverty
Overpopulation, segregation a messed up nation
Puts us on a path of mass annihilation
Wartime, see the battles rage on
Is it hatred
Or a politicians song?
Time and space
The final frontiers
Bombs explode people run in fear
Cultures wiped out to the future they are unknown
Aliens from space invade our home
Pledge allegiance to a flag
Whatever may wave which ever they have
Science is it fiction or fact?
Sometimes it is hard to believe all that
Who will do it?
Who will find the answers?
Prophets fall but not from cancer
GOD? Thee almighty one
Spoke to us on earth through his son
Whether you agree or disagree
The intention was to save humanity
Who will stand up?
Who will be the one?
To bring about change without firing a gun?
Every generation builds off the back of the last
Truths ignored dooms us to repeat our past..
2013  M.A.N
Poetry by MAN Sep 2013
A promise of true love is enough for some
Visions of the future and the Days To Come
Fragmented is our spirit when we are apart
Our love be thee blood filling our hearts
Hope held tight for a love so true
Its what we become its just what we do
When separated our love is near
Intimate memories becoming dear
Going through the motions doing our math
Searching for the strength to find our path
Time will pass our destiny won't change
Love locked down can't be rearranged
Under the Moon into the night we stare
Pick your favorite star and meet me there
Emotions ******* swirling as we embrace
Achieving the satisfaction we longed to taste
Time stands still our minds become one
Bodies interlocked under the Morning Sun
Sewn seeds of faith bears its fruits in the end
Reunited for an adventure let our journey begin
9-25-13 M.A.N
Poetry by MAN Sep 2014
Life can be bitter sometimes swings low
Without pain we would never grow
Cliche sayings sound all the same
Words do little to ease the pain
Looking for things we will never find
Frustration builds we lose our mind
Burnt out candle lost its flame
Find a spark to light our brain
A precious pearl a treasure to see
Rough as you are you are diamond to me
Hold your smile let it light the way
Strength you gain will pay off some day
In pains transformation the better we become
To reach our destination in the Days to Come..
M.A.N 7-21-14 This is my second Days to come poem...I wrote it in July for a friend.
Poetry by MAN Oct 2014
So much words I want to say
Emotions build every day
For true love I did pray
Now I've found it I'm blown away
Battled for you throughout time
Won every fight to make you mine
In the world of you and I
We hold each other until we die
For you I do..I do not try
You are the answer to question why
With you there is no one else
Inside you I lose myself
When I look upon your soul
Fills me like an empty hole
Inside you I want to grow
Every day I'll let you know
Touch me feel our destiny
Kiss me taste eternity
In your eyes live inspiration
Soothes our souls of devastation
Words hit deep feel *******
In each other our Destination..
M.A.N 10-17-14
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
Why is it sometimes we force our love?
Is it in our nature to push and shove?
Forcing our will upon our obsessions and desires
Chances burning up like a funeral pyre
I know, I've been down that path
Its riddled with lovesick fools who never did their math
You need to stop it!!
It will never work
All your doing is multiplying the hurt
For "True Love" from the beginning is true
Nothing anybody or anything one can do
Destiny will always find its path
It's laid with broken hearts that felt its wrath....
6-27-13 M.A.N
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
I just want to disappear
See me in another year
Catch me at another time
Adventure is what I need to find
Leave the person that I am
Hi I'm Mister Don't Give a ****
Hmm..I wonder where I'll go
Hawaii Europe or Mexico
Once I'm there what will I do?
The one thing missing would be you
***** it you can come along
Share my passion for it is strong
I can tell you what we will do
Better yet I'll just show you
Feel my poke from this poets mind
Take you high still we climb
Next level is my master stroke
I'll do you hard and that's no joke
Play with the boys..
Love this M.A.N..
Someday you will understand
I can worship when I choose
So play with me my ****** Muse
Stuck right now..I have no fear
Someday I will disappear....
M.A.N 2-9-14
Poetry by MAN Jan 2014
You are a dream
You come to me
Kiss my mind so tenderly
As I lay I fall so deep
You are there in my sleep
Playing roles in my soul
Scenarios out of control
Will you take this dreamers hand?
Set a course make a plan
To a place made for us
Clouds of love winds of trust
In my arms you will be
On our road to destiny
We can live in the stars
Dance on the moon vacation on Mars
No limit to what we become
You the Moon me the Sun
Is what is real what is seen?
As we dance forever in my dream...
M.A.N 12-28-13
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Is that an Echo? I hear someone talking back
Is it me? Have I begun to crack?
Heart break memories I have stacks
So tell me "Echo" what do I lack?
Adventure..more games..unique...yet all the same
Maybe its me..Happiness I try to maintain..
To only feel love in moments of hate
Set fire to surroundings as I instigate
Scorpion tail swings..Who did I devastate?
Poison transformed new energy we create
Like a ball toss it to me..
This ball can transcend multiple realities
What you see have no regret..You'll get back what you spent
Memories squat pay no rent..In your head sit like an Elephant
To much pressure no more room
Echo roars back with a sonic boom
Melodic devastating is the tune
Every wolf on the planet howls at the moon
So tell me echo what you think about that?
Can you match me wit for wit..always come back?
Beyond the mirror..see the cracks..
Read scars share stories of many attacks
Stay with me Echo..ugh..Please remain..
Add to my voice when it begins to..strain
Feel my every loss with you I gain
Mimic my heart..Oh Echo..Share the pain..
M.A.N  3-24-15 I performed this poem in a slam competition on 3-14-15...
Poetry by MAN Jul 2014
Cursed by Ego I feel the crush
Infused with power I feel a rush
Head blows up super size
Confidence begins to rise
Delusions are a part of me
I am a walking fantasy
Hold me back..I feel strong
When I'm right...I'm still wrong
I am the creator of my corruption
Live the pattern of self destruction
Within it all I still learn
To manage and make the turn
What you get is a better me
Free of Ego's fallacy..
M.A.N 7-7-14
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
I'm writing these lines just for you
Part of my Spiritual Flow it's what I do
Transform emotions swirling in my mind
Give them life in the form of a rhyme
Painting mental pictures with my tools
My rebellious soul does not follow rules
My Phoenix heart also likes to play the fool
So much false I long to be true
I just want to walk a righteous path
Love and overcome my selfish wrath
See light in the darkest space
Be the spark to ignite this place
I feel the love...I feel the hate
It's fueling me to instigate
Call out leaders who do not lead
Expose intentions filled with greed
They do not care about right or wrong
Exploiting the weak to grow strong
How much longer can this go on?
Who will be the Sun to bring a new dawn?
Infinite power from my soul I bring
No longer am I prince I have become a King
Angel to Devil to something new
Elevating my being just for you...
M.A.N 3-3-14 "You" can mean specific a person or Humanity in a whole my Spiritual flow is love and analyzing truth and reality..I vibrate when I write these lines no limit as to what I can create with my imagination and an elevated mind.
Poetry by MAN Jun 2014
Elevator going up in my mind
Cosmic awareness is what I find
Vibrate pass doubters prove them wrong
Power from my words..makes me strong
Poetic my nature feel the storm
Rumble like thunder reality torn
Let go of my ego butterfly born
Cocoon in my mistakes expose my true form
Up so high I begin to float
Spread my wings flutter by with hope
Get on the elevator there is room
Answers open up you don't have to assume
Expansion of spirit feel the rise
Visions not seen by the eyes
So come along elevate with me
To the top floor of our destiny..
M.A.N 6-26-14
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
Power of the cosmos runs through my veins
Burning me up..I become the pain
Help me!
I'm trapped in the flow
Swirling from within expanding my soul
My body...My mind
I become the sign
Spoken to me in ancient rhyme
Peace is gained only after a battle
Slaughtering humanity as if we were cattle
Pineal gland tingling
Thoughts start streaming obtaining meaning
Living in a vessel that can no longer contain
Evolving me to next level of my brain
Living in a tattoo sleeve
Is it Magic if you already believe?
My melodic riddles play like fiddles
Prophetic are my scribbles
Third eye sight keeps me living in the middle
Vibrations stimulate me as I continue to grow
From the infinite energy filling up my soul....
M.A.N 3-7-14
Poetry by MAN Feb 2014
Unf give me an hour
I'll give you all my power
***** I'll devour
Lick it in the shower
Tasty and clean
I wanna **** ya like a machine
Feel my ****** pump
As my **** goes thump
Stick it in your mouth
Feel me as I grow
**** it with my *****..then slurp it slow
In your slit flicking your ****
***** slapping while ya ******* my ****
***** tasty and so yummy
Stick up yo *** lay on your tummy
Feel my friction from behind
Pull your hair...your *****'s mine
Going in so deep
Your wetness starts to seep
Inside you I move it around
Your G spot I start to pound
Against the wall on the ground
I hear you moan luv the sound
Tie you up give you a choke
While your bound you feel my poke
***** nerves wrap around my stroke
Stop and do a line of coke
We are naughty that's no crime
Your ***** always on my mind
Best drug I'll ever find
I wanna ******* all the time
So hop up on my ****
For you it's hard like a rock
Rub it on your **** then drop
In and out so fucken hot
Use me till you ***
Twerk on my **** like a drum
Hold it there....Um...
Luv it when your ***** strums
Look deep into my eyes
Feel your ****** begin to rise
Ecstasy no surprise
We both *** while I'm inside
Hmm What more can I say
My hour has passed away
Just how I want to do you every single day..
2-12-14 M.A.N
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Exquisite..Unique become what you seek
What is complete? How deep is the deep?
Experience the moment..It's you..Own it!
Fractals..Vibrations I'm just one component
These words of love shoot from my soul
Penetrates..fills all hatreds holes
Power in my rhymes Shaman twisting time
Read you by sign put you in these lines
I can see all the mental smoke
Instigator here to stab and poke
Give my all till I'm broke
All my passion hits in one big stroke
My vibe comes alive in every word it survives
If we elevate each other we all will thrive
You there asleep come alive
Far too long we have all been denied
Vibrate till I turn to dust
Never taste the center eat my crust
In rhymes I full I bust
Flow so fluid I'll never rust
Now I can be flashy..tell a tale
Not a one hundred percent sometimes I fail
Pierce my heart with a rusty nail
Darkness takes over but love prevails
Imagination stretch..memorize every turn  
Set fire to your mind feel the burn
Knowledge from pain is how we learn
Balance will reward you with what you earn
Wisdom doesn't flow from all that speak
Truths are hidden which is why we seek
We all must climb to reach your peak
Creates who we are..Exquisite...Unique!!
M.A.N 3-18-15 I performed this in a slam competition on 3-14-15 in Visalia Cali..♏️
Poetry by MAN Jun 2013
One Family united as one
The Father, Mother Daughter and Son
In unity we can set things right
In the darkness be the guiding light
Keep your heart open
Keep hoping
The Family be the truth to all lies spoken
We have the tools set it straight
I can't wait to see the date
We all can relate
Not to hate
A Families love
Black,White our blood is both red
ONE PEOPLE ONE WORLD we must move ahead
We can do it
Take a moment show someone you care
To get it together for..
Written in the 90's M.A.N.
Poetry by MAN Jul 2013
Why does a heart feel so strong?
How do you right what isn't wrong?
So much emotion felt so deep
To the point where one can not sleep
I realize some things are against all the odds
So I look past the stars and to the gods
Though I'm not a religious man
A fool for love this fool does stand
Potential of my passion never fully felt
Longing to give what should be dealt
Time will pass a patient heart will wait
Given no choice but to demonstrate
For I have always been a loyal man
Like a dog by your side I will stand
Hoping your eyes look my way
Desiring your body more each passing day
How does one snap out of an emotional funk?
Wrap it up and discard it with the mental junk!
Let it all go and watch it float away
So I can make it through another day......
7-11-13 M.A.N
Poetry by MAN Sep 2014
Yes..I picked her precious flower
Gave me head in the shower...
Ate her ***** for an hour
Nice and wet..Sweet and sour
I must've been tasty
Not a drop did she waste me
Looking at her face see
Made me *** all crazy
Then we started playing
No words you know what I'm saying
My actions got her spraying
Whips..chains..all my tools out laying
Feeling like a champ number one
Passion within burns hotter than the Sun
Candle wax down your ***** it run
Slap that **** you've been Scorpio stung
Unf I don't want to hurt you
Like a machine find every way to work you
Is that the spot?
It doesn't hurt too
Take my your mysteries
When I pull out umm all becomes history
When not inside I'm feeling the misery
At one when we *** holding you blissfully...
M.A.N 9-12-14  I wrote this for my *** blog..I hesitate sharing my ****** poetry cause I tend to lose a few followers..oh well I love writing these **** poems I feel I've just scratched the surface..
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
Does power have a physical form?
Seen through eye of a storm
I want to rip at reality till its torn
Mind elevates word is born
Vestige of message vibrations seek
Strength in understanding
We all start out as weak
Emotions go from joy to pain feel the peak
Solutions unveiled to what we seek
Tongue ignites spit verbal fire
Soul to flesh fueled by desire
Muse me feel me as I admire
Raise my intellect till I expire
Creative dreams emotional storms
Transform..edit..give it Form..
M.A.N 10-16-14
Poetry by MAN Nov 2014
Freedom there's power in that word
Some don't have it..many voices go unheard
Most are born free of chains
Still we carry chains in our brains
Build a prison of concrete walls
Make up laws full of flaws
On the streets the badges bang
Shoot first! In shame heads should hang
Justice blind minorities find
When I step on the street perceived guilty of a crime
States offer no solutions
Business is to build more institutions
Lock up bodies trapped minds still tell
How we elect politicians that continue to fail
Answers are direct find problem then correct
Apply intellect what's right comes with respect
Selective Justice another imperfect day
Embrace ones Freedom till its taken away..
M.A.N 11-25-14 I try not to get too political but I do enjoy expressing my opinions creatively through my writing..
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
I use this as a writing tool
A freestyle flow to see me through
I am just a simple M.A.N
Filled with complicated sand
Sifting through a hourglass
I see the future in my past
Feeling pain from my joy  
I can create to destroy
What is special? What is new?
False is fake but what is true?
Gather moments I've collected
Seen only from my own perspective
Words the fruit..I am the tree
All is still a part of me
So go ahead take a bite
Feel my soul as I write
These words to help me understand
As I walk this path..lay a plan
Take you to another place
Where no one is trying to win the race
Sister and Brother stand hand and hand
My imagination can create that land
A mighty river runs from my soul
Providing me with my freestyle flow....
3-13-14 M.A.N Just me having fun letting off poetic steam..^_*
Poetry by MAN May 2014
Wake up..Start my day
Oh my poetry has gone away
Missing my heart
Missing my soul
I sit and wonder where did it go?
Should I look in lost and found?
Is it running around all over town?
I wonder where could it be?
Then I remember it's locked inside of me
Where is that emotional key?
I want to play with my Poetry
Imagination from mind to pen
Vibration from words seamlessly blend
Create art by showing my heart
I can't I start
Not the whole just a part
Inspiration can be hard to find
To calm the many storms in a poets mind
I write..I fight to ignite a flame
A spiritual reality I maintain
Fertile is the soil of my soul
Free for my poetry to continue to grow..
M.A.N 5-6-14 So blocked lately I have been working on long personal pieces..these freestyle flows help me loosen up..♏
Poetry by MAN Mar 2014
Sun an eternal flame
Burning up my mental strain
Incinerating my self doubt
Release it..Um let it out
Normally I don't give a ****
A Scorpio M.A.N is what I am
Venomous when I sting
Most can't handle what I bring
Emotions come in many phases
Draw a map..navigate the mazes
Some days I'm dark I sing the blues
Emotions there for me to use
Transforming them with my magic touch
I feel them hit me in a rush
When in tune I'm like a song
So with these words I babble on
Just begun so watch me grow
Flooding minds with my Freestyle Flow..
M.A.N 3-25-14 My Freestyle flow keeps me from getting blocked I write these just for fun..♏
Poetry by MAN Apr 2014
Most people think I'm crazy
My flow can't be called lazy
My soul in my words
From my heart spills nouns and verbs
My mind is quite explicit
18 or over to buy a ticket
A mamas boy I am
My mother raised me wicked
I also have a father
Was selfish didn't bother
Was thirsty for guidance
I found my own water
No one really knows me
I am the one and only
Trust my dedication
Watch me while I'm showing
Life can be gamble
Test the latest sample
Take your shot while your hot
Make your effort ample
I know not why I say this
Not in this to be famous
As a poet I grow..flexing my freestyle flow..for that I am shameless
M.A.N   4-23-14
Poetry by MAN Jul 2014
I want to write something great
Manual to eliminate hate
Words that permeate
So we all can create
I want to live in the love
Emotions of doubt rise above
Be at peace no longer feel the rub
My life is not wrong
Or words in a song
In us all lies a new dawn...
Rise like a Phoenix feel your soul burn
Ashes our memories it's how we learn
Know who you are...In you a star
We can go far..Don't need a car
Greatness in all..we rise..then fall
Some of us stall don't hear the call
We all have the tools even the fools
Can't lock up minds for breaking your rules
Politics and laws corruption the flaw
Governments and borders separate us all
Lines in the mind real is a crime
Common sense is even harder to find
Too political..This poets satirical
In us all lies multiple miracles
Here is a taste of the talent we waste
Judge not the generation of cut and paste
Silly my rhymes fracture defined
Free is the style that flows from the mind..
M.A.N 7-29-14 Had the day off today wrote a quick freestyle the more I read it I want to edit sounds better spoken out loud slam style..♏
Poetry by MAN Apr 2014
For you I want to look my best
A suit wears a M.A.N to impress
Fresh hair cut..beard nicely trimmed
Designer cuff links I'm in it to win
Ring your door open the door
Bouquet of flowers from ceiling to floor
Fulfilling fantasies make love to your mind
No words spoken could ever define
Take you out dancing you are my Queen
Conquering your desires to become your King
Hold you close caressing your skin
Make your heart flutter from my Devilish grin
Leaving memories on your body as I touch
Forget about time there is no rush
No limit..providing endless inspiration
Passion boils bodies dripping perspiration
Tangled tongues twisting tasting ecstasy
Discovering we share a destiny
My duty to my lady on good manners I stand
Rest your head on the chest of this Gentleman...
M.A.N 4-22-14 ♏.
Poetry by MAN Oct 2014
I'm sorry for leaving you alone
Be Patient..I won't be Gone long
Everyday that passes by
I pull out your picture..I look in your eyes
Cherish the memories that we share
They live in our hearts will always be there
Our love a chorus to our favorite song
My crying heart sings when you are Gone..
M.A.N 6-9-14
Poetry by MAN Jan 2014
We live our lives
This is true
Part of me is with you
Half my heart
Half my mind
Me the clock
You the time
Where I go I take you there
Memories with you I share
Walking in foreign lands
On the beach laying in the sand
Kissing while the sun goes down
In that moment we are bound
Snap a picture in my mind
Write a poem filled with rhyme
No limits when I'm with you
What is false becomes true
Part of me did not grow
Till I met other Half my soul...
M.A.N 1-28-14
Poetry by MAN Jun 2014
In the moment of my death
Let me write my last breath
Return to the stars
See my shining scars
Medals of my worth
******* in birth
Cosmic cake..I'm just a crumb
Desire to do what has not been done
Set a mark..blaze a path
Unknown will feel my wrath
Be a soul that helps humanity grow
Spread love till I start to glow
Inspiration fills my heart..every stop creates a start
Maya Angelou's life made its mark
Life's final breath not silenced in death
Words become immortal from heaven their sent...
M.A.N 6-30-14 This is my Maya Angelou tribute R.I.P
Poetry by MAN Jul 2013
I will be your guide in the darkest storm
I will pick you up when you are battered and torn
Heal your soul with Heaven's light
Restoring your beauty to shine so bright
Our illuminating love guides our way
As we journey through each hour of the day
As night time comes you begin to fade
For it wasn't you but a memory saved
I breathe my last breath all turns to night...
Together forever we walk into Heaven's light...
Poem felt incomplete so expanded it a bit...7-3-13 M.AN
Poetry by MAN Jul 2014
Hi...Just the Devil dropping by
Big *** sigh..No longer do I wonder why
Angels burn while Hell does turn
Cold like my heart..still I yearn
Fiction fanatic..My words are my magic
Hair stands up from my static
Hate me lovely..Beautiful is ugly
What eyes behold..go ahead judge me
I want to care..My heart wont dare
Still I look..Can't help to stare
From afar..A distant star
Reality a reflection of what we are
I am here..You are there
I can rip..You can tear
Open up to a fantasy
Door from you straight to me
Twist the ****..Drop on by
Spark up a bowl..We can get high
Vibe together side by side
Inside each other we can't hide
Truth today told me a lie
No good is bye so I say Hi..
M.A.N 6-13-14 This is an odd one but I enjoyed writing it..
Poetry by MAN Oct 2013
If I hold it in where does it go?
Does it forever become a part of my soul?
Expanding me and who I am
Without it would I understand?
It makes me whole, am I half?
Makes me sad, still I laugh
Maybe I should just let it go
Hang a vacancy sign on my soul
All I can do is be above
In my heart feel the love
Faith in me and what I do
Even when I play the fool
I am wrong but I still grow strong
From my darkness I will dawn
Everyday I receive this gift
Recharge my soul so I can lift
My head up high and wonder why
I don't float up into the sky
Will I fly if I release my sins?
Till that day I hold it in...
10-9-2013 M.A.N
Poetry by MAN Dec 2020
I live
Much more I have to give
I write
To set imagination aflight
I feel
A hunger but not for meal
I need
Failures to succeed
I'm still around love y'all!!!
Poetry by MAN May 2015
Ooh Lu ma I want to kiss your lips
Number one top on my bucket list
For me there is only you
I've felt the false I want the true
Life isn't easy in fact it's cruel
We navigate through obstacles it's what we do
Not a perfect story or favorite song
To understand what's right we have to know what's wrong
Emotions weak? Hell no their strong!
A love that leaves one better when it is gone
Look..Let me show you what you cannot see
With words I can paint reality
Example..I am one unfinished book
Chapters of the many risks I took
Gangsta of love I played the crook
Now the sum of ingredients watch me cook
Enough about me back to you
I want to hold your hand all life through
Wish for me like I wish for you
For my one true..I say I do...
M.A.N 10-3-14 I wrote this awhile back..feeling a bit corny today..hmm why not put it out..Ooh Lu ma I hope you find it delicious full of love which makes it nutritious..∞ ƸӜƷ
Poetry by MAN Oct 2013
I long to be strong and not do wrong
Poetic is my soul forever will I long
How did this happen?
How did I become this fool?
Who walked many paths never finding you
There is only one path I long to find
Paved with flowers for that true love of mine
Walls I'll climb put my life on the line
Its written in the stars yours and mine
For my heart longs to give in order to live
Filling all my cracks so not to leak like a sieve
I will continue on and will grow strong
Giving me the strength to love all life long
For now I suffer like so many before
I understand the pain I lived in its core
Time will pass I may not last
My strain is mental it moves through me fast
Still I remain through all I gain
Capable to love and to maintain
My emotions like the sea will never be calm
Build a boat to let me float for true love I long...
10-4-2013 M.A.N
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