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Sep 2020 · 207
eli Sep 2020
as you run through the wild,
i got stuck in a quicksand;
a sinkhole of our memories.
i tried to reach out to you,
but you never looked back.
you kept moving forward.
do you still feel what i feel?
Sep 2020 · 132
eli Sep 2020
the last time you called
i felt no warmth at all
did you bury our days of old?
or are you just putting up a wall?

is this a game you play?
what's the matter?
you know i'd choose to stay.
despite knowing you'd do better;

with or without me.
even without me.
blink of an eye
Sep 2020 · 165
could've been
eli Sep 2020
i can't help to wonder
how would things turn out
if we dove a little deeper,
swam a little faster,
or held our breaths a little l o n g e r.
maybe the timing wasn't just right
Sep 2020 · 131
eli Sep 2020
i may be gone for a while,
then be back for a moment,
and even though i have some regrets,
i promise that i will never forget,
how your laughter echoes,
how your voice sounds,
and how your smile shines,
whenever, wherever,
and a million times.
Mar 2020 · 246
eli Mar 2020
you are my ocean,
but i can't just dive into you,

because you are my ocean.
and too much of you,
will make me
i am stupid, he is my ocean, i'm hurting, but i still dive, deeper and deeper.
Mar 2020 · 1.4k
simple, love.
eli Mar 2020
it takes numerous efforts
to fall in love

but it takes one dreadful lie
to mess the whole thing up
you won't dreadfully lie to someone you truly love.
Mar 2020 · 228
eli Mar 2020
when i see you,
my problems,

when you kiss me,
my tears,
does not fall.

being with you,
is the best.

because when i am with you,
you bring me joy,
which makes me happy,
but when you leave, everything is back to normal.
Mar 2020 · 192
eli Mar 2020
i found you,
in the midst of chaos,
of my own thoughts,
of my own feelings.

and you kept me thinking,
should i try?
should i fight?
and risk this battle?
i love you but is it worth fighting for?
Mar 2020 · 719
eli Mar 2020
what is it about birthdays?

it's just another day,
but u just grew older.
it's just another day,
yet everyone knows you.
it's just another day,
when everyone is good to you.

what is it about birthdays
that when it comes
people doesn't treat u
like how they always do?
it's my bday tomorrow! :) and i'm not in good terms with a person but i know that when tomorrow comes, we'll be okay again. lol.
Feb 2020 · 262
maybe if
eli Feb 2020
maybe if to you, i didn't lie,
you're still alive.
maybe if i didn't talk back to you,
you're still here, real & true.
maybe if I wasn't naughty,
I wouldn't be visiting you in a cemetery.
maybe if I just listen to everything you've said,
you wouldn't be dead.
maybe if I made you more proud,
you'd sleep beside me safe & sound.
maybe if I didn't stress you so much,
I wouldn't write this such.
maybe if I was a good daughter,
your life lasted longer.
maybe if I didn't do all of those,
you're still here with me real close.

it's been 9 years,
and I still can't stop my falling tears...
for my mum,
i love you always, see you real soon.
Dec 2019 · 205
eli Dec 2019
another poem is now written,
because of her words that are unspoken.
words that will now be expressed,
because no one listens to what she says.

another poem that will be read,
to release the thoughts inside her head.
her head that keeps on overthinking,
then later on you'll see her crying.

another poem that will be judged or criticized,
criticism that will lead to such lies.
lies that will make her feel broken,
so she'll write another poem again.
story of my life
Sep 2019 · 1.6k
eli Sep 2019
just a little more,
I should wait.
just a little more,
I will strive.
just a little more,
I will fight.


just a little more,
I will stop.
just a little more,
I will give up.
just a little more,
I will die.

just a little more,
just a little more.
whatever hardships we face, there is always an end. we just have to go on, just a little more.
Sep 2019 · 807
eli Sep 2019
if you read this you might find this funny,
texts about a self-proclaimed problematic girl
but isn’t she really one?

did u ever show her that you love her?
do you think she even felt it?
are you sure that you love her?
if yes, then why are you doing this to her?
do you think she deserve this?
words can ****.
and I think you are a murderer.
words cut deeper than a knife
Sep 2019 · 369
eli Sep 2019
i am a grass.

i get cut out,
whenever i grow up.
society tells the youth to shut up because we dont know anything yet, since we are young. but when we grow up and we are learning, they cut us out and say that we are pointless.
Sep 2019 · 817
eli Sep 2019
i cant speak
and open up my feelings
but i am not mute

i always listen
but whenever i try to explain
i am not being heard
maybe they're deaf.
its hard to reach out when no one wants to hear you out.
Aug 2019 · 311
eli Aug 2019
it’s been a while
since I last wrote

here I type
and please take note,
that I am nearly dying.

I don’t know when,
but I can feel it.
I don’t know why,
but I am sure of it.
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Promise Is Just A Word
eli Jul 2015
"I promise that I'll never leave you alone,
Because I don't want to hear my baby cry and moan."
Although I heard those many times,
None of them is true; PURELY LIES.

Fulfill your promise, even once please.
I always hope for the fulfillment of these.
I'm really tired of waiting,
And also of hoping.

You told me that you'll hold me in your arms forever,
Because you said that we're better together.
Yes we are not perfect.
But to each other we can reflect.

Promises are somehow just bluffs.
Also about nonsnese stuffs.
Though only a few make sense,
It doesn't make you tense.

**** those promises ain't real.
It's a no for me to feel.
It's very very hard to believe,
The promise you told me that you'll never leave.

Regrets you'll hear from me,
It hurts so much! Can't you see?!
Until now I am still waiting and hoping for its fulfillment,
But you're gone. Real permanent.

I wished that I didn't wait so long,
Now my heart was barely done so wrong.
**One promise that broke my world,
Now I realized that, "Promise is just a word.."

— The End —