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3.1k · Jul 2017
blue eyed girl
leolewin Jul 2017
Crystal blue eyes,
They remind me of the ocean.

As beautiful and limitless, as breathtaking and devastating.

To set sail is a death wish,
and to never try is a regret.
3.0k · Sep 2022
For Nonna & Nonno
leolewin Sep 2022
Life's now fleeting moments with you
Flow through my mind like a whirl pool.

The minutes we think last forever, on a cycle which will never cease to exist, drastically come to a stop with no announcement.

The silence of your voice is infinite, bringing uncontrollable tears to my eyes. What I would do to say goodbye. One last hug, one last laugh, one last season in the garden, one last cheers of our glass. What I would do to make those moments last a life time.

To My Nonna, my Nonno -  Ti voglio bene asi... asi...asi

The knowledge, wisdom, kindness and love you have given me will live on forever through me. Thank you for everything, this is only goodbye for now. Until next time.

I love you.
For my Nonna & Nonno
1.4k · Apr 2023
Your Eyes
leolewin Apr 2023
Looking into your eyes,
I see the stars shine.

Looking into your eyes,
Eases my tainted mind.

Looking into your eyes,
I see the love you have for mine.

Your eyes are looking into mine,
I’m loosing track of time.

These moments feel like forever,
I only wish they would be.

The notion that one day you won’t be gazing into my eyes, makes these moments all the more special.

Life moves fast. Enjoy the small moments. Nothing in this world, is made to last.

Ill be looking into your eyes, I hope that sight will be my very last.
4 Say
1.1k · Jul 2017
leolewin Jul 2017
Waiting for my luck to change
Waiting for a sunny day

Waiting for the time and place

in which the waiting wastes away.

Waiting for it all to click
Waiting for it all to stick

Waiting for a happy ending
Waiting while my time is spending.
888 · Sep 2022
leolewin Sep 2022
There were 2 chairs,
But I'd rather share 1 with you.
Love 2 my Say
836 · Sep 2022
Done Laughing
leolewin Sep 2022
Pardon me as I burst into flames and vanish into a cloud of smoke.

The world's some sick joke and I'm done trying to laugh.
826 · Jun 2023
When I’m Gone
leolewin Jun 2023
If you want me when I’m gone,
Simply look up at the stars,
And I will twinkle back.

If you want me when I’m gone,
Simply close your eyes and listen,
For I will be singing with the birds to you.

If you want me when I’m gone,
Simple feel the earth below your feet,
I will be with you every step of the way.

If you want me when I’m gone,
Simply smell the sweet scented flower from the black locust tree.
Pause and move on with your day.
814 · Jul 2022
Dreams Turn 2 Nightmares
leolewin Jul 2022
The death of a child's dream,
Births the nightmare of an adult's reality.
593 · Jun 2017
leolewin Jun 2017
A paint brushed sunset.

A sandcastle by the sea.

Sitting on the beach I feel liberated and curious.  

Free from the restrictions of my anxious mind I start to wander.

Unsure of which direction to travel I pick a path and hope for the best.

The fiery sky distracts me as a stumble through the sandcastle -

it crumbles beneath my feet.

leolewin Apr 2023
Focus on your mind
Strengthen your body
Heal your spirit
leolewin Jul 2017
Why are countries run like companies instead of communities?

Why do we prioritize a profitable margin over a healthy society?

Why when I try so hard to see the beauty in the world, does it continue to show me its ugly evil?

Is life redundant since we all end up dying?

Why do we die?

Is there anything after death? A heaven? A hell?

Probably not.
546 · Jun 2017
Young Boy
leolewin Jun 2017
Young boy, stop crying, don’t shed more tears.

One day you’ll be loved; one day you’ll be revered.

Young boy, be inspired by the stars at night.

Be open to the wisdom, be open to the light.

Young boy, make sure you always love yourself first.

Be in-tune with your truth, in the moment be immersed.

Young boy, don't be afraid to take a chance.

Who cares if you’re not perfect - only a few are, at a glance.

Young boy, be the change in which you seek, be bold be brave be your truest self - celebrate being unique.
483 · Jun 2017
My Journey
leolewin Jun 2017
Metamorphosize my inner eye, dimension shift, new paradigm. Distant lands, travelling through time -  seeking the secrets I may never find.

On the edge of the universe, I feel at home.

Ancient wisdoms of past existences echo throughout the galaxy just as stars twinkle.

It’s all so overwhelming…

At the galaxies end I am in searching for the context of life, and what it all really means.   Suddenly an uncontrollable feeling of ignorance seeps over me.

My journey is far from finished.
leolewin Jun 2017
What if people valued connections over wealth?

What if you didn’t need to worry about nutrition to have health?

What if humanity was the first time the earth had cancer? And with every brick the tumour grew.

What if we’ve gone too far, way beyond repair. 

What if…
435 · Jul 2017
Each Day
leolewin Jul 2017
Each day I see a different part of the picture,
Giving me fleeting notions of comfort.

Each day I feel a little different,
Making for an interesting ride.

Emotions changing with the seasons,
Happiness comes and goes with the tide.

Each day I learn something new,
Discovering what
resides inside.
401 · Jun 2017
The Storm
leolewin Jun 2017
Fluffy clouds float over head like the smoke dancing out of the captains pipe.

The ship slices through the waves, uninterrupted by the uneasy water.

A curious contentment captivates the captains thoughts as he smokes and ponders - his mind getting lost in the infinite blue.

His lips silently rehearse the vows for the women of his dreams - 50 years of life and this is his first encounter with a love stronger than his affection for the sea.

Smoke shapes resemble the eerie weight of the night.

A tempestuous wind starts to whirl. The concerned captain barks orders at his crew - they begin to batten down the hatches.

Colossal waves swell, this time the rocky water is not so easy for the aging ship to over come.

Swaying side-to-side the boat starts to wane.

The crescendo of the captains career is concluding with a storm unlike ever before.

Serenity turned to chaos in an instant.

Crashing, screaming, smashing, screeching - the ship is in for a fight.

Water mercilessly pours over the boat’s side rails, invading ever corner of the ship.

Slowly, slowly, they start to sink.

Screaming prayers won't save them now.

The captain’s quivering lips silently rehearse the vows  he will never speak.

Slowly , slowly, they continue to sink.
396 · Nov 2017
Lizard Man
leolewin Nov 2017
The Lizard Man moved quickly.

He was confident and cold blooded, adapting to any environment easily.
With zero remorse, and less than an ounce of love in his heart he slowly turned the world on its head.
Spreading hate to the people, pretending there was no equal, in the name of blind patriotism, ignorance was accepted.
The people began to divide, a cancer grew inside, feasting on the insolent hate.
Violence and chaos ensued next.
People took to the streets, fires were burned, humans were beat, all for the sake of The Lizard Man.
#torontopoem #politicalpoem #canadianpoet #toronto
392 · Sep 2022
leolewin Sep 2022
Strength; A priceless gift given by pain.
Keep pushing
330 · Nov 2017
Everyone Lives
leolewin Nov 2017
Some live for love,
Some live for hate,
Some live to spread fear,
Some live to create,
Some live to get noticed,
Some live for the answer,
Some live without knowing
Some live and it doesn’t matter.

Some live to die,
Some live for the moment,
Some live to be successful,
Some live and never owned it.
Some live in debt,
Some live with excess,
Some live with pain,
Some live with heartache,

Some live life accordingly,
so their mind doesn’t break.

Everyone lives    +  
Everyone struggles

Be kind.
#torontopoet #bekind #poemoftheday #canada
321 · Jun 2017
The Rain
leolewin Jun 2017
The rain pours down outside.

Recent regrets feel like they’ve been haunting me a life time.

The wind whispers stories about joy and potential, faith and love.

The rain pours down and I watch.
294 · Sep 2018
Bare Bones
leolewin Sep 2018
We took so much from eachother,
That by the end we had nothing left to give.
111 · Apr 2023
Life goes on
leolewin Apr 2023
Like rolling waves,
The good times flow with the bad.
Life’s undulations give us emotions otherwise unhad.
The human experience, to feel and let go.
The human experience is both filled with joy and sorrow.

What does it mean to be a live without death.
The infinite end gives breath to every moment.
What does it mean to be human, without feeling the trials and tribulations of existence.
Without true feelin,
life is so meaningless.

A whole heart weighs heavy with emotion,
A broken heart neglects the truth and forgets that our time is borrowed.
#poemoftheday #sad #emotional #torontopoet #poet #poems #hellopoetry #feelings #life #death

— The End —