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Nov 2018 · 581
Light Always Wins
Harley Nov 2018
The darkness surrounded her.
It slowly devoured her.
Walking in the halls, she saw him...
She saw him light up her darkness
She stared into his eyes.
She watched as he stared back.
She understood.
He had been living in the darkness too.
They lit up eachothers worlds
Light always wins
Nov 2018 · 415
Fade Away
Harley Nov 2018
Fade away
Pretty little fears
We open up to eachother
With the hope we will not be destroyed
Let's run away together
Leave it all behind
Fade away
The world will never notice
Leave the problems in the past, it's just us
Happiness is anywhere with you
Live together peacefully
Fade away
Nov 2018 · 363
Harley Nov 2018
I am a...

S                     assy
L                   oving

U        nreplaceable

T                alented

Nov 2018 · 480
Party Since You're Gone
Harley Nov 2018
Partying for days since you're gone
Drink till I'm drunk
Smoke till I'm high
Crying you aren't in my life
Broken on new drugs
New guys gettin' messed up
*** with people I don't even know
Partying for days since you're gone
This is one of the shortest poems I've written inspired by a song I heard on the radio.
Oct 2018 · 390
Depression, Obsession
Harley Oct 2018
Depression, obsession, this voice inside my brain...
I try my best for you but you still just walk away…
You were my light, my love, and joy
All I was to you was a stupid girl, practically your toy…
Many people ask me why I continue to fight for you...
I always tell them that because this is just a little bump in our road, we are bound to make it through...
A year has almost passed, months since you have loved me...
I am getting nervous, are we truly not supposed to be..?
You are doing you and being with any girl that comes in your path...
I just stay alone and yearn for you and the love we shared in our recent past…
The day has finally approached... This year October eighth, 2018
You still don’t want me... You still ignore me... Im starting to think this “love” thing is just a big joke...
A new guy has walked into my life..?  I don’t trust love, I've been too beaten down and misguided...
He shows true compassion and is there for me I still don’t trust him, sooner or later he will push me out as you did...
Now you know and you are upset... What do I do? I love and trust you with all my heart...
But this boy is trying to help me up.. Trying to make me think I was never hurt from the start...
You tell me you can never make me happy but I know that's not true...
I can’t lie to myself and be with him, I don’t want to be finally over you..?
You are my true love, my happiness, and joy.
Im not ready to move on... My heart still cries your name.. My eyes still see a future in yours...
I can never truly be his if all im thinking about is you behind closed doors…
Depression, obsession, this voice inside my brain...
One day I hope you’ll come back to me, I’ll show you I’m worth it, then maybe you’ll stay…
Oct 2018 · 489
With You
Harley Oct 2018
I want to see you live your dreams,
Achieve greatness and be happy,
And I want to be a part of your life when you do,
'Cause I keep imagining spending my life with you,
Seeing amazing places with you,
Sharing moments where we are both breathless, lost for words.
I want to see you smile, hear you laugh,
And I will always love you.

I want to be able to share memories with you, good and bad.
I want you to be able to hold me when I'm upset
And tell me things are going to be okay,
Because you always try your best to make it okay,
To make it better for me.
And you know I would do the same for you

I want to see you when I wake up, a smile would flood my face.
I want to talk to you deeply
About things, we don't have answers to.
I want to get to know you every single day,
Because I understand that people change.
You will change, but so will I.

You stole my heart days ago, and you can keep it,
Because forever I am yours
Apr 2018 · 316
Fix Us
Harley Apr 2018
I saw things through his broken eyes
and held him close. I promised I'd fix us.
He was so torn apart.
Every day he tried to defog his eyes
He cried and cried until no tears could fall to the floor
He continued to cry even though the tears came no more
He loves her, she loves him but he is stuck in what seems to be a thrilling sin
He loves her body, her curves and every small thing about her
But he loves the other girl's heart and soul
He is stuck and doesn't know what to do
He is lost in the love, the tears, and the broken trust.
Oh what shall I do my dear
I love you too, but how long do you really think I can sit and wait for you here
I ask you daily, shall I stay or shall I go?
Your answer is always to do what I once told you, follow your heart no matter what
My heart is aching and yearning for you, I tell you there is nothing I wouldn’t do for a guy like you
I sit and stare at my reflection, hoping one day you’ll see yourself from my prospection
The guy of my dreams, the one that keeps my heart going
I still see you with broken eyes, broken heart, broken skin, and broken trust
Come back to me, darling. . . I promise this time I will truly fix us.
Apr 2018 · 253
Harley Apr 2018
People change every day
so I vow to fall in love with you
every time the sun rises
No matter the circumstance
Love is forever no matter the case
There will be hate and love
Mixed in with crying and laughing
No matter the day
No matter the year
I will always come back to you
Changes are meant to be
But also my dear, so are WE
Apr 2018 · 587
Harley Apr 2018
Is that a cut?
No, it’s just a scratch.
Okay, then what's that mark?
I told you before, it was just my cat.
Is this always your excuse?
Is this always your lie?
What’s with all the new bracelets you’re wearing outside?
Calm down, it’s just fashion. I'm not gonna die.
Is that a tear, did I just hear you scream?
Why are you crying?
Sorry, it’s not my fault I just had a bad dream.
You may not believe but she’ll never come clean.
excuses, excuses are all that she needs.
It's not just the cat, It’s not a sense of fashion.
She got all caught all up in this and now she’s starting to fall in.
She made you a promise and said never again, never again.
But what will she say when it’s finally the end?
She went and cut too far, now she’s left here to cry and weep
You walk into the room and fall down to your feet.
She's gone, she's gone. That's all you can say.
You sit here, blaming yourself wishing you could have made her stay.
You love her, you love her. That's all she wanted you to say
But now she’s gone because of all she could do each and every day
Cut. cut. Cut.
Apr 2018 · 1.4k
True Love
Harley Apr 2018
Oh true love, true love. Won't you come back to me?
It feels like years I’ve been weeping for you under a great tree. . .
You say you love her, but then you say you want me?
Love isn’t always easy, but it should always be true.
Now it is your time to decide what you must do. . .
I know in my heart you will make the right choice
No matter what influences you may encounter, whatever makes you happy
Will be the true love who is destined to be. . .
Oh true love, true love you’ve made your choice
You said you wanted me then I started to rejoice, you told me to calm down.
I got worried, you sat down then started to explain
You say you love me but can’t cause her pain. You must stay with her
I can't do anything to make that change. . .
True love, true love why must you do this to me?
I will stay here and wait until the day you will see. . .
I love you with my whole entire heart, and nothing can make that fall apart
One day you will realize I love you more than her, you will hopefully come back
Then we can end this war.
Oh true love, true love. How I miss you. I will take you back any day of the year
She will one day break your heart or show you she doesn't care
Don't worry my dear because I’ll always be right here.
Apr 2018 · 387
Meant to be...
Harley Apr 2018
You and me were meant to be
I'm like the seed you helped me grow
You helped me become beautiful
Break out from the ground
Plant my roots
But, now you’re gone
It’s like the clouds cast a shadow over you
So, you say you’ve temporarily gone away
I can’t live like this for much longer
I’m starting to wilt
I need you, my dear,
Without you, I will soon become nothing but once again another seed
Waiting for you to come break me free
Up out of the ground
Meant to be. . . Meant to be
Apr 2018 · 282
I Believe. . .
Harley Apr 2018
I believe. . .
I believe in Love
Whether everyone deems it to be real or fake
I believe in happiness
Even when it’s faked through a meaningless smile
I believe in sadness
Seeming as it lurks around every corner
I believe in believers
Even though it’s hard they try and make people proud
I believe in people who give up
They had a good run but they can't seem to move on
I believe in goodness
Everyone has it in them no matter what others say
I believe in evil
The hatred that is spat towards one another
I believe in lies
Shielding my eyes from what I hope was the truth
I believe in truth
Even if it hurts way down deep inside
I believe. . . I believe

— The End —