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Apr 2017 · 589
Hannah Rose Apr 2017
forgive me father for I have sinned
I can't repent
I am not your child

forgive me father for I don't believe
I am not pure
I do not give my body to Christ

forgive me father for I am an adulterer
I have laid with man before marriage
I did not save myself

forgive me father,
or not.
Apr 2017 · 726
Where Has Time Gone?
Hannah Rose Apr 2017
I forgot to tell you
I am strong
I am brave
I am going to persevere

You didn't hear me
when I told you
You are kind
You are loving
You are here for a reason

Now I am here
and I am filled with regret
it seems as if you
never heard me
and I know you never will

I stood there
and smiled for you
I sat next to you
as you cried

you never saw
that I couldn't
smile for myself
you never saw that
I was crying too

I gave you everything
and you repaid me
by treating me like ****
Apr 2017 · 259
When Will This Wave Pass?
Hannah Rose Apr 2017
I go through times
I cannot stomach

Apr 2017 · 299
When Will This Wave Pass?
Hannah Rose Apr 2017
I go through times
I cannot stomach

Jan 2017 · 587
Next Thing I Know
Hannah Rose Jan 2017
I am staring
and they aren't here,
yet I see them

I feel so wrong.

she is on the ground;
crying about
broken zippers.

I am empty.

I force myself to smile
and say
"I'm having fun."

this isn't right
but what is?
Jan 2017 · 315
Do You Hear That?
Hannah Rose Jan 2017
it could have been
the sound
of my heart
with every laugh
and smile
that I forced
Hannah Rose Jan 2017
that split second
that I saw her face
and how it twisted in pain

it haunts me

the way the light hit her was almost

she is hurting
and I cannot help
she wont let me

but I understand
no matter how much
I wish I didnt

she doesnt want to
burden me with what she is feeling as if it
somehow will scare me away

but what she doesnt know
is I am here to stay
and no matter
the amount of tears  
that she sheds
or the words she yells

she simply cannot get rid of me

but, if she holds it inside
I will surely lose her

because you should have seen her face
and how it told me
a single word
Jan 2017 · 330
Hannah Rose Jan 2017
I laugh at the ones who want me,
because I know they'll never love me
I cannot be loved.
Jan 2017 · 420
Why Am I Like This?
Hannah Rose Jan 2017
fear has ruined me
making it hard
to live a simple life

something has permanently
damaged me
making it okay to hide
from the things
that make me shake

a growing nausea
that I thought Id outgrow
I am an adult
and I still cant look
someone in the eye
no matter
how comfortable

they hate me
they love me
I annoy them
I adore them

I am afraid that
no matter how much
I grow
this fear will still be inside
like hot embers
eating away at me
How do I escape this pit?
Oct 2016 · 276
This Feeling
Hannah Rose Oct 2016
I enjoy life,
there is a time
when I wish
I could do anything,
but live.
Oct 2016 · 413
Hannah Rose Oct 2016
I miss you sometimes.

I miss you,
because I love you,
and I miss you because
I look up to you.

you raised me to be
you showed me that
I am beautiful.
you are my light.

I thank you for trying,
it hurts to look out at
the parents
and not see you smiling:
to not see you at all.

I know you are doing what is best,
but I sometimes
there was a different way.
I miss you.
Oct 2016 · 424
Free Verse
Hannah Rose Oct 2016
"I don't
understand free verse
looking at him
I try to decide whether
or not
he just doesn't understand my
"why doesn't it rhyme?"
I laugh
while confused faces

my poetry is free verse,
I like to be
in the ways that I express
who I am.
Oct 2016 · 473
Hannah Rose Oct 2016
nothing ceases my creativity like doubt.
it is a black hole that
anything I write.
I am not one to care of what others think,
my mind is hindered
because my poem didn't get a like.
there is something so immature
within that thought.
just because no one
doesn't make it any less
of what it is.
it is my soul
and even though
doubt makes it hard
I will share every thought
that my fingers will allow.
Sep 2016 · 625
I May Never Love Someone
Hannah Rose Sep 2016
I tend to play with the notion of love.
I see people who are in love,
and I wish to know
what it feels like to
cherish the existence of someone,
and to share with them
the most personal parts
of your body and soul.

I often find my cynicism
to ******* my chance
of ever finding someone
who I could love.
I fantasize about love so often,
yet I do so much to-
ruin whatever chance I could have.

I may never love someone-
the way I wish to love someone.
Sep 2016 · 851
Hannah Rose Sep 2016
validate me,
make me feel
like I am worth something.
I cannot seem to
find my own value.
I need others to
spoon feed me
likes and comments,
just so I can say-
I did well.
Sep 2016 · 1.0k
Becoming Human
Hannah Rose Sep 2016
being alone is

no one can see you,
is the time you can
see yourself.

feeling the pain is

you know
that you are
Sep 2016 · 771
Consent (10w)
Hannah Rose Sep 2016
I wasn't ready for him,
but he didn't understand that.
Hannah Rose Sep 2016
Sitting in a dingy shed
with dust covered chairs.
My clothes sticking to my skin
from hot humid air.
The smoke swirls around the room dancing,
against the black night.
Creating memories I cannot forget,
hoping we will be alright.
Sep 2016 · 621
Hannah Rose Sep 2016
When he looked at her
he only saw a body
not a soul.
Sep 2016 · 317
Hannah Rose Sep 2016
Allow me
to make my own decisions.
Let me
make many mistakes.
Walk alongside me
not in front of me.
Aug 2016 · 252
Hannah Rose Aug 2016
quiet amongst roaring winds
broken thoughts have built within
an emotional storm pulls my soul
my weary eyes fill with smoke
and whispers fill my hollow bones
my body is battered and bruised
chaos is sure to ensue
Jun 2016 · 228
Working On Me
Hannah Rose Jun 2016
I am not who I want to be:
I am someone I pretend to be.
I want someone who will see me.
Someone who will allow me to be,
the real version of me.
Someone who doesn't see
the faux flaws I've given me.
I need to be someone worthy of me:
someone I can be proud to be.

— The End —