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35m · 6
Is this how you want to write our story?

Is that how you want to define our love?

Are those the parts you want to hold on to, stronger than you hold onto me?

Are you happier with these thoughts you prisoned in your head?

Is this

Is that how you want to end our story?
Sep 2022 · 289
دema flutter Sep 2022
My dear
the future
is new,
it's the unknown
that you probably want to explore,
so go ahead,
move on,
move forward,
live for the present
and reach for what's awaiting you,
leave all behind
that belongs
to the past
and the gone,
be one with the wind,
let it move you
as if your entities
were made of sand,
scatter into
what's meant for you
and who's the one for you.
Jul 2022 · 473
دema flutter Jul 2022
I still remember the first time your hand reached for mine,
I still remembering my hand going numb upon the touch of yours,
I still remember the sight of your eyes trying to trace my eyes as your hand reached for mine,
waiting for a reaction, an expression,,
I still remember the echo of your accent flowing through my ears,
Jul 2022 · 253
دema flutter Jul 2022
I am starting to feel it again,
an alarm going off, right after
a red flag if fluttered,
except my flight or flight is not quite excited,
I am stuck in-between,
contemplating flight or fight,
confused on what comes next,
dissonant about the rationality of my decisions,
and afraid of the consequences of my actions,
filled with thoughts, filling with thoughts,
and overflowing with thoughts.
Apr 2022 · 444
دema flutter Apr 2022
Being with you isn't easy,
but it's worth it,
it's right,

Being with you isn't a choice,
it's a need,

Being with you
Feb 2022 · 236
I am a rose..
دema flutter Feb 2022
for i am a rose
blooming with the
colour of my blood
and thorned by
the wars i’ve battled,

for i am a rose,
with skin so thick,
even when it sheds petals,
there lies more strength,

for i am a rose,
placed with another
for the ones who want it all,
and preserved in my individuality
for the ones who look for the one,

for i am a rose,
climbing my way out with
eyes on the stars and feet on the ground.
Feb 2022 · 582
دema flutter Feb 2022
your standards are the not the problem
your standards are their problem
and your problem is how low
the bar has been set.
Feb 2022 · 231
listen to within
دema flutter Feb 2022
if you listen close enough to your soul
it will tell you how to heal,
just listen to what it has to say,
listen and you’ll find the way.
Jan 2022 · 289
bare minimum
دema flutter Jan 2022
hold onto
my pain
even if you
cause it,

comfort me
just as you
hurt me,

that's the bare
minimum I will fall for
Dec 2021 · 141
دema flutter Dec 2021
How do you look at me
and only see my imperfections,
how do you see through me
and still find nothing worthy
of holding onto,
how am I supposed
do you show me your love
when all you do is criticize me,
how do I just let you be
when I can't even be..
دema flutter Dec 2021
You held onto me,
like a child in a store holding onto a toy
he can't possibly afford,
walking with it aisle to aisle,
playing with it for as long as he possibly can,
then hiding it in a corner,
out of sight,
so that it's there to play with the next time he pays a visit,

you see, it was his, even if it was just for a little while.
Nov 2021 · 746
دema flutter Nov 2021
I cant sleep. My sports bra feels too tight. My hair feels tacky. My lips feel dry. My skin feels yucky. Im tired but bored.
Nov 2021 · 766
Non-traditional path
دema flutter Nov 2021
Did you lose weight in hopes
you'd lose the guilt of the shame you made me gain?
Nov 2021 · 146
reality is an ugly grey
دema flutter Nov 2021
I miss looking at the world
with rose-colored glasses,
it seems that I can't figure out
where I placed them.
Nov 2021 · 237
دema flutter Nov 2021
You were no sunshine
in a golden hour,
but you did blind me
from every golden thing
Nov 2021 · 165
A not so Shakespearean act
دema flutter Nov 2021
I was prepared for the classic
shoulder devil and angel
pulling me in different directions,
but nobody prepared me for
a guardian angel act from a devious devil,
pulling me into something I didn't sign up for.
Oct 2021 · 126
You know?
دema flutter Oct 2021
A little love
goes a long way
#instructions #Love #little
Oct 2021 · 230
دema flutter Oct 2021
Sometimes I feel like you
seem to forget
that we're on the same team,

and where love lies,
egos die.
#love #ego #death #stubborn #relationship #wallsdown #latenight #poetry #soulmate #passion #team #win
Sep 2021 · 128
expectations vs reality
دema flutter Sep 2021
I promise myself peace and serenity,
yet I strike at the first glance of a storm,

I think I know who I am,
but then doubt enters my heart
at the first introduction of confusion,

I prepare myself for the worst,
forgetting that good even exists,
like an infant,
believing that the sun has really disappeared
when it's just hiding behind a cloud
Jul 2021 · 132
دema flutter Jul 2021
i confused
honey-dipped words
for unconditional love,

for protectiveness,

holding me back
for wanting me close, (as holding me close)

for adoration,

and desire for devotion.
Jul 2021 · 117
دema flutter Jul 2021
love me
like you really see me,
like you really need me,
like it's the only thing you were meant to do.
دema flutter Jul 2021
I look for beauty
even when it's dripping
in the corner of an alley
filled with all the monsters
underneath my bed
and inside my head.
Jul 2021 · 316
Conditional Love
دema flutter Jul 2021
I loved you

through the bitter

and you loved me

through the sweet
Mar 2021 · 154
دema flutter Mar 2021
Pain's secret weapon
is numbing you
just enough
to barely be able to
feel anything,

taking away your rights to feel,
making you

pain's secret weapon

Pain is pro-abortion,

pain's secret weapon
Mar 2021 · 1.9k
دema flutter Mar 2021
I looked
at my heart
asking it,

how is it possible
that I can love again?

and my heart's
only response
was a beat,

turns out that
all along
I had been breaking
because I was still alive,
my body was fighting
for me,
even when it felt
like I was dying.
and I guess that's
when I learnt
that the same way
I was breaking all this time,
I was also healing,
Mar 2021 · 1.1k
دema flutter Mar 2021
I can't seem to
how it felt
to spend
243 endless
days with you,

I guess that's
the best example (metaphor)
of dissociation
during trauma.
Mar 2021 · 971
today is the day
دema flutter Mar 2021
woke up
on a decision
that the day is
finally here,

today is the day
I take over this
body of mine,

today I make the decisions,
today I draw the line,
today I live the moment,
today I manifest my
aesthetic into a lifestyle,

today I will act
like the main character
I am in this
story of mine,

and that's that.
Mar 2021 · 315
دema flutter Mar 2021
You messed up my heart,
and yet when I look at it,
it's such a beautiful mess.
Feb 2021 · 148
Am I special?
دema flutter Feb 2021
am I the love of your life
or am I one that qualifies
for your love in this life?
Feb 2021 · 143
دema flutter Feb 2021
You haunt me in my dreams
and you’re always in them
rejecting me
and i’m there loving you
harder and harder
like I always have been
Feb 2021 · 217
دema flutter Feb 2021
I don't miss you, and that scary
دema flutter Feb 2021
you love me
like I loved him,
and he loved me
... never.
Feb 2021 · 796
دema flutter Feb 2021
Little did I know
that you are
the rainbow
at the end
of every
**make it in the shape of a storm/tornado**
Feb 2021 · 134
دema flutter Feb 2021
Would you believe me,
if I had told you
I feel colors form
when you
gently hold
onto my pain
for me,
even for a bit,
Feb 2021 · 1.4k
دema flutter Feb 2021
just like
gold flakes,

filled with
an iridescent

so sweet,
honey-glazed donut
instead of a heart,

even a glimpse
of your sunshine

is enough
to keep souls
warm for an entire winter season.
honey-glazed donut instead of a heart
Feb 2021 · 603
the difference
دema flutter Feb 2021
that having weaknesses is not wrong,
but letting them carry your life for you is.
Jan 2021 · 139
the reason
دema flutter Jan 2021
I had forgotten
that it only hurt
because I loved
you more than
you deserved
and more than
I should have.
Jan 2021 · 154
دema flutter Jan 2021
never felt shame
travel up my spine
up until we shared
a secret and no longer
shared love for each other.
Jan 2021 · 291
دema flutter Jan 2021
I was never introduced
to the feeling of shame
until a man knew
of a secret of mine
Jan 2021 · 98
دema flutter Jan 2021
the hardest to forget
are the little things that
made loving you worthwhile,
that well put pun you once made,
the way you hugged me from behind
infront of a never ending pond,
the first time i felt comfortable enough to
take a picture on your phone,
your voice first thing in the morning,
your love as the last thought on my mind at night,
my fingers jamming to the beat of your music on top of your arm,
the sound of your breath on a cold night,
my eyes exploring your face, every time
the way the nickname you gave me echos in my ears,
the way you never could love me gently,
Jan 2021 · 403
دema flutter Jan 2021
i think of you
and the way you
stopped me before we entered
any place, just to hold me up and kiss me
Jan 2021 · 134
don't pick a bad apple
دema flutter Jan 2021
you broke me
until your insecurity screamed, "Ah, see, imperfections!",
because only then you could love me,
even loved me more than
the way you hung on your trauma,
even when i had all the right remedies for your pain
Jan 2021 · 602
دema flutter Jan 2021
it seems that i gave you happiness,
all of it,
all of the happiness in the world,

even the little bit that belonged to me..
Jan 2021 · 418
دema flutter Jan 2021
living in the moment
lasts for the moment,

loving myself
requires living every single moment
Jan 2021 · 133
too long
دema flutter Jan 2021
the stages of grieve
feel like they
are taking the entirety of my life
Jan 2021 · 114
love is thick in the air
دema flutter Jan 2021
loving you
was breathing hard
as I force in
thick air to inhale.
Jan 2021 · 113
دema flutter Jan 2021
i forgot about the nest
of butterflies lying
at the bottom of my stomach,

turns out they were just playing dead
Jan 2021 · 118
off you go
دema flutter Jan 2021
got your hand off my hand,
the thought off you off my mind,
the pain lifted off my heart,
your name off my tongue,
off you go baby
Jan 2021 · 119
دema flutter Jan 2021
letting you go
costed less
than keeping
the pain your
presence brought
Jan 2021 · 126
دema flutter Jan 2021
I re-release you
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