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 Jun 2014 David I Phillips

A crescent moon now overhead
As I come rising from my bed
Remembering the words I said
A few short hours ago
Like linens hanging on the line
The clouds a comfort for my eyes
In secrets whispered on the skies
Along with breezes flow
I wonder of this time apart
As longings cling so tight my heart
In gilded frame like precious art
The sun comes into view
When then my open eyes can see
The man that I can surely be
If only you would come to me
Whatever I must do
With endless trees and hills to climb
My aches, my pains on borrowed time
The distant church bells set to chime
The miles in between
I follow on in destined task
Is it too much for me to ask
Within your arms I long to bask
If you know what I mean
To stumble on the crooked path
And weep these tears of aftermath
For comes the heat of summer wrath
In everything so new
I wander here and wander there
In hopes to show you that I care
With you my dreams I long to share
Until my days are through
I stood in line
to be weighed
in the bathroom
of the nursing home

Anne crutched herself
behind me
you haven't
got a chance in hell

of winning
that chocolate bar Kid
she said
I've seen more meat

on a butcher's pencil
stuck behind his ear
might win
I said

might fly
she said  
the kid in front of me
got on

the green metal scales
and the nun
moved the weight
along the top

not you Malcolm
she said
the kid got off sulkily
I got on the scales

and the nun
moved the weight
I looked at her
black and white

her pinched features
not you Benny
she said

I got off
and walked away
Anne awkwardly
got on the scales

holding herself
on her one leg
the stump
of the other

hanging there
best so far Anne
the nun said
told you Kid

you didn't
have a chance
guess not
I said

as she crutched herself
along side of me
not to worry
if I get the choco bar

I’ll give you
a quarter for being
a good friend
no other

in this *******
gets a look in
we went along
to our rooms

come in Kid
she said
I hesitated
come in

I want to
ask you something
I stood swaying

what if
one of the nuns
comes along?  
what if I don't give you

quarter of the choc bar?
she said
I followed her in
to the girls dorm

no one else
was there
just she and me
she closed the door

with her backside
right Kid
I want you
to do me

a favour
I said
sensing uncertainty

hit my gut
yes I want you
to sneak along
to the kitchen tonight

and liberate
some biscuits
I said

yes you know
what biscuits are
don't you

those hard things
with cream in the middle
or chocolate
on one side

I know what biscuits are
I said
but what do you mean

take some
from the big tin
they have
on the shelf

in larder
I said
you mean steal?

whatever word

you want
to use Kid
what if I get caught?
don't get caught

but what if I do?
Anne sighed
sat on the edge
of her bed

I thought you
were someone
I could rely on Kid
not some cowardly custard

yellow belly
I looked
at her leg stump
sticking out

the other leg
reached to the floor
if you're really good
I’ll let you touch

my stump
she said
no need
I said

I'll try tonight
sneak down
after lights out
good Kid

she said
she took my right hand
and lay it
on the stump

and held it there
it felt warm
and soft
she let my hand go

good huh?
wish the rest
was there
she said

off you go
and don't get caught
I nodded
and backed out

of the room
seeing her cover
the stump
with her dress

and smile
see you
I said
you bet

she said
I walked away
of the big steal

of biscuits
unthought through
by my 10 year old brain
as yet.
Never short of love for him
the son lends his father his shorts.

The poor man was making do with one
washing it and drying in the sun
till his son gifted him when
ran out his luck by untimely rain.

It rains untimely too when love ascends
the son to his father a timely gift lends
be it a shorts or a piece of cloth
a small declaration of love's sweet oath.

This timely lend brings his untimely tears
he hides it from the giver as done all these years
enjoys the bliss of the hug on his skin
wearing his shorts wearing love within.
I tiptoed to her garden alone
In the sun her radiance shone
Plumply hanging in golden tone
With curvy tips slight upward grown!

I was tempted by the only wish
To kiss them then milk the juice
A monstrous thirst engulfed me
To **** them dry like honeybee!

As I plucked the more luscious one
Tongue rolled in glee seen by none
Spoke the maiden as soon you taste
My life turns vain beauty goes waste!

You nail me mad to bare my flesh
Squirt my fluids make a mangy mess
Leave me then in ****** dry bust
Find one more in renewed lust!

You waste me when you taste me

Said the maiden ruefully
But my thirst had gone too far
My teeth left her a lasting scar!
 May 2014 David I Phillips
she wrote lonely
on her body
because that's what she was

she wrote ugly
on the mirror
because that's what she saw

she wrote broken
on her heart
because she was hurt

but in the end she was a human
drunk on the idea that love
only love
could heal her
Tumblr Inspiration.
See my bridegroom comes,
said Sister Clare, He comes
swift as birds of Spring, His
voice echoes within, His

touch wakes me from deep
slumber, unfetters me from
my sad sins; His eyes watch
me, they run over me like

flowing water, look into my
soul like dawn's light; He is
my keeper, my protector, His
hand caresses me in my deepest

darkness, His fingers raise
my chin, lift my head, His
fingers touch my heart, wake
me from my selfness, my

obsession with my me; He
comes into my heart, He is
the kisser of life, the waker
of sleepers in the grave; I

wait for Him in the night
when the darkness embraces,
seek His company when
demons touch and ******;

He is my bridegroom, my
love, I seek Him out like
one for water as I thirst,
I listen for his footsteps in

the break of dawn, I kiss
Him as one kisses one's
deepest love, I am only
happy when He is near,

when His voice awakes
me. He is my safe ship
out in the dark deep sea.
Can't find
your Jimi Hendrix

I liked it
when you wore it
last year;

the whole 60s image
fitted you well,
your laid back stance,

the beard, moustache,
the humour sharp,
but not unkind.

We looked
for the Hendrix
tee-shirt everywhere,

but couldn't find.
You were my Stoic

I thought you
to a degree,

the one
who would outlast
us all,

be the one
to arrange us
from this

mortal coil,
but you went first,
death stole you twice,

the second time
for good,
the final kiss

and goodbye,
my son,
watching you die.
Yiska smells
unwashed skin
the old girl

nearby her
in long robes

browned fingers
between them

smoke rising
I watch her

old lined skin
deep brown eyes

the self rolled
stinks in here

Yiska says
need some air
so we go

from the lounge
of the ward
to the large

dining room
where we stand
looking out

of the large
French windows
she never

washes or
cleans herself
Yiska says

just sits there
smoking that

in her own
foreign tongue

eating meals
with her thin
brown fingers

what's really
bugging you?
I ask her

the old dame's
been here weeks
I can't sleep

Yiska says
all the time
thinking of

my wedding
which wasn't
just jilted

standing there
being watched
the white dress

and white shoes
and the prat
doesn't show

the cruel clown
jilting me
giving me

a breakdown
I touch her
thin white hand

by her side
sensing her
life pulsing

through her veins
her thumb rubs
my last scar

on my wrist
a rook caws
in high trees

above us
my scar damp
where she kissed.
The lizard approached
the beautiful tree..
made his play
you might say.
Started to climb
with such glee
intentioned to stay
all the day.
He then went limp
down he fell.
What had happened
no one could tell.
He was checked out
when he lost his function.
Found to have
a dreaded problem..
    ... called...
Reptile Dysfunction.
The Lizard might have
stopped to See Alice
before the charge or his friend

(C) 03-2014. John stevens
Watching too much TV
I need help!!!
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