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God went to Zero
Tolerance yesterday noon.
All are in Hell now.

(c) John Stevens
If teachers and administrators lived by
Zero Tolerance there would be no one
in front of the class or in the office.
I didn't know,
the first time,
you were dying;
thought it
something else
causing you ill;
if I’d known
I’d have stayed
there still.  

What was dying like
the first time around?
We were there
the second time,
holding your hands,
egging you to stay,
but you were
taken away.

I miss your coming
and going;
your humour
and Mutley laugh;
your soft spoken voice,
your bright eyed stare.

I didn't know,
that first time,
you were dying;
we spoke of
mundane matters;
no great speeches
as history dictates,
as the famous do.

Just us talking
the small things through;
you hard of breath,
puffed up,
unknown to us,
nearing to death.
She sleeps there in the chambers
The morning light caresses her
She paints a picture of serenity
As if time has stopped to appreciate
A perfect painting of sleeping beauty
Braided tresses lies across her beguile heart
Like a serpent entwined across in slumber
Her lithe body, breathing in perfect harmony
Creating a trance like milieu
Her beauty is mesmerizing, the faint glow captivating
Only covered with a sleep linen
The languid morning doesn't dare to wake her up
Pillows are cajoling her and being indulgent  
Her unfading beauty mesmerizes me
The sleeping beauty rests there in grace
As I quietly trespass into her dreams

As twilight descends on the city
Bright lights adorn the cityscape
As if the stars have come to decorate
The bustling party, where everyone is invited
Streets, alleys, pathways, boulevard- sparkling
With electrifying wattage, reminiscent of the celebrations
People returning home after a hard day’s work
With a slouch, after the backbreaking toil
The city lights up to entertain the weary passersby
Gives some solace to the mind, before another day beckons
The grim reality of the fast-paced city life is forgotten
As it’s time to celebrate another evening
Despite all the hardships and bickering among each other
There is always the dazzle of city lights to bathe with life
Rejuvenate us and entertain us; helping to cope with reality
The city crowd is amazing, where there is always a crowd
Despite being surrounded by people, yet we are alone
People flashing a forced smile to greet each other
Food stalls are a great leveler, where global cuisines are served
Bringing the flavors across the world, to the local taste buds
Everyone is in the limelight, under the city lights
Even the dark alleys and treacherous places align seamlessly
Yet, the city sees so many segregation and prejudices
The city lights don’t seem to illuminate all minds alike
All said and done, let’s be a part of the city’s party
As we are all invited, and revel till the city lights burn bright

© Amitav (Radiance)
Don’t preserve hatred in mind for so long, that it ferments your brain.*- Amitav
Kohl eyed beauty
Don’t shed tears
As it brings a pall of gloom
I would rather remain parched
But shower me with Love
Waiting to plunge into deep waters

© Amitav (Radiance)
I am like a dew drop on the edge of a leaf
Cautiously balancing on tip toes
Another dew drop appears next to me
A whiff of soft wind sways the leaf
We start pirouetting on the edge
Balancing with all the skills we have
Finally, we bond together
Different, yet unrecognizable now
A ray of light passes through us
To create a beautiful rainbow
It’s just the dewdrops

© Amitav (Radiance)
Where the river meanders for the sky’s embrace
Her lovelorn bank pines in the banyan’s shade
Blue ripples sing to soothe her travel’s stress
Lay me when all poems are dead in my head.

Write me an epitaph here rests the river poet
Who loved the cotton clouds mirrored on her breast
As her tides rose high laden with desire’s weight
He broke away from chains to madly sail her crest.

Where shines the moon makes the lover’s pathway
Flows quiet the river in her waves shadows sway
Night heron’s feet kiss her soft feathered bed
Lay me in silence when all poems are dead.

Lay me soft down make for me a space
On her alluvial soil in her riverine grace
In her diurnal shine and night’s saline kiss
The river poet would find his eternal peace.
maybe one day this wish of the river poet will come true.
on the field of battle
blood soaked youth lay
their once sparkling eyes
extinguished in gunshot spray

men who gave command
wear no blemishing mark
yet these dreadful deeds
defy description so stark

war is wretchedly vivid
numerous are history's columns
mankind learns few lessons
war is ever solemn
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