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Jan 2020 · 236
i matter most.
cursed Jan 2020
I used to think that I only write when I’m sad or heartbroken.
It makes me think that I only love sadness.
Every time I’m happy, I didn’t have anything to say, but when I’m sad - I’ve got million of words flowing through my mind.
I’ve learnt to just accept it; to write only when I’m sad.
I’ve learnt it’s my coping mechanism.

I love him. I care about him more than anything in this world.
At some point, I thought that he was my forever. Except two years later, I didn’t feel happy.
No, scratch that, I’ve been unhappy for awhile.
I have only been prolonging the break up.
He was perfect; a perfect gentleman. Although he has his cons, he was a great man.
I was his first love. The man have never dated anyone before. I used to think I was lucky.
He always makes sure that I’m happy, and never sad. He tries to cheer me up with his dumb jokes.
He always stayed positive even if we were 700km away, separated by the sea.
He had faith in me. He had faith in us. That made me stayed. That made me love him.

But he was also naive. He didn’t know how to really make me happy. I’m not trying to sound ungrateful; because I am grateful for his presence. He learns things on social media on how to make a girl happy. He tried hard to make me happy when we’re far away from each other. He bought me gifts, he always helped me.

But all I wanted was to be understood.

I tried explaining to him a lot of times. But sometimes, people do have a hard time understanding mental illness and I don’t blame him for that. I stopped making him understand about me. I still stood by his side; pushing him to be the best version of himself. I had no one but him in my lowest moments, and so I stayed for him. I fought hard for our relationship.

Until I couldn’t fight anymore.

I felt caring for him was tiring. I felt keeping it all inside was tiring. I felt like making him understand is tiring because he just never understands. He tried to help; or so he thought; but it was never a help. There were words that I’ve listened to a lot of times.

I didn’t want to be a burden to him anymore. I tried to hold on by reading our texts, trying to remember everything that we’ve been together. I tried to think of what our friends would’ve handled it. I thought about him. I thought of us.

But I never thought of me.
I realized I was holding on to the relationship because it was for him and other people.
I’m telling him soon that I’m leaving him.
I have always cared for him. He will always have a special place in my heart.

But I matter most.
I haven't been writing, and I felt it is my healthiest coping mechanism. So, if somehow my ex is reading this, know that I loved you hard.
Jul 2017 · 794
the right time?
cursed Jul 2017
"Does the right guy at the wrong time will ever get their chance again?"

I recently reconnected with a friend of mine, and it went great
and soon my close friends asked me
what if he's the right guy?
and for a moment i kept quiet just thinking about him
we failed before, and now that we've reconnected being friends again,
what if he's just the right guy but at the wrong time?
the old me would've fantasize about it so much,
but right now, all i'm thinking is whether right now
is the right time
to be thinking of love.

so the question now is:

is it the right time to finally accept the right guy?
cursed Jul 2017
"I feel like I'm going to break his heart."*

"He broke yours"
Jul 2017 · 553
man the fuck up
cursed Jul 2017
it doesn't have to be him
so, get up
wipe your tears
and man the **** up.
it doesn't have to be him
cursed Jul 2017
i wonder if it ever occur to you that i was truly hurt,
or did it ever occur to me that you were hurt too?
or was it that love wasn't the case,
just loneliness
filling voids

you've hurt me
i was scared
i fear you.
May 2015 · 1.8k
when it is you.
cursed May 2015
I still remember the day you walked into my life. It was lightly raining and the sun was just starting to come out, but it was still dark and gloomy. It's funny how the moment I see that geeky-looking kind of guy, I never thought I'd be so in love with him till today. It's frustrating that I can't re-live that moment, but I'm happy that I've met you.*

But, all of this jealousy seeing you with her, daydreaming and running away from life, it's not healthy for me. I am very sure that I love you as I keep on giving excuses for all the pain you've caused me. I still think of your feelings after all the pain. I was ready to be there for you even after ending things. This isn't healthy for me, I know, but I can't help it when it comes to you.
that was a long hiatus. but here is a moment of my life right now. Painful, and barely holding on to my own life and feelings.

Jan 2015 · 3.9k
cursed Jan 2015
"You are my weakness
and if I let go of you,
people will see me break down
and they will know you're my weakness.

"And for more reasons other than that,
I will never let you go.
You're mine.
I will only be weak without you,
I will only be strong with you.

**"You are mine."
Dec 2014 · 74.5k
source of happiness
cursed Dec 2014
You're my source of happiness.
I can't be happy if my happiness is not happy.
Sep 2014 · 750
cursed Sep 2014
I used to think forgiveness and forgetting are *******.

Until I know what it is like to actually forgive;
My heart was full of anger
and disappointment
and every muscle in me contracts and relax
trying to calm myself
my eyes would not stop releasing tears.
So I sat and try to think of the memories
I told myself
I remembered every memory and think of it as a phase in life
My tears left my eyes again
my heart clench at these memories
I smiled, I cried
I wrote everything that my heart could not content
I wrote everything
Until I fell asleep.
When I woke up
I stare at the living device that used to greet me with happiness
I stared at it for so long
I went insane.
I laughed, thinking of all the things he did
I forgave.

It was in my draft for a few months. I was thinking of deleting it but hey, I haven't been updating in a while so why not?
cursed May 2014
Their heartbeat does not define love
Their eyes do not define love
Their smile does not define love
Their presence does not define love.

What does define love is
Their actions - do they dare to leave something just for you?
Their sacrifices - do they dare to take chances eventhough the chances of both of you to last is unpredictable?

Love is when you do anything in the moment although you could not control fate.
Love is when you take that leap of faith and risk something.
Love is when you feel it is worth it to let them take something from you.
Love is when you feel you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
This is a 17-year old interpretation of love.

Apr 2014 · 3.7k
to infinity or not
cursed Apr 2014
Things I like nowadays
are: one, the way you look at me when I laugh non-stop.
You would tell me to stop or,
"What is so funny?" or "It's not that funny"
But you dare to stare at me and smile.
two, the way you stop me from running away when I am *******
but fail epically
three, the way you chase me when I successfully get out of your hold when you stop me from running away
four, the way you say 'I love you'
five, the things you say that made me smile
six, the comfort I feel when you hold my hand
seven, the way you suddenly call me to say 'I miss you';
eight, nine, ten to infinity; there is a lot of things that I like nowadays.

But there are things I hate nowadays
one, the worries I have thinking of us
two, my tears
three, the way I always forgive you easily
four, your bad habits;
thankfully it does not reach infinity.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
cursed Apr 2014
I still knock even though I know the place is empty
So I walked in and saw the emptiness
I listened to emptiness
"Till the sand is on the other side."

                                                         ­   "One last time."

I collect all the memories we scattered around the room
I hear every sweet words of forever in the room
I feel the love we had

"When this ends..."
                                             "Letting go would be easier."

To let go,
Or to be let go
Which hurts more?
Who had the stronger heart?
Who  had the bigger ego?
Who loved more?

"It's not be alone."
                                                   "I can still hold it in."

My eyes are wet
I could remember everything
Your screams
The sound of me when I cry
The sound of me letting go.

                                                     Time's up.

               ­                                                                 ­              "I still love you."

It's so hard to write sad poem nowadays .___.
Please don't misunderstand to my friends who read these.
My life is pretty much full of flowers right now.
Apr 2014 · 524
leave them as they are
cursed Apr 2014
I tend to leave things
Leave things as it is.

Like that guy I like a year ago
I never expressed my feelings.

The books that I promised to write in it
Few pages were filled
It is there for most of the time a few pages filled.

The book that I promised to read
I only get to read a few pages.

These feelings of hatred?
I left it there in my heart and never touched it again.

The worries I have in my mind?
Never did anything to make those worries gone.

You see,
I'm afraid of commitment.
Afraid that things would not go as planned
Afraid that people would not do the same thing to us
Afraid that things would just be a waste of time and energy

Afraid that people would not just give the same commitment to us.

The reasons are always even with a twist of words.

I tend to leave things as they are because I'm afraid of changes that I would not settle down for.
Mar 2014 · 701
running away
cursed Mar 2014
On days I feel like giving up
I would pack up my things
And bring some money
To see the world.

Sometimes it's the park right around the corner,
Or the park in another town,
Or the beach at my hometown,
Or away to the another country
Just to feel like a new person.

No worries,
No problems,
Nothing to think of
Besides my rest.

Does it really work?


Am I just running away from it,
Thinking that if I go on this escape
I'll find a way
But usually
It is just a break.
Mar 2014 · 535
deep in your heart
cursed Mar 2014
Remember when I said sorry,
And when you said sorry,
And we say we will forgive and forget,
And to not involve each other in each other's life?


Too many lies.

There is too many hate in your small ***** in between the lungs that apparently helps you live
But those lungs inhale hatred
And love you think people really mean it
After it enters into your lungs
It flows in your blood,
And into every part of your body
That causes every action you did that you think people would accept you for who you are because you think you're "loveable"
Then it enters your lung and into the atmosphere
And that is when you start to say things
Things which half of it is not true.

Tell the world how a disgrace I am
And I shall tell what I think of you.

Now tell me,
From the deepest part of your heart
The place that is sacred and never been touched
Because I know that place exist
Because I know not every devil is a devil from the start,
Tell me,
Was it worth it?
Do you feel loved?
Mar 2014 · 470
Hey there (I'm back)
cursed Mar 2014
Tonight my fingers shall lead me to another story
Another story of my days with you
Another story of how past will always haunt you
Another story of the ones who is there by my side.
But not for long though.
Feb 2014 · 513
on the line
cursed Feb 2014
When you die
Or on the line  between death and alive
They say you could see your life in those minutes
or hours you had your eyes close
You watched how you learnt to walk,
learnt to talk,
in school,
your first love,
your first heartbreak,
the first of everything,
and everything that made you smile
and cry
every spices that spiced up your life.

Every second you go through this
The urge to return to the time and turn back things
and do the other option
Grows stronger.

When you finished all your past
Here you are in the present.
You see your lifeless body
On the bed
The tears that escaped from the eyes who cared
And the truth behind the masks of people who you thought cared
Will this memory stays if you survive?

Going to the future
You witness your future if you survived
you see all the possibilities if you were there
on earth
And you would plead to God to wake you up from this dream
Open your eyes
and you shall live those days again
Let yourself suffer for awhile
and taste the sweetness of happiness.

In every minute and every second
The bad dreams would not stop
All you want was for God to stop it
and wake you up
Every minutes of your life
Flashes before your eyes
The years you went through
Passed by
During the hours you stood in between death and alive
and when God answers your prayer
you woke up
with hopes
And from there you had faith to cherish your life.

Even though the shore hates getting wet
The waves would not stop throwing water
Because the waves know what the shore could hold
And so does God
The sadness and the problems you are given
The obstacles you have to go through
Are only tests to see if you're ready
Ready to face the never-ending happiness
In the future.

this is the longest poem i have ever wrote
Feb 2014 · 807
take me everywhere
cursed Feb 2014
Take me on a journey to another Earth
And should we start a new life there?
Take me on a journey to another galaxy
And we shall jump on every star together.
Take me on a journey to see the sunset
And you shall hold my hand and never let go again.
Take me on a journey towards loyalty
And we shall grow old together.
Take me on a journey to the end of the aisle
And we shall forever love for rich or for poor.
Take me on a journey to the other side of the bed
And we shall show our love.
Take me on a never ending journey
To anywhere you want
As long as I am there
And you are there
With promises
We shall never break
And today
The journey starts
And forever it will stay.
Something that I think rhymes. It's a first but yeah, it's just a try.

cursed Feb 2014
Do you know the feeling of
Looking at a person and you just feel disappointment?
You want to deny
But all you could feel is saying
"How could you?"
All you do is choke on every word you want to let go
Because you want to say the right words
But you just can't feel disappointed in them.
You want to believe they did not did it
But you can't.
Because you trusted them so much.

You want to cry
And scream at them
You want to ask them why did they did it
But you still want to keep the thoughts of them being perfect.

I feel it everyday
Watching the people I love
And care
But they just turn a blind eye
Because they think what they did was right.
I'm not mad, but I am disappointed.
Feb 2014 · 654
The Human's Mind
cursed Feb 2014
To make someone smile while reading what you write is always an achievement to me. I love to play with words and to be able to write and let the readers relate to it and learn from it is satisfying.

But, why does it not work in real life when talking?

I have 99 problems and having to be stuck in my thoughts and letting people down because I could not help them with their problems just made me guilty.

Am I not a good friend because of this?

I tried, but I can't.

Because most of the time, I have not been tested. I have not taste the taste of defeat, the taste of depression, the taste of feeling like your soul want to break free from the confine place and the taste of not knowing what to feel.

I have not felt how it is like to just sit and you do not know what to feel. You want to scream and break alk thing and cry and just release everything out but it just would not escape and you end up hurting yourself.

I have not felt how it is like to run away from an explaination.

I feel like I am not loved for not being tested with all these challenges.

I want to be able to relate those pain, and help them with my words but all I do is lend a shoulder to cry, a hug to be shared because that is all I could offer.
I'm sorry for being a bad friend.
Jan 2014 · 3.2k
cursed Jan 2014
She is seventeen

She heard his wish - the boy who wished upon her at the balcony. She heard his worries. About how he is worried of not passing his examination, about the way his parents treat him and about the way his heart never settles since the day he left his significant other.
                             "Was it my fault?"
He asked as he buried his head in his palms and stare at the falling stars on that one lucky night. A moment there he felt like the star answered him. A moment there he felt the star is looking at him in hopes he feels the magical feeling she is feeling now that she is seventeen. The magical feeling she felt and how she is too naive that she fell at first sight on the boy who told him his worries. She fell to the earth of her feelings.

She is seventeen.

Was it really hope? Did she really fell in love with hope? Or was it still the boy on that balcony? She felt the presence of faith and she knew faith was always right. By the time she really fell head over heels on hope, faith brought a friend.
Was she strong enough to trust?
Was she strong enough to have faith in her hopes.
                                   Yet she still has hopes on waking up the next day with faith by her side and trust in her heart.
        So, how does it feels to really felt right?
                         How does it feels to have the feelings at the right places?

She is seventeen.

"Do I really want to stay like this forever?" She asked herself.
               To have no worries and be a child at heart and out. To escape the reality when she really need reality to escape the magical feelings.
Did she really took Peterpan's hand and flew to Neverland and never came back?
                                     Did the sleeping pills worked?
When the clock strikes 6, and the morning came, her mom at her door knocks on thrice.
                                "Jane, wake up." With a voice as soft as the feelings of her comforters that surrounds her body.
                                                           ­             "In a minute."
She took his hand and flew to Neverland but once she saw the mermaids in Mermaid Lagoon, she swam and fell in love with water. She sat on a rock and hold Peter's hand and again she felt those magical feelings again. She kissed Peter's cheek and told him,
                                                            ­   "I need to escape this magical feelings."
And so she woke up on her bed.

She is seventeen.

Forgiving was hard.
           Forgetting was harder.
Yet, those words seems so easy for her now.
                                              The magical feelings that has long gone, made it harder.
She swam through life and sometimes she would choke on the water and stop. But she knows the ocean is big and she never stopped swimming. She met the dolphins and fishes, she even met a few big waves. But she knows there will be a boat right behind her to save her when she's drowning.
        Sometimes she felt it is stupid for her to not sculpt her life before doing anything but she loves the water ever since the Mermaid Lagoon so she continues what she loves. Sometimes she feels someone looking upon her like the boy at the balcony who told her his worries. She felt the pixie dust who tried to help her bit by bit; trying to let her fly and skip the horrendous waves.
                                                          ­Sometimes she used it
                                                              ­      Sometimes she told him no and she swam again.

She is seventeen.

Yet she danced on Jupiter, hopped on the rings of Saturn, fell in love at first sight, went to Neverland, met the mermaids, her first love was someone who never want to grow up, and she swam the oceans. *Was she still a beautiful aurora?
I answered one of my friend's prose so I used some of her words but, do enjoy.

Jan 2014 · 1.0k
cursed Jan 2014
Tell the person you love how you love the moving moon in a car ride
Insist on telling that the Sun is glaring at you too much
Make them listen how important drinking a cup of tea in the morning is
Emblaze the world with your charm  
Let the things you kept to yourself be free
Embody to them that you can be fun, but
At the same time be as sensitive you could
Vexed them with your hidden side
Insert charming words and leave an impact to them
Next thing you know, they will never find a person like you
Get them work up with your hidden self
Unveil them the real you and tell them
Stereotypes are not fun.

I don't know if this is good but hey welcome back to myself!!
Dec 2013 · 558
cursed Dec 2013
When the moon takes over the Sun's throne
When the Earth turned its back to the Sun
I have felt the audacity to like you
Like something new just happened
But when Sun is taking its throne back
When the Earth captured the light again
Every limb in me tells me
"You are nothing."
The world shows with lackadaisically
That I am the fool
For having feelings.
Nov 2013 · 872
Love Phrases
cursed Nov 2013
I have heard a lot of love phrases.
How could I live without you,
I would die without you by my side,
I would catch a grenade for you,
What did I do to deserve a person like you,
I am falling hard for you,
You are my world,
You are my oxygen,
Did it hurt when you fell from the heaven,
No words could describe how in love am I with you,
and the classic,
I will love you forever.

What other words could describe love
other than love itself?
What other words could describe the euphoria
I am experiencing
other than love itself?
What other words could describe the pain
I experienced after the goodbye
other than love itself?
What other words could describe the yearning
in my heart
other than love itself?
What other words could describe the contentment
in my heart and mind
other than love itself?

One last thing

What other words could beat the strongest words in the world;
As what people say,
What is the word?
Nov 2013 · 525
cursed Nov 2013
She was only sixteen
Yet her heart is cold as the sea when Jake tried to survive
Who could be the reason behind her misery
And who could be her remedy.

She was only sixteen
Yet she knows the pain to be left out
How did she survived
The loneliness
*It is alright, my friend.
I am here.
Nov 2013 · 442
cursed Nov 2013
Run before you get attached
Collect all your stuff
And your heart
And run.

Run before he could embrace you
But give you pain
It was never a forever
Do not be blinded
And run.

Run before it is too late
You could see fragments of pain
So run

**Run now.
Nov 2013 · 847
cursed Nov 2013
Tell the world
That it was never fair
Tell the world
That sometimes it does not follows you
Tell the world
That it would always be cruel

Like the night
Where it was suppose to be fun
And laughter
But why,
Why did it end up with a frown?

Two souls yearning
Yearning for the person they love
To notice
How painful it was
To stare
To hope
But to break into pieces
Once they're alone.

Such sweet love story,he said the other soul
What sweet love story? It never happened, she said to the other soul
"She's your everything?" she said to the other soul
"She is. But to bad, luck is not on my side." He said to the other soul

What else to describe the frown we held onto last night?
Oct 2013 · 724
that day
cursed Oct 2013
I do not know how I end up here
Tangled in your arms
Your legs
But all I know it is the warmth I have always wanted.
I remember that night
Where we spent the whole day to ourselves
It started out with a good morning kiss,
A breakfast in bed,
A long cuddle session,
Window shopping,
A walk in the park,
A drive to somewhere we did not have a clue where we are heading,
And when we took a stroll at night,
You started with a silly ballet dance
And said "valet parking"
Ugh how I have hated your lame jokes
But it does makes me laugh
And we end up tangled between each other again that night.
Something I made roughly in 5 minutes. The fact that it is 3.40am here, wow I'm gonna have to survive without technologies for three days.

Oct 2013 · 750
No one
cursed Oct 2013
The first time I knew about love, no one told me that it would be painful. The first time I had a feeling for someone, I kept it all in my heart, thinking that he will get the message. Instead, it is all locked up in the tiny little space.

But no one told me that someone is holding the key to my heart.

No one told me that someone could unlock it, releasing all my feelings kept inside and replace it with his own.

The first time a guy ever unlocked my heart, it took time. It first starts out with a mere seed thrown inside my heart but everyday he would shower it with love until it turns into a flower - a prove of the blooming of our love.

But no one told me the flower could die.

The first time the flower starts to wilt, I tried so hard to gain some love from him. But in the end it keeps on wilting and wilting, until it is hard to even save it. When hatred start to fill up my unlocked heart, it was too heavy, my tears fell. Until one day, he came, locked my heart and never come again. The hatred starts to grow and grow until my heart cracked.

No one told me that the person who holds a part of me could easily throw you away.

But now that he had come back, trying to unlock my heart again, will I let him? Can a flower grow back? Would I even let him come near me, embrace my heart and unlocks it again?

*No one told me, that love is a cruel thing.
this is all happening too fast. You insist on 15 days. Good luck.
Oct 2013 · 605
Time Stops
cursed Oct 2013
When the time stops,
            I would remember every inch of you. The way your eyes meets mine, the way your cheeks rise and the way your eyes squint when you smile - how could I forget it? Especially your smile. It just lift the whole burden in me when you smile. That Tuesday night when I talked to you, and everything seems right when you comforted me.

When the time stops,
           I would still see you in my dreams. I would still remember that day I met you, or the day I meet you after months apart. That table at the corner where we always sit, I would go there once in a while when I miss you. Sometimes it is a cup of tea, or a cup of coffee if I have not taste one in a while, but it is always a cup of tea that is on the table. Because it is always coffee for you and tea for me. That book you always read to me once in a while, I found a copy of it. But it never felt the same as when you read it for me. I am like a kid waiting for their mom to read their bedtime stories, you once said. How could I forget that - especially the view of you just staring at me with love.

When the time stops,
           I would, *******, miss you. I would miss your laugh - even though my jokes are  not that funny. The way you show your teeth when laughing, I will miss those. Sometimes you chuckle when I furrow my brows. Sometimes you laughed at how easily I get bored. Now, tell me how can I forget those?

But now that time stops,
           *Would I be able to do those?
Oct 2013 · 619
cursed Oct 2013
Knowing someone
Someone close to you
Could hold a part of you
Knowing a part of you
That no one knows
Would we appreciate them
Would we hold onto them
Like they hold onto us
Would we embrace their heart
Like they embrace ours
But would you have the guts
To let go?
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
cursed Oct 2013
After the darkness passes,
Can you promise me you would not cry?
After your tiring day,
After all the things you have been through.

When the storms hits the earth tonight,
Can you promise me you would not cry?
Like the rain that follows,
Do not hide,
Please do not cry,
I could not promise,
But I would try to be there.

When I end that call,
Can you promise me you would not cry?
After all the shouting,
I know I have been bad,
I know I haven't been a good lover,
But please do not cry.

If the darkness ever swallows you up,
If the storms ever strike you bad,
If the rain ever made you cry,
If I ever shout at you,
It is all my fault, remember?
I take the blame.

Because I love you, remember?
From the day I embraced your heart,
From the day you embraced my heart back,
Until the day we lose our grip,
It is all my fault.
It is not really your fault, darling. You're the best that ever happened to me. **
Oct 2013 · 801
Give Life
cursed Oct 2013
Spend your weekdays with assignment,
A bit of fun,
A time with your friends,
A time to stare at your crush,
Keep it real.

On Saturday morning,
Wake up in your bed,
No way you would get up early,
Have breakfast in bed,
Read some books,
Write something,
Go for morning walks,
Watch the sunset,
Make some time for a dinner with your parents,
Hang out with your friends.

Just give life a little meaning even if you're alone in it.
When life seems so dull.
Oct 2013 · 735
cursed Oct 2013
I could tell you I'm not ready,
But every ounce in me,
Tells me,
To just prepare,
For those happy moments,
For those bad moments,
For the time we lost the ones we love,
For the time we lost in chasing our dreams,
For the time to let go of everything.
So here it is. I made it in 2 minutes. May have errors.
Sep 2013 · 574
My Dear
cursed Sep 2013
Along the roads in my heart
New flowers bloom every time I see your smile
Along the roads of my mind
Seventeen new memories stored in it.

Fine, bright man
Ignited the love in my heart
Rust that covers the walls of my heart
All gone as I see him laugh
Some smile you have there.

Sometimes I feel obsessed thinking of your funny faces
All the times we joked together
Untouched heart since my past lover
Dear, I feel so new with this foreign feeling
It would not leave me alone anymore.

Let it all in, my mind said.
Or not, my heart said.
Vital signs had shown, my dear
Emitted from your own heart and mind,

You are in love, my dear.
cursed Sep 2013
You are the sun that warms my heart,
Lighten my day.

You are the moon,
The prove of the Sun’s love to the moon.

You are the star,
I could not help but stare all night.

But you are the Sun,
Blinding me whenever I see you,
Giving me hope.

But you are the moon,
You left me for someone,
When the day comes.

But you are the star,
Another version of the Sun,
Blinking at me,
Showing me some signal,
But all you did was stand there.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Dead Lover
cursed Aug 2013
My dead lover once told me
To pick the reds over the blues
For years I tried to comprehend
And on his third year death anniversary
A friend since child came to me with an envelope
A blue and a red
"This will determine your future"
He said as he slid the envelope across the table towards me
"Well, I like blue so I'll just pick blue."
My friend was shocked
Signalling me not to
And that is when I trust my dead lover
I chose the red over the blue.
That night I cried blood
Reading a letter by my dead lover
Whom cheated on me more than the years we have been together
He was ready to pop the question on our seventh year
Because he get a hell of a day by his dad
Over cheating on me
And a hell from his mom
Over making me wait
It really caught my attention that year
He has changed
Until he was dead.
Now I am more curious over the blue
And when it was handed to me on our suppose to be tenth year anniversary
I cried blood again
To know he never loved me the way I loved him
To know it was a deal with the friend who gave the envelopes
To know my friend was a cancer survivor
To know my friend gave me to him because he thinks he could not lived long
And look who died first.
No one knew why
No one expected it
But now I'm married to the person I never noticed.
A tribute to a person who is a follower of my writing blog since the start. Congratulations, and may your marriage is blessed!
Aug 2013 · 764
cursed Aug 2013
I thought of anything that could **** me
Maybe everything.
Maybe it won't **** me in weeks to come
Maybe one year,
Two years or more
Maybe never,
You won't know, right?
Aug 2013 · 591
All is gone.
cursed Aug 2013
I loved him, you know?
More than any lovers I ever had
And people would not believed me
Because I never met him
Touched him
I only see him from the screen
Distance does not matter to me
I would rather stay away from him
Than seeing him every day
*All is gone.
Aug 2013 · 791
cursed Aug 2013
On a light raining day
I sat by the river bank
My wrist ached
My heart flows out through my eyes
My mind screamed from my hand
A flick of the sharp razor
Brings peace to me.

On a light raining day
I sat at my window seat
My wrist ached
Like the other day by the river bank
There's no one in the house, I thought
This is a perfect chance
To run away from this hideous life
And so does every other day I thought of that
I failed.

On a stormy night
In my room
The only light of the night
From the moon it shone passed my window
To every area of my room
Lifeless shadow dance around
And there is me on the same window seat
Smiling weakly at the outside world
This time I'll be gone for sure, I thought
Blame it on me for being weak
Blame it on me for taking in the negative
But also blame my parents and the world
Blame them for giving me pressure
Blame them for being stereotypical.

On a sunny day
Where children are laughing
And a lifeless me on my bed
The pain was unbearable
But the blood flowing out made me smile
A weak smile on my face
Is what they saw when they found me
The face of my parents
The pain that struck them
The pain that struck me
It may be the same
Call me a selfish young lady
But it was worth it
All the pain
The loss of blood

— The End —