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Craig Harrison Oct 2013
Today is fathers day
but I don’t know what to say
apart from happy fathers day dad
I know we make each other mad
but I do love you
although i don’t show it, i do mean to

You helped bring me up
you were there for my first hiccup
brought me gifts for every birthday
there’s nothing else to say
so happy fathers day
Craig Harrison Sep 2015
Fear, true fear is so painful
so hurtful, your body becomes shocked
your mind is crying

Fear to wake up in the morning
fear that it will happen again
true fear is so painful
so hurtful, your body is frozen
your mind is scared
Craig Harrison Jul 2015
Society as we know it couldn't exist without control
from force to manipulation
we've built ways to destroy our sole
fear is what caused the weak to take control across every nation.

History used force
the present used manipulation
future technology will create new levels of control across every nation.
Things like passion, love, thought and independent beliefs
these things can take away the control the weak are fearful of losing
medication is the latest trick they are using
along with advertisements, news and war
turning each of us into a *****.

The fearfull will find ways to eliminate
because they can take away the power they're so scared of losing.
Not my best I know, but something I wanted to write about. Where I used the word ***** I mean in the context of  A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain. This is a meaning of the word that was given on

What made me write this?

Well over the years I have noticed how people that seemed to have independent views of the world and their own independent beliefs that seperated them from the majority of society gradually seemed to lose those beliefs and views and develope new views that seemed to resemble what other peoples views and beliefs were. They seemed to have given up their individuality.. These views and beliefs changed with the changes in medication, advertisements and the news, also due to wars over the years I've noticed also seemed to change a persons personality/views/beliefs.

Also one of the other reasons for these views is because I started to think from a Artifical Intelligence point of view, the ones in the sci-fi movies/shows where they are programmed to protect the human race, but the A.I realises that we are self destructive so puts measures in place to stop us in some way.. Well are thought well the easiest ways to stop us from been self destructive is to manipulate us in some way, and we know we can be manipulated.. And the best way to manipulate us is without us realising, and the best ways are medication we believe is designed to help us, advertisements that we believe us alert us to something we need, the news that we believe gives us independent views, war which (should not exist, I don't care how evil someone is, no one deserves to die) but war increases patriotism which in some weird way increases our effection for our governments.. These things we're how I would imagine an A.I would eliminate our Passion, Love, Thought and independent beliefs so I imagine an other human could also have thought of them..

Our Passion is what gives us the motivation and determination to fight for change (forms of activism) it's also what pushes to be the best we can be.

Love, sadly love is painfull but it is also so amazing but it also what pushes us, our love for fellow lives, our love of exploration, our love for each other. We become and we are protective of the things we love.

Thought, no one likes to be made to feel dumb, but in the world of over 7billion people their is always going to be someone smarter than you. Thought is what took us from a species that was no more different to every other species on the planet into the most intelligent species, we have created some amazing things with the use of thought, but sadly not everyone gets to experience the benefits of those amazing things..

Independent beliefs you only have to look at religion for this.. Athiests and Relgious people they're the two main groups (I have my own views that are accepting of both groups) These groups don't get along, at least not in the way that is show to the world. They may be different but they are beliefs but on the same level they are also someone elses beliefs, some of my favorite people in history were people of both science and religion but in todays world it seems that you are labelled as one or the other. If you tell someone you believe in a God they straight away put you into a religion, many times when I've told people that I believe in a God they have responded with Oh so you're christian.. No I'm not, I do not follow any recongnised religious belief but I am accepting that I may be wrong and someone elses belief might be right.. They usually respond with no, you've got to be a certain religion, you can't just make up your own..... WHY? why can't I make up my own belief?
But I've also tried it where I've said I believe in Science (which plays a big role in my belief structure) I get the response hang on if you believe in science then how can you believe in a God? I usually say well it works for me... Response is usally You can't believe in Science and God at the same time, you just can't.. Why? why can't I? For me Science and God combined works, I might be wrong but at the same time I might not.. I may never find out but while I am alive, if it works for me then that is enough...  So it just seems that Indepedendent beliefs struggle to exist in a world where so many beliefs that are someone elses...

Sorry, got lost in typing their, I hope you enjoyed reading, if not I appologies for waisting 5-10 minutes out of the average of 4.208e+8 minutes with-in a 80 year timeline.. My maths is not that good at higher level so I'm not sure what the e+ means but it is a really really really long time.

Anyway thanks for reading
Craig Harrison Jun 2014
The laughter of a baby
the feeling of wind on a hot summers day
letting our hair down and being a little crazy
getting lost and then finding your way
things that make us feel better

Arguments with loved ones
just missing the last bus home
not able to control our daughters or sons
things that make us angry

winning a prize
finding new love
starving all day then eating some french fries
seeing the world from above
things that make us happy

What makes us feel is different for everyone
I hope you liked this poem because I'm done

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
Craig Harrison Dec 2014
Just a young boy growing up on the bad side of town
school was like a prison, bars up the window, cops searching you
everyone is in a gang, what is one supposed to do.
The teachers were scared, would never shout at kids
even the pigs who patted us down were scared
the teachers, the cops, the public to scared to say anything
maybe if they did I would still be alive today.

I was a young boy, I had big dreams
school was an escape from my home
I never joined a gang
I lived in fear all my life, trying not to hurt anyone or upset them.
I don't remember the final moments
just pain, so painful and so much blood.
I think I was shot by a passing car but I can't remember now.

The news said

10 year old boy gunned down near is home
Teachers said he was a clever child and will be missed
Parents were unavailable to comment

Don't be scared to do the right thing
like me you still might get killed
and nothing will still be changed.
Just something I wanted to share even if it isn't considered a poem.

(This as nothing to do with my life or anyone I knows life. it was written from the point of view of a random person who was born in the wrong area)
Craig Harrison Nov 2013
Like a flame in my heart
knowing your name was the start

My feelings for you, your power over me
Opened my eyes to the world, you made me see
Seconds into minutes into days
Proving my love for you, how when there are so many ways

Like a whisper in the wind
gentle like a snowflake
Beauty unparalleled
A mind so pure
Meeting you, soul mates are real I am sure
Hadn't uploaded anything for a while so thought it was about time, anyway I hope you enjoy. Working ******* the next poem called All we are is a memory. Not sure when I'll finish it so keep an eye out.. anyway let me know what you think of this poem, and leave me links to your best works so I can check them out and maybe get inspired.
Craig Harrison Sep 2014
Forever I've dreamed
today those dreams came true
I never gave up, always wishing and hoping
and now I'm their.

7 continents and I will travel them all
businesses and I will own many
Forever I've dreamed
today those dreams came true
Tickets booked, hotel room reserved
USA here I come
One dream all my life, to move to L.A
I've waited so long, forever I've dreamed
no more dreams only reality
Sadly this poem is still only a dream but one that I still have hope will come true... The purpose of writing this is to help me hold on to that hope
Craig Harrison Jan 2015
You can hear a pin drop
you can manipulate anyone
you can see things others do not
because so many are silent
so many waste their mind
so many walk around without looking, without seeing

Your family and friends tell you to be quite
you're told not to ask questions
you're told to accept what is
you're told that you will be punished.
So while everyone you know sits silent
while everyone you know never asks why
while all the people in your life accepts everything
and while they sit in fear
You hold your head up high
you use your voice
you ask questions
you fight for change
you don't feel fear

The world around you might be silent
but they are always listening
and each day
the world is getting louder
the world is being heard!
If you believe something is the right thing share it with the world

certain things are not the right things, these include but are not limited to (hurting people/animals in anyway)
that's a big no no

Live free of pain
live free of horror
live for today
and for tomorrow
live in peace
live in love
live free
live good
Craig Harrison Apr 2014
So many battles you have won
but sadly you won't win this one.
The battle that we will all face one day

Forget the tyrants and the terrorists
the greatest enemy to our survival is time.
From the moment of our births, we are entered into this battle

We know so little, but we know it is meant to be
Time will come and time will go
but the memories shall not
time will continue to flow

War after war, billions after billions
but the war we should be fighting
the battle we should be entering
For family members where time is catching up with them
Craig Harrison Jan 2014
Like life eating food
you eat away at me
more painful than a gun shot
insane enough to rip out hair

They call you guilt
but I call you my enemy
You never let me sleep
always there eating away at me
like life eating food

I beg and and I regret
but I cannot forget
Until the day I die I will say I'm sorry
but so much guilt eating away at me

Craig Harrison Oct 2014
One night every year
seeing things that we fear
ghosts, witches, monsters
celebrating Halloween
whether you a child, adult or teen.
Scaring our friends, scaring our neighbors
making them jump, making them scream
making them wish it was all a dream.
Have a happy Halloween everyone, go and scare the hell out of some people lol
Craig Harrison May 2015
Immense pain shooting from the wound
eyes becoming heavy
anger, hatred, regret and sadness filling the mind
then total darkness, it's like going blind.

Peace, love, happiness had replaced the feelings
anger, hatred, regret and sadness that had filled the mind
A voice in the distance calling out your name
but still no sight, just waves of color washing over the darkness.

The distant voice got closer
images filled the darkness
fields, tress and children playing
beautiful blue sky with multi-colored clouds
animals running free
rivers filled with clear water.

Waterfalls so beautiful, like an artists masterpiece
behind the clouds and the sky, many planets and moons
the planets belong to alien life
the moons are meeting places
the clouds are our homes
and in the distance
the largest mountain you'll ever see
the home of God and his angels.

The voice calls out one last time
"You're finally home"
Craig Harrison May 2015
Never sleeping
no more dreaming
no more hope.

Dragging the souls of the old
whipped by demons
and constant screems in my head.

Flesh stripped from your body
dipped in oceans of salt
forced to eat your own brains
and drink acid water.

That's only if you were one of the good ones
the pure evil
the Hitlers of the world

Torn limb to limb
burned, drowned, hung
no food or drink
given a tiny bit of hope
but then taken away again

Eyes burned with blow torches
and left to dangle out of the socket
An itch that can not be scratched for eternity
you become a zombie
you never sleep
you never dream
you lose all hope
Craig Harrison Aug 2014
What ever your reasons
what ever your story
we owe you so much.
You woke up everyday and risked your life
to give those alive today a future,
from me I'd like to say thank you
you are a true hero.

Despite my own views on war
you risked your life to save us all
you helped give us a future
and helped preserve our freedoms
from the bottom of my heart, thank you
you are a hero
Craig Harrison Dec 2014
Tears running down my cheek
pain that can not be seen
hiding the truth
hiding my fears
hiding everything that you can not see

you never play over the good memories
your mind tells you none exist
just the bad, the ones that make you sad.
Tears running down my cheek
as I hide the truth
and hide my fears

You see the time, but no motivation
nothing pushing to get you up
nothing pushing you to do anything
it's comfortable, it's warm, it's the last remaining place where good things happen
we see the time and decide to hide
hide away in our beds
hide away in our dreams

Nothings wrong becomes your default response
but deep down you know you need help
but at the surface you convince yourself you are strong
strong enough to win a battle that you are in fact losing
so you hide
you hide the truth
your fears
all while tears run down your cheek
If you or someone you know suffers from depression, please seek professional help.
Craig Harrison Oct 2014
I get told
I've been told
it's time to stop living a fantasy
it's time to grow up
it's time to give up on my hopes and dreams.

As a child I was told it was cute
as teenager I was told to go for it
but as an adult I was told to give up.

Hopes and dreams make us who we are
they create change
Martin Luther King
Orville and Wilbur Wright
Christopher Columbus
Neil Armstrong
these people, people like these
never gave up
they kept their hopes and dreams
Not my best work but the message is clear, never ever give up on your hopes and dreams.
Craig Harrison Apr 2014
Crimes of humanity, we'd be here all day
how can I be considered a part of a race that
Hurts others
how can I in good consciousness say I am part of the Human Race

How can a species have achieved so much
how can a species with so much potential
how can we sit ideally by while someones life falls apart
how can we stand tall when we belittle so many
how can we accept acts of violence

We're the caretakers of this Earth
the caretakers of this life
How can we destroy everything that makes us special

I am not part of the Human Race
I can not be part of a species that causes so much pain
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
Craig Harrison Jan 2015
Such potential
space navigating
technologically intriguing  


If you see potential then nurture it
If you're in space the see it
If you create technology then create for good
If you are a dreamer then dream big
If you're a thinker then think of new
If you're a lover then love all

If you must **** then **** stereotypes
If you must destroy the discrimination
If you must fight then fight to be free
If you must hate then hate war
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
I make music with my lips
I make love with my soul
in my mind the world is art
I create beauty with my hands

I hear the music of the trees
I see the wind as it kisses your face
I feel the pain of the world
I show the tears for those that can not
Craig Harrison May 2015
You call me Lesbian
I say, yes I am
You call me Gay
I say, yes I am
You call me Bi-******
I say, yes I am
You call me Transgender
I say, yes I am
It doesn't matter what you call me
It doesn't matter what you think
you will not change who I am

I am who I am
I believe in equality.
One Earth
One Species
we are all Human
children of Earth
Craig Harrison Nov 2014
I've never waited so long in my life
9 months since the day you told me
the last time I was this happy was the day you became my wife
and I haven't been able to stop smiling since
I can't wait till the moment of birth
to see if it's a boy or a girl
I can not wait
I can not sleep
The moment is near
I'm going to be a dad
and you a mom
my parents
your parents
will become grandparents
I can not wait
This was written on behalf of a friend of mine who is about to become a dad.

Congratulations Steven and Katie
Craig Harrison Jul 2018
I can't describe the pain
the pain that you feel.
I can't tell what is worse
what drove me to this, my only option of escape
or watching the blood drip down from the blade

I look down at the lines I just drew across my wrists
my body the canvas, the blade my pencil
I do not feel fear, I do not feel sorrow, I feel joy
as I watch the seconds on the clock continue to count
I know that soon, so very soon I will be free

I can't describe the pain
the pain that you feel
Sometimes I hate that I believe that I will be going to hell when I die, funny how fear of an afterlife keeps me here
Craig Harrison Feb 2021
As I lie here and the tears stream
I ask myself the same questions
Why does everyone leave
Why does no one love me

For all my years I want love
I love many but no one loves me
What is so wrong with me that no one loves me?
Not a poem but I'm feeling really low at the moment
Craig Harrison Sep 2013
I dream of this
I dream of that
I dream the future
But never the past

I dream of love
I dream of anger
I dream of fun
I even dream I'm on the run

I dream the good and the bad
I dream of my mom and dad

I dream of beautiful things
Flowers, art and music
The colors and noise make me smile
Waking up in a while
Craig Harrison Apr 2014
Would you say yes if I asked you out?

would you like to grab coffee some time?
or maybe catch a movie?
Would you say yes if I asked you out?

I'm a shy guy but only at first
by the 3rd date you would never notice
I'm filled with confidence waiting to burst.

I can't do it face to face
or over the phone
It's so easy when I'm at home

Will you go out with me?
This poem is not based on a current situation, it's something that happened when I was much younger. I was really shy at the time and there was this girl who I really liked but of course I was to shy to ask her out face to face so it was coming up to her birthday so while I wrote out the card I expressed my feelings and asked her out in the card. Well it didn't go the way I planned and I made a fool/idiot out of myself. Now when I look back at it I smile and that was the inspiration and the idea behind this poem, I hope you enjoyed it.

If I'm still been honest I will admit I am still shy but no where near as much as I once was, and if any of you ever meet me in life you will notice this but you will also notice the shyness disappear with-in an hour or so.

Last little bit, something new I'm going to start adding to the end of my poems. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.
Craig Harrison Jun 2014
If life was a day
I'd wake up kicking and screaming
opening my eyes to the world for the first time
seeing and meeting strange people
by 9am I'd be in my 20's and in my prime
but not for long before the day made me tired

By midday I would be wasting my life savings
buying a new car, holidays and fancy clothes
for I would have entered my midlife crisis
What had started out as a long day
was coming to an end quicker than I realised

The day would roll on and by late evening
I'd be a grandad, spoiling my family
spending what I had left to enjoy the time I had left
As I would struggle up the stairs
longing for my bed
the day would be nearing its end
11:59pm time for me to fall asleep
never waking up
never seeing tomorrow
That's what it would be like
If life was a day
Craig Harrison Aug 2014
If when we die we go to heaven
what would this paradise look like
blue skies
fields of green
clear rivers
happy faces
tables of food
lakes of our favorite drinks
a big guy in a golden chair

If when we die we meet God
staring into his eyes what would you see
the big bang

If when we die we go to Heaven
if when we die we meet God
what will we see
what will he think
how will we feel
If when we die
Craig Harrison Apr 2015
If God is real then I ask you to help me
If God is real then I ask you to save me
Like glass can shatter
so can my dreams
Like wood can break
so can my heart
Like life can die
so can my soul
Like a person without hope can give up
so can I

If God is real then I ask you to help me
If God is real then I ask you to save me
If God is real

If God is real then protect us all
Help us all
Save us all
at least
Free us all
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
I always thought I knew what love felt like
but I was wrong.
We started as friends but then it progressed
and then one day I realised I loved you.

I can't stop thinking about you, always on my mind
when I'm awake and when I'm asleep
I see you, your beauty from the first day we met
your eyes, your smile, your body
I want to get down and ask you the question
I want us to grow old and become parents together
I want us to be happy together forever
I want us to live our dreams and travel the world
I want to see your beautiful smile when I wake up

I thought I knew what love felt like
but I was wrong

I know that I love you
Craig Harrison Dec 2013
I don't care about your age
or the fact you earn a higher wage
I love you because

Because when I see you I like how I feel
I love you because when I'm with you everything is real

I love your blond hair
and how much you love and care
I love your smile and your big hazel eyes
I love you because you're wise

I love you because you are smart
I love you because you remind me of art
so beautiful, the world must see
I love you because for some reason you love me

I love everything about you
and I'm happy you love me too

Thank you to everyone who as liked and viewed this poem. Thank you

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
Craig Harrison Aug 2014
If I told you I was a fireman and a building fell on me while I rescued children from a burning school
would you still look at my scars and judge me unfairly

If I told you I pushed an old lady out the way of a speeding car
would you still look at my limp and judge me unfairly

If I told you I gave everything I own to charity
would you still look at me for been homeless and judge me unfairly

If I told you I had cancer 3 times
would you still look at my bald head and judge me unfairly

I am more than what you see
please don't judge me
Craig Harrison Feb 2015
When I look at you I see your kind smile
I see your politeness
I see that you love so much
When I look at you I see your happiness
I see your beauty
I see that you care so much
When I look at you I don't care that you're gay
I love you
When I look at you all I care about is
that you are happy
Craig Harrison Dec 2013
I search the world looking for peace
all I find is a world at war.
From North to South and East to West
All I see is what the human race does best
They ****, they cheat and lie
but everyone I ask doesn't know why

I search the world looking for love
but I have no such luck,
They say they love they say they care
but come my death bed they are not there
I've begun to question if love is real
If not, then what is it I feel.

I search the world and all I see
is no one quite like me
I see beauty and I see hate
but no one quite like me, to date.

I search the world looking for you
but I can not see, I can not find.
From North to South and East to West
I search the world doing my best.
Was lying in best last night and this came to me, sometimes it's like having a flood of ideas in my mind and not enough time to get them all down.. I hope you liked this one, I hope you like all my work but I dunno I like this one the most I think, and I hope you do.
Craig Harrison Mar 2014
Is everything a lie and nothing the truth
What we see, hear or even touch
how do we know if it is true
how do we know if it is a lie
Is it truth that I was born and is it truth that I will die
or is everything a lie

If I tell you I love you
if I tell you I care
if I tell you I will always be there
how do you know if it is true
how do you know if it is a lie

You tell me I was born in 87
You also told me I would end up in Heaven
but I have just as much chance I will end up in Hell
How do I know if it is true
how do I know if it is a lie

We hallucinate
we hear voices
we even feel things that are not there
so how do we know what is truth and what is a lie

Are we here
are you there
do we look and sound like we think
do we even think or are we controlled
so I ask what is truth and what is a lie
Thank you everyone who has liked my previous poems, especially "I love you because" I didn't expect it to do as well as it has. Anyway thank you, as I said before I will be taking a break and this one will be my final one for a while. (Just sorting through old ones and this is the last one)
Craig Harrison Feb 2015
I remember the day you looked into my eyes
when you told me you loved me
but after your actions, I find myself questioning
did you ever really love me.

The day I introduced you to my family
the day I asked you to marry me
It feels like only yesterday
I thought we loved each other

My mind is full of so many thoughts
I'm sad, angry and disappointed
but my heart is telling me that I still love you
so tell me, how can I ever forgive you
As far as I am aware I have not been cheated on but a friend of mine did and it is his story that gave me the idea for this.
Craig Harrison Jun 2015
It's so hard
waking up everyday
loved ones not knowing what to say.
It's so hard
when everyone is going about their day
when no one can tell you're crying inside.
It's so hard.

Sometimes you look at the clock and pray
sometimes you hope
that today will be the day
the day you don't wake up.
It's so hard
lying to everyone
lying to yourself
You know you need help
but you're scared
you fear what they will say.

It's so hard
going to sleep at night
hoping and wishing that tomorrow never comes
that you never wake up.
It's so hard
when no one knows how you feel
and those that do, can't help you.
Each day, each night
each minute, each hour
it's so hard.
Craig Harrison May 2017
This Hell which we reside
is not like the Hells of old
It's something new
It's effecting our heart
and our mind
we're asking so many questions
because it's answers we're trying to find

But like the Hells of old
and the Hells of new
it continues to stand
but like the Berlin wall
one day they will all FALL
Haven't written anything for a while so I thought it was about time, feel like I tried to force this out of me though...

Not sure where I tried to go with this, I kind of wanted to write something about the evilness in the world but as I read it back I kind of felt like it was trying to to tell people to keep hold of hope, hope that the future will be better.....

Let me know how this made you feel
Craig Harrison Jan 2014
I fear that no one will remember
I fear that I will be forgotten
When I die who will care

I have this fear
and it makes me scared
is my life meaningless
I fear no one will care

When I'm gone will my life live in memory
will my personality be remembered
will people even care about my history

I fear no one will remember
I fear that I will be forgotten


Je crains que personne ne se souviendra
Je crains que je vais oublié
Quand je mourrai, qui prendra soin

J'ai cette peur
et ça me fait peur
est ma vie vide de sens
Je crains personne ne se souciera

Quand je suis parti sera ma vie vivre dans la mémoire
sera ma personnalité se rappeler
les gens vont s'occuper même de mon histoire

Je crains personne ne se souviendra
Je crains que je vais oublié
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
A brave man once stood
fighting for what he believed to be true
it took an army to silence him
but his message lives on

He came into this world as a miracle
tough on his parents even tougher on him
I question, did he know how his end would come.
From the moment of his birth he was gifted
but later in life his gifts would change everything

If he was only a man then what a man
he deserves our respect not our hatred
2000 years have passed and we are still waiting for him to return
he died for our sins, so sad, so very sad
I question, does everyone deserve his sacrifice.

It brings a tear to my eye
to much for anyone to bare
he didn't deserve it
especially for only refusing to back down on his beliefs
I question, did he have anything good in his life
I hope he did.

I'm sorry
I'm your friend
I'd protect you
I love you
you truly were amazing

If you wasn't the son of God
then you deserve more credit than you get
we don't know what really happened
but dieing for our sins is an amazing sacrifice

Craig Harrison Jun 2014
******, so much ******
Hatred, so much hatred
all that anger
how could you be so cruel
cause so much hurt and pain

Stress, so much stress
Crime, so much crime
all that death
how could you be so mean
cause so much destruction

Dieing, so many dieing
Sick, so many sick
all that sadness
how could you eat while so many die of hunger
cause so many reasons to be hated


Potential, so much potential
Love, so much love
all that technology
how did you create something so beautiful
cause so much happiness

Charity, so much charity
Money, so much money
all that intelligence
how did you answer that
cause so much variety

People, so many people
life, so much life
all that water
how did you survive all those wars
cause so much love

Hope, so much hope
Caring, so many caring
Brave, so many brave
Limits, so many being broken
Relationships, so many being created

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow me on Twitter, search for
Craig Harrison Mar 2016
The worlds ment to be closer
more connected
Social media was meant to make us new friends
so why do I feel so lonely.
I have neighbors to the left
and some to the right
I have a family living within my sight
but no one that gets me, no one that truely makes me feel a little less lonely
Craig Harrison May 2014
Lets run away, just you and me
escape from our problems and our mistakes
lets run away from all the things that bring us down
anywhere you want as long as we're together
anywhere from here must be better

Lets run away from the negativity
escape from the world that makes us sad
lets run away from the horrors of today
anywhere you want as long as we're together
anywhere from here must be better

We can travel the seas and make waves
travel across land and make footprints
or travel the stars and make history
Lets run away from the world
escape into our dreams
lets run away, just you and me
anywhere you want as long as we're together
anywhere from here must be better
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
Craig Harrison Jul 2014
Once there was nothing, no time, nothing
but something strange happened
there was a birth, it's very old now
we call it the Universe

The Universe had many children
all of different shapes, sizes, colors but all very beautiful
we call them Galaxies

Those Galaxies aged and had children of their own
called solar systems and they had children called planets
and those planets had children called life

Billions of years passed
that life had children called machines
but everything that as a beginning as an end
and the machines malfunctioned
the life died out
planets were destroyed
solar systems perished
galaxies fell apart
and the Universe continued to age, watching as its children died
not able to save them, not able to do anything.

As time drifted by the Universe got sick
been eaten away by a virus called Black holes
destroying everything the Universe had left
and eventually dieing
Based on the multiverse theory which I believe in, there is the probability that one universe somewhere will never die and all life will live on. Maybe just maybe it will be this universe
Craig Harrison Aug 2017
I gave up on you
when you gave up on me.
All I want to do is escape
and finally be free,
but I can't leave,
it's not out of love
but out of fear
which is why I will always be trapped here.
Craig Harrison Dec 2013
Eating comfort food
watching the box
Sitting on my sofa
in my ****** and socks

Down below I get an itch
scratching away with my hand
Not enough energy to stand

Crumbs all around
A strange smell in the air
I no longer know why I don't care

I've given up
you finally won
there is no future
Craig Harrison Dec 2013
I cry without tears
I smile without joy
The person you see is no more than a lie

I am not happy
nor am I content
the only thing I am is a lie

Sadness and loneliness
but no where near happiness
Striving to change
but all I am is a lie  

I fake a smile
I fake a laugh
I fake so much
but I can not fake that I'm a lie

In the mornings
in the nights
No escape in my sights

I am not happy
I am sad
I am good but I have been bad

I cry without tears
I smile without joy
The person you see is no more than a lie
Let me know what you guys think
Craig Harrison Oct 2014
Eyes wide open
Trees, snow, blue seas
walking around
buildings, art, writings

Eyes closed shut
Ghosts, demons, evil
trying to sleep
death, horror, hell

What do you see
when your eyes are wide open
when your eyes are closed shut
This was inspired by things that I see during the day.

When I'm awake I see so much beauty, I see the trees outside my window, snow in the winter, leaves in the autumn, etc, but during the night when I close my eyes my mind begins to wonder and I see ghosts, demons and sometimes my representation of hell before I even begin to dream.. They don't scare me they intrigue me mainly, I wonder where the images came from, if they have meaning, it also makes me think about the afterlife if there is one.

Anyway thanks for reading
Craig Harrison Apr 2014
I ask you, why can't life be like a movie
Why can't we
Love like a romance
laugh like a comedy
and fight like an action
Live like a leading star
die like a supporting role
Sing like a musical
Travel like an adventure
be remembered like a documentary

So I ask why can't life be like a movie
Some of you may notice this sounds familiar, that is because I created a poem similar to this called Life like a movie, but while I was reading it back I wanted to make a few changes so the previous version as been deleted for this remake.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions please ask them and I will try to answer them a.s.a.p.

If you would like to follow my on Twitter, search for
Craig Harrison Aug 2014
How do I put this into words
I'm alive but not forever
I've lived and experienced so much
I've felt pain, sorrow, love, happiness
you name it I've felt it
I saw the beginning
the universes explosion
one day I'll watch it fizzle
I've lived forever
I've seen it all
witnessed amazing
felt everything
loved so much
cried, felt sorrow, pain
witnessed cruelty
saw the best and worst
I'll continue to age
witness so much
I've lived forever
Craig Harrison Jan 2015
Heavens calling
it's time for you to return
the angels come to take you home
you may be gone
but in heaven you will live on.
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