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21.5k · Aug 2015
The proposal
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Her serene voice,
And her beautiful smile,
Her torquise eyes,
Shining so bright,
Under the moonlight we stand,
Hand in hand,
I kneel down on my knee,
Asking her will you marry me,
She accepts my proposal,
And honestly from that day onwards,
I sleep in peace.
11.4k · Aug 2015
Make-beieve lies
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
His soft touch,
His deep grey eyes,
His heart melting smile,
And make-believe lies.

The way he talked,
Day and night,
About our future,
Not so bright.

His presence,
Breath taking presence,
His utter words of love,
And make-believe lies.

The way he left,
Forgotten the rest,
What the hell did I do?
You pest !

Other than his lies,
And his smile,
Only then did I say,
Baby, you're mine !

Now that he is gone,
I sit back on my chair,
Thinking why'd I love him,
And his make-believe lies !
8.5k · Nov 2015
A lovers paradise
Arfah Afaqi Zia Nov 2015
The candle light flickers with such intimacy,
Celeste bodies colliding in allure,
Leaving only marks of compassion,
Turbulence and vile noted under the moon light,
As people envy our love in the other room,
The charisma and sparkle in our synchronization,
The heart melting and charming sensations,
My feet limp and my head spins,
With every stroke and touch that you trace along my back,
Goose bumps seem to increment,
****** emerges that weaken the chains in my soul,
Strengthening my love and awareness towards you,
Enthralling enchant,
Chamber of secrets revealed,
A new dawn seen,
Replete words,
Embelleshed and kept,
Diffusing angst and reviving love beat,
Singing me deep lullabies as I sleep.
7.8k · Aug 2015
Bride (A grooms thought)
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
The church bells chime,
Suddenly the door flew open,
There came my gorgeous bride,
In an embroided white dress,
A veil on her face,
Red lipstick on,
She walks down the aisle,
Her father gives me her hand and leaves,
The reverand speaks a few verses,
But when we share our vows,
I was so stocked and there was so much I could've said,
But I had to stop myself.
I thank God that you came in my life,
You are my angel,
That sparkled my life.
I'm not married people... Its just a poem :p
4.0k · Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
A few years back,
I used to look like a hag,

Dark circles,
Plain cheeks,

Messy long hair,
No sleek,

Shaggy clothes,
All creased,

Now, penciled eyes,
Powdered face ( not literally ),

Short hair,
Neat ponytail ( I'm almost there ),

Branded clothes,
Gucci, Dior, Chanel and many more,

Red lips,
Ready to glaze,

Trendy clothes in my closet,
Still yearning for more,

Shoes of all kinds,
Heels, sneakers and boots,

How time passes,
Transforming into puberty.
3.9k · Sep 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
He died ages ago,
She was depressed,
Waiting for her body to be taken away,
He left behind only memories,
Every night she sleeps in his bed,
She can smell his scent in his pillow,
The clothes she wears,
All bear his scent,
He may have left nothing but vague memories,
But his scent diminishes his absence.
3.9k · May 2016
Oh Allah !
Arfah Afaqi Zia May 2016
Oh Allah !
In this coming, spiritual month of Ramadan-
I plead for forgiveness,
I ask from you to cleanse our souls,
Forgive us all,
For we have sinned,
We are frail by heart,
We are liars and judgmental,

Oh Allah !
My eyes shed tears for all of this human race,
All those who have passed away,
For people who are still here,
And for those who have lost their strength,
I pray for all these people,
For their forgiveness, for their health,
I ask for your help,

Oh Allah !
To you we all shall return,
We are your disciples Almighty Allah,
And I ask from you to lead us to the right path,
We are your creation,
We have erred and ask for forgiveness,
How guilty are we and how we've fallen in abyss,
Please listen to our prayers and let us taste the essence of a heavenly afterlife.
3.6k · Sep 2015
A gem
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
Standing in the mirror she says I look ugly,
What she doesn't know she is a gem,
She is as beautiful as anything in this world,
Once she see's through his eyes,
She'll know what he means.
3.4k · Sep 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
People dying everywhere,
No food,
No water,
No shelter,
No clothing.
Others unaware,
Don't care.
All help centers,
Don't appear,
At times of
Deaths over here,
Deaths over there,
What to do?
What to do?
Help these people
Fight this,
So they can live to see,
Their children read and eat,
Educate and get what they need,
To give their children a life that they could never see.
The world needs to change.
2.9k · Sep 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
Spacious and resplendent,
Summoning people only once,
Words replete with beauty,
The voice of the imam like music to our ears,

Performing Hajj,
People from faraway,
Come to pray,
In the house of God for seeking His light,

Forgiveness and prayer on their tongues,
Regret and guilt shedding from their eyes,
Quarrels and worries aside,
Not caring about colour and creed,

My eyes seek only forgiveness,
And guidance,
For making things right,
O God please forgive me !
2.9k · Jan 2016
Blessings of Allah
Arfah Afaqi Zia Jan 2016
The beauties of this world,
The growing shrubs and herbs,
The poppy plants and the sunflowers,
The different shades of leaves,
The number of fruits,

The mountains,
The oceans,
The seas,
The rivers,
And the streams,

Have you ever imagined with such perfection, whether you could create?
Such big and majestic beings,
Such mechanism and synchronization,
Such effects and treatments,
Thank Allah for His blessings.
2.7k · Sep 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
I give him love,
I do what he says,
But what do i get?
I get ditched !
Heart broken,
Beyond repair,
I wait for you all day,
All night,
Cancelling all my schedules,
But what do i get?
Not called,
Ignored !
You're ungrateful,
And thankless.
2.7k · Mar 2016
Beauties of the world
Arfah Afaqi Zia Mar 2016
The dusty storms of the Sahara,
The Egyptian Pharaoh,
The beautiful pyramids and the precious jewels of Cleopatra,

The deep blue sea,
The rare coral reefs,
An exotic bloom and a swarm of fish,

The marvelous Taj Mahal,
The resplendent minars,
Moonlight irradiates the charm of the building,

The enthralling and engaging Kaaba,
The charismatic surrounding and the soothing sounds of Salah,
Such a heavenly feeling.
2.5k · Aug 2015
Stupid Crush
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
My blue skinny jeans,
And creamy white shirt.
I got ready to go on a road trip.
Just as I sat in my car I applied my mascara
And drove away.

As the car stopped near my college,
I took a last glimpse of whether I looked presentable or not.
Well I did !

I was a little tense.
Then there came MISS-OH-SHES-SO-PERFECT.
She was in a red dress.
I mean are we going on a trip or to a ball ?

But that is the only thing that worried me,
Now she'll be the center of attention.
My crush won't even know I EXIST !!!!

My best friend
reminded me I look the best,
And that my crush would certainly see me.

I felt a little confident,
But in the end she got my crush.
And me ?
I'm only left alone,
Singing 'Lonely I'm Mr lonely.'

From that day onwards I  NEVER had a crush !
True story !!!! Not the plot though just a twist in this story but yea, my crush got away :(
2.3k · Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
I dream so nice,
So deep,
And then my mom intrudes,
'Arfah wakeup it's 1 pm.'
Sigh there goes my dream :(
2.1k · Sep 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
If I ever had the chance to sketch a portrait,
I'd sketch a portrait of you,
Your beady grey eyes,
Your jawline,
So definite,
Your smile,
Your hair,
So surreal and breath taking.
You are perfection,
And the  best piece of art I could ever draw.
If you detect any mistake please tell me right away.
1.5k · Aug 2015
If i were superman
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
If only I was superman,
Not needing to consult others on my plan,
I could fly anywhere I want,
Away from all these flaunts,

Reminding people what it feels to be pained,
Eliminating a sense of vain,
Reviving people from danger,
Better than all those egositic and procrastinating rangers,

That's going to be me,
I know its hard as it seems,
But, believe it or not,
I will never be a rot !
1.4k · Jan 2016
Arfah Afaqi Zia Jan 2016
Conceiving desire,
Spreading love,

Caressing fingers explore in haste,
Touching soft like glowing moon to my eyes,
Shimmering tears escape the eye,

Protecting humor,
Wiping hatred,

Trailing warm sensual kisses,
Pricking in bits like needles,
Mending the loose, broken chains,

Grasping attention,
Captivating shine,

Allure in its form seems to spark,
Opening up the paths in my heart,
Mesmerizing and hypnotizing fully,

Shackled walls,
Seductive romance.
1.4k · Aug 2015
Rain (haiku)
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Rain has poured on-
Leaving destruction and pain,
Let us help and pray
1.4k · Aug 2015
Fiction love
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
My heart is full of desire,
But instead he chooses Beatrice Prior.
Love Theo James
1.3k · Sep 2015
The killer
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
The raging flame,
That leaves behind havoc,
The deceased have all the prayers from us,
People that expired were a lot,
The forest summoned the firefighters,
Asking them to help the people in need.
The flames could be diminished,
But the gas cylinder caused destruction,
So many bodies,
So many coffins,
So many people crying for justice.
This was not but an accident,
An evil man was behind this,
It was a game,
To make these innocent people pay !
Just a poem i wrote. Its not a true story, just a scenario of a situation that you face daily.
1.3k · Aug 2015
Forever Blood
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
After spending days away from her,
Thinking I could resist her,
But now it's just her blood,
My throat aches for her blood !
Just a quinch of her blood and I can relax.
Her white skin,
Her hazel eyes,
And that scent !
Oh not the scent you're thinking about.
Her body odor.
It just drives me crazy.
I feel constrictions in my vein,
Making me wanna wail,
C'mon my love just a little of that blood,
I swear it'll finish the thirst !
Love vampires :')
1.2k · Oct 2015
Michael Jackson last song
Arfah Afaqi Zia Oct 2015
There's a place in your heart and I know it is love* ( Heal the world),
Spread peace, concord and harmony,
Eradicate all tragedy,
Help the people in misery,

The fires in their eyes ( Black or white)
Those who deny to see the pain,
The woe and rage,
It's very heartfelt,

Before all these raging conflicts,
I saw people in tranquil,
Love in their eyes and care in their soul,
Now I don't know where we are (Earth song)

If you ever stop to notice all the blood shed before (Earth song)
The slaughtering of people,
The beheading of innocent souls,
And the atrocities being impressed upon the poor and needy,

People being judged,
People being humiliated,
No matter what the consequences,
It don't matter if you're black or white (black or white)

Things people hear,
Let them astray,
You should ignore all those peers and bring about a change,
There are ways to get there (Heal the world)

You yourself should avoid,
Actions speak louder than words,
Just remember to always think twice (Billie Jeans),
Don't let others see or feel your long lost pain.
I used Michael Jackson's songs to take out one verse from his lyrics. I used them to write this poem. I hope you like this. I wasn't very satisfied but your views and comments or support may help.
This is dedicated to all his fans.
1.2k · Jun 2017
Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem
Arfah Afaqi Zia Jun 2017
And I found peace
in your prayers
And I find solace
when bowing and crying in front of you,

Every tear that I shed
all my regrets
all my sorrows
they all decayed the moment I called on to you,

The poignancy in my heart
the impossibilities
and the hurdles I faced
all I ever did was cry in front of you,

I felt like I sinned a lot
I was grieving
the pain I carried was so immense
And all I said was 'Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem' all that I had on my mind was no more.
Arfah Afaqi Zia Oct 2015
I confabulate with thee,
Your words cut me so deep,
Leaving scars beneath the holes piercing in my heart,

Your voice so unreachable,
I try to connect with you,
But the feelings of complete and utter love, far gone.

Uncontrollable urges dwelling inside me,
My mouth so dry, out of words,
Trying to communicate in terms of getting thee,

Tranquility far from being found,
Loneliness scares me,
Your presence though, takes my breath away and calms me down,

My weak heart,
Wilts without you,
Defoliating internally and breaking me,

My nervous system,
Secreting enzymes from the pituitary gland,
Enzymes of hopelessness and heart break,

It feels like an ocean without water,
Incomplete and dry,
Waiting to fulfill that thirst of love,

A day without you,
Feels like an era passed,
Changing my surrounding and you on the way,

Devastated I am,
Deprived of that charismatic love we once shared,
Now bond-less, like oxygen being separated from hydrogen,

With ever drop of blood that falls,
Draining all my veins and arteries,
I can swear, I will always love you till the day my heart stops beating.
1.1k · Aug 2015
A tribute to my Grandma
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Her sweet and melodious lullabies,
Her delicious and mouthwatering cakes and pies,
Always there to diminish our fears,
Helping and consoling us when we break in tears,
Love and compassion filled in her eyes,
Never creating a relationship based on lies,
Always making tremendous sacrifices,
For those in crisis,
Thank you Grandma for all you have done,
None of us can repay what you have begun !!!!
Love you so much nano... You are my everything <3
1.1k · Sep 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
O God,
The most beneficent and merciful,
Heal my scars,
Erase all my pain,
And clean my heart,
I may have sinned,
But I now feel it,
As it gets me abyss,
I feel my soul being ruptured from the inside,
I feel the wrongs i've done,
Its so excruciating,
My body seems to paralyze,
The moment I fall on my knees,
Asking for forgiveness.
I have sinned and gone astray,
From the charismatic path that leads to you,
The devil that now feeds on my soul,
It needs to go away,
As I am no more allowing it to prey on my soul.
This evil wipes all the sanity,
Leaving behind only tragedy,
Forgive me O lord,
For I have failed you,
Not once, not twice,
Many times !
I now see a light of hope,
That falls on me,
Awakening the right inside me,
O God make me one of your disciples,
Forgive everybit of what i've done,
So that I live in peace and eternity,
In the life that i've yet to see !
1.1k · Mar 2017
An arousing love bite
Arfah Afaqi Zia Mar 2017
Possession-ed kisses and passionate marks
under sheets of skin and layers of bites,
a shade of bluish and greenish bruises-
vibrantly sparks delight,

****** swoons bring in an urge
an unwanting sigh escapes
and leaves my trembling lips in thirst-
of a desire not yet suffice,

be it love or romance
the heart suddenly collides
shattered and beguiled by this beauty
replaces an arousing love bite.
1.1k · Aug 2015
Pakistan Independence Day
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Hoisted flags,
Houses alight,
Enthusiasm and faces so bright,
Different shades of green and white.

Celebrating this day in high spirits,
See the khakis on their feet,
Hark the drummers beat,
Soldiers with their flags and guns parading with precision and zeal.

Praises and accolades to Quaid,
He has given us a reason to fight,
Fight for Pakistan and for our right,
This purpose we have reached through our inner site.
Pakistan zindabad !!!!
1.0k · Sep 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
Seldom do you come,
Lighting up my dreams,
Anxiety wakes me up,
Vague memories though,
Escalating my heart beat,
Raving behavior,
Y**elling for no reason.
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Light shades,
Dark shades,
What am i to wear?

Lipstick, mascara,
Base and nail polish,
Mom in the back ground says, ' You're going to college.'

**** !
I need a new bag,
Also a liner by Mac.

Maybelline polishes,
All stacked,
So many colours,
But not black.

I need to apply Revlon,
As much as i can put on,
Making my lashes prominant.

5th Avenue, Still and Elizebeth Arden,
I want to wear them all,
' Oh no, i don't ' says my conscience,
But then again they're scents and my heart wants them.

Unzipping my wallet,
' No ', i have not much.
Making the puppy dog face,
' Mom ! Can i get money to buy a base ? '

She nodded.
' Also i want perfume, liner, mascara and a nail polish. '
She gives me a look.
' Go get your money and spend them on it.'

But i have no money,
I say,
She says,' Get a job and buy all of it.'
Like a baby i sob.

She ignores,
Looking all bored,
So she knows,
I'm acting emotional then why not scold
976 · Sep 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
You are the best thing that ever happened to me,
Everytime you come close to me,
Leaving no space between us,
Lovingly you drop your gaze on me,
Oh you take my soul away,
W**hatever you're doing I think its working !
A lyrical poem
©Arfah Afaqi Zia
972 · Aug 2015
Heartless soul
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Take my arm and let it slit,
Let the blood flow in bits,
Take my body away and add it in a list,
The list of those who have fallen into abyss.

I may have ruined my wrists,
Cutting deep in the presence of a wist,
Crying and screaming in this mist
But nothing in this world is worth a miss.
971 · Aug 2015
Trip to Naran
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
The rowing boats,
The cold weather and people in coats,
Snow capped mountains,
And glaciers settled.

Huge meadows,
Breezy weather,
Green grass,
And dancing  dandelions.

Beautiful scenery,
Rivulets and streams,
Cold water,
And dipped feet.

My trip to Naran was astounding,
Rafting in wild streams,
Eating trout fish,
Pakistan is amazing.
Naran is beautiful !
916 · Sep 2015
Skin ( Haiku 5)
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
Your radiant color-
Your flawless skin as white pearl,
Glitters under moonlight.

The light that falls-
Your exotic and ravishing skin,
Creamy, soft and edgy.

You leave deep marks-
On my body that pain a lot,
Bruises and scars.

The soft little bumps-
Trailing down your define jawline,
Make me flinch, shudder.

The touch I yearn-
Give me it all I say, love,
Give me all you got.
907 · Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
that we're
talking about
talk about
war !

raging conflicts,
And crazy politics.
They have left nations

Killing innocent children,
away so much.
Leaving scars  behind,
no feelings.
heartless !

What has been
To bring about such
malicious forms.

Disputes over
Disagreements over
Does it all matter ?

What is it
with people ?
People have
lost control.

Slaughtering people;
As if,
nothing matters.
Perceiving blood
in pools.
Nasty !

We have got to stop !
And minimize
terror and bloodshed.
So that people can
live their lives in
The world needs to change....
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
Consideration has led me nowhere,
As I trusted him blindly,

Caught deep in his spell,
Refusing to think wisely,

My heart full of love and desire,
Now broken in pieces,

I hope that it recovers,
And the pain finally ceases.
My best friend helped me in this....
Our first poem together :')
900 · Dec 2015
My atomic love
Arfah Afaqi Zia Dec 2015
The curvature  of your heart,
The center of attention that you are,
You pull me close to you,
A gravitational force is thus around you,
You accelerate my steps towards you,
You magnatize my heart,
And like electrons I revolve around you,
Our love is an atom,
You're  the nucleus I'm the electron,
I have many isotopes of you,
One is of love,
Second is for care,
And third is compassion.
892 · Mar 2016
Quote 11
Arfah Afaqi Zia Mar 2016
Love and desire, two different ways to ignite the fire.
870 · Jan 2017
Once upon a time
Arfah Afaqi Zia Jan 2017
Truth or lie,
Not so clarified,
Is it beauty that you seek or physical desire?
My heart pounds for you,
But there's poison in your head,
My heart is full of madness and regret,
Believing you and your small talking romance,
I'm tired of fantasizing love stories that start with, 'Once upon a time'!
833 · Oct 2015
Change needed
Arfah Afaqi Zia Oct 2015
A life they see,
Through their eyes,
Butterflies they see,
Fly in peace,

Their own lives not at peace,
Branded with whips,
Cut with knives,
Treated worse than animals,

Food so cold,
So raw,
Tasteless and sickening,
Have you ever dreamt of such a life?

Think about the other million,
Those who donot survive,
No food, no shelter, just pain,
Pray for the lot and bring about a change.
831 · Sep 2015
LOVE ME (haiku)
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2015
Loving me is not-
An option, its necessary,
So love me always !
Arfah Afaqi Zia Oct 2015
A ride down memory lane,
Is needles and pain,
The anxiety and the suicidal acts,
It makes you want to attempt,
How I wonder,
I was so imprudent and absurd,
To even do such work,
Irresponsible and immature.
I really need to move on,
And start a new life,
One with tranquility and independence,
A dignified yet personified life,
In defiance of my act,
In leadership of my say,
And thoughts that may not go astary,
For I need to relish,
To ponder and work on myself,
To lead a good and non materialistic life.
792 · Aug 2015
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
of the
has frightened him,
I see him lurking
behind his
has conversed
with him.
He himself
it to stay.
I don't
blame him,
Or his
what's annoying
me is his
Snap out of it !
Title credit goes to my aunt lol...
783 · Aug 2015
Story of a bird
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
I was once free,
Free to do what appealed me,
Flying from east to west,
And north to south.

I flew to lowlands and highlands,
In search of food,
To feed me and my kids.
To take a break away from my nest.

Then one day a huntsman caught me.
He locked me up in a cage,
It was so small that I'd suffocate.
I couldn't spread my wings.

I was taken to a house,
It was full of cockroach and mouse,
The huntsman fed me bird seeds.
They smelt of raw meat.

Hesitantly I ate what he gave,
I did what he wanted.
Because my life was on stake.
Thanks to my idiocy.

I wished I never flown to this jungle,
Where this cruel man resided.
In this dark and haunted nest
If this is what it's called.

He cut off my wings,
My beautiful blue wings !
He sells them to people.
Such an evil man.

If only I was a human,
I'd take my revenge.
But right now all I have to do is relax,
And hope that I live my life either his way or my way.
777 · Aug 2015
The annoying one
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Love is all he wants,
But he doesn't know I want,
Promises and lies is all he does,
Justifications is what he thinks are must,
Why doesn't he understand,
That he is not what I planned,
I don't want him in my life,
But all he wants to consider is his future wife,
It is obnoxious to even imagine,
He wants a response in reaction,
His pleading has made me sick,
He wants me to say 'yes' in a blink,
It's not  possible,
The two of us are not compatible,
Sense and humor has faded,
And only what left behind is to be aided,
Please have mercy,
And let me live in a journey of peace and eternity !
Desperate measures :p
769 · Aug 2015
A dark knight
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
That cold hearted yet ravishing knight,
He was in an armour with pride,
He caught my eyes,
He had the most divine smile,
Which could capture ones soul,
And crumble up all complains,
Shoving it away in the midst of this horizon.
764 · Jun 2016
Arfah Afaqi Zia Jun 2016
Spirituality sparks from within,
Love rejuvenates from depth,
Eyes drown and sink,
From beginning to end,
My heart yearns for you,
We connect through engaging eyes,

Your touch, Celeste and blazing,
Radiating and driving me crazy,
What is it about that touch?
It excites me so much,
My body experiences changes when you caress,
That touch so exulting that it leaves me wanting more.
Arfah Afaqi Zia Aug 2015
Hoisting flags everywhere,
Houses lit with lighting,
Crowd of patriots,
Celebrating this day in high spirits,
23rd March is the date,
A round of applause to our leaders,
Who put in all efforts,
Who built a new state,
To live as free citizens,
Free in an independent democratic state,
Praise Him, Almighty Allah,
As He has bestowed upon us a remarkable blessing,
A new state, Pakistan!
The love of everyone,
A peace loving country,
With a strong and patriotic army,
And an intellectual and hard working nation,
A salute to the nation and Pakistan army !!!
759 · Sep 2017
Arfah Afaqi Zia Sep 2017
dripping love
romance so feisty
****** and seductive moans

soft touch
and heaving chest
breathing so synchronized

under the light of a candle
in silence
two bodies collide

sharing passionate kisses
caressing each bump
all worry fades away.
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