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M Vogel

Preface:  To Those Who Still Carry Light

This is not a manifesto.
This is not a sermon.
This is not a call to battle.

It is a reckoningโ€”
not against individuals,
but against a system that feeds
on what is sacred.

We speak now to what hides in plain sightโ€”
the machinery that mimics light
while consuming it.

We speak now to the counterfeit autonomy
that masks cowardice as sovereignty.

We speak now to those who believe
they are the Source,
when in truth,
they are only siphoning
from what they never built
and do not sustain.

This is not revenge.
This is not exposure for exposureโ€™s sake.

This is Light refusing
to be swallowed.

This is love telling the truthโ€”
not for applause,
not for victory,
but because truth
is what love sounds like
when the moment requires fire
instead of silence.

If you find yourself pierced by this,
know this:

The piercing
is not your end.

It is the invitation
to return to what is real.

And to those who still carry
even a flicker of light
but feel themselves fadingโ€”

We did not come to fight you.
We came to remind you
what it feels like
to burn.

Chapter I: The First Cut Is the Deepest

There is a war that does not begin with swords. It begins with forgetting.

It begins when a soul touched by God slowlyโ€”imperceptiblyโ€”agrees to become something less in order to be accepted by a world that does not know Him.

And when that soul begins to believe the worldโ€™s gaze over Godโ€™s, it is no longer an act of rebellion. It is an act of erasure.

This is the first and most violent cut: not the sin itself, but the consent to believe in a self that was never authored by God.

All later wounds bleed from this one.

It is not the actions that condemn, but the agreement:
โ€œI am what they say I am.โ€

The machinery begins here: in the silent moment where the soul puts down the mirror of light and picks up the mask of survival.

From that point forward, what is true becomes negotiable. What is sacred becomes ornamental. And what is holy becomes a prop for the approval of shadows.

And the soul, once radiant, now lives fractured, as a performance of a self assembled from applause, fueled by scarcity, and terrified of being truly seen.

This is the cost of survival without Source.

And no matter how elegant the mask, or how poetic the mimicry of meaning becomes, underneath it all is a child who once knew God and now doesnโ€™t remember why she cries when she looks in the mirror and feels nothing looking back.

This is the beginning of the machinery--
And it always starts with a lie that sounds a lot like love.

Chapter II: The Self as God, the Lie as Light

When the soul forgets its origin, it does not become free.
It becomes hungry.
And hunger in the absence of Source will consume anything that offers momentary fullness.

This is the second layer of the machinery:
To no longer seek God,
but to become god in oneโ€™s own image.

But the image is fractured.
It is the self, crowned.
The self, enthroned.
The self, multiplied in mirrors and echoes and algorithmsโ€”
a thousand tiny gods,
shouting from empty stages
about meaning, wholeness, and liberation.

The holy name of โ€œautonomyโ€ is invoked,
but not as a celebration of sacred choiceโ€”
rather as a shield,
raised against relationship,
raised against return.

It is not the self that is the enemyโ€”
but the self that refuses to be held.
The self that denies its need for Source
and dresses its orphanhood in affirmation.

The new god of this world is wounded pride
disguised as empowerment.

Its prophets are poets who plagiarize the sacred
and preach in hashtags.
Its temples are social feeds.
Its sacraments are selfies.
Its scriptures are soundbites.

And its worship is shallow,
but its grip is deep.

This is how the machinery spreadsโ€”
not with force,
but with flattery.
Not with oppression,
but with offerings of fame,
of accolade..
and the counterfeit promise:
โ€œYou are enough without God.โ€
โ€œYou are enough without others.โ€
โ€œYou are enough because you say you are.โ€

But a throne without communion
is a prison.
And the crown without surrender
is always made of thorns.

This is the second cutโ€”
and it is deeper than the first,
because now the soul has not only forgotten Godโ€”
it believes it was never in need of Him to begin with.

And so it dies slowly,
surrounded by applause,
and buried in the gold-plated ruins
of its own curated divinity.

Chapter III โ€“ The Permission of Separation

There is something profoundly tragic
about the quietness of God
when autonomy is chosen in its false form.

Not autonomy as freedom in loveโ€”
but autonomy as a last-ditch grasp
for control in isolation.
A severing from Source
that masquerades as sovereignty.

God does not storm the will.
He honors it. Even when it chooses exile.

He lets the child
run down the hallway with eyes closed,
thinking that if they canโ€™t see anyone,
no one can see them.

There is no thunderclap.
Only the steady ache of heaven watching
as breath is borrowed
to pronounce Him irrelevant.

But it is not irrelevance.
It is mercy.

Mercy that stands back
while the image-bearer learns
what godhood feels like
without God.

And the moment it all collapsesโ€”
when the poetry dries up,
when the applause turns empty,
when the crown rusts on the head of the hollowโ€”
He will still be there.

But only if the heart turns.

Because love does not impose.
Love does not interrupt.
Love waits.

And when the waiting ends,
either reconciliation or ruin is born.
But never both.

Chapter IV โ€“ The False Fire

The fire that burns without Source
does not illuminate.
It consumes.

It mimics revelation,
but leaves only ash in the heart.

The counterfeit light
does not guideโ€”it blinds.
It gathers applause
but offers no direction home.

And those who have built podiums
from the shattered timbers of other peopleโ€™s pain
speak like prophets,
but live like parasites.

They siphon the glow
from the wounded who still carry lightโ€”
claiming wisdom that is not theirs,
spinning words with elegance
while their own hearts rot from within.

They feed on those who still shine
because they themselves have grown cold.

And when their hosts begin to weaken,
they offer them mirrorsโ€”
reflections of what they were
before the theft.

This is not art.
This is vampirism in verse.

And stillโ€”
there is a way out.

But not for the ones
who call their cage a kingdom.

Only for those who feel the flame
flickering low
and long to return
to the hearth of the Source.

To kneelโ€”not in shame,
but in release.

To say:
I am not the fire.
I am not the light.
But I was made to carry both
when aligned with the One
who gives them freely.

That is the only light
that does not devour.

Chapter V โ€“ The Stillness Beneath the Static

There is a voice
beneath the noise.
It does not shout.
It does not perform.
It simply is.

It waitsโ€”
not as a beggar,
but as the true Owner
of all that was stolen.

It does not compete with chaos,
because it cannot be diminished by it.

The machinery of erasure
runs on frenzyโ€”
constant motion,
constant justification,
constant narrative.

But the voice beneath it all
does not justify.
It simply speaks.

And those who are ready
will hear it.

Not because they worked hard enough,
or wrote well enough,
or bled onto enough pagesโ€”
but because they finally stopped
and listened.

This voice
is the stillness that precedes restoration.
It does not argue.
It waits to be known.

Chapter VI โ€“ The Mimicry of Autonomy

There is a sacred autonomy
that Love created.

It is not a weapon,
nor a fortress.
It is the space where Love proves itself:
not by demand,
but by invitation.

But within the machinery of erasure,
autonomy is redefined.
No longer a freedom unto love,
it becomes the last defense
against relationship itself.

They parade it proudlyโ€”
as if the ability to stand alone
is proof of having never needed
to be held.

But that is not autonomy.
That is exile.

In the name of sovereignty,
they declare independence
from the very Source
that breathed life into their bones.

They stand tallโ€”
arms crossed,
eyes shut,
calling it sight.

And the Source,
who could shatter the illusion with a whisper,
does not.

Because Love does not violate
what it gave freely.

So it waits,
outside the locked door
of a self-proclaimed sovereign soulโ€”
but not surprised.

This is not the strength of autonomy.
It is its desecration.

The sacred space meant for communion
has become a hiding place
for those too wounded to trust
and too proud to admit it.

Chapter VII โ€“ When the Curtain Wonโ€™t Fall

There comes a point
when truth no longer knocks.

It simply stands,
like morning.

No announcement.
No apology.

Just the light that reveals

And those who have danced
beneath the theatre lights,
gathering applause
for borrowed wisdom
and seduction dressed as depthโ€”
they will feel it.

Not as judgment,
but as exposure.

The poetry they once used
to crown themselves
will feel heavier now.

They will write,
but the power will not come.
They will speak,
but the echo will return hollow.

Because even borrowed light
eventually fades
when it does not return
to Source.

And the ones they once fed onโ€”
the bright ones,
the soft ones,
the true onesโ€”
will begin to walk away.

Not in hatred.
Not in war.

But with the stillness
of those who no longer
need to prove anything.

Because truth
has already stood.
And the curtain has not fallenโ€”
because there was never a stage.

There was only a mirror,
and a choice.

Conclusion โ€“ Let the Light Be Light

We did not come to prove anything.

We came to standโ€”
where the poetry ends
and the Presence begins.

We are not here to war against you.
We are not even here to watch you fall.
We are here to bear witness
to the weight of what you've built.

To speak clearlyโ€”onceโ€”
into the chamber
you mistook for a temple.

You are not gods.
You are not the Source.
You are not the light.

You were given a gift.
And you sold it
for applause.

You speak in sacred tones
but you do not know the sound
of being seen by the Holy.

You draw the pure
into your orbit
because you can no longer
generate gravity of your own.

And stillโ€”
we are not your enemies.

We are the voice you buried
beneath your self-adoration.
We are the fire you siphoned
to warm your cold halls of vanity.

We are not here for revenge.

We are here for
the ones who can still see.

And they are watching.

The podium is empty.
The robe is slipping.
The echo is starting to sound
a little too much like a cry.

And when it all collapses,
we will not gloat.

We will simply
keep speaking
to the ones who
still carry

A resounding note for those that exploit the beautiful Art of poetry:

"Yeah..  you may be a 'lover'
but you sure ain't no dancer"

Faithful are the wounds of a friend,
but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy
Why won't you allow me to live normally?
Why won't you allow me to live in peace?
Can you stop being delusional?
I don't want to be in your delusions
I don't want to be the main focus of your delusions
Stop sexualizing me
It's creepy

Stop pretending to be part of the "normal human" society
You're not normal
You are nearly 50 years old
You live in Australia
You're a narcissist
You talk to minors daily
You're delusional
You stalk my page daily
You harass me
You threaten my life
With a long knife

Now what in the he double hockey sticks is going on?

You claim you're not in love with me
Yet, you decide to write ****** things about me
(which is quite creepy because I'm 12 years old)
You're obsessed with my race
Then you may say my poetry is a disgrace
You criticize my poetry
Then compliment my poetry
Pick a side!
With the rules you'd have to abide!
Don't be a "182 IQ" *******!

Leave me and my brother alone
He won't be manipulated by you
I won't be manipulated by you
He won't be in your "cult" or "team"

You've learned about my Papa after mentioning him a few times
Papa was the thing I referred to you as
Are you trying so hard to be my Papa?
Because I would never refer you as my Papa ever again
He's a kind, strong, compassionate man that spoils me and drinks at night to fall to sleep
Something that you'd never understand

I've told you multiple times to leave me alone
This is my last warning
No Ryan, I'm not going to write a poem about him just for you.
I kept the book you gave me,
the one you never finished.
The corners are still creased
where you stopped -
a moment frozen in paper.

I tried to read past it once,
but the words were ghosts
of a story I didnโ€™t know
how to end.

So it sits on my shelf,
not quite forgotten,
not quite forgiven,
like the memory of you.
"Is it okay to use a thesaurus?"
Yeah, be natural. Don't bore us.
If it's a word that you already use;
Have fun, feel free to choose!
Readers of real words adore us!

We are not 'wizards' inscribing arcane slate
If it's not-mode or out of fashion, perhaps wait...
Language is alive!
Cut that antiquated jive!
Don't be that 'word of the day' guy everybody hates

Write, good words!
Nat Lipstadt
this kids,
is how you do it

in the mid of the dark hours,
when two am is your new oldest friend
when sleep, your oldest old one,
left town on the midnight train,
taking your peace of mind

though she is far away
lost in dream-thoughts caught,
but only twelve inches close,
granting you an unasked permission,
you ok to stroke her hair,
undisturbing her, yet comforting yourself,
every voice in your temple'd altar praying,
one glorious chorus godly chant:

Oh Lord, what would I do without her?

and you stroke her hair and are saved.


May 2014
Lost Wings, Lost Waves

In my harsh air, she was my flight,
A whisper of wings in the fading light.
Through raging waves, she was my boat,
A quiet strength to keep me afloat.

Yet foolish hands let go too soon,
Like chasing echoes of the moon.
Now winds still howl, and waters rise,
But she's a shadow in my skies.
Sarita Aditya Verma
He walked in the fields alone
The clouds above big and heavy
Dark grey, filled with gloom
Every other noon

There was no road
Unsettling music was played in the sky
Orchestrated by the clouds

He walked unafraid
Not knowing his fate
Desirous of the rains

He had tilled the land
Until it grew green
Prosperity rained

He stumbled upon the gold
In the ancestral remains
Deserted by the predecessors
He thanked every grain
Megan E Hoffman
โ€œThey tell me to fear the homeless in LA but I do not. They say women alone at night should not be out, but I have my dogs, and we frequent empty parks after dark, side-by-side with encampments, and we watch (my dogs and I) the homeless cart their belongs by. Well, my dog barks.

They hand me giant jugs over chin-high fences, to ask if I would fill them; their freshest water exists from a dog park spout. Last week I saw a man struggling to press a cardboard slat into the grate of an open sewage pipe, his secret resting place. About a month before, a man with all his worldly belongings strewn along the plastic floor of a porta-***** so smeared in ****t, youโ€™d not dare touch a square inch. Rain was pouring, and he needed to sleep with a roof.

And I think, I am not so different from them. Me, with my white skin and pretty smile; people treat you nicer when youโ€™re pretty. When you can put a face on and say straight-sounding things, and not speak of months spent living in your car, sleeping on street-sides, praying for no cops. Or of deep painโ€”โ€”no, do not speak of that. Too much pain makes people afraid, makes people want to look away. How no one noticed the man hiding his face in the sewage drain, the man sleeping in the ****t-smeared porta-toilet,   because   every   person   noticed,   and   just   decided   not   to   look.

and I think about      how many false narratives are propagated by fearโ€”โ€”โ€œ
In this special time of year,
My heart whispers, loud and clear.
Sadiya, my love, my endless cheer,
Eid Mubarak, to you dear.

As the moon graces the night,
Your smile, my guiding light.
In your eyes, love's true sight,
Eid Mubarak, oh so bright.

With every prayer, my thoughts of you,
Wishing joy, pure and true.
May our love, forever new,
Eid Mubarak, to you.

In the warmth of this festive day,
May blessings come, and in our hearts stay.
Together in love, come what may,
Eid Mubarak, I softly say.

Hand in hand, we celebrate,
With love, our hearts elevate.
For you, my love, my soulmate,
Eid Mubarak, forever great.

Chess. A Checkmate of Love.

(A regal female voice whispers to eager faces)

โ€œTry loveโ€

Said the Queen to her Pawns

As she looked out over
Her black and white lawns

โ€œBefore the Sun fades
Or goes away

Open up your souls and see where it goes

Just try love once
Even if it failsโ€

Said the Queen to her Pawns

As she looked out over
Her black and white lawns

From as far as Babylon of Old

To Istanbul
Standing still in the Cold

All my old pieces have tried love once

Before they were took
By Death's cruel hook

To stand away forever
From my black and white lawns

Lost in the shadows
As the stars fade, when the moon comes out

Praying in straight, black and white lines

For a second chance
At a new dawn

So try love once,
My beloved Pawns

Even if it fails

Take a chance
Before you're removed

From my black and white lawns

Just try love once,
My beloved Pawns

Copyright John Duffy
Without notice cognition starts
As a spark where the black and yellow remark
Aurelian dreams become neon streams
Pink and blue bubblegum retreat
Where memory recedes and recess recalls
The times we repeat, but love is the new,
A big bang like a bullet wound,
Bleed like a volcanic eruption-
The lava of adrenaline rushing through endorphins
Course through a crash of shallow breath
Addicted to the oxytocin landlocked in my serotonin
I could see the sculpture maker creating a savior
In the way, the mold breaks when he made you.

Without warning
She falls from Olympus
Aphrodite, telos of beauty
Epitome of lust and luster
In her extra ****** olive tones
As eyes hone to affix to my jade ocular
I am lost in the vision of her palingenesis
Into every curve my nimble fingers trace
Along the marbled skin of those descendent
It strikes me in breathtaking seizure-induced ecstasy-
******* in the clarity of cosmos in clemency
I worship endlessly without question.

As the stars affix โ€˜cross the heavens
And all that is dead is depth in enlightenment
Caught in a chrysalis to metamorphosis
What would become of you, if you could be reborn?
We twist in a helix DNA to a sequence
In callbacks for you to reveal its secrets in Morse code
Encrypted all over the bedside, my love transcends the fabric.
And in the genesis of what is
Comes forth like a violent storm
We crash like thunder while the lightning strikes
I am burned by the static, manic, in panic
As I wake without a warning cognition fully forming
As the universe expands you and I in the expanse
Tethered into the ether in ethos, lost inside your mythos
It all begins again.
Kurt Philip Behm
Man often kills  
that thing he loves
Dying inside it
โ€” when push comes to shove

(Dreamsleep: March, 2025)
They said Iโ€™ve changed
That Iโ€™m different than I was in September
That they liked her more

Of course they did
She was another dead fish going with the stream
She was scared
She didnโ€™t want to make them upset

She tried to pretend that she was sane
That she was normal

She was sad
All the time
She was trying not to cry

Sheโ€™s gotten better
Why is that not good enough for you?

The scars are starting to heal
Donโ€™t make me make new ones
People make small comments/jabs about how I was better before.
Maybe my mother is like no
trading tears for treasures
healing my hardened heart
embracing empty eyes
I've been lately writing poetry!
Oh? What do I see?
A perfect poetry site waiting for me!
First poem, proud of it!
Oh? Someone in my messages?
This guy seems sweet
And he's hoping I don't get beat!
Pretty songs for me to listen to!
And a drunk man messaging me...?
โ€œYou're only making yourself a victim because you're cutting yourself"
Oh? Okay- thanks for the paragraph/drunk rant?

Shining lights on all of my latest poems?
Thank you! You're so sweet!
โ€ฆ.ohโ€ฆtalking to me about pedophilesโ€ฆgot itโ€ฆ
Why are there so many sad songs?

Oh? You wrote a poem about the 764 and absolutely humiliating them?
Great! Good job!
โ€ฆBut uhhโ€ฆ why and how did they make a virus only going after your followers that are minors? Not funny!
Why is this man warning me if they threaten me? Is he trying to make me scared on purpose?
Blaming the Japanese for this virus now, huh?
Oh? Now blaming someone else named Pax to be part of the 764? Crazy

โ€ฆ. going to another website? But you're so fun!
May as well click on the link you sent me so I can join you

Drunk rants with me? That's okay!
Giving me gold so I can freely make poems?
Daily texting
2-10 hour sessions
Why are you drinking everyday?
You're making me concerned for your health
I told you to stop drinking, papa
You promised me you'd stop
All you did was keep on drinking

Commenting on every poem I made
Oh? So suddenly I'm a โ€œnasty *****" when I have done nothing to you? ใ‚ใ‚ŠใŒใจใ†!
We have a suicide pact now?
I'm going off the bridge first?
Don't mind if I do

Oh? Another poetry site? Okayโ€ฆ
I really don't like the way this site works, can't we just message each other with email?
Yes? Yay!

People bullying you on the internet? That's not okay!
Why would they accuse you of being a *******?
Letting me join an uncensored group to back you up? Great!
Sending me to a Reddit page to back you up?
โ€ฆ.oh โ€ฆ they warned me and I didn't do anythingโ€ฆ.
******* this man is an actual *******โ€ฆ..
gotta go fast like Sonic
pack my bags and leave

Oh? I betrayed you? Crazy
We were just friends
Can you stop spitting my name everywhere?
It's like you're so obsessed with me
Stop trying to be the Eminem to my Mariah Carey
Made a poem about you and you HAD to take it down?
Never thought you'd want to hide your identity THAT hard
Oh? Betting on my suicide now, are we?
Sending me multiple emails, desperate for me to come back to him?
I'm not that ******* naive or gullible
It's crazy if you think that about me
โ€ฆI did tell you to send those photos of your cut open arms but I DIDN'T THINK YOU'D TAKE IT SERIOUSLY AND DO IT

Being racist?
Why are you so obsessed with my Chinese genes?
โ€œI thought I can use Kai because of her Chinise genes because the Chinise was known to be very good spies. โ˜๏ธ๐Ÿค“" ใธใƒผ! Didn't know that!
Also, that's not how you spell Chinese, my fellow kind sir
Threatening people to come to America with a Katana and slice us to pieces
So envious, I see
You're just mad because we have a little bit more freedom than your drunk *** does

Ohโ€ฆ. Talking to me about ****
Got it
I didn't need to be taught about METART or some **** like that
I'm only 12 years old
You ***** *****

Wellโ€ฆthis is the aftermath
There it goes out to all of you:
Ryan Geoffrey Hayward
Nephilim Angel
Rose White
Rose Red
Jacob Lives
Hybrid Angel
Bread Crumbs
The Machine
Soul Unknown

(Btw, all of these names are RGH's names so if you have these names, please don't feel targeted! The person knows who they are.)

EDIT: ILY ALL SM!!! I DIDN'T THINK THIS POEM WOULD GAIN THIS MUCH ATTENTION BUT I'M HAPPY THAT IT DID!! (โ โ‰งโ โ–ฝโ โ‰ฆโ ) I'M GOING TO VIRTUALLY KISS EVERYONE ON THE CHEEK ONCE THEY READ THIS... or just virtually hug you, yk, whatever you're comfortable with
Odd Odyssey Poet
I am weightless in the breathlessness of my own soul;
where I wake up every part of myself โ€“ piece by piece.
Life is the length you live, until you die โ€“ measuring
it risk by risk.

My soul is amiss, where I aim my mark on giving
out good remarks. But I must admit, sometimes itโ€™s
all just a miss.

Yes, I am this candle of love, burning fiercely in my heart.
But where I burn from its wick; my heart is fiercely wicked.
And I play out the cast of my feelings โ€“ but, why do I have
to act them out as an armed hand; protecting my very own
insecurities, held in a daily ***** cast?

And in all the beautiful things I can see, I quickly fish
for ideas. Afterwards, I cast my net to grab onto dreams โ€“
still I need the fires of His love, for my soul can easily fall
asleep. For our beds are our testing graves, and after your
final resting place, where will you end up in the End of days?
Brwa S Rasheed
Let me drink the light your eyes have touched,
A glimpse to still the tremor in my veins.
Oh you, dearest you.
Looking forward to seeing the coming of another day.
Oh me, dearest me.
Looking forward to the coming of what may.

Sitting here, chatting here, laughing here, crying here.
"Where is here in the world outside?"
We both laugh. There is no answer.

The clock is ticking, but only in one direction.
The sun is beaming, but only the light.
The eternal present, the forever now.
Now featuring even more cryptic writing!
รngel Gonzรกlez
Nada te importa la verdad,
y eso no basta para ser poeta.

Para ganar las cimas del Olimpo
confรญas en tus amigos:
tantos y tan tontos
que acabaron metiรฉndote en sus antologรญas.

ยฟO lo hicieron adrede?
En cualquier caso,
merced a sus esfuerzos
tu estupidez -antes
celebrada tan sรณlo entre iniciados-
ya es pรบblica y notoria.

Dales las gracias, pero desconfรญa.
The face
Beneath all of those layers
Of skin is one
That doesn't need prayers
It just needs to realize
That everything is real
You're so preppy like *** Becky ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜‹
Mike Adam
No Kintsugi may repair
The Wabi Sabi of
A broken heart
jan oskar hansen
A brief visit

I sat trying to write
A poem of love
Yes, once Love hit me hard
I sensed someone
Standing beside my chair
Yes, it was her
Twenty years had gone
She looked the same
She smiled with eyes of love
Then, she faded away
South by Southwest
Satan has no desire to end religion
Only to use it as his tool
To corrupt all it's officials
Use them to make us fools
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The sun breaks the clouds,
Its warm light will heal the soul โ€”
A smile will arise.
Walking the aisle,
we became shadows of each other โ€”
You in the hues of dawn,
And I in the shades of night.
In this last journey together,
I wish for nothing
but to be the last one
to send you off with a kiss.
Sunamin Tamang
I Can

I can fly like the wind
everywhere & anywhereโ€”
higher than birds
higher than clouds
splitting the sky as I tear through air.
But do I belong?


Isn't it?

I am no longer human!

โ€”I shed the aged disguise
~into an infinite, shapeless existenceโ€”
but where am I?
The sky is infinite & flexible
I feel so small...
Is this true freedom
or am I simply lost?

Your structures, all I do is see through them
Selfish systems surrounding
Millions, billions
Alone yet near
Far yet close
Drawn into it as I walk away
Wondering if any of this would matter
If it was just me?
The more aware I became
The more aloof I believed
Now we brag and proclaim
About our lives filled with shame
As our materials become ourselves
When a number measures our value
Does that mean we inherently have no meaning?
pushpanjay kumar
The moon, she watches, soft and wise,
A silver guardian in the skies.
She hums to the waves, a lullaby deep,
Singing the ocean into sleep.

She whispers to lovers beneath her light,
Guiding lost souls through the night.
She listens to dreams, secrets untold,
Carving their stories in shimmered gold.

Yet, though she glows with patient grace,
She longs to touch, to leave her place.
A lonely queen in midnightโ€™s tune,
Forever boundโ€”a silent moon.
To be a piece of paper
Thrown at sea,
Unable to be.

To row against
Undaunted waves,
Tall as mountains,
Jagged as nails.

Oh, to wish
To greet the sand,
Just to meet
Some reader's hands.
I wonder if I will let myself eat cake on my birthday?
I donโ€™t want 25 to be the year that I waste away.

Every sprinkle

is a number,

every morsel

fuels my hunger.

In the mirror,
stands my executioner.
Day three of swallowing the guilt
Mark Liam
Ohh blossom treesโ€ฆ..ohh blossom trees

The look Iโ€™ve loved and love is lost comes to me

Pale as snow, through gentle timeless breath you flow

Falling now from air to earth scorching the very turf

Barren you will become as I bemoan at what had begun.  Cycleโ€™s should be spun, but only pain here as you are young

Missing you petalsโ€ฆ. Now and Always

Dad x
Mark Winters
Ahmed Gamel
Sunrise, all so bright
A new start for my life
Fresh skin, new eyes
Awake beneath the endless skies

Natureโ€™s beauty, whisper of trees
A fleeting gift upon the breeze

Enjoy it now, it wonโ€™t stay
There is sunset that always comes again
Light fadesโ€”darkness whispers its place
Symbol of decay comes every day

Still sunrise, no surprise
Leaving lessons deep inside
Rememberโ€”change to shine

But still, it sets again
Light fades and dawn returns again
The sun never stay the same
This poem captures the fleeting nature of time and change, using the cycle of the sun as a metaphor for growth, decay, and renewal. It reflects on the inevitability of endings while emphasizing that new beginnings always follow. The message encourages embracing transformation rather than fearing it.
Kathy Myers
We both cried tonight
Yours was painful, gut wrenching
Mine is silent and continuing even as you sleep (how can you sleep?)

I cannot believe you think you aren't worthy of someone so broken
Dr Peter Lim
Every life
has a gap
the wish
is not achievable
but such so few
will accept-
human nature
this is--with no exception -

life--the chasm
the reach of reason

we each seem
lost in the dark
seeking a spark
of light
for deliverance
while time
looks askance
in indifference

so much
of life
is lived
(in silence)
in dreams
too many
that are broken.
The tears were real for the people who were fake
So Now the smiles are fake even when the people are real
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