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May 2020 · 353
My love was never adequate in your life
My sacrifices were nothing in your eyes
The gravity of our relationship was so light that it couldn't attract the single glance of your sight
And My poems meant nothing to you but a rhyming piece of lie.
Apr 2020 · 305
Cursed with witnessing everything
Seldom love frequently disappointment
Listens to the unsaid mystery
and guide people to the world of poetry
Bears the misery of the worst of time
Sometimes drip droplet of water for healing a deep wound
It creates the world like it feels
And derive happiness through indulging itself in the dreams
It learns to cope up with face full of lie
And still people don't believe the world seen by eye.
They speak the language only few of us can hear
People either her in love or with the heartbreak.
It pays for the mistake of heart and brain.
And often drives people crazy or insane.
The demons of the person stays in them
And linger in the darkness and conceal itself
It sees everything since we came and takes the complete rest in the end.
Apr 2020 · 384
I owe myself way more than I owe to any body else.
Apr 2020 · 273
My brain was thinking so loud that i could not hear her footstep leaving my heart.
Apr 2020 · 284
You don't owe anyone anything and everyone is different so embrace your uniqueness and live your life to the fullest.
Apr 2020 · 333
Sooner or later the fire that i love about you is gonna turn my heart into ashes.
Apr 2020 · 194
The day you will understand who is praying for you and who is playing with you, Everything would make sense.
Mar 2020 · 180
Her eyes spoke unique language, the language only i could understand..
Mar 2020 · 267
He was tired of his whole life
Every breath he took killed him at a time
And each of it felt like a debt on his life,
In the darkness he followed the only source of light,
In the way he collided with himself whom he had lost in a while,
Talked with him for the whole long night,and
Listened that One must strive to find his own voice,
We are not kite that just moves when someone guide,
We need to find a way inside
that connects our heart to the world outside,
Be a maverick and sail against the tide,
Hold your ground and Dont carry the burden of lie,
Nobody should hinder his life just by working to survive
Never deny the passion of your life,
one must not disguise by following other's intent of life,
And the longer you will wait to rise, the far it  would go from your sight.
Mar 2020 · 231
Sooner or later the fire that i love above you is gonna turn my heart into ashes.
Mar 2020 · 262
As a hunter would wait
And watch from far away,
He always knew he have to work silently
To get his hand on his prey,
In the time he would keep
Himself hidden in green,
He would scheme and plan
Before he takes his aim,
Hear and sense, and dont just trust
Be a like hunter and dont fall for bait,
The vicinity is vitiate
Its full of foul intent,
If you don't stay alert you would fall like icarus,
See the world as facade
And keep conscience sharp as blade,
Depict yourself sagacious
And slain judas without lament.
Mar 2020 · 84
Love has meant and continues to mean, a great variety of different things to great variety of lovers from great varieties of perspectives.
Not a poem
Mar 2020 · 130
My life has been tied to past
That's why peace in my life didn't last,
My past has cast its shadow
Leaving no trace of my tommorow,
My daily struggle for tomorrow
Fills my life with sorrow,
I try to express my thoughts
And it leads me to the world of fraught
I try to weave the magical cloak
That would hide me from my darkest dawn,
I try to get lost in tree, thinking that it would give me mind full of peace,
Peace is my only key to the world which is vast
That would give me  tommorow that i lost.
Mar 2020 · 187
Everyday i overthink my overthinking about myself talking to myself about myself overthinking about you.
How am i gonna stay the same?
The circumstances have changed
I just self pity on my only mistake
I need an eternal break from the
Mayhem i create
In the bright sunny days i try hard to escape from my ugly, dark phase,
And this struggle inflict an endless ache,
How am i gonna stay the same?
My perception of myself has changed,
I reside and get lost in the wrinkle of pain,
And sometimes get zoned out in the crowd full of menace,
In my vengeful eyes the uncleared sight  
Of my dusty- rusty life,
My intention changed and my brain is drained
Of the good old thoughts,
How am i gonna stay the same?
Everyday i try not to live a sinful life
full of  skirmish, carnage and havoc,
People try to boast and swank of their
dirt and land,
And i give a smile and look at my red right hand.
This poem is about the change in perspective and attitude of the man after he dealt with something nightmarish because of his own mistake and how this change had made him unkind and cruel.
Feb 2020 · 122
He felt alone in the crowd,
he is broken in the prime of life,
he just wanna figure the crap out
that what he needs to do  and how,
everyday he hustles and struggles
but he never ever bursts the bubble
of dreams,
he fell down and gets knocked out
but he clobbers his way out
of the situations,
he escapes every demolition and
moves toward his destination,
he doesn't  give up so easy because
he feels the burden of his duty,
he doesn't like it but keeps denying it,
he understands this that life is not the same and he just needs to be sane with the circumstances which is turning him insane,
Its disdain how he treated himself to get past of the pain
which had made his heart laden,
Now he keeps himself at a distance
from the thoughts leading him to predicament,
But the thing have changed he is moving with a great pace,
Now he doesn't disgrace himself, he rather embrace himself,  
He keeps trying to move up
and tries to unleash his berserk.
This poem us about the daily struggle of a boy..
Feb 2020 · 107
Cliché line
Eyes puddled with tear
Heart full of fear
I tried measuring the pain, i would bear

Voice down with sorrow
Gambled my everything on tomorrow
I wanted some courage which i could borrow

Brain striked some alert
But i reminded myself of the pleasure i felt
That's why i was ready to rush with the future i built
In my dreams

I tried fixing a milestone
I have some leverage of thing happened for time being
So i moved forward with numb feet

I knew destiny hold some path
I tried looking at that but its quite darth
All i could listen in my head was the beat of gath,

I muffled some cliché line
It twisted the way I see reflection of mine and
That sent me away to the exile from my happiness and life,

All the lights in my world went off,
I stood still in the darkness with my broken thoughts
I couldn't feel anything still my eyes slooshed out

Time didn't stay for me because
I kept looking at my misery and
reverie about the time where i made mistake of muffling the cliché line..
Jan 2020 · 102
Rise up
Cant try to open the fragile door
Which connects my heartbeat to your tune,
The nick on the surface of my dream
Show the eternal traces of your imprint,
The fragrance of the woe
has filled my life like i am stuck in its meadow,
Everytime when i get small glimpse of your endearing countenance
It takes me directly to the state of oblivion,
The stony road i chose hastily
Inrtoduced me to the pain and disability
Somedays i stop and regret
And somedays i relish the pain to rise up.
Jan 2020 · 119
When the time will come, the shine will go,
I will lay still and hear the whisper of meadow,
I will take the rest and will take down burden off my chest,
I will see the reality without it being dipped in duplicity,
I might sound like clairvoyant but i just wanna be independent,
I wanna escape the merriment of this fake world full of maleficent,
The situation would be apparent and my soul will witnesses it with a distance,
There will be no more lie because i will leave this place of betrayal and desire.
Dec 2019 · 279
Tangled in the past
Never knew how to get rid of that
I retaliated the Way I could
But it was way too hard

The memories we built together
Is ******* my heart
I could still feel the mist of the memories
We shared before we went apart

It's quite absurd to say but
I still garner the moment of our past
I am still in quandary why
I keep prattling about you in night

I bungle to keep my promise
to walk down with you,
the stairs of my life
I don't know how are you dealing with it
Cause deep inside me
its demolishing my heart

I don't know how it will end
But i am ready for the consequences
Of dwelling with the memories we shared together
Cause i have credence that
this is my inclination to live my life

Tangled in the memories of you and me
Together in the past.
Dec 2019 · 205
there is a boy
sitting solitary
under a tree

in bright sunshine
his vision is haze ,
he kept himself in masquerade ,
for long

now the cost he is paying
hiding from the world
that  was his game ,

want to leave behind
the mess he made ,
looking within the past for his gaffe .

cause he was pretender
wanted to hide in shell .

he had made a game
which is now labyrinth
killing his all instinct

he got to run from it
to save his conscience

cause he was pretender
that made his life a void

he got to run from it,
to save his conscience .
Dec 2019 · 238
The agony brings back the memories of you and me laying beneath a tree.,
Listening to the music that breath and heart beat plays,
You put your head on my chest and pour down the tear on my shirt,
You trembled and cried bitterly,
in that instant i thought i was guilty,
I felt like i was out of my sense,
just felt the ***** of your voice.
I lay there like i was dead and inside i was trying to clear my head,
My conscience had pulled the curtain
and i could only think of my gloomy end.
I tried to speak but i was chocked
But you look at me with glimpse of hope,
Which made me think that i should cry,
Then I grabbed you close and held you tight  and felt the heat of your breath
Which started to rise,
I heard those three beautiful word
While your breath slowly diminished
and finally it ended up.
Dec 2019 · 277
Blank is my heart which i want someone to fill,
Open is the door in which i want someone to get in,
Warm is the breath i want to feel,
Bleak is my life which thinks that all this is just a dream.
#despair #heartache
Dec 2019 · 311
Not everytime people get saved
Sometimes the feeling changes and they get changed,
They put their emotions at stake and start to think their existence is mistake,
They try to open the gate to go out to taste the flavor of the hate,
Which keeps rising with haste
But it lead them to a state which is full of anger and rage,
They don't wanna be loved and think it as a bait which lead people to journey of being betrayed,
They wanna escape the road full of ungrateful faces, where people don't get anything but pain and heartache.
Dec 2019 · 136
Shattered dream,
Unrest full days,
Lost in thought
And struggle to say
Wisdom is far away,
I have become anger's prey
I don't know why i feel
that there is something i miss to say

Tell me what i am supposed to do,
What can i do to get over from you,
You never did anything wrong
But thinking of you makes my eyes wet
for long

I have become puppet of your joyous face
Which is pushing me deeper in my gloomy days,
I can't figure out
Where am i lying because my conciousness is on the verge of dying,

Apparently i can not see
Because I am sinking in the
Bottom of disgraceful sea.
Dec 2019 · 754
I wear a mask and i wear a smile,
I stay awake and i find a place to hide,
My eyes are sore and my soul bleeds
Want to leave it all and get back to sleep,
Sleep where my brain stops
so that i could stay away from all chaos,
Complexities had mended my soul and now its full of dent and full of bruise,
My life had turned into an inevitable cage which is driving me crazy and inducing the rage,
I try to keep the balance in my life but
It feels like running from my darker side,
The demon inside me is embracing this fall
Cause he is getting control of my every cords,
I can't cope up with these negative thoughts and this is turning me into a sociopath.
I have written this poem after i saw Joaquin Phoenix's joker.. I was so impressed with the film the i thought to write some on it..

— The End —