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937 · May 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
Longing to be in Your Presence
aching to be in Your light
for when You suffered
for when You died
You saved my life
You paid the ultimate price
and as I fall upon my knees
unworthy of Your grace and glory
The love of God is placed before me
and you kiss my eyes
and I am born again
I am forgiven
And my God be to glory
I am saved from sin
(C) Maxwell 2014
932 · May 2016
the rope
Luna Lynn May 2016
you don't know how it feels
the strength it takes
facing each day
each day the sun breaks
through the clouds
is a rainbow
but the storm still rages
and the hurt takes new form
as you open your eyes
you see the light
it burns
pull the shades you're still in pain
a pill can't cure
you put your life
your future
into the hands with the knife
you must be ready
you must be sure
are you ready
i don't know
stop asking if i'm okay
this isn't life
this isn't real
this isn't me

i don't remember
the land is foreign
in my brain
i don't remember where
i'm going
i don't recall what i say
close the shades

knocked down a notch
after just i climbed up
the rope
i finally found myself
and now i must let go
swinging, swaying
it isn't safe
but it is life
and i barely hold on
but forcibly
each day breaks
i push myself
through the dark
open the shades
and i go on

am i ready?
how do i feel today?

i am ready to jump
and let it sway
(C) Maxwell 2016
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
I won't continue
to waste not one syllable
on your sorry ***!
What? It's true.

(C) Maxwell 2014
924 · Dec 2015
Luna Lynn Dec 2015
i need to cry
but who can i call?
it's late
and you're sleeping
it's been a long day after all

i need to cry
but who can hold me?
it will be okay
it's not so bad
is what you've always told me

i need to cry
but i am here alone
each tear falls in silence
no one hears it
no one's home

i need to cry
but it may not stop
the ache in my heart
will hemorrhage
and it's the only life i've got

i need to cry
because it isn't fair
a thousand knives
into the core of my being
by saying he won't be there

i need to cry

i need to.
but i can't.

(C) Maxwell 2015
910 · Sep 2014
Undying Love
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
light a candle in the wind
if you dare to take chance
and waltz on the moon
for our very last dance
my prince of the sunrise
my lovely dark knight
you shine brighter than heaven
oh, love what a sight!
your breath on my neck
is a passion of gold
your grasp on my heart
reaches down to my soul
our lives remain questioned
our future is blind
so enclose the tips of your fingers
so deeply in mine
when I look into your eyes
i know i am home
when you speak tongues of life
i know i'm never alone

i'll lay down my life
as your lips kiss my brow
the fire you create
please don't put it out now
this is not a replacement
nor a humble goodbye
but rather preparation
for the difficult times
though we shall not bear witness
to the back of our minds
let us just keep on dancing
until our bodies decline

for even in death,
your heart will always be mine.
In lieu of sorrow, we shall celebrate our life and love to this day every day as if it were the last day. Smiles and laughter replace tears and pain, and love is reborn and my heart is birthed once again. I love you T.

(C) Maxwell 2014
905 · Oct 2014
i love you (haiku)
Luna Lynn Oct 2014
i love you so deep
if time is not on our side
i still fall deeper
(C) Maxwell 2014
904 · Jul 2015
love at first sight
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
Once upon a time
there lived love at first sight
a vision of most intriguing wonders
a feeling of mutual gravitational pull
and as their hearts intertwined
their worlds became one
one in the same
And soon they couldn't bear
not one moment apart
not even the idea of another
would settle easy in love at first sight
but a sudden wind came in
spinning it all out of control
and their world became threatened
although their hearts protected
forever would never be the same
a future would never hold the promise
it had once gained
and now the love has to live
amidst the sorrows of the coming goodbye
but love will never end
even if the body dies

when it's love at first sight
(C) Maxwell 2015
897 · Dec 2016
don't breathe
Luna Lynn Dec 2016
pain will keep you from living a normal life
what's normal anymore?
pain will make you not want to get out of bed in the morning
pain will make you eager to go to sleep at night
pain will make you wonder if you'll wake up

pain will compromise your confidence in your own sanity
what's sane anymore?
pain will make you cry until your eyes stop working
pain will make you ***** every chance of healing you ever had
pain will take the air from your lungs until you stop breathing

i don't want to be in pain anymore
(C) Maxwell 2016
894 · Dec 2014
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
like the melody of song
does my heart beat itself for you
and at the bridge of every lyric
each beat presents it to be true
my life you have become
filled with joyous harmony
your voice brings life into my bones
You see you've become a part of me
with every whisper in a change of tune
i'll remain loyal in my stature
the way our souls are intertwined
our bond is solely second nature
your touch upon my skin
creates a bit of electricity
as your lips graze the tips of my mine
i know my soul is free
keep singing my love,
keep singing this song to be
for i don't mind a broken record
nothing of you is broken to me
(C) Maxwell 2015
885 · Aug 2015
Luna Lynn Aug 2015
i'm afraid to watch you die
fear of not being strong enough to see you through as i've sought strangers
love never ends but the body decays
and who's to say i won't climb into your grave?
i've never had to be without you
if you count the years i've been alive
you've held my heart for over half of that time
how do i go on when you die?

i kiss you so deeply so i won't forget the taste
i hold you so tight so i won't forget the feel of your softened skin against my face
i run my hands through your curly hair so i won't forget the touch
i lay my head on your chest at night so i won't forget how your heart beats so much

and all the while i create your memory
i pray to keep you forever
if God must take you first
i will only get through life after
knowing He will bring us back together
curing the never ending hurt

somber it may seem
but you see, i think about it too
i can't imagine life, nor death, nor an eternity
i just can't imagine to exist without you
they say soulmates aren't real
that love at first sight is never due
but i know what i saw
when we first locked eyes
and i can speak from a heart full of love

it's true
so don't leave my grasp
stay here with me
and i'll stay here with you

(C) Maxwell 2015
869 · May 2017
Luna Lynn May 2017
it gets lonely sometimes
863 · Sep 2017
all that's left
Luna Lynn Sep 2017
a friend once found in the dungeon of depths
has become a friend that’s lost--
in the dark was pure gluttony
and lust of the heart;
but something within broke apart

separation is never easy;
anything i’ve ever known
has been taken away--
my comforts, my place of solitudes
and the forts of an intertwined connection
now forever changed

i sit in silence
backed into a corner as the world
fades to dust--
i watch my tears die
with the dissipating rivers
and all that is left of us
(c) Maxwell 2017
861 · May 2015
Luna Lynn May 2015
walk with me and take my hand
lead me right into temptation
treat my heart as grains of sand
give way to moderation

on solid hopes and wakened dreams
we have built our own foundation
unstable as the thoughts we seek
to feed our souls of deprivation

lust in mind forever more
adds fuel to acclamation
kisses to determine fault
we are equal to damnation

burn in hell! is what they’ll say
as we accept the invitation
and jump into the deepest pit
of our very own creation
(C) Maxwell 2015
860 · Apr 2014
Why Me
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Why not the ******* who just robbed the old man at the corner store
Why not the lady who crack induced her own abortion because she didn't want a baby no more
Why not the gang banger who killed a man just for his name
Why not the dishonest greedy businessman who's always begging for change
Why not the creep at church that gets away with touching little kids
Why not the guilty pastor that knew about it yet acted like he never did
Why not the ungrateful mother that enjoys bullying her seed
Why not the evil grandkids at gravesites holding their hands out in open greed
Why do people like this don't feel as much hurt and suffering
Why does it seem my life is just a living offering?
Just a small idea. Wasn't sure where I was going with it. It may still change.

(C) Maxwell 2014
858 · May 2015
wet paint
Luna Lynn May 2015
a heap of bile gathers in my throat
as i watch my world go up in smoke
and fail to understand the purpose of regret that's spoke

in my mind i painted the vision
and the brush perfects the image at every stroke
yet reality reminds me the paint must dry
before it can offer any hope

there it is; excuses, here they come
that's me.. always trying to alter the picture when it's done
because the sight isn't what i hoped to see
and here i stand; starting from square one

fear sets in and i feel i just may choke
so i try to erase what it has become

but it's too late; and i can't even cry
this has never happened to me
i'm lost and i'm free
and a part of me has died

tell me, what is it really like?
to see your world go up in smoke?
to create a picture unlike one you've ever seen, to feel that scream in your throat?
to paint a picture you just cannot change no matter how many times it's been erased?
to not give up, not give in but just let life take it's place?

i touch the canvas;
it's rough at the edges,
but it's smooth inside

which tells me i can still attempt a change of heart
even after the paint has dried.
(C)Maxwell 2015
857 · Mar 2017
Luna Lynn Mar 2017
in your eyes i see pain
if i could only take it away
you grasp hold of my hand
your new language
is hard to understand
i'm sorry you came back to this
it was our selfish wish
death is full devastation
but could suffrage be worse?
trapped in your body vs
locked in a hearse?

you want to cry
i can see it
you say that you're sorry
when you shouldn't be it
you're thirsty
you're hungry
you can't even talk
no control of your bowels
you're too weak to walk
you're uncomfortable because
you're feeling the pain
of living and dying;
being born again

no where to go
nothing to do
but get lost in your thoughts
i wish i'd see them too
a battle is won
yes we've come so far
but i know for a fact
you hate where you are
(C) Maxwell 2017
847 · May 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
your name means the sun and the sea
and you're also the star of the ocean;
so the Hebrews believed
but I can tell you my sweet
you mean the world
you mean everything to me
from the moment you were born
I fell in love with your voice
I became attached to your smile
and I became engrossed deep into those beautiful eyes
the way your curls formed a maze of wonder over your face
God had made the perfect child
above all else
amidst the surroundings
and what may seem
painfully true
there will never be a moment in time
when my heart stops beating for you
so keep laughing
and keep growing
you keep being you
keep painting the world
with the joy that is due
an angel on earth
a sea's shining star
dance the waltz of your life
my sweet Solimar
My first born niece is the center of my heart. There are circumstances that don't allow me to see her every day and I miss her immensely. She is growing too fast. But I love her all the same. I have never met such a sweet, vibrant, intelligent 6 year old so outgoing and full of life. What a beautiful soul she is!

(C) Maxwell 2014
845 · Jul 2016
Luna Lynn Jul 2016
lost in a world that was once mine
it gets better or worse or indifferent
as it goes by
who knew it to be the healing i'd see
a bit of of bitterness over time
but you ask and i always say
i'm fine

the colors i see are complex in shades
some words are foreign to me
right from the page
in my head you say is a box of lies
just a shallow pity brigade
so ignore the tears in my eyes
hopes shatter and fade

pain is an excruciating promise
that the current host remains the strongest
misunderstandings and judgmental tongues
will clean the slates of blood from beatings done and i am left with
scars from all of this

kindness and love are rationed into moments more deserving
as if it is only when i may die
that you find me worthy
to shed a tear of hurt in an existence you don't know
yet you still mimic what's before me

a mockery you have made of total devastation
to a life once radiant with positive preservation
on mornings i can't bear to face the day
you throw daggers in my back
in accusations

this disease it steals my life
it has much ransacked my brain
but you,
you have taken everything else away

and i've nothing left to gain
(C) Maxwell 2016
843 · Oct 2015
The Morning
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed in the morning
You know anything can change
You know what is to come
You see what is to be
You already feel the pain
So you turn over as time is still ticking away
In hopes maybe a dream of two can help you stay
In hopes anything can keep you
From facing the reality of today
The fear sets in for tomorrow
You ask God for an answered prayer to borrow
And soon that day has come
You got up and stepped out
And now that day is done
And here you lay once again
Tucked deep in that emotional fear
Because just like that
Today became yesterday
And tomorrow is already here
There is no control of what will be
You can't put a time on tragedy
You can't hide from grief
You can't live on the notion you know it will happen
Don't let death be a thief

Take the sun from the rain
Use wisely the time you've been given
Because there's nothing worse than waking up in the morning
And being afraid of livin'
Stay positive.

(C) Maxwell 2015
836 · Mar 2014
Haiku Number Heaven
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If by chance you see
my soul in sensless wander
Know I am not lost
(C) Maxwell 2014
833 · Aug 2014
the greatest sound
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
if you only knew how the sound of your voice sends ripples of passion
right down my spine
if you only knew how every i love you
in a tone sweet as honey
and warming as wine
is like the purest beauty of blue
on the ocean anew
when the sun is most high
in full adoration and simple awe of your accent while calling me baby
we always lose track of the time
and while falling for each octave
i engage in so deeply
i can never say a goodbye

and so i sit
i just listen to you breathe god
what you do to me
(C) Maxwell 2014
827 · Apr 2014
Murder She Wrote
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Maya was murdered behind
Union station while beggars held out their
Rainboots for change and while the
Diner workers made food until fully
Exhausted and hobos hung out along the stair
Rails smoking cigars

She was once beautiful until
He took it away and left bruises in her
Eyes which were a dusk fall evening gray

While her mother paced the porch and dad
Racing home their baby never returned
Only her memory had burned deep into
Their minds and hardened their souls
Everyone hurt when Maya didn't say no
My first time at writing this style poem. It was fun mixing fiction with poetry.

(C) Maxwell 2014
819 · Aug 2014
recognize it
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
give away a smile
pass on a hug or two
always keep close
the ones who mean most
and dearest to you

for they may
never express
the hurt
in their chest
and they may
suffer in silence
until darkness preludes
Rest in peace to the great Robin Williams. The world hears your message loud and clear. We hear you.

National Suicide Hotline (U.S)

(C) Maxwell 2014
819 · Aug 2014
See You Soon
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
you are leaving us now
God is calling you Home
and as we wait selfishly and angrily
unknowingly saying
...refusing to say goodbye to you
we hold back our tears
we can't let you see us cry
because deep down we know
you want to stay here too
the fight you have given
over the course of time
has inspired the heart of the world
and has reconstructed mine
watching you go through hell
and keeping your mind
staying with a smile
even as you decline
and with every treatment
and with every transfusion
you proved to us over and over again
the power of God isn't just
an illusion
for you have beat the odds
time and time again
you have kicked the crap out of the devil
right til the very end
I cannot say goodbye
because that's a message
I cannot send
For in these last few years
you have become far more than a patient
you have become a friend
I will remember your laugh
and how you joked through all the pain
I will remember how much you hated
using that blasted walker and cane

The memories are worth a visit
and soon it will be the only way to find you
but just know,
even if we cannot be there in physicality
in spirit we are always right beside you
Goodbyes are non existent to me, so for now, I'll see you soon. Love you Ruth.

(C) Maxwell 2014
799 · Nov 2016
truth hurts
Luna Lynn Nov 2016
sometimes i wonder
if you look at me the same way
you look at other women

sometimes i wonder
if you talk about me in the same
voice of arousal

sometimes i wonder
if you think of me in that way at all
i don't think you do
(C) Maxwell 2016
789 · Aug 2017
Luna Lynn Aug 2017
pain in this case is a necessity--
self inflicted to heal the hurt;
causing waves and ripples
of emotions--
quite priceless for what it’s worth
(C) Maxwell 2017
787 · Jun 2014
Poetry is not the People
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
You read my poetry in an attempt to understand me
versus an attempt to read literature
or fiction
or art
So you pick apart each sentence
and each syllable
and each subject
and you try so hard to figure me out
You want to know what I was thinking when I wrote this poem
or that poem
but what that tells me is perhaps you aren't even reading them at all
Although what poets express comes from the debths of our creative closets and emotional state
you must still open up your mind and soak up the words for what they are
Not for who I am
I guess I get weary of people who read my poetry that do not even read poetry and try to take every single thing I say in a literal sense. I'd rather those types of eyes not read my work at all.

(C) Maxwell 2014
786 · Jul 2014
Only God
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
i sit here and i cry
until the water runs dry
i don't even wipe them away
only God knows why
it's a high moon tonight
not a cloud in the sky
and I can't find the answers
only God knows why
my heart is so hurt
words cannot comply
the grief is unbearable
only God knows why
you were just so young
you were far too young to die
so i sit here and cry
i don't know what else to do
only God knows why
Rest in peace Katie.
(C) Maxwell 2014
784 · Aug 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
I became a lost soul
and you had already been lost
in the midst of darkness
we found each other

in the midst of our words
our ******* words, you know
they have power
so much power

and as the days went on
the nights got longer
our weakness turned to love
our love became stronger

I gave in
to what I said I wouldn't
I tried to hold back
sadly I couldn't

and here I sit
missing something that
...never was
and hoping
for something that
....never could be

because I love you
and i miss you
and becoming engaged
in floetry
wasn't only for me
like you had presented
it to be

not such a fool I am,
you see?

I love myself enough
to know I have an addiction
to things that give me life
to feelings that are

oh the ache
oh the pain
you devoured my soul
into your wretched world
and I felt safe
...I felt safe

bleeding these words
on a screen
licking my wounds
until the sin
is washed clean

you cannot hear my screams
you'll never see my tears
though it is killing me slowly
to walk away so lonely

but I have a heart
...a heart to shield
to keep it beating
I must rule the day

you truly are such
a gentleman
a lovely beaut
wrapped in a lie
soaked in a cheat

and u can't even see
your own deceit
The moment you realize..

(C) Maxwell 2014
783 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
One day
The pain just might take me
And the sun won't wake me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
My God
Whom art in Heaven
Hallowed be Your name
Your Kingdom come
and Your will be done
and as I look to the sky
I see your promise written in gold
I see the mountains and valleys
and lakes in between
I see the mansions You have built;
just for me
I see the angels standing at the top of the staircase
welcoming home new souls at the gates only read about in the written word..

and who is this God that has allowed me to see such visions?
The Father of Christ of course
The God of Abraham
the only light which shineth so bright in the darkness that not even the dark itself can comprehend
Man on earth will call me foolish,
but man of God will know what I speak is the truth
and what I've seen is
the way
and what I tell you is
the life

My God
Whom art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
thy Kingdom come
Your will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven
And as I walk this earth my Lord,
help me follow the footsteps of Your son
and help those souls who do not believe
to see what you have shown me
just as I've seen it
until I touch every single one
Yeah, you read that right.. I saw Heaven. Everything I described in the beginning is exactly what I saw. I wish I could get in touch with a painter so that someone could put on an easel what was revealed to me. Words just do not do any justice to the Kingdom.

(C) Maxwell 2014
774 · Apr 2014
I Miss You (Haiku #26)
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
You are really gone
and they told me it's okay
I finally cried

(C) Maxwell 2014
770 · Nov 2016
why not mine?
Luna Lynn Nov 2016
not good enough to bear your ring
not well enough to birth your child
not good enough seasoning
to taste i see
sweet baby stay awhile

you see that sun is rising again
and setting on the mountain tops
it rained last night and the dew drops
are stuck like glue on the windowsill
where your pie is warm and waiting still
but the crust is too soft to make you smile

so i throw my apron back on to sift my fingers in old flour trying to make anew
what's left from the recipe before
an uneaten slice or two
satisfied my buds to center core
but you always hold up your hand;
no more

i stare out the window at all these pies lined up one after the other and wonder what kind of baker do i need to be
to make you eat all the efforts that reach for your belly
though they never reach for me

it's a love i'll never get but i won't fret
sweet baby stay away ahile
i'm not ready for you to go just yet
not good enough for your garden
not good enough for your life
but i must be good enough for something

we watched it rain another night.
(C) Maxwell 2016
768 · Jun 2014
self inflicted insanity
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Lightening across a heat stricken sky
Angry winds feast their anger onto rolling tides
The inner instinct tells us to run and hide
and yet here we stand
Heads back; mouths open
Arms spread far and wide
Ready to taste the sweet rainwater from the raging storm outside
In hopes to feel the same winds beneath and deep inside
Howl at the nonexistent moon and let the myths hinder our pride
Amongst the madness and the sadness
Won't you hear us cry?
I wrote this poem from the view of a poet.  Catch my drift?
(C) Maxwell 2014
766 · Nov 2017
a nighttime narrative
Luna Lynn Nov 2017
everytime I think of
killing myself
i wonder who will mourn me

will it be the same people
i asked for help
that ignored me?

everytime I think of
killing myself
i wonder what comes after

will I burn in hell
for changing time--
chaos and disaster?

everytime I think of
killing myself
I wonder how I'd do it

and if I'd have
the courage
to actually go through it

every time I think of
killing myself
i wonder if it ever ends

but the pain remains
in after life
as i try to make amends

where lost souls thrive
to stay alive
i may be left for dead
(C) Maxwell 2017
755 · Mar 2014
poetry is sex
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
The words; they just keep coming
You feel the heat rise
From the pit of your insides
and you can't ignore it
in fact you adore it
The buildup of emotion
The release of commotion
It feels so good you scream
It doesn't matter who hears it
you know what it means
(C) Maxwell 2014
749 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Father God I come to you
So that I may be healed
Or at least to **** the pain
It's becoming hard to deal
Every day I think
Of what it might be like
To take control of fate
And take my own life
Father God I know it's not right
And this is why I have come to You
You are the Truth the Way and the Life
There isn't anything You can't do
So Heavenly Father this is all I ask
That I am given strength to endure
For I know what is to come
And I know there is no cure
What frightens me is not the end
But the path I take to see it
I'm not afraid to die
and if it's coming then so be it
But I dont want to go by my
Very own hand
Because the world will never understand and i'll never be forgiven
And I'll be wandering about in spirit
Just as I do on land

This physical world seems to be one big test and Lord, I need Your help
I don't feel as strong as the rest and I just can't do this by myself

Won't you hear my cry Lord?
Won't you hear my my prayer?
The Bible tells me walk by faith, not by sight
but just show me that You're there

And God, this is my prayer
Mornings seem to be the hardest part of the day for me lately.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Watching someone die in a hospital is not as glamorous as they make it seem in the movies
It is gut wrenching
It is awful
We are medically trained to know exactly whats happening,
making it worse
(Yes it hurts the heart of the nurse)
Watching the body shut down
***** by *****
system by system
Watching someone struggle to walk
an struggle to stand
They can't no longer eat because they have lost ability to swallow
and may still be hungry
A face gone so hollow that at one time was lovely
They struggle so hard to breathe we now put them on oxygen
Sit them upright, and say it's okay
We give them drugs to ease the pain
And now they are blinking and unaware
The eyes wander but there's nobody there
And the gasping for hope is the last function left
And we hold their hands as they take their last breath
And we are left to hand them to the families that don't know what to do

then we go back to the nurse's station because we need to cry too
Lost a patient today and it wasn't an easy death to witness.

(C) Maxwell 2014
726 · Feb 2017
Luna Lynn Feb 2017
a thousand knives
to slash the throat of the beast
who used my innocence as prey

behold his head upon the rock
mounted just above my fire place
his debt was much repaid
(C) Maxwell 2017
724 · Mar 2014
Lord! I love You!
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!

In my pain
In my sorrow
In today
In tomorrow
In my sickness
In good health
In my debt
In my wealth

I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!

Many friends
Many foes
Many smiles
Many woes
Many successes
Many falls
Many dreams
Many draws

I praise God as I cry
Lord I love You!
Amidst my struggle, I love my God. Today. Tomorrow.  Forever. Amen.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
i'll just be here waiting
because I'm too much of a coward
to put a stop to the
i thought this was love
but it's madness
a recipe for disaster
no doubt in mind
someone will likely get hurt
and though the depth of my veins
seem to be crawling with
substantial evidence
just a trace of your presence
has left me in an unobtainable state
even so
you have not killed me yet
your chains on my heart
has begun a slow painful
There's always consequence for wanting what you cannot have.
(C) Maxwell 2014
718 · Aug 2014
red flags
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
i looked back
and saw every word
you have spoken to me


not telling
any lies
it's a ****** up world

and the wall goes
right back up

wrapping my heart
back in suit and armour

no entry
no longer allowed.
once again, i am the fool
played by the kindness
of a

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
I thought I knew you,
now I feel like I don't know
who stands before me

A stranger in stance
ready to take my life; he
who once adored me

A wave of sadness
speaks of humiliation;
the trust is long gone

This is all madness;
you seek retaliation
and don't think it's wrong
(C) Maxwell 2014
705 · Aug 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
All my life
All my life
All I have ever wanted
was to make you proud of me
All my life I have fought so hard
so hard
to get you to be proud
and here I sit in tears
because instead of telling me how much I've done
I only hear about how much I've ****** up over the years
But you don't see my pain
you only see someone lazy
and unmotivated
loving the wrong man
losing more than I gain
not finding my way
and all the while you sheltered me so I couldn't grow
I'm now a late bloomer
lost in this ****** economy
waiting for a break
waiting for my show
I move at a snail's pace
but I've busted my ***, you know

The things you say to get under my skin
they don't just hurt inside
they hurt my confidence
they hurt my being
they damage my pride
And if this is just a trickling down of your own misery
and though you say you
only want what's best for me
I can honestly see now why I hide

So instead of breaking me down
how about you bring me up?
How about you give me a congrats
a nice pat on the back
not drive me into the ground

Because every ******* thing I have ever done in my **** of a life
I have done to make you proud
Nothing I do I ever good enough. Why even try anymore?
(C) Maxwell 2014
702 · Dec 2014
1 Year
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
we're coming up on one year
since you've been gone
and as i look at all the changes that have happened in this life of mine since you departed
it seems as if one year has been far too long
i could really use a hug from you today
you know, one of your specialty embraces you so easily and wholeheartedly gave away
i could really stand to see the smile on your face
that same smile that could stop the devil in his pace
your energy
your will
it's all still here
even though you died in the flesh
your spirit remains in the clear
and i have the honor of knowing a spirit of such
one of unimaginable happiness
with the most caring of touch

thank you for the years you were here
and for still watching down over all of us

we still miss you.
Jan. 4th, 2013

(C) Maxwell 2014
702 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I could rip out my ovaries
Toss them to the wolves
They don't work anyway
**** what a waste
Then torture each doctor
That gave me false hope
A sense of revenge
I do taste


I could hand you my ******
Just pull it right out
The **** can't make babies
or at least so I thought
Go ahead *** inside me
Nothing will happen
That part of my life
It seems God forgot


The pain is ******* UNREAL
Can I take a knife
And just end it all now
While I still have my head?
****** up my spine
****** on my liver
Well I'll be ******
I'm already dead

(C) Maxwell 2014
702 · Jul 2014
i just want to be
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
letting my tears fall like rain from the sky
i don't even wipe them anymore
i couldn't tell you why
the pain just becomes
too **** much sometimes
and all i can do is look up and cry
i'm on my knees
and even they don't work right
i asked God why he sent me to live in
such a broken body
every single day is a fight
the fight to be normal
the fight to be free
emancipation from my prison
is what i seek
you say it could be worse
and yes i agree there are far worse things
but days like today i don't feel
strong enough
and wonder why such burden
has been placed on me
every day i hurt
every day i bleed
i'm built to ensure the circle of life
and i can't even plant the seed
what kind of woman am i?
what kind of person is she?
someone who longs to live prosperous in soulful wander
someone who simply longs to be
If you live with a chronic illness, then you may understand first hand what these words feel like. What ever your struggle is day to day, know you are not alone.

(C) Maxwell 2014
700 · Jan 2017
Luna Lynn Jan 2017
i know i love you
and i know we're
i know we're strong
so please just
i know it's hard
it's life
they say
so let's try and
cherish today
i don't like
talks that
expose our flaws
is not who we are
we are warmth
we are laughter
we are one
you are my life
i am your moon
you are my sun
having moments just like
day and night
we see rain
we feel thunder
but the rotation
it's just right

will **** us both
if we don't seek affirmation
we've both been
down to the ash
on our knees
we've both given to God
our needs
and turn to each other
to be free
so you go be you
and i'll go and be me
remember in who
they become
it will still be "we"
cast away your doubts
i will bury mine below
i choose to love you forver
and forever you'll know
(Maxwell 2017)
699 · Jul 2016
I Say, You Say
Luna Lynn Jul 2016
I say I am strong in my voice
You say "only the strong remain quiet"
I say I am nervous
You say "you're overreacting"
I say my passion is to help others
You say I only "seek attention"
I say my battles have been rough
You say my battles "aren't that bad"
I say I've been through a lot
You say "others have been through worse"
I say I miss my hair
You you say "at least you didn't lose it all"
I say I feel ugly
You say "it's not a big deal"
I say I am afraid what's to come
You say "at least you're better than before"
I say the world is cruel
You say "I am different"
I say I don't feel good today
You say "you should be better by now"
I say sometimes I cry
You say "for what"
I say I'm overcome
You say I'm "over thinking"

I say nothing
you say "why are you so quiet?"
(C) Maxwell 2016
697 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
My greatest ally
My worst enemy
My broken heart
My healing soul
Without you I am nothing
With you I may not have anything
I love you
I hate you
For making feel so strong
What I don't want to
So hard to love
More hard to let go
(C) Maxwell 2014
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