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697 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
My greatest ally
My worst enemy
My broken heart
My healing soul
Without you I am nothing
With you I may not have anything
I love you
I hate you
For making feel so strong
What I don't want to
So hard to love
More hard to let go
(C) Maxwell 2014
692 · Aug 2015
i am a writer
Luna Lynn Aug 2015
nothing but a dream and a pen
they say i'm too creative
to be working 9 to 5 again
who's to say i really didn't know
that nothing would come of
the dream i was sold
i just water the seed to watch it grow
but to harvest the farthest
is the distance i'll go
they say to never give up fully on a dream
keep the hope well alive
and your heart will be free
still entrapped within my mind's brutality
sometimes i'm told just to go
without even knowing the personality
it's a gift
it's a blessing
it's curse
it's all the same
do i do it for the love
or do i do it for the fame?
attention can be tricky on our sleeves to be as shade
when your world around flips upside down in a selfish pride parade
but who's to say i can't be proud
i speak my mind
i say it loud
i can't help that the words flow like water in a stream
that me without expression is a soul that lives unclean
a window to a world that remains unseen
you think you've seen the full on vision
but you're looking through a screen

let me open the door for you
and show you my dream
(C) Maxwell 2015
679 · Nov 2014
origin of [us]
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
soulfully bound and lost we are
engaged in a sense of never
we've become blind at the thought of life
and have lost the vision of forever
you take my hand and kiss my world
a sight for sore hearts to see
interwoven far too deep to detach from beneath the roots of what was to be
(C) Maxwell 2014
678 · Nov 2015
the rapture
Luna Lynn Nov 2015
cry no more little one
it's all done
the evil has gone from here
and you can soar
beyond a doubt
into the promised land of
t o m o r r o w
time spaced even enough
b o r r o w
let the river drain your
s o r r o w

be free of the darkness
for the evil has gone from here
(C) Maxwell 2015
675 · Jun 2014
Hold On
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
I met a man lost in a wood so thick not even the sun could provide light
I outstretched my hand to hold his own
and we walked not by sight
We held hands right there in the darkness and found comfort in our tears
We used them to quench our thirst and conquer our fears
I began to see a break in the trees as he sunk further away
And we still hold on never letting go of the promise we made
Has he become so lost that even upon wandering he has gone?
I still feel the touch of his fingertips as by the grace of God I hold on

I met a man lost in a wood so thick not even the sun could provide light
And it was then I remembered we walked not by sight
So it is the faith in the night that will promise the lost to be found
When everything surrounding your vision has hit below ground
I will be deep in the wood with you at your side
For disappointment is a sight for sore eyes anyway and I am glad we are blind
Squeeze my hand my friend and feel that I have not yet left
And here I will walk with you until darkness is death
I wrote this poem for a friend who battles depression and he is having a rather difficult time these days. I haven't heard from him and I hope he is okay.
(C) Maxwell 2014
669 · Jun 2014
i slept with a writer[.]
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
We met a coffee shop.

Not a Starbucks or a Caribou or anything fancy like that, it was just a plain local coffee shop that served mediocre java and salted lunch meat on stale bread.

The menu was impressive enough to keep the place open, and after all, it's where I met the man who changed my life.

I pretended to be engulfed in a rather boring Sparks novel that I grabbed off the counter to pass the time when he sat down across from me.

His hair was black. His suit was black. His shoes were black. His skin was a smooth drinkable ivory that only accentuated his stunning green eyes. He was typing away furiously on his laptop, but amidst his deep trance, something broke his concentration.


He caught me looking. Frazzled, I motion for the waitress that doesn't see me to come over and refill my already half full cup. Fill it with some of that mediocre coffee of course.


She doesn't come, but he does. He says my deep brown eyes, caramel skin, and tight curls made him want to write poetry. Anyone worthy of that type of inspiration must be approached, is what he said.

I tell him my name. He goes by William. I never got his last name and I guess it didn't matter. By the time we downed our burnt brazilian roast, we were headed out the door in search for a more intimate setting as if where we were hadn't been quiet enough.

I don't now what made me bring him to my apartment, the eighth floor, sitting on the patio soaking in the sounds of the city below us while sweet white wine ravished our veins.

I knew what was coming.

He commented on my blouse, said how it made love to my breast in a way no man ever could. He said my hips were like curvaceous lilly valleys winding around the hills of Maine. He said my hair was sunkissed with natural bronzer that shined eloquently at the turn of each curl. And as his hand brushed my cheek, he spoke of my dimples and how they were perfectly placed upon my smile blessing anyone whom could successfully create one.

As I came out of my bra, he kissed my neck and kissed my chest and kissed and kissed and kissed until he found what he was looking for. He told me my skin was soft as satin and sweet as sugar right off the cane. When my jeans fell to the floor, he traced his lips along my ***** line, saying he had never desired so badly to taste wild honey.

When I was naked and vulnerable at the mercy of his will, he examined me like a feast as if he didn't know where to begin. He entered me so softly, I could hardly tell he was there. He told me I was beautiful. He told me I was perfect. He told me it was tight and wet and he didn't want to be anywhere else in this **** of a world but right here inside me.

I see stars. I see the sun. I see the highest mountain tops after a soothing rain. I see moonlight on a hot summer night and the beauty in the auburn colors on an October afternoon.

William not only rocked my world; he painted it. His hands carried such an elegance about them that my body ached for his touch even more so. With every moan that escaped my lips, he spoke poetry into my ear. Telling me to "look up and imagine Paris" and "close your eyes and build a dream". All of his mumbo jumbo made sense in a weird kind of way.

I always thought people only climaxed at the same time in movies because that's just something you can't schedule. It slowly sneaks up on you like a tiger in the wild, and just when you think you've lost him; BAM. That's when your ten seconds of ohmyfuckinggoshdontstoprightthere kicks in and you realize it was the best ten seconds of your day and of your life up to that very point.

As swiftly and beautifully as he came, he was gone. But before he left me feeling empty and full at the same time, my previous infatuation and excitability had made me succumb to his trance, and I hardly even remembered what (if anything) of which we spoke.

I say to him, "William, please tell me. Who are you? What is your last name?"
His answer baffles me, and doesn't make any **** sense; "You will find me as the candle in the wind, the condensation on a glass, and the fruitful taste of white zin on your tongue in the heat of the day."

And with that he left.
He left me standing there sticky and lonely and satisfied and mad all at once. I figured I may as well clean up my mess, clean up myself, and continue to rule the day.

I begin a motion to take the sheets off the bed and roll them up in a burrito of sin when I had stopped and realized I didn't want any latex melting in the dryer.  
I search for it. Like, really search for it.

Ok, it's not under the bed.

Where is it?

Not in the burrito that I just tore apart.
Not in the garbage.
Not in his hands when he left.
My eyes never left him.
Or did they?


Valleys and flowers and sunshine and stupid *** Paris. STUPID. ***. PARIS.
All that madness and stupid weird *** just ****** me off. It caught me off guard. That wasn't me back there, careless Carrie. No. No.
That wasn't me.

**** it.
I need to shower.

[ be continued...]
This is actually the beginning (intro) of a short story I'm writing that I felt was so poetic in the idea itself so I just wrote in poem form. I may actually continue to write it this way. All rights reserved please, and feedback would be lovely!

(C) Maxwell 2014
664 · Oct 2014
evil invited
Luna Lynn Oct 2014
eyes unseen
gleaming gnashing teeth of white
darkness be my friend
(C) Maxwell 2014
662 · Mar 2014
i need a cigarette
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
because it's the only thing keeping me from losing my ****
because the nicotine high is better than hitting a wall
and it's all i've got to temporarily keep my grip
it's always life and you tend to think so hard about it all and your mind is constantly moving
amongst the cigarette smoke
intertwined in the heavy gray
you inhale ****** up
you exhale okay
it's a circle of death they say

man does death feel soothing
(C) Maxwell 2014
660 · May 2014
making love (Haiku #28)
Luna Lynn May 2014
Laying beneath you
as I become devoured
into the night
(C) Maxwell 2014
659 · Apr 2014
disbelief -- Haiku #19
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Your smile is my
reason for moving forward
in this lonely life
(C) Maxwell 2014
653 · Jul 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
if i had to choose
i simply would not do so
and would stand alone
(C) Maxwell 2014
651 · Apr 2014
Can't Sleep (Haiku #23)
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Laying next to me
deep in your sleepy slumber
as I lie awake
(C) Maxwell 2014
646 · Feb 2017
mourning happiness
Luna Lynn Feb 2017
the good days--
i hate them
because i am
constantly reminded
that my time with you
is limited
as the sun sets
every dusk
the idea you
chose me
to walk beside
your short journey
is just plain luck
so i sit and reminisce
in your memory
while you're still
here with me
even as it comes to this
it's a must
(C) Maxwell 2017
641 · May 2014
A Prose in the Dark
Luna Lynn May 2014
I am utterly and totally (not limited to completely) dazed and confused in a dark alley of emotions in the midsection of an endless tunnel that leads to possibilities of the unknown. I have already made my choice; I have already chosen my path miles back, and I have traveled long enough to know that I am in far too deep to change my mind. I touch the walls for a message from the blind but even they can't lead me. And so with no other choice but to step forward into the vast night, I pray on the Lord to comfort me and to guide me, in hopes  that the demons within my own soul may never find me. And when all is said and done I hope I can find my way back into what I know, back into what feels right; back into the light.
Meant to go in a different direction with this one, but I just cannot give the situation away.

(C) Maxwell 2014
637 · Jun 2016
Fools Gold
Luna Lynn Jun 2016
you say things like
God bless you
let's pray
church is your shield
the Lord's word
becomes your cover
you claim to be of peace
that hate is unreal
as you stab your brother
you are the
all American perfected
piece of apple pie
with ice cream on the side
and yet your core is rotten
you can hide behind script
but scripture doesn't change
as much as your heart
is never the same
or have you forgotten?

quick to point fingers
to judge and pursue
as muddy as creek water
is what flows through you
and yet you smile
you hide behind your
facebook wall
and your indirect posts
as if reading between lines
is a challenge
you make it easy for most
you claim to be right
you bow for the wronged
you love to pick fights
you deny any motive
are you pleased with your conflict
you saint of two tongues?

my silence speaks volumes
bewildered lack of reaction
but don't think i don't see
the devil is present in your "absence"
you hide behind privilege
and your white picket fence
you are safe from a world
the rest of us fight just to live in
so you haven't the right to speak
down on us with
your thoughtless opinions
fools gold you are
you're real to the world
but not real to me
not pure to us
your contradictory life;
transparent as shade is to dust

and you just keep cleaning up
(C) Maxwell 2016
632 · Apr 2017
Luna Lynn Apr 2017
sorrow becomes of me
as i go on and pretend it don't hurt
i am reminded of the life
i failed to create
diminishing a woman's worth
who determines
what a mother should be?
it's been determined somehow
that it won't be me
and so my tears and blood
become one with the life
that should have been
as i fumble with the pieces
of my broken heart
in attempt to rebuild it again
(C) Maxwell 2017
624 · Feb 2015
night falls (5w)
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
and yet,
i remain standing.
(C) Maxwell 2015
621 · Mar 2014
let's go take a shower
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I'm feeling rather *****
Let's go take a shower
Let's get lost in lust and suds
Into the midnight hour
You wash my back
And I'll do your front
Actually you can do any side
You want
As long as I feel the connection
Deep within
And the initial breath of relief
When you slide it in
Hold me tight and don't ever
Don't you ever let go
This doesn't have to end
And no one has to know
Let the water be our blanket
And let it wash our hearts
Let us forgive our past offenses
Let us never, ever part
For a moment here we stand
Let's make it last forever
The fire only seems to burn
When we light the fuse together
So let us get undressed
And take a step right in
Out of our masks
And into our skin
(C) Maxwell 2014
617 · Oct 2015
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
sometimes i think about killing myself
sometimes i think about free falling
stepping off into the unknown
forever a sketch in your memory
forever a pain in your heart

sometimes i think the world is better off
sometimes i feel i don't have **** to offer
crawling on bloodied knees
leaving a trail of hurt behind
leaving a signature of my failed attempts

sometimes i think you don't get it
sometimes i think you want me gone too
standing in sinking sand of doubt
crying out to an empty upper space
crying out to no one there to listen

sometimes i dream that i am better
sometimes i feel there's something more
clutching my chest in agony
clinging to hope
clinging to life

holding on is harder
(C) Maxwell 2015
614 · Oct 2015
truth is
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
truth is,
i love you for all the wrong reasons;
they billow up in smoke when you smile anyway

and when you touch my skin,
it burns with a heat i long to feel over again

when you're gone,
i miss you;
when you're here i never want you to leave
and when we have to say goodbye,
it does something strange to me

truth is,
i love you for all the wrong reasons,
just keep smiling
so i don't remember what they are
(C) Maxwell 2015
609 · Apr 2014
if i die
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
and you find me sailing in the skies on a cloud of forever
and if you find me on a maple leaf flowing in the fall wind
and if you find me along the tides of the Atlantic clinging to the rocks
and if you find me dancing with the man on the moon
and if you find me riding the glowing rays of sunrise
and if you find me as the daisy growing in your rose garden
and if you find me on the tip of your nose as spring tickles your spirit
and if you find me crossing your mind when you feel that sudden chill
that makes you shiver

find comfort
and know that it indeed is
(C) Maxwell 2014
604 · Apr 2014
painful irony
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I look into your beautiful eyes every day of my life and you look just as hard into mine
And we feel the gravitational pull of our hormones and the screaming of our hearts and it drives us absolutely mad

because we know it will never be our time
Time is not on your side when you cannot have what you desire forever.
(C) Maxwell 2014
595 · Jan 2015
January 4th 2015 (a letter)
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
Today marks one year since you've been gone. And as much as I try to put into poetry just exactly how I feel, none of the words come out as they should. I cannot find an easy flow.. maybe it's because this day just isn't easy. I haven't slept all night. I have so much to tell you. So much has happened this past year and I wish I could tell you all about it. Did you know that a poem I wrote for you after you passed was chosen to be published? Makes me so very proud.. even more so that I was once your friend.

A year ago today was one of the saddest days of my life. I got the call, and had to sit down before I could even react. I was in total shock. And my hands.. they were shaking. I had to hang up the phone and call someone else just confirm the truth. Work was absolute torture because you died in the same hospital I worked in.. I knew the processes your beautiful body went through and it haunted me for weeks.

As a community, we were all in a stand still shock. When you died, you left alot of is in the same state, one of which we still stand in today. How could the kindest, most caring and selfless man be taken from us so swiftly, and soon? With no answers. With no avail. With no warning. Just gone, in the blink of an eye. I had always prayed you did not suffer, even though you knew you were dying (which broke my heart even more).

Where ever you reside today my friend, I pray your soul has found the most peaceful resting place, and that you are able to visit your family and children often. And I hope you truly know just how many lives you have touched.. from all ages, colors, and backgrounds. 27 is too soon to die, but you were a man that gave himself totally to life, and I will always admire you for that.

Eric Benford, I love you always and I will miss you forever. Keep laughing, keep smiling, and even in spirit, keep living.

I love you friend.

We are still so lost without you.
594 · Mar 2014
Sneaking In
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I love you
We're bonded
We're sisters
the end.

you are
no friend.
(C) Maxwell 2014
591 · Jun 2014
one night stand
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
rolling tears of satin pain
left from a night of passion's reign

now in a hell of great disguise
i'm a victim of my own demise
(C) Maxwell 2014
587 · Mar 2017
Luna Lynn Mar 2017
a glitter of hope
a rise of happiness
sudden fade
not this time
i guess
not yet anyway

(C) Maxwell 2017
586 · Aug 2014
i'm going to hurt you
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
i am nothing but a broken hearted
scarred and scorned woman
lacking the love and attention
that i had so long searched for
though it seems i may have found
a sudden break in the clouds
i'm terrified of what's inside
for even the sun hides sometimes

so when the floods come
and the fire burns out
and i've caused enough disappointment
and there is no tomorrow
and there is no good feeling
and there are no smiles
when the flood of my tears
destroys all you built to keep us afloat
...when it all fails

i may as well take a knife to my throat
(C) Maxwell 2014
586 · Aug 2014
insomnia (haiku)
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
what a waste of night
to count sheep that bleed the blood
of a sacred land
even to count stars
can be an affliction of
the subconscious mind

(C) Maxwell 2014
584 · Dec 2014
unclear - haiku
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
no reassurance
of what truly lies ahead
kills me every day
(C) Maxwell 2015
581 · Jul 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
Sitting beneath a starry night
I reflect on the fire of my life
Cold beer don't quench my thirst
So I'll settle for being thirsty
because once you stop wondering
you stop wanting
And when you stop wanting
you just stop
and life just ain't worthy
So while I know the things I desire
what I seek is a goal
I just may never meet
Not meeting it doesn't mean I won't succeed in it
Just means I don't ever plan to put out the fire
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I don't use big words
that doesn't make me any
less of a poet
(C) Maxwell 2014
576 · Feb 2015
the Dance
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
dancing to a broken record
of solitary tunes
the hand i held is but a mist of rain
gone far too soon

light a candle in the wind
of visions locked away
as we waltz among the memory
forever our song shall play
(C) Maxwell 2015
572 · Jul 2015
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
standing in the still of the night
where the moon is high
and guitar riffs stroke
to the rhythm of my life
my mind is always running on full
my heart running on empty
a full head of hair i'd rather chop off
and make a statement stew
who needs similarities when you can
express the originality that is you?
hide behind your masks if you will
i'll wear the same face that's fixed
on a better tomorrow
patiently waiting for a miraculous answer
to questions i haven't asked
smile at the rain and cry at the sun
the day has come for me to
put down my gun
and pick up my cigars
inhale the heaviness of the world
exhale the sorrows
lift the veil and kiss the pride

be happy i'm alive
Just thinking aloud. Nothing serious really.
(C) Maxwell 2015
568 · Aug 2014
from me to you
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
when i close my eyes
i envision your arms
around my soul
and the kisses you leave
upon my brow
glisten as gold
and although the darkness
may seem to hinder
the ability to grow
your light still shines
with an illuminating glow
so much to live for
and so much to be
you may feel like no one
but you're someone to me
and even if the tears
cause a raging black sea
remember the waters once parted
and you will soon be set free

hang on to the promise
and don't lose your faith
your blessings are coming
although they seem faint
and as weakness prevails
as the sealing of fate
know that change
is amongst us
and it's never to late
I may possibly add more to this.  It's just a draft for now.

(C) Maxwell 2014
564 · Jul 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
my heart bleeds wide open
I've laid down my life
right on the line
all in black and white
on dotted lines
just for you
can't you see how I've been slain?
hindered to be permanently scarred
and never to be normal again
I found peace in the passion of the pen
and its where my sanity had gathered
it's where my soul remained
to hide from hidden demons
to hide from painful truths
which grew from the seed of my youth
take my hand and
you'll see for yourself
I'm naked at the roots
(C) Maxwell 2014
558 · Apr 2014
The Cave
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
a wave of sadness overtakes my body
as I ***** self esteem
it never belonged within me anyway
because that was never me
under the boulder of self pity inside a cave of broken dreams
the little girl is still hiding from the monsters and holding on to what used to be
with ribbons in her hair and shoes that never fit the awkwardness of being different was all they'd ever see
she's crying
i'm crying
the storm is never over
the lightening flash is frightening
we're losing air in the thunder and
now we can't breathe
who is coming to save us
who is coming to save me
beneath this boulder of sadness
in a cave of broken dreams
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Woke up so dehydrated my mouth was cracked with blood
The pain overtook my body like the sacred bible flood
My eyes burn like fire from all the lack of sleep
No one understands my daily struggle or takes me seriously
Some days I can smile and forget about the hurt
And appreciate the life I'm given and appreciate the worth
But days like this are spent in sorrow, severe and true abyss
And leave me only to desire a better day than this
I ask God for His strength but I never ask for cure
Growing old in this condition would mean more a hellish prison than a promise to be sure
Maybe I'm here to suffer and feel what one cannot
Maybe I'm absorbing the hurt for someone weak and going through alot
Maybe I'm here to open eyes so my soul can really see
No matter how mangled my surface from the battle scars I'll always be
A tough morning. That is all.

(C) Maxwell 2014
543 · Mar 2014
i love you too
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I live a double life because I cannot seem to choose
I have everything to gain
and I risk everything to lose
(C) Maxwell 2014
543 · Jan 2017
my hair; your obsession
Luna Lynn Jan 2017
my hair is your obsession
because it's *****
it's curly
it's exotic
it's ethnic

i wrap it up because it's fallen out
and you call me aunt jemima
i wrap it up because it's damaged
and you call me carmen miranda

you taped a photo on my desk

how about i tape a photo to your desk?
compare you to every white person you remind me of
touch your hair every day and point out your split ends
your bald spots
your imperfections
and send you a photo of the whitest white woman
and say,
this is you;
you are her

your ignorance fascinates me and yet
i'm not allowed to say ****
i sit in my chair
and i let your micro aggressions build up
into volcanoes that make me want to erupt on
your fantasy island
where all white is all right
and all black is all nap
and latinas serve your tequilas

you always want to put your ******* fingers
where they don't belong
you believe your simple gestures are innocent
but you're wrong
(c) Maxwell 2017
541 · Jul 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
The walls are closing in
and the oceans just may be parting
only to surround the very small space
to engulf all of my being

The raging tides begin
and the perfect storm is just starting
in an attempt to drown in this wretched place
I have made my way across without seeing

The lightening strikes again
and the path to my lungs is hardening
my hands are worthless as they tremor and shake
I'm dying and you don't even believe me
This poem was another written from a list of topics I provided to fans on my Facebook page.  This current topic (panic attacks) was given to me by my friend and neighbor Jon Hicks. I've had panic attacks, and sometimes I still do.  They are the worst feeling in the world, and I hoped I succeeded in expressing that.

(c) Maxwell 2014
541 · Sep 6
Luna Lynn Sep 6
gutted like a fish
my innards strewn about
i watch everyone
step over them
in hopes they won't be seen

i salvage what's left of me
unnoticed and unrecognizable
i paint a smile
with two dollar lipstick
to mask the suffering

who could i ask for help
the world and the god
know of my despair
but the lights keep
going out during the storm

blindly leading
i don't trust myself
and i won't trust you either
a vicious cycle of misfortune
can change even
the strongest of hearts
to stone
(C) L.Lynn Poetry 2024
526 · Sep 2014
the Heart
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
the anger has been silenced
with the beat of a heart
that isn't quite strong enough
to withstand a depart
and the ties are joined tighter
and the sun will shine brighter
all due to the magnificent strength
of a weakening heart
(C) Maxwell 2014
524 · Aug 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
twenty seven
twenty seven
born right in the rain
twenty seven
twenty seven
the day has come again
Happy Birthday to me lol..

(C) Maxwell 2014
520 · Apr 2014
i don't understand
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
you say you're sorry for not showing emotion;
for not seeming supportive

if you only
knew how lonely
I am tonight
Not feeling well and you're not here.

(C) Maxwell 2014
516 · Jun 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
my tears are very real
and in your absence they are made of glass
they cut open the strongest parts of my soul
and the wounds
they never heal
so i am forced to wear a mask
(C) Maxwell 2014
509 · Jun 2014
not so merry go round
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Remember those days?
Those days we spent driving nowhere
just listening to music and our own desires
just riding the wind
Remember those nights?
Those nights we spent making love
just becoming so lost in our hopes; dreams
just becoming lost in our skin
Remember those laughs?
Those laughs we shared over long islands
just living, smiling and spending money
just drinking away our troubles within

Remember those days?
Those days we argued, cried; left it to God
just threw our hands up in frustration
just decided to walk away
Remember those nights?
Those nights we cried ourselves to sleep
just trying to forget what we did
just trying to forget the pain
Remember those laughs?
Those uncomfortable moments in the light
just trying to pretend we could be friends
just trying to remain

And in the midst of memories
here we are
and there we go

once again
(C) Maxwell 2014
509 · Apr 2014
Haiku number whatever
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
**** will *always rule
If it feels good enough then
you are in **prison
(C) Maxwell 2014
508 · Apr 2017
Luna Lynn Apr 2017
drink away the pain
it doesn't work
attempt to forget it all
but it still hurts
(C) Maxwell 2017
507 · Nov 2014
it wasn't romance
Luna Lynn Nov 2014
but it happened
and as i lay listening to your breaths
your words flow in my hear
i don't hear
with each ****** of mistaken passion
i look up at the stars on a night so cold
you said it was bound to occur
and so i stare into the mirror afterwards
not knowing who she is anymore
the lines in her face are obscured
clothing myself in guilt
inside i have already been crying
she's looking back at me
and i'll be ******

she is smiling
(C) Maxwell 2014
506 · Jun 2014
it's 4am
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
and I woke up with you beside me,
you were nestled in my heart
I went to sleep with you on my mind
and you never did depart
I thank you for that
because your warmth;
it comforts me,
it saves me from the dark
Missing a friend.

(C) Maxwell 2014
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