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newborn Mar 2022
i imagine falling in love is like watching the rain fall onto the porch, dampening the surface
i imagine it is sweet, like drinking soda and downing smarties in the embrace of a summer day
it must feel tingly, like your whole body is on fire
it must be stone cold yet hot as blazes
it must ache and churn and screech and beg you to quit, like a silly addiction

i imagine falling in love is like tumbling headfirst from the sky, diving into a world of the unknown, but you know that’s where freedom lies
i imagine it is fluffy, marshmallow, cotton candy type
it must be fabulous, must be scary
it must feel like the world is crashing down, but you are saved by your parachute
it must tear your insides open and make you scream for mercy

i imagine falling in love is like dancing alone in a rose garden, holding hands with the perfectly positioned statues
i imagine it is heavy, like a weight you almost cannot lift, but you manage
it must be fairytale like, almost as if you are captured in a screenplay, so you act in a Hollywood way
it must be light, like floating on top of clouds or touching silk that softens your skin and removes your scars
it must be troubling, having something so momentous happen to you without any sort of control

i imagine falling in love is like staring into someone’s eyes and finding their soul and reaching inside of their eye sockets to pull it out
i imagine it is fruitful, one nudge and it is a cherry blossom tree, evergreen and forever spring
it must be quick witted, it must happen so fast you don’t even notice the difference
it must be rapid, like heart beating in the middle of the night when life creeps up on you
it must be filling, like eating mounds of bread and filling up before the main course arrives
it must be everlasting, the feeling, the rush of a glance shooting straight to the gut, to the heart, to the veins
it must be enveloping, dragging every part of you into its embrace

i imagine falling in love is like smiling in pure silence, feeling your reflexes calm because this is what your body is supposed to do
i imagine it is perfect, perfect in a way that isn’t entirely godlike, but it feels like perfection to such joyful eyes
it must be like leaping and bounding in fresh magnolia fields, erasing the anxiety and the pressure of society, just so you can be free and flap your hummingbird wings
it must be like finding home and never feeling lost ever again
no matter the circumstance
love: the antidote to every disease

15 · Apr 2022
newborn Apr 2022
sweaty hands, take me to dance
i swung my arm around
you told me i was doing it wrong
so you grabbed my waist
and swayed
to the beat of the drums
to the beat of my overwhelmed heart
the neon lights shone on your heavenly face
i stared deeply into your glowing eyes
my sister was jealous
that i could land you
so easily
from that glittering stage with neon lights
into your arms only tonight
this was all a dream, duh. i am as single as it gets lol. but what a beautiful dream. i wish this was real life. but the kid i am writing about is gay (i believe so) and he goes to another school and he’s much older than me. whatever happens in my dreams, stays in my dreams

newborn Oct 2022
“sparkle and shine,”
one day i’ll say
to myself in the mirror
or maybe even
to a distant/immediate
the covers.
“shine and be shown,”
one day i’ll yell to
the spruce trees
whose branches
hover over
or to
the way i
look in skinny
“love the death inside of you
and keep the
life inside
of you as
strong as you can,”
one day i’ll tell my
grandchildren if i lose
my fear of giving
birth or
to somebody
of a pep talk.
“be valiant,
don’t ever be false,
for that is worse than
the most heinous
of truths
you have hiding
inside your skull,”
i’ll tell you as
we sit
the kitchen floor
in underwear
the fluor
flickering lights
eating brunch
at noon in the
and you’ll tell
me the exact
same thing
and i’ve always
been such a
“sparkle and shine,”
one day i’ll say
on the dock
by the lake house
with the really
suspicious murky
and i’ll say it
with pride to
the image
of my past
image in
the pitiless
perhaps you’ll
say it to me as well,
as the fog
opens up a
new front
in my/our
front yard
as i peep
through the
and i feel alive
and the
poetry in my
veins awakens
to the beat of
the ripened heat.
and i’ll shine like
the sun,
just can you be
my spotlight if
my light suddenly
can you?
can you, please?
mm, i want to be nicer to myself

15 · Jan 2022
newborn Jan 2022
And my figures of speech
I’ll wait for a moment to pounce
But for now, I’ll be cooped up in my house
Engaged in pensive thought about you

And if I could see the summer sun
One more time before the waves turn black
Like a mysterious soul
Or like non renewable coal
I’ll want that

And if you could smile pleasantly up at me
Like you want to have a discussion with me
I will formally accept that offer
In the safety of my own room and the
shoulders of my country

And you’re partly stone
And half liquid
I ain’t trying to get in your business
But I can’t love from a distance
And I can’t breathe when you’re missing

I’m writing pretty just to act like you didn’t wrong me
With your brand new friends and being a pain to society
That’s what being smart and needy gets you

I feel betrayed by my own tongue
By the rapid movement of my fingers when I’m writing about you
Cause I never wanted to admit anything
Not even the truth
When it comes to you

I know everyone else converses with the easy side of you
Lighting the cigarette and blinded by the reality
Of the way you use your words because you have a dang superiority complex
Or are you different?

Slanting your definition so you’re not the villain in the story
I laugh in desperation and the thought that I might never see your eager face at 7:30 in the morning ever again
That is terrifying to me
I’m growing up and you are too
I feel like it’s a curse for me
A curse because of a plague of guilt and malevolence
I know she’s alive grinning, watching my life crumbling like the lost city of Pompeii
She stole you away from me
Not the pages of poetry
Or the growing apart because of vicinities
It’s the hostility, the spite, the animosity
Because I was having such a dang good year
Until she had to place her grummy hands over my happiness
And MY moments
Regurgitate them back to me
I’m blaming you
When I should be blaming COVID-19

15 · Mar 2022
the kids my age
newborn Mar 2022
they are all in love
they have all been touched
but i stand here alone, with my soaking wet socks
unlovable, unloved

come on, i am fifteen
i should have had a boyfriend by now
but no, i am alone
and i am sick of wanting happiness for myself
in a teenage boy who would probably want something more out of me

i am not like the kids my age
they can turn their shoulder and be kissed
i haven’t even experienced that sensation yet
i haven’t even had a boyfriend
again, another hopeless romantic hopeless yet hopeful “poem”

15 · Aug 2022
apocalypse (2)
newborn Aug 2022
you crumbled in my hands like flimsy bricks on lazy made housing developments
tumbling like rocks on sides of cliffs
dull guilty eyes stared back at me
black circles gazing presumptuously
at my porcelain skin
we were not bad people
we were just victims to cruel assumption
you took the brunt of the dazed collusion
and they stole me from you
as the spaceships coughed up fumes
capable of killing a single man
in under five seconds
we all cry the same tears when we hear the world is coming to a close
we travel to tiny towns where our families are stationed
and we weep in each other’s arms
because all our tears are made up of saltwater
none are fresher than another  
none are clearer
none are holier
i danced with you as the world was bombed to ashes
and minimized to dust particles
but you broke out of my embrace
and shot me in the head instead
the darkness poured out of your grim eyelids
and into my soul
i choked on my own rotten blood
feeling fire slither up next to my paralyzed body

you lit all the corners of the rooms
with candles
now they’re burning
burning the wax all the way down to the bottom
this time,
i’m not dancing,
i’m burning alive

forever is a crueler way of saying never
a reality filled continuation of the apocalypse poem

15 · Jan 2022
newborn Jan 2022
I remember the first time I was informed
About a metaphor

I shrugged and said
“I don’t need this in the real world.
Why are you teaching us this useless fluff?”

Yet when I saw your eyes blink during
The Christmas season
I wished I had never uttered those words
With little to no understanding
Of what words can heal
And what they can express

Metaphors are the key to knowing
People better than the rest
Whoever created the concept of metaphors was an undercover genius

15 · Jan 2022
Maybe You Were Me Before
newborn Jan 2022
I walked down the path, watching my steps intently, trying not to fall. My face formed a light smile that annunciated my cheekbones. I was happy now; this was the first time I was in the longest time. I never knew why I was sad either, all my emotions always seem to blend together. I pushed everything aside for the minutes I was walking, clearing my wandering mind.
And there he was ahead of me. Jeremiah.
Oh, what was I to do? He was in the way of the pathway, I couldn’t leave now. The wind stung my face with its worry. As if she was speaking to me, asking,“Are you alright?” patiently.
Oh, I was properly scared. No, not gut wrenchingly frightened, but the hair on my neck stood on its edge, ready for attack.
As I was about to prance away, our eyes met. His were green, brown- hazel. Beautiful. I didn’t dare breathe one word.
He walked up to me, grabbing my hand slowly. I reached out and we touched. The cherry blossoms fell onto the ground all around us.
My mouth didn’t want to speak, but I did. My brain was telling me to say how much I adored him. How much I loved him, but oh no, I could never.
“What’s the matter?” Jeremiah whispered serenely.
“Nothing.” I gently replied, but my mind blew up with many sparks.
“I missed you. You know that?” He asked sweetly, his breath smelled like candy that I wanted to put in my mouth and engulf.
“I missed you too,” I said, beaming.
We hadn’t seen each other in a whole month. I missed him the entire time, with my full heart. Even though he was gone for so long at war, I didn’t want to see him anymore. Those forbidden words clung to the back of my tongue, ready to protrude out of my lips at any given moment. But I kept silent. Even though it pained me deeply.
“Everything seems off…like I missed a lot.” He gave a sentimental expression to me and looked straight up at the glowing sun.
“You never miss too much. You’re always gone when there’s a problem, always gone when I’m grieving.” I was petrified that those words came out of my foolish lips. I told them to stop being so loose.
I could tell that he felt sympathetic for me, while also terrified of my honest remarks.
“No, that’s not what I meant-“ the words didn’t feel right. Not at all.
Jeremiah didn’t say anything else. Neither did I.
But he grabbed my hand and we started waltzing. The sun was beginning to set in the bleak horizon. The sun lit up both of our indignant faces, something we had in common.
While he waltzed calmly, he whistled. The songs he was whistling sounded so familiar. So familiar.
War chants. That’s what the whistle sounds were. They tore me towards his skin. I saw landscapes from Greece, Italy, and Spain painted on his skin. Dreams so faint, I could barely read them. Tattoos of what our lives could have been. If he never got involved in war.

As our dance ended, he pulled me in so close I could almost taste his disappointment.
His eyes told me stories from his time at war, but that wasn’t what he was trying to tell me.
“You shouldn’t resent me for going to war,” he said. “You know before…before my life….I had another one. And before that, you weren’t mine, I was you.”
“What?” I asked doubtfully.
“I was you before. I criticized you for going to save your country. I denounced your accomplishments complacently. I said you were worth nothing. And the next day, I found you on the floor of the dining room. Burning alive. I ran to your side but..” he struggled forming these words, “I was engulfed into the flame. Both of us went down to the evil storm of jealousy. Both of us died in vain. Useless. So God sent us back for another round, when we would swap roles, I would go to war and provide, and you would, you know, wait around. But look, we’re right back where we started.” He finished this statement firmly, leaving out no small detail.
“Oh, Jeremiah! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean anything. I promise. Oh, I missed you at war! I missed you dearly! I will never say anything else about you leaving! Never!” Yelling at the top of my lungs felt all good and well.
And we gripped each other’s bodies so tight, I bet an earthquake happened.
“Oh, Jeremiah! Maybe you were me before!” I shouted into the pitch black darkness.
Jeremiah whispered quietly under his breath. “Maybe.”
Soulmates who?
15 · Feb 2022
newborn Feb 2022
now i am doubting that i will see you
it seems way way too good to be true
march third is too close
i could wear it like a scarf
i thought i wanted to see your dim lit face
but now i am nervous
and i am stapling my fingers
anticipating everything
escalating the situation

ever been anxious about seeing someone you’ve known for ten years before?
well, i am
and you might not even be there
might not want to waste your time on such time consuming activities
i wouldn’t blame you
i have never been interesting let alone stand alone material

now i am contemplating and overthinking
why can’t i just stop torturing myself?
this is getting out of hand
this is over some stupid reunion
this is getting so overwhelmingly nerve-racking
and it’s wailing so loud
like a siren in the sea
that you wouldn’t want to die for
or get eaten alive by
it’s so excruciating
the pain i feel when i relapse
and when i fixate on the silly things

that isn’t a request
that is a demand
a constant reminder that i am spiraling
and that you will never help.
and that i will never regain my strength
to climb up the steep mountain

i am so serious this time
the days are getting longer
and you are getting farther away from me
please help.
especially since this is all because i am worried that you might not come
show up and look me in the eyes
or wonder what i am doing on such a perplexing thursday night

now i am doubting that you will even show
so i am lining this heart of mine with barricades so no foreigner can get inside
come if you can
if you have the time
but i won’t cry
if you only stay for a little while
just stay.
a continuation of thought i should tell you this before march third
cause you might not come
uh oh

15 · Nov 2022
newborn Nov 2022
i breathe in chemical aurora borealis
i dance in ballrooms with no one watching

he believed we were going to be inseparable lovers encaged inside of barbed wire
he believed i would be his muse,
till his last breath

but i breathe in chemical aurora borealis
i dance in ballrooms with no one watching

he breathes in rose blossomed newlywed smiles
he dances in spite of the acid rain

he believed we were an unstoppable tsunami
destined to keep growing and growing
enveloping all things into our youthful hearts

i believed we were a radioactive volcano
tension, tension, and tension
until suddenly we burst
into violent lava
and wreak havoc on the binds that hold us

he saw our glowing embers
never yet thought of the impending destruction
we would cause
with our hurricane stubbornness
and tornado hotheadedness


i breathe in chemical aurora borealis
i dance in ballrooms with no one watching

he breathes in idealistic remedies
he dances on stage as the curtain draws

he believed we would face this world together
like uplifted doves carrying olive branches in their beaks
i believed we would crumble
like every clumsy ancient civilization

but still i rest here,
with eyes devoid of aurora borealis projections
and i wish
that i would have
surrendered to his tsunami

i need to grasp the feeling of being washed away instead of hanging on to loneliness like it’s the last straw of my far fetched happiness
wash me away
i am useless if you cannot love me
character driven!! yay
15 · Apr 2023
newborn Apr 2023
perhaps she saw invisible women because she was wracked with insanity and fits of inconsequentiality
the burden of her was that of a doomed future
alive in the walls
the catch of the hound dog
so indignant of its nature


i used to see cracks in an open ceiling, reaching up beyond the atmosphere; but no, it belongs to a house, with quite stable walls may i add. and the people come and go like revolving doors, but no one claims themself victim. without a chance to fly from the nest, our minds are infested with a curse—a knowledgeable notion that some perhaps have encountered many a time before truly understanding its splendor. freedom. in its clutches made of lace and velvet, one may feel they are home. but such a power is overwhelming, squeezing lungs just by its pure force. i say, the cell walls hold me in, but it is not in fact because of my lack of ability to change, it is because a lack of pushing or shoving them. one can move the earth beneath their feet, stomping on ground claimed by millions of souls. the constraints are placed on a mind slightly devoid of integrity. once they are set, the binds get stronger every time bones become brittle with a broken mentality. see, she did not cry before she knew ownership of her voice. she cries because the voice inside of her isn’t halted by her tongue anymore by any stretch of the imagination, and she can’t retract her sentences. spiraling into havoc, the ceiling spun along with me. we drew back drywall, but nothing came out. she drove her hands between the crevices to confirm its falsehood because propensity can not be let down. she will see the cracks where they aren’t. she will notice faults that don’t exist and what are we supposed to say about this? so brave. so strong. a condition such as victimhood will cause certain death if one is not careful with it.

15 · Jul 2022
teach me
newborn Jul 2022
teach me how to drift in the wind
how to build homes out of charred wood
teach me how to dream
how to change stuck mindsets
teach me how to grow as wild and as old as the aged sycamore trees
how to paint stars in gloomy night skies
teach me how to capture saturn on film
how to be the best i possibly can
teach me to be unbothered like the ocean tide
how to make imaginary planets with the cellulite on my thighs
teach me how to love myself
how to love you as well
teach me all you know
the waves, the breeze, the undertow
teach me how to adore love
how to preserve nature
teach me how to be carefree like dolphins
how to roll in flower fields
and how to feel beautiful
teach me everything you know
i wanna love myself, i really do

15 · Aug 2022
used to
newborn Aug 2022
you used to dream in moody lit bars
raise your glass
and higher
each time.
you used to live in tricolors
gleaming across the atmosphere
at once.
you used to shine brighter than the sun
but your light dimmed
and darker
every time.

i know you aren’t ok anymore, but i really wish you were
broken soul

15 · Dec 2021
Love is
newborn Dec 2021
Love is selfless.
Love is surrendering every part of your entire being to make someone’s day.
Love is giving everything away that you treasure just to fill someone’s soul with pride.
Love is never losing sight of what is truly important.
Love is after a day of heart wrenching failures and flaws, you can confide in them.
Love is like the dark side of the moon.
The one no one gets to see, but once it is full, it is a glowing light, lighting up the dark.
Love is painful.
It’s hard to commit to and can even take a lifetime to perfect.
Love is compassionate.
Like giving every single part of you to help the other person, without expecting anything in return.
Love is sacred.
Love is meant to be shared and shown to everyone, and is meant to be kept close to our hearts, always on our minds.
Love is crazy.
Like screaming at someone you know can’t hear you, but you do it anyway.
It can drive to the edge of a cliff, but grasping back onto you, forcing you to not jump.
Love is hopeful.
Like feeling butterflies in your stomach after you make eye contact.
The burning sensation you feel inside when your breath is ripped away, so quick you don’t even have time to think.
Love is flawed.
Like a dream can make you want something you can’t have.
Nothing is perfect, so of course, love isn’t either.
Love is difficult.
Like solving a math problem you don’t know the answer to, but guessing anyway.
Like having to push away the toxic ones from your life, and having to develop huge growing mountains that create valleys and streams.
While accepting that not everything can go to plan.
Love is risky.
Like a tiny string that could be ripped apart in less than a second, but it’s still hanging on.
Right before you start to free fall and you know what’s in store.
Love is exciting.
Like getting a new toy or entering gates filled with gold and silver, waiting for your entrance.
Love is everything.
Like God put us in the world, he provided others to help guide us on our paths.
Love is everything good, like sweet treats and amusement parks.
Like laughing at jokes, smiling at a T.V. screen, dancing to your favorite song, creating memories.
Love is everything that we wish to be.
You can only love if you choose to lose control.
Love is nothing more than what it is
And is nothing more than it isn’t.
Love is.
What is love like to you?
Leave it in the comments below
15 · Sep 2022
newborn Sep 2022
she is allowing her tears to fall again
after the day’s work of dying
she knows she is alone in this agony
she can’t ask anyone for help;
they won’t help
they just brush it off
and call her selfish
and she’s not.
i can assure you that.
her heart stings from the pressure she feels.
her pulse speeds up
and she stops breathing again.
it won’t come to a close
and she wishes and wishes it just could.  
cause her pain isn’t measurable,
it isn’t some simple math equation.
she can’t calculate why she’s feeling worthless.
she was almost a prodigy, but someone else took her place.
he’s got everyone laughing and he can start a conversation within two seconds of meeting someone new.
he takes initiative, solving problems right and left.
why can’t that be her?
she can’t do anything best.
what’s to trying?
she still won’t be able to breathe
why do i feel the need to open my mouth? 9/21/22
14 · Dec 2022
newborn Dec 2022
i guarantee that you would be a beautiful existence
even if no one in the world wanted you around, i hope you would know that i would
i wanted you around

we could have been best friends
laughing like psychopathic fools
above couch cushions
you could have been the reason high school doesn’t ****
or the reason why i learned so many lessons

you could have been my lover
someone who finally deems me worthy for this worn-out world

don’t tell me you’re stuck in some cruel realm
tell me you’re safe in the arms of someone who wants you
someone who knew you would grow from the roots embedded into the mushy ground
into a lush cherry tree

“my dear, they say i’m unwanted. unlovable, useless. am i?”

angel, no. somethings just don’t work out the way we plan. you’re more useful than the swords they used to clip your wings. you’re more wanted than the acceptance that they received for doing those vile things to you. maybe they were just as scared as you…

“my dear, but i was wasted. used as a token to change my status of being. where am i?”

angel, i don’t know where you are. i hope with all my heart that you are in some place where your wings are the perfect size, where the comedy specials never end, and the cinnamon rolls never stop baking. i hope you live with all the other precious souls who share the same questions as you. you will never be wasted. no, not wherever you are currently. never.

“my dear, i think i see. i wish i could’ve made high school better for you. rode bikes in the neighborhood with you. been there for you when your heart wouldn’t stop screaming in high intervals. i got you.”

you’ll always be on my mind, in the choices i make. you’ll shine like a chandelier in my midnight insomniac blues. you’ll never be a burden, you couldn’t; for heaven’s sakes that could never be you.
have been waiting to publish this for a while and i just remembered all the selfish people in the world that disguise their concern and destruction as liberation. and so i felt like publishing this. merry Christmas to everyone, love everyone, and respect to everyone to holds their beliefs firm even when others say it is wrong. i think it’s especially special to publish this today because if He hadn’t been born, i don’t know what this world would be right now. every single life is valuable, do not forget it. merry merry merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.


originally written- 11/30/22
14 · Mar 25
newborn Mar 25
—i wanted you to love me
not in a selfish way
in a “i’ve never experienced love, can you dress my wounds” kind of way
i wanted your eyes to paint galaxies
over the acres of my skin
and make them shine like a constellation in the
light-polluted backyard

—i wanted you to adore me
not in a selfish way
in a “if you looked at anything else, it wouldn’t measure up, but that’s fine” kind of way

but you don’t have to love me
in a stain glass window church kind of way
you don’t have to paint over my cracks
and force me to stay
i would hold your hand no matter
even if the dam we built together suddenly came apart
i would hold you

you’re so easy to love

   —i wish i was like you
idk honestly. i wish i could just be easy to love, but i make it so difficult for others to consider it. thank you for showing me platonic love, i really appreciate it.

14 · Dec 2022
newborn Dec 2022
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then free falling
the glimmer in his eyes only ever gave me solace
in the easiest time of the century
when worrying didn’t even cross my mind.
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then crying
a lovesick baby, a two-faced wannabe
it’s better to be invisible than living life lying about being meaningful.
it’s writing and writing and writing
and then failing,
this time on stage
in front of an audience of about ten million narcissists
they say my emotions aren’t art
and the shakiness of my breath—the sweatiness of my hands—is manifested.
it’s writing and writing and rewiring
have you come to terms with knowing that you were doomed from the start?
i wish i had someone to devote my writing to, but it’s only for me

14 · Jun 2023
newborn Jun 2023
the sand is between my toes
all my foes have gone south for the
long winter
they are crashing beach waves
unable to reach my shore

the vibrant burning flesh
lingers harshly on our legs
between nightgowns and laugh-out-louds
the dim midnight candles flicker
bitter wind grazes past so gently
and yet so recklessly

there is a sunlit radiance
lit up on your face
a certain kind of experience
brings forward such impetuousness
effervescent and streaked with purpose
you glow with such precision
inside a hotel suite bound for secrecy
and pretending to be
who we are not, who we wish we were

i was young sun-kissed skin
lucidly dancing
in childish daze
in foreign
dizzy and unhinged
but somehow still so poised
in violet tenderness
with your soft lips
on mine
such subtle ties
impossible to memorize
we are fragments of misplaced puzzle pieces
deliberate looks on sweltering beaches
we are undefined
in the white
heat of summer

stares that tarnish
secure fires
by the beachside
there are sudden nerves in
self-proclaimed fearlessness
awestruck teenagers
intoxicated in the
unforeseen appearance of lust, misconstrued as love

the balconies with ivy over the edge
spill over the cloudless yellow coast
wild cerulean waves bathe the air in slight showers
careful hand grabs
heat lightning
fever struck adolescence
soak in twilight sweat beads
ebullient girls with brunette bouncing curls
in the wake
your waves
crash against my figure
leaving spots touched by the sun
and your scent remains on
as you alluringly
twist the shape of the universe
our own accords
the dawn licks our faces
as we wake up to the soothing noises
of boats rising then
tumbling upon the ocean current
your magnetic field pulls me
into swift contact upon auberge floors  

we become the matters we take
in our own hands
we become two shapes glistening
in the pale hush of nightfall
inspired by the book i am reading and the ocean and the sea air.

14 · Jul 2022
newborn Jul 2022
dust and chemicals risen into the air.
sidewalks coated in ashy film.
homes left uninhabited with toys.
fine china up on shelves.
amusement parks with zero traffic.
soft breaths of little children.
smiles that disappeared.
life—frozen in place.
nuclear waste.
and lost memories.
seeing pictures of Chernobyl makes me kinda sad. those people just had to get up and leave their homes, never to return. love you Ukraine, always🇺🇦

14 · Jan 2022
newborn Jan 2022
ur best friend of five years at least (ur horrible at math) has left you for a structure and you lay there on your bed confused. Life had just started getting good. U had a phenomenal teacher, “friends,” lovers (i mean you were like eleven so more like crushes) good grades and every luxury the world could give to you. it’s halloween night and you don’t even know it’s the last time you are going to be speaking with ur best friend. and after that you start to miss her and see her in unlit candles and McDonald’s hamburgers. you read ur old text messages and you bawl into your knuckles until u are sore and you have to stop for ur greater good. u avoid eye contact with her because now you are inside the place that she left you for and you feel immeasurable to its warm embrace. you don’t tell your new friends about your cluelessness of why she stopped talking to you. u leave this all untouched and no one can collapse the property you built for your furious self. And you grow tired every day of having to hide from such a public relationship that you develop social anxiety. u start to feel eyes all over you all the time and you can’t sleep well at night because there might be a ghost under ur bed. and ur life becomes pointless because who should you be living for now? u contemplate saying something to her, but you fear rejection so much that you cower in the dusty corner and u are safe... right? oh, but ur still gonna turn red and pink and purple after dreams are torn and scraped like the crumbs on the table. u ache with every bone in your body and every cell wishes you would just say “hi” to the closest stranger ever. but ur mouth shakes and trembles and you grow tired of always having to try after SHE left U for a building that would crumble in less than four years. a building that wouldn’t even last longer than ur “friendship.” but u don’t feel angry, you just feel numb and ur phone vibrates from other people who cared enough to call you smart or say you knew more than them in spanish class and you realize that some people will never care enough to talk or never want to rekindle what you thought they would and you are ok with it. because friends are fluctuations and you are probably never gonna see the man who asked you to help him walk across the street again, so why would you care if it was anyone else? u are unstoppable and ur best friend is just an old friend and that’s how the world is. and you will not cry about it
and she left such a long time ago that you pretend you forgot about it

newborn Sep 2022
i have tried living in a world where the only thing that matters is your looks
and no one cares if you’re too ****** or not as long as you’re drop dead gorgeous
i don’t wanna inhabit this shallow realm

if we all had blobs for faces, i wouldn’t constantly compare myself to all the other life forms that coexist on this earth

perhaps there’s another (better) earth out there,
i just need to look harder
i am actually hideous

14 · Jan 19
so as to say
newborn Jan 19
in the moonlight, i dream of being you
partially blue, but all there
unafraid and unbelievably able
if i were to be stable
perhaps i could be capable
of holding my arms outstretched
to reach a release that yearns for me
perhaps i could be capable
of moving the whole ocean around
in a tiny bottle
to lay in the riptide
consumed by the violent rise
and fall of the swells of
dwelling little white-caps
i could be more than you would ever know
i could be a you you’ve never known
never shown
never grown
up to be a “when push comes to shove” kind of
i could be a you you’ve never heard of
never dreamt of
never conceived of
never believed of
but, of course,
the good ones never know
never show
never grow
up to be machines
always own up to be-
ing flee-
i could be a me many have never heard of
i could be a me that is silent and swift like a dove
a silence warm, reached out in a hug
a soft streetlight that shines light not so bright as to blind
but as to awaken the right light in one’s eye
and in the moonlight,
i dream of being who i can fully be.
spoken word i guess. i want to register for this competition, i just don’t know.

written: 1/10/24
published: 1/19/24
14 · Jul 2022
shower thoughts lll
newborn Jul 2022
young kids are always afraid of the dark
in their closest, the monsters under their beds
and when they grow up, that never actually goes away
we just realize there’s more darkness in the people around us
than in our childhood bedrooms
i am still a little bit afraid of the dark, but more afraid of humankind

14 · Jul 2023
newborn Jul 2023
and maybe i’m not the oceanic girl with satin draped upon soaked legs and arms
who washes up on the beach and interrupts your business, but you’re totally cool with it
i’m not the gentle sprinkler girl with sweet smelling perfume and kind eyes
who sings you a song and you forget all about your other problems just to hear her
i wish i was the sapphire moon-dusted angel beaming on a shooting star
above your home with sturdy walls
but i am not
i am not headlight savage, i find meaning in otherwise meaningless things
like a sudden crinkle in the corner of your eyes
like a butterfly landing close to my nose
i am absolutely nothing
not a mermaid girl, not an album cover saver, not a flapper girl stuck in the wrong time period
i am a deeply disturbed individual
so filled with nothingness that it courses through my veins
and i bleed absolutely nothing.
i do not bleed.
i do not bleed.
i do not bleed.
i do not bleed.
i do not bleed.
i do not bleed.
and if i do, it is in sparkling lake water at one a.m and i am lonely and so ill
and the world can’t fit my sorrow in its deepest sinkholes
and so i sit alone on the dock, in the woods with nothing but nothingness inside of me
and i weep with a mason jar clasped so viciously in my hand that the glass starts to feel sharp and it cuts me but i bleed
i feel nothing.
i feel nothing.
i feel nothing.
i feel nothing.
i feel nothing.
i feel nothing.
absolutely nothing.
there is sulfur in my lungs and what a lullaby this desperation is becoming to my sore ears
almost like a siren, but the only thing i lure is unsatisfactory algae washed up upon the creaky dock and i’m holding my head in my hands like it’s about to burst, but it all feels so surreal and suddenly i start to feel nothing.
absolutely nothing
and suddenly, there are butterflies in my throat and they beg to be released out into the mist hovering over the water’s edge, but i can’t seem to gag or spit them out so i pound on my chest but nothing comes out.
absolutely nothing
and the air wraps around my droopy eyes and i must have been crying till it starts to feel like i’m barely even on life support anymore and i don’t seem to find an issue with that and that scares someone like me who just wants to leap off skyscrapers and lose all inhibitions and just breathe
the butterflies start flying out of my belly and the pressure is so intense that i try to scream, but i can’t because my ribs are squeezed together so tightly that i almost lose the remaining oxygen left in me yet it doesn’t bother me because i start to look unhealthy and squeamish but i look so little against the reflecting light but i still see nothing.
oh, something.
just something
but i just can’t and i accept defeat for i am the weak-minded damsel with daisies collected in her hair, but she isn’t weak she just wants to be loved just wants to be rescued from the sadness that leaks into her pores and descends onto the carpeted floor she just wants to feel something.
just something
but she searches in the places inhabited by sea monsters and abrasive deciders and it doesn’t seem to have an exit or a release from
the turmoil, but the wings of the butterflies get caught in her esophagus and coughs don’t suffice it and now she’s grasping at the last fiber of being that still exists inside of her
but there’s nothing

absolutel­y nothing.
so much to say yet it’s nothing at all
newborn May 2022
i understand that you don’t want to be a human
causing problems or making the news
or just trying to exist without lighting a fuse
with some thickheaded scoundrel
lay low
don’t mind the throbbing hearts
the fire breathing sweat machines
who slice heads off just for fun or for selfish reasons
slip into your burrow
the hyenas and lions don’t dig
(i think so)
if you drown out the noise, the noise will sound like a murmur
of distant chatter
it won’t matter
only emerge to get some food for thought
so on that note,
you won’t see me in a couple of years
at least until the fire swallows up the earth
and manages to seep into the dirt
that’s when i’ll emerge
you know...i get sick of it sometimes too
14 · Feb 2023
newborn Feb 2023
he ido al lugar donde descansas.
encontré tu forma en la arena.
algún día, te encontraré otra vez
en las señales
o en una cueva
con rosarios en tus manos cerradas.
te miraré con confusión
sorprendida con tu cara familiar.
no cárcel puede guárdame para siempre.
las paredes son demasiada delgadas
y mi amor para ti es más fuerte.
te amo con cada hilo de mi ser.

yo estoy sola
en mi imaginación
en mi realidad
en una multitud de personas.

te encontraré otra vez
cerca de los puentes
buscando tu corazón.
he corriendo miles de millas toda mi vida
cada paso más débil que el previo
rayos en el cielo
apuntando a ti.
ven acá
en el jardín donde el verano es para siempre
y nadie habla conmigo
excepto a ti
y no me importa
de verdad,
me gusta el ruido que haces en mi mente.

mis sentimientos te darán la claridad
cuando mi voz no te dará la verdad.

he te amado desde que tocaste mi corazón frágil
con tus guantes de oro.
eras un caballero
ahora no puedo encontrarte.
donde está mi hombre?
el tipo que se corre
más rápido que el viento
pero no te extraño
en este momento,
solo te quiero encontrar
en la selva o en mis sueños
no me importa.
otro poema en español. dime si esto es correcto. i am learning after all.

written: 1/31/23
published: 2/5/23
14 · Apr 2022
newborn Apr 2022
there are brats and rats and scumbags
crowbars and cheap cars and phantom stars
in the town of denial
down by the frothy beach
in the middle of a place called insanity

there are temptresses and trespasses and messages
phony ploys and bloodthirsty boys and aimless joys
in the dust-accompanying countryside
the place that silver wolves and pistols occupy
in foreboding high midnight sighs

there is loneliness and helplessness and acid
soda cans and grunge bands and peculiar bans and queer vans
all inside my throbbing heart
in the space i refuse to stay
in the place where it’s never “ok”

down by the frothy beach
in the middle of a place called insanity

this is when i like rhyming

*holds hands up to face like a villain in a sci-fi movie*

newborn Apr 2022
i missed his party so i didn’t get to see you
   and i write as if you hear my anguish
   as if you care enough to listen
**** it, i would give you my poems to read
    i miss you
    because without you, i blame it on myself
perhaps we were made to break
   to crack on hardwood floors and windows
   to grow apart as the famine destroys
i missed his party because i was sick
   so we didn’t get to mend our relationship
   and our beaten hearts are ruined

      i missed his party so now i miss you
oh, shut up by now. ur voice makes me mad and it lingers in the humid air. you know i hate saying i miss people, but maybe you don’t know. maybe you never knew me and i was just some little gimmick, some arm candy. cause u moved past this faster than a roller coaster ride, and i feel as if i am obligated to move on too. i forgot about you for basically 4 years, and i really don’t think i have been too affected by this until now. but it’s whatever. cause i will move on and be in love and stop creating fake storylines to feel alright. that’s soon, i can feel it too. letting go is the most powerful thing a person can do, and you are slipping out of my bitten nails and becoming less of a worry and more like an old story. ok, bye, you’ll never read my poems so you’ll never know that i actually care. and if you still care about me and want to talk to me, talk to me. i wanna reach out to you, i am just afraid of rejection. pls forgive me. i’m sorry
                                      so sorry

14 · Dec 2021
Starting To Slip And Fall
newborn Dec 2021
now you are the exact replica of worry
you are fading
i can feel it
i just don’t want to admit it
but wait, you aren’t fading
you are just becoming more permanent
a constant light
you’ll never disappear in my eyes
your flame will never be diminished in my night
Even though you may feel far away
You will never fade from my heart
newborn May 2022
i wanna go home
home to the bed i own
home to the chaotic laughter
i wanna go home
home to where i can be alone
home to where only i can roam
home to you
home to everyone
who loved me
when i wanted to return home
when i wanted to be alone
when i didn’t want to be provoked
take me home
but proceed with caution
don’t break me when you are taking me
lay me on my soft bed
kiss me on the head
fly me home
so i can dance in my room alone
so i can finally breathe after being choked
take me home
who am i kidding, just anxious?! i feel like i am bleeding from the knuckles and as if my brain is being chewed. it won’t stop. i just wanna escape it. i am soooo sick of being the “new one.” love me already

14 · May 2022
my type? lol
newborn May 2022
i want someone who’ll raise my chin above the crowds of people and hold my hand tighter when my heart rate increases and respect my boundaries and never be childish and isn’t a gym rat and knows that he is enough 

someone who doesn’t slurp soup or cereal and never asks me if i am ok because he’ll just know and has cracked open a book more than once in his life and writes poems to me in return even though i never asked him to and likes girls in mom jeans

i want someone who sings cheesy love songs to me outside of the shower and drinks sugary drinks and lifts me up just for fun and never gives people ***** looks and always looks ready for an opportunity and is certain and calming and can get my starbucks drink for me when i don’t wanna be seen in public

someone who’ll watch fun nature shows with me and never gets angry unless i am a **** to him and can fix a chimney and a car and a motorcycle and goes outside everyday and brings me along and couldn’t care less that i might’ve gained a little weight and will let me lay in bed all day when i just wanna be left alone

or you know, i’ll take anyone
14 · Dec 2022
newborn Dec 2022
to be worth the world, you have to be beautiful

to maintain a kiss
to be something to miss
to be a wife with kids
you have to be beautiful

likewise, all of us feel we’re the detriment
in a society that loves to see us in bed
but we cry soggy tears on our sheets
and we don’t stop just because a model says we can be beautiful on the inside

to be worth the world, you have to be beautiful
buy a diamond studded dress
and go out in the reeds
and sing a sailor’s song to your bride to be

likewise, all of us feel the world’s back turned
our royal blue skin on her selfish lips  
giving us dead flowers and then wishing us the best
sends us away with so many backhanded compliments

to be worth the world, you have to be beautiful
raise your arms up to the afternoon sun
and remind everyone you were sent from God
and baby, i was too but there’s no use to prove it

likewise, i turn jewelry into stone
i make this critical conditioned heart into gold
i sew my bedsheets to represent some home
i believe the truth comes bleeding out of our eyeballs
our lungs just trying to catch up to this world

to be worth the world, you must be beautiful
we all call you by your given name
but you stomp on our fingers
you linger like a bad disease
it doesn’t pay to be kind and pretty

unlike you, i slave the day away
trying to feel the taste that gathers on your tongue
even when you do things wrong
i must try to feed the monster inside of my stomach
but it beats me to a pulp
every time i want something even as widespread as love

to be worth the world, you must be beautiful
you don’t need all the credentials
you don’t even have to have potential
as a valued person for anything other than your outer self

likewise, one day i might slip under the rope
being able to stop playing limbo
but what does it matter?
i’m still not a rose quartz in the middle of a stage show

to be worth the world, you must be beautiful
dance in alleyways
sing in outer space
be someone who can be replaced

be easily replaced
and then you’re beautiful
in this world
this goes to a folky musical thing that i made. inspo- gregory alan isakov

14 · Sep 2023
newborn Sep 2023
through tsunami waves
like fortresses
pounding with such force and restlessness
lay a hand upon this chasm
fissures along this human body.
blinked two times;
a signal for help.
you, an undercover perpetrator, spilt this ****** blood
there’s no rhyme or reason
for the capture of such purity.
the eagerness of the flesh
descending upon uneasiness.
one heart unmoored
one mourned
two hearts unbreakable
by a force of nature
so undeniable,
death is willing to submit to its feet.
yeah…i haven’t written in a while. i just haven’t been inspired. this is about innocence and the destruction of it. also about the human experience, doing things we do not want to, but others plead us to. and…the things we don’t do do not define us. the definition of things have changed.

14 · Dec 2021
the boat’s edge
newborn Dec 2021
you stand on the dock of the ship
watching the waves rise and fall
over and over again.
you cower over the edge
glancing softly
but stained from the sword slashes.
you want to see the foreign substance
taste the liquid solution
choke your soluble throat
and bomb the disapproval of the miscreants.
you don’t know what to do—you’re conflicted.
you were told to make the best decisions
but what if you could never determine this?
maybe just one step
and the day’s treachery
and the slavery of the industries you can’t deny
will be gone with the snap of a finger.
you precede slowly
glance at the roaring aqua
and you don’t stop.
you don’t lose.
you only see blue.
The explanation is in the poem

Just read
14 · Jan 2022
newborn Jan 2022
𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕞𝕪 𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕚𝕝
𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕥 𝕞𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤
𝕚 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕚 𝕒𝕞 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕓𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕦𝕥
𝕚 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖
Wrote this when I was watching a video about passions fading
Mine isn’t but I totally understand how much it hurts to lose the thing you once loved so much
And I dread that day coming
If it comes

14 · Jul 2022
inherently evil
newborn Jul 2022
am i inherently evil cause of my skin color?
do these blue eyes define evil in the shadow of brown eyes?
why must i feel ashamed for my pale skin?
i didn’t chose to be in this body.
didn’t chose to look this way.
half of the time i wanna punch myself in the face and turn purple so my skin color doesn’t protrude through my clothes.
i wanna hide in my blankets, cover my head with a bucket, my legs with a floor length gown.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
let me be someone else.
someone with browner eyes.
someone with black flowing hair.
someone with darker skin.
someone with more joy.
someone from a place prettier than here.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate it.
i hate it.
i absolutely hate it.
i hate myself. and who i am. and the world. and everyone

14 · Dec 2021
newborn Dec 2021
He’s confusing
         I sure am stumped
                As if a puzzle came to life.
  Unlike a book
          I can’t read him
                 Maybe I don’t speak his language
   Yet I still try
          Which proves that I care
                  And I’m not scared
    Because people aren’t open books
           You have to discover them on your own
                     I love that one person could be
    Rocks to me
             And gold to you
                    Even a crescent moon
     And what I see in him is a tree
               With moss, with roots, with leaves
                     Don’t cut it down
     Because someone out there might want
          To plant a thousand more seeds
   From your sprout
                     And grow a society of trees.
For one of my friends. Confusing people, am I right?
14 · Jul 2023
inaudible amphitheater
newborn Jul 2023
your muted applause
in a vacant miscalculated amphitheater.
if it makes noise,
i don’t hear it.
if it doesn’t,
i’ll pretend to.
i’ll tie your vapid words to my feet
and sing with the past fallen civilizations.
at least we’ll have something in common.
envy like ivy,
creeping up the walls
of my abandoned house in the
middle of the woods.
i’ll preach for the choirs
singing my guts out
for the fakers and
gladiators who all doubt my strength
cause’ pull away when you feel like the plot for ****** is starting to include your name.
somehow it doesn’t stain bitter snakeskin,
it only brings closure to being with who i don’t
consider to listen to
all the notes carried
so forcefully.
my stage is starless,
gotta confess that
the acoustics are awful;
forgot to smile.
you would’ve listened
if you really wanted to.
you would’ve licked the seal of the envelope
mailed it to me
to show your gratitude
and your generosity.
but instead you sit forging
your own signature
on the corpse of this friendship
while i cry over spilled milk
and birthday cake smudges
over tile floors
too repulsed to mop anymore.
too unhinged to care anymore.
too alive to be killed by your sword.
too loud, but not loud enough
for the sound to travel to your eardrums.
still, it’s not much to ask for you to just move
a little closer.
yeah… hard truth.

14 · Feb 2022
lonely talk
newborn Feb 2022
maybe i was never meant to fit in
i am the bystander
the sidestepper
the ignorant
maybe i was never meant to mean anything
i was supposed to be the “maybe”
or the “later”
and i am so so so so sick of this
my voice is cracking as i speak and yell and scream
notice me!
don’t keep me around if i do no good
this must be torture
or meaningful
for some stupid stupid reason
maybe i should just run to russia
or stop dang TRYING
stop TRYING to impress every stranger
stop TRYING to impress people my age
stop TRYING to become someone i ain’t
stop TRYING to be a friend or a side piece
i will just race my own shadow in a field of flowers
i will ALWAYS win
cause me myself and i can’t ruin anything
that’s exactly how i should be
thoughts of a 15 year old girl at a school dance i didn’t wanna be at

newborn Mar 2023
these quiet soft bodies in the forest are suffering
there is an endless question in the mouths of the rivers
there are scoundrels dressed in foggy black smoke
making peace with themselves while killing everyone else
their canines sharp, their chilling howling winds making the spirits’ hair stand on edge

these quiet soft bodies in the woods are suffering
there is a constant pounding of war drums beyond the horizon
buried underneath silk-spinning spiders and fool’s gold
there are ghastly ghosts shrieking for eternity in their eternal vacant brains
their tepid seething souls scavenging the abandoned corpses like vultures

these quiet soft bodies in the darkness are suffering
there is a hazy fog that blinds the earth from the heathens that have been buried in vain
they have bulging eyes and stigmatic circumstances protruding through the silence
tempestuousness swirling beneath their feet as in a hurricane churns up the foamy water
they see red coals and embers in the cores of any sane soul
they will gag you with a temper, leaving anger imprinted on your skin  

these quiet soft bodies in the emptiness are suffering
their cries for help are being intercepted by the government that birthed them
leaving them to be swallowed by the jet-black monsters that lurk in the shadows
there is a mask that is worn over their heads before their sense gets scraped off of their skin
they never have to feel a thing, the gashes only give a sense of victimhood

these quiet soft bodies in the nothingness are suffering
they are getting eroded away, thrown up in flames, spewing out ****** teardrops
they are hunted down and shot, seasoned perfectly and oiled
the trees groan from the fumes exuding up beyond the sky line
their branches fall off as they look the other way, vapid in their deliberations
disease is ravaging and no one even notices. or they do and they just don’t have enough of a reason to question it. or they truly believe that disease does not exist.

newborn Jul 2022
i don’t crave your big green eyes
but you’re using them to watch over somebody else.
i know this relationship is over
but i wish i could’ve ended it with somebody else.
and i don’t like that you’re sharing drinks with another woman
who sells her body to get money
wouldn’t you have liked to be with somebody else?
she has your favorite songs on cds and i never did
i wish you could’ve ended up loving somebody else.
somebody who’s rude to waiters, somebody who is only good for a first date or
at least somebody else.
now i have to hide my cold hands under my winter coat
cause you’re too busy holding somebody else’s.
your dog still loves me more
but he has to spend some time with somebody else.
just like you went and forgot me
cause it was more beneficial to see yourself with somebody else.
now you’re happy go lucky
since you’ve replaced me with somebody else.
lonely eating ice cream
while you’re shoving it down in the house of somebody else.
perhaps, i don’t miss your company
i’ve just been enjoying it more with somebody else.
or maybe this is hopeless
and i should let you make love to somebody else.

i don’t want your body
but i hate to think about you with somebody else.
somebody else inspired poem. 7/7/22
14 · Jan 2022
international studies
newborn Jan 2022
you sit behind me in international studies
i never look at you
maybe you recognize me...
   maybe you often want to say my name
especially after hearing my new companions saying it
     elucidate what you are feeling
make it so i can become a ninja with you again
and laugh in the schoolyard
    you are basically dead
you wispy deserted ghost town please show me what you think about me how....
     i kissed you
and i always knew my lips were not good enough of a souvenir
  everyone forgets about me anyway
     but i always become a revenant
here forever if you open your eyes or if you don’t forget the tributes of my life....

      you sit behind me in international studies
and i will never look at you because you will never ever bother to look for me
Oh my, not my kindergarten crush lol
14 · Aug 2022
double-edged sword
newborn Aug 2022
i stabbed my demons with a double-edged sword
it punctured my skin as well
and with that blood, i wrote your name,
not in times new roman,
but in my own special font
i cried over the torn parts of my flesh
but we all grow out of our tears,
don’t we?
after i stabbed my demons with a double-edged sword,
they climbed up into my brain cavities
and they took more
than i ever self sabotaged out of me
i carried my fallen blood in the suitcase
i will bury myself alive in one day
my demons spill secrets instead of blood
from their dreary corpses
and i rapidly try to gather them
in my dismay
if you write them away, they just come back stronger
because words aren’t indelible,
they can be erased
if you try to make peace with them,
they take too much of you
and label it a treaty
when it is honestly just tyranny
call it by no other name
if you start a war,
they start a revolution
and soon they have the entire universe up against you,
and no matter what anyone says,
you can’t beat the universe
you aren’t the avengers
you can’t do any of these things
and expect them to dissipate
and dissolve into the snowfall
you have to take yourself out
with the weapon you chose to ****** them in cold blood with
you have to bestow a double-edged sword
and you have to willingly sacrifice your entire self and more
cause unlike seasons, demons never leave
unless you **** their host
here goes nothing
the best writing is born from ideas that weren’t planned
13 · Feb 2022
love letter to my body
newborn Feb 2022
i love my body
my waist that isn’t the slimmest
but it’s doing the job
my lips aren’t the fullest
but they can taste
i admit i used to hate my legs
i despised the way they fell together
no thigh gap
plump in the mirror and through my judgmental eyes
but i had body dysmorphia
and she was so cruel to me
hitting me and shaming me for every little crease and imperfection on my body
she obsessed and i listened
and i cried and i watched myself twenty four seven
but now my legs are powerful
they could take down anyone
they’ve got a mind of their own
idk when i started loving every swoop and curve and turn my body took
i still think my stomach is too fat
it’s not flat enough
and i would and still **** in to create an effect as if i didn’t eat the two burgers
that i only ate one
but i know i shouldn’t be perfect
i should be human, after all
but how am i supposed to adore the parts of my stomach that don’t look like other womens’ do?
eat less, don’t bloat, stop drinking or you’ll float
i don’t take that type of criticism anymore
my body ain’t perfect
not even a bit
but i am human
what’s wrong with it?
cause it’s a built in truth teller
i won’t let any man stick around who doesn’t beg at my feet
and touch my body as if it were blessed by God
who doesn’t dream of tracing every edge of me and doesn’t say i’m pretty
he better wanna explore every part and dive in deep
love me in my rawest form, beautifully
i will leave him if he uses me for my body
i will love him if he waits for me
you know a body is just a outer wall
for the goopiness and strength of ones heart
so i will love my body
because it is a part of me
and not obsess over it
because it doesn’t matter at all to me
Wrote this 1/30/22

It’s been forever since I didn’t care what anyone thought about my body or how I looked and right now i feel quite confident about myself. I never think I’m fat anymore.

and if any person tells you to change your body or that you are too ugly just tell them that you aren’t perfect but you try and that they will never be good enough for you, because any person who has the guts to call you ugly or too fat when you look like a stick isn’t worth a single moment of your time.

That’s all, I think I love my body now. i am pretty sure. whatever. if that isn’t true, that is the reason for this poem yourself :}

edit- i hate everything about my body 8/8/22
13 · Jun 2023
at the seams
newborn Jun 2023
if you shatter into a million fragments fallen like a disco ball,
i will lift them with both my hands and put you back again.
sweating brow and unhappiness
i’ll take this weight from off your chest.
to live with the regret of losing you
would be the worst kind of eternal punishment.
it’s a vulnerable hour
coarse tongues and sharpened claws.
i awake to the shameless sound of your howling
bouncing off the walls
torn apart.
nightfall is brutal but i have the pieces of your heart
to wrap around my cold malnourished frame,
swallowing me whole involuntarily.
it’s all gonna be ok for me.
so, it’s about you, k. it’s also about wanting to fall in love so deeply that their flaws are beautiful paintings in the art gallery to me, and their flaws make them human which makes them pure and meaningful. love :))))
the normal human yearning for peace and adoration.

newborn Jan 2023
picture the luminescence  
cheekbones flexed
a flare of light
a bit of strength

you always inhabit the areas that reek with filthy phrases
ecstasy bleeding out of your weak bones
cause you follow the crowd that drowns in submarines
and coughs out their black lungs

picture the seaside town
its cliffs beside sandy beaches
the rapture  
illuminated by the irises of the world

fire escapes and lurid streetlights
the buzz of electricity

don’t forget the beauty amidst the demolition

you tell me this is fog, although i’m inhaling smoke
i started writing this january fourth, but i never finished it. i felt hopeless enough to finish it now, twenty days it took.  

“what does it mean if it all means nothing.”
-lord huron

newborn Mar 2023
violent thrash of a sword
to the fortress
that i call home.
there is always some
silver coin
or biology
that takes from me.
i have no one, but…
individuality and religion.
each destined to be stolen from me
yet i will not surrender
like the blue girl
that lurks by the docks
resembling the runny river water.
i will not lose the lens
that formed me.
the end of the tunnel
is bleak and empty.
there is nothing to hold your flaky body
if you don’t have the lens.
what do you see in your reflection
if not an extension of what you dislike the most?
the inner workings of you
are strikingly wholesome
but the lights within you
are soon to be stomped out.
when you change yourself for the unforgiving blank void of life,
what is there left but a shell of fool’s happiness?
the point in feeling whole is
lost. my hands tremble, a stormy body
on the edge of today. and what is it worth
if not living for the truth? what is it worth
if my existence goes completely unacknowledged?
who will be themselves?
yesterday ******. i feel unwanted.

written: 2/28/23
published: 3/1/23
13 · Sep 2023
newborn Sep 2023
gardening hands
sliced wings—
you make me happy
and i don’t mean to sound corny
but it’s true.
i am not in love
but time isn’t creeping behind stone walls
time isn’t slithering like a snake
in this garden
the smile cannot stop before it hits my lips
the river is smooth
and settles in my throat
i am not in love
but happiness is clinging to my torn sleeves
all the factory floors where my cold body laid so still
are getting renovated,
new floor plan.
harsh sea waters have calmed
after waging a war of hatred.
i am not in love
but this town feels bigger than usual
this gust of wind upon my head
is slowing by the minute.
the hour does not creep,
it moves along,
no hissing nor shouting nor demanding.
i am not in love
but the night spins achingly through my ceiling
as i beg and beg and plead for the sudden heat of the morning sun
sooner, faster
restrain me
i am not in love
i am only
i feel so good and sometimes i don’t, but i have felt good this entire week and it’s making me nervous because i don’t know how to handle this. i was never taught how to cover up a smile from creeping on my cheeks. i don’t want this feeling to end ever. i feel like i belong and that’s crazy because i haven’t felt that in four whole years. thank you.

13 · Mar 2022
two different realms
newborn Mar 2022
waking up from dreams
where i don’t even know the true reality
i was caught in netting like a whale
beached, on the beach
but when i awoke
the webbing was still on me
i was arising from slumber
in the fragments from my dreams
what is reality?
is my mind thinking in ways i can’t seem to?
dreaming half awake
living falsely
what is the cure for escaping
without meaning to?
wake me
from both realms
they are both so mysterious
i’d rather disappear into the pockets
of my drifting mind
oh, it would be much easier that way

it really would
one time, i woke up and i didn’t know where i was. i thought something happened when it didn’t and i was so confused it wasn’t even funny. i actually thought i had such a conversation with you, but it was all a lie. it wasn’t even in reality...
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