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13 · Feb 2022
love letter to my body
newborn Feb 2022
i love my body
my waist that isn’t the slimmest
but it’s doing the job
my lips aren’t the fullest
but they can taste
i admit i used to hate my legs
i despised the way they fell together
no thigh gap
plump in the mirror and through my judgmental eyes
but i had body dysmorphia
and she was so cruel to me
hitting me and shaming me for every little crease and imperfection on my body
she obsessed and i listened
and i cried and i watched myself twenty four seven
but now my legs are powerful
they could take down anyone
they’ve got a mind of their own
idk when i started loving every swoop and curve and turn my body took
i still think my stomach is too fat
it’s not flat enough
and i would and still **** in to create an effect as if i didn’t eat the two burgers
that i only ate one
but i know i shouldn’t be perfect
i should be human, after all
but how am i supposed to adore the parts of my stomach that don’t look like other womens’ do?
eat less, don’t bloat, stop drinking or you’ll float
i don’t take that type of criticism anymore
my body ain’t perfect
not even a bit
but i am human
what’s wrong with it?
cause it’s a built in truth teller
i won’t let any man stick around who doesn’t beg at my feet
and touch my body as if it were blessed by God
who doesn’t dream of tracing every edge of me and doesn’t say i’m pretty
he better wanna explore every part and dive in deep
love me in my rawest form, beautifully
i will leave him if he uses me for my body
i will love him if he waits for me
you know a body is just a outer wall
for the goopiness and strength of ones heart
so i will love my body
because it is a part of me
and not obsess over it
because it doesn’t matter at all to me
Wrote this 1/30/22

It’s been forever since I didn’t care what anyone thought about my body or how I looked and right now i feel quite confident about myself. I never think I’m fat anymore.

and if any person tells you to change your body or that you are too ugly just tell them that you aren’t perfect but you try and that they will never be good enough for you, because any person who has the guts to call you ugly or too fat when you look like a stick isn’t worth a single moment of your time.

That’s all, I think I love my body now. i am pretty sure. whatever. if that isn’t true, that is the reason for this poem yourself :}

edit- i hate everything about my body 8/8/22
newborn Jul 2022
for those whose voices were shushed
for those who couldn’t push their abusers off
not for those who forgot that “no” is a valid enough answer
not for those who never told their children to keep their hands to themselves
definitely not for those who call the people who don’t take their bull, selfish
***** that
teach your children to encourage conversation
to not make any moves unless they get an enthusiastic “yes”
teach your children to stomp out flames
teach your children to be respectful
teach your children to scream for justice until their lungs stop working
teach them to never surrender
teach them to stand up to abominable behavior
teach them to be good people!
and teach them that “no” is a very very very valid answer
thank you to sarah bell who inspired this
newborn Apr 2023
they say
like it’s easy.

but i can’t
and i can’t help it.

my stomach hurts
and my face turns red
and i feel my lungs
shrinking inside of my body.

i can’t stop
and i’m sorry
i’m not trying to be this way
i’m not trying to act like this

they say,
but i can’t.
publishing old material today lol. i just have felt so overwhelmed with everything lately.

originally written: 1/31/23
published: 4/16/23
13 · Jan 2023
newborn Jan 2023
i feel you in the dark
and i feel you in the candlelight.
i see you in the stars
and yet, i can never reach them.
you’re so close
yet so far
you dance all alone
outside the bar
by the place we first exchanged
eye contact
and i saw you in the embers of the street fires.
you gave me happiness
or even just a moment of contentment.
you gave me something tangible to feel
something genuine,
something actually real.
a figment of my imagination
you’ve become
in such short of time.
i miss the optimistic smile
that would
light up in your eyes
and i knew you felt the smoke arise
in my body
after the ravenous fire inside of me diminished.
i feel you as the curtain closes
as the locket i keep as a memorandum
shakes along with my morally stained hands.
i can’t keep a steady eye on the
realness of life.
it all fades into the blue
along with my rare smile.
i haven’t felt the wild wind pull my hair in
different directions.
are you even listening?
i haven’t seen the stars at night
only factory smoke in sight
and the dress you wore is ******
and so lonely.
i traverse through town
and always seem more bitter.
the ripped-up constitution of my
feeble institution
it just crumbles at my feet.
they can’t hear me when i breathe.
it’s as if the world is turning
into a frenzy
and i’m slowly
becoming more and more formidable.
they don’t want to knock upon my door
and they don’t want to fear me anymore.
yet i just want them to fear me more
than they ever have before.
i’m sick of finding solace in the ghost of you.
i’m sick of seeing my forcefulness multiply
into knives that stab
you from beneath your grave.
the dress you wore is ******
and so lonely.
can you teach me how to heal my wounds?
i already lost you,
i can’t lose myself.

newborn Mar 2023
violent thrash of a sword
to the fortress
that i call home.
there is always some
silver coin
or biology
that takes from me.
i have no one, but…
individuality and religion.
each destined to be stolen from me
yet i will not surrender
like the blue girl
that lurks by the docks
resembling the runny river water.
i will not lose the lens
that formed me.
the end of the tunnel
is bleak and empty.
there is nothing to hold your flaky body
if you don’t have the lens.
what do you see in your reflection
if not an extension of what you dislike the most?
the inner workings of you
are strikingly wholesome
but the lights within you
are soon to be stomped out.
when you change yourself for the unforgiving blank void of life,
what is there left but a shell of fool’s happiness?
the point in feeling whole is
lost. my hands tremble, a stormy body
on the edge of today. and what is it worth
if not living for the truth? what is it worth
if my existence goes completely unacknowledged?
who will be themselves?
yesterday ******. i feel unwanted.

written: 2/28/23
published: 3/1/23
13 · Jul 2022
change in nature
newborn Jul 2022
the frost avoids the heavy breath of the sun
breathing down its neck
the hush of the wind rustling through the leaves, strong minded and eternal
in every season
there is death, there is ending, there is beginning
the hurricanes clear way for new surfaces, new surges of ocean
brushing against the shore, eroding its edges
saltwater pouring into its greenish-blue veins decorating the bodies of nature’s whisperers
change is constant in nature
it brings rebirth and brand new lives
brand new fawns and pipers and sand dollars
filling nature with the specific scent of motherly love
nature is content with change
for it allows her new species to know, new species to grow
it drags in the good, the bad, the indifferent
filtering out the good for nothings
the old and seasoned bucks
to create a beautiful place
for life to team and expand
change is constant in nature
nature is content with change
kinda inspired by where the crawdads sing and the nature in it. yuh, feel me?

13 · Sep 2023
newborn Sep 2023
gardening hands
sliced wings—
you make me happy
and i don’t mean to sound corny
but it’s true.
i am not in love
but time isn’t creeping behind stone walls
time isn’t slithering like a snake
in this garden
the smile cannot stop before it hits my lips
the river is smooth
and settles in my throat
i am not in love
but happiness is clinging to my torn sleeves
all the factory floors where my cold body laid so still
are getting renovated,
new floor plan.
harsh sea waters have calmed
after waging a war of hatred.
i am not in love
but this town feels bigger than usual
this gust of wind upon my head
is slowing by the minute.
the hour does not creep,
it moves along,
no hissing nor shouting nor demanding.
i am not in love
but the night spins achingly through my ceiling
as i beg and beg and plead for the sudden heat of the morning sun
sooner, faster
restrain me
i am not in love
i am only
i feel so good and sometimes i don’t, but i have felt good this entire week and it’s making me nervous because i don’t know how to handle this. i was never taught how to cover up a smile from creeping on my cheeks. i don’t want this feeling to end ever. i feel like i belong and that’s crazy because i haven’t felt that in four whole years. thank you.

newborn Dec 2021
i’m **** foggy on the memory
but i know you aren’t
my pulse is rumbling like a
freight train gaining speed
faster than lightening
ur gonna die, steve.
i wanna kiss your dimples
as you hold me as a tote
and tell me like a joke.
i’m purple
i’m bruised
do you got a leg up
on me for some reason
i’d still take that beating
to glow like a red hot
on a gingerbread man
and reek of pies
draped in leopard skin
i am not a vegan
how many times can i tell you this, steve!
are you crazy?!
i wanna go back to the foggy memories
and the summer seasons
caught in barbed wire
or fishnet
i’m not a vegan, steve!
stop touching me with your
mechanic hands and eyebrows
i am so exhausted from this torture
just **** me sir
stop decorating me with
wrapping paper
putting the bow on the box
i am not beautiful steve
how many dang times can i tell you this!
i am not a good person
i am the devil
we get it, you’re elvis
but i am memphis
you wouldn’t be anything without me
ugh, but you’re disgusting
quit pacing around
the corridors
come home, stop making
homemade torture
homemade bombs
drugs for me to take
don’t rip out my brains!
please, steve, don’t do this to me!
how many times can i tell you this?
you mean dang nothing to me
if you bring me back
or place me in the cemetery
with mustard seeds
maybe you’ll mean something
but stop acting like you love me, steve.
you love my actions
and my cardamom tongue
you don’t like the people i love
the figures i look up to
get out of my delicious drink
how many times can i tell you this?
you are bitter
like strawberries
i can’t dip you in the chocolate sauce anymore
get out of my mouth
out of my brain
those double dimples
don’t phase me anymore
leave me alone to my crying, steve!
how many times can i tell you this?
i don’t wanna taste the scent
of your fake glamour
get out of my house, steve
how many times can i tell you this?
go drown in the ocean of the devils
you’d fit in there
cannibalistic carnivore
psychopathic idiot
go die in a hole, steve.
gotta get those peach dimples
out of your melting face
and make them into earrings.
how many times can i tell you this?
i hate you steve!
newborn Sep 2022
the pressure to have to say “yes” after so many years of “no’s” is real
an old friend invited me
at nine fifteen in the evening
to a fair in the next week
the next few days actually
and my skin was crawling
when i had to answer quickly
they want me back after all these years?
do they want to be my friends?
who suggested that i tag along?
who in their right mind?
wait till you see how ugly i am
wait till you see how lonely i am
how impaled by social anxiety i am currently
i promise that it’s not my only personality trait
i don’t think i can deal
i can’t operate around who i haven’t seen in forever
i feel under the weather
i want to go home
and be happy and fulfilled when we hang out
on saturday
please accept me into your group
i can’t wait to know you all again
please let me in
please don’t let my alarm clock ding
at three o’clock in the morning
haunted by your unwillingness to accept me
the tides keep rolling and rushing
but i can’t stop blushing
please accept me and don’t act weird and disassociate
kinda excited to see you on saturday
i am so nervous, i am seeing them for the first time in two yearssssss. wish me all the luck, my anxiety is skyrocketing. hopefully my mom says i can hang out with them. wish me all the luck in the world.

13 · Oct 2022
grave fail
newborn Oct 2022
you touched the girl with the “here lies a corrupted corpse” sign posted above her grave
grace didn’t grace her with the pacifying antibiotic she created
you didn’t leave flowers in the spot where the dirt is grimy and wet,
the exact position where she is stationed
grace didn’t grace her with a happy ending
failures don’t really deserve full effort

newborn Apr 2022
and stuffy basements with kids underages
smoking cigarettes while vinyls play in the
skateboards and monster energy drinks
clothed in baggy white t’s with dangling chains

i JuSt DoN’t BeLoNg
basically, i hung out with my friend today downtown. we had fun at first, but then she went to a skatepark in this basement thing and a lot of her friends were there. it was kinda awkward for me. i had such a weird feeling in my stomach. it felt like i shouldn’t be there. but you know, i don’t wanna be friends with drug addict sk8er teens. and maybe i don’t wanna be friends with her anymore cause she hurts me and makes me feel away from the stable grasp of reality. idk tho

13 · Jan 2022
women’s main job
newborn Jan 2022
i thought of this
in the sparkle of the early morning sunrise
that women have only one ****** purpose in life
to find someone suitable,
and then get pregnant right after
every single ****** function that happens to a woman is because
she is preparing to have offspring
our hips are widening
our bodies are thick
thick especially around our stomachs
patiently waiting for a child or at least an egg
in hopes of a tangible pregnancy
i watched myself in the mirror
slowing fading from the grasped image of myself
who is that life form staring back at me?
i realized if i don’t have a kid later on
i am going to have to become a nun
it’s not that i hate God or something of the sort
there is just no available information
and with this body of mine,
that only functions for something that isn’t even born yet
in my own body
i am not the main goal or the main crop of my body
a baby with brown, black, or blond hair
will plop out onto the table and my body will say, “good work, time for another one.”
and i don’t even know a man who could gift me such a valuable being
after all the mass murders and violence and shooting
i don’t think i wanna send my child into a world of fear
where every corner they turn is another disorder or a world order or a thief’s ******
but somehow my skin wants to breed another living breathing specimen
and if i create another girl who turns into a woman
i am going to have to tell her at some point
that the most proud thing
she can do in life is give birth to another child
and if she asks why
with my teeth gritted and my bloodshot eyes
i will say, “i don’t know, it’s just life.”
What’s my worth in this world as a girl?
13 · Jun 2022
newborn Jun 2022
wanna get broken into tiny shards of glass
by an ex that was always destined to **** me
wanna be dragged across the bamboo tile
with so much force, i can’t feel the pressure anymore
wanna miss the times spent together like they were my life support
on the very edge of pulling my cord
wanna be destroyed from the inside
beaten so brutally
that i can’t even find time to survive
last day of school and i want a summer love and i want it to end and for me to be so brutally heartbroken that i never forget about it until i meet someone sweeter, kinder, and prettier.

newborn Feb 2022
firstly: i know one hundred and fifty percent that i will blush when i see your face after all these years. my smile will morph into a full face frenzy of happiness. and i will definitely hide behind my friend that i see basically every single day. sorry, you always brought out my nerves
secondly: i miss you and i have missed you so incredibly much ever since you left and i left too. i don’t want to admit that unless you read my poetry one day, which i might end up giving you the username and you’ll read every poem i have ever written, you will never know what i truly feel about you. breach of privacy, but it’s for you. cause i wrote almost every time i missed you and i tried to summon you as if you would appear outside of my window, throwing rocks, waking me up in the middle of the still night. maybe you don’t miss me?
thirdly: i will struggle making conversation with you. i was always horrible at doing that before, but now it’s gonna be even worse. you will laugh and say i am being awkward and then i will laugh to try to cover the awkward, but it will always creep around the corners where i reside. i am hoping it can be just like before without any hesitation
fourthly: i am gonna show up to impress, probably in ripped jeans that show off my thighs. maybe you will be encapsulated by my features and maybe ask for my number that you never got. who am i kidding? from you stemmed my worst insecurities and the nights when i sobbed the loudest in the pouring rain. but i will still put my heart and my body out on the line, ready for objection and rejection of all kinds. maybe this time you will call me “pretty” or “pleasing.”
and lastly: life hasn’t been the same since i have seen you. i am afraid that i will act differently than you have been expecting. a different girl from a different world in a different form. don’t judge me for shifting my personality to fit in. whatever, as long as you say hi and we all have great recollections of such fantastic memories, i think it will all be ok. in the end, i am the only one who can control what i do and how i speak. i just can’t wait to see you and everyone else. and read my poems :D
I don’t think I’m ready

P.S- it got postponed:’(

13 · Feb 2022
water, i envy you
newborn Feb 2022
why can’t i be as pretty and translucent as water?
the little tiny ripples
the mistakes
the errors- they are beautiful

when i am worried
the tears fall out of my eye sockets
the only part of me
that i find admirable

water, why can’t i be exactly like you?
melting into different shapes
and sizes
shimmering in the strawberry light?

why can’t i be as beautiful?
the water dripped off her hands
and she sighed
because she has never been that sleek and wonderful
in her life
newborn Sep 2022
connection is like the waves
in which it comes and goes
ebbs and flows
washes towards my frail frame
washes away from my broken limbs.
words don’t seem as rough on your tongue
as they feel on mine
i wonder what potion you drank to
keep them at bay
can i buy it at the local supermarket
in large quantities?
there’s a loop of unfamiliarity
in my brain twenty four seven
and i have waited for them to say, “cut!”
since the day they tied the
shackles to my scratched wrists
and never explained why.
words don’t seem as hostile to
your choice of them.
they nod their heads in contentment.
i looked someone right in the eyes
as the staircase appeared
more and more daunting.
i think he saw the words slither
out of my eyeballs,
reaching out to him to help me speak them
but he just looked right past me
and moved along.
words don’t seem as tarnished
and feigned on his lips.
his fists don’t come up to punch
his missteps and the words
he accidentally mumbled
when he slipped into a tangent by accident.
he just laughs them off
like tiny crystals falling from the cavern roof.
i screamed my insecurities into the wind
hoping they would float away
but they catapulted back
like boomerangs
and my face still has that scar to this day.
words don’t seem as cruel of a master to you
as they are to me.
connection is like mount everest
unreachable and above my sea level
why should i be expected to reach it
before i shatter?

words don’t seem as rough on your tongue
as they feel on mine
inspired by a poetry channel on youtube.

i wish i didn’t have social anxiety.

13 · Jun 2023
at the seams
newborn Jun 2023
if you shatter into a million fragments fallen like a disco ball,
i will lift them with both my hands and put you back again.
sweating brow and unhappiness
i’ll take this weight from off your chest.
to live with the regret of losing you
would be the worst kind of eternal punishment.
it’s a vulnerable hour
coarse tongues and sharpened claws.
i awake to the shameless sound of your howling
bouncing off the walls
torn apart.
nightfall is brutal but i have the pieces of your heart
to wrap around my cold malnourished frame,
swallowing me whole involuntarily.
it’s all gonna be ok for me.
so, it’s about you, k. it’s also about wanting to fall in love so deeply that their flaws are beautiful paintings in the art gallery to me, and their flaws make them human which makes them pure and meaningful. love :))))
the normal human yearning for peace and adoration.

13 · Mar 2022
two different realms
newborn Mar 2022
waking up from dreams
where i don’t even know the true reality
i was caught in netting like a whale
beached, on the beach
but when i awoke
the webbing was still on me
i was arising from slumber
in the fragments from my dreams
what is reality?
is my mind thinking in ways i can’t seem to?
dreaming half awake
living falsely
what is the cure for escaping
without meaning to?
wake me
from both realms
they are both so mysterious
i’d rather disappear into the pockets
of my drifting mind
oh, it would be much easier that way

it really would
one time, i woke up and i didn’t know where i was. i thought something happened when it didn’t and i was so confused it wasn’t even funny. i actually thought i had such a conversation with you, but it was all a lie. it wasn’t even in reality...
12 · Nov 2022
newborn Nov 2022
there used to be a million kids at trick or treat
now the only thing that lasts is this hyperbole
costumes everywhere, faces stuffed with candy
where did childhood go?
and where did she take me?
so nostalgic, i miss it.

(written on halloween, published first november)
newborn Jan 2023
ships sinking
as you stare across the bay
memorize the smile on my lips
the hallucinations i’ve secretly kept

breathe me in, don’t spit me out
i’ve outcasted myself enough times for the both of us
don’t give me that solemn stare

take me back to the roller rink
to the depths of my heart i haven’t explored
to the party of yours that i missed

i’m so sorry for the past inconveniences that haunt you and quite visibly me
can we be friends again before the ship sinks into the void of indigo ocean water?
making you smile so often was quite possibly my greatest accomplishment

i miss u

newborn Jun 2022
flat stomachs and rolls royces
climbing the social ladder one step at a time
his eyes whisper rhymes
and he taunts me with this hands atop my thighs
the la weather really makes people delirious
i saw flat stomachs and quick regrets
and jealousy and anger and toxic environments
pool tables with *****
and glasses of ***** cause he bought your drink so you can think about messing around with him when you’re already drunk
rowdy girls who hate commitment
who adore drinking as drake plays
neon lights bouncing off the ceiling
confetti falling and tears streaming down your face
they’re bitter and sharp like the tequila you downed in a frenzy of trying to have fake fun
now your apartment is messy
and you can’t see carpet beneath your feet
were the flat stomachs and abs and shared guilty grins enough for you?
did they make you feel more alive than the drugs and the alcohol?
did they make you feel human?
or did they just fill you up
and empty you
and leave you bawling on your bathroom floor?
tell me the truth.
party vibes. a lot of lonely people forget they are alive, so they guzzle the alcohol to feel something.

12 · Jan 2023
train yard
newborn Jan 2023
my stomach muscles retract
bruises on the beginnings of my ribs
i can’t fight the deafening freight train engine
blowing my hair wildly
as i try to cross the tracks
barbed wire enclosing me in
the factories around me crashing and burning
i think i saw the devil in the train’s headlights.
i can’t make up for lost times
caught in the convenient current
washing my body like an entity that doesn’t deserve to be cleansed
the train horn is ear-piercing
like off-key violins in a symphony
the blood pumping quickly
my redundant diction
i ask for permission
from conductors and fakers and liars and schemers
and apparently they’re all good people.
i deserve to be lost in the wide expanse
of a generation
i can’t accept.
shattered promises and limbs
sprawled out on the train yards
as the stopping vehicles sound off their alarms
i am alarmed
but i am stapled to the tracks
by a woman who told me that it’s not that hard to overcome your fears
how do you feel now
with me bleeding out of my eye sockets
all over your precious property?
tests, essays, and stress.
all sound like freight train engines roaring in my head.
newborn Oct 2022
and i don’t like the way i look
even though i treat others like they are shiny diamonds
pieces of the heart of the sea
high-priced rhinestones you pick up
in a jewelry shop
they might hate me
for they way my nose is shaped
or the color that protrudes out of my skin
why does it matter?
i’m not evil!
i promise.
so if you feel as if the world has too many people like me
too ugly, too bashful, too pale
i don’t know what to say.

everyone has forgotten what it means to love one another
humans act like loving one another is some super difficult puzzle to solve
and you only have to like certain pieces with certain colors.
but it’s not like that!
the world is one big scrabble game
with different letters to match, with different ideas to create a word

r, f, h, a, e, c, e, f, t, m, a, e, a

create a word  

h, a, t, e

ok, another word

r, a, c, e


f, l, a, m, e

i give up

did we forget love?

no matter who you are
why do you hate the people around you who cry the same tears after a terrible day?
why do you hate the people you are told to hate?
why do you hate the people who listen to the same bands as you, who live parallel lives to you
just with different foundation shades?
i am blamed for this, can’t you see!

everyone is some kind of gypped in these scenarios.
no, you’re not superior, you’re not superior,
no one’s superior!
get it into your skull!
i promise this is not me complaining. i just…feel like i’m automatically labeled “evil” just cause of my skin color and i think that’s unfair. it’s my number one insecurity honestly. i’m sorry i look the way i look. i’m sorry there’s “too much” of me in the world. 10/14/22
12 · Jun 2022
roller skates
newborn Jun 2022
there were people dining in a roller skating rink
i was a waitress in a tiny skirt
you saw me
possibly in the corner of your eye
i was pretending i didn’t see you
but it didn’t matter
cause you saw me.
you were so excited
i thought you hated me
but you brought me over and
begged with your eyes for me
to extend my arms and
embrace you
i did, cause why not?
and then
it faded to black.
now it’s back to reality.
yes, it was just a dream.
maybe i’ve been watching too much stranger things and thinking about you too often

newborn Aug 2022
listening to you bleed out is the darkest form of white noise i have ever heard
might use later

newborn Aug 2022
i look for you every time i go to church
hoping you might wind up where i am.
every time my phone never rings
i hope it’s a call from you.
your sibling’s’ names came to my mind
while i sat unfocused in the pew.
it’s stupid to hope
but i have to have faith in something.
and i hate admitting it.
12 · Dec 2022
newborn Dec 2022
in the ballroom
your eyes like comets
mine like phosphorescent lights
in the humid july sky

our arms moving like seaward ships
caught you stranded amidst the violence
eyelashes that swayed in the wind
you saw me, you asked me to dance

i don’t believe everything is as it should be
it was just a kiss, i don’t think i actually miss you
or maybe i’m slowly getting addicted
to the cadence of your voice
every night, it’s back to that july or was it november weather?

you touched my hand with a fiery blaze that pranced inside that stuffy room
you gave me a glance, i gave you a chance
you could’ve tumbled from the balcony
would my reaction time have been as swift as when you had caught me by surprise?

why am i such a fool?
if it had started with you
we could have fled together like panicked soldiers
from the esteemed battlegrounds their forefathers fought for so their successors could lose their next battles
and get captured and chained against walls

and i wanted you, i was only a husband away from kissing you,
touching you,
impaling you

you were moments away from calling my bluff
it’s enough, i’m in handcuffs
while you stand in the ballroom
your eyes on me like you’re the spotlight and i’m your stage device

we danced like we meant it
would you have given me up for a fairer maiden?
one with less personality issues and without a right hand man?
would you have stopped if i told you that dancing is for ghosts in empty hotels?

i would have died trying in a slashed wedding dress
if the force i called my lover didn’t snag my clothes on his irregular branches

i can’t see beyond these singing cliffs
please kiss me
on the dock of my yacht
i’ll adore you until you ***** me over
or until i ***** you over
and we become ashes on the riverbed
that was the location where my lips touched yours
on the grass
not on the ballroom steps
not with a cigarette in your mouth

you were slipping through the gloves i wore?
i don’t recall, did the background start to get blurry
when you swept me off my feet?
did i panic?
did you love it?
did you notice the electricity escaping from my palms?

i spotted your pupils become lucid
the lights didn’t even change colors
and you danced with some kind of suitor
but i don’t know who you are
or what your motives are
just know that the mirror can only hold evil if it’s as marvelous as you

the patterns of your footsteps in my nightmares or perhaps
in the trances my exhilaration transports me to


lurking in the shadows
in the doorframes
the hallways of trains i haven’t stepped toes in
complaints flooding the mailboxes i happen to own

i loaned you my heart as a temporary ornament
you could dangle like candy
in front of adored damsels looking to be courted
i’m becoming the focal point in your daily
struggle to gain power over the situation that sadly owns me

waltz inside of my irises instead of on the floating platform
that is about to crumble beneath the soles of our dress shoes

my conscience buried in the thawing soil

did you lose sight of the plans you foiled?

whistle to the carriage you paid for
open the door for the feeble woman in the backseat
it would have boiled your blood,
and so i would’ve kissed your lips

but ghosts don’t dance in ballrooms;
they just sit
and watch everyone else become brides and grooms
and they feel the tug every single time
the room erupts in sudden laughter
they wait like stubborn angels  
at the noisy soirée
anticipating the collapse of young souls
like me and you

and therefore; the downfall we have will be a spectacle
your disintegration in the mirror will be a quotidian one
as i watch your bones dance in your body like little puppets in a silly drama

catch me when i fall for
the doors i have entered
before haven’t
restored my soul
and i would have kissed you
or even said i missed you
if he wasn’t the person he was
if you weren’t the person you are
and if i was completely unaware of the consequences of mistakenly false coincidences
perhaps i would have put my lips to yours
as the creek entertained our obscene selves
and heard our dramatic moans
and groaned
“good riddance”

“good riddance indeed”

our tempers fizzled and the skeletons were evicted from our closets
good causes, it’s my fault—it’s
just that i said all those cheery things to impress you
as if you were Socrates or someone of such high standing;
undoubtedly, you are

but the cliff i leaped off of slowly became you—the ghost in the castle walls
who waltzes with gorgeous girls
just to dream of what it would be like to
kiss them,
touch them,
impale them

i wonder how it felt to be in control
to hold me like i would puncture your skin
like some breed of lovesick vampire

i was only a girl in love with a future
she could not let unfold
because she had a husband waiting at home

waiting for her to slip up
feeling less and less in control

but with your gaze like lightning
ignoring is such a demanding reality
i want to kiss you,
i miss you,
this isn’t a petty joke
join me in the meadow
hands in mine
and touch me,
kiss me,
impale me
wow. super proud. just found out. this is vague. listen to suki waterhouse right now. byes

newborn Dec 2021
Your eyes are silver and shades of
My destiny
You’re beautiful
“No one has said that to me.”
I want to taste your saliva
I want to lock in your love
Cause it’s when your rain falls
That I feel at home
They might be killing us from
Every side
But who said we can’t
Put up a fight
You seem petrified
I don’t want you to drown
In the murk of the water
Or on the Devil’s side
In the own safety of your sorrow
Bathing in your sisters blood
She’s not dead in your heart
And you gotta move on
Just watch the beads of sweat
That tumble down my dry and
Erase face
Focus on me
Blessed are you for keeping your
Cool and
Not dying
And bless your peach tree lungs
Lips that taste like cinnamon
You know I’ve never seen such
Beautiful eyes
Holes in someone’s face
Colors, tricolored
Like the fireworks
I haven’t seen since I
Had a mother
But you’re the figure I’ve always
The shoulder that feels like
But is as strong as steel
So even when the barbed wire
Pierces my olive oil skin
I’ll run to you darling
And find sanctuary
In the holes at the top of your head
That glitter
When you smile
Even as everything goes to dust
You’re still afloat
You’re still your father’s girl
You’re still my safety in this world
You’re still a jaw dropping
Type of girl
No one’s soul
Could ever shine as bright as
“Mira, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you smile?”

From the book I am reading right now. It’s so adorable
newborn Jul 2022
she was dreams filled with dead trees and dying bees
she could fake tat her entire skin canvas and drive herself insane cause it looked better that way
older men impressed her, they acted like the ocean in which they caught her up in their tides and then she was trapped
she was twisted headphones pushed deep into her eardrums, blocking out the overwhelming echo of negative voices

she wore basic tops and regular ripped jeans to fit in with the rest of the bleach blonde “be fake friends” squad
but she only ever got glanced at
she was rambunctious, but cautious
she took refuge in greasy hair and cardboard cutouts
her bed sunk where she sat just like her heart did when she would feel worth and then it would disintegrate

she cowered in the dark, shadows looming over her, coming alive to terrify her
she was confusion and crises
her insecurities turned against her, choking her and catapulting her against the nearest wall
she was rabid social anxiety shouting at her 24/7, shaking her, berating her, changing her
hair fell in clumps in the shower, the faucet raining down on her, disguising her tears
she was short curly strung out brunette hair

she filled voids with smiles from people she didn’t even know
painted her walls black to cover up the darkness she could feel circulating in her soul
she was overgrown weeds corrupting luminous gardens, invading the soft soil buried beneath the rugged surface
a balancing act wavering on insanity and death, dithering whether to end it all or to let psychiatrists determine what her main issue is
she had an avoiding tendency, not wanting to hear the truth pour out of choosers’ mouths

she was admirable though, she gathered all her thoughts and apprehensions and threw them on paper using ink pens to secure its existence
she never let it get too out of hand, she returned to her safe haven; her room, where she would make her knuckles sore from bawling cause she would not strike someone other than herself for destroying her pride
it had to be her fault in the first place

she struggled, but she got up, climbed the cliff with jagged edges, arrived at summit with ****** ribs and scraped knees and hands rubbed raw
she swallowed the pain like it was some chalky tasting pill, not grieving herself, not mumbling one complaint
she’s strong
she’s proud
she’s accomplished
she’s alive
she’s who i am now
why do i feel nostalgic and sad rn? idk i always just hate everything around me and i’m always so worried

12 · Apr 2022
my voice
newborn Apr 2022
i sang from the rafters
only echoes came back to me
lonely, locked and loaded
cries of desperation caused the vigorous vibrations
i sang until it took me over
my voice didn’t sound like beach houses in malibu anymore
it was car horns and rooster crows and confounded snores
the only benefit was-
i was trapped up there alone
no one else i could harm with such a hideous voice
haha sometimes i realize that i am a bad writer and sometimes i just like to pretend :)

12 · Jan 2022
defeat the odds
newborn Jan 2022
we were great, until we weren’t.
we were on fire, until we burned.
we were the best, until we turned to the worst.
we were taught, but we never learned.
we were alike, until we turned.
we were naïve, until we were informed.
we weren’t worried, until we had to be concerned.
we weren’t cautious, until we were warned.
we weren’t ever meant to be, since we were born.
This is a part of one of my potential “songs”
12 · May 2022
newborn May 2022
you hate me cause i don’t put my lips to yours in the dim light
i hate eye contact, low cut
love and its victims, how nobody listens
amber heard, how her lawyer’s bad with words
i love vintage looking movies, love running,
despise losing
i love staying at home, i love being alone,
not running around acting like a dumb blond
i’m sick of stereotypes, reckless nights, crying in cabs,
drinking my life away
i hate the poltergeist, how he tries to be nice,
just call me ugly and slap me across my face
begging’s fine sometimes, if you’re right,
or if you wanna be immature (4 once)
i want to overdose, get super close to a boy who’s an easy choice
i want to be with someone
i want to kiss at night, but not have to fight,
or prove myself using my body
so if you wanna be like that, go ahead, but i’ll probably hit you in the head
try to be yourself not anyone else
and you’re not a martyr, you murderer,
quit trying
convince everyone that you’ve been scrutinized
when i’m gonna be told to lose my clothes and i’m just gonna have to laugh it off
when in all seriousness, i’m exhausted of this business
quick kiss and wish lists
and ‘get rid of her by the afternoon’
but if i could hold you or even get you, i wouldn’t be that true
i’d do anything to be yours
oh, i’m sick of this
remember it
i hate long awkward pauses and
all this applause
being passive-aggressive
maybe i hate to commit, i haven’t even been in a relationship
so keep your blue eyes away from mine, you won’t charm me this time
besides, you aren’t even real
i won’t beat myself up because you wanna love
me in a different light or with none at all
half of this doesn’t even concern you
you don’t even have empathy, huh, would you?
why would you care what i like?
when your hands aren’t still, they’re in for the ****, just drown me in this hazy white world
cause God knows i’m trying and i can’t help lying
beside you and to everyone i know
give me a second
you aren’t just heaven
slow your pulse
i’m not gonna give in
it’s ok to not
invade my privacy
don’t get on those carpet-burned knees
accept my offer or leave
besides, i am ugly-
don’t dim the lights
it’s 12:30 at night
and everyone’s on the balcony
so this is it for today
i will finally walk away
watch my ribs crack and me grabbing my neck
at least i came out alive
so if you wanna hate me for not putting my lips to yours
go ahead, be immature
i can just close the door
unless you want me to stay and be the greatest company
you’ve ever had
without going to bed-
that’s it, i’m leaving now
just something to think about
if you really want me-
heck, i don’t even want me
haha i really do hate amber heard and her lawyer

right now, i feel like nothings ever gonna last

i wrote a lot today

listen to doomsday by lizzy mcalpine. this was kinda to that melody a little idek what i was going for

newborn Dec 2021
and maybe i would like to stroke your golden hair in the valley of the Shenandoah mountains
or feel the pressure of your immense love, but that’s for another time
Should I or should I not?
12 · Apr 2023
jet black
newborn Apr 2023
jet blue were your lips
frostbitten and clueless
reckless nature, pure bliss
lining across my face

living creature so fortunate
sad soul, contortionist
lucky human, determinant
skeletons in your closet
close the doors, they might see it

how do you like yourself
when you’re hurting everyone else?
how do you live like this
jet black heart, pure bliss?

seeing stars in the rear view
so selfless, aren’t you?
painted goodness upon you too
how does it feel to only feel true?

wanna know my life?
the pages i have turned
the cages i have broken out of
aches i still feel to this day
wanna see my tears build up in my eyes?
so painful to love someone who’s destined to die
you must feel worthy in your sickened life
the paintbrush is your friend
the eraser, your companion
it must feel satisfying to change the story
to change the history of the truth

you’re jet black in nature
with a petty sideways grin
always out for blood,
the blood of your kin
no matter how hard you try
to live a lie
gifting yourself the decency
of at least pondering the idea of being right

you’re a crawling creature scanning for
something to attack
jet black compassion

bring them back.
about people disguising evil/making excuses for madness.

wrote this originally: 4/8/23
published: 4/16/23
12 · Mar 2022
newborn Mar 2022
i’ve wanted to fly
ever since i was a little kid
but i never realized that if i could i would be the center of attention
i could be taken advantage
i am so exhausted of being the highlighted
on a planet i never wanted to be associated with
now, i would like to be invisible
the shrugs and shoulders that would bump me on my way to class
but i wouldn’t mind that
the cloak of protection from the deadly weapons and teeth that all strangers bear
free and safe from the paranormal stares from the ghosts that have occupied my mind for years
walking alone
with no one to hurt
what can be bad about that?
i know outgoing never suited me well
i know being noticed was awkward never swell
and i know in the bones of the people i know
that they want me gone
so i will do them all a favor
and become invisible
i know for a fact that no one would notice i had disappeared
they would all forget what i looked like while i would watch them with sorrowful eyes
sipping soda
sitting sophisticatedly
as the bokeh lights blur even more
drowning in the silent whispers and the drool made by my tongue from trying to make sounds
invisibility would hurt me
but not as much as the brush to the side hair clippings falling
from me
parts of me are crashing and dying ever so slowly
but they still are
i’ve always wanted to be invisible therefore i could ruin my own life, but not even come close to affecting others
a burden, would be the official definition, and i fit it like a glove
hiding away never seemed to hurt anyone
disappearing is mostly for humanity’s greater good
so no, i don’t wanna fly like a pelican in the florida sky
i am not made for that elegant flight type of life
my roots were made in the sewers
muck, murk, and waste
deep down below, i always knew no one loved me
i just wanted to prove myself wrong
prove to the world that i wasn’t just a detriment stepping into all the puddles
but it turns out i am
i have always been a detriment
shielding myself with an arm that didn’t deflect any enemies or spiders  
climbing into my skull
and claiming it as their own
invisible so nobody can see me get eaten alive by the monsters under my bed
chewed strategically by the monsters that dictate my head
i honestly think i was God’s mistake
and He regrets placing me on the earth now
clutching his fingers and almost cursing watching the security camera footage of me
but that’s enough!
i wanna be invisible
harming my own personal self on the inside
nobody knows
nobody wants to know
but i can’t care or say anything because i am invisible
melting away
as dust scatters off of me
gone with the flush of a last tear
a tree fell down in the woods
and no one was around to hear it
so it didn’t even make a sound.
i thought i was ok
newborn Dec 2022
the wilderness is violent, and chaotic and
fireworks crackle in the golden brown sky
i don’t want to kiss in a busted-up mustang
with a cracked windshield
don’t want to bathe in beer or get drunk in love
unless you want to carve your name on my chest
leave me hanging on the drywall in your bedroom
or leave me outstretched in the dessert
left to my own vices
the heated sun burning marks on my body

from the day we became mirages of our inner selves
and our demons fought in ****** battles that ended in calamity,
we have hid each other in line breaks and kingdoms

the rising sun the single witness of our togetherness
and of the
blisters on my chest
from the tattoos you engraved on the foreign body of mine that didn’t give you the consent
i haven’t been wronged enough to be super passionate about writing hehe. anyway, it’s almost Christmas, the best time of the year.  enjoy this piece

11 · Nov 2022
house fire
newborn Nov 2022
scared of the dark and of fire swallowing me in the middle of the stubborn night
setting my closet ablaze
shirts turning to embers as i slept beneath the smoke
and we would have to stand by the mailbox
but someone was always left behind.
it usually ended there.

but my restlessness soon turned into a snowflake, falling from the chilled sky
onto the mailbox outside my house
and melting.

my writing is a gigantic forest fire of clichés
slowly charring in my eye view.
unlike the snowflakes that flew from
my brain.

and i’m still kind of scared of the looming darkness
and the creatures inside of my closet
still kind of worried about my house catching fire
and losing all my belongings
but what’s to that?
what do i actually own or belong to?

blue is blinded rage

fear lasts and i can’t breathe in this smoke…in this chemical kingdom…that they all love…smog and smoke and strangulation….and no one cares…?

cause elvis still kept singing jailhouse rock
even though he never went to jail
and the seas are still operating in the exact same way they always have been
celebrities still think they’re all that cause us feeble people put them on pedestals
the moon is still a refuge to lost stars spread upon the frivolous lands
fire still burns, even at night
even in your closest
even if you think you’re safe by your mailbox
even if people tell you that you’re worth

the smoke will envelop you
the smog will catch up to you
the ashes will become you

i’m afraid it will take away what i don’t have
i haven’t had the motivation to write recently cause this site won’t give my poems any views and if no one is around to read my poems, i feel empty. idk. sorry, this is just a poem about tons of stuff. some of the imagery was inspired by tropico by lana del rey, especially the blue line and the elvis one. hopefully someone reads this poem and likes it. 11/11/22
11 · Oct 2022
newborn Oct 2022
i don’t want to be a woman
standing on a suitcase packed with psychedelics
losing her remaining mind in a ditch on the side of the deserted road.
i don’t want to be a woman
who’s taught to love herself but the others around her
are peach trees in summer
with lips plump and red
with tiny thighs that extend.
i don’t want to be a woman
with frail bones because the calcium deficiency caught her early
shouting for her knees that are weak
and for her obsolete brain waves that forget their true place.
i don’t want to be woman
following the trail until it suits her no more
creating a secret code then tossing it into the river
with jaguar eyes and a lopsided smile
she’s fine with letting new histories die in her arms.
i don’t want to be a woman
in all truth, i don’t want to be associated with anyone
i don’t belong in this body, in this mindset, in this world
every word on each paper is screaming at me to rebuke my inner organs and to become a knight without limits
because i don’t believe in speaking up for the sake of speaking up.
i don’t want to be a woman
or a man for that matter
i just want to exist in the forest fires of los angeles
the city with no angels
no reason to be endowed with this city of torches and absolute tomfoolery
but look where i am now
i discarded my existence for fame and rash decisions
i don’t want to be a woman, do you?
if i put on a halter top and show you more skin, would you love who i am or the flesh that is impure and shameful?
i don’t want forced views to be my condemnation
i don’t want your silk dresses and pearls.
sham admiration is not my master
nor will it ever be in my mind or my soul.

        i don’t want to be woman, do you?

inspired by listening to zella day’s new album. especially the line— “i don’t want to be a woman, i don’t want to be a man, i just want to be golden.”

11 · Jun 2023
glorious execution
newborn Jun 2023
i’m wearing shades of lavender
shades of misery
despair, impaired

you aren’t mine
because i took your smile
packed it inside the trunk of my moving vehicle
that i can’t even maneuver
if our paths became photographs instead
i think i would miss you the best

i know intentions fade
and spirits degrade
hope in a vacuum
****** out of reach
the stars are calling
and the seas are swallowing
a dog with a bone
in love with the hand that feeds it

i need you
my piece of evidence
that all this happened
and you didn’t hate me
i know my friend is crazy
why can’t this hate around envelop me
and spit me out because i don’t want to doubt i don’t want to hate anyone anymore i’m not an unforgiving soul
send me away, for the palace in the hills
contagion in its clearest form
don’t take over

you aren’t mine
she isn’t kind
the rainwater is intricate and doesn’t mean any harm
rushing towards a form of civility
follow me

i lie
so others can like me
there’s this tendency
that i can’t tell her that she’s wrong
i don’t want to hate anymore i don’t want to foam at the mouth with greed with repulsion at anything
for you to be a fly on the wall, at that sick carnival
humans always fail to forget the remnants of such a barbarous past

i don’t have you
you aren’t mine
possession of you
must be some kind of fantasy
such a lurking fear

but i don’t want to hate anymore go to a gravesite pray for their souls i don’t wanna pump hate into this world i don’t hate anyone i just want to be alone

i need to put an end to it
disconnect the waters to your faucet
make you start crying because of all you did
a dog with a bone
castigating the hand that won’t feed it

it’ll be such a glorious execution
to the desire that i have to let someone know they are wrong. i’m trying. everyone deserves love.

newborn Aug 2022
my friends hung out all summer, but they never invited me. and they were telling stories about it at the lunch table and i felt fomo like you would never believe. i feel like i’m only around to be the funny and ditzy friend once in a blue moon. then no one wants to see my face until another one sprouts in the night sky.
i feel misplaced and then i don’t so…

but it was the first day of school so i won’t think about it too much

11 · Apr 2022
tiny footprints
newborn Apr 2022
tiny footprints in the grainy sand


tiny footprints in the salt licked sand

tiny footprints stay in the sand

until the tide washes away all the evidence
why did they suffer so brutally?

11 · Mar 2022
newborn Mar 2022
i looked up at the depressed sky
and i saw her children
the stars
they cried with her
and they sparkled as they did
i watched in silence
i felt at home
even as a tiny being
on a tiny planet
in a massive universe
and when i sit in my room
in the dead still night
alone and empty
i look out of my window
at the glowing sky
the stars are crying tears for me
i guess i am not as lonely
as i thought i was
basic title but ***** it.

sooo i think we can all agree that the sky gives us comfort. we can recognize how small we are in this humongous universe. such a hauntingly beautiful perspective. such a humbling moment. anyway, hope you enjoyed :D
11 · Apr 2023
i will get to the king
newborn Apr 2023
you treat me like no one else ever has
some foreign way to the usual circumstances.

the audacity to call me, a stranger, spoiled
people i don’t know acting like they know me

i will get to the king, i will rip off his garments
i will fling him onto the wall,
i will rip the peasant’s sufferings from his brittle bones
he will fear me
and i will wear his crown

he has always tried to minimize me into an object
a hideous figure lurking in the midnight
i have been wrung out like a cloth


i am surfing on the waves of independence
so constructed, out of my own weapons
the fire burns and my legs keep aching
but i will get to the king

i will make him drink of the wine and puke out his guts
so his loyal servants can see he’s not perfect
i will whisk up a potion so deadly
he’ll forget the temptress’s melody
ringing in his ears;
where is Persephone?

she went to the churchyard and sat and screamed
in her puddles of self-wallowing

i will get to the king
i will rip his heart clean out
and place it onto the dining table where he was feared and fed by the same exact servants
i will scrape the blood from off my knuckles  
and dance around playfully

and his queen will survive
because she has no responsibilities, only looking pretty
which isn’t classified as a problem

i will schmooze with his friends
i will think of a ruse to manipulate him into losing his structure
bound by the future
he never will consider
and i will wear his crown
perched on his throne
in my white linen clothes
just a careful creature
creating plot lines with my ideas
he’ll fall like a feckless being
and i will be reigning supreme
over dreams, over kingdoms and avid
over gaining more power
yet i won’t let it devour
me into thinking i’m a
deity, poised like a particular person
who knows where to go when
the people don’t know
what has happened to them
or their (king)dom

i will wear his crown on my head filled with brunette hair
soft, strong, and explosive
deadly nightshade inside of his bed
while i stand in the corner
immune to his shivers
and quivering

               i will get to the king
mmmhh, that sounds good to me.

11 · Sep 2022
all i want
newborn Sep 2022
i perished with the weak and old.
i came along the foreboding road.
i sold my demons away for a ripe price.
i lost twelve hours of sleep that night.
i drive my feet into the sand.
and curse this bloodthirsty land.
cause what i wanted wasn’t mine
and what i worked for made me cry.
so i stand here aching, awakening my mind.
cause what i wanted wasn’t mine
haha what am i? people said they loved my outfit all day and i’m just so happy right now, it’s strange. 9/16/22
newborn Dec 2021
in the desert of denial
i lay frozen
caked with sweat
drenched in doubt
in flames across my sore chest
lifting weights
with all my body
always hurts the next day

how come you won’t call?
i’m drinking cherry juice
as i sit patiently
by the display of the
christmas tree
wining like a baby
why won’t you call me?

left up in smoke
in ashes
blue silk pillowcases
i lay beside the parkway
and i imagine decadently
the sweet tea
us together could have
sold in the new bakery
are you still at that old school?
that is the only way i would
ever forgive you
twisted, dreadful, spiteful
capitalistic vapor
i still smell the musk of your cologne
on my couch at midnight
and i’m entirely sick of it

i wanna slap the sense out of you
drag you across the ***** airport floor
and force you
inside of flight fifteen
suffer with me
I miss you....
11 · Dec 2021
I See You In Everything
newborn Dec 2021
you make me think of unfulfilled promises
words that were never
spat out
onto the ground where the
HOMELESS lady and her
twelve children lay
in the dusk of the merciful day

you make me think of pennies skipping
and you used to smell of cinnamon
essential oils
that i know do
nothing for any
part of you
i guess that’s just what
your mom wanted

and i miss the future we imagined
cause although
it never happened
it feels as if it still weighs on my
the responsibility to keep you alive
not in photography
but in real life

i miss when we hung out
even those times when i said “no”
should have
the most confident “yes”

i’ll still see you in fresh
blooming roses
in tennis shoes hanging
and walking on the tiles
in woods
deep woods with snow
lying softly
as if it wants to be gone
in the color white
and the color blue
a royal blue
a dark color of the deepest ocean
i don’t know if i would crack the ice
where you went fishing
i would find the body of yours
and save it

cause i KNOW for
that you wouldn’t dare pick
me out of the
frozen water
you would leave me there
I still think about you.
Do you even think about me?
newborn Oct 2022
it’s waltzing in the supermarket
delicate voices
as the beach appears from beyond the mountains
it’s twilight supper
picnic table in the middle of the open atmosphere
the world takes tiny breaths
as it watches us twirl around the living room
laughing the calories out of our bodies

it’s laying under starlight
seeing you, seeing mars, seeing jupiter
from our naked eyes and our telescopes
it’s gradually blending together
like a perfect puzzle piece that finally found its place
the moon decorates our skin with her majestic craters
we swing on porch swings as the crickets chirp
glowing meadow in the front of our yard

i’ve dreamt of meeting the one,
with gum stuck in my teeth
wingspan of twenty feet
you see the crinkles and absolutes
i was always so sure of myself
now i’m wasting away
into the drains of my shower
would someone pick me up
and fix up my hair for me
and clean the shampoo off the patronizing white walls
that force me to cower before them?
i’ve dreamt of meeting the one,
with spit on my tongue
and saliva inside my mouth
you’d start to maneuver my wavy hair behind my ears
inside the grocery store closest to the farthest part away from home
love is not overgrown like i am

it breathes in motion
it waltzes in supermarkets at two in the afternoon and isn’t afraid of losing a little pride
it sings on a long windy road above the beach in a red convertible that sets hair into a frenzy
it belongs, it shimmies, it blossoms

i saw a comet from my bedroom window
and i might have seen you (the one) sitting outside in the middle of the meadow, hand on the back of your head, gazing up at the clarity-inducing midnight sky
i took a mental picture of you and saved it in a folder of the one thing i have never experienced; love

          and it contained us dancing in a    supermarket, jumping into a saltwater pool, and holding our hands up in the red mustang or convertible while scream singing along with the radio

oh, i dreamt of meeting the one last night in the autumnal breath of the universe
i brought a checkered tablecloth to place on the picnic table,
i hope you fall in love with me under starlight
           so i can say, i lived a real life fairytale at least once in my life

….and it was the greatest one i have ever heard of in my sixteen years of life
older by 5sos and aidan bisset were my inspirations for this. and a little cabin in the forest in the late 1800s. idk. i need to be held and loved. 10/27/22
11 · Jul 2022
newborn Jul 2022
imagining through the blue light on my screen
whispering profanities at my low life presenting personality
having had brunch with my cousin and my aunt pretending to be more of less of myself
it’s good to know they won’t know my full truth and personality and quirks since they wouldn’t come around anymore if they did
keeping secrets to secure family lines or at least the manifested faulty ties inside my mind
getting more comfortable with the fact that people shouldn’t have identities
never wanting people to know who i truly am or what i stand for

when we are younger we want everyone to be our friend and we don’t judge with cold steel eyes
we go up to the nearest person and we start playing with toys together
of course, i never did since i was the shyest kid ever, walking into kindergarten for the first time was traumatizing for me
kids don’t think about things such as slim waists or “too much” kinds of personalities
i don’t think i was aware of my identity till kids starting calling me ugly and saying they didn’t like me anymore
i came home crying, turning on the shower, knowing i wasn’t good enough for my peers
terrified for the first time in my life that i wouldn’t be accepted and i would be the bullied one on the outskirts
always wanting to be popular and liked was on my mind constantly, but at least i was being  

nowadays, i hide away from people, knowing that when they speak to me i won’t be able to hold a conversation, knowing that they wouldn’t like the version of me that is embedded deep into my skin
my identity lies in my hands, manipulated to feel established, fiddled with to earn head nods

when i am older, in the partying age, someone might want to experiment touching my skin and creating divots where they placed their heavy fingers
might only wanna know what time i go to bed and purposely make me skip it, won’t wanna know what my favorite place to eat is after a long and strenuous cry, won’t wanna know why my identity is so secretive
won’t wanna know the flaws on my body that my mind has scrutinized for years upon years
just like harry styles said in fine line, “spreading you open is the only way of knowing you.”
we are so body and pleasure focused, knowing anyone anymore is like finding a needle in a haystack

sometimes i can be afraid to meet new people because they might not like me or i might never show them my true colors although the latter is a me problem
i’ll make friends who won’t know my favorite band and memorize all their song lyrics like i did when the anxiety was pumping into my veins rapidly
i’ll make friends who will come and go and get buried and get taken advantage of and maybe i won’t know their backstory because they might have chosen to hide their identity one day just like i did

proving your place in this world is exhausting and having a couple friends sprinkled in every capital city is soul *******
it starts to make you feel like these people are only around so you can raise your social status in the midst of robotic people with plastic instead of skin because they always hated their flaws and no one ever said they were beautiful and that it was actually society that shoved botox into their faces
wrinkles aren’t ugly, they are aging factors
stress isn’t avoidable, you can’t pile wax in your face to make it all come to a close

we stop being innocent and thinking the world is pure in middle school, some even earlier
we realize santa doesn’t come down a chimney and give us gifts every year, it’s our literal parents
our parents sell and tell us lies and we believe them because naivety hovers inside our brains
no wonder adults always call kids stupid and inept, they sold us detrimental lies in the first place, telling us to believe in magic, saying that the easter bunny actually came around when we should be talking about Jesus, it’s literally His holiday, God forbid

identity sprouts from human beings desiring to put each other into tiny boxes
“evil, shady, kind, jerky, angsty.”
no wonder everyone’s so ******* up nowadays, they just wanted to be accepted into these tiny labels and they never did so instead they cut themselves and slit their throats
their guts might be considered to be conforming, so the jousters will leave you on your death bed alone, in silence, smiling in ghost form, so happy you made the decision to just cut the world off
some of us aren’t that devoted

i have had plenty of different identities in my life, but never once have i loved myself
even if their lyrics holler “self love” i won’t be able to relate to that
good for everyone who can, it’s just not me
look—right there, what is me?
who am i?
in this world, what should i be, what identity does society want (need) me to be represented by?
whoever i am, i hate her
very existential. anyway, this is extremely personal. who am i? that’s a good question for everyone to answer. again, a small trigger warning. thank you for reading my honest and truthful thoughts, this is truthfully where i put all my baggage and everything. thank you to words and writing that have always been there for me. identity crisis

11 · May 2022
i get wild on you, baby
newborn May 2022
you like the wild type
rides in your car
lipstick stains on your leather seats
beer breath
headbangers playing guitar
tiny skirts
playful smirks
driving 100 miles in a 70
tabletop dances
soft fingertips
bloodshot cherry red eyes

but honey,
i spend my days in bed
dreaming of love,
butterflies and honeysuckles
my shorts are not too short
i don’t gaze longingly at random men
in public
i listen to boy bands
don’t leave lipstick stains
in stranger’s cars
i get to know people first

you like the wild type
but you could always give me a try
i can be wild in some ways
like going camping
and kissing for a few seconds
tackle me in the haystack
hold me like you wish you
never would have touched anything else
we don’t need late night ***** sessions
after getting obliterated
we can share hotel rooms
and sleep in separate beds
to keep it cutesy
road trips across the country
while obeying the speed limit
contentment spreading across the flowers
and it reaches the sky

you know,
i’m not the original wild type
but i can go wild and crazy for you anytime
nectar of the gods lyric. love ya Lana
newborn Jun 2022
and ghosts hover over the box of memories in my room

my word choice is average and boring and useless
think, think, think;
vestige: what does that even mean?

summer feels like swinging
my stomach hurts

and you booked it out of my arms cause maybe they weren’t warm enough

i wish i ‘broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door’ so you could see my wounds and write me a song apologizing though it was my fault

lol should mean laughing or lying cause that’s what i’m doing when she texts me

i think i am deprived of male attention

real life ***** and i don’t wanna go anywhere, i just wanna stay put
prob not poetry but who cares my account won’t even work:(

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