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Dec 2023 · 313
Christmas time.
Carolina Dec 2023
Bittersweet celebration.
Drunk and destroying decorations.
Ten minute sad song
playing on repeat,
crying all day long
dancing to the beat.
Mar 2023 · 275
Still alive
Carolina Mar 2023
I no longer
try to avoid the arrows
that are thrown at me.
I let them sink deep into my skin.
I no longer care
to stop the bleeding.
How am I still alive?
Mar 2023 · 190
El amor no alcanza.
Carolina Mar 2023
Amé tu energía,
tu sonrisa,
tu mirar.
Y hoy ya no te encuentro;
aunque lo intente
ya no estás.
Y no quiero alejarme
pero me cuesta caminar
y vos casi corriendo
ya ni me esperas.
Triste pero cierto,
a veces el amor no alcanza.
Mar 2023 · 156
Carolina Mar 2023
In essence, deep and hidden,
there's the moon
and there is me.
Moving oceans;
raging waves,
hunting winds.
Nov 2021 · 270
Carolina Nov 2021
Land of no one,
devastation at sight.
This body of mine
seems to have no pulse,
the feet keep it moving
but in slow motion.
There's a war approaching
and nobody to fight.
This piece of land
has stayed behind.
The steps of my feet
are not enough
to get out.
Aug 2021 · 653
If I could make a wish.
Carolina Aug 2021
I wish I could go back to the day I met you,
back to that december,
and never stop your way.
If I could make a wish
it'd be to feel better
all by myself.
Today, I am in a place I hate to be.
Today, the love I felt does not exist.
My friend pain is the air i breathe.
And I wonder why I won't just leave.
Jun 2021 · 309
Carolina Jun 2021
My eyes, wet.
My lips, dried.
The fantasies, they're all about a new sunrise.
And I wonder why
you play with my mind.
Your screams echoing at night.
And, again, I cry.
The pain is only mine.
I hate this confessional poetry style,
but it lets me fly
as I was high.
And once again I stop the time;
you're warm for me to remind.
I find the light
within my sight;
On a sunny day
I pass you by,
and I reach the sky.
Me and I,
we unify.
My only thought
I should retry.
Jun 2021 · 185
Carolina Jun 2021
I see the extension of a countryside
at sun set.
I see a deep orange horizon.
I see hills, light blue from the distance.
I see a file of trees that at this time seem black.
I see a windmill at the right of the lot.
I see an only star shining bright.
I see my childhood.
I see freedom.
I see you.
Jun 2021 · 576
En llamas.
Carolina Jun 2021
Que pena y que dicha
ser la que siente más,
la que ama más,
la que lo da todo.
Porque eso significa
sufrimiento garantizado.
Mientras él duerme tranquilo
en su indiferencia,
en su falta de vida.
¡Pero que alegría me da!
Alegría entre el dolor.
Saber que amo sin límites,
que soy pura pasión,
que ardo.
Prefiero sentir a flor de piel
porque, sé que, cuando sane
voy a seguir en llamas
y vos siempre vas a morir de frío.
Nunca vas a llenar tu vacío
porque para eso estaba yo.
Jun 2021 · 209
The last time we met.
Carolina Jun 2021
Saw you today
and I didn't even say hi,
but you did, right after I turned.
Everytime I see you I get kind of shy,
but I responded.
Wished I had kissed you longer
the last time we met.
May 2021 · 515
Todavía sigo acá.
Carolina May 2021
Pienso en vos cuando muero de frío,
pienso en vos cuando me puede el hastío
de un amor sin sentido,
de un amor sin latidos.
Y es que preferiría estar en tus brazos
que en la miseria de este eterno ocaso.
Y es que me conmueven tus caricias y tu calor,
cuando acá sólo parece haber dolor.
Lágrimas sin secar
y noches en vela,
cómo si mí amor por él
fuese una maldita condena.
Por eso me escapo a tu recuerdo,
con tu voz en mí mente, finalmente, me duermo.
Y es que el cuerpo a mí lado ya duerme hace rato,
y es que en su curiosidad perdió la última vida el gato.
Y todavía sigo acá con una compañía ausente.
Y todavía sigo acá, siempre al pendiente.
Otra noche más pensándote.
Otra noche más diciéndo que me iré.
Jan 2021 · 308
I would...
Carolina Jan 2021
I would break my heart in two
to take you out of there.
I would cut my brain up
just to forget.
Jan 2021 · 916
Missing every sunrise.
Carolina Jan 2021
The comfort of a lonely bed.
A bed that wraps the body in soft warm sheets.
Hugging sorrows away,
pillows kissing heavy lids.
So the body crawls back to bed
way too many times
in need for its company,
missing every sunrise.
Jan 2021 · 151
Living corpse.
Carolina Jan 2021
I wrote you poems,
I've written you a million lines.
You don't deserve a word,
you deserve none of my sighs.
For you've tricked me
into believing
that love was kind this time
but you ran out of fuel;
Unmoving, unloving.
An empty space behind your eyes.
Now what sleeps next to me
is a living corpse
whose actions show no remorse.
I will turn my car into a hearse
and take you down below to end this curse.
Jan 2021 · 178
I was here but now I'm not.
Carolina Jan 2021
I can't forgive you and I won't.
Indifference burns like cigarette smoke through my throat.
And I think I'll drink to sleep,
I won't lie awake and weep.
Once again I'm on my own,
once again my dreams are gone.
Keep on smiling at your phone,
hope you find there something more.
I was here but now I'm not.
Where am I?
I do not know.
Where am I?
I'll wait the call.
Carolina Dec 2020
Morning tediousness.
I take my sight through the room and I spot loneliness standing in the corner.
The window's opened, warm breeze coming in. The summer sun's up high.
I feel your presence, but not in a physical form.
A bird's nest inside my chest, with no pigeons just emptiness.
Both of us always staring through the distance.
Eyes always devouring,
mouth drooling.
Catching your eyes sight,
everlasting in me.
Limitless and wild
I let the silk fall down
in my mind.
I was never yours to keep,
you were never mine to stay.
Yet the energy calls us,
or perhaps it only calls me.
Nothing to demand, nothing to wish.
So keep staring in silence
with your everlasting sight in me.
Nov 2020 · 108
Carolina Nov 2020
Still here
even though I left months ago.
I'm absent
but my conscience overflows.
Nov 2020 · 137
No sé escribir
Carolina Nov 2020
No sé escribir

Solo desbordo emociones
Que no se dónde dejar
No sé con quién hablar

No sé escribir

No poseo técnica ni estilo
En vez de un bello dibujo solo es un garabato
Que me distrae por un rato

No sé escribir

Así que sólo lo hago
Sin pensar mucho
Entre mis dedos un pucho
Y releo lo que ya leí y me hace reir

No sé escribir
Oct 2020 · 167
I do not know how to swim.
Carolina Oct 2020
I am crossing the ocean,
you said we would do this together.
I am trying to cross the ocean
but I stop for a second and you are not here whatsoever.
I am floating alone,
you were supposed to be by my side.
How far is the shore from here to be arrived?
Everything is blue including myself.
I cannot see where the ocean ends
and the sky begins.
Oh no, I forgot I do not know how to swim.
I do not know how to swim.
Oct 2020 · 223
Carolina Oct 2020
So I wipe my tears
and dispose of my fears.
One more step forward,
the dome has disappeared.
Oct 2020 · 202
A hand to hold forever.
Carolina Oct 2020
The key to heaven,
the sun that keeps us alive,
the one in a million,
everyday's sunrise.
I will stay here forever,
forever by your side,
with our promises and dreams,
with your hand on mine.
Your tender voice in my head
for all my life on replay
𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑏𝑒 𝑜𝑘𝑎𝑦.
For Evie, the sun in my life.
Sep 2020 · 117
Not even here.
Carolina Sep 2020
Never there,
absent mind, empty eyes.
I try to reach out
but you have no sight.
Your drooling stare,
fixed on the screen,
my voice is on mute to your ears.
I'm not even here.
Sep 2020 · 98
Try to hunt me.
Carolina Sep 2020
Did you really thought
I'd be the deer for you to hunt?
I'm the roaring lion
that'll rip your beating heart out.
Sep 2020 · 321
Eyes that speak the truth.
Carolina Sep 2020
I've seen your eyes
and I've heard your voice...
They don't say the same.
Aug 2020 · 238
El cuento.
Carolina Aug 2020
Si algún día me escapo
espero perderme en el viento.
Y con el pasar de años macabros
convertirme en un cuento;
secreto para los infantes,
de terror para adultos.
De esos que todos saben, de murmullo en murmullo.
Y si algún día aparezco
en la puerta de tu casa,
espero te quedes blanco
inmovilizado de miedo.
Porque traigo conmigo la ira,
a través de ojos ya muertos,
emanando un poder desconocido
que te quita el aliento,
porque vas a ser consciente
de que el cuento era cierto.
Jul 2020 · 216
Angry eyes.
Carolina Jul 2020
I know you hurt,
I know you try.
We get so tired
we want to die.
My angry eyes,
your tender voice,
always asking why,
but I don't rejoice.
Carolina Jul 2020
Drained from love,
drained from desire.
My heart has lost its fire.
I came in one piece
and left as a ghost.
I'm always the one
who loves the most.
May 2020 · 153
That sound.
Carolina May 2020
I will lay myself down
and cry to the inner sound
of my heart breaking.
May 2020 · 122
Carolina May 2020
Whistling a song we wrote together
while the wind plays with my hair.
Dancing in the backyard, movements of a feather,
buzzing bees and colorful spring weather.
Apr 2020 · 339
La dicha.
Carolina Apr 2020
Una inmensidad vasta de amor
en la que te encuentras,
rodeado de vida, de ilusión.

Una persona que no escucha el clamor,
en un mundo diminuto,
robando la pasión.

¿En cuál encontrarás la dicha?
Apr 2020 · 163
Silence reveals it all.
Carolina Apr 2020
Breathe in, hold, breathe out.
To take care of a garden.
To take care of one's soul.
Sit in the grass, sit facing a wall.
Silence reveals it all.
Quieten the mind,
quiet the body,
emotions will get slow.
Then you understand them,
then they let you know.
You can integrate them,
and see how it flows.
Apr 2020 · 109
Headed to nowhere.
Carolina Apr 2020
The sanity slipped right through my eyes.
My heart was torn apart
and life ended by that time.

Now I'm a living dead.
Walking with a blank stare,
headed to nowhere.
Apr 2020 · 104
To find a place.
Carolina Apr 2020
No need to eat.
No need to sleep.
My body's kicking me out of it.
Can my soul find a place?
Will it wander lost for ever?
Apr 2020 · 183
Carolina Apr 2020
Her desire was love
but she found a land of ice.
In her duty to melt it
she ended up frozen alive.
Apr 2020 · 160
Sleeping on the floor.
Carolina Apr 2020
Not a kiss nor a caress,
not even when you see that I'm a mess.
Crying in the bed,
sleeping on the floor,
begging "I don't want this anymore"
Giving all I have,
giving all I can.
You turned on your back,
you don't even care.
Apr 2020 · 146
This morning.
Carolina Apr 2020
Dark coffee, late morning.
Hot cup, cold heart.
Slowly sinking into the ocean.
Slowly losing the mind.
A fixed gaze on the wall,
fingers getting burned,
lifelessly inhaling,
feelings begin to rot.
Apr 2020 · 277
Carolina Apr 2020
Corazón frío,
corazón de hielo.
Saberlo todo,
no trae consuelo.

La ignorancia es una dicha.
Afirmo la frase.
¿Qué más da si no lo encuentro?
No hay planes en los que no fracase.

Corazón frío,
corazón de hielo.
Buscaba el cielo
y me estrellé contra en suelo.
Mar 2020 · 520
Carolina Mar 2020
Lay me down,
leave me until I rot.
Go check the stained bed
and remove the corpse.

In a hole of fire throw it in,
let flames purify what once was me.
Mar 2020 · 202
Coffin bed.
Carolina Mar 2020
You said you'd go back,
so in bed still I stood.
My back hurts
and my breath has stopped.
How many years have passed?
Mar 2020 · 156
Carolina Mar 2020
I explode, I leave my reason aside.
I cannot do anything about the chemical mess in my mind.
And I think for minutes,
or maybe for hours,
feeling the pain
as it devours.
Mar 2020 · 134
Carolina Mar 2020
I write, deep ache inside.
I cry, not knowing why.
I sleep, one more pill.
I drink, just want a thrill.
I read, not to feel alone.
I eat, not to reach my bones.
I dream, fed up of my life.
I quit, one more time.
I smoke, feet leave the ground.
I fly, elevated mind resounds.
I apologize, failed again.
I fall, wish to be dead.
Mar 2020 · 148
Looking for.
Carolina Mar 2020
I've been looking for a man
         to caress my soul
         but my new true desire
         is one that calls me his own.

I've been looking for a man
         with no love soft nor sweet
         going over and over in my mind
         those guys from the streets.

I've been looking for a man
         with a heart black as tar
         no innocent angel,
         the one who'd crash the car.

I've been looking for a man
        who would break the walls.
        I find myself inclined
        to those who have the stones.
I've been looking for a man
       who've been burried in sand,
       who'd fight for any reason,
       who's got blood on his hands.

I've been looking for a man
       to ride or die with,
       to help me get going,
       to fill me with ease.
Mar 2020 · 144
Dead end.
Carolina Mar 2020
Suddenly, the night was too dark,
the mind too twisted,
the city too dangerous,
the heart too damaged,
the sight too blurry
and life devastating.
Feb 2020 · 138
Carolina Feb 2020
Another one
who grovels to them
when all you should do
is bid them farewell.
Feb 2020 · 113
Only in my head.
Carolina Feb 2020
All the poetry inside of me
burns down to nothing,
just like the love I felt,
just like the dreamed I dreamed.

Once again I have failed,
I have reached a dead end,
love is only in my head.
Feb 2020 · 128
Carolina Feb 2020
Every kiss you give is a stab I take.
Getting closer to beheading.
Careless and cold your touch, your hug.
I'm so tired of the begging.
Feb 2020 · 117
Going to sleep.
Carolina Feb 2020
Going to bed with a kiss to give.
But instead of a warm embrace that puts me to sleep
all I get is a weep that weighs on my lids.
Carolina Feb 2020
Cuántas noches habré llorado
sintiendo un profundo desamor.
Tantas veces me he intoxicado
con un cigarrillo sanador.
Esperé un abrazo que nunca llegó,
di más de lo que tenía pero nadie lo vió.
Consciente de mí angustia, incapaz de lidiar con ella.
A veces, simplemente, la vida me atropella.
Y pertenezco a un oscuro y extraño lugar
del cual espero algún día poder escapar.
Si un día te vas, de antemano lo habré adivinado
aunque no admita jamás cuánto te he amado.
Una ruta solitaria por la que nadie maneja,
largo camino arruinado y no puedes presentar quejas.
Y se hace de noche pero no brillan estrellas.
Camino sola y se borran mis huellas.
Feb 2020 · 124
Someone to stay.
Carolina Feb 2020
"People come and go" they say
but I just want someone to stay.
Feb 2020 · 125
Carolina Feb 2020
Literary dream
where my skin turns violet
and my lips go green,
where my eyes are holes
and I lose my teeth,
my hair's dry and won't ever grow,
my once strong flesh is now gone.
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