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671 · Dec 2015
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Think again

                                                          ­         I didn't ask for this

                                                        Nev­er have I said show me your

                                misguided insensitive wicked deceit

                        you conceited ***

                            You think I'd go back to you reclaim your last name

                                    after it was so easy for you to


         ­                                               *
No I forgave you the first time and
                                                     allowed a 2nd time

                                                           ­             3rd time for me was

                                                            ­    me leaving you

                                                            ­                    right where I found you
                                                             ­           alone

                                           ­                         *Alone like you made me feel

                                                    had me always second guessing

                                                       ­                 wondering not trusting

                                                       ­ hurting & yearning

                                                How can you ever expect me to take you
                                                             ­     back

                                                      ­                  or ever allow us to be intimate
                                                        ­    or even ****** again

                                                          ­                  when I know the last time

                                                    before I left you'd been with another
                                                         ­  woman

                                                          ­ I didn't know at the time but crazy
                                            how I could tell you tasted different
                                    and I was right having her on top of you
                        yet ya had no qualms about me
                ******* where your manhood was inside another
    I was YOUR *

        *Not some trollop
                                    begging for your affections
                                    lesson learnt to me
for ever trusting you or any

                                   I gave you children two children
                a few still borne and miscarriage
I was the one budging the bills going to college
and cooking all your meals

                           When you hurt I'd massage it right out
                        never did you have to tell me or ask

                                     Sadly all I got was your lack of care
                                                            ­            insinuations and then I started
                                             thinking I was more crazy
                                        going insane from you saying it was all in my  
                               but you were in another woman's bed

            Had her feeling what used to be mines
                                                  had her crying out
                                                                ­                with pleasure
                                                        ­                                             from what
                                                 you'd once said was only mines
                                        Yet you called me today begging to come

             ­                               Well baby boy this ain't been your home
                                    in almost 3 to 4 years
                                                        and­ maybe for the kids sake
                                            I'd of done so long ago
                                        but the more I think on it
                        the more I wanna choke

   * I've cried and cringed over and over again
    thinking on how
         as your dearest fried &            
as your

   *I could of did things so completely
                                            Yet I know and yes I'm sure

               there wasn't anything to do different

       * Tonight when you called me

                      I had no idea you'd ask me
         such a question
     I figured we were being amicable
just for our girls

Never would I have ever thought you'd try
                                        this ******* again
                               seems you thought I was a sucker again
                              guess I've not learned
       after you tried it
     last year around Christmas

                                                *Ju­st like when you brought your
                                                            ­      new girlfriend & kept
                     her hidden all the while you I guess figured
   I'd be willing to forget I was always second be
                                 even last if truth be told but

      Now that you're my

              I'd say I'm no longer your punching bag
                                            or the

                   ­         *you married
       I'm nothing to you
so honey go away and enjoy your slew if women
                                and even though you assume
                                                          ­              you have chance
                                                          ­                          spare me your *******
                                                        ­                                                     and

                                                            ­                        THINK AGAIN!
                                                       ­                       Copyright ©
                                                               ­        Ayeshah K.C.L.N
                                                                ­              1977-Present  
                                    ­                             All right reserved
I've chosen to be better and move on, no more abuse lies or pain and I do forgive YOU! I just don't want you!
670 · Mar 2010
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Somethings happened,

I can feel it...,

I'm frozen with fear,

with distrust,

I hear people crying ,

I can't move;  

why can't I move,

I't's "that"

dream again ,

I'm repeating it,


why now

after all these Years,

I faced all but one of my fears,

I got to wake up some how...,

Get out of bed,

I wonder where all these nightmares

are coming from,

I'm so cold,

I feel so sleepy


I can't got back to sleep not now-

Not ever with those dreams..,

She's walking over to me

but for the life of me

I can't remember who she is?..

She look's like some one I know,

Someone close,

Whose that next to her....,



why are they talking so low,

Why can't I hear them?



I must still be dreaming,

I need to find a way to wake myself up,

I must cuz this is ******* me off now,

I can't move ,

I want to see who else is here ,

why can't I sit up....

I'm stuck,


these blankets are so tight,

I got to get up cuz now their walking away-



Wait; who are you..,

What's ya name?

Why wont anyone ...

Answer Me?!

That Girl's coming again.....

I wonder who she  is?,

I can't believe it;

It's like looking in the mirror ,

Now that I got a good look at her,

But she can't be older ,

when I went to sleep

she was just a little girl..,

I really don't like this dream-

It's surreal & spooky!

Wait - -

Someone else is here

They're all talking ,

WAIT; What did He say,

I can't hear him...

**** their leaving again ..,

Whose this  - -   Old *** man.....,

Oh **** he's talking to me

how funny

I can't even hear him..,

Why is he covering me?..,

It's like a purplish silky lid..,

It's getting dark in here ,

**** I can't move ..,

What the Hell is this...........,

Darkness   ........

Oh MY GOD!!!!

Am I ?

Yes I ....




I'm in a ******* Coffin!?!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
668 · Nov 2010
Wide Away Now....
Ayeshah Nov 2010
Baby hold onto me...

Can you feel me breathing...
in your scent
as our bodies collide
smashing together
like waves hitting the sand.

Can you hear my whimpers
as you
slowly & deeply
the very core of my essence.

I unfold like blooming flowers,
as you succumb to desire
caused by my teasing you....

Months on end I flirted
and teased wearing
mini skirts,
thigh high stocking
with lacy garter belts
playing the role
of sensual seductress
all the wile gearing up
to be more
then your temptress...

I want to cossume your body
and fill your thoughts
of the sweet pleasure
I've given you.

Tasting me on you is
a fixation
that sticks in my head
as I lay awake
at night thinking
of how
you've caressed
me with your lips

and tickled me with
your fingers
as you strummed
my budding rose.

I got this fantasy
I'd like to try with you,
how about you
let me tie you up to my bed
and tease you,

kissing your growing shaft
as I flick my tongue  
over the head
and slid my mouth
around the base of you...
You can only move your hips
no touching
just let me do this........

Can you let me untie you
and bring you to the shower,
I'll wrap the strings right around
my wrist you helping too,
spreading me eagle
in a stand up positions
then roughly you enter,
deep strokes  after strokes
yet I am now the one
who can't touch you...

Lift me up and push in deeper,
hurt me love me
as I let out little screams

& whimpers of pleasure.
I cry out again & again
as you shove yourself
in so deep,
I feel alive yet I'm floating.....

I have yet to touch earth again
and your starting back up,
working your mouth around me, in me
and  my budding rose,

tongues dancing in and out of me,
I can't breath,

my mind follows my body
as I reach new heights...

Stars burst in the back of my eyes,
I feel again and again like I'm floating,

swimming in ecstasy......

To got **** bad

was only a dream


how things once used to be!
I'm laying here wide away

Always me Ayeshah
All rights reserved.
667 · Nov 2011
Ayeshah Nov 2011
He looked at her
breathing calmly
She gazed hurtfully into
His green-brown hazel eyes
saying nothing of the lie he was hiding.

The truth was she had already knew

She wanted to forgive him
Needed to believe  the lies
He spoke softly
whispering silken words
as He confessed

He'd never betray her trust again.

Another lie..........
She breaks  down intensely
yet silently
Her souls cracked
Her hearts in pieces
He has no clue.

His touch scorches her skin
as He placed His lying
hands upon her arm

His deceit cages Her in
She'll never be the same
His game is to concur Her
undoing Her with His words like fist
He's pounded her into
submission over and over again
She lives only for his bidding.

Life's gone.......
The bottles empty
Jack Daniels and hydro-co-done
with a few Ib-profane 800 mls
Drowning in a pool of her own blood-
wrist cut.

She fished what the pills may not have
She cradles her womb knowing no life with
be brought fourth
because tonight She
finally had enough
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright (c) Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
662 · Aug 2010
Ayeshah Aug 2010



















(I'd go through he in back with him & for him but reality is he wouldn't for me so i have to leave him alone.  sweet lil lair)

Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
649 · Mar 2010
¡! Justified ¡!
Ayeshah Mar 2010
10 going on 35 seems like
I've been running

my whole young lil life,
14 going on 40,

Swimming in regret(s).....

wont help me

This in my hand
will work for me

I said let it go,
Leave me alone!

Hard to breath-
hand wrapped
around my neck.

In&out-; hard, deep,

hurting, bleeding,
crying, fainting,

Darkness so much darkness,
blacking out pain..........

So much pain.....

You, you you you,


running- faster, faster,

So fast I can't breath again,

Trapped, stuck,




Torn, broken-

Not my "fought"

Yes it is- all my "fault"

Body swelling with adolescence,

Maturing too soon

To fast........
Not my fought

Yes it is all my fault


Officer .........

Your Honor....


I'm only 14-

I think

I was

¡!  Justified   ¡!
(in killing my foster-father)
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
Ayeshah Dec 2013
I need to find the words,

It's hard to say all I long to tell you,

I need to find the words,

A way to express what's inside

of me.

I need to find the words,

Anything would be better

than not opening up at all.

But, how do I tell you

I want you to go slowly-

swiftly into my dewy throbbing

velvety soft petals & take my nectar,

and as you do so, I'd like for you to

kiss my lips making them part on their own

As your tongue rules it's assault  within my mouth,

so seductively & tantalizingly good...

I need to find the words,

It's hard to say all I long to tell you,

I need to find the words,

A way to express what's inside

of me.

I need to find the words,

Anything would be better

than not opening up at all.

But, how do I tell you I want you to

move in sync with me,make the beat

flow & speed up the tempo
just a little, as we dance horizontal.

slip out betwixt my  limbs & spread me wide
with your massive fingers, slide 1, 2 maybe even 3-
inside of what's now become your permanent

& move in&out; deeply keep up that tempo
and my hips will follow your lead.

As you do this, move your tongue over my rosebud
& lavishly **** the nectar from me.

Lick & flicker over my swollen bud,
a bit faster than before,

I'm longing for you to enter me again,
I long for you to bend me over
& let your will be done...

I need to find the words,

It's hard to say all I long to tell you,

I need to find the words,

A way to express what's inside

of me.

I need to find the words,

Anything would be better

than not opening up at all.

But, how do I tell you

I want you?!!*
(more than air it self?)

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright ©
K.C.L.N 1977 - Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved ®
643 · Mar 2010
The Cycle of you,
Ayeshah Mar 2010
Like a moth to a flame,
I keep coming back to You,
Like a
***** in heat
I lift my tail to your flesh,
I can smell you a mile away ,
on any given day..,
I don't even like you,
want to do
the things we do....
the hurt you cause me
and the lies you give,,
The promises all broken
like my cheek with ya fist..,
The mistrust
I know so well as you Yell,
while the words you say..,
send me, condemning me to hell,
This is whats given to me yet
still can't seem to let you go,
Let you be
even when you make a fool of me,
Why am I
still here
still around you,
Why am I this way..
holding on to you
Even when i say we're through
It's over I say ..,
Then I cling to you..,
The closer you get
it seems the further you push me away,
I run in opposite directions
trying to fight the traffic
you brought in my life..,
The fist the kicks and slaps  
Broken ribs..,
All coming my way ,
We're scared ,
Afraid to stay or go,
stuck in the middle ,
Running in circles...,
to get back past lives....,
The word's once said
wasn't truly  give
in ,
To what I let you do to me,
miss use me and bruise me..,
Even when our bodies
Touch I feel  nor felt
no lust
I don't even let you  too close to me ..,
I can't think and can't be who I want to be..
You only gave me part of yourself
put half of you in to this ..,
and now I can't  live with out it,
I had to stop you ,
never mind that NOW..,
You're tearing me up even more,
I'm like  
a flower to water  drinking you into me ..,
The potions
you seeping in me
the lies and greed,
just to control me mold me into
what you seek..,
Living for a taste of the freedom
I had before I knew you,
But I don't let you go ,
can't let you leave,
See I got so used to
the way you treat me,
I don't even love you
Nor ever liked you,
The control I give to you
I ask myself who are you ,
who am I
why did I let you
take me as you did ..,
control me
with sweet word's
but never
truly giving in to anything.,
Beautiful you said..,
When I know I could do better,
Why do I stay in your presences
When you make me sick..,
Real love don't hurt like this.
But the Pleasure & Pain
Are so meshed to together
That I can't control my feelings
there out of my grasps ,
I'm not revealing  how you upset my life,
I don't like you nor do I want you
This control you got over me ,
I can't believe..,
I let you in to my mind
To find the weakness in me and do all these
things to me,
I know I'm better than what your giving
Why do I take so much from you
all that you do,
What's keeping me here...,
I know its not fear,
For Death
comes to us all and
if it's my time to fall so be it,
let me Fall, God have mercy on me,
for give me for all my transgression
******* ,
You win,
But from what
I been seeing and reading ,
I know know what it is ,
This **** you got me twisted in!
And I'm in
or so you may think..,
The CYCLE of you:
(To those who have been in it
or going
Thur it;
you can over
come anything -
I did!)
Always me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
643 · Mar 2010
Think AGAIN!
Ayeshah Mar 2010
I tasted desire when I wanted to taste love,
I tasted lust when I wanted  to have fulfillment
I supped on false kisses that left me yearning for
way more than the physical .

I craved lust when what I really wanted was love,
Settled for second best instead of waiting for number one.

Games played ain't fun when I'm letting myself lose.
How do I trust again with so much doubt,
What I thought wasn't real was and now I'm drowning
in regrets!

I tasted you & her too
When it should of been just US,
I felt your body shake while
"Truth" be told I thought of someone else.
Replaced you but never replaced the image of "him".

Tasting never  savoring
or being genuinely full,
2 course meals ain't good for my health
sipping but never drunk off your love.
You me was never as us we just pretended to be.

My plates empty and his loves the main course
yet I find myself  more times than not
asking for 5 dollar meals,
Something to just tide me over until
I can savor him,
Something to fill me up temporarily,
Sort of like Chinese food...

That being said,
Well I can't dine here any more,
I'm rarely  or hardly full
Your skill leave much to be
un'desired and it rarely satisfies,

So I must now ask for the check
pay my balance and leave your mundane -
mediocre Establishment
Hell Naw
I ain't gonna Leave No tip! Wait yes I am
here it is;
The next time you think your doing ****
& can compare or compete  
with another
Think AGAIN!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
636 · Jun 2014
:'( Baby Powder :-(
Ayeshah Jun 2014
I can smell you, feel you flowing & moving inside of me.
I count the times I've craved...

the many nights I've longed to touch you, hold you close to my breast, watch you as your eyes look into mines.
I've counted the days weeks & months, counted all this time for a longing-- a yearning...

This time it'll be different, this time it'll work,
I've waited & wanted so long, And in my emptiness.
I've cried, held my pillow close,
so tight as sobs consumed me, taking over my body,

leaving in its wake a mournful craving, this burnt longing...
A taste of what we could be, II can smell you, feel you flowing & moving inside of me.

I count the times I've craved... the many nights I've longed to touch you, hold u close to my breast, watch you as your eyes look into mines.

I've counted the days weeks & months, counted all this time for a longing-- a yearning...

This time it'll be different, this time it'll work,
I've wanted so long and in my emptiness.

I've cried, held my pillow close, so tight as sobs consumed me, talk g over my body, leaving in its wake a mournful craving, this burnt longing...

A taste of what we could be, I've counted each time, for months I've tried to imagine you & imagine the what ifs, on what could of been, with what should be!  

I can smell you, with your baby powdered hair, your lotioned skin, those eyes, bright & beautiful, looking at me, every heart beat I hear echo's with my own.

Like these tears I shed, unleased pain... anguished from these dream's, my living waling nightmares, sorrow so mournful in my barren state!

Eye's puffy-red, knee's aching as I pray, night& day.
Day & night, sleep eludes me, Restlessly  I walk a grove in this carpet, thinking of what coulda been.

Mentally I've gone so low, over & over I ask myself what did I do so wrong...

Sealing my fate so miserably, impelling doom all around me, but I'll go and mourn I'll scream out painfully until I've suffered no more.

Still so still & yet as lifeless as you lay...
I can smell you...
Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
I can smell your baby powdered scent!
For my beloved babies&all; yet to be born or miscarried,still born etc, mommy loves you!
Ayeshah Feb 2010
I woke this morning
feeling not
like I did last night.

Last night

I felt something touch my

deep down to my very soul,

causing my spirit to
question what it too started to feel.

You've captivated me,

How did I lose track of what's

Never can

I Say I played so falsely  
with someones better half,

but now

He's the better half of me,

Unlike a concubine or wife

I- as his mistress

have no

legal rights & relationship
to this man

I call mines.

It was fine,

Now I'm conflicted,

I regret nothing then again it's
a lie
I regret he's not fully in my life.

A little bit of me dies away
leaving an empty shell,

Where I was once lived hearty
and well,


With out him is something I
might have to face,

It's like I'm racing trying to
beat time,

while trying

continuously make him mines,
him realize

He needs me by his side.

How do I

Yeah he says

I'll never have to,


I feel as if I am
been doing so.

I got to give up and let nature
take its course.


we're together our love making
gets better and better,

He never has to direct me nor I

It's like we were meant, made
for one another

here I am not his girl just
his lover.

I feel sadden when we

Like he's taking away my heart.

I know when he's

Oh how

I hope
it's about the
children and not "her" his babies mom.

But I'd be fool in thinking she
wasn't getting everything like me,

I'd be fool in wishing that
she'd leave,

She knows what a great man
even if all she may ever be is just good enough.
While He professes I'm his greatest love,
He says
I'm his true love.
I doubt  his words& my guiltys setting in.

We conversed on so many levels
sharing more than what's ******

Yet I feel at times like he's

Avoiding questions,
Pleasing me isn't the problem.

It's when I'm not around

I want to monopolize
all his
when he's not with the children or his

I want him to give her up
can I say I had enough,
When in reality,

We just began to love- each

I wonder would

Tell her he's loving me,
he speak on how he's in love with me?
Would he let her know

He's for now going to keep
seeing me,

Being with me?
Would he let
her know all the thing's we


Tell her how I move to his

Let her know
I'm important too,
to him,

I'm more than a friend?

she doesn't ask will he man up
and let her know all

Tell her

He's got deeper feelings and



what we me and him have does
mean something?

will he keep hiding me,

Make up
excuses for what we be
I wounder  

if she knows

who I am
at times
I think no women is

or so naive.

I'm sure she

but does she

Why am I so fascinated with


She has everything I


at this point I find it ****
near impossible to keep holding on.

No strings my *** I'm wrapping
ropes around Him ,


I love more than the

I like our

Love when  we go walking

To a movie or 2
wouldn't be bad

Out to eat and I love how you
hold me as I fall asleep,

I love how You kiss my eyelids
& how you wipe away my  tears,

As well as when you rock me
slowly to your body,

Letting me run my nails all
over you,

I crave more

That's where all my problems
come into light.
I can't settle for being second
I have to say Good-Bye
& Do
Something So
Always Me Ayeshah
©1977-2010 Ayeshah
All rights
628 · Feb 2010
Painting The Silence
Ayeshah Feb 2010
I'm Painting The Silence.
As you dwell in forgotten bliss,
You don't like for me to be happy,
Sadness is what you want be.
I'm Alone but happy.
Glowing from the inside out
Ya now mad cuz your not the cause,
Maybe even mad
I wont allow myself to hurt no more,
Isn't it amazing when you brought despair
I found a replacement.
I gave to myself what you was never willing to do,
I found in life Love really does choose you,
Mad aren't you that
You can't hold a GOOD Chick down.
Clown me and always let me down.
It's OK now cuz I'm going to  be
Painting The Silence.
I'm a do bright reds,
pretty blues, purples too,
maybe even some pink...,
I need to do something different
like Janet in Poetic Justice;
I changed my color of clothes
which helped to change all my negative mood.
Changed how I felt about you too.
I now where yellows,
Whites what ever I like,
What pleases me  is me being me ,
Something you try to change.
I'm a be,
Painting The Silence with laughter,
in lime green,
With hugs in tidies.
My kisses now come in  sweet coffee  browns
don't forget,
off white creme
strawberries red love
dripping with whipped creme,
Champagne colored glasses
all around
my frown is now turned upside down.
I can see it clearly now,
Like I never could before You
Yes I'm blessed a whole lot more than you'd ever know!
I'm a enjoy my life
Be free and live right
Thanks for the fun time
I want more than a lover,
I want it all and
as I now walk with my shoulders back
my head held high,
walking tall again.
Smiling for nothing or just for everything,
I think In your absence and in this  
Painted Silence,
I'm gonna make up for lost time.
I'm going to go out on the town,
Paint it  
Yellow or green while rocking stiletto's
while I have the chance &
**** Man
I can really see all the better reasons,
The world is my canvas
and I'm now gonna be
Painting The Silence
(you thought to leave me in)
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
627 · Feb 2010
Have you Ever?
Ayeshah Feb 2010
Listen to the sound of his heart beating,
Ba bump Ba bump Ba bump...ETC,  

A rhythm you can get use to, Have you ever;  looked deep into his eye's
and lost yourself,  Ever felt his touch and ya body just melts,
Ever listen to his voice and your heart vibrates,
you turn 10 shades of red when caught staring at his lips,

Ever laid with him and never wanted it to end,
The physical out weighted the mental..,
Ever  felt filled and complete, not knowing if this was it,
The end to your loneliness..,  

I think of Him often&I; don't mean to, Ever have a conversation that leaves you questioning  what's life really worth,  Even thou your on ya way to greatness his presences is blessing Yet cursing  since your falling apart,  His essences is treasured,  His words manifested into you like breathing.., You come out of a dream state,Longing;  wishing&waiting;,   The next time it wont be like this,  You think;You got to get a grip and let time heal this blessed wound,He create a monster yup honey its me...,  

Ever want to be near him yet you know you can't,
Ever wanted to hold on to him and give all you had,
take care of him..,  Like no other can, Thoughts of him fill your head and,  take up your time,  Ever been at work and he popped up in your mind,  Thoughts of the last time he was in your bed,
Is this lust?    Is it love,  To want to let him be free if that's what makes him happy,  

To want the best for him yet you want to be next to him..,  To want more for him  even if it isn't you he's getting  it on with but there's so much more to give,your not ready for this..,    Yet some how as confused as you are,
You want to be his number 1 star  (his Fan all wrapped up in 1),   Even if it's not you He's been missing,  Wishing,

Wondering if your even what he needs,   Doubting the beauty you shared was it real or was it again another dream,  Perfection in the art form of Man (HIM)  The man you think you want, You know you had him but let him go,  Not In the sad way just closed the chapter and went ahead to the end.

I want to start the page's over and began anew again,  Take HIM on a journey to explore the possibility's,
We could of been & BE-A you and me,   Scared to take that leap but wanting too so badly.., Have you even EVER been where I am,  Have you even or ever seen what I see, I'm hurting for release and the only freedom  I get is letting you be,Funny..,  

Alone but not lonely kind of a malevolence dream,   maybe..., Have you ever; felt like me?   Felt like this, Am I to give in as my body did, HIS touch and the way HE makes me feel it's unreal,  Like a painting the artist has made & built me up to greatness like I did him  but now he's so high up, I can't even reach him,  I can't touch this beautiful art form  Know as MAN..,  His struggles..,  I can some times relate to  but to do like him and give  Unconditionally,  I would if only I knew,  The pain I see him in sometimes got me wondering...,  

Questioning myself,  Shouldn't I let him love me as best he can, I can't   Confusions setting in.   Been thinking of him again.
******..,  The strength in him I want to conjure&concur; it.., Make him weep with joy, I have to let go release my burden and let him go..,But is he the burden,  Not really, Not to me,   it's the pain of knowing him as my lover&friend;, I want more yet His hurt isn't healing, His pains are raw & deep, I can give all that he wanted but whats gonna happen to me.., I might suffer greatly if I let him in,

This struggles for this man wont end & I can't be what he wants I can only be me,   But as much as he like and loves me for me is that what it really is I question again not only myself but this  thing that I'm in, with him.., I'm right for him but I'm not, Have you ever felt like this?   Dealt with it and owned up to it,  I'm a woman trapped in his web yet there's no other place I rather be, I ask you lust or love;  Have you ever been this confused ?   Yeah me too Cuz nothing I'm saying is making sense well I think only to me it is ...,   Ladies, Fellas.....,
Have you Ever?
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
623 · Apr 2010
For Now..........
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Our blissful rapture's
open to desire
as you consummate
with in me your love.

In this sultry sequel,

romanticism's left speechless

as you smother me to
your smoldering body,

Rocking hard then softly

Again thrusting  with in me

You whisper passionate words
of rapture.

You've explored my mystical
bond's of sensuality,

taking me higher then any other

while singing my praise of beauty.

Just the two of us you proclaimed
your ultimate love for me.

There's nothing better
or anything close to this-
between harmonious lovers.

Rocking swiftly  but
as gentle as a breeze.

Torment me and make me succumb
to your awaking desire
left hardly spent as you
beg me to release my
over flowing stream.

Eenveloped by the alluring rapture you've
brought out in this lovers bed,
has me reeling my head back

crying out while handful of sheets mingled
in sweat cause me to forget past or present.

Enticing adventurous lover take me
again and again,
swim with in my honey milked pool ,

Dance deep within my utopia.

In every tender word you whisper
expectation builds within my desire

to submit again and again to your
to your powerful ******.

Our bodies entwined re rewind
and repeat the dance steps again.

I moan,
You cry out,
I scratch,
You hold tight, I open,
You fill,
until it's like a dream so unreal.

In this soft bed of wild inspiration,
I loose all control,
loose my self with in you.

We've became one, so engrossed with
one another it's  hard to tell
where you stop and I began.

I willed this moment!
I will'd  time for just a little longer,
day becomes night
and night becomes day,

we've lost all track of time.

Lost all perceptions
of what was meant to be,

Finally it's time for us
to reclaim our soul.

To break down the walls that
keeps us separated for so long.

No longer will I yearn for you
and you for me,
even if all we have to

give is this and this moment.

(For now sweet Lover!)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
620 · Apr 2010
His Type!
Ayeshah Apr 2010
Oh how he thinks he likes me,

But he just doesn't know yet - I'm not his type...,

See his type is the kind of girl whose simple demeanors  more on the

shy  & sly,

She's the girl that dimples pretty while playing so very hard to get.

She'll say she's never done "this" before-  asking him for lessons  then

magically becoming a pro....

See she pretends to listen to your ever word,while silently figuring out

the best way to get him to spend,

lend and reinvent himself to suit her baser superficial needs.....

His type is someone that'll take but never give, lust but never love

blame but never accuse herself....

See she's the type-  his type,  the type to lie and hurt, making things worse.

He like's the feel of her,likes the kisses and hugs...

He likes the way she bats her eyelashes and pouts her lips.

The way she walks as she switches her hips.

Oh how he thinks he likes me....

But he just doesn't know yet - I'm not his type...,

I am a Lady-  full grown...

Not a fake lying deceitful little girl

& I'd never change my stripes

unless I change for myself.

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
616 · Nov 2015
Ayeshah Nov 2015
You've been wrong before, silly girl ,

you've been here before foolish little heart,

why torment yourself this way,

why keep pretending the next will be different?

I'd like the chance of rediscovering who we are

and what I mean t you

Or what you might mean to me

whom ever YOU maybe

I'd open up even thou

I'm sorta sure you'll reject me

find fault

since I'm mentally ill

I've got some prerequisites:

Be able to communicate

Listen as well

Massage me when I'm in pain even when I'm not

Pay close attention to me

Hold and touch me

Stay faithful devoted loving and kind

Never hit me or my kids

Always be a provider

Show you care
I'm very sensitive

Don't pick on me

Even if we argue never cheat

Share only your problems with me

WE can fix us and work it out

Be loyal to me

there are so many more but this is at least a start

I'd do the same and so much more

I have so much to offer even though I'm broken

No I'll not need you to fix me

I have to do that myself and I'm working on it

Just stand by me as I heal

and allow me to take comfort in us and what we're building

Your support is so important and you matter just as I do

These things
I'd say to him if ever he comes along


You've been wrong before, silly girl ,

you've been here before too my foolish little heart,

why torment yourself this way,

*Why keep pretending the next will be different?

Well because........

I'd like the chance of
that love thing everyone else but me has obtained*

Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present
605 · Aug 2016
Ayeshah Aug 2016
My mind edges closer to insanity's rim,

My hearts not in it; it'll never beat the same.

Laying lazily on the edge;  I've felt the slight brush of tipped rough wings.

If I jump; could I fly  with you?
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
Ayeshah Jul 2014
There's a song called

"Blame it on me"


The lyric's make sense to me,

where she singing

"Sometimes you can work it out"
"Sometimes you can't"
"Sometimes you're forced to watch"
"everything fall apart -- it's out of your"

because you

"I bet the neighbors know my name"

for many different reasons
because of the

"Way you screamin scratchin yellin,"

while we're
arguing&fighting; like its war war 3
claiming your
tired, sad & lonely & sick of me,

Well baby

"If you think you're lonely now, huh-  Wait until tonight"

And baby  I want you to'

"Keep on moving"
"Don't stop like the hands of time"
"Click clock, find your own way to stay"
"The time will come one day"

for you to realize
I was here for you
no matter what
but now
I gotta do things on my own ,
my way and for myself plus these kids &

"Besides the kids I have nothing to show"
"Wasted my years a fool of a wife"
"I shoulda have left your *** long time ago"
"Well I'm not gon cry,"

not no more & not this time

because now all

The lyric's makes sense to me,

like when I heard & agreed

"If I were a boy"
"I think I could understand"
"How it feels to love a girl"

"I swear I’d be a better man."
"I’d listen to her"
"'Cause I know how it hurts"

The ending state

"Your just a boy"
& I'd have to agree,
cause' you'll know never this pain
you've caused

The magnitude of your actions
causing the opposite with in me,

The havoc & suffering's
not just about me

These children
which I'll scream-out
to my dying day
saying loudly
Proudly GOD

"Thanks for my Child"

something you still failed to know about,

How many times will-your girls miss their
"Butterfly Kisses"
and how many times will they
look in the mirror
& notice

"In their father's eyes"

They see the reflection's
of themselves looking back

"daddy's little girl"
is living without him
due to his selfishness & lack of care


The lyric's make sense to me

I live them on a daily..

My new dude complaining & so insecure
I caused this, this is my fault

gotta worry more now
about the scares on this
broken taped up heart

Gotta make sure

I ain't making him
pay for all your abuse & mistakes
when we fight me&hi;;

I just shut down
too hurt to understand
his feelings

The lyric's make sense to me

cause' when I'm with him
my heart seizures up & my mind races
to what" if "
he does the same things
you've done to me,

What "if" he hurts me & because of it,

"Because of You"
"I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt"
"Because of you"
"I find it hard to trust not only me,
but everyone around me"
"Because of you"
"I am afraid"

to move forward.

To give this new dude a chance,
to make a change even thou I've left,
I'm so scared
sick and worried.

I even feel guilty for allowing someone new in.

Like I'm cheating
yet you & me aren't even anything
not even friends.

The lyric's make sense to me

  since its like

I walk around in a haze & every day

"Since you've been gone-- I can breathe for the first time"

yet I, in the same breathe feel  you should explain &
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air"

"If I should die before I wake"
"It's 'cause you took my breath away"

"Losing you is like living in a world with no air"

Oh but wait worst
part for me is
its me lying to myself cause'

I'm being suffocated
when I think of him leaving,
it's like
I'm dead inside already
when I see him walking out,

but I
can't help myself
I push him away
far more then allowing him in!
allowing him to stay...

See this is why,
these are the reason I sit and sip
thinking or at times
trying so **** hard not  to think

You may not get it but
if You'd just listen
You'd see


by listening as I do

You'd finally see
& truly understand why & what ways


Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present
600 · Jan 2014
Five Months Ago
Ayeshah Jan 2014
Five months ago
  things didn't seem
to matter,
this spiral
             I've crashed down
into was my
every day norm.

           Five months ago
I'd allow myself to
be talked to
any type of way,
find comfort
in your

I thought
five months ago
he would change,
            I praised myself for
being in a
toxic relationship
& staying strong,
I'd be weak if I left.

    I thought

I needed
thought that
I was your soul catcher
the one meant to
protect & support your tyrant ways.

               I'd listen to
you & follow
           your lead,
pray for us
prayed for me,
the answer came
                when I felt lies welling up
drowning on em choking from
      them swimming deep
like sharks attacking
                   me over & over
I five months ago
felt the magnitude of betrayal
                     felt what I thought was
my world caving in,
          hurt me with your
words then love me
            in bed so slowly,
I laid there most times
                thinking what the ****
I doing here-
you'd make
       my body react,
make me feel so good,
                  five months ago I'd let you.
Let you control and demand things
                             from me more of myself
                to where
I had barley anything left to give.

        I'm grieving a loss
that's easily mending,

Five months
I'd of begged
        even pleaded,

Five months ago
I'd of ran into those
         strong open arms,
       I've recapture
the woman
I wish to become
the woman
     I'm working on.

How's it
         I've allowed you so
  much authority
             over me & courtesies
       of my life,

I made you boss
I like the luggage & baggage
I still carry,
you where the one
                  playing with my strings
the puppet- your dummy
a fowl fool

I've been
         but that's
    no longer
           that was

FIVE Months Ago!*

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
just thinking out loud.... therapeutic.............
592 · Mar 2010
Ayeshah Mar 2010
I know of this guy.

I pass by him everyday  on my way to work.

He walks tough, smiles always and has something nice to say each & everyday.

I asked him whats up with him, he said the suns shining,

birds chirping  sky may not always be blue and even this it's a good day

because I said hello to you.

Laughter comes from me after hearing his explanations.

Gees he says why you laughing now-

when your always with a frown?

Must be hard to smile now and again but when I see you my world lights up.

I say to this old man Sir you don't even know me and I bet you never felt like me.

He says in reply; dear child i know you see me as I am "old "

but I knew a lady just like you....


I say not to nicely He smiles and says And missy-

I laughed with her until I cried,

I cried with her until it was time, and when it was time I celebrated our lives.

"Once" is what he then said and I said huh?

He repeated and again said Once. I told him I don't understand,

He smiled that  sweet laughing smile he always gives and said;

she too was "Once" was  like you.

"Once" bitter by past.  

"Once" loved by me.

I then asked whats this all have to do with me.

He then walks up to me  

looks deep in my brown eyes....

He says;

I am him and I've come back for you!

( take it lol as you like,it is what it is.)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
587 · Mar 2010
Ayeshah Mar 2010
touching me again ,
that thing you do when your
wanting me ,

Come here
let me subtract
from your mind ,
Make it reality,

Come here
hold me,
let me
caress you
touch you
feel you all
over me,

doing it again,
licking your lips
making me
want to bite
lick you in the spots that i know
melt the core
of you,

leave you
panting and breathing
for more
of me,

Lay down
let me sweet talk
my lips around

you and feel
69 becomes us,

controlling & empowering
us to join as one
start a new chemical reaction
waves in the sheet

like the sound of an
Atomic Bomb
**** near ***'bust with
the elements
of lust,

The shear heat ignites us
blows us

the realms
This bedroom,
We 're
no longer,

the sign on the
It Reads:
Do Not enter...,

I fly higher and higher
come away sedated!
Always me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
586 · Dec 2015
Ayeshah Dec 2015
You're cocky but insecure

Conceited but have low self-esteem

Don't  try to explain what I already know

I ain't trying to put you down or make fun of you

Just stop  pretending
to Me everything's fine

I can't sooth your aches or dash away doubt

You've lied to many times

Played too many games

No drama or issues here not for me

Not anymore

Stop lying to me still

As if you've got it all together

When I know it isn't so

I don't wish to carry on
a conversation  of

Crazy part of all this is
you're  lonely


You're searching  and reaching

But refuse to admit it

Making things out to be
something that's not even true

Why lie when the
truth will do!?!
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Insomnia is running havoc on me right now tired but can't sleep when I do go to sleep I have these thoughts dreams etc.
581 · Aug 2010
HAD TO...................
Ayeshah Aug 2010
He wasn't real, He would never be....

Kings are born & never made,

fake flowery words swelled & danced in my head.

I let go to soon & too early but least I finally let go.

He's not real,

He'll hurt me again & again

forgetting birthday's as well as anniversary's,

He'll make a bad daddy/father

for our baby.

So I had to let go.

Had to loose faith & give up hope


Kings are born & neever made!

I believed in someone

who wasn't anything he'd

given his word to being ....

(don't  let someone tell you what they are

when showing you is the easiest & best answer your gonna get!)

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
577 · Nov 2017
Happy Ending
Ayeshah Nov 2017
I cried for the litter girl who still hangs on to a spark of hope, the teen girl who waits for daddy to come
the woman that sits up in the dark wondering where her husband might be since hes been out of work since 5 pm and its now 5 am with no sign of him coming in

I had a love once who got on a plane and found happiness with out me and then I stayed settled with someone who I knew couldn't ever love me not in the ways I've always needed to be loved so for a while I allowed it

I took a lover after begin alone for years  sadly I couldn't give him all of me, I've been torn down cast aside put down and made to feel I'm worthless that lil girl that wife and mother longing for her own yet not found it yet

Been abused and beat to where life had no meaning and has nothing to offer yet im to afraid to stop living yet to this lil girl inside this is not living this is just existing

I want to be loved again where I feel safe  and wanted needed and desire made love to until my longing goes away .

fairy tales are real I've held it once and didn't know what to do with it mental health be ****** I deserve my happy ending!
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
576 · Jan 2016
Ayeshah Jan 2016
I have these feeling
nagging me

Weighting me down

I can't explain it to you

No one can know
they won't understand

I know we're born to die

Live for it in fact
it's been consuming me

Every single night
December  01 2015

I've felt this foreboding
which leaves me in tears

These thoughts
aren't my own

I'm  not use to really being

On my own

yearning for something
but my heart says
Death isn't it

I've tried to shake it off
ignore it
even face it

Truth of the matter is
I'm living in fear

I don't fear much else
just the thought of
life moving on
without me

Thoughts of
My family and children
thinking of me
still living their
With out me here

I don't want to be a memory

I want to be
Laughing or crying
feeling all life has
good or bad

I don't know what happens
once we're gone from Earth

Some say heavens for real  

Yeah yet


Maybe that's my fear
that  maybe
I've done so much wrong

I'm not going
but as
I've said and always will say

I was born alone
I'll die alone
it'd be
so wonderful
to have some one
just to
*Hold my hand!
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
Ayeshah Mar 2018
To any who'd reads,sees,watch,listen&run tell THIS: I'M at A Place IN MY LIFE WHERE I AIN'T CHANGING FOR U & NO one else. Ppl You don't change for anybody else and if you can't or WONT rock with how I am then don't ******* rock with me for anything else! Deal with me how I am not for what you "think& thought" you could change me into. I got kids grown *** and not so grown *** kids and grandkids babies, I got bills u don't pay & don't care nothing about.I got mental issues on top of some other ******* issues and some more ****; SO IF MY *** TRYING TO SHOW U IM A GO AND GROW WITH U & FIGHTING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU & I'M IN THE TRENCHES WITH YOU, WHILE HELPING yo *** CULTIVATE THIS ****- WE CALL FRIENDSHIP ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC ETC- then yo *** better not ever a day in yo life use me or try to run game on me! I'm going to love you regardless if YOURE RIGHT OR WRONG. IM A TELL U WHEN YA WRONG & yo u better tell me { NOT IN PUBLIC} EVEN THEN I GOT U BOO, BUT IF U KEEP UP THAT ******* AND IT AFFECTS ME OR MY KIDS AND all of OUR WAY OF LIVING OR hinders me from"MAKING A LIVING"; I will definitely DISASSOCIATE MYSELF FROM YO LIFE 100 %. EVERYONE knows me knows; I DON'T DO DRUGS & don't go round no one WHO does, not judging & I don't think I'm better THAN anyone too flawed to even ever compete... MY ONLY SO CALLED HABIT IS CIGARETTES, OF WHICH I GOT THE PATCHES FOR & SOMETIMES I LIKE TO DRINK MY WINE & WATCH NETFLIX- CHILL WITH whomever, BUT MAINLY BY MY GOT **** SELF. WHICH TOO, MOST KNOW I DON'T EVER REALLY MIND BEING OR DOING STUFF ON MY OWN! SOME PPL AIN'T GOT TO HAVE ME CUZ IM GONNA ALWAYS HAVE ME MYSELF AND I! I WAS BORN ALONE, IM GOING TO DIE ALONE &IT MIGHT BE NICE TO HAVE SOMEONE HOLD MY HAND AS I GO WHEN I GO. BUT BABY if you think or thought  I'd change for you this is your ******* wake up call! Listen; I've been in and out of foster care& group homes and in them; I was SEVERELY ABUSED, put down assulted and defamed etc. This ain't no sob story; been married a whole heep of times and went through similar **** like foster care etc with them so called men & was talked about like a dog & sometimes worse from so called family wether foster or blood etc. Ppl turned on me ,  believed lies & gave up our long standing FRIENDSHIP. I have been homeless and well off ; never rich{money wise} and have known struggles. I am sure many have similar stories; but this here is mines, I've danced on a pole and I'm not ashamed, I've worked in what I considered so called "Cooperate American", nursing& legal FIELD'S too
(white collard,blue,pink throw ups & more) lol and been to college many times. Im told by a a few psychiatrist that I'm a borderline genius but even Einstein couldn't tie his shoe without help! I have PTSD plus much more.SEEN DEATH &LOOKED IT RIGHT IN ITS FACE . WATCHED THOSE I LOVE&LOVED GO HOME TO GLORY - SOME OF EM WERE FROM MY WOMB.BEEN jumped stabbed shot at etc; I don't ******* scare easy baby and yo race don't mean **** to me unless it's you of whatever race color & Creed that's trying to do an injustice towards ME!So take me as I am or ******* delete me block me and or cut me off & outta yo life;CUZ I AINT CHANGING FOR YOU & NO one else!
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.®
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
574 · Aug 2016
Ayeshah Aug 2016
be or play  coy  
baby ;  
show me who you are,
from day


I don't
wait & find out
after the
has worm off,

Let me see;

Show me the you in 6 months

The one & only

you are
no one's
paying attention

I don't want the 3 months everything is fine & cute You

The whatever you 
wanna please me

The so eager to
with attention 

this is all lovely 
& brand new  to
type You.

Let me see you
The real you,

The I dont give a ****


I'm a  
mental wreck 
 break some ****
type you,

How about ;

I'm not who everyone
wants me to be
the crazy
"Put the lotion in the basket"
  type you?

Let me see  



leave all


© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
Ayeshah Mar 2010
what does it mean to write (a) "blank" poetry?

I've heard it said but I honestly don't know what it means?
Help please & TY in advance for commenting.
Ayeshah Jul 2010
Ohhh my  racing mind, closing my eyes,
head spinning
as I turn  with arms out
in a circle....
breath catching in my throat

Craving, jonesin-  feverishly needing... time to think
re-invent myself- -  re-invent my life
my desire for the unknowing ,

I need to escape this burden
this un-holy god forsaking feeling of misery...
love came to fast and now I can't let it go,

can't gain control but yet

I've lost nothing, and some how I
'm loosing everything.

thinking wondering, watching as time flies
and I remain a figment of what
we could be could of been...  

us, you, me, we

I am learning--

learning to love anew again
without the falsehoods caused
by my own doubts and pains,

Your guessing what I mean as
I wrote and still write
in my mind
I guess you'll never
the mind
of madness!

I love you!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
556 · Nov 2017
Ayeshah Nov 2017
I'm not going to do this
             I tried too many times
                    I'm not scared any more
                                          I just don't want the hassle
                      of all that
                   comes with YOU
                        I don't trust YOU
                      I don't trust anyone  
          blame my past
from childhood
to adulthood
            Blame my last ex
                                    he did the same as YOU
                                               looked me in my face
& lied
               Lying YOU though
                                        YOU actually believe
                                                    the ****
                                      that comes out
                                     your mouth and
    be mad
                           cuz I don't fall for it
                                            I long ago knew
     we shouldn't
of stuck together
                    as we did
                I settled for less
                      of what I deserved
I felt for a spell
                       I'd be enough  
My apologies
      My mistake
              My fault

© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
551 · Nov 2017
Ayeshah Nov 2017
I'm insatiable  
I'm also soo fragile
with a uniqueness  all my own,
I am not superficial  and yet the contradiction would be paying bills on time and having material things matters  to me,
I have a vibrant will plus my spirits
strong too,
I love hard and fierce
I have ambitious desires  wants needs and goals,
I'm anxious  and have this deep longing,
an unquenchable thirst  almost obsession  like to express who
I truly am
frighten ..
I want to be held yet don't always like being touched ,
I want conversation  yet like the peace of  quite,
I want to go out yet being in public scares me sometimes.
Somethings  make me shy even if I've done em  plenty of times,
I wanna eat out instead I'll  cook and then eat in bed,
I no longer wish to be a pet owner but no one will take care my half blind and semi deaf dog like me or any of the other 3
like me have social anxiety,  
I like my independence  
but the
contradiction here is
I also
love being clingy  
I like kissing
yet rarely do and
when I do so I don't give my all, I want to learn knew moves  yet feel I know enough.
  I'm expressionistic; it may not be a word but it's the best way to describe  me
I want rough
but doubt I can go for hours
may not even last minutes
I also want to go slow ant take my time
learn something as I've previously  said.
I want gentle strong hands to keep me safe in their protectiveness
Let me be free in my mix of independence  & clingy
Accept  me
my tormented  brokenness
all my imperfections
I want to be more than why I am now and like most
I'M scared of changed
the scars
Run Deep
deep into my bones
Borne Into My Soul
meshing and mending into my heart
Even deep groves soaked into my broken pieces
like craving
deep into wood
deeper still to my roots
I want someone else to come do the work and fix me
Heal me
but knowing my journey
would make full grown men
run away  
I face this on my own.
I know I have to fix myself and heal
but who ever said
I'd have to do it
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
534 · Dec 2015
The Sun's First Glows
Ayeshah Dec 2015
Indecisive* excusing behaviors and believing  against hope

prayers or wishes

Didn't know
couldn't fathom

I'd be rejected then imprisoned

Cofused misleading

implications await this bitter bed

Black roses & blistering thorns

crowned the conquered queen

Mangled chains tearing chaffing  swollen  wrists

Ankles held fast on this
tainted flea infested bed  

An ***** haze clouds all around  no sounds forth coming  

drugged induced
intoxicating lazy lulled senses

Heart's slowing down
No one can help
caught trap and stuck

"Love's" captured me again
but little does he know

I'll  be dead before
the sun's first glow**
     Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
529 · Jun 2010
One Day One Step!
Ayeshah Jun 2010
I don't know if your
good for me,
I don't even know yet
if I want this or not.

I been feeling mixed up...
Been thinking too- what "if"
I'm making the wrong
choice in choosing you?

How can I risk
oh so much with you?

Is it right for me to want this- yet
I know in some ways

I got feelings that scream
but other beg me not to,

yet when
I see you, hold you and feel you
I lose all my thought process.

I look for the impossible in you
or so it seems to me.

Give up or stay- work this out
or let you go your own way?  

I don't know what I'm pose to do
but I do know that at this point in time

I'll be taking us

one second,

one minute, one hour,

one day & one step at a time!

Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
529 · Dec 2015
Ayeshah Dec 2015
 all we had

I gave

I let go
your hand


 we have

Nothing left


On my pillows

Were your scent
used to linger

A farewell 
 long since came
In the mist
 of our sweat

Crumpled sheets
a stain

 even matters
further more

I've not changed

I grew up


We stopped time

 Only for a moment

There was

wasn't fulfilled





Prayers went


We were

all we had


There's Nothing LEFT!
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
It hurts to much to hold on & hurts to much to love a ghost . Whatever you once we're you're not anymore!
527 · Jun 2014
Ayeshah Jun 2014
You don't know me,

how could you

I've not

you in

You don't know me

how could you

with walls so

You'd be

to try climbing

there built
for reasons
to you

it's even a mystery to me.

I've built & built for so long
never stopping

proddled along for so many years


in a direction

I don't know

nor do I wish to stop

for if I'd stopped

You'd conquer me.

You don't know me

how could you

when I've not allowed you in

You don't know me

how could you

with walls so high

You'd be fool

to try climbing  over.

I have no
to be

by love's

sharp tongue

by love's

outward snubbing words
OF how
it can do

I don't need

or it's
sorrow-filled rejections.

my down fall

by it's
happily ever after


I've never seen  or ever glimpsed.


no thank you
to the many fools

who'd try to climb
these walls I've built.

For I have



of ever being


       Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
   K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
524 · Mar 2016
Ayeshah Mar 2016
Sometimes it's ok: to cry until you've got no tears left

Sometimes it's ok: to lay still & watch the clouds roll by

Sometimes it's ok: to allow the music to take to another place

Sometimes it's ok: to remember it all

Sometimes it's ok: to listen with your heart

Sometimes it's ok: to say I'm sorry 1st

Sometimes it's ok: to be held by the one who's hurt you

Sometimes it's ok: to accept that which you cannot change

Walk away  and start again

It hurts and it's gonna

Nothing in life was meant to be easy


I've always thought LOVE
wouldn't hurt
nor should it ever hurt

Guess that's what I get for thinking huh?

Sometimes it's ok: to let go

let go

give in
the blissful waters
to cover you

wash you anew


Sometimes it's ok: to give in and let everything fall apart

Sometimes it's ok: to cry until you've got no tears left

Sometimes it's ok: to lay still & watch the clouds roll by

Sometimes it's ok: to allow the music to take to another place
where there's nothing to mourn

Sometimes it's ok: to remember it all even if it hurts

Sometimes it's ok: to listen with your heart

Sometimes it's ok: to say I'm sorry 1st

Sometimes it's ok: to be held by the one who's hurt you

Sometimes it's ok: to accept that which you cannot change

You're not a super hero
no matter how many times
you come to anyone's aid
or disregarded your own needs

So it's ok to let your bi polar consume you

Let the voices  in your head take over

You'll not regret it

scream & shout
for once
loose your composure

Violate the thoughts
you've held inside
let out everything  
you've longed to say




when you're already
lost all hope
out of control

You wont be
here any way

so it's OK
to speak your mind

release all your
pent up rage

come on

it's OK

© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
522 · Aug 2016
Ayeshah Aug 2016
                       a Time

I was yours

You were
        I was

      we're of
thing's ;  
      make sense
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
522 · Jan 2014
They Say...
Ayeshah Jan 2014
They say...
They say we accept & take the love
we think we deserve,

so in my past-
I must of,
not have thought,
felt or believed
I deserved
love at all.

Laying here,
I hold my pillow & think of the look
of your eyes,
plus the look in your eyes
the contour of your face
I see it in silhouettes,

when the rooms a bit dark & the suns
the sun's yet
to set that image of you hovering
over me & the crooked  grin
flashing your white teeth,

I think of those taunt muscle
as you lift your self and look down at me
how firm and chiseled your whole form is...

You're sculpted out heaven's clay.

You're like a Greek tragedy,
where the man is spoken of as the hero,
but dies saving his lady-love,
differences is your so very much alive
next to me...

your body language say you want more of us
but your actions are in'congruously showing me
something else altogether , you're playing hard to get
but how's that when I already caught you?

I smell us in this room.

Feel you inside of me
and the look you're given me
tells me you want so much more
but how am I to give you so much,
when disappointments-
been a recurring friend?

They say we accept & take the love
we think we deserve,
we'll that's what
They Say!

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
515 · Feb 2014
Ayeshah Feb 2014

didn't listen to me,

           No atonement's

for what love's done

love beat me


  played with my head,

          used me

abuse me

treated me

         less than human

blamed me

  shamed me

****** me

***** me

disgraced me

yielded me stopped me

held me back

confiscated trust

ran away with loyalty


              been love for me

before I ever understood

    what *"love"

Love you

never gave me a chance

   never changed for me

                  you let me

lose so much,

     mainly peace,

You stole away

  my youth

    took away

     what innocents I had

gave me wings

then clipped them

never allowing me to fly

yet some how

          love spread his wings

from tree to tree

skyscrapers even

so what about me?

Love took away my pride

                      left me *** out

down in the dumps

said your

"always & forever's"

that never came

  left me ashamed


   unwanted but that''ll

be my next story

             because like normal


isn't listening.

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
513 · Jul 2017
Wedding Ring
Ayeshah Jul 2017
I admit
most times
I don't know what I'm doing....

Traded one
for something that refuses to grow
no matter how much
I tried to nurture it,

how did I figure it'd work,
when every part of my being
was screaming ; 

 "girl don't you do IT".

I did it....

I felt
I hadn't any choice,
I lost it all already
seemed the course
was set for me
with out me
making up my mind .

I did it....

I should of reconsidered

but for what and for whom?

I was alone
longing and now

I'm stuck,

for protective arms
to hold me
stead of
pushing me away.

Pointing fingers
constantly accusing
never to touch me
gentle or rock my body
with any affirmation of love,*

not your love; yours is toxic,


always has me crying....  


I did it.

I have nothing left
but regrets
more broken promises and this....


wedding ring.
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
513 · Jan 2016
Ayeshah Jan 2016
Limbs splayed out

on  the grounds staged

like a play ...

The willow tree's

covering half her body

as if the curtains about

to split & open up...



3 .


(red & blue flashing lights)
**Scene 3 Act III
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
Ayeshah Sep 2010
They say the heart doesn't lie
you've lied to your own heart,

As you put me aside
leaving off our friendship,

trust and love we once had,

I lost a lot but gained much more,

without you it's hard to be me anymore.

My best friend couldn't do what your doing to me now,
so enemies we must be.

Guess I'm getting what I deserved.

I wish things could began to change between us,
maybe someday
but right now
I feel a hole so wide in my chest .

I feel empty witout you and my worlds
smashing down around me,
the walls
I built up
You knocked down and my defenses are left bare in wake of this
you brought about betwen us.

I'm miles away yet you remain in my thoughts and in my heart.
I'm sorry wont help and now your not even listening to my pleas of forgiveness
so with a bent head and sad heart
I say good bye dear friend of mines.
(time an'

To Christopher Cartwright

I'll always be here even if we never speak again
I am your far away friend and wish we'd of worked out the BS that caused
our friend to end! thanks for everything & your welcome too for everything!

"time can't heal these infected wounds until our friendship is
anew again
which wont happen without forgiveness"
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
503 · May 2014
Ayeshah May 2014
You are my forever,

You're the dancer in my heart
& the air I take...

You are my forever

You're the mist off the ocean
& the salt in my sweat...

You are my forever,

You're the cries of my passion
& the sweetness in my dreams...

You are my forever,

You're the laughter in my tears
& the quencher of my fears...

I could continue,

but for now
this is all

I get back on my PC
my thoughts once more
with words of

eternal love--
like my soul does for


Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
Ayeshah Feb 2014
I feel so alive

                                       so ready,

                                                    so good,

                              I can feel you

                                              so deeply inside of me,

                                   I'm ready,

                                                     I'll burst soon.

                                     Tease me,

                 don't let me go,

                                hold me tight


                                          move real slow,

                                                        ­  oh my gosh

                               I feel the swell

                                             of you,

                             deeper please

                                      give me more of you...

                                     Oh I can feel

                                          me pulsating


  ­                                         I'm ready to pop.....


   ­                     your coming?



                                    I'm DONE...

                                                 Time fo me to

                               get in the  shower......

                                    to be continue

Always Me Ayeshah ®
Copyright 1977 - Present ©
K.A.C.L.N ©
All right reserved ®
that's *******, but it happens,   just best next time to  women start early, if you only got that 1 ****** guess try make it come out sooner, but those like me well do it before and after your in the shower lol.( we the few who can have more then just 1)  he means well so never make em feel bad intentionally but be honest always...
500 · Apr 2016
Ayeshah Apr 2016
I don't want to do this

I don't want to hear it

I can't even think

sometimes this big mind of mine
plays tricks on me

I don't want to face reality

I'd rather live in a delusional world
where everything just fits

I don't know how to express it
what I'm feeling at this moment

I can't contain it

It bubbles up inside of me and comes out
at the  most unappropriate times

They tell me; find @ way to  channel that energy

Somewhere else

They said take this pill cause that'll help

You shouldn't say that nor should I do this but what else can I do

Besides ball up my fist

I don't know anymore

I look at the world so completely different

I don't even know what I want
but I know one thing;
peace of mine will be great

It's hard to distinguish reality from fiction

I guess that's the type of world we live in
© 2015-2077 by Ayeshah K.C.L.N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior written permission of Ayeshah K.C.L.N
499 · Nov 2014
ALMOST (2014)
Ayeshah Nov 2014
let  love's call be answered.

allowed it back to hurt me once more,
as if my previous pain never left scares.

 allowed those feeling to consume me.

You know the one's
that have you
wishing you could be in those arms.

let you persuade me back to love's
lustrous hold

your lips intoxicated my senses,

the haziness
feeling me up
with a
giddy sort of
"love" struck 

I've never felt
long for again....


allowed you to
take control right there!

 forgot how much
it'd hurt to fall for you,

though you've made
it so easy to do,
you've become so easy to talk to  & listen to,

so acceptable to me,
we've shared and developed a unique
no other will ever share...

I'd speak those
toxic words
always changes
the essence
aliments within
beautiful friendship.

let  love's call be answered.

allowed it back
hurt me once more,
if my
previous pain never left

 forgot how much it'd hurt to fall...

They've said
we take or accept
the love we think we deserve,

I guess
I've never wanted much,

and if  
wold tell
It'd say;

I'd accept more
of the same
in abundance,
instead of running away
as only I can.

had a world-wind romance

types you've might of
seen in a movie,
this endings a bit different,

there's not going to be
a happy ever-after  to this

I can't risk it.

No not again....

I'd be bad for you,

I'm unable to give to your

demands,  which is everything

I'd mandatory ask for

if I were indeed asking,
so remember me.


what we could of had


Always Me Ayeshah ™ ®
         K.A.C.L.N ©
     All right reserved ®
Copyright 1977 - Present
498 · Jul 2010
Some One Else!!!
Ayeshah Jul 2010
Petal kisses
                                                     trailed my body
                       once upon a time
             ­    I felt you come into me

                            as I cried out and you held  me

                                         I spoke of joy,
                             cried again
                                                         yelled out for-  you            

                                       And once more
                        because of the the  pain,

                                      I lost
                                       loved and
                            gave up too soon,          
                                         what to do
                       when too many times          

                      you've been my man
                         even as
                I pushed you so far away-
                         it was harder & harder
                            to come back,
                                      whats left

                     all you do is give me "you"        
                           ­                 and

                      I give half of me
                           I'm scared
                             ­     worried and
                            don't want to

                           be here

              don't like living this way

                               yet I stay right in your arms

                                again& again
                            I wont fail again

                         wont fall anymore
                                        then again
                              I already did,          

                          sinking low      

                       so low
                                        I find myself                
                          to you for a life line
                     ­                    a life time of happiness is mines

                I'd take that leap with you          
                  a leap of faith

                   is all your asking          
                                   ­    but
                       I can't commit
            in all honesty
       I belong to him
                    (someone else)

                                      Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright ©
                           Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
                                                All right reserved
492 · Dec 2015
A Song By Tyrese
Ayeshah Dec 2015
heard a song and felt those lyric to my core cuz like Tyrese said:
"I was excited cause I was falling, falling in love with you
now that I've fallen what am I going to do"

I didn't expect it
didn't want it nor did I feel I needed it
what do I do now
I can't accept all that you are
and **** sure can't give you all you're requesting

Seems more like demands every chance you get
I can't say it no other way

Like the great Robert frost
I speak in a colloquial dialect
regardless of my degrees so speak plainly to me
speak in 'slang please

this theory called love
is based on your assumptions
that I should know it
but I dang well don't
I only know as the song says:

"I was excited cause I was falling
falling in love with you
Now that I've fallen
what am I going to do"
I don't know what to do
but I know I'm upset
cause of this song
A song by Tyrese
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
487 · Sep 2010
Ayeshah Sep 2010
Was dreaming that you'd come find me,
rescue me,
saving me from my self,

I wrapped the wire tight but it wasn't sturdy enough,

I tried drowning that time you seem to help,

I cut my wrist but they sewed me up.
I ate poison & got my stomach pumped out.

i tried one more time, hanging by a thread,
it ******* broke,

I then tried to love you and care for,
I also tried to devote my life to yours,

giving up my self esteem & letting you mold me.

I tried to make my imperfections less visible & tried to cover of my blemish's & flaw with concealment's & smiles.

I laughed when all I wanted to do was cry.

Was dreaming that you'd come find me,

rescue me,

saving me from myself

In the end...

Your love killed me,

I found out too late that

I never needed saving from myself

I needed saving from the thing

you claimed to do to me................

Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N 1977-Present YEAR(s)
All right reserved
481 · Mar 2010
The Morning After
Ayeshah Mar 2010
The Morning After,
ya lips touched mine,
the smell of  us from last night
the way you made my body shake,
I wake up in a state of sedated bliss,

oblivious to what's going on
around me
I find you nestled in the crook of
my arms holding on to me ,

loooking at  you,
looking so peaceful
and yeah
you should be
cuz you worked my body
like I always dream
and I can't say I blame you
cuz I gave the same to you,

I licked you and kissed you til you
begged me to stop
and as drops of you left my mouth
I let you cover me again
and repeat the steps as
we danced in the sheets,

Magically pounding me
yet so gentle
as you move into me
with me

Our bodies
flowing with the rhythm
and moving to the same tune,
I like what we did,
I cant lie
I loved it,
I didn't want to stop
couldn't get enough..,

but as we lay here  
whispering and giggling  
joking  about this blissful enconter..

I think again it's time you go
I dont want you to
He's coming home and
I know it's killing you to leave

We'll always have these memories
of the night before
and Today.....
The Morning After!
Always Me Ayeshah,
©1977- to present- Ayeshah(A.K.K.C.L.N) All rights reserved.
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