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Brian Miller Oct 2011
I'm a democrat and republicans want this war to continue. People needs to wake up!

I'm a republican and democrats want to keep spending despite our failing economy. People needs to wake up!

I'm a Christian and Jesus will be coming soon. The Non-Christians and non-religious need to wake up!

I'm a  radical Muslim and the west is going to take over. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm a atheist and the religious radicals are trying to take over the country. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm a bigot and gays, Jews and blacks are taking over. People need to wake up!

I'm an optimist and the world will recover. Pessimists need to wake up!

I'm a pessimists and the world is messed up. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm a teacher and school is necessary for society to function. Kids need to wake up!

I'm a vegan, because eating of and torturing of animals is inhumane. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm not a vegan because animals are needed for our survival. Vegans need to wake up!

I'm anti-school and school is a prison. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm a racist and other races will take over. My people need to wake up!

I'm an anarchist and the government is robbing us of our rights. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm pro-government and society needs order. Anarchists need to wake up!

I'm an environmentalist and we are harming the planet. Mankind needs to wake up!

I'm anti-environmentalism and the earth is fine. Environmentalists needs to wake up!

People, wake up!! I'm a 9/11 truther and 9/11 was created by the government.

I'm against truthers and 9/11 was caused by terrorists. Truthers need to wake up!

I'm a conspiracy theorist and the government is hiding things from us. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm against animal testing because its unethical. People need to wake up!

I'm for animal testing because we need to make sure our inventions work. Everyone needs to wake  up!

I'm a sexist and the opposite gender is taking over. My gender needs to wake up!

I'm a creationist and evolution is a lie. Everyone needs to wake up!!

I'm a scientist and creationism is a lie. Creationists need to wake up!

I'm anti-capitalism because it robs people of  their money. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm pro-capitalism because most wealthy nations are capitalists. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm pro-death penalty because some people need to die. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm anti-death penalty because criminals are people too. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm a militant and everyone is an enemy. We need to wake up!!

I'm against war because war is ******. Everyone needs to wake up!!

I'm a climate change denier and global warming is a scam. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm a climatologist and global warming is real. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm pro-life and abortion is ******. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm pro-choice and its the woman's choice. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm anti-gun law and people are crazy. Everyone needs to wake up!

I'm pro-gun law and people are crazy with guns. Everyone needs to wake up!

Wake up, Its a brand new day.....
Wake up from your sleep
Of political thinking
High prices, high taxes
And back breaking
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep,
Preaching sermons of greed
Blinded by the LIGHT
Practicing in the world of ******
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of finding that man
To pay for all your problems
Then away he goes
Away he ran
For it's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of educating young minds
Their lives away
With them it's hard to find
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of being a runaway man
Stand up for yourself
And don't lie down but STAND
'Cause it's time to wake up!

Wake up! Wake up!
Sleeping time is over.
He that sleeps too long
Will miss God at work.
Your very life uncovered
For it's time to wake up!
Wake up from your sleep
Of political thinking
High prices, high taxes
And back breaking
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep,
Preaching sermons of greed
Blinded by the LIGHT
Practicing in the world of ******
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of finding that man
To pay for all your problems
Then away he goes
Away he ran
For it's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of educating young minds
Their lives away
With them it's hard to find
It's time to wake up!

Wake up from your sleep
Of being a runaway man
Stand up for yourself
And don't lie down but STAND
'Cause it's time to wake up!

Wake up! Wake up!
Sleeping time is over.
He that sleeps too long
Will miss God at work.
Your very life uncovered
For it's time to wake up!
Svode Nov 2017
Wake wake wake wake wake
confront confront confront confront
talk talk talk
ask ask

Wake wake wake wake wake
beg beg beg beg
think think think
contemplate contemplate

Wake wake wake wake wake
decide decide decide decide
tie tie tie
write write
Chris Renninger May 2014
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night. Dark, and alone.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night just to sit up and stare at the wall for a bit
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night, turn on the tv and flip through channels
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night, turn the tv off and just think
sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and think about my friends that say they love me.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and think about my friends and how I don’t think they truly care.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and think and cry and think and sob in an endless cycle.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and think about how I can put a smile on my face for my friends.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and think about the smile that’s missing from my heart.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and realize I haven’t gotten better.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and ask why God decided to put me here.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and think of how I can get out.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and cry and cry and cry.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and think that if I was man enough I would end it all.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and think about how much I want out.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and I can’t go back to sleep.
Sometimes I still wake up in the middle of the night and go back to sleep.
Sometimes I still wake up in the morning and wait in horror for the vicious cycle to repeat and the sorrow to return.
Sometimes I wish I didn’t wake up… all.
Elli Apr 2014
Wake up, wake up!
It's time to get your head
out of the clouds

Wake up you whimsical dreamer
and move to where you want

Wake up, wake up!
you sleepy head,
don't dread time
but rather dread death

Life doesn't move
if you just live with constant fear

Wake up, wake up!
daydreamer you are running out of breaths

Wake up and tell her
Tell her!
tell her you love her

Stop her!
stop her
she's waiting

Draw her a picture,
write her a song,

the more breaths you waste,
the farther she goes

Wake up, wake up!
daydreamer she's gone,
what will you do now?

You let her go,
even when I told you
to hold onto that balloon

You lived in constant fear
now your nightmares came true

Wake up, Wake up!
maybe it's not too late
tell her you love her
tell her what she means to you

Don't just stand there,
for people who live in constant fear of rejection, i think it's better to let that person know how you actually feel instead of just "dreaming", in the end at least you tried. (Happy Easter! say no to bunny abuse)
Echo Oct 2014
~How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb
Without a soul
My spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and
Lead it back home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I Can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I Can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me, breathe
Into me and make me real
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I Can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I Can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

Frozen (frozen) inside without your touch
Without your love, darling
Only (only) you are the life among the dead

All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without a thought without a voice without a soul
Don't let me die here
There must be something more
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I Can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I Can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

(Bring me to life)
I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside
(Bring me)
(Bring me to life)~
I remember the first time I heard this song I didn't really like it. However, now, it's so powerful it can make me cry. No song has ever done this before. No wonder this band is the likes of millions.
Erin Nicole Nov 2016
How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb
Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

Frozen inside without your touch
Without your love, darling
Only you are the life among the dead
All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
Don't let me die here
There must be something more
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I've become

Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life
Always loved this song. Bring Me To Life by Evanescence
Zeljka Clark Apr 2018
I wake her for the Sun that explains itself though plants
For the sky stretched between fingers
I wake her for words which burn the throat
I love her with my ears
One should go to the ends of Earth and find the dew on the grass
I wake her for some distant things
That look alike the ones
For the people with no face nor name passing down the street
For the anonymous words of squares I wake her for the
Manufactured landscapes of public parks
I wake her for this planet of ours that might become a mine in the bleeding sky
I wake her for the smiles in the stone of comarades that fell asleep
Between two battles
When sky was no longer a big birdcage but
An airport
My love full of others is a part of dawn
I wake her for the dawn, for love, for myself, for others,
I wake her, even if it is more in vain than to call a bird
That landed forever
She must have said: let him look for me and see that I am gone
That woman with the hands of child that I love
That child fallen asleep with tears still not wiped, which I wake
In vain, in vain, in vain
In vain I wake her
For she will wake up different and new
In vain I wake her
For her mouth will not be able to tell
In vain I wake her
You know the water runs through but says nothing
In vain I wake her
A lost name should be promised to someone's face in sand
If it's not so cut off my arms and turn me into a stone.

Written by Branko Miljkovic
Iconic Serbian poet, one of the leaders of Neo Symbolist movement
This translation was provided by A. Milanovic
As noted this poem is written by Branko Miljkovic not by me as it appears under written by . I just don't know how to correct.
Micheal Wolf Mar 2013
Wake up wake up
I'm confused
Dad wake up
Don't come in dads asleep
Wake up dad please wake up
I'm frightened who are all these people
Wake up dad they want to come in
Dad I'm telling them off
Go away dad didn't say come in
Wake up wake up!!!
Let me go! Dad help me
Dad there taking me away
Dad wake up please
Dad where are you
I'm alone
Elderly man collapsed and died in his garden. His faithful dog wouldn't let the police near him.
jeje Apr 2012
sigh* tired..  Wake up wake up. !! Sleepy eyes ... Crust between the eyes..   Yarning tired! Stretching legs turn left hips turn right.. Wake up wake up!  Body shaking trembling cant feel toes. Cant feel legs. Cant feel soft lips Wake up wake up. She wakes breathing heavily..  Sweating on face red cheeks.. Are you ok  she said are you ok!? Trembling trembling! Come to me come to me look into my eyes n tell me what u see.. Plz sleep don't say a word. Close your eyes! No wake up wake up.. Feet are cold and sweaty lips  blue n pink. Can't feel legs . Shoulders... Stomach... Trembling and trembling. Sleepy eyes. Brown crust. Mouth foaming with clear saliva. She sleeps she sleeps. Wake up wake up... Trembling trembling.. She is dead mother. Grandma is dead.. Wake up wake up.. Trembling trembling crust between the eyes. She looks away n see grandma is gone.. Grandma shakes.. Trembles.. And trembles.. She is dead.. Grandma is dead..  Kiss on check while grandma lays there not breathing. ! Foaming of the mouth.. Trembling trembling. sigh tired. Confused... Wake up wake up!
REAL Jan 2013
i'll wake up today
i'll wake up  tomorrow
i'll wake each day...

i'll wake up  to  the sounds of cars driving by
i'll wake up to the sound of my radio
i'll wake up  a quarter to 11:00
i'll wake up to walk in the snow
i'll wake up to watch you walk down the same street
i'll wake up to  wish that i'll talk to you one day

i'll wake up to look myself  in the  mirror
i'll wake up  to wake up
i'll wake up to go back to sleep
i'll wake up to drink my coffee

i'll wake up  today
i'll wake up tomorrow
i'll wake up one day to say
''i woke up today to say i love you''
If you wake up one morning and your colors have change hue,
If you wake up one morning and yellow has turned blue,
If you wake up one morning and the sun has turned into the moon,
If you wake up one morning and the birds are singing a different tune,

If you wake up one morning and the light has turned dark,
If you wake up one morning and you just can’t find you’re mark,
If you wake up one morning and day has turned to night,
If you wake up one morning and left has turned to right,

If you wake up one morning and can’t find your feet,
If you wake up one morning and find you’re still asleep,
If you wake up one morning and find she’s gone,
You might just wake up and realize she was the one.

Earl Jane Apr 2016

Wake up my darling,
Your eyes I want to behold,
Empyrean turquoise.

Wake up my darling,
Your ears I want to whisper,
Listen to my love.

Wake up my darling,
Sway with me as I kiss you,
Your lips I'll indulge.

Wake up my darling,
Feel me as I enfold you,
Feel my warmth, dearest.

Wake up my darling,
It's another new bright day,
To show you my love.

Wake up my darling,
Let me lock figers with you,
Jointly, we stride brave.

Wake up my darling,
Let me sing my love to you,
Feel peace in my song.

Wake up my darling,
Wake up and savor my love,
This bond we relish.

Wake up my darling,
Yesterday, now, forever,
Our love will not end.

Wake up my darling,
Together let's praise our God,
For blessing this love.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

wake up peaannuuuttttt !!!!! ♥ ♥ I miss you a lootttt !!! Aaaaa lloootttt !!!! Thinking of you lots !!!! I love youuu ssoo ssooo mucchhh!!! God bless our love.. I cherish you a lot !!!!! A looottt!!! I am patiently waiting for you!! I love youuuu mmmoosstt!!! Mmmeee mmmoosssttt!!
Chris Reed Feb 2019
Every morning I wake up
I turn off my alarm
And in the dead silence, and pitch blackness,
I stare at the ceiling for a bit
As my eyes adjust to being awake
I just lay there. Thinking.
About life
About the hell of getting up
For all of about five minutes

Every morning I wake up
I get out of bed
I go to the bathroom
I splash some water on my face
I brush my teeth
I swirl around some mouthwash
I put on some deodorant
I brush my hair
I wash my face
I put on some face lotion

Every morning I wake up
I put on some warm clothes
I get a drink of water
I eat an apple or a banana or sometimes an orange

Every morning I wake up
I grab my backpack and put it on my bed
I put on my belt
I slip on my shoes
I wiggle into my coat
I get at least two decks of playing cards into my coat pocket
I get my wallet in my back pocket
I get my phone in my front pocket
I get my earbuds into my coat pocket
I get my pen into my inside coat pocket
I get my flashlight into my coat pocket
I get my hand driver tool into my pocket
I get my phone charger into my backpack

Every morning I wake up
I go through this routine
Without much thought anymore
It's natural to me
To do the same thing each and every morning

Every morning I wake up
Whether I want to or not
I lock up the dogs
I feed my turtle
I turn off all the lights
I walk out the door and lock it behind me

Every morning I wake up
I follow this routine
Step by step
Without fault

Every morning we all wake up
Even if we don't want to
Even if the only thing we want to do is just lie in bed
And not deal with today
Even if the only thing we want is just a couple more minutes of precious sleep
Just a little longer in the warmth of our blankets
Just a little longer not having to go through the true hell that is today
Just a little longer to be by ourselves

But we wake up

We wake up
We'll continue to wake up for the rest of our lives
Each and every morning.
I think that says something about us.
I think that shows just how resilient we really are

Every morning that we wake up
It's a big ******* to all who say we can't do it
To anybody that says we aren't strong enough
Even if you're a weeping mess all day long
Even if you don't get your schoolwork done
Even if you aren't prepared to get up
You still do.
I still do
We all

I think that's just incredible.
Clovina Nov 2013
I use to wake up,
To the sound of the woods.
I use to wake up,
To the song of the trees.
I use to wake up,
To the whisper of the leaves.
But now I wake up,
To the sound of breaking bones.

I use to wake up,
To the dance of the sun.
I use to wake up,
To the running of the wind.
I use to wake up,
To the prancing of the rain.
Now, I wake up,
To the sound of whispering names.

I use to wake up,
To the dreams of laughter.
I use to wake up,
To the voices of the birds.
I use to wake up,
To a beautiful peace.
Now I wake up to the Death of Silence.
"   Oh no, I think I recognize this song...
Oh no, I think I know just what is wrong.

    Wake me up when the sad part ends...
Wake me up when the hard part is over.   "

    That girl you thought you knew is dead and gone.
    She is now a zombie in transition, sealed in by all her wrongs.
    The price you pay to lose and to follow the rules.
    Has now stripped away the mask she hides behind.

Don’t wake me up till its over, Don’t wake me up till it ends.
I can already foresee this story’s ending.
My cup is empty, I have no more sympathy.
Stop trying to save me, when I am already numb.

    An empty mind, once clouded by rage, has been erased.
    Every passing day, cuts another one of her ties.
    Will soon free her from this provoked life.
    Emotionless, eases her forgotten fears.
    Free from all the pain, that once brought her down in tears.

Don’t wake me up, Don’t wake me up till its over.
Don’t wake me, Don’t wake me up till it ends.
My gas tanks on E, I’m left with no speed.
All the fight within me, has finally left me empty.
Now I am just waiting.

    Her end is soon to be near.
    For she held all she could bare.
    All of which contributed to her collapse.
    Revealed that all she had to do was snap.

So don’t wake me, don’t wake me up....
Wait till it’s over....finally over...wait till the ending.
Then I won't care if you wake me.

    Her mind may be empty when she is a wake.
    Yet when she closes her eyes and is able to sleep.
    Through the darkness, she finds enough light to dream.
    She dreams of life and death as images invade her head.
    Let “Sleeping Beauty” rest.
bailey defrees Apr 2018
I wake to your laugh
I wake to your voice
I wake to your heart beat
I wake to your smile
I wake to your eyes
I wake to make you happy
I wake to love you
I wake to feel you
I wake for you
I wake so you can sleep in
I wake to pay the bills
I wake to provide for you
I wake for you and only you
Simon Nader Jun 2020
Resurrected as the dark soul
While you try to avoid doom
In a world that's virtual to all
One time playing in your room

Transported to the world of unknown
Made allies along the way
Against the rules of the game
You are not in the slay

You speak through inner thoughts
Just for you to stay alive
And avert the gloom reality
In this place of fantasy
Who to talk to?
And what must be said?
To avoid the inevitable


Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up, Catarina!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up, Catarina!
Doom hasn't arrived

Through your kind heart
And charming looks
Started to change the ending
To a story that was written

Making better choices
For the friends and the beloved
Yet, the flags are still up to vanquish
You do what you can

Of the red head child
He has the smile
But hatred inside
Something within hides
Would he put you to sleep

Yet, all scream...


(Guitar Solo)

You made changes to everyone's lives
Through your smile and kindness
As you begin your endless sleep
They come for your aid as they scream...

(Chorus Change)---

Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up, Catarina!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up, Catarina!
It's time to wake up from the sleep
O Catarina

(Musical Outro)
Wake Up
Wake Up

Sky kiss and lawn of mind
Greening beautifully
Sky kiss

Zumba laugh

Raining and fog falling
turtles pleasantly rolling
Don’t have time for calling

Looking sky
don’t know why?
Ohh It’s not too high, O dear!

Let’s open your astronaut dream
packed with oxygen drill

Moon wink
link your dream strings
Kites flying
and so the rising moon
Beloved come soon
Under the Shade of a tree
Let’s feel free
Let’s uncage your butterfly and a bee

colors hop
colors hop

Get up
Leave your lazy cushions
Do the tango
Don’t wait!
close all your negativity entry gate!

A round walk! Around the walk!
feel the rhythm and think what you have brought
Gain some spiritual meditational sky talk
Then some bang bang chocolate

Take some Fruit’s salad
jolly your mind and add your heart
A dazzling mug of coffee

Rise up and twinkle!
Rise up and twinkle!

start your day!
Don’t let it down dreamy feather
realize the real
concatenate the imagination
Mumbo Jumbo!

Let’s go
driving the infinite snow
feel the cold
relax with the music old!

Take a break!
Let’s go

Pots of golden *** and vacant space
time your mind
sometimes memories rewind
under the cup of diverging new winds

If reached in the forest unknowingly
wild your heart and don’t feel unrest
Wear a mask under the green shadow
Don’t fear if the lion is so near
like a moonwalk
reverse your gear of slow walk
without eye to eye contact

If lion attack
punches the nose hard
never let the lionto eat you
Don’t go beyond the imagination,O dear!

Wild the forest
wild so you!
Wild the forest
wild so you!

Bright love
singing right in front of the mind tree, a pond
O melting glaciers
Hurry up!
seasons of a fluffy polar bear
Drinking beer…

closely searching me near!
So I deep sleep while drinking a lovely beer…

Just to fear the wild bear!

cheers!!! cheers!!!cheers!!!

Grasses of dreams want to sprout
Layer the other side of the coin!

Wake up!
Wake up!

Trees are laughing
Kissing and rejoicing
Oh Dear!
Everything is in the dream!

Snow is wildly astonishing
Foresting smile!
Glittering star shining in the dreamy mile!

Layer’s of desert fall
I am in the dream
I can’t call…

Wake Up!

Wake Up!

Wake Up!!

Wake Up !

Wake Up!

Wake Up!

Wake Up !!

Wake Up !!!

Jay M Sep 2019
Dawn breaks
Eyelids struggle
Coffee smell
Awful but awakening
Decisions made in seconds

You have to go through a little hell
To wake the hell up

Shake off the dream
Dance into the waking world
Twirl me around
Like a ribbon in the hands of a dancer
Spiraling towards nothing
Yet going somewhere of significance

Make me laugh
Make me smile
Make me move for a while
Just please keep me awake

You have to go through a little hell
To wake the hell up

Wake the hell up!
Jump out of your skin!
Let the dreams go!
Wake the hell up!

Shake off the dream
Dance into the waking world
Twirl me around
Like a ribbon in the hands of a dancer
Spiraling towards nothing
Yet going somewhere of significance

You have to go through a little hell
To wake the hell up

Wake the hell up!
Jump out of your skin!
Let the dreams go!
Wake the hell up!

I’m outta control!
Just let it roll!
Oh, wake me up now!

Spiraling somewhere
Falling around
Dancing like never before
Keep me awake
Make me laugh
But just don’t let me sleep!

Wake the hell up!
Jump out of your skin!
Let the dreams go!
Wake the hell up!

Wake the hell up!

- Jay M
September 26th, 2019
I'm tired as hell, so this is to wake me the hell up.
It's about me pumping my leg to keep myself awake, then my friends making me laugh which wakes me up. Then I decided to just make myself laugh to stay awake. As some say, laughter is the best medicine.
Maggie Lane Nov 2012
Looking back, I think I knew she wasn’t going to wake up that night. Maybe I thought she wouldn’t wake up ever.
It seemed to me that the fact that movies and stories make it appear as if sad things can only and will only occur during rain and thunder was just stupid. The weather has no affect on the events, right? But I was wrong. On Tuesday, April 18th, I began to realize this apparently idiotic movie ploy might have an inkling of truth buried in it.
That day, the kids had teased me again, but to be totally honest, I didn’t mind it then and I don’t mind it now. It had begun to rain when I was halfway down 17th street. I had immediately removed my shoes and socks, and stuffed them into my bag, which was already overflowing with scraps of paper and books. Most of the books had been for free time reading, and are currently lying in a heap in my room at Dad's, where they will remain unread until I decide to forget that awful, horrible, tragic day.
I ran all the way to our apartment, but went the long way and danced and twirled as my un-zippered jacked flapped uselessly behind me. My lungs burned white-hot, but my body was freezing, a feeling I still to this day enjoy. By the time I had reached the alleyway behind the crumbling yet comforting building, I was soaked through, and I loved it. I decided to go around back so Martin would have no excuse to yell at me in that foul, ill-tempered way that made the skin underneath his chin jiggle. I had started towards the rusted door when I saw her. Of course, it hadn't been her. She had been inside, where she alway waited for me to get home. But I had felt on that day as protective of her as she always insisted upon being with me.
I grasped the icy handle and slipped inside, the warmth of the building suffocating rather than comforting me. To this day, I prefer being cold, because it clears the mind, and warmth clouds it, like the foul demon that lures you into the endless sleep that tried to take my mother that day. I climbed the steps; the sudden noise of my feet on the stairs was like a rock sliding under the water, breaking the calm.
I remember how the climb up the stairs that day had seemed especially long. But mostly, I remember how the apartment smelled when I finally reached the top and slid the key into the lock, turning it noisily. I remember the smell, and how the instant it hit my nose I knew that I wasn’t to expect the warm, gentle mother I came to expect most days, but that I was going to get the harsh, drunken version, when she had been smoking and on drugs.
Resignedly, I called, “MOM! I'm home from school!” only then I hadn't known that I would never get an answer. I dumped my soaking bag unceremoniously in the hall, and it hit the floor with a wet thump, splattering mud on the tiles. When she didn't respond, I had frowned; a face Andrew tells me makes me look somehow more mysterious.
The trip I had then taken to her room revealed only that she had passed out on the bed, and that she smelt of sadness. But at that time, sadness wasn't uncommon. I don't remember how long I stood there, but I know that when I finally awoke from my thoughts, I showered and got into my softest pajamas. I settled down to do my homework, but I hadn't been trying hard, so when the time had come to make dinner, I had only made the smallest of dents.
Simply because I had been tired and hadn't been up to making anything more complicated, I made tomato soup. Mom always used to make my soup with milk rather than water, so that was how I made it too. I poured the soup into mugs, because we always liked to drink it rather than eat it. I remember sipping from my mug, and I remember how the warmth burned the roof of my mouth. The heat of it brought tears to my eyes, which were every bit as salty as the soup. I walked to her room, and knocked on the door, the sound echoing through the apartment. She hadn’t answered though, so I entered with the intention of waking her up.
“Mom!” I had said. “Wake up, I made dinner!” and I set the mugs down on her bedside table. With my freed hands, I had shaken her shoulder softly. She didn't wake though, which had surprised me, for she always woke instantly as if her dreams were frail and easy to shatter.
“Mom!” I had raised my voice, and I shook her more vigorously. “MOM!” I think it was on the third time that I finally began to realize, but I still shook her.
On the fifth try I had begun to cry, and on the sixth the calm part of me told the hysterical part: *She is fine. She will wake in the morning, I promise. She will wake.
That was the first time I ever lied to myself.
I remember pulling the covers on the bed over her, and then gingerly lying down next to her. Mom. I kept thinking to myself, as if my mere thoughts might wake her. But I had known she wasn't gone, for I felt her breath next to me, soft, shallow, and hardly discernible from my own, yet still breathing. I had drunk the rest of my soup, but left hers, telling myself she would drink it when she woke. Now, looking back, I realize how stupid it was of me to have thought that she would wake up.
I don't even remember falling asleep that night, but I must have, for in the morning when I woke I looked quickly over at her, hoping, wishing that she might have risen. I remember shaking her again, pleading, “Mom, it's the morning, and you missed dinner but it's okay, I will make you more if you please wake up, please momma. Please,” But she didn't heed me. I remember sitting in bed with her all morning, watching the clock. I didn't get ready for school. My mom was more important, I told myself. When the clock had ticked from 8:29 to 8:30, I knew the bell had rung, and I was late. I guess to me that had been a signal: The rest of the world has continued without us. I remember standing up and padding to the kitchen, and grabbing the wireless phone. I remember how icy cold it had felt, as opposed to the warmth and comfort of the bed in Mom's room. For once I simply craved the innocent warmth from my mother's inert body. I walked back in and sat on the edge of the bed. I dialed 9-1-1 and hit the 'call' button.
“This is 9-1-1 what is your emergency?” a rough male voice had said.
“I-” I had to clear my throat from lack of use. “My mom was passed out last night when I got home from school. I thought she would wake up, like she always does, but she hasn't. She is still breathing. Please come,” I had said all that with a flat voice, refusing the awful feeling in my throat that warned of tears.
“What is your location?” he asked, his voice softer now.
“913 Alvarado,” I whisper. “Fourth floor, number 413. My name is Sierra Banks.”
“Paramedics are on their way, ok?”
“Ok,” I recall how loud the click was when he hung up, and I felt the cold, empty silence press down and around me until I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to talk to someone, anyone, except the police officers who sounded way too casual. My mom's life might be on the line, and all they do is talk in monotone. Like they don’t care about all those lives. I knew then that I was being unfair, and that they were simply used to losing lives, but...
I looked up at the soup mugs on the table and next to them...her cell. The last person she talked to. I scooped it up, went to last calls, and hit redial.
Ring...Ring...Ring... “Hello, Clemens residence.”
“Dad.” The pain of hearing his voice then was the same as when I hear it every day now. Regret had instatly clouded my heart with the cold wall I built four years ago. Tears began to pour down my cheeks, but I can't recall now if they were hot and scalding, or cold.
“Sierra?” his voice too had become thick, and I hated him for crying. He left us.
“Yes,” I had been unable to force any other meaningless words at him. I hadn't seen him in four years, when we visited him, his beautiful new wife, and worst of all, his new baby girl. He replaced me! My throat burns to think of it. I hadn't thought of Lila, my step sister, and my replacement since she was born. Fury built up inside me. Why did mom call them last? Why does she still hold his number in her phone even after he left? And most importantly, what did they talk about? I still haven't forgotten these questions, but I most certainly haven't got any answers.
“Dad, mom is in trouble. She hasn't woken up since yesterday. I thought she would wake up but she hasn't. The ambulance is on its way,” Instantaneously, I hated myself for telling him, pouring out how scared I was. He didn't deserve to know, to pretend to feel sorry.
“Oh Sierra. Oh my beautiful daug-” he began, but I had already ended the call. How dare he call me beautiful? He hadn't seen me in so many years. He didn't deserve to pretend he care. Maybe I loved him once, but not anymore. I didn’t, and still don’t, want his sympathy, his false words, dripping in I-told-you-so. But most importantly, I didn’t want him to hear me cry.
Now I find myself having to live with him, and have to be constantly aware of him walking in on me. Like the other day when he walked into my room to see how I was doing with homework and found me rocking and bawling on the bed. Gasps had escaped from me in rapid succession; my sobs had shaken the bed so that it creaked softly. My lips curled apart from my teeth as I convulsed. I sniffed loudly and, gradually, my sobs had died down. Eventually too, my ears had regained their sense, and their voices had drifted to me from outside my bubble of silence.
Most days I had control enough to save my tears for the night or not cry at all. A week ago my English teacher had made us write letters to our parents. I had asked if I could write mine to someone else, because I was still furious at my dad, and mom left me. I know that she was in a coma, and she can't help it now, but I remember all the times that I was strong through her rampages. It didn't matter anyways, because Mr. Steiner blatantly refused. I decided to write it to mom, since I refused those days to even to acknowledge that I had a father.
And to this day I remember every word, for I read that letter a hundred times that day, until I had it committed to memory, so that I could have it with me, where ever I might be.
The ambulance arrived about five minutes after I hung up on Richard. The memory of crying, and rocking endlessly in pitch blackness made me refuse even to call him my father. What I kind of father, I asked myself, leaves his daughter crying, without comforting her, when the only person who ever loved her, is a million miles away? 'Mine,' I had answered myself, bitterly.
Chris May 2015

Wake up,  wake up
a new day has begun

Wake up,  wake up
it's time to greet the sun

Wake up,  wake up
and see these skies of blue

Wake up,  wake up
I'm so in love with you
I know it sounds Hallmark like but
I woke up with this in my head
and had to write it out
One day I'll wake up and see,
See men dropping no more bombs,
To drag myriads of innocents
Indignantly yowl beneath tombs.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See a bunch of desperate culprits
Before their trembling knees,
Seeking redemption by pulpits.

One day I'll wake up and see,
Just as a rose wafts her scents on air,
Soothingly so shall harmony and peace
Ameliorate our world once so fair.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See all men working hand in hand
With a sole aim of invading not,
But to enrich each others land.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See the mighty air of verisimilitude
Dawn upon all men and women,
There's need to care for the destitute.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See it vividly that all women and men,
Whether yellow skinned, red or white,
Accuse not the Raven for a dark omen.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See people of all sorts of creed,
To oblivion obliterate their theories,
Admit to one great soul we're all linked.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See it dawn unto men without doubt,
Walking down the isle to the same ***,
In sullen graves they'll never get out.

One day I'll wake up and see,
See men quell their pride and vanity
Right into the most peculiar abyss,
Regain sanity to draw back to humanity

One day you'll wake up and see,
See with me all these wonders evolve,
And we'll stand in a stupendous awed silence,
Seeing such crimes against humanity dissolve.

Kikodinho Alexandros**
Jumeira, Dubai
20th January 2017
If by serendipity's sake, thou art among the bunch of people I've just castigated by this trenchantly penned poem, and some how thee feel tremendously offended, honestly ain't SORRY and NEVER will I ever be coz HELL it's self could be far beauteous to thee.
I wake
with a deep pain in my chest
I wake
with longing ache in my heart
I wake
with loud thumps of my heartbeat
I wake
with an uncontrolable shaking of my hands
I wake
with the sweaty-ness of my palms
I wake
with the cold tingle on my feet
I wake
with the loud chatter of my teeth
I wake
with a disturbing feeling lingering on my skin
I wake
with the salty taste of tears on my lips

I wake,
Every night,
Wondering why,
This happens to me.
I wrote this on June when I was having a horrible night and I finished it at 2:29 in the morning.
ryn Oct 2014
Since you've been away
I've trailed the wake of the clouds
Just crumbling clay...
That lay in the shade that enshrouds
Depending on the ifs and mays.

   Wake up, my love...
Since you haven't been here
The sky did nothing but only sang
Ambient translations of mocks and jeers
As the green blades of earth bared their fangs
Mischievous songs that I've held dear.

     Wake up, my love...
Since you've been gone
I've realised that I'm not moving
And you too, haven't moved since last dawn
A reality all too disheartening
Bits of me all cut up and sawn.

         Wake up my love...
Since you've been missing
I am never whole, and never will
A lifetime of endless chasing
Bottomless jar without a seal
Void clustered emptiness in need of filling.

            Wake up, my love...
Since you've been absent
I could only hope for this lungful
To lead me to subsequent
Ones that taste like bitter pills encapsuled.
Mind full of drugs running rampant.

               Wake up, my love...
Since you wouldn't have known
What these days are like...
Time induced tumours have grown
The hours impale with temporal spikes...
Inseminating malignant thoughts soon to be sown.

                  Wake up, my love...
Since you've been away
I'm a player hoping for a fair game
Nonetheless still crumbling clay...
That lay in the dark just the same
Choking on the what ifs and what mays.
Wake up....Me...
Molly Coates Apr 2013

**** it’s only 2.
Well, now that I’m up,
Lemme watch that slide show
That has an automatic timer for switching slides
Because I’ll be ****** if I ever want to see those things again
And so I just. Can’t. Hit. Next.

Lemme curl up in my bed under the blankets I stole from my basement.
Let me take a few deep breaths because I know for the next lifetime I’ll be running,
And Alice macartney knows you don’t get to breathe this deep on a run.
And If you have to ****, it better take a second because anybody can see you
And I know it too because, hell, I’ve been running my whole life until now
And it’s time I had a break.

Well, I’m already up
And it’s always sometimes helpful maybe
When I reread the script in my brain that begins with
“I’ve been physically abused for most of my life”
and ends with “I don’t know, but yeah.”

Three feet from the ceiling under two blankets
And the crushing ticking of two clocks that are never the right time
I lay down in a desperate attempt to be able to say tomorrow “yeah I got some sleep”
without feeling like a ***** liar.
And when I do lie, I’m gonna lift my mug of caffeine with a splash of dirt and milk to my lips
As if by blocking my mouth I erase the falseness of my words.

And after I reread my script and reread my script
And watch the slideshow titled “what the hell happened to your ribs?”
With an italicized subtitle “don’t tell anybody, okay?”
I scratch at the TO DO list of favors and assignments
And required events and obligations
That seem to crowd over the curvy crayola cursive that reads
“Please sleep. Please eat.”

And then I walk out of my room and down the long long hall
As quietly as I possibly can
So that I can listen to keyboards click, or floorboards creak, or pencils scratch
So that maybe I can count how many others are up with me
In the Twilight Zone.

And maybe by the time the grandaddy clock downstairs chimes one two three
I’ll have washed my face enough times and brushed my teeth enough times
And read my script enough times
To have a pounding headache just heavy enough to shove down my eyelids.


****, It’s only 4.
Luckily I have a new slideshow to watch
And this one is called “the Fourth time my brother died”
With subtitle “flowers in my chain lock links”
And a dedication to Oom, my cow stuffed animal that has a bit of blood on him
From that one time I don’t remember.

I walk back down to the bathroom
And wash my face for the upteenth time.
Surely by now my skin is chemically burnt because
If I’m not going to wear make up, then I better be perfect!

A palmfull of water might irrigate my dust-bowl throat.
I must have been screaming in my dreams.

I slither back under the ceiling and the blankets
And I hold my fists against my eyeballs
As if a ravaging beast is trying to burst out.
I try to breathe silently so that I can pretend I don’t exist
That I’m not alive.
Because my heartbeat sounds disgusting
And my lungs were never that good.

One Two Three Four Five
And I’m ****** because I’ve been counting
From 72 to 248 for an hour now
And I know there is only one hour and fifty minutes
Until I have to
WickedHope Sep 2015
Wake up
It's Monday
Lace up your shoes
Walk out the door
No one to notice anymore
There's no one here anymore

Wake up
It's Tuesday
Makeup your face
Walk straight to work
To get a good tip just flirt
Smile so it doesn't have hurt

Wake up
It's Wednesday
Comb out your hair
Go through the rain
The wet can hide the pain
That's on your face in stains

Wake up
It's Thursday
Look in the mirror
Avoid your eyes
Don't listen to empty lies
To whispers in their eyes

Wake up
It's Friday
Brush your teeth
Swallow all fear
No one left to listen here
None to shout, ****, or jeer

Wake up
It's Saturday
Click out your notes
Play back the laughs
You've recorded in drafts
Not much ever seems to last

Wake up
It's Sunday
Button your dress
Go pray at church
Tell yourself it all has worth
How could it get any worse

Wake up
It's Monday
Lace up your shoes
Kayla Boyd Nov 2014
Wake and do
As you’ve always done
As you will always do
Promise after promise,
Beg yourself to be clean,
But you know you’re stuck.

Wake and clean,
Wake and obey,
Wake and bake.
Wake and take
Just one or two.
Wait for the fade out
As it kicks in.

You can try to feel pristine
Live for diamorphine
Ecstasy or caffeine
Numb from the routine.
The ***** truth is that
No drug erases life
Without bringing death.

Wake and panic,
Wake and shake,
Wake and need,
Wake with pain.
You don’t want to feel again.

Pick up the bottle
Glass, plastic childproof cap.
Pick up the needle
You need to feel normal.
But you’re stuck
Somewhere in between.
Ashly Kocher Dec 2018
Wake up
Wake up
It is time to start your day
Wake up
Wake up
Count your blessings everyday
Wake up
Wake up
Say a prayer, thank God today
Wake up
Wake up
Shine your light and smile all day
Wanderer Nov 2012
We stand before them gray and numb
wake up
All eyes vacant, fingers lax
wake up
Waiting patiently, thoughts sterile, for meal time
wake up
On the menu today is fascism
wake up
But we've been fed that so many times before it is
considered comfort food
wake up
All of our threadbare clothes are dull, without variety
wake up
The food sits soggy and weighted in our ravenous gut
wake up
Clawing at the cage of our hearts to do something
wake up
To be something
Yet still we toil in our once free soil
The feel of dirt under our nails the only connection to the earth we have left
Torin May 2016
Wake up and know I love you
Wake up as I'm falling to sleep
Walk in dreams today
Knowing I dream of you

Wake up and forget the nightmares
Wake up to the rising sun
That me and my tired shoulders
Struggle to lift above your soul

Wake up and feel my light
Wake up to the songbirds
Singing you the songs
That I taught them to sing

Wake up and forget the darkness
Wake up to glorious morning
And let my hand be that of an angel
Guiding you to your destined peace

Wake up
And live the dream
I'm having now about you
A truth that I will always love you
BarelyABard Dec 2012
Oh I never wake in fear

at men who scream and men who sneer

and people chanting, "hounds draw near!"

Oh I never wake in fear.

The ignorance of jeers and hate

are always thrashing at the gate,

but all they do is seal our fate

for I never wake in fear.

The warden points and dogs do bite

in finding ways to prove what's right.

While all we do is breed despite

and I never wake in fear.

His lasting words, a dying impression

draw from wrath a pleading confession

laughing at a virtue regression

still I never wake in fear.

You hope they shiver at your blade..?

At all the WONDEROUS things you've made?

When all their morals, you invade?

Strange I never wake in fear!

How you claw, to fully erase

the hopeless, foul things in this place.

When mirrors are your only face...

why can't I ever wake in fear?

My time is done, my mind is clear.

Yet, still I wonder why I'm here...

With hope, one day, I'll shed a tear,

the day that I wake up in fear...

— The End —