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Colt Jul 2013
for Those who eat ramen by choice, or not.*

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by disillusionment,
lacking egotistical sold, dragging themselves through the hip streets at dawn
looking for a socially self-aggrandizing fix.
Poets, as they sit in desks and discuss discourse
about discourse about discourse about discourse,
who fear that thinking itself was buried with Vonnegut,
who are lost in forests of brick walls,
inviting, because they block the wind of dying fall,
who swim in cesspools filled with academic sewage, yearning for freedom,
for truth, as they always have,
mining their minds for images, and searching for words to describe
-a reality which is virtual at its core and each act, another chore./
-a scene of life which reflects all that is poignant and sacred.
Poets seek musicians while musicians seek poets.
and the dog chases its tail, endlessly
and the dog chases its tail, endlessly
and the dog chases its tail, endlessly

These poets who search aimlessly for the feeling of feeling,
who are overwhelmed with meaning to the point where meaning
has no meaning in itself.
Who claim this poem as their own and continuously write themselves into it.
It is those who suffer in truth that live the poetic.
Those who sit in front of space heaters eating peanut butter sandwiches in winter,
who sweat unknowingly in summer, comforted in each’s odor.
Those who open Macbooks while squatting in empty flats.
Signing up, logging in and zoning out, forever disengaged.
Those who type prophecy on keypads and let keyboards gather dust-
stratification, signs of long nights spent in century-old homes still not renovated,
ceilings sinking at the sides while those above pogo to punk rock long dead,
or grind genitals to old soul, simulating all that is sensual.
Those who play archaeologist to their own layers of makeup, grimed on the sink.
Those who share their food with the roaches and the mooches who all have keys,
who use the books as shelves to hold ceramic mugs, stained with a single drip-drop,
who, with arms crossed, watch bands in basements play noise.
Those who replaced their nu-metal records with folk but kept the unkempt beards.
Those who drink stale beer on stranger’s rooftops.
Those who live with bags under eyes, themselves asleep, lacking a body,
sleeping naked together to stay warm,
sleeping naked together to stay sane,
sleeping naked together to stay touched.

Those who leave coffee in unplugged automatic pots, decaying rapidly.
Those who eat pizza for breakfast, cold or microwaved, as an act of ultimate indulgence.
Those who prance about in un-matching socks
from hardwood floors to vinyl floors to tile floors, all under the same popcorn ceiling,
dancing to the sound of rhythmic silence.
Those who fight with lovers about acts, but never once mention the act of love itself.
Those who don flannel plaid in springtime color, constructing Williamsburg,
who consider gentrification a new form of landed gentry,
who live in poverty as if it were a novelty,
capitalist martyrs sacrificing employment to hide being non-hirable,
who shop in online surplus department stores for unique vintage.
Those who, who, who hoot like the owls framed on their walls, eyes wide but beaks small.
Those who are oppressed by nonexistent kings ruling in imaginary suits.
Those who crave something new, not tired-as the form of this very poem-
something which is not-yet auto-tuned.
Those who, faux-hawked and shredded, rock and bop to Bowie doing Lou
on Sunday Morning from Station to Station shooting ******,
who walk swiftly with denim skin on their legs and refuse socks.
Those who, in their rightest mind, are the wrongest-minded.
Those who can reject privilege only because they are privileged,
who, in their uniform whiteness, denounce racism,
who, in their uniform straightness, claim immune to homophobia
who, with their ***** ***** in a row, claim to be feminists.

And those who search for revolution in a time when rebellion is conformity.
Listening to the  pounding sound of blog-protesters typing n o w.
who, in claiming to accept, don’t accept the unaccepting,
who got veggies tattooed on their sides while snapping bacon in their teeth,
who ironically infiltrated asylums and performed madness until the shocks came
and they were maddened, for good, eaten alive by volts resounding
ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching.
Who sleep naked together to be together but end up being alone,
exchanges from lips that move in pretentious drone,
and the dog chases its tail, endlessly.
When the abnormal is normal and the whole structure is inverted and
heaven is here and flames under the soil are no longer hell burning for soles of the
Converse, Adidas, and Nike sneakers on the bicycle pedals of poets who ride at night,
listening to the sound of owls that question:
Aarya Jan 2014
If I could,
I would pick up my ink pen
and drown an ocean into you
instead of drowning you in it.
Extract these rotting feelings
for the sake of your ignorance.
Carve scriptures into each delicacy of your brain
so you wouldn’t have to dwell in such misery every day.
Wire faith
to your blemished heart.  
Imbue purity
to your sullied soul.
If I could,
I would write you through all depths of insanity
without any harm
so that your
mind no longer persists the thought of death.
There was a time I thought you were dead.
Only you were painted red
in a black and white world.
Like you have been walking barefoot on a broken road
your whole life.
Your demons imitate life
And life imitates the demons.
You are the one being tied down by invisible, nonexistent chains.
So unaccepting of help that has come for you
the sun touch the horizon
reach the meeting of sun and ground
Find further still,
The limits you would like to reach only run from you.
You have such a murderous tongue
for society  
But one day I hope to see you write yourself into existence
Rather than to let yourself drown in it.
Why has you dying become something so habitual?
Darling, death is not a friend of yours
Nor are you a friend of his.
But I know of your frequent dates with death
Tell me
Does his neck feel like happiness
And do his lips relieve you of your suffocation
are you lost?
or are you found?
Do you recognize the irony  
Of the most terrifying things happening in the most angelic places
Charm yourself upon that bridge
Whose lights light up the city in golden arrays
With a glazed look
you’d think.
In sadness seen go by
You are charmed by either war or hope.
These occurred robberies have taken much
But they left opportunity
Important people
And a moon in your window
A future that only you know the ending of  
And a slice of the midnight sky.
So it goes.
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
We're not allowed to mention Christianity
A Muslim man discusses Allah, we can't judge.Black people have pride in themselves, so do white people .We're automatically racist and unaccepting. A man gets hired for a high paying job instead of the women.This is a case  for feminism because it's injustice. A man cheats on his partner, he has hormones.A woman cheats on her man, she's a *****! A woman is ***** she's making it up.A man is ***** no one believes him. A gay person is disliked by a certain individual .It's homophobia, a black man kills someone and the whole race is blamed, a white man kills someone he's just a ******. You say crusty old white men are making decisions about your body.Should he change his race then decide if you can reproduce? I'm eating Sushi and I'm not Asian, it's cultural appropriation and it's  offensive so only Asian people can eat at Asian restaurants? That reminds me of when segregation was going on. We have a right to our opinion but I say something I'm instantly prejudice and you don't want hear it. I made the wrong assumption now I'm a horrible person because you feel that you can monitor my thoughts. You all think that you're all for social justice but it's really going to come back and bite you in the ***.
apathy May 2013
all i ever feel is unaccepted
it really *****
i always wonder, when will people accept me
when will that happen?
a week
a month
a year
then when?

i sit in the corner because i have no other choice
no one accepts me
they never have, never will
and yet i still try, why?

i don't have many friends,
my old ones all left me behind
don't be the one,
to push me aside

don't be that kind of person
at first,
i thought you would stay with me forever
that never happened

you were the only person that accepted me
now your not my friend anymore
everyone else doesn't accept me
why don't you be like them too?

never live a life like mine
to hide behind a wall of insecurity
its never fun
and then to have people be so mean
so unaccepting,
it makes me want to die
pretty pretty please, just accept me
don't be them
just accept me for who i am
Sally A Bayan Dec 2013
Visitors had flown back home
The much awaited respite
Finally, was at hand.
It felt be on your own
Leaning on the bed, alone, though
Still nursing a cold from two weeks past.
To catch up with sleep
Was all that mattered.

Quietude was a blessing.
There was no noise at all
At 5:00 in the morning.

What?   5:00 AM?
No rushing footsteps?  No showering?
No flushing of the toilet?
On a school day?
This can't be!

Wondered why
Rising from the bed was a struggle,
Everything seemed light...floating,
Panic lurked in all corners of my room,
Loomed, it did, and spread all around,
In the midst of a widening cloak of fear.
The the right ear
Cleared those fuzzy thoughts.
Stood out
My right ear could no longer hear.

Whether lying cringed or curled,
Prostrate, or supine,
Grieving, worrying
Predominated in the days that followed
Diagnoses and prognoses, all were bleak
The cruel, deadly virus did it all
The loss superceded, and
Displaced every strand of confidence
A downward pull was imminent.

No phone calls were accepted.
Unexpectedly, true colors surfaced,
Real friends came forward
Family, other voices kept whispering:
"Shibashi waits, tai chi helps,
Both can alleviate, heal the heart,
Heal the mind, to be able
To accept the unacceptable."

Fourteen days seemed a year already,
Moments spent in soul-searching
But...restlessness won.
With prayers and courage, gathered within,
I dared cross that busy street,
Though shaking, quivering from fear
And from the cold winds of February
Almost got hit by a car,
Cursed by its driver,
But reached the church grounds in one piece.
Practice started at 7:00 AM, sharp.

Movements were calming,
Concentration was perfect!
It was sunny
Wind blew softly,
Carrying small things, floating, flying
Tiny strips that went with the wind
What I thought were garbage
Strips of thrash paper, from a shredder,
Thrown from a house I passed by
Blown even further, higher up
I walked back home,
With strips of paper on my head.

Two weeks were too short, I was still confused,
Unaccepting, mad, sad, felt cheated,
Still in denial, of what had occurred
Standing in front of a vanity mirror,
I pondered,
What could be God's message this time?
Those strips of thrash paper,
What if they were confetti from Heaven?
My situation wasn't a festive event!
Could I have overlooked something here?
Was God trying to call my attention?
I wasn't sure...all I knew was,
I was depressed
I lost equanimity, I lost my serenity
I was distraught, I was everything but happy.
But, those strips of paper
Falling on my head
Made me look up to the sky that morning.

There were no tears before, and even today
I am a bit afraid, but
There is a calmer me
There is solace in the fact that,
God gave me two ears
I could still hear with the other
I live quite an active life 'til now
I move briskly
I sit where the speaker's voice is clearest
To my left ear.
When something is difficult to hear, or understand,
I get so frustrated
Sometimes, I forget about it,
It has its good effects.

It would soon be seven years after
I have learned to
adjust to my limitations,
Still wanting to know how to overcome
Or resolve these limitations
One day, I might just
One day, I might just
Accept what should be accepted

I can get myself through this
I hope to be understood
And not pitied.

Early morning ,December 11, 2013
    (From journals of 2007-2008)


Copyright 2013
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Eloisa Jan 2023
I am exhausted by strength today.
I’ve often pretended to be a mighty oak fighting the storms
Often fought the strongest winds while standing there in the open
Alone and compelled to fight
My wars, and most of the time theirs
Bewildered and forlorn
Glorifying the oak in me
Yet I have always ended up crooked, scarred, and broken
Unaccepting to the message of reality
That there will always be lulls and long despairs
And a lot of battles that you cannot choose
But will still try to find someone
Who’ll help me gather the fallen sticks, my gnarled and withered twigs
To create something beautiful
While I find again my quiet strength, my calm courage amidst any storm
Tristan Rethman Mar 2016
"Do to others
As you want done to yourself"
Says the mothers
Sitting on that high bookshelf

Looking down, unaccepting
As you ****,
Her with one deadly swing
"Just rules, Jill"

The problem with that rule,
The big flaw,
My want to die, so cruel,
Breaks that law
pauldeeeeee Jul 2011
there are times that i would just let my mind wander.. trying to dissipate the negativity from down under.. and sometimes it makes me wonder.. why our days of freedom have gone asunder.. i  am here to state mans divinity.. cant you see? the lies that have been layed out to runneth with oils and minerals being poured into our pockets like honey bees.. this poem will set us free.. waking us up to see all of the earths crease.. their lies will never cease.. thats why i am here to state mans divinity.. there is no more time segregation nor fear.. the time for a new age draws near.. we, the special beings down here, cry for freedom and peace.. to stop people counting 365 days a year.. are we part of the solution? or are we part of the pollution? these things aint supposed to be.. keep singing tunes and reciting rhyme schemes while holding a bag of trees, passing the time from within the seems.. our lives play like movies in dreams.. unaccepting the truths that the lies bring.. gone are the days where our hearts can just sing.. nowadays it's all about the bling.. and all the world wait for their mobile phones to go kring.. where are the times when time was just a fling.. where society actually cared about their men.. not treating them like arses and hens.. we holla at the lies being shown.. not realizing that everything we buy, they own.. our minds are being controlled and our spirits are being blown.. i am here to state mans divinity.. able to create from here to infinity.. all the hatred of the world is hatt brought me here to embrace and understand duality.. to know why we have this affinity.. it is much like a coin, there are heads and tails.. but those heads never see those tales.. thats because we catch what would eventually fail.. so i step inside myself and set sail.. to a journey from within our own grail.. to find the love that will set our goal.. that love vibration will shine so fast and so bright that it will emanate through our soul.. let that beat sing through the possibility of this positivity of this little bowl.. so i say stay away from the system.. and let teachers, teach.. let prophets, preach.. these words will never expire because of the beats of these beaches.. stop taking these leeches given to us by the men in robes to hide their faces.. changing their scenes to ruin our inner places.. our homes are invaded by brands that are faceless.. rappers spit about the incompetence of men and the riches of non-repentance.. i am here to state the divinity of man.. and yet i have spoken truths about this duality.. hope is what keeps the humility.. and love gives the vibration of our frozen cryogenic anenemity.. we must not fear ourselves.. those demons inside of us is part of the lies that they make us buy.. those are guardians.. able to protect and grow inside of us.. i am to state mans divinity.. so are you part of the fear? or are you part of the ones who want to be set free?

Olivia Kent Dec 2014
Last years' cherry tree is quivering bare.
Her leaves undressed, we stop and stare.
The cold is chewing at her bark, gnarling and twisting at her.
She mourns the skylark passing by.
Upon the wings of summer lost, those magical summer days.
The flowers of springtime they once lived beneath the safety of her roots.
Now, in a strange retraction they creep back in their bulbs and corms.
Hiding safely,  they're all secure from the  forthcoming storms.

The sullen eccentric female, wears her moth-eaten fur coat.
Just to beat the cold outside but, she's hiding inside.
Spying out the window.
In the corner at the back of the room, her resting husband met his doom.
She can't bear to let him go.
How long has he been there?
Nobody knows.
She goes about her business, chattering incessantly.
She's gassing about the weather, the price of fish.
In front of him his meal, remains untouched upon his dish.
It's getting dark, she feels the chill.
After parking a kiss on his icy lips.
Off to bed she creeps.
He's sitting there, still.
A blanket resting on his lap, to keep him nice and snug.
Cold coffee, complete with a film of congealed milk.
Cosy as a bug in a rug.
(C) Livvi
Amalia Eleanor Dec 2013
Laying still in my bed, I do not recognize who is laying there
Unrecognizable to my eyes, pulling a blank in my mind
Someone who once looked so familiar is now a stranger.

There’s a sadness where it once was happy
A pessimist that once was positive
A person that I used to enjoy.

The unaccepting stare is not welcoming
The negative thoughts are not comforting
The utter confusion is all but wanted.

Time goes by and no help is asked for
No changes occur

Finally change hits me, but still no better
For this confusion is now frustration
And this person is growing more distant.

Anger for having expectations
Anger for not caring anymore
Anger for giving up on them.

Falling off the bed, hitting the hard floor below
The only place to go is up
Until the floor falls from underneath me.

I try to stand, but don’t have the strength
I try to speak, but don’t have the courage
I try to listen, but don’t have the patience.

Finally at the bottom I look up
The eyes of the stranger are staring,
Peering inside of me.

Trying to make sense of it all
Understanding who this person is
Though difficult, I recognize them

Denial hits, I cannot accept it
I refuse to admit what I see
Because what I see is me.
L Jun 2014
At school
    This relationship is one to keep secret when you attend a catholic school. Two women (or men) aren't supposed to be together... but we're together. She's made me smile and cry and love like I never have before. People at school started to notice -- they started saying that I was a lesbian. When someone first told me that, I laughed. Laughed. Why were people spreading rumors like that? About me, a nobody? But then I realized that I can't always cover my heart with a sweater bearing the school crest. My heart is open, bleeding and spilling blood down my sleeve. It blends in with the crimson material. People are not blind.

2. Around our friends
     We didn't keep it a secret for long. I told my two best friends because I knew they'd accept me, no matter who I'm with. I was right. They welcomed our relationship with open arms. It was easier to love her then. We could hold hands and gaze at each other openly. With them, it feels like I'm home.

3. Around my family
     My family is tricky. My mom is accepting of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders...  
But I wonder if she's accept me.
     My dad is a homophobe. If you're gay, stay away! The stubborn man wouldn't even touch you with a stick... But what would he think if it were me?
     My brother is ok.
     My sister is... indecisive towards us, After all, I'm in love with her best friend. And I didn't even get to tell her myself.
     Hiding it amongst my family members has become rather difficult. Not being able to hold her hand is a stab to my heart. Not being able to flaunt her everything to them is maddening...
"Leigh, how do you not have a boyfriend?"
"Well um er..."
Do they notice the way I act around her?

4. Around her family
    The most difficult task of all. They're so unaccepting of who she really is, that she hides herself away. It pains me to see the hurt in her eyes when they poke fun at gay people. I've seen it happen. Anger wells up in my chest and fills a cavity long forgotten. I long to scream "Look. Your daughter/sister/aunt/cousin's heart currently belongs to me. Yeah, me. Another girl."
I wonder what they'd say to that.

5. In public
     Today, you never know what a person's views on homosexuals are. They could be completely disgusted or humbly accepting. You just don't know. So I (we) have to be especially careful. Someone could explode on us, saying that two women loving each other is wrong or sinful or damning. I'm afraid of that. She closes up when I don't hold her hand or reciprocate her advances in public... I'm just afraid. Sometimes I'll face my fears and I'll grab her hand. Other times, I'll sneak a kiss. Most of the time, I steal a glance and then cannot tear my eyes from her beauty. Do people see the love we have for each other? Do they understand? Do they accept? Do they believe that all love is beautiful? Probably not... But I'll love her anyway.
For R, who I love wholeheartedly.

alexa Mar 2018
why, hello there. nice to see you. and welcome to, our society is a ****** up place that needs be changed.

people think that its perfectly okay to fat shame, **** shame, skinny shame, and anything in-between. but once it happens to them its world war three. guess what, if you dont want something done to you. dont do it. hypocrites and shamers of people are whats wrong with todays society.

people who think that all cops are bad. yes, ill give it to you, most cops now-a-days are *****. but not all of them. some of them actually follow the rules that they're provided with. people who aren't openminded with things is what's wrong with todays society.

people who think that just because someone didnt go to college or finish high school etc. are stupid or are a disgrace. honey, the only person who's a disgrace is you. it is none of your business what happens in peoples lives. people who **** in and think that their negative opinions matter is what's wrong with todays society.

people who think that people who are in the LGTBQ+ community or support it are unworthy or dont deserve respect or anything like that. honey, as i said before, its none of your business. let people be who they want, let them express themselves, let people love each other no matter the gender! people who are unaccepting is whats wrong with todays society.

people in general are whats wrong with todays society. and we, people who accept everyone and anyone need to speak up. voice your opinions. important ones matter. because we, the people matter. no matter if you're black, white, hispanic, gay, straight, bi, lesbian, trans, queer, pansexual, heterosexual, agender, etc. you matter! and we're here to make it known, that everyone matters.
hey, i got really bored at five in the morning and decided why not write some things that have been bugging me for awhile. these are somethings that need to be addressed and i feel like with whats going on currently in the world, that this was the perfect timing.
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now It Seems That Some Heads...
Sometimes DESERVE...
.... REAL CREDIT... !!!!!!
For Simply NOT ACCEPTING... !!!
Those Who Start Injecting...
A Need For THEIR Directives...
To Fulfil THEIR Objectives... !!!
Whilst Leaving Theirs...
.... UNPROTECTED.... !!!
Are NOT Part of Collectives...
Whose Movements Are PATHETIC... !!!
By Vaccines Now Suggested...
To Be What'll Give Protection...
Against This Virus Spreading...
That’s Caused Corona Infections... !!!
Now DON'T Think That I’m Saying...
That Such Actions Are... RIGHT... !!!
But Something Odd Is Playing...
In... Unapologetic Minds... !!!
As They’ve Done At Various Times...
Throughout My Years of Life... !!!
They STOOD TOUGH... !!!
In The Face of Mugs...
Who Were Quick To Run...
For Those In Governments...
Who... DON’T Apologise... ?!?
For How They Choose To LIE...
And Tie Up... Peoples Lives... !?!
Because APOLOGIES...
Are NOT Part of Their Policies...
When It Comes To Deals...
That Make THEM MONEY... !!!
Whilst Their Supporters Are Left...
... STARVING HUNGRY... !!!!!
It’s A Thing So DREAD...
That It Now INFECTS...
... Submissive Heads... !!!
Who Choose To Believe...
In Those Who Deceive...
And Claim To Lead...
These... GREAT Countries... !!!
To Make... APOLOGIES... !!!!!
For INDULGING In Things...
Like.... SLAVERY.... !?!
So To Be... UNAPOLOGETIC... !!!
ISN'T Always As Good...
As It May Seem... !!!
So Sometimes Needs...
..... CORRECTING..... !!!
When It Deals In BAD Deeds... !!!
That Then Are Claimed...
By Those In The Frame...
To Be... “ OKAY “... !!!
Because of Gains...
That Have Put In Place...
The Chains of Today...
That Come From Reigns...
of... Enslavement Campaigns... !!!
However Those I CREDIT...
With The Type of Ethics...
That Have Proven To Be...
In... POSITIVE Ways...  !!!
Are Those Who Choose To BREAK...
The Chains That ENSLAVE...
How It Is That They Think...
And Then In Turn... Behave...
So Are The Type of Names...
Than SUBMISSIVE Slaves... !!!!
Because It Takes A LOT of *****... !!!
And Walk Your Own Walk...
Whilst Running BIG TALK... !!!
When The Masses Make The Call...
For It To Be... Cut Short... !!!
These Heads Face Pitfalls...
That These People Were RIGHT... !!!
To Stand By Their Beliefs...
You See This Piece of Poetry...
Speaks On Something VERY DEEP... !!!
It’s Asking... WHAT You ARE...
One of The SHEOPLE’ Class... ?
Or Do You CHOOSE Your Path...
NO MATTER What It Charts... !?!
Because You WON'T CONCEDE...
Or Other Peoples Speech...
That Suggests That You Are WEAK... !!!
You’re NOT How THEY BE... !!!
THIS Piece of Poetry...  
Is One That Speaks...
On A Subject That’s...  
... REAL DEEP... !!!
In This New Age of Technology...
There’ll Be Things...
That’ll Make NO APOLOGY... !!!
For... How They Deal...
With Human Beings... !!!
And... In Society...
What We Now See...
Are... Policies...
And People Who Lead...
In Ways That Are YES...
In... What They Say...
HAS TO BE The Way... !!!
That People MOVE... !!!!
Are These Words NOT TRUE... ?
The Answer Is CLEARLY...
..... Down To YOU..... !!!
But THINK It Through...
BEFORE You Say... It’s Cool...
If You Know DEEP Down... !!!
You DON'T Believe That’s True...
It’s TRUE That I’m A Dude...
Who Holds Very Strong Views... !!!
That... MANY Would Say...
When I Merely Relay...
MY VERSION of The TRUTH... !!!
And Would Rather Be A Name...
Who Someday Gained Fame...
For The Use of MY BRAIN... !!!
In Ways That Displayed...
of... EVERY New Thing...
That Has Been Presented...
To Be What Was RIGHT...
For Me To Live MY LIFE...
In Ways That I WANTED TOO... !!!
Because I Think...
To ACT Like Everything’s Cool...
And To Then Become Submissive...
To A Way of Life... "Restricted"...
That Much Like Today's Thinking...
Is Basically PATHETIC...
That’s Right This Poem’s Said It... !!!
Because I’m...  
Not From These Collectives...
Who Seem Happy To Be Subjected...
To Having Their Thoughts SELECTED...  
By Fascists Or These Leftists... !!!
I’d Rather Be Accepted...
... The UNAPOLOGETIC... !!!
A group who are a very rare breed !
nivek May 2014
when living outside the box
everyone is unaccepting
and suspicious and yes
if there were a killing charge
like witchcraft of old centuries
that's the one that would do

but I would not conform
and I will live and die
a poet of no renown
but a poet free a poet
outside the box a poet
a poet a poet a poet
Makenzie Scott Apr 2016
And so he went on to take a poll, disguising his dilapidating hope as a courtesy extended to those sitting in front row seats.

All dressed for the occasion, ready to request more than an autograph - he promised a single one to whomever would shed light, offering the scalpel capable of removing (without scar ) the departure of his muse from the pages of his unaccepting heart.

Some stood quiet, others spoke under their breath, awaiting his reaction to synchronized confetti released into the air, settling at his feet and every corner of his despair.

"Perhaps, there is someone else" said a woman to his left.

Yes, there is always someone else, but she was never one to not forgive an insignificant trespass - she understood love in its raw form and would not ask for mine to fit a norm. He replied before moving on to the next confetti flake, kicking it over as if the color was not to his expectation.

Confetti flakes as those of snow
should not be swallowed whole
unless of course you settle in
the shadows and ignore your want for more.

His pen undrawn, intending to retire for the night (short of a promise to come back) he heard a voice:

"The sea cannot be his, a fisherman would know this."

Enraged, he demanded the voice come forward, repeat this abhorring claim and face the wrath of his disbelief.

The room stood silent.
gray rain Apr 2016
Caught up in my own mind
I don't really know what goes on outside
like no one knows what's going on in here
the twisted thoughts that are supposed to bring fear
seem innocent in a savage mind
I think these thoughts, in the shame I hide
hide from an unaccepting world
In the shadows where I am curled
to hide the damage I can do
to protect myself from you
kiera Sep 2015
my feet are tired
but they will never feel as heavy
as the ones that took these stairs to bed
every night
having labored
until the smothering sun had seeped into their very beings
the floorboards have grown wise
among the unceasing symphony of footsteps
each layer of rust and grime
conceals an unspoken history
but this hotel was one of few
that took note and listened
with every step I do my best
to glide into the past
echoes of daily conversation
questions and longing
"Did you hear about..."
"The most hilarious thing happened to me today..."
"I miss the way she..."
I see the walls transforming around me
the paper lanterns hanging
dazzling gold detail restored
brilliant red puffed with warm radiance
I see the light spreading across the ceiling
like hundreds of arms held out
to comfort the souls making a home
in this foreign unaccepting land
the wafting smell of familiar cooking
brings about throngs of memory
i will never really know the feeling
but as I look out the window
through the lazy haze of apricot sunlight
I can taste the uncertainty and fear
but it is overwhelmed by dreams
Annika J Dec 2018
I want my thoughts to be heard
Or read, in this case
I want people to know what I’m feeling
I want people to know my ideas

But I’m afraid of appearing weak
Or wrong
Or stupid

I’m afraid people won’t accept my flaws
My quirks
My opinions

Why can’t we all just accept each other?
Rochelle Foles Feb 2019
there on the scaffold
          colorful cacophonous screams emanating from workman’s coveralls  
           captivated her
           rebel in real life

engaged by her lack of hero worship    dedication to her art     the common cause
            her fire drew him to her

and so they began to weave their tapestry

it tells a story

brilliant hues
as art
public pride
personal degradation

back on the scaffold
             cacophony revisited

back on bedrest
              resilient resisting unceasing unaccepting

scaffold and ego deemed titanic-like         demand artistic license  uncompromising
                     crushed   crumble  disintegrate  
               lose face    credibility

turn tale
and run to the one deemed feeble
spirit knows no bonds                        
      as body knows no freedom

is Hercules for them both

the day her plaits were drawn crisscross on her forehead
decorated with huge glorious blossoms
      plucked from the patio

lips kissed

last breath

a pair destined for the history books

a love



Frida & Diego: FateD?    

© 2017 rochelle foles
did you recognize this couple?
it’s my most influential ****** (yes, i meant to spell it that way) in life and art- the ever introspective woman, artist and tough as nails survivor, Frida Kahlo and her brilliant but wandering husband, Diego Rivera.
Now does it make more sense?
i challenge you to now read it again with thei. relationship in mind.  i’d love to hear your take on this!
Orion Sep 2019
in holding silence,
a ripple of something smaller under the surface
i have never flown over bodies of water so large i could not see land over the horizon
holding my breath as i momentarily watched waves lap at sands i will never see in person
lips parted in a strange smile, still unaccepting of the reality encased in framed glass
assurance living under skin i still have yet to inspect in the mirror with its sharp corners
pinching past until blood vessels break and nails bite through further
flickering flashes ingrained behind closed eyelids
programmed performances repeated recorded in the chandeliers
twinkling lights reflecting refracting a dance of hands, memorized scripts

air becomes thinner as altitudes rise,
meaningless numbers to someone still choking on the sighs trapped in their own lungs
breathlessness tasting like ***** on tongues that drip in honey
beauty pressed between perfectly manicured fangs

in holding silence, in holding breath

air expands as altitudes rise
soon this fantasy will break like accidentally shattered ceramic plates
unreality sinking further into sore muscles and rattling ribcages
rinsed out with surface seawater,
clearing out the seared wounds that unbridled practiced passion
singe into hands not belonging to the celestial
sweat pooled like wax at collar bones
placing wicks atop ballooning lungs
waiting for the flame to reach the bottom
Jonathan Surname Aug 2018
To the limits!
And the heaves are harmed, in our lungs
and arms. Tendons flexed on their utmost,
and breath at play in the drowned coast.

To the shores!
And the leaves are left as specks of colour,
from the moors.
and vacations left the hinterlands
of the decayed, breathless holler.

For the greater good we stood as imagined heroes,
Yet for happenstance to lend a chance in our woes,
required a great many motifs
to clamour and climb
In glamourous time
to the raised butte
of a finishing sublime.

Modulate the past and harmonize the future.
Together tapestry'd, akin to patchwork suture.

We weren't raised this way.
To remain forever at play, workhorses neigh.
And sawing brilliance and sawdust eyes,
rapier wit with no equal.
But together a two-parter,
to the shores to see the sea quell.

Wildfire lick like lit flame.
Burn it all down and give me the blame.
It's a carried burden worth the worry.

In mountains some exist as prideful barons.
Barring the loss of their barren,
their smiles turn smirks of heathen carrions.
Which is fine, and the motif licks again.
And the motive is sublime; it's only sin.

Cherish the children and their rue of thresher-born,
Thomas Ligotti and his party of philosophy,
but I'm too caught in histrionics to allow the matter
to matter.
Beyond the kicking feet of the mirthful pitter-patter,
pitted against the coming solstice of time saving;
forward and back and ouroboros we may.
Hold on tight to this singular day.
Ignorant of the causes of our own decay.
Lost during summers covered in spittle and seaspray.
Only to mount a return, a loss,
to the area most unaccepting of the cost.

To the mountaintops!
**** what you see, and reap what you sow.
Push the mountains down into the crow,
and call out for the all the denizens below,
"Here's another landslide." As you call; Heave, and **.
Pile them neat and plant a seed,
of a tree that hasn't belonged or had a chirped song
in a placidity.
Awareness for a dying region
cypress Sep 2015
My head is buzzing.
I can't control it.
I need to settle down,
Let sleep come and
drag me lower,
Allowing me to rest.

But my bed is hard
and unaccepting of my
attempts to sleep,
So I lie awake.
All I want is to escape
into a state of unconsciousness,
so I don't have to feel.
Jacob Jul 2017
Where does time stop
When time is inevitable?
It's true, I spent the summer
On my back, waiting for a sign
Each one has felt like a trial
My life became more opaque
By the second
You don't want my storm
You never did
You fall in love with people
Who don't love you, not like I did
As turbulent as we were,
You never met a man like me
I don't belong to anyone
Don't need one like you
Really think you should
When I was a child
I thought love was fated
Seems like I was a coward
Unaccepting of the fact
Love is the rain, love is the snow
Love has come, love has gone
The thunder
In my heart
Was too much
For your raincloud
To take
The Ragged Poet Jun 2016
The night falls often, as she turns her back,
Her sun casts shadows, bleeding radiance.  
A second’s brevity is ignorantly understood,
And starts fleeting with her turning face.
Staying clear from the certainties that elapse,
Emerging discordant, in escaping lights

Seeking escape from the elegance in symmetry,
Contemplating, while never forgiving.
Bursting obstinate in all her resentment,
Childishly, the world darkens to hysteria.
Seeking another devilish eye, shining radiant,
Stopping only to gaze at the gleaming dazzle.
Coughing out promises in insincere words,
Wielding her in with an illusive wind.

The veil is cast; diamonds piercing inwards;
A stage of indifference is stubbornly forged.
Resolute, unaccepting to anything unpleasurable,
Desperately drenched, and intoxicated in search.
Walking endlessly on aching legs,
Gasping in and out of the houses of decadence.
Comparing insanities with estranged figures,
Unwillingly enraging the growing distortion.

Ceasing in exhaustion through misplaced exits,
The doors lead only to the roads that circle.
A giant sea appearing in recklessness,
Lost men and women, walking deranged.
Then the bodies tire, turn and fall,
Sinking in loss and fading remembrance.
The veil detaches, seeking the vulnerable,
And she struggles to break the anchor pulling down.

With another gasp, she suddenly awakens,
She stares at the sun, and fails to forget.
Overcome in a daze, which causes her to cringe,
And then paralyzing her every attempt to change.
She sits idly by awaiting subsequence,
A different night? another wail?
L Seagull Jun 2016
When reality bubbles up and
Bursts into myriads of sparkly
Particles disintegrated because
Your core cannot hold them together
By the thread of meaning
What is left of experience?
Does letting go of predictability
Inside the dome of your inner sky
Lets you fly kites
Or threatens with annihilation?
When I look into another set of eyes
I am so often afraid to see
The bottom, small bits of depth
Scattered around thin like dust and last year's
Crumbs, or desire to elevate
By the thread of illusion
Above someone at least,
Someone who would allow,
Because inside the hollow space holds scale,
A chest of fear and a guard called shame
I am afraid to see
Seeing is one thing I cannot hide
Punished by it over and over again
Naively and stubbornly, I refuse to use it
Connection hurts those who lack the chip
They demand, unaccepting
Why can't you be like us?
Follow the rules we know?
I try not to look at them,
Preserve peace of their dream
Where connection never existed
The food that sustains my spirit
I can't see them, your rules
lost instructions, lost in translation
deliberately, even in the native tongue
I wish to escape this world
To find the truth that sticks
Yet love holds me close to earth
It expands and multiplies
Grows as it gives,
I wish to offer everything there is
Of me, and dissolve
In the chain of destinies
Craftful creation of some
Universal pattern
strawberry pickin, cake bakin, ****** mary drinkin, really can't complain, skinny self-absorbed alien that I am;)
Embers still glow from a fire long burned out
And I warm my fingers there above the smoke.
In the back of my mind I can still here you shout
But in the front of my mind i pretend its a joke.

You never truly wanted me it was just desires plan
To bring me into a world unaccepting and so very cold.
But I could have been saved or killed by your hand
Instead I am forced to travel alone to the age of old.

You brought this upon me like some destiny giving jester
and in my infant flesh i knew nothing of escape
But had you known i was going to be such a pester
You would have sooner pulled back the drape.

You would have lifted the veil on my  baby brain
and you would have left me to my device
you would have told me we are all insane
you would have then left me for the lice.

which you always did in the end
Its just now that I am realizing it.
Sam Apr 2018
If there's any kind of normal anymore,
then it's you -- just you,
standing with a dish rag long after everyone else (your father)
has gone to bed, some point between 7:30 and 9:00 at night.

Things are better now,
(things are worse now)
your mother has been out of country for a week
(or 6 months and 5 days, excluding the handful of week long visits)
and you and your father are ready to leave, now,
crossed the last few items off your bucket list
(everything is the same as it was 6 months ago:
your mother is not sleeping,
your father is not sleeping,
you are both your parent's favorite confidant
for complaints against the other,
sole companion when drunk,
your mother hates her job (still),
your father is drowning in the wake
of your mother's misery (still),
and you are still (trying) failing
to hold the pieces together -
yours and theirs.)

It's March/April, so there are cherry blossoms (Sakura),
and your father says, they're beautiful
and your mother (from the video screen of your father's phone) says,
that's a lot of white (they're pink)
and you think, I guess this is the last time I will ever see this.

Your mother's been miserable for the past two and a half years, so you and your father were only half right when you figured giving her your blessing to get out of this
(god forsaken -- to your father)
(sexist, and karoshi-inducing -- to your mother)
(home, yet unaccepting and soul-crushing -- to you) country would help.
(And it did, but not enough and not for long.)

Your mother's world is work, new country, new culture, new language, new apartment, and talking to the two of you. (It's also sans furniture for the first three months, newly insulated heating, and living off takeout and on a futon.)

Your father's world is work, the English side of packing up and moving, you, figuring out his replacement, meeting friends for bike rides or dinner and drinks to say goodbye, and talking to your mother. (It's also figuring out how you'll all survive if this doesn't work out, making arrangements for everything his wife forgot in her hurry to leave, ensuring he and you make it until June.)

Your world is school, your father, the Japanese side of packing up and moving, your friends, stepping down and teaching others to replace you, and doing your part to keep your mother sane. (It's also hiding your own decent into misery, making friends just in time to lose them, and looking up the extra Japanese jargon that your father forgets he'll need.)

Your father has been wary of this country since the day he moved here - 14 years, 2 months, and 17 days ago; has hated it since the day after the final date of your expected stay, 12 years, 11 months, and 2 days past. The summer you are twelve it comes to a culmination, and your parents inhibit separate apartments for the next half-decade.

The conversation you overhear four years after the fact (a summer night when your bedroom window has been left open, near midnight, your parents talking on the balcony  it connects to) goes like this:
  You said you hated me. (Your mother.) You told me it was my fault we were stuck here.
  I have never hated you. (Your father.)
  You said I ruined your life. (Your mother, again. Voice raw, broken.)
  You didn't ruin my life, (Your father. Voice tired, like this is a recurring discussion.) you... (You can imagine your mother crying, your father wrapping his arms around her shoulders. The candle on the patio table flickering with surrounding city light, reflecting your mother's tears, the hint of silver in your father's ring.) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I never should have said it, but you already know that. You didn't ruin my life.
  (Silence. Then your mother, again.) You said you hated me.
The conversation lasts well past 2:00 in the morning,
your parents none the wiser to your reluctant presence.
(It's not a conversation you ever wanted to hear.)

After the go-ahead for the move comes in very late August, everything ignites, speeds up to a ridiculous pace. You and your father box up the majority of your mother's apartment, and then it falls to the two of you to get rid of everything left when she leaves after another month. (It's that same month that she traverses three countries in two weeks, gets stuck in the midst of a hurricane warning- drives 10 hours across state borders to escape it, and spends her first week living in Germany forgetting most everything.)

Deciding to move and finding a school comes in October and November. You and your father miss a day of school to fly to Amsterdam and back, realize certain things are unfeasible, look at more schools, and begin to send letters. You miss a whole week by yourself in Germany, causing your mother to sleep, for once, and then catching only 2 hours yourself for a week straight (added onto panic attacks and dizzy spells) once you get back to Japan. (It’s mid-October when a school in Frankfurt indirectly says they’ll accept you, your father hands in his resignation the following week, then turns to you and asks are you sure you want to move your senior year? - and you think bit late to be asking now.)

Your mother calls everyday, and you make yourself present for it once or twice every week. (It’s mid-November before you realize that your father may miss her desperately, but you don’t. At all.) Sunday becomes packing day, and you and your father slowly pile up boxes while avoiding paperwork, accumulating trash runs to the apartment complex across the street. By March, there is a plan for getting rid of furniture in place, and most save bare essentials are packed.

I counted. Your mother starts, first to speak once the connection goes through. 80 days. So you have 80 days to go around the world and come see me.
Well, nowadays, it only takes 2 days to travel across,
you quip, as your father pulls out his calendar.
Looks like you won’t have to wait that long he says, pointing at your mother’s proposed date of contact - 6/13 - in contrast to his last day of work, a week behind your final day of school, your daughter might even make it at 70, he adds (and you silently say goodbye to spending any of the summer with your friends.)
Well, your deadline is 80. (She’s not sure she’ll make it if it’s any longer.) I miss you.
Miss you too.
Love you.
Love you.
Love you too.

Come evening, you will still be the last one standing, alone except for the cold water running across your fingers and the plates that will be labeled ******* within 2 months, the wind if it decides to howl, the motor of a car if one chooses to pass your deserted street, your father if (when) he begins to shift and turn and give up on sleep. And this you can still say, is normalcy.
Bobby Copeland Nov 2018
Unhappy poets understand
The blues that testify despair,
And force the fortune teller's hand
Through smoke and ash instead of air,
Their breath uncertain where to land,
Or what it costs the heart to care
For songs and dreams, the holy ****
Left drying on the forest's mat.

The sun that rises in the east,
Despite the longest night we've known,
Reveals an unaccepting beast,
Whose mind held strong till overthown.
Anxiety has steady feet.
Unhappy poets know their beat.
Holly Black Jun 2020
Questions race,
thoughts tumble like failed gymnasts,
banging against the outskirts
of a brain too small for containment.

Answers are elusive,
slipping through my grabbing hands
as they try to contain something
far too delicate for one to embrace.

Silence tries to surround me,
offering peace in its warmed folds,
but the caucophany is my world;
anything less is foreign soil, unaccepting.

Pen, paper, pastels, pencils,
all attempt to give them form,
but the pictures on a page
are a poor substitute for the ones in my skull.

Furious typing, teeth grinding,
what medium will they accept?
None can consume; all can ease the pressure,
slowly offering droplets of wisdom to a parched earth.

It drives us all to the asylum,
words, pictures, sounds on the edge of hearing
if we can't make a path to free them,
and so I create one failed masterpiece at a time;
perfection out of reach until the day I die.
The heat and brightness, the brilliant show
The shadows, the glass and the glow
Beauty and mystery, leave fast, come slow
The essence, the glass and the glow
Peace in darkness, still bursting hope
The resting, the glass and the glow
The fate unaccepting and courage yet told
The struggle, the glass and the glow
The deepest held, the shallow goes
The waters, the glass and the glow
Drown me now, and then I’ll know
The ending, the glass and the glow
i like to talk about things without actually talking about a thing.
mey Apr 2021
A tiny face, hiding in the corner, regretting everything they have done..unaccepting, unforgiving, unloving. Guilt creeping up to something they haven’t even done, what’s worse is the aftertaste. Feeling, but not thinking. Knowing, but not understanding. Falling into the hands of the devil.
Ava Feb 2020
What is society?
Is it hate?
Is it power?
Does it make you happy?

Now,our personalities are defined as likes
Now,no one falls in love
Now,your not cool if you don’t do stupid things
Now,only the outside counts

Is this who we are?
Careless,fake,unaccepting humans
Whatever you do people will find a way to hate you

Happiness never stays long
All you have is gone
One person can ruin your life
And you’ll never get it back

The world is shaking beneath our feet
Hoping will fall
We can’t stop the heat
Were gonna fall

Happiness is priceless but so is pain
Crying on the bathroom floor like rain
All the good things have an end
Were all gonna end up dead

— The End —