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Rob Urban Jun 2012
Lost in the dim
streets of the
Marunouchi district
I describe
this wounded city in an
  unending internal
monologue as I follow
the signs to Tokyo Station and
descend into the
underground passages
  of the metro,
seeking life and anything bright
in this half-lit, humid midnight.

I find the train finally
to Shibuya, the Piccadilly
and Times Square of Japan,
and even there the lights
are dimmer and the neon
  that does remain
  is all the more garish by
I cross the street
near a sign that says
  "Baby Dolls" in English
over a business that turns
out to be a pet
  shop, of all things.

the Japanese, I sometimes feel I live
in reduced circumstances, forced to proceed with caution:
A poorly chosen
adjective, a
mangled metaphor
could so easily trigger the
tsunami that
    sweeps away the containment
             facilities that
                   protect us
                        from ourselves
                                                            and others.
The next night at dinner, the sweltering room
     suddenly rocks and
        conversation stops
                  as the building sways and the
candles flicker.

'Felt like a 4, maybe a 5,'
says one of my tablemates,
a friend from years ago
in the States.

'At least a five-and-a-half,'
says another, gesturing
at the still-moving shadows
on the wall. And I think
     of other sweaty, dimly lit rooms,
      bodies in slow, restrained motion,       all
          in a moment that falls

         Then the swaying stops and we return
to our dinner. The shock, or aftershock,
isn't mentioned again,
though we do return, repeatedly, to the
big one,
         and the tidal wave that
                           swept so much away.

En route to the monsoon
I go east to come west,
   clouds gathering slowly
     in the vicinity of my chest.

Next day in Shanghai, the sun's glare reflects
  off skyscrapers,
and the streets teem
with determined shoppers
and sightseers
wielding credit cards and iPhone cameras, clad
in T-shirts with English words and phrases.
I fall
          in step
             beside a young woman on
                 the outdoor escalator whose
shirt, white on black,
reads, 'I am very, very happy.' I smile
and then notice, coming
down the other side,
another woman
        exactly the same
       message, only
                        in neon pink. So many
                                                 happy people!
Yet the ATMs sometimes dispense
counterfeit 100 yuan notes and
elsewhere in the realm
      police fire on
      protestors seeking
                more than consumer goods,
while officials fret
about American credit
and the security of their investments, and
     the government executes mayors for taking
                       bribes from real estate developers.
    A drizzle greets me in Hong Kong,
a tablecloth of fog draped over the peaks
   that turns into a rain shower.
I find my way to work after many twists and turns
through shopping malls and building lobbies and endless
turning halls of luxury retail.
               At dinner I have a century egg and think
of Chinese mothers
urging their children,
'Eat! Eat your green, gooey treat.
On the street afterwards, a
near-naked girl grabs my arm,
pulls me toward a doorway marked by a 'Live Girls’
sign. 'No kidding,’ I think as I pull myself carefully
free, and cross the street.

On the flight to Bombay, I doze
   under a sweaty airline blanket, and
       dream that I am already there and the rains
         have come in earnest as I sit with the presumably
           semi-fictional Didier of Shantaram in the real but as-yet-unseen
            Leopold's Café, drinking Kingfishers,
              and he is telling me,  confidentially,
                     exactly where to find what I’ve lost as I wake
with the screech and grip of wheels on runway.

     Next day on the street outside the real Leopold's,
bullet holes preserved in the walls from the last terrorist attack,
I am trailed through the Colaba district
by a mother and children,  'Please sir, buy us milk, sir, buy us some rice,
I will show you the store.'
    A man approaches, offering a drum,
                        another a large balloon (What would I do with that?)
A shoeshine guy offers
                                           to shine my sneakers, then shares
the story of his arrival and struggle in Bombay.
     And I buy
             the milk and the rice and some
                      small cakes and in a second
                          the crowd of children swells
                               into the street
               and I sense
                     the danger of the crazy traffic to the crowd
                         that I have created, and I
think, what do I do?
           I flee, get into a taxi and head
                             to the Gateway of India, feeling
                                                                                  that I have failed a test.

                                       My last night in Mumbai, the rains come, flooding
     streets and drenching pavement dwellers and washing
the humid filth from the air. When it ends
           after two hours, the air is cool and fresh
                                  and I take a stroll at midnight
          in the street outside my hotel and enter the slum
   from which each morning I have watched
the residents emerge,  perfectly coiffed. I buy
some trinkets at a tiny stand and talk briefly
      with a boy who approaches, curious about a foreigner out for a walk.

A couple of days after that, in
the foothills of the Himalayas,  monks' robes flutter
on a clothesline like scarlet prayer flags behind the
Dalai Lama's temple.
I trek to 11,000 feet along a
narrow rocky path through thick
monsoon mist,
   stopping every 10 steps
        my  breath,
              testing each rock before placing my weight.
    the surface is slick and I nearly fall,
    the stones
        themselves shift. I learn slowly, like some
             newborn foal, or just another
                clumsy city boy,
                   that in certain terrains the
       smallest misstep
                            can end with a slide
                                             into the abyss.
                  At the peak there's a chai shop that sells drinks and cigarettes
                                of all things and I order a coffee and noodles for lunch.
While I eat,
      perched on a rock in a silence that is both ex- and
the clouds in front of me slowly part to reveal
a glacier that takes up three-quarters of the sky, craggy and white and
beautiful. I snap a few shots,
before the cloud curtain closes
obscuring the mountain.
                                     --Rob Urban: Tokyo, Shanghai, Mumbai, Delhi, Dharamshala
Max Southwood Apr 2016
Followed by fear

Blank expression
Abandoned voice
Traceless imprint
Jaded enthusiasm

Scream into the void
Preach your poison gospel
Fear fills your frame and flows through your veins
Anxiety is your life blood

You crippled, broken beast
You pathetic excuse for a man

This is not me
You are not I
I live, ready to drink the sweet nectar of life
You forsake it, spitting in the face of altruism
This is not me

A crippled, broken beast
A pathetic excuse for a man

So many others crave the life you so readily condemn
Anxiety is your life blood
Two egos trapped in the same vessel
I owe myself life
Yet all you know is silence
Each and every one of us struggles with the person we are and the person we think we should be. This is my attempt of capturing my own personal external, internal, eternal struggle.
Àŧùl Jul 2016
Long lasting likeable lifestyle,
On the best possible place,
Vexing me never ever,
Eternal & truthful.

It is the real definition,
So surreal it always is.

Far away from loneliness,
Reading mutual fun daily,
Eternal is this true feeling,
Exceptional are all its ways,
Dominion of my familial home,
Obvious empress is my mother,
My father** the obvious emperor.
Parental love is freedom for me.

My HP Poem #1095
©Atul Kaushal
Atypnoc Sep 2015
When the earth in which your roots entangle,
wrapped around your neck to strangle;
what you get for what you're worth-
the only right came at your birth.
Deplete the soil, tried every angle.
Where you grew, your growth has mangled.
And you knew, but still repeat
choking your own cries of defeat.
Bri Sep 2015
Savaged beasts.
Oppressed humans.
Corrupted souls.
Intolerable actions.
Eternal pain.
Tainted hearts.
Y**earning minds.
it is always nights like this, where everything is so quiet you can hear beneath the absolute threshold, when i begin to wonder if i am going mad. technically, if one were truly losing their mind, they wouldn’t take much notice to the clarification that their reality is nothing but intricate lies spun by their brain.

pushing onwards within the dark, i can feel it. a whisper of a dance in memory slices gracefully across my cheek. the hungry caress of a lost lover. it is a random number between three and four, counting the days of sleepless solitude; as my lover is playing tricks on me.

it is just before dawn. the house breathes and groans like a wretched soul trapped in a bottomless pit long before midnight. in the gray morning light, delicate wrists stained with ink serve as maps through a desolate labyrinth. “lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.”

from the corner of my eye i see shadows of uncharted men that feed upon the protective covering, encasing us; separating our world from theirs. the barrier is a shield at best, yet doorway at worst.

try to detach your eyes from their persistent, wandering gaze; and you might just catch a glimpse of a shadow gliding out of sight.

don’t second guess yourself sweetheart, you know exactly what you saw.

shadowy figures slightly out of reach, but still quite visible – gliding silently amidst, whispering quietly to those surrounding. looking directly at the figures, a gauzy lace veil delicately masks and covers each shadow.

unseen claws shred the thin barrier before it is tattered and torn. one by one, little by little, each figure sharpens into perfect visual acuity, wholly in sigh(t). as you slowly inch back, eyes unblinking with disbelief, their voices are no longer whispers.

the gaping pits of opened mouths drown you in hollow prattles, screeching rasps; the cruel high pitched icy sneers of laughter.

petrified with terror and shock at the shadow’s newfound ability to speak, you acutely notice that the house is creaking and wheezing. you can hear footsteps on the opposite side of the house, and with your eyes averted, they are gone.

with this, you must take into consideration that i have spent far too long with eyes wide shut, drowning in utter fear fueled by morbid curiosity for this world: things seen and heard. each is a cancerous tumor mutilating my mind beyond repair.

to me, the shadow figures’ tattered veil appears to be a doorway, a portal to another universe. this sheer possibility spawns the magnitude of infinite and parallel universes.
much like the shifting hallways concealed in an e(in)ternal labyrinth.

amidst this never ending maze, man is forced to wander blindly from birth to death; where he then circles back around to his exact place of previous conception, only to be born anew. condemned to blindly roam and repeat his unbroken cycle for all eternity.

in this labyrinth we are all gods, we are all monsters. each creation story is universal, yet individual to each new life.

the sinner and the saint are both born into divinity.
November 26th, 2010.

on the fringes of desolation and delusion.

this is myself at my most naked. my most vulnerable. this is the raw, berating honesty.

I remember this event in its entirety.
this was the peak of my downfall, the ****** of my psychosis.

this piece was scribbled frantically during the fact, in a tiny red journal, as I watched this abhorrent atrocity unfold in the darkness that surrounded me.

this is not fiction. yet I cannot tell you with utmost certainty that this wasn't real.
JAM Feb 2016

Suzy's: Then it heard The Word:

You are not special.
You're not a beautiful and unique saltflake.
You're the same decaying mental laughter as everything else.
We're all part of the same info heap.

We're all singing,
all dancing
data of the word.
-- Tyler Durden, Tacky Frogman

I mean just try to

Imagine a Johnny waking up one moment and thinking,

"This is an interesting thought I find myself in —
an interesting wHole I find myself in —
guides me rather neatly, doesn't it?
In fact it guides me staggeringly well,
must have been made to have me in it!"

This is such a powerful throught that as the sun rises in the mind
and the clouds heat up
and as, gradually, the throught gets

she's still frantically stinging on the notion that everything's going to be aulgburight,
because The Word was meant to have him in it,
was written to have her in it;
so the moment that reappears, caches them rather in reprise.

I think this may be something we need to be on the waytch-out for.
We all know that at some point in the future the throughts will come to an end
and at some other point,
considerably in advance from that but still not instinctually re-pleasing,
the Sun will rexploade.

We think there's plenty of throught to tarry on about that,
but on the other Read DeadHead
throught ’s a very anger-ous ink to lay.
-- Douglas Adams, Frogman

Johnny's: So,

We just ought To Be.
-- You and Me and Everyone We See

Suzy's: And it would be nice if

A Brad and Janet could change their mind,
plan a din-stinction,
butcher a clog,
design a dream,
write a union,
balance brains,
build a wall,
set a tone,
belay the lying,
make orders,
live orders,
act alone,
solve self equations,
analyze a new corruption,
throw info lure,
program a harmed-brain-puter,
hook a hasty mind,
fight self efficiently,
receive truth carefully.
But all-selfse destruction is their mode.
-- Robert A. Heinlein, Frogman

Johnny's: In other words,

Show me one Brad or one Janet alone and I'll show you a saint.
Give me two and they'll fall in love.
Give me three and they'll reinvent the char-ming thing we call 'Propriety'.

Give me four and they'll build a panic.
Give me five and they'll make one a Number.
Give me six and they'll reinvent Master's affair.
Give me nine and in nine moments they'll reinvent ludechrist.

WhoMans may have been made in the image of nature,
but Brads and Janets were made in the tincture of their opposite Number,
and they're always trying to get back to The Hearth.
-- Glen Bateman, Frogman

Suzy's: Picking up the Data Crumbs as they go, like High Speech. And yet

Brads and Janets do not seem certain of how they gained the ability to speak.
It is theorized that they began dinning objects with iniornticulacy,
until eventually the din became more organized—

still tumultuous clamour,
just a bit more meat in the current day.

If this is true,
it means that to attain bsproken thought the Brad and Janet brain created a specific system for language and a way to code it—working largely off the constantly developing faculty for memory. It is an idea revealed by bit com-partitian-alization of throught data threw the structure of language; re-veiled in the way that Brads and Janets peak or wrighte using their memorized vocabularies and concepts.

This mind fore Toe-ing mortgaged itself to the e-x-ternal word,
and Brads and Janets found power in pontification of life.

Then dawned Ninetbeen.

If the systems of Ninetbeen were enhanced then a more dominant Reality presentce resulted. The most refissiont equation became the most dominant, but
the most efficient equation is not the best.

There are many sacrifices made for effishinsea.

For the most dominant Brads and Janets it became an obsession
to control every aspect of the nature from which they Rose,
sacrificing natural progression

(Of course, it does seem like this is the natural progression,
Brad's and Janet's predetermined path—
a relief that is a symptom of the most engineered systems of code).

these systems are destroying Brads and Janets,
and raw rEffissionsea,
Pure confusions,
will not save them.
-- Thrusher Swainson, Bear M.B.

The Letter-Ing: word
tenth or last
in a series of poems made of quotes
one part to a whole
its sum has yet to be totaled
may be more than its parts
subject to change
Ryan Vollrath Oct 2012
Teachers say it was made to hold stuff in.
We know better, 'twas made to stop heart's din
From leaking and squeezing out of our skin.
God noticed how people ****** madness
Then laid our hearts in ivory baskets.
Slits would serve as a 'ternal exhibit
For none may discord's glow inhibit.
Said light meets canvas, marble, and silver
to create art and glee! born of ether.
'Tis only man that keeps chaos so near,
To hold out a hand, or to lend an ear.
Swirling mass in an ivory basket,
let it go 'ere you both rest in casket.
SøułSurvivør May 2015

Mature caring
Overcomes childhood
Trials and all the
Hurt later in life.
Eternal love and
Respect for that very
Special person...

Best wishes to all the moms
on Hello Poetry! !!!

A special "Thank You" to a very
special reader...
Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
Quirky thought emerged with other things on my mind

and bid me notice, now

Quarks and humans have some things, in common,

characteristics, char acter ist ich bin fertig

for my close up, Mr. DeMille.

Charming, left right, up down, top bottom, in out, strange

that's eight, quarks are said to be of only six sorts, flavors

no in out, how odd, even I can't see why

every dimension we measure is ternal
ternality, ex or in, determines the spin,

which seems a shared state, neither in nor out,

Sanity, the state, is quarkish, too, like that.

up, down, top, bottom, strange and charm

From <>

I get it. We work. Quarks work. We both make things be.
We matter, but a little bit,
like salt. Maybe. Salt with all its saltness still in tact.
If these are coming up rough and muddled, pleas tell me so, they are past the dam that dammed me so long. Nobody ever read any thing I caught, it was catch and release, so I still do what I do this way,
Edna Sweetlove Nov 2014
O* dear Lord and Father of Mankind

We humbly beg you to smash ***-sinners
Heavily in the face and lower regions too,
And also be sure to graciously give
Them a good old botty-poking with a red-hot poker,

And don't bother with using K-Y Jelly.

Can't you see in the dawn's early light
Ugly ***-sinners creeping home?
Not content with adultery, oh no,
The swine ******* frequently!

Yet the good Lord will not be mocked,
Oh no, never, ever will he be mocked!
Until you filthy ***-sinners grovel in the dust

And repent your evil ***-sins.
Remember that Hell's punishments await:
Eternal agony and a plague of boils on your genitals.
Ken Pepiton Jan 2019
if you ever read...

what if books were fun
and fun were good.

We could use words for fun, but

first, do no harm.

It's Okay

Life's such a book, you know. Like a book you know
like some people know 1984

or claim Proostian wit beyond the environs of Dooblin

It's all about finding joy
and enjoying guiding
Finders, who lost all,

out o' the maze, the fly out 'the bot'le,

Amazed atheists facing

Cold hard truth

No, joke, man, pulling your bling.
Out of the maze every body sees
In alienable un alien able right
Clear as day. Everybody.

(is there some cool new way to say
Comprehend with solid understanding
'side jes dig?) wentwiditdigit

Can you dig it digital retro key
Pre Pac man dude this is sir real

No ****. What else can you say/
Can you dig it, way down to the
Bottom grunt that was agreed upon
To use for containing one
Idea. Only one. Any more than one,
You are inviting confusion into you mind.
He can't come in without you invitate 'im in,
But when he do he'confuse the life right outayou.
**** strait. And a good thing, too. Times
Like these I find bumping into walls
Comforting, like
Everytime I hit the wall
I find the wall and the word
"few there be"
Finds it's way into me and I grin.
God it is good to be alive this day
In the narrow way
Far from the madding crowd
We may spend for ever with,
Grace being grace.

Yew E-ternal Sec Cur ity?
Why, yes, I am, if you mean
Am I eternally secure,
Oh yes, I am then and now
Let me say
If you sought to prove me wrong
You might wear a crown some day

Still whether instability of soul were
Even possible post mortality
We shall see what we shall see
You must love your enemies,
Whether you made them or not.
They got here some how or
Possibly, some why, but
We must deal with them as we
Would be
Dealt with.

Yessir. Shouted the experts in war'round
About King Solomon's bed
Off wit'therheads.

Dodge that son, it's an old Alician trick.
Victorian, I believe. War
At the height of its glory.
Shame, so much remains when
It all should have washed away.

Who teaches war? Is there a reason any more?
Aren't we who God says we are or are we who
They think we are? Well,
They just might happen to be writing their part
Of this book right
Now and may
Be realizing peace's price's paid.

Jesus, what a handle, eh? Easy to hold on to,
Once you get a grip on good.
After that, what can we tell you?

The truth, what else is there, and more abundantly.
Living words.
I wrote this a year ago, took off some edges and found it holds water, still, after a while.

Born is THE King .......
Glory to God in the highest!!
Shannon Jeffery Apr 2014
Magical images of the past
Eternal greatness ever lasts
Mystical travels for my heart
Open doors, times apart
Rickety works of my soul
Indented into my whole
Eager for creation of more
S**et sail for what's left in store
Dawn Richardson Jan 2016
Eternal mysteries constantly evading,
Never ceasing to puzzle the wisest man.
In all my thoughts and dreams revealing,
God only knows how much I’ve tried to understand.
Mysterious magic speaks of emotion and feeling,
And loneliness has vanished by the touch of a hand.

Obsessed with a passion for the first gentle touch,
Feelings of joy I have wanted so much.

Living alone for the longest of years,
In despair of all hopes for passion.
Following the trail blazed by deep seeded fears,
Elation was a dying breed, going out of fashion.

Allusive answers I never will find,
Nothing so harsh as reality.
Death, love and life are three of a kind.

Looking for a cure of incurable disease,
Of endless hours and wasted misery.
Vows of devotion have me on my knees,
E**ven happiness is all unspoken mystery.

This poem was from my experimental period of having the first letter of each line spell the title of the poem.
(J)ust like a noble steed she strides through the boundaries of every unmapped terrain.
(O)ne magnificent beast that could pass any hurdle with one leap and never feels the strain.
(S)uch beauty that she possesses brightly, makes the stars go dim.
(E)ven gods would probably kneel before her and just watch her glim.

(M)ighty as a stallion riding towards barren fields.
(A) vast amount of knowledge is what she has and what she wields.
(R)ested within her is a golden heart said to be pure.
(I)n her soul there is an endless humility with an extent that no man can measure.
(E)ternal like time and change, all cherished treasures.

(B)raving storms that only comes in the darkest days and the blackest nights.
(O)n solid ground she plants her feet as she prepares for the fight.
(R)ushing against the blowing wind and towards a victorious plight.
(J)ourneying through long and rough winding roads  she walks to find her path.
(A)s to where it leads, well lets leave it to her and that is that.

(V)aliant like a true knights sacred mount.
(I)n never ending wars that even kings can no longer count.
(C)ourteously she brings us smiles and laughters whenever the curtains are lifted.
(E)ven if behind it all, all she wishes is that all the sadness would have drifted.
(R)elentless are the tears that would never seem to go away.
(A)nd yet she hopes to find a proper bloke, to mend her heart, and with her to stay.
(L)ove that can over come any test and that is what she prays.
Travis Kroeker Dec 2019
Heavy lids cinch sockets shut
allowing only in(ternal)sight.
Awash in slumber
I witness dreams
those interdimensional thoughts,
that stuff of other worlds.
My consciousness has entered their land
and they drift toward it, permeating it placidly
like nubile nimbus innervating the sky.
I am enraptured by their ever-changing narrative.
Wispy cirrus with its fleeting skeleton story,
cumbersome cumulus, pregnant with meaning,
eager to spill forth and shower me with its mysteries.
I gaze at the heavens and I am their architect.
I mold the ever-shifting shapes they show me
into some semblance of significance
as they dissolve before my eyes
and new forms take their place.
Though I will remember none,
their impression leaves
and I awake with more questions than answers.
Ziploc Bag Oct 2021
“For [[N]] ever”

[E[[X]]ternal Love]
Universe Poems May 2022
P ure
O rb
E ternal
T ranquil
R ealm
Y ours

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney

— The End —