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onlylovepoetry Jul 2016

Hebrew calendar says Summer Sabbath,
the day of rest has, as scheduled...arrived

wryly, ironically, bitterly,
poet rhymingly thinking nowadays...survived

more apropos,
#even survived alive,
for therein is a concomitant, under-the-surface implication,
of the uncertainty of forecast  future,
for no matter how theoretically normalized and organized,
even a trip to a shopping mall...deadly

survive - a far, far bitter...but better fit

not sure of the why-well of my being here,
poem composing scheduled, always on this day of pause,
this week-ending demarcator of the who I am

I am among the many of little understanding,
who having garnered no solace nor rest,
that a seventh day supposedly, is purposed to beget,
for the world is in a ****** awful mess

with neither the rhyme or the reason,
the single breath I expirate, as proof of life,
is this season's perfect, sufficing hallmark,
symbolic of the reign of unceasing confusion that has left our minds
damaged and contused,
secretly selfishly thinking to oneself,
#my life matters

this Sabbath, I speak German,
the language of my father and his father's,
all my ancestors, even unto the years of the Age of Enlightenment,
today, spoken in the ironic dialect of Munich

Am Morgen borning glorreiche
the morning borning glorious

poet seeks an answer, mission to permission,
to rightly explain
how he visions in unsightly confusion
how he divines loving in Munich's tribulations

sitting in the poet's nook, upon the ancient Adirondack chair,
nature listens to the poet discordant chords
of musical tears upon musical chairs,
wet-staining flesh

all around, the other noise makers gone quiet as well
for they are pityingly, eavesdrop listening for what happens next

The Chair speaks:

"this day,
I am happily,
made of wood,
my living cells
long dispatched,
so that I can no longer
weep in time
with my poet-occupant's
struggling lines,
verses upon the decomposing
of the worst of times,
though in compathy,
my silence, by and to him,
is gratefully unnoticed"

the poet  has no visitors this fine day,
none human or divine anyway,
but not alone

for a gaggle of old ones have early come,
from Rebecca's and his mother's Canada dispatched,
my regular geese guests southbound have returned for their
summer stopover,
but so early,
for the calendar must be telling lies,
it says these are the days of July,
so named  for all  to recall
another murdering assignation~assassination,
that of a fallen Caesar,

my summertime flying audience comes yearly to share the bounty
of this, my sheltering isle,
good guests who in payment for their use of our facilities,
honk Facebook  "likes" in appreciation
for every writ completed in the nookery

this year of fear, the geese are newly self-tasked,
seeking solace to share and understand the world weariness,
so strongly encountered in the roughened atmospheric conditions
newly facing all of us

everybody's needy for respite from the next

where next?

a plump audience of eleven
on this grayed sunny day,
greet me, honking, feverishly, excitable honking, but!

auf Deutsch,
in German

full of questions about predatory man
which I fluently comprehend but of answers,
have none completed, none sealed as of yet,  
any writ by my hand to give away or
even keep

so when the temperature cooingly cools,
on their way further south, them,  it sends,
they will not be burdened with the empty baggage
of inexcusably and poorly manmade
naturalized, pasteurized, synthesized,
crap excuses

the poet's own reflection in the fast moving bay waters,
is not reflected,
these, no calm pond waters, but his own internal reflections,
beg him, explain this poem's entitlement,
this designation of confusion and its inflection,

confusion as something lovely?

no good answers do the witnessing waters or the winds sidebar provision,
the geese, the chair, all unfair,
only have similar quarreling questions for him to dare

foremost and direst first,
where is there loveliness in confusion the poems sees?

poet stands on the dock, as if in the dock,
noticed, the waters pause, the winds into silence, swept,
the gulls grounded, the geese aligned in rapt attention,
all to the poet, as jury, they steadfastly attend
to his creation, this poem's titled curse,
an answer even barely adequate, some solution?

In Munich,  ****** born and welcomed,
Dachau, the very first death camp,
sited a mere ten miles away

one could conceivably could demand that

this poet, this Jew, this could-be-Shylock,

having seen a pound of flesh extracted,
might accept this balancing as a compensation
of history's scales weighted by the concentrated demise
of millions of his very own flesh and faith

but he does not...

a nation takes in a million strangers and refugees,
not without peril costly,
visible now, these side servings of risk,
that noble gestures so oft bring

what he feels, why he cries is for the

loveliness of forgiveness,

he unashamedly honest borrows the words he confesses,

any innocent man's death diminishes him

now the winds kicks up, the waters refrosted frothy,
the gulls go airborne, the geese fly away,
searching for another poet to respirate, infatuate and inspire,
clearly, neither satisfied or enchanted with the one
presently available

only the aged Adirondack fair, his aged long time companion chair,
remains moved - but unmoving,
in the domaine of their unity, in the vineyard of
their conjoined, place of quiet contemplation

a woman observes tear stains upon his cheeks,
noticing them upon the chair's open arms now all-fallen,
tho a surface wood hardened,
the tears are softly welcomed and storingly embraced,

the three,
the woman, the chair, the poet-me,
all as one, tearfully, no longer cry in vain,
having  found a white coal seam amidst the black bunting
that decorates their glum apprehension of tomorrow's tidings


July 23, 2016
Shelter Island
I liked to indulge in frivolous things
Like waiting in lines outside shows & hiding in the back of Barnes and Noble until they closed
And engaging in petty arson
And now I forget how the sculptures that lined the walls of my literature class looked
Because all I see these days are the back of my eyelids after I know I should be awake
I'm beginning to lose sight of what's important because my eyes are being held open by constant irrelevant pressure
Why do people try to tell me I'll be made happy by cliche things I don't want
And the time period my body has been thrown into is one of staredowns and angst and waiting
When I'd rather just wait for you outside work than to wait for a 401k retirement plan
Because careers are a death trap that Kevin Spacey displays
And why does life seem like we only plan for the day of our death
Rather than to thrive in things like the curves of your body
I don't need to turn my music down or laugh any quieter
What's the point of waiting for Death in the gallows
When you can string him up by his ankles everyday by living

Delight’s Despair at setting
Is that Delight is less
Than the sufficing Longing
That so impoverish.

Enchantment’s Perihelion
Mistaken oft has been
For the Authentic orbit
Of its Anterior Sun.
I lie stretched out upon the window-seat
And doze, and read a page or two, and doze,
And feel the air like water on me close,
Great waves of sunny air that lip and beat
With a small noise, monotonous and sweet,
Against the window -- and the scent of cool,
Frail flowers by some brown and dew-drenched pool
Possesses me from drowsy head to feet.

This is the time of all-sufficing laughter
At idiotic things some one has done,
And there is neither past nor vague hereafter.
And all your body stretches in the sun
And drinks the light in like a liquid thing;
Filled with the divine languor of late spring.
Randy Ray Price Jan 2016
The clutch of winter’s cold hand chokes the air out of me just a little bit more every day. I gasp for air, but it is a lifeless, most un-sufficing sort of air. I don’t desire the oxygen, but I need it to survive. As I tread through the gray city streets the wind has a peculiar way of always flowing against me. The snow banks, by this time of year, are no longer white and pretty. No. They are *****, worn out, aching for their inevitable fate to remove them from this depressing city. But they know they still have many weeks before their suffering ends. I feel a connection with them, knowing that someday my time will come.
However, long before my inevitable death, many new summer times will spring forth much life. Soon, the air will hold life again. The wind will suddenly shift away from my face, the sun will shine a little brighter, and the poor snow banks will be taken out of their misery and replaced with green grass. I only know this because it happens every year, and I have no reason to believe this year should be any different. It is this knowledge that carries me through the grind of winter. Don't worry, your gray days will pass.
An unusually straight forward approach.
Emma Jenny Feb 2016
It is first the arrival,
that awkward hello
knowing tears will bring you close.

Then it’s the revival,
even though
you've already had the proper dose
and now all you  need is growth.

It is Never survival.
Why is the Bible
only used for revival?

We're all simply waiting
for the next uplifting,
communal routine.

We're all just
the feel-good.

But there is challenge in the less extreme
and destiny in a humble spirit,
one who is yearning
deeper learning
and discerning the hidden
the show.
Aisling Sep 2014
She used to look at the fresh cut grass in summer
Drop to her knees
And sob.

For the seemingly inconsequential maintenance
The neat border of the fields
The now headless dandelions and daisies.

She said the sharp tang didn't bring to mind freshness
But horror

You had killed the blades of grass
Their tops trimmed for no reason
Other than conformity
Indistinguishable from one another.

She was afraid
Of when grass would stop sufficing
They'll move on to us next, she said.
Chop off our heads to make us blend in.

They've started already
What is one ****** stump of a neck to another?
We're getting out of hand
They don't like it.

She never said who "they" were
I don't suppose she knew herself
But she fought them single-handedly
Fangs bared, eyes dry.

They never got her in the end
She was too quick for them,
Too clever.
She got herself first.
I don' know what this means but I'm pretty sure it means something
torrey Feb 2015
The interiors of my brain feel like they're eroding away,
The person I once was has surely slipped away
Like my mind has sped up and there's no time to catch up
Each thought just a string of knots
Only to be undone one by one
Round after round
Knot after knot
No empathy for my own brain
If it's even worthy of said name
Only ever able to get the knots loose
Thoughts of using them as my own noose
Why everything I once knew all became fairy tales
All the stories, all the couples
All the glimmer, all the sparkle
Now filled with truth
We all swallowed the pill, silly youth
Everyone always wore a pokerface
For that I'd have you to thank
I've always had to learn all this, the hard way
Too young to comprehend
All I did was observe and eventually I would begin to understand
Not everything you see, is always what you are to believe
And not everything that you've heard,
Is to always be perceived so absurd
I sought truth behind every lie
Just wanted to find some sort of understanding as to why
But still I've found everything's too foggy for me to distinguish
Like a piece of me is always missing
Afraid to keep digging, afraid to look around
Afraid I'll find nothing, as if I'm empty and 6 feet underground
Afraid to feel anything other than disappointment and sadness
Everything is always expected, never any madness
Love, is always to become faded
Raw emotion is often tainted
Will leave you missing and wishing
For someone or something that once was
Always settling for anything capable of forgetting or sufficing
It's as though me and fate have always been kissing
Except fate was never on my side
*And oh how love could always be so blind
My undiscovered thoughts at 3 am
Em MacKenzie Aug 2019
When I was young I remember
forever being distraught
and oh so sickeningly devoted
to a new girl every year or two.
I remember believing myself
better off dead than living
in the shadow of another.
It bothered me, and broke me,
that I was never a priority
or first pick for any of the girls
I believed myself to love.

In all reality, I did not even know,
truly know, what love was.
I see now it was infatuation.
For in youth love is a pretty face,
a decent personality,
and shared laughs.
Sometimes not even all three.
Now I know love does not
have requirements,
or tiny boxes to check off for standards.
No, love is an unexplainable,
completely enveloping,
unbreakable connection and completion
that you only know when you know.
You can’t ignore it, and you can’t **** it,
God knows I have tried in every way imaginable.
But not anymore.

For while I may write, and feel,
and break apart often,
about how badly it can hurt
to love someone so much it physically pains you
and not have that solidified....
I am thankful.

It’s very easy to tell someone
“all I want is for you to be happy.”
But it is incredibly hard to mean it
when you aren’t that source.
But when I said it to you the first time,
the words rolled off my tongue
so easily, and so genuinely,
it surprised me when I thought
I could never be surprised again.

Love is finding a smile
when you have barely even glimpsed happiness, let alone taste it,
because you know a part of her is happy.
Love is stabbing yourself,
and burning yourself,
every single day and ignoring it,
to offer your hand out to her
when she needs help up.

It’s living with the knowledge
that you will never taste her lips again, or feel the warmth and comfort of her arms around you,
sufficing for dreams at best,
and finding a way to be content
to just know she exists,
and she’s safe.

My mother thanked me before she died, not for us loving her, which we did,
but for being alive and letting her experience loving us.
I always thought I knew what she meant,
but sometimes I believe myself wiser than I truly am.
But I know now, for there is nothing better
than loving someone with every inch of you, past, present and future,
and not expecting the same in return.
Love is meant to be selfless,
and I thank you for letting me feel that.
Now when I die, I know I will leave with a faint smile,
and I will give my last thought to you.
Blue as frost.
Arcassin B Oct 2014
By Arcassin Burnham

Tippin hats and packing revolvers,
Hell and back a thousand times forever,
Riding on my horse,
To the ends of the earth , no remorse,
No mercy , no greed , not even money,
I just wanna shoot and **** the best , I bet you think its funny,
If we have a stand off with the towns people hiding,
Bet you won't shoot it first, but anything sufficing,
Bar fights,
With a house full of ******,
3 stacks for prostitution,
But I'll never lust a *****,
Face burnt to the side,
Similarly to Jonah hex or the ride,
Smoke in my mouth, gun strap to me like the horses saddle,
Being shot at better crouch , just to win the battle.
Any black cowboys ****
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2016
among the dead, two heroes, Octavian, and Philip Augustus
(from the house of Capet)... to all hopes of a revived Hollywood
encircling them, fermenting as many credible names -
strange people, poisons that smell like perfume - what?
lord anthony is dead - is that how one says it?
simply as that... mark anthony is dead -
the soup is hot, the soup is cold - anthony is living, anthony is dead -
i know of only two men be worth a taxing memory,
a taxman's assertion worth of bookkeeping...
that one was Octavian, and the latter remnant of Charlemagne,
namely Philip Augustus, father of the Magna Carta...
beyond the celebrated procession of Westminster Abbey...
there the minded tear...
they binding i admire most... keen puppeteers,
such that i too suffer sufficing to be with the smallest army of
exercise in the demand of owning land bereaved
from ever being lost, as sufficient demand for
posthumous reenactment of the up-kept bibliography.
Dante Rocío Sep 2020
Like breeze caressing in its
trap a feather grey in air’s
flight so have I
been caught
in un fulmine dei pensieri di
appena circa una dozzina
di minuti

And I have to most urgently
capture Me in this
flight and non-tormenting
air bubbles coming
out of my watery
treelike sight
breathing this moment
of realisation
yet hard/strongly
while I’m at it,
at Shepherd’s meaning
of Treasure in
Coelho’s work cast
especially on me
& my antics of Now.

And that letter
here to be
shall be
for a moment under
that pencil:
scribbling on sun-scorched
plane passing,
and greater future to come

For when you
drink from a little bit
of Life itself in
you without any stimuli
foreign to you,
you’ll see that
is it that’s the most feverish
in what’s the best,
the sufficing binge.

I’m giving into
your hands this
redemption of mine till
for currently it
is the biggest truth
given to me

I sense these Signs
as they find each other on Me,
like they make me insert
all the answers,
with a hard semblance
and the durability
of the terrace wood
against my worked up skin,
in my lungs.

To where will my Own Legend
lead me?
There are certain
and in-depth
in this moment,
in the castle of the epilogue,
of the book,
in crystal blue,

in how all the world now
persists in my head
desiring to leave
a trace somewhere here
so as not to let go
of my hand
from its.

And the Sun
that parts almost at
dusk through
a hollow in the clouds
behind my back
seems to be winking, glance throwing,
of a foreboding,
of its presence,
on what will be able
to come.
And it’s gone.

And how Pueyo would say it:
“May no one deprive
me of living.”
I say it to all the pop culture,
and these false suns
“I’m not yours to take”
as much as I can.

And should we not listen
to understand
instead of
to reply?
Aren’t constant thoughts
that replying,
and pure being that
taking in (all the striving),
like when facing forest
in a
to encounter?

Hold me like that,
that as I am,
in your hands
for a while.
Noting old taken in Eden-wise sight,
heat yet persisting of a sodden fight
thanks to “The Alchemist”‘s trials
And the epilogue
Sent by letter
To Italy
Kewayne Wadley Feb 2018
I wish you could- live in my mind.
I mean in alot of ways you already do- live in my mind.

In my mind you are the calm before and during the storm.
You are appreciated over & over again.
You are dreamed over & cherished without worry.
In my mind you are the relief to every ache, every crevice that dares scream of pain.
Your touch, your feel is one that screams I need more.
And once that touch is satisfied I'll still have that urge.
The urge to reach out and grab you.
In my mind you are the reason I close my eyes.
Squinting tight picturing you there always.
A grin curved on your lips.
In my mind you are always and forever wrapped tight in my arms, my warm sufficing the need for blanket.
My nose tucked in the side of your neck.
My hand layed across your stomach and our toes relaxed without a single thing to do.
Lost in the current of sheets and pillows.
In my mind you are the ocean serene & calm.
The sky your favorite color purple.
The observation of everywhere we are is a dream away.
And you remain always in my mind
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2017
you give me an answer
within man!
in ****!
i want an answer within
i have no concern for god,
i just want the answer
from man;
i don't answer to
ex **** - out of man -
i answer to in **** -
i am the troublesome grin,
the last expectant "cool"...
the sufficing said: nothing.
only in **** will it suffice,
ex ****? call it
             a trigger warning,
or a hammer...
    a lazy tool, of
once god, then ego...
                  then hyper -
once ego, then god...
              but it was always the truth
of the truant...
   in man contra outside of man...
there being a god is still
  a question of:
mind that i pray, or mind that i think?
how easily does thinking seem
about a deity, that it takes to
procrastinate 5 times a day...
            what belongs in man,
is so much different from what "belongs"
out of man...
                   that was never a man.
in man contra out of man...
  the caesarian birth of gods,
     the eased **** of hera:
with daughters juno & eileithyia:
last the jargon, first the juiced
um, um -
     the gargantuan graeae of
fiddling with an eye -
                          in man a god -
out of man a god, and a lack of man
to uphold both man, or god...
     in god a man:
the readied malnutrition of time:
a temperament of temporal
    the universal death toll...
                  toward the serving last,
first, become,
          a clarifying ordeal of
what the hell does it matter?
      it'll just become another
"meaningful" escapade into another
  tabloid sphere of "journalism";
these days farting seems more meaningful
than writing a piece of "journalism":
which means there's no reason as
to write an excusing word of either:
oops or sorry.
                     caring more to hear a pair
of penguins wet-clapping.
(an All Poetry feat to walk in
the poetic feet of Robert Frost)

Bucolic New England, circa
Early twentieth century New England
awash with dynamic harmonic leisureliness,
when much of North America favored rustic

visual whirled wide webbed watercolor
waiting afield at dusk, the thrum
of nature all abuzz didst feed thine
dizzily green jovial mien

unlike mean Gary Lewis
veritable innocence and naiveté
rollicked with mine lanky frame
relishing ambling into my own quietude

an infinite breadth, length and scope
of infrequently trammeled near ******
woodland paths grown over with brambles
nonetheless a faintly trussed harbinger

marked by weatherbeaten
for sale signposts
with here and there an abandoned plow
long since given over

to rust when the pasture
seasons elapsed since
farmer(s) left unharvested
fecund fields absent

the cloven hoof,
and deprived enrichment
manure, sans ungulates
ceased sufficing healthy

free ranging bovines,
where etudes punctuated
the terribly gross fresh air,
now no longer audibly quickening,

snapchatting, nor twittering
with the last word of a bluebird
deathly silence now 'cept
the wind in the willows

whispering woebegone laments
tree tops pining to cradle
idle youthful dreamers
boughs devoid of

psalm quivering romantic songstress
clattering debris merely
delivering echoed whooshing refrains
continually disintegrating among

in a disused graveyard
prescient ken aches with nostalgia
hallucinogenic nightmare slams
irrevocably shut the door in the dark

closed for good upon the onset,
wrought genocide against
the vanishing Red man,
a ghostly scarification meaningless ritual
wrested, removed, and highjacked

from indigenous peoples
without rhyme, nor reason
as fraternities no
longer pledge allegiance.
Andrew Guzaldo c Apr 2020
“Now with an exiguous preamble,
In the CoronaVirus 2020 year,
Hands held aback in geniality,
No longer pugnacious sense,

Even amongst men there is fear,
Breathing’s generally wary,
As we know weakness breathing,
We will fear that an end is at hand,

But this is the everyday intake,
Of   the imperceptible life force,
Willed as plague settles onward
They say just be cautious stay in,

In the airs of the populous air,
Now has become the extant colloquy,
No longer an effervescent fricative,
While not to make that ebullient point,

But a new garner dewy of air space,
A new sense of boundary,
Galileo truths are easy to understand,
But will we ever understand this beast,

To another perhaps not in this germ war,
A gesture of limited distance is disdain,
Now sufficing a simple nod is fine,
A minor simper or a slightly hoisted hand,

No longer in search of   its correlative,
Just a systematic warning within,
The acknowledgment to stand back,
Beautiful strangers now merciless,

Affixed on the other side of that,
Until a cure is disinterred they are,
We are or may be forever bound,
Tween one another evanescent conduit”
By Andrew Guzaldo © 04/25/2020 #187
By Andrew Guzaldo © 04/25/2020 #187 #Hello Poetry
Dante Rocío Jun 2020
I walked in rain today.
As a trooper I came,
on my own,
as the rain’s body I,
in the forest on the road back,
Rain put Home on my lips,
and lungs
through chills of tundra in them,
blurring of the vessel
by streams of constancy
on my visage.
So close to the most righteous place of me,
of appurtenance,
I almost came into ragged breaths,
oxygen not sufficing for Heart.
Weren’t it for the body
I had to take care of
and still don’t know
how to leave unattended,
I would have begged all that water of crystal,
turning all the world into shiny blurs,
to take me with itself for a joyride
and don’t return to this land soon.
Rain is that flicker of Night missed in the Sun and brings back that contact va banque
The night comes down upon our aching hearts.
Whilst the freedom of letting you into my own parade has cast off our pleasant life, you remain elusive to make your tears soak through the dark disguise.

Like that disc of sunshine,
it was my fate to know that everything
I hold dear has already been defeated.

I hide it away from our first caress.
I hide it away in a distant nightingale.
I hide it away for the time of all-sufficing laughter.

When the first Norman leapt upon the wall,
we shall not be sweated from our deep unspoken prayer.
Hidden under some prodigious words;
we have lost the key to world’s happiness.

I hide it away from the blithe birds,
I hide it away from our deep blue silence,
I hide it away to give us more flawed interpretation.
Austin Sep 2024
i can’t court another cover
they’ve all fled from my arms
and abandoned their lover

i loved their souls
what their hearts confined
i thought i knew well

is it something i’ve done–
that they grow wings to withdraw
that they ride the wind away

i still need them so
but their rush to escape
tells me less of the same

former glory not sufficing
may you enjoy the rush of flowing from the lips of another
O stanza lines and book covers
kind of a poem about writer's block, I guess... I'm unsure about what I write sometimes
Boaz Priestly Jul 2024
alone in my apartment,
midday sun slanting through the
half-drawn blinds,
jolly roger fluttering gently in
one window, trans pride flag in
the other, i find myself feelin’
some kinda way

kneeling, though never in prayer,
i pull out packer, pouch, and
two different jockstraps

moving to stand out of view
from down on the street, i nestle
the packer into the pink jockstrap
and put my shorts back on

spend some time adjusting the
packer, wishing i had a full length
mirror, but sufficing with the little
vanity that lives by my coffee maker

in the open doorway between bedroom
and kitchen, i palm the length of
the packer through the front of my shorts,
wondering if the novelty of having
a ***** ever wears off for cis men

still feelin’ some kinda way,
i take out a black knee-length skirt
patterned in rainbows that so rarely
leaves the dresser drawer, and
slip it on

and i feel an all caps
kind of GOOD

and the grade A 100%,
genuine article,
i feel could power a small city

(and i slump down in my
ratty desk chair, knees loose and open,
palm myself through the front of the skirt,
imagine some faceless lover
running their hand up the inside
of my thigh and pulling aside the
jockstrap to get at the packer

picture them unraveling me like
divoting a thumbnail into the supple
skin of an orange, peeled in one long strip,
and taking me in like each segment,
juices running down their chin)

— The End —