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brandon nagley Apr 2016
Around two weeks ago, part of a three-part dream,
I hadst seen Christ as he is; and always wilt be.
I wont speaketh of the other sections-
Just the part of the Savior,
Get thou to the right direction.

I sawest mineself, what looked to be in a hospital bed,
Fear and anguish wrapped mine mind, was I living-
Was I dead?

The two women I thought, originally to be nurses,
Saidst to me Brandon art thou ready for thine
Shot, I felt the rush and high they gave was

They stuck the needle in, pain medication's rush,
I calmed, de-stressed, mine spirit un-bunched.
After a few minutes, of this reality's vivid way,
The two I thought to be nurses spoke to me-
"Brandon art thou ready to meet God",
Mine high started floating away.

They saidst to me, come on " follow us", twill be ok-
I argued " I'm not ready " not ready today;  yet they
Hadst a tranquility about them, as I noticed these
Weren't thy average nurses, I followed them out
Of curiosity, as the shot faded from working.

They led me to a gigantic tree, not the norm you'd see,
It was like an oak, but it's height spoke, from heaven's
Reach. The tree hadst a door, they opened it for me-
Again they saidst " Brandon art thou ready "?
I stepped into the tree, getting first view,
Their was a stairway leading up, the path
Narrow, darkened, with handrails on the
Sides, as an abode, or earthly view.

As soon as I looked up the stairway, to the unknown,
I sawest a face observing downward to me; mine eye-sight
Hadst froze. I couldn't seeith the ****** features, just the glowing
White thick glorious beard, and thickened wool-set hair, I didint look at the body, because his countenance shone- as a million sun's, I got ****** into the light, from his face I felt one.

Beams were rapturous, as if a halo around his head, though
Twas not a halo, just the way he glow's tear's wilt be shed; then the man I sawest, disappeared as if mist, it hit me it was Yeshua ha'mashiach, Jesus Christ in mine midst.

The two women saidst again, ready to meet God? Fear built inside me, I wasn't ready because the sin I've got; though the man I sawest, didint cause me any fear, he was waiting for me, ready-
As tis I followed these two nurses up into the tree's care.

Getting up inside this tree, I stepped mine feet on hard ground,
It looked as if I walked into a new York flat, if in luxury Earthly
Bound. The room was big, with a brick wall in the back setting;
The two women took a right, into a wall they disappeared.
Again I thought, " Lord I'm surely not ready ".

I kneweth where they went, into the realm where God's throne-room was, I cowered behind them, I ran back down the step's for mine own good. I ran all the way back down the tree, closed the top door, ran out the bottom, shut the other one behind me, coming out of the trunk, not needing to know more.

At the end of the dream, switching to the last part, I took mine parent's to the scene, as mine story touched their heart's. I showed them the wooden giant I was taken up into, I told them of the two women I thought to be hospital worker's; though in reality being Angel's of God's truth. I spoke to them of the face I sawest up the stairs in the tree, how it shone like the star's all together for thou and me. In the tree there was a shelf, mine parents walked in, saw it for themselves. The shelf hadst huge tomatoes, and fresh vegetables I've never discovered, this was a tree of life with Christ, it's signifying mean's soon a death for me, as Christ awaits me; or like all the rest having rapture dream's- Yeshua is telling me his coming is soon, I'm just warning one another.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©My dream 2 seeks ago,
Saidst- said.
Twill- it will.
Hadst- had.
Twas- it was.

This poem is based on a ( real vivid dream I had meaning more real then real can be) I'm not only one having these type of dreams. As a Christian I know Christ will soon be calling up his people when he raptures ( calls up) saying as in Revelation ( come up hither, come up here) taking his chosen off the earth before the coming 7 years of tribulation. I speak truth and many by the thousands are having rapture dreams by the thousands now. And seeing prophecy tribulation dreams by thousands to. I've had three prophetic fireball dreams along with seeing a huge mothership ( what mainstream news calls aliens is not alien as Hollywood pushes...) Pastors now agree there is coming a GREAT alien deception as what many Christian scholars that mainstream hides is what the watchers were.. The ones that corrupted gods man by the watchers in Enoch ( meaning fallen angels, demonic beings) coming down sleeping with women putting their seed into women... Creating giants also known as nephilim, though mainstream alien theorists don't believe in a good or what really happened as even scientists know the ( great flood from Noah happened) though will try to deny the fact why all these giant beings were swept away... As genesis spoke. ( 1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

Noah's Favor with God
8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

The watchers ( fallen angels) By mating with women tried to stop christs perfect line of blood which connects to Noah and other generations... God found favor with Noah and destroyed the corrupted bloodline here on earth that the watchers ( sons of God also known as, and demons in reality) tried to create... The men of renown and old were nephillim and called giants same thing that were around before and after the flood. Mainstream knows that and hides it.. Thus why schools leave anything out with God . and your history books dont teach you on nephilim or giants... Anyways back to story had three fireball dreams plummeting the earth last dream saw a huge ship ( not of alien kind as Hollywood preaches, the watchers returning during tribulation... Meaning demonic beings.... So I'm very aware what's coming... If you see what's happening in your world right now Quakes of huge magnitude have Hit daily from equador Japan Mexico 5-7.0 plus sizes... Volcanoes from Mexico to Alaska to now Russia to by where Jane lives in Philippines to other places are all popping tops off at once!! Scientists are shaking their heads who know not Christ and God but deny him saying this is all happening at once? What's going on?? They are scratching heads they know California is way over due for a major quake... Fish, animals whales species of all sorts are washing up worldwide dead matching prophecy Hosea 4:3( 3Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.) The seas are in perplexity as bible spoke would happen right before Christ calls his people up in the catching away, harpazzo, rapture ...( The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven. Quakes are happening globally huge now and everyone's worried. What did Christ say before he calls his people up??? He said( Luke 21:11
“And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Divers also meaning diverse meaning ( many) places shall quakes be hitting and in mass form which is happening now more then ever... Pay attn why all the Islamic people are coming to Christ converting in the middle East... Why? Because Christ is coming to them by dreams and visions and in death for these people to return and tell you same... Also he's showing himself to Hindus Buddhists monks, atheists agnostics in dreams visions and deaths... Many are seeing like me fireball dreams visions, quakes opening up California and seeing souls coming up into the heavens from the cracks...many are seeing global side tsunamis, seeing rapture dreams of actually being caught up into the air with many others with Christ and his angels right before the calamity hits planet earth!!! By the thousands friends!! Thousands!!!! In my dream... I saw two nurses I thought to be nurses... They gave me a pain shot. Looked like I was in the hospital, I felt high and good after they shot me up.. They said you ready to meet God? I wasn't ready because sins I must overcome in my life I'm not perfect, bible tells us to be perfected in Christ I'm still perfecting myself working on things I need to wipe from my life and need prayer for that ...anyways two women who I didint reallt see their features what they looked like I just knew they were good brought me a peace... They took me to a tree huge one. I looked walked into it door at bottom. Look up a staircase looked up in narrow dark way looking up with another door you must pass at top...  First thing I see looking up Jesus Christ!! Which fun facts... Mother got in a car accident  about two weeks ago little after I had my dream ...before she got in car accident she had dream of people taking her van( that crashed ) parts away. My mother chased the people and a man stopped her... A man she now knows was Christ as she was picked up into him arms as if christ was saying stop worrying it's gonna be OK....she got ****** into Jesus Christs turquoise blue like eyes... She said looking in there are pools of water... Guess what people say same thing in death??! They say his eyes are bluish green..and there are pools of water or oceans of water in his eyes and safety is there and peace... As all describe my mother saw that!! She saw his brown hair and how he was on earth before transfiguration.. I saw him like others do see people can see him two ways in death or visions or dreams... seeing him how he was human on earth. Or seeing like me when he will come back after Armageddon with white hair and beard with white robes and purple sash at bottom as people have seen him like that in death and the fiery eyes because he was transfigured .. Spoke of in Revelation....Revelation chapter one John the revelator speaks... ( 2And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

This is reality!!! I just don't know if it signifies coming death for me having death experience coming back to tell everyone or just dying? Or if it means like all the thousands of others having rapture dreams signifying he will be calling me up soon and to get ready. But yes told parents of this dream like my other prophecy dreams to Jane and parents and others... So I tell you now if you know not Christ a loving merciful Savior forgiving of all sins and wrongs...if you know him not as Lord an Savior won't you accept him while their is still time? Because I like many know reality... Time is short... Not mentioning your last breath could be today.... Please accept Christ as Lord and Savior.. Please don't be fooled because an Antichrist and false prophet are already on the earth and alot is happening prophecy wise I could tell you of for hours matching all biblical gospel ad christs words are coming true now.... Are you saved in Christ? Where is your eternal souls destination? Heaven? Or hell?? Not sure?? You can be sure in Christ... Christ said ( I am the way truth and the life , no man comes to the father ( God) but by and through me... Not works will get you to heaven ... Christians are saved by what christ did for us on the cross proven true... If we accept him as Lord and Savior... He died for you and me. This isn't mythical. All prophecy is being unfolded and has unfolded and mores happening as I write you this... Bible sais whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved... Will you accept him and say prayer of salvation accepting Christ into your heart soul and life as Lord Savior? If want to please write me this is reality... Time to wake up poets!!!! I am sending you a message... Heed the prophecy listen to my warnings. Don't be caught up and left behind when everything takes off... Find Christ please.... Reason I dont write here much anymore I'm busy paying attn to prophecy happening around me I'm preparing myself or trying to. Praying more... Telling others more truth waking others up...been busy busy paying attn to prophecy and letting others know what's happening... So I'll continue to like poems as much as can also my dad had heart attack March 31st and mulitple ones April nineteenth which I had been given signs by God through numbers something was gonna happen to my mother ( her car crash) and dads ( heart attacks) dad had dream of his father who died years ago months ago speaking to him .. Dad couldn't remember what my dead grandpa Nagley told him in dream. I knew was warning when loved one comes to you usually... As dad had dream the day before his first attack seeing me whispering to him two men are at the door... His dream came to life... When the first two men to walk in our home March 31 was two emts...thanks for reading.....!!!

BTW when the nurses ( angels I knew to be) said are you ready Brandon to meet God? I know God and christ are one!! Yet both separate. There is father yaweh Jehovah God, the son ( Jesus Christ who came in the flesh to die for mankind's sin. And the HOLY spirit a literal holy spirit that God will give you in times of trouble and when needing peace that flows from gods throne said by tons who have died and come back.. So when they said God .. Remember Christ and his father are one!! Facts fun for you.

As Joel 2;28 spoke
“And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions...
It's happening now
And by thousands!!!

Last part of the dream taking my parents into the tree, showing them gigantic size veggies in that heavenly tree .. Signified to me everything in gods kingdom isn't touched by man it's perfect..  Things there that mankind can't fathom..... Though I can .. The apartment looking place I landed my feet into up into the tree with the ( brick wall) signified to me I am blocking myself with fear.   And need to not worry as mother said.   Because with Christ I have peace.  . such truth!!!
brandon nagley Oct 2015
The real me, the spiritual me, break's free
From mine corpse;
Stepping into reality.

A rushing sound filleth mine head
A popping sound, mine spirit's above mine body, aloft the ground; I'm dead.

I seeith the nurses, the doctor's art frantic
Mother's praying outside the door;
Father's nerves art shot, he's panicked.

I couldst heareth mother interceding to the lord
On mine own behalf, the operation was over;
Tis mine blood got cold and fast.

The scalpel was thrown into a glass
I heardst the surgeon's word's, we couldn't save him, we tried ourn best, I kneweth he didst all he can, he worked harder then the rest.

At that thought of mind, I shot through space and time,
In a tunnel I ended up in, mine sin's hadst crossed mine mind;
The wormhole I was in, was dark, at the end; a pinhole of light.

I felt none worry, distress, nor unease, I kneweth this was living, as I was floating, without walking nor running, an unseen presence carrying mine feet: I felt the calm and light warm me.

I hadst read of this, from mine Christian belief's, and the spiritual book's and video's I hadst studied; the other's account's were true of this tube, we move freely, towards the brightness with none toe's nor feet coming.

I ended up inside the light, it engulfed me, it taught me, this is where all wouldst be alright; I stood at a gate, not with Pearl's, but as other's saidst, Pearlescent by heavenly view and sight.

There were no demon's like at mine abode, no stress filled hour's, no Pain nor Human insight; I was met at the entryway by mine great grandmother whom hadst passed after me and mother left her side during her death.

Granny saidst Brandon " we hath been waiting for thee, I sawest generation's of mine kin; French, English, Scottish, Greeks, natives, swiss, Irishmen.

Mother's and father's side both, hadst known I was coming, their already aware, as the lord telleth them there, the time and dates of their loved one's succumbing.

I was overjoyed, none word's to slip mine tongue, here I was an adolescent of knowledge, though all I wouldst learn in big sum's;
I kneweth this was safety, rest, peace, I felt with mine loved one's as one.

Mine kin stepped aside, the one I've begged for help was in mine vision, he hadst three robes, ivory white- with a purple sash, there were holes still in his hand's, though his beauty burned bright on his father God's behalf.

His eye's were as flame's, though his amour' was overwhelming, I felt mine body as a tuning fork, vibrating with his brightness, as if this was his second coming, the universe was seen through his core.

He grabbed mine shoulder, we walked farther in, I felt none sense of time,no age limit just a frame of mind; where the young and unborn were, as well as oldened in age, there was aloud none sin.

The messiah showed me the street's paved with literal gold, something unseen back on planet earth, a place where a river of life floweth from God's throne, everything's sharper, senses heightened, as well as sight, sound, feel, touch, taste. Holy grace.

Color's, tints, hue's, all loud, everything was alive, LIVING, I was aware of all,whilst I heardst angel's singing call's, they sung different song's, yet on Earth a million song's together wouldst be nonsense, this place the music all perfectly was fused.

There were mountain's, Hill's, real mansion's built, as if an acid trip back on earth we wouldst conjoin with the planet in a false trip; here this was what was, amazingly struck me how all was one, no illusion's like earthly drug induced fantasies, no if's, and's, why's, or because. Though question's flickered through me faster then I couldst speak.

Here there was no need to move mine Lip's, telepathically we knoweth all, no brain needed, none memory enhancer's, no need to speaketh with human Lip's, thought's talk back and forth, though by free will we canst use ourn mouth if desired.

Christ took me into mine creator's throne room, the amazing part is God and christ art one, no comprehension of that back on the blue globe, beneathe the sun; as God sat down on a tall structured seat.

A river of life flowing out of his feet, inside were seraph's, cherub's, a divine meet, Christ was on mine right side like another story of a man I hadst read, I was living, Christ interceded for me, I was far from dead.

Mine great architect spoke living word's from his mouth, he was pure light, not as if the bulb in thy house, he shined, gleamed,he was the reason the third heaven needed no sun nor moon.

He spoke to me , " Brandon mine son, thy work is not yet done, continueth in love, though go telleth more of mine forgiveness and grace, telleth man to love another, and to respect their whole race; as tis at that moment I turned to Christ next to me interceding, the lord christ cried next to me, we must remember Christ took human form on earth, tis he kneweth the feeling of bleeding.

At that moment I was out of God's sight, Christ took mine hand and body back into the tunnel light, I flashed shot like a bullet into that tube out of sight, mine great-grandmother took mine finger's and locked them, and took me back to mine carrion, I didst not want to go back though god spoke the day and dawn.

I felt as a glove mine soul slip back into that cold corpse, mine pastor I heardst around me praying with part of the church;
Mother held mine hand next to me, dad I listened to saying this he didst not deserve; at that moment mine eye's opened.

Mother didst not knoweth I saweth her praying outside of the room when I was out of mine body, she held me, felt me, a child again I felt. I sensed mother's love again, as I told mine mother granny saidst hello, and she's waiting for thou to, and I told dad that his father couldst breathe once again, his cancer's not in heaven, that dad's father was renewed.

As still earthly being's I kneweth mum and dad didst not yet understand all the thing's of the bible art true;
As tis when I left the hospital I thought of the one's waiting for me, generation's of family, as I was waiting for them to.

As tis the memory hit me
Of Christ's Tear's;
How he crieth like men
How he Hurt's when he seeith us turneth against him
How O' how I remembered freshly the hole's in his hand's and feet. He told me to touch them, as he didst to his disciples
I remembered how I bowed
To mine Christ
Mine savior,
I remembered god his father's strong word's
"Telleth man to love one another"
As tis men art forgetting the reason why we art here;
To love.
To love one another is God's purpose.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
John 14:1-3
brandon nagley Aug 2015
As being a European, a foreigner to this land
Not a native, as the original people who art still here,
I shalt speaketh truth, on a topic, the European's here
Don't speaketh of;

I seeith politician's, speaketh of building a higher wall
As tis their art already wall's, lining Mexico and the united states,
I seeith wall's, to tryeth and keepeth out, the original people's.
As tis so many I'll heareth, so many sayeth the quote: ( illegal alien's, art coming over here stealing work) huh? Illegal alien's didst thou sayeth? As if their from another land? Or planet?......

Yet the fact is;
Who art the real quote: ALIENS!!!!
Us, the European's, as tis not mine fault mine parents hath cometh here, as not the other European's fault
That their parent's hath cometh here,
As tis I hath Cherokee in mine blood as well, from mine mother;

Though fact is, here's the truth;
The disgusting fact, noone want's to speaketh of, in
Politic's, in religion, in media, nowhere, is this fact..........

The European's and rich men now leading the country
From the quote: founding Father's, which may be other's founding father's, verily not mine!!!!!! Hath built wall's,
To keepeth out the alien's as many calleth them, in actuality us European's art the alien's, the one's who stole their land, built walls, and fences, and hath polluted their water, wherein water was once blue and green here in the river's and stream's,
As for example; in the town I'm in now, Rossford Ohio, some left from the older generation around here in their nineties Or 80's told me and mine family, the river that sit's behind mine place, native river called the ( maumee river) one fifty years ago people swam in, it was blue they told us, thou couldst seeith the fish inside of it, as children wouldst swim it... Guess what? Now that same river, is brown, is polluted, is poisoned, with the glass factories mess , and dump from work site's, into that river..... It's sickening... As tis the land once was open, free, no border's, no fences, here's the good part, see, the chief's all along this great nation, they all hadst vision's, vision's of these white men coming, as they saw it in spiritual shamanic ceremonies, as they saw the land being stolen, their people murdered by the thousand's, they saw destruction, from what? Men thou calleth thine founding father's? Thieves that hadst cometh here, to build walls? And killeth the native people's who were slaughtered, brought disease, and put on plot's of land a mile big? If even that... As tis they used to roam free, now forced into gvt debt, and the quote founding father's ancestor's and politician's hath given them medal's, as if that wouldst healeth them? No!!! As tis even the natives won't speaketh on this topic much. Though some will.... Fact is , àll went downhill, since the quote: founding Father's raised their flag... On a land not their's, on a land, not mine....though noone speaketh of this harsh truth... History channel hath now shown, with other archeologists, that the original people, now in southern Mexico, the Aztec people, once cameth from the north... Northern America, as in Wisconsin, see, in Wisconsin, their art pyramid's down below a certain lake, rock lake is it's name... The pyramids match the Aztec style as tis there art writings to showeth their presence their.. As come to findeth out; there is a map, sent into a famous Mexican archeological historical advocate, the map showeth on it something the u s gvt hath hid, as they do such much hiding from all of us... The map showeth on salt like, in Utah, is known place for the original Aztec people, purely factual, the story was told, the chief of his clan Aztecs, told his people, that he kneweth the men wouldst cometh to steal the land, so he told them they wouldst stop where the eagle eats the head of the snake...... Wanna know something ironic about that? Well here's proof of that, where the Aztecs now reside, southern Mexico, well Mexico hath a flag, like all have flags... Guess what is on Mexico's flag? An eagle eating a snake head... As chief saidst.... As in old map found in Spanish letters written next to salt lake Utah, read the words ( aztec territory) yet hidden in history purposely, these are harsh truth's, some may not be able to handle this, but when thou calleth one an illegal alien, thinketh who thou art... We art the aliens... as we aren't meant for this land... Though not our fault we were born here... As we must go with the flow as they say... As I loveth this great land, though reality is, I don't belong here.... As tis mine religious  beliefs state anyways, this world is just temporary anyways, noone owns this planet... God does..  Not man...its sickening seeing seeing mine own leader's, building walls to keepeth out ( illegal aliens) as they calleth them, yet were the aliens.... The irony... All for their greedy purposes and power control the native population hath decreased over fifty percent..Or more then.... Yet we tend to think, this is our place.. . as tis the u.s gvt hath stolen native gold, from their sacred places.... Places not meant to be touched, or dug into, though it's the good warrior's like Geronimo who decided and decides to stand against more such thing's..... As a European, it saddens me to seeith what mine kind hath done... And in this great beautiful sacred land what they still do....... That's harsh truth.... Much truth noone sais . yet I'm one who the man who hath received that map of the Aztec's didst sayeth, he put it perfectly, he saidst ( border's art imaginary, border's art only in ourn mind's) how such truth..... And we wonder why there is differences....

That's harsh honesty.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Know this won't be a popular one to good Americans, as I love all americans but truth is stated here... and harsh to some ears.. So before anyone decides to judge the poor Mexican farmer out in the field picking tomatoes for a lousy few bucks a day to send back to his poor family so they can eat... or a native American... Think of where your land got the corn u use daily.... And think where your at... That's truth..., as stated. Borders only exist in our minds.   Their are no borders.. Other than what man has made
All night the dreadless Angel, unpursued,
Through Heaven’s wide champain held his way; till Morn,
Waked by the circling Hours, with rosy hand
Unbarred the gates of light.  There is a cave
Within the mount of God, fast by his throne,
Where light and darkness in perpetual round
Lodge and dislodge by turns, which makes through Heaven
Grateful vicissitude, like day and night;
Light issues forth, and at the other door
Obsequious darkness enters, till her hour
To veil the Heaven, though darkness there might well
Seem twilight here:  And now went forth the Morn
Such as in highest Heaven arrayed in gold
Empyreal; from before her vanished Night,
Shot through with orient beams; when all the plain
Covered with thick embattled squadrons bright,
Chariots, and flaming arms, and fiery steeds,
Reflecting blaze on blaze, first met his view:
War he perceived, war in procinct; and found
Already known what he for news had thought
To have reported:  Gladly then he mixed
Among those friendly Powers, who him received
With joy and acclamations loud, that one,
That of so many myriads fallen, yet one
Returned not lost.  On to the sacred hill
They led him high applauded, and present
Before the seat supreme; from whence a voice,
From midst a golden cloud, thus mild was heard.
Servant of God. Well done; well hast thou fought
The better fight, who single hast maintained
Against revolted multitudes the cause
Of truth, in word mightier than they in arms;
And for the testimony of truth hast borne
Universal reproach, far worse to bear
Than violence; for this was all thy care
To stand approved in sight of God, though worlds
Judged thee perverse:  The easier conquest now
Remains thee, aided by this host of friends,
Back on thy foes more glorious to return,
Than scorned thou didst depart; and to subdue
By force, who reason for their law refuse,
Right reason for their law, and for their King
Messiah, who by right of merit reigns.
Go, Michael, of celestial armies prince,
And thou, in military prowess next,
Gabriel, lead forth to battle these my sons
Invincible; lead forth my armed Saints,
By thousands and by millions, ranged for fight,
Equal in number to that Godless crew
Rebellious:  Them with fire and hostile arms
Fearless assault; and, to the brow of Heaven
Pursuing, drive them out from God and bliss,
Into their place of punishment, the gulf
Of Tartarus, which ready opens wide
His fiery Chaos to receive their fall.
So spake the Sovran Voice, and clouds began
To darken all the hill, and smoke to roll
In dusky wreaths, reluctant flames, the sign
Of wrath awaked; nor with less dread the loud
Ethereal trumpet from on high ‘gan blow:
At which command the Powers militant,
That stood for Heaven, in mighty quadrate joined
Of union irresistible, moved on
In silence their bright legions, to the sound
Of instrumental harmony, that breathed
Heroick ardour to adventurous deeds
Under their God-like leaders, in the cause
Of God and his Messiah.  On they move
Indissolubly firm; nor obvious hill,
Nor straitening vale, nor wood, nor stream, divides
Their perfect ranks; for high above the ground
Their march was, and the passive air upbore
Their nimble tread; as when the total kind
Of birds, in orderly array on wing,
Came summoned over Eden to receive
Their names of thee; so over many a tract
Of Heaven they marched, and many a province wide,
Tenfold the length of this terrene:  At last,
Far in the horizon to the north appeared
From skirt to skirt a fiery region, stretched
In battailous aspect, and nearer view
Bristled with upright beams innumerable
Of rigid spears, and helmets thronged, and shields
Various, with boastful argument portrayed,
The banded Powers of Satan hasting on
With furious expedition; for they weened
That self-same day, by fight or by surprise,
To win the mount of God, and on his throne
To set the Envier of his state, the proud
Aspirer; but their thoughts proved fond and vain
In the mid way:  Though strange to us it seemed
At first, that Angel should with Angel war,
And in fierce hosting meet, who wont to meet
So oft in festivals of joy and love
Unanimous, as sons of one great Sire,
Hymning the Eternal Father:  But the shout
Of battle now began, and rushing sound
Of onset ended soon each milder thought.
High in the midst, exalted as a God,
The Apostate in his sun-bright chariot sat,
Idol of majesty divine, enclosed
With flaming Cherubim, and golden shields;
Then lighted from his gorgeous throne, for now
“twixt host and host but narrow space was left,
A dreadful interval, and front to front
Presented stood in terrible array
Of hideous length:  Before the cloudy van,
On the rough edge of battle ere it joined,
Satan, with vast and haughty strides advanced,
Came towering, armed in adamant and gold;
Abdiel that sight endured not, where he stood
Among the mightiest, bent on highest deeds,
And thus his own undaunted heart explores.
O Heaven! that such resemblance of the Highest
Should yet remain, where faith and realty
Remain not:  Wherefore should not strength and might
There fail where virtue fails, or weakest prove
Where boldest, though to fight unconquerable?
His puissance, trusting in the Almighty’s aid,
I mean to try, whose reason I have tried
Unsound and false; nor is it aught but just,
That he, who in debate of truth hath won,
Should win in arms, in both disputes alike
Victor; though brutish that contest and foul,
When reason hath to deal with force, yet so
Most reason is that reason overcome.
So pondering, and from his armed peers
Forth stepping opposite, half-way he met
His daring foe, at this prevention more
Incensed, and thus securely him defied.
Proud, art thou met? thy hope was to have reached
The highth of thy aspiring unopposed,
The throne of God unguarded, and his side
Abandoned, at the terrour of thy power
Or potent tongue:  Fool!not to think how vain
Against the Omnipotent to rise in arms;
Who out of smallest things could, without end,
Have raised incessant armies to defeat
Thy folly; or with solitary hand
Reaching beyond all limit, at one blow,
Unaided, could have finished thee, and whelmed
Thy legions under darkness:  But thou seest
All are not of thy train; there be, who faith
Prefer, and piety to God, though then
To thee not visible, when I alone
Seemed in thy world erroneous to dissent
From all:  My sect thou seest;now learn too late
How few sometimes may know, when thousands err.
Whom the grand foe, with scornful eye askance,
Thus answered.  Ill for thee, but in wished hour
Of my revenge, first sought for, thou returnest
From flight, seditious Angel! to receive
Thy merited reward, the first assay
Of this right hand provoked, since first that tongue,
Inspired with contradiction, durst oppose
A third part of the Gods, in synod met
Their deities to assert; who, while they feel
Vigour divine within them, can allow
Omnipotence to none.  But well thou comest
Before thy fellows, ambitious to win
From me some plume, that thy success may show
Destruction to the rest:  This pause between,
(Unanswered lest thou boast) to let thee know,
At first I thought that Liberty and Heaven
To heavenly souls had been all one; but now
I see that most through sloth had rather serve,
Ministring Spirits, trained up in feast and song!
Such hast thou armed, the minstrelsy of Heaven,
Servility with freedom to contend,
As both their deeds compared this day shall prove.
To whom in brief thus Abdiel stern replied.
Apostate! still thou errest, nor end wilt find
Of erring, from the path of truth remote:
Unjustly thou depravest it with the name
Of servitude, to serve whom God ordains,
Or Nature:  God and Nature bid the same,
When he who rules is worthiest, and excels
Them whom he governs.  This is servitude,
To serve the unwise, or him who hath rebelled
Against his worthier, as thine now serve thee,
Thyself not free, but to thyself enthralled;
Yet lewdly darest our ministring upbraid.
Reign thou in Hell, thy kingdom; let me serve
In Heaven God ever blest, and his divine
Behests obey, worthiest to be obeyed;
Yet chains in Hell, not realms, expect:  Mean while
From me returned, as erst thou saidst, from flight,
This greeting on thy impious crest receive.
So saying, a noble stroke he lifted high,
Which hung not, but so swift with tempest fell
On the proud crest of Satan, that no sight,
Nor motion of swift thought, less could his shield,
Such ruin intercept:  Ten paces huge
He back recoiled; the tenth on bended knee
His massy spear upstaid; as if on earth
Winds under ground, or waters forcing way,
Sidelong had pushed a mountain from his seat,
Half sunk with all his pines.  Amazement seised
The rebel Thrones, but greater rage, to see
Thus foiled their mightiest; ours joy filled, and shout,
Presage of victory, and fierce desire
Of battle:  Whereat Michael bid sound
The Arch-Angel trumpet; through the vast of Heaven
It sounded, and the faithful armies rung
Hosanna to the Highest:  Nor stood at gaze
The adverse legions, nor less hideous joined
The horrid shock.  Now storming fury rose,
And clamour such as heard in Heaven till now
Was never; arms on armour clashing brayed
Horrible discord, and the madding wheels
Of brazen chariots raged; dire was the noise
Of conflict; over head the dismal hiss
Of fiery darts in flaming vollies flew,
And flying vaulted either host with fire.
So under fiery cope together rushed
Both battles main, with ruinous assault
And inextinguishable rage.  All Heaven
Resounded; and had Earth been then, all Earth
Had to her center shook.  What wonder? when
Millions of fierce encountering Angels fought
On either side, the least of whom could wield
These elements, and arm him with the force
Of all their regions:  How much more of power
Army against army numberless to raise
Dreadful combustion warring, and disturb,
Though not destroy, their happy native seat;
Had not the Eternal King Omnipotent,
From his strong hold of Heaven, high over-ruled
And limited their might; though numbered such
As each divided legion might have seemed
A numerous host; in strength each armed hand
A legion; led in fight, yet leader seemed
Each warriour single as in chief, expert
When to advance, or stand, or turn the sway
Of battle, open when, and when to close
The ridges of grim war:  No thought of flight,
None of retreat, no unbecoming deed
That argued fear; each on himself relied,
As only in his arm the moment lay
Of victory:  Deeds of eternal fame
Were done, but infinite; for wide was spread
That war and various; sometimes on firm ground
A standing fight, then, soaring on main wing,
Tormented all the air; all air seemed then
Conflicting fire.  Long time in even scale
The battle hung; till Satan, who that day
Prodigious power had shown, and met in arms
No equal, ranging through the dire attack
Of fighting Seraphim confused, at length
Saw where the sword of Michael smote, and felled
Squadrons at once; with huge two-handed sway
Brandished aloft, the horrid edge came down
Wide-wasting; such destruction to withstand
He hasted, and opposed the rocky orb
Of tenfold adamant, his ample shield,
A vast circumference.  At his approach
The great Arch-Angel from his warlike toil
Surceased, and glad, as hoping here to end
Intestine war in Heaven, the arch-foe subdued
Or captive dragged in chains, with hostile frown
And visage all inflamed first thus began.
Author of evil, unknown till thy revolt,
Unnamed in Heaven, now plenteous as thou seest
These acts of hateful strife, hateful to all,
Though heaviest by just measure on thyself,
And thy  adherents:  How hast thou disturbed
Heaven’s blessed peace, and into nature brought
Misery, uncreated till the crime
Of thy rebellion! how hast thou instilled
Thy malice into thousands, once upright
And faithful, now proved false!  But think not here
To trouble holy rest; Heaven casts thee out
From all her confines.  Heaven, the seat of bliss,
Brooks not the works of violence and war.
Hence then, and evil go with thee along,
Thy offspring, to the place of evil, Hell;
Thou and thy wicked crew! there mingle broils,
Ere this avenging sword begin thy doom,
Or some more sudden vengeance, winged from God,
Precipitate thee with augmented pain.
So spake the Prince of Angels; to whom thus
The Adversary.  Nor think thou with wind
Of aery threats to awe whom yet with deeds
Thou canst not.  Hast thou turned the least of these
To flight, or if to fall, but that they rise
Unvanquished, easier to transact with me
That thou shouldst hope, imperious, and with threats
To chase me hence? err not, that so shall end
The strife which thou callest evil, but we style
The strife of glory; which we mean to win,
Or turn this Heaven itself into the Hell
Thou fablest; here however to dwell free,
If not to reign:  Mean while thy utmost force,
And join him named Almighty to thy aid,
I fly not, but have sought thee far and nigh.
They ended parle, and both addressed for fight
Unspeakable; for who, though with the tongue
Of Angels, can relate, or to what things
Liken on earth conspicuous, that may lift
Human imagination to such highth
Of Godlike power? for likest Gods they seemed,
Stood they or moved, in stature, motion, arms,
Fit to decide the empire of great Heaven.
Now waved their fiery swords, and in the air
Made horrid circles; two broad suns their shields
Blazed opposite, while Expectation stood
In horrour:  From each hand with speed retired,
Where erst was thickest fight, the angelick throng,
And left large field, unsafe within the wind
Of such commotion; such as, to set forth
Great things by small, if, nature’s concord broke,
Among the constellations war were sprung,
Two planets, rushing from aspect malign
Of fiercest opposition, in mid sky
Should combat, and their jarring spheres confound.
Together both with next to almighty arm
Up-lifted imminent, one stroke they aimed
That might determine, and not need repeat,
As not of power at once; nor odds appeared
In might or swift prevention:  But the sword
Of Michael from the armoury of God
Was given him tempered so, that neither keen
Nor solid might resist that edge: it met
The sword of Satan, with steep force to smite
Descending, and in half cut sheer; nor staid,
But with swift wheel reverse, deep entering, shared
All his right side:  Then Satan first knew pain,
And writhed him to and fro convolved; so sore
The griding sword with discontinuous wound
Passed through him:  But the ethereal substance closed,
Not long divisible; and from the ****
A stream of necturous humour issuing flowed
Sanguine, such as celestial Spirits may bleed,
And all his armour stained, ere while so bright.
Forthwith on all sides to his aid was run
By Angels many and strong, who interposed
Defence, while others bore him on their shields
Back to his chariot, where it stood retired
From off the files of war:  There they him laid
Gnashing for anguish, and despite, and shame,
To find himself not matchless, and his pride
Humbled by such rebuke, so far beneath
His confidence to equal God in power.
Yet soon he healed; for Spirits that live throughout
Vital in every part, not as frail man
In entrails, heart of head, liver or reins,
Cannot but by annihilating die;
Nor in their liquid texture mortal wound
Receive, no more than can the fluid air:
All heart they live, all head, all eye, all ear,
All intellect, all sense; and, as they please,
They limb themselves, and colour, shape, or size
Assume, as?***** them best, condense or rare.
Mean while in other parts like deeds deserved
Memorial, where the might of Gabriel fought,
And with fierce ensigns pierced the deep array
Of Moloch, furious king; who him defied,
And at his chariot-wheels to drag him bound
Threatened, nor from the Holy One of Heaven
Refrained his tongue blasphemous; but anon
Down cloven to the waist, with shattered arms
And uncouth pain fled bellowing.  On each wing
Uriel, and Raphael, his vaunting foe,
Though huge, and in a rock of diamond armed,
Vanquished Adramelech, and Asmadai,
Two potent Thrones, that to be less than
brandon nagley Oct 2015

I saidst "I do" beloved Jane
Before thou was born;
I watched thee at creation
Next to the Creator I was allured.


He asked me if I liked
The soulmate he hadst picked;
He saidst is an autochthonous alright?
He saidst thou were queen, a piece of heaven, the angelic mix.


God questioned me, is dusk hair fine with thee?
What about her diamond chocolate eye's, and her body from the sea; is tan sand skin OK? And is her frame just as thou wilt like? Wilt thou desire to liveth with her the rest of day's, eternal life?


At that moment I fell upon mine knee's, because everything was alright as I've seen, inside and out I loved all, tis I was more than pleased: the lord hadst given me the third heaven's cherub, the other half to the missing piece, thou art happiness, thou art peace.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
An autochthonous means -
(of an inhabitant of a place) indigenous rather than descended from migrants or colonists.
brandon nagley May 2016
The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

Almighty Holy One of Israel
Possessor of the heavens and earth
Your name be great among the nations
Magnified by your Son's perfect work

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

All powerful Father creator God
Blessed hope and salvation
Your kingdom come - Your will be done
Unapproachable light eternal

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End,
Faithful Rock and Redeemer
Lord, you alone are just and wise
Who can stand against You?

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...

The fall verily hath happened
Thus there art demon's in
The world; though Christ
Saidst we canst overcometh
By his light and faith assured.

For ourn truth wilt makest
Friend's turn to enemies, and
Enemies to friend's; though it's
Yeshua ha'mashiach, on which
We shalt depend.

So mine dearest friend edward-starr,
With pain's wrapping thy skull; remembereth
Thou art God's child, not just some being of
Mistakes and flaws. We art to be perfected
In Jesus alone, for Christ hath made thee
A mansion, that soon shalt be thy home.

Hath faith Edward, thou art under
The protection of the great "I am";
He sent to thee, Jesus the king, to
Die for thee and every man.

For God saidst,
I am always with thee, wheresoever I mayest be;
Remember whom thou doth worship Edward,
Christ, the son of God, Yeshua ha'mashiach,
Thy Lord and healing king.

©Brandon Nagley and VS duo poem for Eddie starr
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This poem was VS another poet on heres idea... he came to me and saw my piece that was a prayer on here for Eddie. So i said definitely yes to making a poem of hope and healing and for Eddie to have faith. And this poem is to let him know trust in God for God is always with you Eddie. And no matter what happens god does purpose good to those who love God my friend Eddie. All things our word sais works together good for them that love God. Be in faith hope and strength my friend Eddie. God bless you friend!!! Where me and VS write well VS stops at this line then I come in.

The fall has been undone
The world is overcome...
brandon nagley Dec 2015

The governmental beast's
Plotteth right before thine sight;
As many art blinded
By the lies put in the night.


Making many believeth
Through their media puppet's;
Whilst big elite pulleth thy string's
Secret society member's push it.


Illuminati, Bilderberg's,
Skull and bones, some unknown;
Now spotlighted, being known
Martial law, to break thy home's.


All for greed, their new world order,
United Nations vehicles parked
In California; train's with guillotine's
Thirty-thousand that is,
Whilst the young protest
Ignorant bullsh....
Freedom's being taken
Before thy eye's,
It started by the taking
Of the natives land;
European suicide.
Blood shalt be spilt
In the land of the high
Because of the filth
Of rich men's ties;


Rockefeller called it
Whilst Rothschild named it;
Henry Kissinger indugled it
Bush. Sr didst inflame it.
Training going on
Worldwide for this,
A complete takeover
An r.f.i.d chip.
A tracking device
For the forehead and hand;
Revelation thirteen dear poet, poetess, and man.
Revelation stated; (And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.) Didst thou readeth that? Didst not get enough fill? Also goeth this. Revelation,
16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Readeth this again, no man may buyeth nor sell without the mark of this devil tempted man;
Already into act into Mr. Obama's healthcare law,
Bilderberg's saidst by the year two-thousand and seventeen they want their chip Into all,
Signs art showing, were coming to a close,
Awaketh to Christ's truth and his love Utmost.
Christ spoke: I am the way, truth and the life, no man
Cometh to the father but by ( me) Jesus that is the Lord and the king,whilst other's art found in tomb's- Christ hath holes in his hand's and his feet, millions of near death experiences- with only jesus didst they meet. Awaketh mine poet's, get out of slumber, An Antichrist is upon us, the demon's knoweth their day's art numbered. Taketh a look around: demonic influence. Satan's got a short time to killeth, And surely he wilt do it. A prominent Jewish Rabbi is telling his people in Israel he believed their Messiah is here, so art the Muslim leader's, what's wrong? Not clear? Them telling other's they believeth their Messiah soon shalt appear, just means the antichrist wilt show, and a Tribulation's near. Awaketh from slumber I telleth once again, these book's of Christ weren't a play or a myth for pretend. The heaven's art moaning, the earth tis in travail, prophecies hath come true as more art daily neath the veil. Many by the million's art having dream's of his return, please no comment needed if it's for making fun of or scorn, tis I want none to mourn but to open their sight's to truth. Be aware, payeth attention to that thing we calleth the news. Find Christ, if thou hath not, if so cometh back to him, I sayeth this as a warning. Poetess, poet's, beautiful friends...... For God is a loving God, waiting for thee and me to return, a new age of the slave, is waiting for it's turn.......

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
In the book of Romans in the bible is states
Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord ( jesus) thou shall be saved... If not saved I suggest the sinner's prayer to Christ and to truly trust him.... And be saved in Christ... For he is loving and forgiving though will you choose him or the world and the things of the world where you will have no peace nor rest? Up to you poet....
brandon nagley Aug 2015
God saidst let there be light
And the Filipino queen, lip up the land;
An Asian lampstand.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015

Mother, I seeith thine pain, in thine own depression
Mother, thou hath given me life, I'm thy and God's invention;
Mother, thy halo thou weareth shineth so brightly to me
Turned fifty three yesterday, but mum, thou still looketh 23.


Mother, thou art now getting in thine own golden year's
Mother, when they maketh fun of me, thou dryeth mine tear's;
Mother, I shouldst hath listened, when thou saidst I'd be hurt
Mother, thou taught me forgiving and love is what life's worth!


Mother, mine best friend, and past life caregiver to me
Mother, thou was right, its mine light other's just canst not seeith;
Mother, I knoweth thou art worried for mine physical health
Mother, if something happen's, I promise to waiteth for thyself.


Mother, we've cometh along way, as thou hath seen me in cell's
Mother, I've seen thou to, in pits of doom,behind glass I yelled;
Mother, hell and back we've cometh from, seeing the world end
Mother, as thou helpeth me groweth, I'll helpeth thee to friend.


Mother, shadow of mine, musical muse, and gods divine
Mother, we've made mistakes, with no brakes to stop the mind;
Mother, tommorrow if either of us shalt loose ourn last breathe
Mother, sorry little late on the birthday writing, but thou art best.

Love thy son
Brandon cory nagley

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Juna nagley birthday dedication
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Over a month, or a little more,
Maybe two, or just before;
At mine last métier,
Working at the
Dollar store.
I kept on seeing
The vatic harbinger's
In tax form; thirty-one
And thirteen. The register
Wouldst with none other
Sign to me read. For one day
After earning mine wages, I told
Mine mother of these prognostic gazes.
In fret, and distress, I kneweth these symbol's
Hadst to do with mother and father, twas mine guess.
In mine soul, God gaveth me sigil's, in the appearance of extra-change; O' how mighty God is, powerful, unchanged. Just a few twenty-four hour's ago, on the thirty-first of  March, mine father went to the restroom in anguish; Lip's parched. Panic hit ourn abode, mother ran to father's side, I was in the living room as mine father walked out-tears in eye's. He was holding his chest, as if a stone rolled on his beating heart, his face crimson red, he was stumbling toward's death's spark. Mother grabbed the phone, I went into dismay, I ran to grab the aspirin's, and started praying in mine mind silently. Popping the bottles top, fortunately knowing what to do, Sat father down on the couch, mother talking to medics to. I told him in force, " chew these pills right now, making him drink water, to get those orange thing's down. I couldst seeith quietus coming from his heavied breath, I held his hand as If that day was the last dance, with mine father's paining chest. The two emergency medical technician's, crossed into ourn door, there bag's in hand's with oxygen tank's; machines and much more. As the emt's were keeping mine father conscious, I took mine mother by the arm, I took her into the bedroom-closed the door in silent charm. I whispered to mother quickly, " Come on were praying NOW", we bowed ourn head's on the side of the bed, asking God though faith in Christ, " Lord please hath mercy and saveth Ron now. After a few questions from the emt's, I went down to the ambulance with father, as whilst mine dad was dying, he to the ambulance men preached. I laughed and smiled, as dad was telling those fine men how to be saved; Mine father spoke of Yeshua, even whilst his heart beat in rage. Mother followed behind the ambulance, I was sitting inside with dad, knowing all wouldst be alright, for the Lord and Savior was on ourn side that day, and for all coming night's. We got to the hospital, doctor's gaveth dad some tests, A miracle happened; no damage to his beater, no issues with his chest. As after dad was taken for x-rays to a darkly picture room, I looked at mother left alone with me, and it hit me with prophetic swoon. I thought about the number's thirty-one and thirteen, as I kept on seeing them in tax form, I kneweth it was about mine father or mother both, as crazy as it mayest seem. Though Yahweh giveth signs; vision's, or by death, symbols and dream's. As water started flowing in that room, left alone with mother, I cried out to her, as we stared upon another. I told mine mother "GOD SHOWED ME ALL ALONG", mine father's day of birth, was the thirteenth back way long. His heart attack was the thirty-first thus both signs matching the story, thirteen God showed me his birth, and thirty first was when this happened, a harbinger in timely warning. Though the story doth not end there, verily more to it, father hadst a dream a month ago, that I did not tell. Mine father sawest mine grandfather Nagley, who died when I was only five, from tumors throughout his body, cancer the way he died. Grandpa Nagley warned mine father a month in advance, of mine father's coming soon shaking, mine father didst not remember the word's from grandpa's mouth in the dream, though now we knoweth it was truth on string's. And one day before mine dad's happening as well, mine dad dreamt three dream's in a row, three; the number of the father son and holy spirit, the Trinity in God's mode. Dad hadst dreamt three dream's right before what took place, dad saidst he saweth me whispering " there's two men at the door, wake up. He sawest the two men come in, the end of his dream. The two men that first walked in to help saveth his life, were those two emt's. ...........

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©dedication to father Ron Nagley..... Thank God your alive dad love you.... As angels were once again protecting you, as God answered me and mothers prayer... And God's giving mine father a warning sign to come back to him.... As if we turn away from God he gives signs for us to come back to him....and it's truth and reality!!! Though what a loving merciful God you are!!! This even isn't the end of the story. Found out 31 had to do with my mother .. Kept seeing 31 and 13 at work. On cash register... Lol. Well mine mother just got into a car accident Jane knows about now I told her. Mother made it home safe. Totaled her vehicle. So this happened all literally two days apart from each other... Both numbers God kept showing me and I kept telling Jane, Jane these numbers are bothering me because I know they have to do with parents!! And yes!!! They did! God warned me!!! 31 July 31st mothers b day. August 13. Dads b day both matching signs God gave me!!! God wants mother and father to come back to him. I'm his vessel he's using to reach parents. And for me to come back fully!!! An amen to God alot!!!
métier- job, occupation...
Vatic- describing or predicting what will happen in the future....(archaic word)
Harbinger- a forerunner of something, ( warning)....
Wouldst- would.
prognostic- archaic, an advance indication or portent of a future event.
Twas- it was....
Sigil- sign or symbol- archaic word...
brandon nagley Dec 2015

Amiss was I, in mine earthly vessel,
Agin the igneous chasm. Bane being's,
Inside of this thing were gruesome,
baleful, their laughter caused spasm's.


Amongst the hideous unholy creature's,
Bursted in, from on high, in majestic features;
A native speaker, a distant teacher, an angelic
Waker of love's soft due. She took me up whilst
She pulled me through;


I held her plumage, we held close tight,
Never thinking hadst I met this queen, though
We held close all night, all was right. At once tis
I was home, into her arm's, her embracing charm.
Hadst I met this empress before? Asked mine sinful soul.


Passing through a tunnel, going many miles a speed,
Mine blood dried, mine tears now fine, she saidst we must
Proceed; "O' how I thanketh thee queen, for rescuing me,
From that hellish pit in slime, in grime, dirt and ****. As
didst I sit; as I whispered to her "I thanketh thee so much".


At the end of the tunnel, I couldst see the brightest white,
It flooded me in amare, none heartbreak was there, just happiness-none to compare, wherein all made human reasoning dive deeper in their psyches; though tis this is what's real, mountain's that overtower the field's of rosebud bliss, I entered on in- the entryway of paradise, with Jane's kiss.


Seraphim sang a million songs, I couldst seeith loved one's, I couldst view mine old cat and dog; whilst tis this place hath none need for a moon or the sun, God lit this divinity; tis a wonderful reality of what mankind pushed away, or tis what many blind themselves from, ignorant and dumbed, by man's philosophy.


Mine amour' cameth back into sight, I asked her the question that was in mine mind during ourn flight; " queen Jane, I hadst asked, I kneweth thee mine love, long ago mine lass, verily I kneweth that tiara atop thine head, verily we were lover's in ourn spirit form before earth, yea mine love? Jane replied with a smiling look, "verily, verily, we art in God's book's, we were afore spirit lover's from ancient time's hook's, we were predestined to meet once again, the Lord sent me to thee Brandon, mine king, soulmate-best friend".


After she verified what I kneweth, the pain and anguish lifted off of mine shoulders, once a sinner now renewed, mine eye's stared into her's, I felt the affection between us two. Finally; me and her met again, mine all whom I looked for back on the globe, mine soulmate-mine soul; I felt joy for the first time since birth. I was elated, ive waited a long time, to be freed from death's curse. Mine longing and mine wanting of thee mine lass, finally hadst come; praiseth ourn God, for sending thee mine chosen one.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedication
Amiss means out of place....
Agin means next to or against.
Bane means pretty much horrible or not good.
plumage is a collection of wings.
Afore means before
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Like pop rock's
When she saidst she loveth me;
I jumped out of mine body
As mine pneuma went thither the nebulosity.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
brandon nagley Oct 2015

Into twlight, Shadow's of monster's, men's piercing sight's
As they stareth at mine queen, dog's, hopeful dreamer's, dream's;
Tis, cometh to find out these verily aren't men, they were aloviti being's, their breath was poisonous as an asp, teeth as glass.


Tis these brute's couldst not be killed by arrow, nor gun's, unless silver and gold were used; They brought a thunderstorm and hail over me and mine beloved's head, they clinched their lip's, their nail's ripped through the roaring of the darkness around instead.


Mine Earl Jane Nagley held me closely, as tis these barbarian's were untamed and ghostly; I pulled out mine secret hidden choice, An Aesculapian snake to giveth a bang taste to these to these unholy ale's, I used that silver and gold to cut off their tail's.


Whilst the thunderstorm's and hail dissolved into thin air
Mine reyna and queen hugged me and screamed, cheerfully;
She saidst to me she loved me, tis now she was free, from pain and from anguish, I saved her again from the devil's advantage.

©Brandon Nagley
©Earl jane Nagley dedication ( filipino rose)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Just found this story on Google thought it would be interesting to write a story of ale in Serbian mythology is a demon that takes form into a man,,, the demon can breathe on a man and become him. The ale's or demons power is thunderstorms and hail which is said it doesn't effect a village directly but the villages surrounding where the storm is.. And if a ale breathes on you it can make your soul leave your body up to the clouds.... Also you can't **** these ale's by any ordinary weapon not arrow or gun ( unless) silver and gold is used with it.... It is said the main choice weapon is the Aesculapian snake which somehow its poison killed these ale (demons) this is in Serbian !mythology and a few other European places around Serbia.... Interesting.. I'm not Serbian at all just thought this is interesting... Enjoy (: oh and yes aloviti are names for man transforming into these demons...
brandon nagley Sep 2015

In sheol, I lifted mine view atop me; wherein the cave was a dreary scene, fixture's and antique beam's screamed of the hopelessness in this sump.


A preternatural shimmer, bursted this chthonic picture; the demon's betwixt me and her hunched. Her brigandine of Filipino shine, yoked into mine synapse.


Mine carrion shook, into the nook's, she slipped me through sheol's crack's. The earth above, I was taken up to, seeing all, I felt a calm, from this seraphim of tribal awe.


She saidst " Brandon ive come, to giveth thee mine protection " I felt a rush of her touch; direct ressurection. I healed instantaneously, as mine soul finally found it's other half.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication/Filipino rose
brandon nagley Oct 2015

Last eve', whilst mine Filipino rose
Was falling deep into her slumber;
I started to doze off, into hypnagogic state
I wasn't sleeping, nor was I fully awake.


In the midst of this hallucinatory reality
I couldst discern a tender mild voice, betwixt this actuality;
The strong yet forward word's spoke as this to me
Brandon, "doth thou want to cometh home to JESUS CHRIST" ?


As tis the word's JESUS CHRIST were in italic bold font
From the way it was saidst, it was sung as an angel wouldst singeth his name up in heaven; someone, not knowing whom, asked if I wanted to cometh home, was this an angel, or a dream?


Ive hadst encounter's with demonic being's daily, as tis I've had angelic encounter's as well, wouldst twenty seven be mine last;
As I've thought of this a many whilst's, as tis every musician of mine I've loved died at this age, as two plus seven equal's nine.


Nine, mine favorite number, mine sport's digit always chosen as a boy, nine, the number meaning completion in all religion's;
The figure representing the completion of life's own cycle, as tis so many star's completed their journey at 27, was I being called?


Didst someone asketh me to cometh home? Back where I belong? To the star's? To God's son? Number's alway's meaneth something; in mine bible, in all religion's, in all thing's, as tis angel's speaketh in front of thee or in dream's, was that mine angel? Calling me?
True story... While between sleep and awake while watching Jane sleep last evening, the words loud yet soft spoken said to me
( Brandon, do you wanna come home? Or are you ready to come home but I think first thing I said... Lol then after the words do you wanna come home.... In a singing different angelic song they sung... TO JESUS CHRIST!!!! Wowww that woke me up from mine intermediate sleep loll umm honestly not ready to go back yet yes do wanna be in heaven now and escape this horrible world.. But I have so much more to change about me and help more people out and do stuff with mine queen Jane like meeting her so definitely not ready yet though as anyone should know... It's not up to us when we wanna go back home always or die... As our dear poet Ernest knew .. When God wants us he takes us plain and simple.... I know even when I get into that cycle of sleep when happens every soo often even stuff like that doesn't happen... I deeply believe one of mine protectors whether a family member or an angel most likely one or the other asked me last night that question in mine sleep.. Then that singing came in angelic and I was awake after lolll so yeah... Always pay ATTN.. as angels and demons more than exist.. Demons I
especially know much about being literally ( physically attacked) by them daily...  For those who wanna scoff and mock really don't care I've shown Jane this while talking with her one minute next I'll show her fresh scratch big and long on mine body! Or wherever they scratch... It's a constant thing... Why you ask? Demons hate hate hate see anything to do with Christ and Christs father... Especially Christ.. Though I sage mine house alot as does !mum.. And pray alot for Christ to make them go then they always leave.. They hate hearing his name.. They don't care to hear any other name that you might call on.. Noone else will protect you.. But they know Christ is the only one.. The PROTECTOR!!! And hate it when you say his name then they leave.... Thanks for reading..
hypnagogic state- means the place between sleep and wake.. Like paralysis in a way...
brandon nagley Dec 2015
I sawest
A tunnel up

I went into
The brilliant
Light; thought
I was dead.

I was greeted
By mine angel;
"I'm Queen Jane
She saidst".

She illuminated
Me with kisses;
She doused me
In blisses, the
Pearly gates
Opened, as tis
She entered me

©Brandon Nagley
©earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
©lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Apr 2017
Avaunt, I wilt be from the blackness of this foredoomed orb, men slaying for thing's they lusteth after; God's sentence shalt be handed down, by quake's to shake the grounds, fireballs twixt the skies wilt
Pound, bombs to mankind's bullet rounds
Shalt be found amongst wailing shores.
Avaunt, I shalt be caught away into the
Third heaven, like an eagle seen then
Gone, I wilt soar past hopeless love,
That wilt mourn below mine feet.
Deplore thy world O' creation
that sleeps; for the harbingers hath
been painted on thy subway Wall's
And steel-plated towers. Thou hath
Mocked Yahweh's prophets, and son's
And daughter's; thy trees shalt turn to
Crisp in the afternoon hours, thy rivers,
Oceans, shalt turn to blood, whilst thou
Slept around in foreign bed's to find thy
Own love, dying for the affections of other's,
Yet rejecting God's only son, contemplate now for thy night's wilt be of the undead,
As death shalt thou seek. Tsunamis wilt
Be blankets across thy soils to sweep, as tides shalt turn brides into watery graves.
Free thou art thou dost thinkest, yet still enslaved; by media, the elite who keep the
Innocent locked away in a ****** cage.
As Satan laughs, with thee in his fingers, puppets with many he dangles and plays.
Avaunt soon I'll be feasting with mine Lord, none more worries of what's before, but forgetting what's behind. Open thy heart dear reader, put eyesalve on thy eyes, for this planet shan't save thee from the thing's to come, don't be caught up in life's lusts, for tis not love. (Acts 4:12), Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. That means O' dear poet and poetess, Jesus Christ is the ONLY way. The way to escape the judgement coming upon our earth, for born of the ****** Mary by the ****** birth. He spoke of what's coming, as did the Prophets afore him, he spoke of he's the only way, to escape hell and go to heaven. For he was mocked, spat upon, beard ripped out and torn, upon his head was placed, a crown of broken thorns. By his stripes we art healed, as he was whipped for thou and me, what's coming thou can't escape reader, by the way for thou he didst bleed. Nailed in his hands, as holes to in his feet, hanging upon the wooden cross, his bloods loss was for thy souls keep. As to he was pierced into his heart in his side, flowing water with  crimson, that water is life. He died, rose again the third day, that all may hath eternal life with Christ, so in heaven thou shalt stay. Avaunt from the misery soon to hit one day. Maybe in months, days. For Christ the lord is coming, as every eye shalt witness his beauty, as every knee shalt bow, every tongue shalt confess his name. The morrows not promised, he offers thee
Eternal life; make the right decision now,
For the morrows not promised, neither is
Thy life. For I tell thee now, he's coming
For his wife. His wife is the bride (the church who's accepted him as their savior). He shalt say come up here, the mainstream wilt report in news and papers, BILLIONS ART MISSING ( WE THINK ITS BECAUSE OUR ALIEN SAVIORS). World governments wilt lie, as Jesus Christ came to take his bride, they'll tell thee it's our (alien brothers and sisters) in reality demons pushed as good guys. But Christ wilt soon call us, for the signs art happening in the heavens now, and millions wilt be left behind, on the planet with an Antichrist and false prophet, giving out RFID chips in the hands and between thy brow. For if thou dost reject Christ before he rescues his children, thou shalt be left behind, to worship the Antichrist, and the image the false prophet makes that wilt be seen reaching high. If thou dost take that mark, as sayest in Revelation thirteen, doomed shalt thou be, in gods book of life then erased wilt be thy name. Today do choose which place thou shalt stay. In heaven or in hell, dost thou knoweth thy stay? Wilt it be with the Lord? Happy in peace? In God's light and true love? Or wilt thou be left behind when the papers read MILLION'S VANISHED, THE ALIENS DIDST COME! Though as I saidst dear reader, it wilt be Christ who's coming to take those who accepted him, the world leaders wilt give lies like butter spread out in one world togetherness. Yeshua hamashiach (Jesus the Messiah is close). Soon to take his church; wilt thou accept him today to spend eternity with him? Or be caught in the lie, that (aliens) reality demonic beings art our friends.

© Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poets poetry
© Prophetic poetry
Word meanings-
Avaunt; away.
Foredoomed; condemn beforehand to certain failure or destruction.
Orb- the earth.
Lusteth-lust. (Archaic form).
Deplore- feel or express strong disapproval of (something)..
Hath-have .
Harbinger,- a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another. (Signs, signal, warnings).
Yahweh- name for God to Jews and Christians just as gods name is also called Elohim, Jehovah, the great I am, Emmanuel ( meaning god with us).
Eyesalve- medical ointment for eyes, to open them for one to see.
Shan't-shall not.
Tis-it is.
Afore-before at an earlier time.

, Rapture is a state or experience of being carried away. The English word comes from a Latin word, rapio, which means to seize or ****** in relation to an ecstasy of spirit or the actual removal from one place to another. In other words, it means to be carried away in spirit or in body. The Rapture of the church means the carrying away of the church from earth to heaven.

The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven.
Rapture is where Christ physically removes his believers both dead and living to be with him in heaven for seven years he removes his bride (the church) Christians who accept him as Lord right before tribulation of seven years (gods judgement and wrath) is poured on this earth meanwhile during the seven year tribulation an Antichrist will proclaim to be God in the new third Jewish temple that will be built during the seven year's of tribulation (JUDGEMENT) and the Antichrist will have a false prophet (religious) leader bringing all world religions together to worship the Antichrist and an image of the Antichrist that will be built during the tribulation hour of (seven years) while JUDGEMENTs one after another'hit the earth during seven year's tribulation, though gods people shall be protected in the third heaven as I speak in poem there are three heavens mentioned in our Bible by apostle Paul.
1st heaven- sky you see, air we breathe
2nd- space, universe, stars sun Moon planets,
3rd- actual heaven beyond what we see where angels are . And where one actually goes to when died when accepted Jesus as Lord, where gods throne is. Where Jesus is.

Read below anyone not saved in Christ o came to warn others being a watchmen of god I must tell you what's to come as our Bible prophesied of from prophets of old to our Lord Jesus Christ what he said would come as is happening now . I'm giving you the only way to escape the JUDGEMENT coming to your planet and I'm being straight serious when I say judgement is coming and so quick you have no idea. I've seen what's coming to your world in dreams and visions things out Bible speaks of the fireballs, the massive things to hit your planet. As our Bible spoke things are coming that will make men's hearts fail them. I'm giving you an opportunity to escape what's coming to this planet so heed my warning and please accept the only Messiah who died for your sins that all mankind may have eternal life and go to a real heaven whether you die today or Christ raptures his church any second now which he will. Time to wake up as I'm blowing the trumpet Loudly to warn you. I don't Care if you like this or not at least read it so you know what's coming this is just some of it. Wanna​know more write me (Brandon nagley) on Facebook or imagine923 Instagram also Brandon nagley in YouTube in my channel there thanks...

You may ask the question, "How can anyone really know 100% sure that they are going to heaven when they die?" The answer is found in the Scriptures. Here we will not look at what man has to say, but what God says in the Bible. Remember, if what man or religion teaches is contrary to God’s Word - God’s Word is always right over man’s word.


I Jn 5:12-13...
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

According to God’s Word one can know that he or she has eternal life. In order to have this settled one must realize Salvation is only through Christ.


Acts 4:12...
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
John 14:6...
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Many have been taught salvation is either through church membership, baptism, good works, or taking the sacrament. Most religions teach living a good life is required for one’s salvation.


Eph 2:8-9...
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”...
Titus 3:5...
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
Gal 2:16...
“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”
Gal 3:10-11...
“For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.”
Gal 3:24...
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”
Rom 3:20...
" Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin".Understand, one can be sincere about their beliefs yet wrong. If you were sick and someone gave you poison to take instead of a medicine remedy; it doesn’t matter how sincere you are about taking what you believe to be medicine - if it is poison, you are in trouble.
Prov 14:12...
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

God’s Word makes it plain that the gift of salvation is only through Jesus and is by grace, not by doing good things.

According to the Scriptures, to once and for all settle in your heart that you are going to heaven...


1. Why We Need a Saviour? WE ARE ALL SINNERS.

Rom 3:23...
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Rom 5:12...
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"
Rom 3:19...
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God."
James 2:10...
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

Unless you admit you are a sinner; you will never see the real need for the Saviour. If we could get to heaven by our good works, why did Christ have to suffer such agony on the Cross?

2. If we die without Christ as our Saviour there is a penalty of eternal punishment in Hell.

Rev 21:8...
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Rev 20:14-15...
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

3. Christ paid the penalty for our sin. We MUST receive Him as our personal Lord and Saviour.

Isa 53:6...
"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."
Gal 3:13...
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:"
Rom 5:8...
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
John 3:16...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

4. Receive Christ as your Saviour.

In conclusion:
If you have already admitted you are a sinner and according to the Bible deserve to go to hell and if you believe with your heart that Christ died for your sins and arose from the grave the third day...

Rom 10:9-109...
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Right now after reading these Scriptures if you would simply bow your head and call upon the name of the Lord He will save you and give you eternal life. Remember, it is not just believing. Satan believes in God but that certainly doesn’t mean that he is going to heaven.

Rom 10:13...
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John 1:12...
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"

Your Salvation is your own personal choice now. You can either RECEIVE CHRIST or REJECT HIM. It is up to you. Salvation is determined by what you do with Christ.

If read what's up top wanna make Lord Jesus your Messiah and be saved in him and have eternal security. Peace. Through God please say sinner's prayer below . Get yourself a Bible kjv preferably if not that a nkjv... Because many denominations are changing scriptural words and adding also taking words out. Please say prayer below mean it believe it trust Christ now. Your times running out... That's truth.
Please note: The Salvation Prayer (sometimes referred to as the    Sinner’s Prayer) below, is not an “official prayer” but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus into your heart. You can pray to God in your own words if you choose.
Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Close eyes now bow head
We pray to god the father in his son Jesus' name.

Dear God, I come to you Right now and admit I'm a lost sinner who deserves to go to hell if I died today/tonight. I believe your son Jesus died and rose again the 3rd day as scripture says. I believe your son Jesus is the only way to eternal life and salvation. I want to accept Jesus your son right now into my heart and life. I am turning from my sinfulness right now. And am making Jesus my Lord and Savior. So I ask Jesus be my lord and Savior today, as I turn from these sins I've lived in. Thank you for saving me, as I will live my life for you.
( End prayer in Jesus name)
In Jesus  name I pray, amen...

Also follow Christs teaching ( especially loving one another , and forgive always) .to overcome sins let his holy spirit in you work in you, as we all sin and must stay in constant repentance as if do sin, lord is willing to forgive you though you must repent meaning turn to Christ away from sin. Also study Bible daily soak in gods words. Tell others who Jesus is spread his gospel wether by showing Christs love or prophesying whatever gods gift is he gave you. Use it. We're all given a different talents as gospel sais. Also get baptised if can if can find good church or good pastor to who speaks on hell heaven salvation not money preaching churches all glitz glamour leads you to hell Churches. Baptism isn't required for salvation it's a representation of Christs death his burial and resurrection. We usually get baptized after salvation to follow what he did because we love him and want to follow our lord, so if do get saved try to get baptised in a godly church though if cant it doesn't mean you aren't saved, as said baptism doesnt save us .Pray you accept Jesus Christ asap, times short.

Also wanna get more details can also read my poem called (nibirus approach, or one titled for all poets to read, serious note)

I came here to bring light and truth where there is none. I'm no prophet nor do I predict anything, I'm just here to give you the message of Christ's love for Every one of you and for you to accept him now as Lord and savior before it's to late for you to do so. Because much deception is being pushed in the world as Satan's working hard to decieve and blind many eye's.... Telling you the world will save you or materials or fake gods that sit in tombs or how good you live or that your own works of being a good person will get you to heaven or that there are many paths to heaven! All demonic inspired lies from Satan himself
Don't be tricked reader and read all I wrote accept Jesus Christ today as your savior. Your eternal destination is yours to choose. God made hell for the devil and his demons not for you as gospel spoke. Yet when you reject his love and Christ on your free Will it's what you choose. I know it's not (popular,) to tell you truth but I'm not here to be popular I'm here to bring you raw truth and gods light. We have free will to choose and it hurts Christ Everytime people reject him and choose themselves and the world. What will you choose today poet??? Think hard and deep and make your decision quick... I know truth many wanna shut out but I came to give up so heed my warning.
O mother of the Saviour of the world,
     Blesséd art thou, among all women blest,
For God himselfe within thy womb was curl'd,
     And God himselfe did suckle at thy brest;
And he that dyed and rose and quitt the tomb
Blossom'd within thy house and there did bloom.

The firstborn fruit of Gods inerrant seede,
     Press'd like a bunch of grapes beneathe His wrath
Untill the Man of Sorrowes sore did bleede
     And suffer more than any martyr hath,
Was offer'd vpp a sacrifice for mee
By Father God and, Mother Mary, thee.

Woman, behold thy Sonne, the glorifi'd,
     Transfigur'd Kinge of Heauen; lion, lamb,
Messiah, God and man who liu'd and died
     And liues againe for aye, and is I AM;
Like Abraham, the LORD did ask thy Sonne;
Like Abraham, thou saidst, Thy will be done.
brandon nagley Jul 2015

As the wartorn baby lied down on the middle eastern battlefield,
The tanks rolled in, the bombs struck heavy, as poured out sin,
It seemed for the young girl no living was as this was to be dreamt, her night-mares becameth real, her spirit of her hath left


The sunshine was eclipsed, as the sarin and mustard gas blimped
The grenade's made servant's, out of the gentle and innocent,
And hatred was spread between the lies, of the media outlet's channel, terrorist rolled their eyes, as burn's smoked the flannels


These brute's woreth green in verdant camouflage grass anger
Were friends before their war, now rebirthed as killing strangers
Yet there was one soldier who put down her exploding bomb's
An saidst "I want war none more" , as was a girl of holy god


She screamed to her lung's, (" canst thou all seeith this is of the devil? I am not one to **** mine brother! I am a messenger of the celestial levels") as the death bringer's heard this, their eye's began to run, they've forgotten of their lovers, and their own love


As this girl who was a terrorist, not by her own hand was given
Remembered she was forced, by the men of evil torture and livings, Though she abandoned the war, the evil man hath put upon her, her soul overcameth, with God in the those wartorn flames, for that girl remembered at that moment, she being gods daughter.....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
A story about a girl like alot of girls in middle East forced to be a terrorist and murderer due to the agenda of the middle eastern terrorists... Alot of people don't realize in middle East. Alot of girls are kidnapped ***** and forced into being the girl who must go in front of forces who are hunting down terrorists to be slaughtered for terrorists and quote ( martyrs for God) when actually terrorists are using these young women for their own evil purposes to create their own caliphate ( Islamic new world order and *******.... Just truth. Thank you... We must pray for men and women forced into terrorist originations like Isis and al-qaeda.... Thanks for reading... And btw I have no hatred for Muslim people. I'm very close with alot of good Muslims and !me and me family have Muslim friends though we are Christian... Just terrorists are using young Islamic boys and girls for a caliphate and their own order and its sickening to see these evil men use such wonderful Islamic people.. As people think just Christians are being killed and tortured!!! Wrong! Muslims as well and middle Eastern souls..... No good ..Satan's weapon against many.   Sadly!!!! As people need to see both sides... So many Americans think alot of terrorists turn terrorist's due to their own wanting to be a terrorist! No, alot are forced into it like this girl in me story, alot of these women are *****, slaved as young girls and made to strap a bomb and dynamite to their chests to go do God a service... As bible speaks of terrorists in last days in I believe Isaiah old testament, it sais ( when you see them coming by the sword claming to do God a service, than know the end is near.....) Well look what's going on Isis and terrorists are killing imprisoning and hurting Christians around the whole world and beheading them by sword and knife!!!! for their beliefs in Christ, and alot of Muslim innocents who are turning to Christ are having same happen to them due to their turning their belief over to Christ, and the terrorists can't stand it. Just truth!!! There are good and bad people I'm all religions! Though was predicted long ago... As Christ taught..saying this ( they will hate you for mine own names sake) how true
brandon nagley Aug 2015
The most dim and horrid of all truth's in amour sometimes;

I seeith so many couple's, wherein there's always one lover
Who telleth the other lover " I loveth thee hunny "
And the one who was told their loved,
Replies back " O thank's...............
Such a sad horrid Truth,
Though the one's who told the one's they loveth
That they loveth them and yet got none response
But an ' O thank's, still continueth to loveth that other person
Because that's what true love is............
Yet also, sometime's, the person who sayeth they loveth the other
Some time's wilt just moveth on, from the pain of not ever hearing the same word's and action's back of true amour',
Because fact is, one canst not waisteth time
Giving all their love to one who canst even sayeth it back!!!!
And canst even showeth it back,
Though the person who moved on
Still loveth the other person;
Tis they've realized
Someone else just might sayeth it back
Since the other couldn't say it....
Love is a duo, not a one way street
And if a one way street;
It's not truest amour' on the other person's behalf......
And sadly I seeith this alot to;
That when the person who never saidst those words back
To the one who loveth them
They regret never saying the three word's to the one they do loveth, and they realize at that last moment
How much they loved the other person all along;
Yet were to afraid to sayeth it at the time
Out of fear of being hurt........
Amour's harsh truth sometimes.......
This isn't for anyone personally I just see this soo much and its soo sad soo so sad.....
brandon nagley Apr 2017

Lassie of broken dreams, wailing, hurt,
God is waiting for thee; for his arm's art
Open to thy lost smiles, for he awaits
Thee dear child of hopeless days
And despair.


Dost not thou knowest my friend, for how
Much God dost careth for thee, for in thy
Cuts he didst share.


He took thy doubts and worries on
That cross, two thousand years ago,
For thee his blood was lost.


For thou owest nothing, he's payed the
Price, for thee hopeless one, he gave
His life.

Verily, verily I speak of Jesus Christ.


He saidst come unto me all ye who labor and he shalt give thee rest, O' he wants to
Bring thee peace, not the cutting holes
Inside thy chest.


He's been right there with thee, though thou
Dost not know, thou canst not hide thy tears, for thy tears to God doth show. He ascended after ressurecting, to the heaven's he didst go; being seen by over five hundred, with other's and two angels.


He offered his life, so thou shalt surely live,
Heaven he offers as paradise dear sad one of this worlds abyss. Christ is smiling upon thee now child of many fears, his arms art open to thee friend, thou art more than worthy to us poets and so thou knowest God is near.


So if thou seekest peace, for that peace in Christ alone shalt be found; he loves thee O' dear jotter, for his love for thee shan't forsake thee, his arms art open to thee
As around thy shoulders the holes in
His wrists wilt be wrapped around.
This is a poem dedication to a fellow poetess darkhope she's going through alot right now and has no hope we'll darkhope for one you should change your name because your a light to all poets here and you feel you are a noone and worthless well may I honestly say your worth alot to god and to everyone here so truth I leave you with words below to a Messiah who loves you and his arms are waiting open for you to come to him..
Notes below isn't just for my fellow poetess but all who have no hope and don't know if heaven is your home after your soul leaves your body, you can know for sure and have peace with the true Messiah and loving savior while Alive to...

You may ask the question, "How can anyone really know 100% sure that they are going to heaven when they die?" The answer is found in the Scriptures. Here we will not look at what man has to say, but what God says in the Bible. Remember, if what man or religion teaches is contrary to God’s Word - God’s Word is always right over man’s word.

I Jn 5:12-13...
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”

According to God’s Word one can know that he or she has eternal life. In order to have this settled one must realize Salvation is only through Christ.

Acts 4:12...
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
John 14:6...
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Many have been taught salvation is either through church membership, baptism, good works, or taking the sacrament. Most religions teach living a good life is required for one’s salvation.


Eph 2:8-9...
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”...
Titus 3:5...
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
Gal 2:16...
“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”
Gal 3:10-11...
“For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.”
Gal 3:24...
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.”
Rom 3:20...
" Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin".Understand, one can be sincere about their beliefs yet wrong. If you were sick and someone gave you poison to take instead of a medicine remedy; it doesn’t matter how sincere you are about taking what you believe to be medicine - if it is poison, you are in trouble.
Prov 14:12...
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

God’s Word makes it plain that the gift of salvation is only through Jesus and is by grace, not by doing good things.

According to the Scriptures, to once and for all settle in your heart that you are going to heaven...


1. Why We Need a Saviour? WE ARE ALL SINNERS.

Rom 3:23...
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Rom 5:12...
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"
Rom 3:19...
"Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God."
James 2:10...
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

Unless you admit you are a sinner; you will never see the real need for the Saviour. If we could get to heaven by our good works, why did Christ have to suffer such agony on the Cross?

2. If we die without Christ as our Saviour there is a penalty of eternal punishment in Hell.

Rev 21:8...
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Rev 20:14-15...
"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

3. Christ paid the penalty for our sin. We MUST receive Him as our personal Lord and Saviour.

Isa 53:6...
"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."
Gal 3:13...
"Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:"
Rom 5:8...
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
John 3:16...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

4. Receive Christ as your Saviour.

In conclusion:
If you have already admitted you are a sinner and according to the Bible deserve to go to hell and if you believe with your heart that Christ died for your sins and arose from the grave the third day...

Rom 10:9-109...
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Right now after reading these Scriptures if you would simply bow your head and call upon the name of the Lord He will save you and give you eternal life. Remember, it is not just believing. Satan believes in God but that certainly doesn’t mean that he is going to heaven.

Rom 10:13...
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John 1:12...
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:"

Your Salvation is your own personal choice now. You can either RECEIVE CHRIST or REJECT HIM. It is up to you. Salvation is determined by what you do with Christ.

If read what's up top wanna make Lord Jesus your Messiah and be saved in him and have eternal security. Peace. Through God please say sinner's prayer below . Get yourself a Bible kjv preferably if not that a nkjv... Because many denominations are changing scriptural words and adding also taking words out. Please say prayer below mean it believe it trust Christ now. Your times running out... That's truth.
Please note: The Salvation Prayer (sometimes referred to as the    Sinner’s Prayer) below, is not an “official prayer” but rather a sample prayer to follow when asking Jesus into your heart. You can pray to God in your own words if you choose.
Regarding the location of the Sinner’s Prayer in the Bible? Well, there isn’t one mentioned; it is only implied. The basis of the Sinner’s Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Close eyes now bow head
We pray to god the father in his son Jesus' name.


Dear God, I come to you Right now and admit I'm a lost sinner who deserves to go to hell if I died today/tonight. I believe your son Jesus died and rose again the 3rd day as scripture says. I believe your son Jesus is the only way to eternal life and salvation. I want to accept Jesus your son right now into my heart and life. I am turning from my sinfulness right now. And am making Jesus my Lord and Savior. So I ask Jesus be my lord and Savior today, as I turn from these sins I've lived in. Thank you for saving me, as I will live my life for you.

( End prayer in Jesus name)
In Jesus  name I pray, amen...

Also follow Christs teaching ( especially loving one another , and forgive always) .to overcome sins let his holy spirit in you work in you, as we all sin and must stay in constant repentance as if do sin, lord is willing to forgive you though you must repent meaning turn to Christ away from sin. Also study Bible daily soak in gods words. Tell others who Jesus is spread his gospel wether by showing Christs love or prophesying whatever gods gift is he gave you. Use it. We're all given a different talents as gospel sais. Also get baptised if can if can find good church or good pastor to who speaks on hell heaven salvation not money preaching churches all glitz glamour leads you to hell Churches. Baptism isn't required for salvation it's a representation of Christs death his burial and resurrection. We usually get baptized after salvation to follow what he did because we love him and want to follow our lord, so if do get saved try to get baptised in a godly church though if cant it doesn't mean you aren't saved, as said baptism doesnt save us .Pray you accept Jesus Christ asap, times short.
brandon nagley Aug 2015
I kneweth when God saidst
Let there be light;
He wouldst sendeth an angel to me
It was Jane in the night.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tis the lightbulb went out
The sanctuary's gone dim
Mine vitality ****** from under me
Hell grabbed be in its abyss;

The burning is underneath me
Henceforth burning mine lashes
Mine screaming canst not be heard
Mine liquid fired to Ashes....

Mine bulbed lenses
Singe inside mine sockets
Buck naked for all to see
No shirt, sleeves , nor pocket's.....

Just agony of death,
Clinching it's underworld teeth
Until I saw an entity
Put the life back into me....

This same lass bypassed
The portway to anubis
She hadst taken broken bone and glass
Just to deliver me from Satan's whip....

She tooketh me from crevasse gulf
She granted me just one wish
I wished I couldst serveth her the rest of mine day's
And from her to get one kiss....

She saidst thy wish shalt be granted
And she pecked me on mine cheek
Leaving angelic dust Mark's
As tis mine legs went weak....

Mine health returned to me
One hundred fold in a flash,
She crossed the lines of hell
Just so mine life couldst last....

So now I go
Unto her throne,
And sing for her as her muse
And when she's down,
I cometh around,
And play her romance tunes......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Elsa  Angelica dedication
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mine skeleton conveyed
Through the *****'s of death's cave;
No longer incarcerated
Free from being a worldly slave.

I hadst to absquatulate
As I needed to escape the afreet;
They reached out their talon's
Hooves wrapped around their feet.

An amphisbaena was awaiting me
To taketh a bite from mine soul;
Yet God was mine deliverer
He carried me to his abode.

The anguilliform couldst not grab at me
As they called out mine name;
"Brandon, cometh here they saidst"
As I saw the rising flame.

Though tis mine creator kept them back
As mine lifeform left the dust;
He sprinkled the aspergillum
As mine spirit was drenched in heaven's musk.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
,the title means - an implement used for sprinkling holy water in religious ceremonies
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Abater, wherein art thou?
Hung in hopeless romantic gallow's?
Stuck in a cloud?

Abdicate this volition repudiate
The time is now;
For the pearlied gate's.

Proliferation'***** mine glut
None staying behind;
No if's, and's, or what's.

Grandiose word's from other's, to much saidst
Guile liar's;
Of unholiness.

Fidelity gone unseen
Lost in the finesse of foment dream's;
Daunting foresight, dearth belief
Snakes with teeth, to slither thine audacity!!!

Abstinent, they locketh their beak's
Their two people by nature, masked freaks;
Giveth thee evidence, of non-concrete
They shuffleth their feet, for defaming fun.

Biographer's, of their own self
Don't careth, for noone else;
Trap us in a wanting hell, wherein croon's art pain, pain is swell..

We fall
We fell

In their devour....... .

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is written while back not for noone.. Just writing (::::
brandon nagley Aug 2015
The pastor saidst to me and mine wife
Til' death doth both of thee part;
So I took mine wife's hand
Her name is lonesomeness so thou knowest;
Down the aisleway we walked
Forever together
Til' death we do part....
As she always covereth mine
Lonesome heart...

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Story of me and lonesomeness getting married lol mine life and fate I guess..
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
The voiceless shores of Ancient Greece
If we are constituting heroes in Greek mythology
Tiresias what do you saidst the will of Zeus
One, the one hath been blessed
Like the music in my ears
That who doubt my prophecy
Worldly truths tell of a boy of otherworldy strength
Nether broad, but, pure
Hera burns in red blush as her eyebrows furrow
The sin is complete and so is the milky way
Where the divine milk hath flown
Iphicles may cry a plenty tears
The charioteer Iolaus is born from the split
As bright as the azure complexion of the sea
Heracles runs like the blue skies, now
The wind fastens him and his power
Two snakes may fast approach their demise
The day fast approaches when his virtues outlive the vice
A broken lyre abrogates his penance towards music
A golden apple rests on Megara's tunic
The daughter of King Creon in Thebes
But the God yields to anger of his ego
As this lover faces her happiness endeth
Heracles rests and pursues the Nemean lion
First of his hard labors under Eurystheus' scion
Proceed the Lernaedan Hydra of immense spine
Two for one and a head for all
Twice ahead and none shall fall
As the final call, Hera sends the mightiest of them all
Iolaus aids in the downfall
A captor may miss the Golden Hind Of Artemis
Buttressed arrows shall never lose or run amiss
Heracles runs as the wind does, however, carries some abuse
It eluded him a year till vast effuse
The pavilion was set on trust quite ostensibe
To conquer every existing monster
In this primordial nature
The Erymanthian boar, who dare deny
The world was ruled by forests once
There were lances as Pholus took his chances
A gift from Bacchus held the balances
Often, the strength of such wine needed tempering
The hero of the peregrination asked for him to open his cask
The wine attracted centaurs far and wide
The divide made the labor a slightly precarious task
Many of the centaurs died from the arrows
The teacher of Achilles' took them in
His name was Chiron
He was the wisest of them all
As well as civil
Poseidon is beguiled to rage and cavil
As Hera reconciles with her child after many, many years
Developing a fond kinship with love to attest to
Heracles also lost to Dionysus in a drinking contest
One may say the voices are still heard
From the remnants of Heracles apotheosis
Came a soul worthy of Mount Olympus told by sages
And lovers that existed and stood the tests
Illud erat vivere
The embers of the golden summer spent in joy
Burnt out with the sacking of Troy

— The End —