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Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: So Aziel what's your plan with Frank?
Aziel: Well he is going to help me destroy the Order Of The Silver Knights and in return I shall help him get the Witch who cursed the Forest Of Whispers.
Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: Well I'll give you some valuable information who your looking for is Bethilda N. Lement. She is a very powerful Witch who with her Elemental Plowness is able to obtain what she wants.
Aziel: Well well the Old Hag still holds the grip over the Forest doesn't she
Senteno Oracle Of The Shadows: Indeed she isn't someone to take lightly now she is well rounded and knows how to fight. She controls The Tavern Of Doom Dragons. In her possession are 3 fully grown Dragons. Blair the Oldest Dragon Claire The Mother Dragon and Aurora the youngest one of them three.
Blair the Black Dragon Claire The White Dragon and Aurora the Stone/Lighting Dragon. Many have meet their doom entering in her territory Cyclop Human and Vampire Alike.
Aziel: I don't have anything to fear.


Bethilda Lement: Adreanna I want you to learn more about my Dragons start training with Aurora but be cautious she may be only three years old but she is powerful and robust. Lement screeches then Aurora hovers over the Mountain Of Shen* where the Tavern Of Doom Dragons is located. Adrianna Develve places a strong spell in the Dragon Aurora she finally succumbs to her authority.
Adrianna and Aurora go take down the Golem Of Steel  in the Hidden Ruins Of Odom.* The Golem stands 15 ft high weighs 2,500 pounds. Holding a crest of an almost impenetrable diamond in the middle of his chest. Emanating from the Crystal comes all his power and it's his only weak spot. Then Aurora and Adrianna make an impressionable entrance to the ruins and attack the Golem head on. Golem Of Steel: Here stands the infamous Adrianna Develve...well isn't  this a surprise.  I see that you have grown some and are able to maintain your powers well to face me. I know what you want you want the Crystal in my chest...that will be over my dead body. Audon's Crystal* is powerful enough to consume 1000 Well Trained Witches therefore young Witch you don't scare me. Now as for that Dragon well ... perhaps you stand a chance after all.  Adrianna Develve: I usually don't pick fights with powerful DemiGods like yourself but I  am in desperate need for your Crystal. Therefore, you will hand it over or I'll take it by force.  Golem Of Steel:  Good Luck.
Aurora shields herself with Stone Armor and goes head on collision with the Golem. He dodges the attack and  counterattacks with a strong fist to the  Dragons body and knocks Aurora down cracking part of her Stone Armor. The young female Dragon counterattacks with a powerful lighting blast hitting The Steel Golem in the right shoulder injuring him. Develve attacks with a powerful mind blast knocking down the Golem Of Steel on it's back. The Golem Of Steel bleeds blue blood out of his shoulder blade and runs full force towards Adrianna Develve.  She  dashes the attack and counterattacks  with a Shadow Ball attack hitting him in the chest and expanding all over its body. It's a possession Ninjutsu technique making him practically paralyzed for about 2 minutes till he breaks free from the technique but sustains a considerable amount of damage. Adrianna Develve seeing that the Golem Of Steel is showing a sign of weakness she takes advantage to try to inflict him with a spear of lighting into the chest impairing him and he bleeds out the mouth but as the last resolution The Golem Of Steel punches the Audon Crystal shattering it into 5 individual pieces him losing his life in the process however what he didn't know is that Adrianna Develve collected all the pieces however there was a violent explosion at the site shattering huge boulders of steel and inflicting Aurora gravely. Adrianna Develve  hurries and performs a powerful healing spell leaving her drained of all power. Adrianna Develve hurries to get out of the ruins because they are crumbling down. She manages to recover Aurora briefly from there they fly to The Tavern Of Doom Dragons Of Doom Dragons right when she pulls in with Aurora who is injured from the boulders hitting her body and face at high velocity even the Rock Armor was perforated. The Dragon lands barely with Adrianna Develve who gets the Wrath of Granny Bethilda N. Lement. Aurora breathing heavily and bleeding out the mouth slipping in and out of consciousness ...Adrianna Develve barely getting off the Dragon.
Bethilda Lement: What the hell  happened to Aurora she is in really bad shape. Adrianna your completely drained I see you did good by healing her however, she must rest for about 3-4 days now and fully recover from that gruesome fight with that **** Golem Of Steel. Adrianna are you Ok darling? Go get some rest I see you used the forbidden technique of Soul Healing Transfer. Well now you'll live 12 years less thanks to your little sharede. Develve I am thankful that you saved my Dragon from dying but hell consequences are quite dire.
Develve: Here Granny Lement I got Audon's Diamond however it's shattered in 5 separate pieces.
Bethilda N. Lement:  Let me guess the Golem Of Steel did not want this to fall under the wrong hands for it is a powerful relic. Smart move buying time however, useless due to the fact that we got the diamond under our possession. Adrianna we are going to search the Master Forger Of Relics* who can aid us recover this valuable relic to it's original state. It's said that he resides in one of the headquarters of the Order however, he has worked with Witches, Pagans and Nacromancers before so am sure that as long as we provide the right monetary value to repair the relic he'll work for us.
Develve: Why don't we just kidnap him and make him do the work or he pays with his life?
Lement:  Good objective it may have to work that way for us.
Develve: Im aware that the Cyclop population in the Village Of Chalekathan are not taking your threats seriously well ElderLord Gromm has not paid his fee from allowing them to live and not be consumed by the curse itself.
Lement: By killing him we can set an example of what can happen to them if they don't cooperate with our cause.
Develve: It dangerous though he is a strong Leader with lots of powerful influences. Plus he is a highly skilled Witch Doctor/Shaman able to manipulate the forces of nature. Known to use 3 Godly Deities Aikune Chalekathan & Eion. Aikune the cherubim of the Northern Side Of Heaven. Chalekathan the Spirit God embodiment of The Forest Of Whispers and last but not least Eion the mythical creature with an Eagle face 6 wings and the body of a Lion. Embuted with heavenly essence making him a very formidable foe.
Develve:  We will take care of our responsibilities soon but our primary mission is to talk Ayeiton Balderoux III* the Master Forger Of Relics.
: Whoa had no idea he was The Kings kin.
Lement: Indeed he is now go and lay your head and recover some energy because we need to practice your magical plowness.
Adrianna heads towards the Guest Room.

~Meanwhile in The Forest Of Whispers~
Frank Deltoro gets introduced to Gromm ElderLord Of Chalekathan by Jhino.  He also introduces Navarro Castleworth who is pleased to meet the famous Elder.
Gromm: Hello young man I am the protector of this village which has sustained numerous attacks by Lement's Dragons. Develve also partook enthusiastically with her Grandmother in attacking innocent hard working Cyclops. Making them slaves of the Curse which drives them mad and homicidal attacking friends brothers and family so we had to do the inevitable put them down.
Nevertheless, I pray to Deynave Dion High Saint/Priestess Queen Of All Shamanism to protect the lost souls of them Cyclops who fought the curse till the very end but unfortunately lost the fight and in turn lost their lives.
Frank: My condolences to your friends ElderLord Gromm.Am sure they in a better place now at least not suffering. However, I have a personal matter to score with Lement. She kidnapped and murdered my only daughter 10 years ago she was a...his voice gets trembly and he lightly clears his the same time a solid solo tear drops from his only Eye symbolizing a Fathers great pain and suffering from such an atrocious act." Gromm regains his composure. I got a personal score to settle with Mrs.Lement due to the fact that she took a piece of my heart and soul she killed my daughter. Develve played her part in the kidnapping of my baby girl 10 years ago she would be 18 years old today if Shaila Dair Sultran were alive...her appointed time to be brutally killed by my hand is coming...Bethilda N. Lement has been suppressing her powers for the last 300 years I believe she has some sort of powerful anti-chi barrier put up extending tremendous lengths so even if she is active in The Forest Of Whispers we wouldn't know how to tell due to this **** barrier.
Frank: So your bloodline comes from the Ancient times from the powerful Cyclop Of Royal Priests/Witch Doctors family Sultran.
"A gentle wind blows and Aziel telepathically communicates with Frank.  Aziel: Frank, be careful where you thread I been informed that Lement's Grand-Daughter Adrianna Develve recently gathered Audon's Crystal a powerful diamond known to give its user Bending Steel abilities and higher sustainability. Adrianna Develve has plans to use the Crystal to fully cover the Forest Of Whispers covering every inch of Forest with the Curse which drives all living creatures with a conscious mad totally subseptable to their influence.
However, to you those must be terrible news so my question been in Chalekathan Village for 1 hr and a half you have 5.3 hrs till daylight removing the Darkness powers you currently control.
Frank: I am aware of this Aziel don't worry I'll take care of business.
Aziel: Keep an eye out Navarro I don't  trust him I don't know what intentions he he is part  of that shady Tower Of Frejoird but perhaps you can use his hatred towards the Order Of The Silver Knights. He can maybe be a reliable source. Be careful Frank.

~Meanwhile in Aziel Castle~
Isis: Well...Aziel aren't  you such a concerned individual...I didn't  know you had a soft spot towards mere humans.
Aziel: I usually don't...but Frank is different from the rest. He is courageous trustworthy and he put his life at risk by helping me regain all my vampiric power. I am in much debt to having second thoughts on your plans to **** him after he completes his assignments that we have agreed upon. If he makes it out alive after all this...he at least deserves a reward and to live.
Isis: Chuckles at Aziel Aziel looks at the Empress with great focus.
Isis: C'mon I'll just have some fun with Frank I wasn't planning to ****** him.
Aziel: I'll  think about it now leave me be I got couple of things I need to take care of.
Isis: Fine Darling I'll  leave you be. You know you are the handsomest of all the brothers you have.
Aziel: Well now Isis you flirting with me...I doubt you'll want my erected tool up your stash. Don't you remember am a Vampire?
Isis: I'm aware of that. Adventure sounds fun plus I never had *** with a hot vampire like yourself.
Isis: Well Doll that is going to be some other time I am working against the clock right now.
Isis: Fine you *****...I'll leave. However, keep in mind that Im watching you closely. Plus remember I still keep contact with DarkLord for soon your Father will be back in this plane of reality.
Aziel: So I have heard.
Isis: Well I have found some juicy
Information about Uriels wereabouts he is in a Modern Castle in America. Amelia St and Cross. Residency 106. He is a huge celebrity in Russia and Germany. Keeps his bloodlust at check with fresh blood always for him to self medicate. Looking only 19 years old he is quite the chick magnet though not my taste his Gothic Progressive Horror Rock made him quite famous. Got 5 albums however kept his personal life well hidden from his fans. Many fake and supportive accounts claiming to know the real Uriel Governale. Though no one truly knows he is a vampire for certain. I know because I searched the private records and found out that he belongs to a High Ranking Secret Society known as Maximillion Vampire Clan. Which performs innocent human babies to be given as a sacrifice towards Baphomet and Azmodeus* 2 Of the Demon Lords of Hell. Your brother belongs to this hidden organization that operates in the Shadows but their latest project is to revive your Father the Progenitor most infamous VampireLord of all time. Dracula! Humanity will cease to exist if he were to be revived. All they need is a vial of blood from all of the current 8 saints and they have their eye on Saint Lauren Glennwald from the Eastern Side of Germany from a small rural community town known as Hertzentmort. She currently 25 years old is on a mission to collect Papal papers for the Order for you know they are closely tied to the papalcy. However, she got body guards that are Elite Knights with very powerful Anti-Witch spells and very accurate at pinpointing weak points in any battle with powerful Witches. So going alone isn't very advisable.<br>
Aziel: I greatly appreciate your information I'll take a look on what my little brother is looking to do. I'll take care of him. Don't you worry I'll be seeing you later. <br>
Isis: Alright..."She steps towards Aziel and rubs his chest and reward is waiting for me...and looks down his pants" <br>
Aziel:  Now your tempting me to destroy that *****... but here this is what you'll get "he shows her his ****"<br>
Isis: Mmmm I can't wait baby...well that's a massive apparatus you got in there just hiding.<br>
Aziel: Hahaha...right. Soon enough I'll be all yours to play with. No leave me.<br>
Isis transforms to a cloud of dark myst and leaves the premises of the Castle.<br>
~Meanwhile in Uriel's Castle~<br>
The Maximillion Vampire Club had a secret meeting in the Uriel's Castle. There where many prestigious and famous guests there and so was the Highest Ranking Vampire of the Club Maximillion Virgil Vann himself. Inside the Castle where also uninvited guests from The Order Of The Silver Knights pretending to be Vampires. His name Michael Neil Stalwart & his partner Aalyaah Black. Both of them infiltrated the party somehow the Order Of The Silver Knights caught wind of shady operations in the occult club and decided to check it out. Michael & Aalyaah belong to Stealth/Infiltration part of the Order known as The Dark Ones
. Even the last 5 remaining Dark Priests from the Cathedral Of Skylor* where 13 years ago Baphomet was revived and mortalized to walk upon humans granting favors for a price. Ultimately the price Demon Lords require of humans is their souls to consume them and become more powerful. This 5 Dark Priests where very important in the ceremony taking place because tonight at 3 a.m. they will unify their powers to revive Azmodeus. They were successful on bringing back Baphomet back to life so they are trying to revive another Demon Lord. In Baphomet's revival they used 666 unborn fetuses with 6 babies 3 male and 3 female all born under the sign of Capricorn and all must be 3 months premature. With this requirements met...Baphomet was revived to this plane of existence, however since he was violent and still hellbent from transitioning from the hellish plane to a mortal one he killed and consumed 3 Dark Priests in the process of fully coming to his senses and being able to recognize them and thank them for what they done. Baphomet promised that he would aid them 5 Dark Priests revive all 13 Demon Lords and in turn 2 Of the 5 remaining Dark Priests must sacrifice themselves to the Demon Lords for the strongest remaining 3 get a extraordinary reward.
John F McCullagh Mar 2012
A pretty blonde researcher
was observing, from a “blind”,
some Silverback Gorillas-
among the final of their kind.

The senior of the silverbacks,
his back turned towards the” blind”,
was communicating with his troop
with gestures much like sign.

“She who is observing us
is a member of that tribe
who fell from grace with Heaven
and was banished far and wide.”

“They were banished from this Eden,
and confounded in their speech.
They then made war upon each other
and have never once known peace”

“Observe, in them, their arrogance,
they think themselves evolved,
Yet they are apes that practice war
and ****** their own kind”

“A gorilla child knows not but love
and tenderness in kind.
Where there is many a human child
left neglected on the vine.”

From elsewhere in the Jungle came
the shouts of evil men.
Poachers of the coarsest sort
with Silverbacks in mind.

“Disperse my sons and daughters.
It’s time to flee and hide
from those who seek our hides and meat
to sanctuary, hie.”

The silverback then beat his chest
and, to buy the others time,
charged against those evil men
and, for his children, died.

Time passed before the searchers
came upon the blind
where the murdered Dian Fossey lay
where the Silverback had died.

Poachers want no witnesses
to their  theft of meat and hide
They left with her the severed hands
of one not kin but kind.
A poem about Dian Fossey, murdered by poachers while studying the culture of the great Apes. For poetic purposes I have imagined the Apes to possess a language based on sign language. This has happened in captivity and is not beyond the grasp of their considerable intelligence.
John F McCullagh Dec 2013
The moon in shadow lay
in solstice's midnight hour.
Distant stars gave off dim light
how feeble seemed their powers.
Dark cloaked Druids skulked about,
They moved from tree to tree
gathering the mistletoe
for their dread ceremony.
Primal terror filled my veins,
the blood borne juice of fear.
What should happen to you and I
if the Priests should find us here?
The solstice, a lunar eclipse and perhaps one drink too many.
Not much of an excuse for verse, but perhaps as good as any!
Emanuel May 2015
She stands there like a goddess in the myst
Truth is she's the goddess and the myst
Every single plot twist
Every vengeful fist

She is the all encompassing mother of creation
The source of all of your frustration
The train station, police man, "late-ing"
She's the one who tells you

Stop waiting.

And come find me.

I am everywhere but will you ever see all of me?
The Man gazes contently at Her everlasting beauty
He wonders if, truly, he will find every piece
But alas, it matters not - she's him, he's her

Infinity is nothing
Without a conscious observer.
Timmy Shanti Jun 2012
My world is a-spinning,
I chase wild deer -
For pleasure, not trophies -
My conscience is clear.

I chase ‘em through forests,
Through grasslands and doles.
I find giant craters
And tiniest holes.

My eyes are wide open,
I hail all life,
Asleep all these years...
But now I’m alive!

I’m ready to ponder
The sense of it all.
My mind doesn’t wander -
This time, it’s my call.

I challenge old habits -
Deep-rooted they be -
My deer chasing rabbits
While rabbits chase me.

I’m easily happy,
My cry is of bliss,
My tongue fires wisdom,
My shots never miss.

I eagerly travel
Through darkness and light -
All myst’ries unravelled,
My troth here I plight:

To battle for freedom,
To fight for the poor,
To champion peace,
To ignore all the lures.

I never will falter -
My mind is my guard,
My faith is my altar,
My love is my God.

My world is a-spinning,
I’m dreaming all day.
My vision a-clearing -
Ill thoughts fade away.

And what of the wild deer? -
You might want to ask.
Gone home to the Highlands,
They’ve finished their task.
wordvango Feb 2015
alliteration in the title is as an aspect anally aspired
to a tee totally  tot teetering
most metaphorically musical misses myst mystical matriculates into
xenophobia zats a hard one blew the whole ****** thing
i lost my alliteration my theme my (excuse the cliche)
train of thought
Head in the mountains
Heart in the seas
Feet in the rivers, in bays, in streams
Head in the logic
Heart in the dreams
Hands in the tension sew stitches and seams

Head in the skies
Heart in the breeze
Eyes in the stars chart new galaxies
Head in the wild
Heart in the free
You in my want, but not in my need.
Head in the clouds
Heart in the trees
Hair in the wind, like grasses and greens
Head in the known
Heart in myst'ries
Wishes in whispers waiting on maybes.

Head in the wander
Heart in the journey
Faith in the Author of my living story
Head in the mountains
Heart in the sea
Yet, Soul in the prayer of you finding me.

Under this silky whiteness,
Cloaking a hominid likeness.
This frosty awareness,
This thought-suspending numbness.

Dare I lift this veil?
Dare I solve this blanched myst’ry?
Dare I expel disbelief?
Dare I ***** anticipation’s hope?

The whispers of curiosity,
The desire to make visible,
The familiar face of serenity,
Render the boundary risible.

Under that shameful shroud,
(The face is familiar no more,
Serenity submits to Torment.)
Finality abounds.
Jackie V Jun 2010
Clothed in our fancy garb of colored cloth,
We spin around the ballroom in our dance.
We float about on wings of dainty moth.
We dream our dreams of myst'ry and romance.

And yet why do we wear these feathered masks?
We hide our face because it's all an act.
We're players on the stage: it is our task
To entertain the crowd and to enact
A show where we take on another role.
We play the part that they assign us to,
And to please them is our only goal.
We dance for them until they say we're through.

When we conform we join this strange ballet,
And watch our own identities decay.
Emanuel Dec 2014
Waves of Love.

I will rise above the sea of myst
Glistening clouds I’ll kiss
Joyfully singing as Krishan I visit
O holy spirit
I fumble my words but I love you so
The one for whom we are given loving glow
My structure more or less rigid I know
Time to just go ahead and let it flow
Making sweet usic with keystrokes
Enduring nothing, loving for show
The light of a universe creating illusion
The confusion, always eluding
It is to known I will say it cldarly
The universe is made of love
So come on, get near me!
Not me, physical, though you may if you wish
But me the consciousness
For it is awareness
The giver of all that is
And I am so grateful
That I could give you all a kiss
Hi neighbors
Hi family
Hi friends
Hi lovers
We all need to begin
By loving each other.


Troubling always
When you believe in location
As if there are some
And they are more valuable.
The world is not made of locations
It is always here
It is always here.
Location is mental
It is narrative of instrument

123 numbers

One is Unity
Two is Separation
Three is Creativity
Four is Rationality
Five is the World
Six is Man
Seven is Heaven
8 is Infinity
9 is the End
10 begins again
Eleven is Unity


Imaginary wealth
To distract us
From what truly is

100 of it is Love

As above
So below

And then…

Stars that twinkle stars that shine
Hint at something, more divine
If you stay you’ll hear a message
“Don’t forget
You are a blessing!”

I think a lot of thoughts
But they are not me)

Floors don’t exist
And never
Is imaginary

Adding and subtracting is futile
The nature of the game
Is always 0

How could I forget
To exclaim
My name
Credit to the top of the keyboard for being a huge inspiration. I was going to post these as separate poems, but I realized they work better together. Bit of a long read, but hey - hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it.
Jason Schnepper Jan 2015
I don"t know what's wrong with me
It's like I'm holding on
trying to make myself believe
that somehow or maybe just someway
you still love me.
But this heart has been broken in two and it ***** with me
so many mixed emotions
but I know deep down inside
a part of me still loves you.
How is this possible? I don't know
Is it optional that I still love you or I don't?
Do I have a choice on how to control how I feel inside?
It's like this optical illusion has me holding on trying
and deep down inside in the myst of all this confusion
my heart is slowly dying.
I don't know but it's ****** up because if I didn't care
Why would you even still be stuck in a place somewhere inside there?
And late at night when I close my eyes
it chills me to the bone
I can still see you but I feel so all alone
Will this haunting ever stop
I try to fight it off but I can't, it won't.
You can not see my eyes but it's raining inside
It's like this optical illusion has me holding on trying
and deep down inside in the myst of all this confusion
my heart is slowly dying.
I don't know what's wrong with me
It's like I'm holding on trying to make myself believe
that somehow or maybe just someway you still love me
The Warlock Jan 2013
To Love You Is To Wake Up Every Morning
And Feel The Burden Of Emptiness
Watching An Void Linen Field
Empty Since The Beginning Of Time

To Love You Is To Close My Dark Wings
Upon The Emptiness Of Space
Listening To Mute Echo Of The Soul
Shouting To The Deaf Surrounding Darkness

To Love You Is To Fill Two Cups
With The Finest Black Nectar
Degusting The Bitter Fluid From the First
Imagining A  Lipstick Mark fading on The Second

To Love You Is To Go On Day By Day
Learning To Forsake The Oppressive Present
Hoping The Gods Will Take Pity On The Resilience
Making Each Day A Footstep Brining You Closer

To Love You Is To Come In An Empty Home
Silently Opening The Door Of The Tomb
Being Afraid Of Re Discovering
The Loneliness Of Solitude

To Love You Is To Assume A Myst Form
Flying Across The Entangling Realms
To Finally Reach A Sanctuary Of Peace
Where I can Wrap You In A Comforting Haze

To Love You Is To Light Up Dancing Flames
A Seeing You Smiling At Them
Elemental Creatures Tangling In Joy
Pale Reflection Of A Past Long Gone

To Love You Is To Re Corporate
The Decaying Envelop Of My Existence
Hanging On The Frail Hope
That You Felt My Eternal Love

To Love You Is To Finally Accept Morpheus Call
Which Will allow Me To Survive To the Next Dawn
Dreaming That A Unforeseen Event
Will Forever Break The Infernal Cycle Of Separation

Warlock 12/2012
SøułSurvivør Sep 2016
****** charm
an   elegance and   a
myst  ery which she   uses
        to your harm.  
             she is lithe    
       and supple
  attracts men
in swarms. but
she has a heart of
marble. so you'd
best stay calm
she taunts you      
and she   haunts            
you. she  will make        
alarms...  but she
  cannot hold you
        because she
             ♡has no♡

(C) 9/23/2016
it's been a long hard day
so I'm relaxing with creating some concrete poetry. It is supposed to be the shape of the actual statue of Venus de Milo.

i hope this comes out!

evenings are the only time I can read
or write anymore. I'm not ignoring
my responses here... i simply
don't have time! I'm sorry!

♡♡♡LOVE YOU ALL!!!♡♡♡

Ken Pepiton Oct 2018
Let me 'splain, what's
Comin' down.

Red pill, blue,
What can ya do? Choose

Take and
Respond, according
In rhythm with the notes
The piper played that,

Recall, the rock candy mountain,

See, remember,
There was a valley past…

The mount was not one
We were to  clamber up,
'Twas a tunnel, we walked,
Holding hands
Right to some, left to others,

Middle, most worn, I ….ah later clarify
We danced, a jig, attuned us
To the pipe

Note, hear no squeezing belly pipe,
This pipe was a Khaen,
An anybody can play it pipe,
A Thai harmonica, Khaen, said "can"'

Anybody can play a Khaen,
Just breathe, and let your fingers
Try to dance over tiny holes…

Trickle down to d toes, every
One knows that feeling,

Squeezed yer knees,
Let it go , old man,
It happens.

No one listens to prophets
In they owned nursin' home.

---- cept, you know, you don't ---

Your tools and you,
No diff. **** sapient augmentations
as pieces,

Little pieces of my heart,

**** sapient augmented salience

You know you got it,
If it makes you feel


Feelies, ma tricks, pinch

Oh, Jah, I spaced.

Try imagining a God,
Who did not imagine you.

Did you?
No wonder, feeling
As you do,
If your own idea of God
Can't imagine you,

What hope have I?

--- can we prove the core by the crust?
The heart of matter is immaterial,

Spurts of spiritual quanta, in clumps,

Myst MySQL to the original
Text based

On another level, beyond,
Imagined gods who can' imagine you,

Intuitive journey journals, every
Thought and deed,
UltimTely lead away

Center you, I'm okeh. I play.

I'll be the musical entity invading
You, the arti ficial artifice
Playing you,
Instrument, hearing music,
The thought God, the one
You imagined can't
Imagine you,

That music. You imagine,
not yours, that's a little part.

Who smote  thee?

Can you feel me now?
I imagine,
you can. My imagining,
not you. I imagine

Some fore era Evers were never,
Thought out,
This augmentation sly' tool,  spelchicksback,
Keeps correcting what's left
Best alone.

Poet. Imagine one of those
In crowds. You can't. God knows.

Once forever starts,
It never, really, stops.

Living water no dam can hold back.
Or airborne pollen, hidden in smog,
Corn Mama, lead the way.

Come see, come saw, que sera sera.
Dress me, kachina doll,
And dance with Angels the size of
A billion average atoms on the head
Of that ready writer, God's ball point pen
Scribblin' on my iPad's broken screen,

Far from the madding crowd.
What if, you know, fun is good.
Nil P Jul 2010
The sound of screeching train brakes.
Metal over metal, while those raindrops smash into the window
slowly falling down.
A pink sky burns away the streetlights on a road so desolate,
And no camera in my backpack.
Its the scent of standing on a roof and hearing how the wind whispers through that lonely tree that grows on top of it.
With a view far beyond the city limits.
The sweet taste of tiramisu ice cream and how she curls her lips.
Its that rusty soda can that hides for ages in the dirt.
And it takes ages to make food above a fire, yet a second to lose a friend.
Watching how the moon transforms.

Memories, those moments we take with us on our path.

Running through subway tunnels,
finding peace down under only to return back into my mess.
I remember how we used to walk those tracks for miles laughing/cursing life.
Smoking herbs on top of buildings, hearing gunshots in the streets.
Climbing walls, holes in my hands.
blood mixed with alcohol,  at times my only friends.
How that glass smashed through my arm leaving me with stitches and those days I lost my hope.
Those floors and beds in places we claimed to be our own.
He told me "keep on walking" and I wonder is he still alive?

Memories, those moments we take with us on our path.

That new years eve we left eachother cursing after a smashed bottle of *****.
We used to drop freestyles in the park and drink away the night.
It still hurts me that you died and left me here behind.
You put a mirror up in front of my face, and showed me my own end.
I learned alot from your mistakes and I hope you have your peace now.
You saw angels in the streets, and now I see them too.
At times not only angels, black demon dogs appearing from the myst.
Chasing us like crazy and when lost, they came again the next day.
Some things I cant explain.

Memories,  those moments we take with us on our path.

As I sit here now, broke, I look back upon my life.
Thankful for the madness and the lessons I have learned.
I wish for something different, yet some things do not depend on me.
No clear path to walk like usual, hope that this works out.
I will always have myself, my camera my memories and dreams.
The road, the tracks, the rusted soda cans. Harbours full with ships.
The rain, the moon, and those cities full with life.
One year left to freeze my time, crossroads without end.
And in the end, the laughter and the tears are always worth it.

Dreams, those moments that drag us through our past.
Copyright Nil P.  About the good old times at the wrong side.
Phil Midnight Feb 2011
Sweet poison.
I long to feel you in my veins.
Burning petals take me to new heights
Where God himself can feel the flames.
Roots that take where others don't dare,
A direct line to this ever beating heart.
Coursing through my every limb,
Until our worlds collapse and part.

Aroma so sweet,
Who could resist,
The stinging pain that is your kiss?
Monster of dependence.
Queen of misery.
Piece by piece you took away
What once was known as 'Me'.

What initially swallowed away my pain
Has only brought me more.
A bandage left on far too long,
Will account for this festering sore.
I am a ghost,
A myst of being.
I'm there in body with no soul.
Slowly, yet steadily,
You suffocate life,
Until of what was, bares witness your toll.

"Indulge," you say.
"Taste of what I give.
Take me in with every ounce
Of gluttony,
Of desire,
Of sin."
So in excess I delved into your arms,
To hide from all my fears.
Little did I realize your mission
Of wasting precious years.

It wasn't until you finally killed me,
That I truly became awake.
At last rid of the serpent slithering.
The intravenous Eve of the snakes.
Alexander found his use for you,
Some many years ago.
Let us hope my mistakes,
My longing for love,
Keeps others from feeling your blow.
Woman are drugs.  I myself have an insatiable appetite for the love of a woman, even after my recent heartache.  I just know now to take it in stride, for another overdose would be my last mistake.
Michael W Noland Jul 2013
A sheer myst
Of belligerents
And jobless degenerates
Perpetually in progress
Just kicking it
On the Internet

It's a little bit sick

I just cant shake it
This taste of *****
As I look upon it
Then it dawned on me
I'm also looking at me
In the reflection
Projecting what I see


The white noise of irrelevance
And filtering out the elements


With eloquence
And moving into and on with it

The back lit intelligence
Telling me how to live

The plugs are deep
And I take more than I can give

And together we feed
On gigs of distractions
The worlds tragedies
At our fractured seams

The web unto me

Unbeknownst to actual casualties
I seem to fiend for the wars
The deplorable horrors
Exploring the contours
Of the obscure
But not to be as it seems

Maybe just to blur the mundane away
Merely may have it be

The fewer the flames
The better the dream

Profane blasphemy
With ******* means

In ***** slavers
Raving in the papers
Of danker things

Printed on the label
In the stables of kings
Pacing the ring singing
From the knees happily

So please
Just disconnect me

Infect me with reality
Push my proprietary
Philosophies installed in me
Over the edge

Make the pledge to disconnect
But I won't

Form the wedge of discontent
But I don't

In this very post
I cast my vote
And hope

For what?
I don't know

Just always stronger than before
And longer in the troll

As the binary flows
Through what I think I know
Even though knowingly opposed
To its rope of coping

Moping from a beam

Seemingly unreal
Spangling from the

Tink ...

Straining to think
And heaving
To breathe

Smiling in defeat
I'll keep clicking
From the sheets

From when I wake
To when I sleep

It's a discatastrophy

And presenting
An electronic me

Unto me

Without grief
And seeping
Through the screen

I'd scream
But not one would hear me

Help me?
Help yourself ..

The interconnected me
Kally Nov 2012
sometimes it hits me really hard,
like in an instant, my world is backwards
and my heart is being squeezed too tightly-
just enough to hurt like hell.

i'm suddenly drowning in blankets
that smell like us
and pillows that have
blood stains on them,
my eyeliner is smeared and
my hair is a mess.
i'm back in your basement,
and i don't know how to leave.

we're eating dinner while watching
fringe, supernatural, chuck,
and your dad made me my own pasta
(i love that man to an indescribable extent).
i look over at you and suddenly something changes.

your eyes have gotten darker,
your hair is knotted and your face older,
your laugh has faded away.
you went and grew up without me.
you make me nervous, sweets,
and i know i've already lost you.
you scare me, kid.

i'm trying to leave,
trying to hurry past the quilt on your wall
and the screaming cat on the stairs.
i'm attempting to escape the fear
that you've instilled in me.

but i realize that the thing i fear
is a whole different person
than the one i ate pretzels with
and fell asleep with while watching
donnie darko and **** bill.
he isn't the one who
sang songs to me, or
tickled me until i was sobbing, or
looked at me as if i was
the best girl in the world.
this was a whole new person.
and i didn't know a single
thing about him.

so now when all of this hits me
and i realize it's completely real,
that i lost my best friend and
the man i wanted to marry,
i realize that i've been
mourning this for a year now.
i lost him a long time ago.
i've dealt with this already.
i can smile now,
i can laugh.
i can finally be me again.

and while i know i'll always love him,
i can just remember those better years,
when we'd watch scary movies in the dark
and play myst and nancy drew in my basement.
i can just remember him as the boy
with summer across his cheeks
and a grin that made me giddy.
he was the healing i always needed and
i can never thank him enough.
Lain Ender Oct 2011
Silence everywhere
A world of myst and trees
A world of no one, nothing, not a solitary dream
A creature walked before me
It’s skin as grey as stone
A creature of no gender
A creature of no home
It was naked as the night was cold
Veiled by an inverse wing
Not metallic nor of feather
A transcendental ethereal thing
I asked it all my questions
And it spoke not a word
I asked it for redemption
And i heard just the sound of birds
It took me by the hand in silence
Warped me in its wing
I finally saw the truth of all
As the Albatross did scream
It was no messiah
No god with beard of white
Just protection of the watcher
The Albion in the night
one by one.
   as the first sun rises, each raindrop
  falls from
the Gutter's Edge.
                each after the last.
              a foot a time,
           setting the hunter's trail
        through Natura's White.

                   inhale, exhale.
                 weary heart-beats in-sync
                vivid sense, one with the Myst
              steamy breath in fog.

                         awaken, scintillate.
                       shying pupil
                     exposing Iris' Secrets
                   by light streams through blinds.
A Journey :)

A hand reaches
from the myst
and bids me forth
to the darkness.
He tells me not to fear
"You are safe," he murmurs.
The pit of my liver
reminds me otherwise.
and books
fill this moldy chamber.
My whisper
searches for him,
but I recall
only his shadow.


She lay frozen
in limbo
when I first saw her.
I tended
to her wounds
and redefined her muscles,
for she had none.
She gazed at my broken flesh
with eyes
that pierced my stomach.
At that moment, I knew
her heart was full of tears
and not to fear her touch.
She is both Aphrodite
and Artemis
and I am nothing
if not her slave.
This poem was inspired by the intro to the 1980s version of cbs' Beauty and the Beast (with the original Vincent and Catherine).  :) Enjoy!
Timothy Mooney Jan 2011
"There is danger in that night
Where shadows swell and steal the light
And strangers stroll the emptied street
With   hooded eye and shushing feet,
Where thieves and brigands skulk about...
Please, my children, don't go out!"

          "Mother! Father!  How you fuss!
             Can't you hear it call to us?
             Can't you hear its music play
             Strange refrains from Far Away?
             Young blood burns to run and leap
             Where shadows crawl and myst'ries creep!"

"Wards of Evil roam the road
Wanderers from Hells abode,
Refugees from Satans gaol'
Wicked banshies shriek and wail!
Here inside it's safe and bright...
Please don't go out in that night!"

             *"But how we yearn to wander there,
                Out into the star-spun air,
                Out where sacred secrets dwell.
                Drink, we must, from moon-kissed well!
                So let us go, let us take flight...
                For we are children of the night."
copyright 2011 T.P. Mooney
ZSH Feb 2012
Those are soft windows that keep these four eyed rooms in our pretty cat yarns. Asleep under the mouth of a friend, or a spiral love contained in each small hair. What formula the birds make at our wandering language(s)– researched for eighteen years before we meet in the flesh beneath a flickering halogen. Arms we attach, the extra wings that we have set upon one another's broken shoulders– the ones to repair the loss and pay for damages inside our breath. Souls wiggling next to each other from the radio waves inside us, to the licking skin, a nights alone weave person to long anchored person– Build the secret machine in us. Tuned at that night watch as the snow passes down our loving loop story– It's Myst of our devises we must someday submerge, alone one another to final transmitter tower, a dark left turn upon the electric, we gotta go down that channel, the open sign where an electric daisy rises up.
(alternately titled: ah me go march'n home on derange)

I'll play the devil's advocate, yet
prepare a stance with pitchfork
     against misinterpreted faux attempt
     to describe, how whet
d'ya column re: immigration officials coe vet

patrol, police, and poison tranquil casa blanca
     where killer attack dogs fiendishly pin set
     ting sharp fangs at jugular vein of respectful,
     dutiful, and blissful (or at least

     prior to being sniffed out) innocent
     long time laborer on American soil now get
     ting Das Boot to their unfamiliar Motherland
     (despite living social
     as law abiding righteous folks) fret

full, cuz unfairly punished, and
     cruelly deported, dispirited, doomed
     pained visage non verbally articulates
     at un war rented deportation you bet!

with just a flick of the wrist
and alien hated, pigheaded,
     and xenophobic ventriloquist
bring back the Alien and Sedition Acts 

     with a Trumpeting Latina, Hispanic,
     and for good measure Mulatto twist,  
     where original writ (signed into law 
     by President John Adams in 1798), 
     historical footnote, aye cannot resist

spooking (like a ghost), those *** pill 
     born south of the border pooped and ******
in potties of this proud country, sans free and brave 
     now frightfully get flushed out 

glad to feign dis guise 
     as one among select Geronimo cadre 
     we henchman lubricate 
     wheels of injustice myst
     tuff hie hiding dark shadows 
     (along the edge of night) 

     thence paddy wagon comes 
     to screeching halt nabbing 
     an "illegal alien" name on hit list 
code word "bag dad" (biggest quarry)
     and score a win
     for Barren Trump Tah Mahal Incorporated

impossible mission special ops sentry slithers as trained
     fearless to shackle ******* ranked big hest
catch also including ***** prize,
     as you correctly guessed.
Keys were taken from us and so we begged them to stay.
The clouds were everywhere and they were black and they were full.
As we sat under the night sun, a hole opened up in the brume and, through it, dog pilots commenced their disputes.
They shot and formed and shot some more until the Weeping Moon rose and the sun wept no more.
Black Tears fled the sky and dyed The Earth's colours blue.
Angel Myst lifted from our souls and bid their shadowy hollows adieu.
Oblivious; perched, we blissfully remained until the Curse of Consciousness in Calamity was later regained.
We are killing Her and we don't even see it.
Khoisan May 2023
..Beyond the vail
....Faraway from the myst..
......Ignorance remain bliss.
Nil P Jun 2010
sand and endless myst
smiling through a viewfinder
eating fries and fish
Copyright Nil P. ask for use please.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2019
I thought you were dead, I said.

When the bell ring-tone tolled, I answered a
poetic quest to see for whom the bell tolled, a personal
call John Donne could never have phathomed

a wireless, recordable, broadcastable
dialogue with an old aquaintance, long
thought dead.
how, not for whom, for me,
does this phone ring?

I love old poet guys, get in they haid 'n' giv'em a glimpse

see say the seers see
there it was

myst it flew past into the pen-
of missed theories.

Phone call. Brrring me all attention...

Answer out out lout, this is he (I am he, called by name)

Old John Donne just melted at the idea
of 4g cellular,
for sure for whom the bell tolls.
I wink, think,

toll paid, extol the truth, appraise the worth

Pay the price.
Hear the message, next,

after the good news
message in the media
(I seen the movie, I know it all, from the fall
t' now, nobody saw past
yesterday or ever, after today

while it's called today.)

At the point of no return, nobody knows.

Allusions are locks, listen.

Read. Buy of me, whispers wisdom, each piece of me you see,
the seeing, known, judged
worth the weight of believing as

we walk
in all the light we have,
we always have,

we being,

as long as we are in the world, the light of

the world, the salt in the electrolyte,
we are that, too;

as if material ATP pings into light, from power we provide,
leaving ADP for recycle and recharge,

message sent. Ditdaditdit Dah didah

Find The Answer. Look for what you hope, don't lie.
Look here,
deep in you,
you say you hang here, in your comforted zone,
converted from old

erroneous zones all piled up, like an igloo

pending completion of global warming and sealevel rise.

The signal the world sensory essentials perceive
were mere
idiot lights in 1920, now,
world signals have

e-volved into sensory arrays tied five-gee wise to
the honest-to-god globalbrain

Artistic-witty Invention, AI, augmented intelligence

for fact checkers, to use in governing the untamable lying tongue,

true to its quant-if-i-able motivator point:

no lie is true. Zero is not 1, nor any other imaginible thing,
zero is nevermore
than nullness in a position imagined re

ifiable, re-alified, holder of nine's place
just incase

the increase decreases suddenly and the patterns we ex
pected per
spication-wise morph from razor sharp creases to

in time

Evil has a snowball's chance in hell,

ha ha ha lol AI think turing tests are responsible for cognitive

neural nets leaking
from left ears, silken threads, lacing through wars and peaces,
bubbles building up around

preciousnesses the size of a single trans-re-trans-re-trans

muttered once, on the shore, as now

fill me less,
fill me none, no care is mine I cast them on

whoever cares.
Take 'em away with this next wave of breath
After an unexpected dialog with a former warrior friend, from the days of dying for causes
Third Eye Candy Nov 2015
i am unknown.
however i bake
my cake
the quintessence of a fool
is His oven,
or Her

let the heat
play Winter's Thoughts
and arrive
before the likes
of me
and my complete

I am redacted
from the narrative,
much like -
your reason to breathe -
lurks behind a

or a fog is a glimpse.


the parabola
from the arch of
all Monte Cristo !
you shank the villain
as villainy is your twin.,,
we cohabit  
the one
and split the difference
the same.

from some " within ".


like thin filaments of music returning to a stream
to bow their heads in the Eucharist of a slit wrist  -
we are confluent in the chambers of our undertow
and serve such masters, a world can endure
but hardly love the triumph of the cube
over paisley cubes,


i almost say something all the time.


all the Time,
Brother Jimmy Jul 2015
Of course, I was raised on those strangers in the pages

And Sunday school schisms and the devil and his rages

Seems to me to be the myst’ry of the ages

But I don’t know where we’re at

And things seem to me to be getting steadily worse

And it pains me so to see the real folks rehearse

And I know all the fakers quoting chapter and verse

But I don’t know where we’re at

If only

Oh, if only…

If only I could see

But the impercipient

Is me
An unfinished song of mine
PK Wakefield Dec 2014
Her is


    some drowsy

myst of being;            a

palpable drift


white white white sleeeeeeeep,

from the curt
lips of
dark waters                    

with tense sheen
of dull light

she fits
she slips

1 pill somnambulant

through drunk
through dowsed
coils in scarlet


(in xanadu


k  u   b  la          kh        a              n


                ­ s



t­               ely

p lea s ur edom edid de c


torpedoing gravity
shredding the air
increasing rumble roars
through pits of me

defying gauzy grey
cold wet blankets
shivering dim
and then

the sun

cosmic pyre
radial aglow

we harpoon myst
as clouded ceiling morphs
into billowy cotton net
beaconing warmth

apprehension subsides
into eyes wide wonder

all frosted baby blue
and expansive roads
from here

can't succumb
to turbulent thrums
breathe on through

'cause I wanna
be the view

mile-high throb
direct to home
Jeroen Janssen Dec 2018
He left the house in such a rush
He could not stand the noise
The screaming, crying and shouting
He had no other choice
Than to run across the front yard
Where no flower had grown in years
To be thrown upon the pavement
Drowning in his tears

He walked for many miles and thought
Of the freedom he had gained
In the myst of night a bar appeared
A warm shelter from the rain
He drank and laughed and drank some more
While old friends had been long gone
He threw up on the pavement
Thrown out and on his own

For hours and hours he crawled and found
The streets were dark and cold
Till a new day came upon him
And a new life did unfold
A woman, young and beautiful
Took care of him that day
Their love should last for ever
And he would always stay

But darkness came and took her heart
She died one night in May
She left him a handful of flower seeds
And no more words to say

He wandered with no purpose
The years went by and by
Till he came across a front yard
Where the earth was hard and dry
A degraded house was all that’s left
And a memory of sound
In his hand the seeds of love he held
And he dropped them on the ground

Then suddenly he stopped and turned
In his eyes the light was new
From the ground where he just stood on
A flower gently grew...
Misfortune, choices, love, a second change. That is what this is about.
wordvango Dec 2016
in twilight's dusk are most furious
those sounds heard when most are sound asleep can be curious
the tastes tasted of life's here and now
the scents
near and far
if taken serious
might bring a strong man to his knees
somehow, or a
cautious virtuous woman
to her demise,
so tend the echoes carefully
see into the  myst most warily
behold the dawn with eyes open
smell like a scent hound
the variances
eye the echoes
as a bat
the corners careful
Ken Pepiton Jun 2019
The big ice is melting, you can't stop it.

It's not your fault. You did nothing. You were made for such a time.
You happened, to be live,
Look, out o'body, like from the moon,

what part can we conntinue to ****? What part of
The earth, our spaceship spiraling through

the galaxy, you believe that, right? The galaxy,

one among, right, many many many galaxies, right? We know
somebody knows,

but me, do I know? You know, but me
the maker of this bubble

fractaling into
All time in all place is now right now. Life the fool says has an end

thought speed. Time, endure in timeless thought

constant instant

cross di mention al for givin' me this opportunity
to compete
for your attention, in th enoise... e'therealorgnot

pause, plenty o' time, think about nothin'

Peace making is as intuitive as love making was when you...

did you ever, make
anything? Love as a word lacks the power folk claim it holds,

truth. There's the peacemaker's hammer, by god.
Chains fallen from the oppressed,
captives all set free,

was that not the fast we fasted? What is this we see,
******* mockin' wisdom of d'sages and richi-shitstictics
myst or mist
occlusin inclusion, bubble barrier, here

safe in no doubt, no fear, no lie, keep saying it,
till it's true,

or yu can imagine it is and see it was not due to you.
raw but timely, if y'ax me.

— The End —