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Brent Kincaid Sep 2015
We were the ones,
Self-chosen ones,
And we had seen enough.
And we had heard enough
To be tired of the drama;
The games that our mamas
And our Papas played
The plans they laid
That so often did not work.
The pensions and the perks
That so often left them bitter
Mumbling curses about quitters
As they argued over parking spaces
And carefully averted their faces
When people were denied rights
Because they were not white
Or sometimes because Jews
And non-whites could not be
Members of their sororities
And country club amenities.

They demanded no dark skin
And objected to what we dressed in
And wanted us to cut our hair
And go find a decent job somewhere
To start an acceptable career
And get a decent nine to five
To work as long as we were alive.
We knew they were trying to protect
To drive us to the life they projected
That would help us get a salary
And develop the kind of misery
And sense of hopelessness;
The exact kind of mess
They were living
And they weren’t forgiving
When we rebelled and fought
And shunned the trinkets they bought
That they thought would tempt us
To buckle on the harness;
The long-term promise.

We rejected the temptation
To join the workaday nation
And get into the drinking
Nine-to-five way of thinking.
We swapped the whiskey
For something they found risky.
We smoked our marijuana
And talked about nirvana
In our love-beads and batik
We left family homes to seek
And ultimately to find friends
Who wanted the same ends
And would work with us,
And they would walk with us
To the love-ins and protests
And help us pen requests
For marches and gatherings
To demonstrate our misgivings
About who got what
And who did not
And how and when
And which were not seen as men.
But we saw poorly disguised slaves
We knew we wanted to save.

We were going to fix the world
So, we waded into insults hurled
And high-powered fire hoses.
They broke our arms and noses
And trod on our signs
And drew a line
Between us and the public.
We were criminals and suspects
In crimes they invented;
We patchouli oil scented
Hippies wearing Birkenstocks
Without any socks
And jeans with protest patches
Singing our snatches of songs
Like “We Shall Overcome Someday”.
They couldn’t hear a word we would say.
They just cursed us and objected
And made sure we were subjected
To as much stonewalling as the law
Could put up against us all.

We were going to fix the world,
And we got LBJ on our side, like Jack
He went on the attack
And changed things for the better
Still not to the letter of the law
But a bit more spirit
Began to exist in it
Because blacks were acknowledged
And could finally go to college
In white schools
Adhering to the rules
The bigots had always ignored.
And unlike before, the police
Actually kept the peace
Unless it involved demonstrations
Against the crimes of our nation
Against another nation
That never attacked us
Never even threatened us.
These protest made us criminals
And that is what the cops thought of us.

Yes, by the time Nixon was going
After everyone began knowing
What a rat he was and because
He got caught, we saw
Him get on the copter and leave
And without a thought to grieve
We wanted our country to cease
Being some kind of insane police
In an Asian country few of us knew.
To stop what they put our troops through
And bring the people back here
So they could end the killing and fear
That our country was generating.
The debating was through
And the country started anew
By ending that situation.
Peace descended on the nation
And we took credit.
We did do some of it.
Then, we quit.

We started small companies
Selling handmade gifts and soaps
Not becoming the dopes
We fought our parents not to be
But more the people we ought to be
Living in hippie enclaves
That turned into yuppie enclaves
And we got fatter.
But that didn’t matter.
We had our memories
And we had our old war stories
Of marching, and protesting
And they were interesting enough
That we lost the will to be tough
And let the objections slide
And hid inside our mini-farms
And ignored when people were harmed
By many of the same atrocities
That fueled our animosities
Just a generation before.
We decided it was not our war
And sat on our hands.
And drifted like the sands.
Big Virge Sep 2020
Okay The Vibe To Write...
Is Now A Part of My Life...

It’s Just A BEAUTIFUL Thing... !!!

When I Start To Think...
And Start Writing Lyrics...
That QUICKLY Sink...
Into Papers Where Ink...
... Display Wordplay...
That Comes From My Brain...

It’s A Vibe That Invites...
..... REALITY Lines.....

Where Lines of WHITE...
Create Mental DOPES...
Who Embrace That Coc’... !!!

Or Yes... *******...
That They’re QUICK To CLAIM...
Helps To Keep Them STRAIGHT... ?!?

The Vibe When I Write...
With Things To Say...
About The World Today...

From GREATS Like USAIN... !!!
To Things LESS HUMANE...
That Are NOT So Great... !!!

You Know What I’m Saying... ?
Or..... DO YOU..... ?!?

Cos’ The Vibe When I Write...
Is... NOT For Fools... !!!

Who DON’T Use Their Brain Tool...
So..... Is That YOU... ?!?

One Who’s Confused...
When It Comes To What’s TRUE...

Cos’ The Vibe When I Write...

It’s A Style That Profiles...
A Great Deal MORE...
Than... Peoples’ Green Miles... !!!

It Relates To Flicks...
That EXPOSE How We Live...
But Also Deals...
In Things MORE REAL... !!!

Than Things That Are Filmed...
On... 8 Millimetre Reels... !!!

Because Words I Write...
Do Not Promote Lies... !!!


The Vibe When I Write...
Is..... REALITY........

So ISN'T Written To Deceive...
Or Make People... ANGRY... !!!

... It Is What It IS....
So... If The Cap Fits...
You’d Better Deal With It... !!!

You See The Vibe When I Write...

Because THAT ISN’T Poetry To Me... !!!

It’s About Being REAL...
And Relating What You See...
In Ways That Display...

And Reflections On Life...
All It’s Lows And HIGHS... !!!!

And Those Last Lines...
Are The Things That DEFINE...

Why... Whether Day Or Night...
I Continually Find That My Mind’s Eye...
QUICKLY Provides A Mind Like Mine...


... “ The Vibe To Write “...
It's something that now runs very deep within my very being...
Brent Kincaid Feb 2017
I must have been raised wrong,
I believe in being generous.
I think people should be loved;
That meanness can be onerous.
I have seen what evil does
And I want no more of that.
I don’t think that selfishness
Will really feed the captain’s cat.

I have watched back biters
And gossips and thieves
Bring themselves all unawares
To the point where everyone grieves.
I have witnessed liars who get
Tripped up on their own tales;
Regular folks and politicians
Get the air taken from their sails.

I know well that our elderly
Have already done their job
So it’s fine with me if they just
Sit around and act like slobs.
They took care of us when we
Were the indolent folks kids are
So, they are entitled to rest,
More than we are, by far.

I was raised to let people be
If they had some philosophy
That did not match mine
Or even the vast majority.
Someone thinks a different way
That’s fine if it hurts no one.
Not everybody thinks the same
Carnival rides are that much fun.

I saw for myself that people
Were individual in so many ways.
Different in how they dressed
And what they had to say.
Some liked sports TV
And many preferred the soaps.
All of that is fine with me
So, why call each other dopes?

Is there something wrong with me
That I don’t go along with the crowd?
That I don’t enjoy the fights,
The sports fans shouting out loud?
Am I silly for not slowing down
When I pass a wreck on the highway?
Well, if I am, then that is fine.
I will go on doing things my way.
Brent Kincaid Jan 2017
Oopy Doopy, Super Sloopy.
Loopy snoopy, pants apoopy.
Lippy hippy, slippy dippy.
Nasty-nicey, normally snippy.

Loosey goosey, chocolate moussey.
Usually *** goofy as Gary Busey.
Hinky-stinky presidential *****.
Winky-blinky, dangerously stinko.

Hippity hoppy, flippy-floppy
Get a mop, it never stops.
Laughy gaffe-y, riffy-raffy
Face as gross as rotten taffy.

Whammy-bammy, scary scammy
Mammy-jamming Uncle Sammy.
Lumpy-dumpy, far from humpy
******* up future jumpy bumpy.

Glossy boss, a frightful loss
Ungathered moss at twice the cost.
Serious gap while the country naps
****** sap giving us a slap.

Frightening nooses tightening,
Rights denied like summer lightning.
Ignoring Popes and Snopes
Hopeless dopes put us on the ropes.

Immune to our cries, elected guys
Make horrifying decisions most unwise.
Like black magic before all our eyes
We’re leaderless as freedom dies.
Sa Sa Ra Jun 2012
Less than nothing
The all I've got
The bottom floor has all gone rot
She once was stone
Now my pedestal
Of some expectation
Common sense, decency, love and law
Somehow above me all
Is nothing sacred but letting go
Freefall and none for all
Not the well intended
They here are not defended
Nor for good hearted
They've departed
How bout fair
No not a stair
Surely hope
Just for dopes
Try and try again
If you like but is vain
Is there forgiveness in the end
No nor friend
Less than nothing and loving still
Vain is judgment
Pain and poison pills
Hope of hope to good too
Though I like breathing fine
How bout you
Hearts still beat
In sewers and up on streets
The bottom floor
Where none would fall
For if it fell out
No end to doubt
Is life not good
Nor understood
As we've been deceived
In anything to believe
More or less nothing
Is more or less than love
(Winter/Spring 2010)
SNOW took us away from the smoke valleys into white mountains, we saw velvet blue cows eating a vermillion grass and they gave us a pink milk.
Snow changes our bones into fog streamers caught by the wind and spelled into many dances.
Six bits for a sniff of snow in the old days bought us bubbles beautiful to forget floating long arm women across sunny autumn hills.
Our bones cry and cry, no let-up, cry their telegrams:
More, more-a yen is on, a long yen and God only knows when it will end.
In the old days six bits got us snow and stopped the yen-now the government says: No, no, when our bones cry their telegrams: More, more.
The blue cows are dying, no more pink milk, no more floating long arm women, the hills are empty-us for the smoke valleys-sneeze and shiver and croak, you dopes-the government says: No, no.
David W Clare Jan 2015
She's got pretty feets

Filipina poor girl with very tastey feets
Dark brown from Sun beach sands
Ban do solie for the San Tropez tan
Creamy coconut oil lotion to rub on her tastey treats

Tropical girl now she's in heat
Her juices are flowing down her brown tan legs
Her thighs are glowing in the dark night moon age

Then I awake she was only a dream
Now I realize I am alone old man wanting
My young day

Time did me in stole my every thing
Dreaming of girls as they point and laugh at me
I once was young now I'm old crash test  dummy
Mis understood just get drunk and pass out
I wish I had girl to slap me about

Mmnm I love tropical girl

**** **** and bikini **** butter cup
Lovely charms to behold
Lick her feet slurp on her toes
Female girls with bikini pose
Why is it she must where clothes?
Animals no wear clothes cause they have fur ?

Naked girl in High heels has a mink stole
Mmmm ravishing yummy
I'm old now and gone crazy....
I know where to get ***
Where the creepy freak can't go
The Philippines is the place no dopes allowed

I hate drugs thugs thieves ruin our fun in the sun
He go to jail while I juice up his girl

Sorry Charlie
That's the way the mop flops...
David Swinden Apr 2017
Take two brothers of Betrayal
Add them to the cooking ***
Put in some memories of mother
While they sit and watch her rot
Don’t forget her dementia
Your younger brother has to cope
Ignore his pleas for help
Just act like a couple of dopes
Add some tears of sadness
It's the only liquid to use
Youngest brother begins to break
So pour in a dose of blues
Put some salt in the ***
In wounds it makes it hurt
As I do everything for her
I will add my ****** shirt
Stir in all the ingredients
Now add a pinch of madness
Now let it simmer for six years
That's the recipe of sadness

David Swinden© 26/6/2016
You can't choose your family. :-(
Brent Kincaid Jun 2018
You cringeworthy, evil pismire;
Your father did surely miss-sire
This personification of flatulence,
The embodiment of self importance
Overflowing with abject peccancy
Devoid of any sign of respectability
Replete with gross odoriferousness
Horribly and infamously unscrupulous.

You have reveled in misrepresentation
And tried to elevate your calumniation
Disinformation and deception exists
As capitalistic dissembling persists.
You’ve collected an evil government
Built mostly of human excrement
And have such a lack of veracity
That you speak in constant mendacity.

Sycophantic eructations of dogmatic bile
Issue from your unsympathetic smile
And your inauthentic glad-handed gropes
As if we all of us are unbright gullible dopes
That buy your fabrications completely
While you pilfer and prevaricate indiscreetly.
You are a Vaudevillian villain miscast as star,
But most of us know exactly what you are.

Deceit, deception, dishonesty; a tragedy
But not for you, for us and our country.
Distortion, evasion and fabrication the rules;
You despair of any other kinds of tools.
Falsehoods, fictions and forgery are your tricks.
You demand we build with straw-less bricks
Your erections that are planned to be palaces
Filled with your giant golden carved phalluses.

Those monuments, inanotomically correct,
Established to celebrate and somehow protect
A mountebank on the way to an overseas bank
Claiming to eradicate the scoria he creates
That decades of privation will not quite alleviate.
But you, the Great Prevaricator, will always blame
Other players in your sick, unconstitutional game
Instead of admitting your complicity and guilt
About the disgusting, putrid swamp you built.
I drove
myself home today,
Counting polemics
that I received;
that made me
feel so

Swollen eyes,
Bruised legs,
And the urge
to dissipate
into a thin air
were just there
along with
my dead

The harsh words of
those people who
are not my
comrades are just
like an atrocious
zeitgeist of the
Fascists' dictatorship.
Those are
my biggest

I pretend
that I am not
dying everyday
whilst in fact
every fragments of me
keeps on
losing consciousness and
even if I
a part of me
would always be
back on

What I'm looking for
is not a coherent
vindication nor a
stance that defends me,
I'm looking for
ways to possess self-mastery,
to be an Overman like
what Nietzsche had depicted or
to possess self-actualization
which is the
highest peak of
Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

So I began to
days of

[First arc]

I unleashed a
rather subversive
I punched the
mirrors until they're broken and
broke the windows with
a baseball bat
and fought everyone
until the last moment
I shot my
two arch enemies
on the head
with my

When I
was trying to bid
the people
who witnessed me
unexpectedly said
that it was cool
and my dauntlessness
was cool
for doing that.

I thought
they would
hate me even more
but instead,
some of them
who are previously my
enemies ended up
wanting to be
allies with
[Achievement unlocked. +100 ability points earned.]

[Second arc]

I decided
to convey
awareness towards
the issue that
I am suffering from
through a form of
writings and speeches,
and turns out that
the society
ended up cherishing
my contributions.

They asked me a
myriad of questions
About how did I manage
to do all the things
that I have done and
how long did I take
to reach this
I just stayed silent
for I couldn't put it
into words
how incredibly long
my endeavour was
to earn their

But I guess
it brought me
closer to
a revelation.
[Achievement unlocked. Magic points increased by 150+.]

[Third arc]
I have
always thought of
myself as a
modern day Cobain
due to my
lethargic self and
vulnerability and
how I depended on
cigarettes and dopes as
my redemption.

And my biggest weakness

I tend
cry relentlessly
sometimes whenever
I realize that
all the nice things are
just dreams yet the
holocausts are

They told me,
how could I even
take care of anyone else
whilst I can't even
get a hold of

I went home with
one of my
favorite guys the other day
with bruises and a
lethargic physical condition
looking as if
I need to be protected
and I hate the fact that
eventhough I am not
fond of depending
I can't
go through things
completely alone


[No more arcs left]
I have always loved
the word "regeneration"
for the existence of that
word gives me revelation
that someday I would
get a
chance to encounter
lt too.

When I woke
up from a prolonged
deep sleep that felt
like death,
everyone told
me that they were
mesmerized by my
so-called act of courage and
volition. My lungs still
hurt and I
am still swallowing
blood that tastes like
drips of vermouth.

Honestly I
never wanted the
world as a gift; I
am in love with the
world but it goes
otherwise when it
comes to its contents.

My acts that
they deem as courage
is not my
it's just a form of
cognitive dissonance with
a hint of fallacy.

Oy vey, if only I
were given a freedom of
speech, I would
confront and
"Dear mother
earth and father
time, can I
live without battles
and just go ahead?"

[11417 329 2110 725
Lawrence Hall Sep 2024
Lawrence Hall, HSG

            Tropes, Dopes, Middle-Earth, and Culture Worriers

          I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of
          Aryan extraction: that is Indo-Iranian; as far as I am aware
          none of my ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or
          any related dialects. But if I am to understand that you are
          enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I
          regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people.

      -Tolkien, from a letter rebuking a German publisher, 1938

One does not imagine Tolkien schlubbing about
In a garish cartoon tee and baggy shorts
A Glock strapped to his 50-inch waist
Shopping the dollar store in a Trumpy cap

One does not imagine Lewis following QAnon
Encouraging Peter to take an AR to Latin class
Or quartering the Cross of good Saint George
With a *******’s spidering wheel of shame

Not all evil comes from outside the Shire –
Sometimes evil is our own internal desire

On the time J.R.R. Tolkien refused to work with ****-leaning publishers. ‹ Literary Hub (

Why does Lord of the Rings appeal to the radical right? – The Irish Times

Behind the Catholic Right’s Celebrity-Conversion Industrial Complex | Vanity Fair
Brent Kincaid Dec 2015
Omigod, Donald T. ****,
You unconscionable creep,
You are disgusting enough
To cost us all sleep.
If lies were US dollars
You sonofabitch
You would truly be
Obscenely rich.

It’s not enough for you
To have gold water faucets,
Crystal mirrors everywhere
And marble floors in closets
Now you want to play at
Being a savvy politician
Stands for Christian principles
From the *******.

Omigod, Donald T. ****,
You unconscionable creep,
You are disgusting enough
To cost us all sleep.

With a changing cast of women
You call your lawful wives.
And you’re the one who wants
To control our very lives?
You utter your vituperation
At poor and the non-Christian.
Is having the world hate you
Part of your final mission?

If lies were US dollars
You sonofabitch
You would truly be
Obscenely rich.

You also want control of
Our country’s financial hopes.
If we fall for that stupid tale
Then we are a nation of dopes
Because you have bankrupted
More than the Monopoly game
Would allow a toddler to have
And that is quite a shame.

Omigod, Donald T. ****,
You unconscionable creep,
You are disgusting enough
To cost us all sleep.
If lies were US dollars
You sonofabitch
You would truly be
Obscenely rich.

No, Mr. T **** please do
What is proper and fitting;
Call up the press and say
That you are finally quitting.
Tell them you were just testing
To see what the others would do.
So, kiss our collective ***** goodbye
And take with you that dumb hairdo.
David W Clare May 2015
Skating under the ice
Is there a skating rink in hell?

How to live my life when all has been lost at such a cost
Thieved by fools lost my jewels
No shoulder to cry on
No one cares
All I get is blank stares

My stomach Aches for food
In a world of filthy dopes
How I can cope ?

Dogs bums ******* pimps fools
******* ******* ******* jerks jickets
Scams greedy pigs the works

I just don't know

D Clare
Avoid Miami it's a ******* of thieves dopes and blank blanks
David W Clare Feb 2015
Look at that crap filled bucket of ****
old tv broken chair beer cans
plastic bottles for bums
Why want it ?
Plastic crap Soviet sick society racial profiling and poverty
This is sad lonely old rusty bucket dope joke punks eat from tin cup
ghetto goodies for dopes and hoodies
theft auto so grand
Police cars do wail
cuffed the innocent take us all to jail...that sad ugly Beverly hills dumpster now she's a splintered old spinster...
I once had a design business in Beverly hills my worst client Mrs LOVE boat would beat her two maids Mrs Spell binding on Beverly dr. Until I told her off...
Perig3e Feb 2012
Round and round and round,
the spin, the rotation of it all.
Once I believed the prayer wheel
was an instrument for kinetic dopes.
I was western yoked,
and blind behind my dark wisdom glasses,
to see the wise homage made
by an intentional turn
to the way of all things.
Big Virge Sep 2020
Variety They SAY...
Is The... " Spice of Life "... !!!

Well They Could Also Say...
It INSPIRES My Rhymes...
And Helps Me To Write...

....... My Poetry...... !!!!!


So Can Someone PLEASE Explain To Me...
How RACISM Sees NO DEFEAT.... !!!?!!!

Well That's NOT The Subject...
... DIRECTING This Piece...

It Would Seem That The Subject...
Is..... " VARIETY "...... !!!!!

My Variety of Thoughts...
Are... FAR From Small...

In FACT Like Me...
They're Rather TALL...
And Built To ENTHRAL... !!!

When Given The Call...
of Words From BIG VIRGE...
I Use To... OOZE Views... !!!!!

My Wordplay FILLS...
Some Pretty BIG BOOTS...
And ALWAYS Instils...
A Number of CLUES...
As To Some of The Things...
That I'm... INTO...

My Wordplay REIGNS...
Rather Like A DELUGE... !!!

One That POURS And Lyrically SOARS...
With Varieties That WARRANT Applause... !!!

But Sometimes Of Course...
When Airing My Views...
It Appears That Some Crews...

Take The TRUTH... !!!

So Choose To Be RUDE...
When I Walk Through The Door...

VARIED Attitudes...
In Prose That I Use...
Leave MANY Confused...
And Somewhat Bemused... ???

When My Poetry Moves...
Like Tap Dancers Shoes...
From Current Affairs...
To... Social Issues...

My Words Reflect MOODS...
That PROVE I Can Be...
The DARKEST of Dudes... !!!!

But My VARIANT Use...
of... Poetic Tools...
OFFERS LIGHT To Bright Minds...

My Wordplay INVITES...
... People To UNITE... !!!

... STUPID FIGHTS... !!!!!

IF Variety IS...
... " The Spice of Life "...

WHY Try To... DIVIDE...
And CONSTANTLY... "Hide"...
From... CHANGING The Tide... ?!?

When Nature Decides...
To Let The Seas RISE...

What Will You Do... ???
RELY On Your PRIDE... !?!

Or Maybe... RESIGN...
That HELPS You... Steer CLEAR...
of THOSE Who You FEAR... !!?!!

It's Simply A QUESTION...
So DON'T Sit There STRESSING... !!!

MANY Aren't Prepared...
To... EVEN Go THERE... !!!

A Place MORE Inclined...
To... UNITE Mankind...

One Where The TRUTH...
Is... OPEN To View...
By ALL Human Beings...
Instead of Being Reduced...
By Individuals Who Choose...
The TRUTH To Confuse...
Like HOT AIR In Balloons... !!!

The LIES That They USE...
PROTECT Their... " SELECT Few "...

While... VARIETIES...
NOT Singularities...
Affect Words I INSERT...
... INTO My Poetry... !!!!!

From *** To Subjects...
of... Social Context...
It's A Question of TEXT...
Then What Happens Next...
Is... RARELY Complex...

OVERRIDES Common Sense... !!!

To My Poetry I Have To CONFESS...
Do Leave Me PERPLEXED...
And YES Sometimes VEX... !!?!!

The Name of The Game... !!!

But MANY RESIST My Poetic Scripts...
And... Probably WISH...


So... If They DON'T Like Me...

Having Found A Way...
To... EASE MY Pain...

I'll ALWAYS Engage My Pen To Page...
And... VARY My Prose...
When CONTROLLING The Stage... !!!!!

And May Well Cause OFFENCE...
With The Things That I Say... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kind of Like... " FRANK "...

But My Use of Wordplay's...
NO... " Variety Act "... !!!!!

While MANY COLLAPSE... !!!

Because When They Write...
They Write To... " INVITE "...
Those Listening To CLAP... !!!!!

While Words I Transcribe...
When Words I RECITE...
KEEP GETTING Applause...

Because of VARIETIES...
LOCKED Like Awards...
... My Poetic Thoughts...

My Poetry VARIES...
AWAY From The Norm..............

And When It's PERFORMED...
It Adorns PERFECT STORMS... !!!!!

... CREATING A Wave...
NEVER SEEN From Ashore... !!!

If You DON'T Believe Me...
I Suggest You Ask GEORGE... !!!!!

I... VARY My Prose...
MORE Than Pete Doherty...
... FILLS UP His Nose... !!!

His Nose MUST Be FILLED...
With... FIFTY Pound Notes... !!!

While SO MANY Artists...
Are Playing At Gigs...
Just To Earn FIFTY Quid... !!!!!

He SHOULD THINK of Kids...
Who NOW Look UP To Him...
Whilst CHASING Their Hope...
of... Having Their Name...
HEADLINING At Shows... !!!!!

of... " GLAM GLITZ & FAME "...

Can Leave People BROKE...
In YES... VARIED Ways... !!!!

MORE Than People KNOW... !!!!!!

These Words I Now... " Quote "...
Are For... Rope - A - DOPES... !!!!!!

This Industry Seems...
To REVOLVE Around Coc'... ?!!!?

Which CLEARLY Explains...
Why It's Run Like A JOKE... !!!!!

VARIETY Is A Part of My Scripts...
Should CLEARLY PROVE This... !!!!!

From RACISTS To Subjects...
... AFFECTING Celebs'...
To Views About UNITY...
And Common Sense...

Views SEEN In Movies...
To Wordplay That's GROOVY...
My Words In Your Heads...

EVEN IF... Some...
May Have Left You UPSET... !!!!!

So Right Now I Guess...
It's Time For The END...

So Here's The BIG FINISH... !!!!!!

My Wordplay's DISTINGUISHED...
And WON'T Be... DIMINISHED... !!!!!!!!

When RETAINING A Level...
of.... " SOBRIETY "....
Whilst Sharing My Views...
Through POETIC Feats...

Just Like THIS PIECE...
........ I've Called........

....... " Variety ".......
One thing writing does, is to open you up to a variety of things ............
It's three in the morning
I have to ***
I go ***
I go back to bed
I am wide awake now
I'll play my Inside Out game on my phone
I used up all of my lives
I have to wait for them to reload

It's four in the morning
I am still wide awake
I'll read random status updates on facebook
I come across a woman I met once or twice back in high school
she's married and has two boys under the age of three
She's two years younger than me
and she already has so much to show for it
What about me?
I am twenty-three and I don't even own a car
how embarrassing
I need to distract myself
Another profile of someone my age who is far in life
she is really pretty too
How come at twenty-three I look so old but this woman looks sixteen?
She is thin too
How come the only time I come close to being thin
is when I have an eating disorder
How come she was blessed with straight teeth and I wasn't?
Why was I made to be an ugly duckling?
I feel depressed now

It is five in the morning
I'll go back to sleep
I lie down
I close my eyes
I cuddle close to my boyfriend hoping the touch of him
will make me feel better
He went to dinner last night with his family
he said he was broke and couldn't pay for dinner
but they told him it was no problem
His sister made a comment about my facebook posting
she knows what her brother is up to
because I post about every part of our day
What we do, what we watch, what we eat
How can he afford to buy me wine
but not be able to pay for dinner with his family?
They're probably thinking he's lying
Now they're going to be mad at him and its all my fault
Why do I post so much on facebook?
The world doesn't care about what I eat for breakfast
The world doesn't care about my "deep thoughts"

It's five-thirty in the morning
I posted a throwback picture of my 22nd birthday yesterday
That was a good day
Balloons, pizza, cake
One of my gifts was a laptop
The soul purpose of that gift was so I can skype with an ex
who was away at college
He never called that day to wish me a happy birthday
he claimed he forgot about it
How do you forget the birthday of the one you claim to love?
Am I that easy to forget?
I remembered everything about him
I knew the name of every medication
he took on a daily basis for his bipolar disorder
but he couldn't remember my birthday?
This is the same person who ditched me at prom
for a party two months prior
I was silly for thinking he could be considerate for one day
This was three years ago
My head hurts
I am tired
I am depressed
I can't stop thinking

It is six in the morning
I need to get up now
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: June. 18, 2016 Saturday 6:30 AM
Rob Sandman Dec 2017
Started off simple you were smokin joints with your mates,
14years old hangin around at the school gates,
a juvenile delinquent,little pain in the ***,
a father at 15 grew up way too fast,
the Irish system failed you,kicked you out at 16,
moved in with your girl,a baby raised by 2 teens,
no real education so crime is your path,
tried your hand at a blag+ended up in pats(Irish Juvenile Detention),

So whats the matter sonny? life's not like the flicks,
criminals get caught,so get used to the nick,
but **** it now you're 18 thinkin' you're an O.G.,
and when you end up in the joy(Mountjoy Prison) you say listen to me,
got your apprentices in robbin,sellin poppin off fightin,
feelin like a crime titan,think you're Irelands mike tyson,
do a few more blags court dates count up,
another girl gets pregnant so the problems mount up

"I've seen the needle and the damage done, a Syringe in a Vein is like a loaded gun"

You could get a job,but **** that work's for dopes,
you spend your days dodging court dates,bangin' out dope,
snortin coke with your mates,all hard as nails,
while the real crims sit back and count their sales
all you are is a customer,forget the smiles,
there'll be another fool parted from his money in a while,
your mate johno flipped out from a long coke binge,
now he's sittin in the john o gods(Christian Rehab centre),shivering and cringin',

That'll never be you,you got a real game plan,
got a cousin who's a driver on Securicor vans,
so you hire out a shotgun,on with the bally(Balaclava),
hit the van in broad daylight,and run for an alley,
but guess whats waiting? a Special Branch team(Armed Gardai),
get the **** on the ground! is what they all just scream,
now you're banged up bigtime,a 10yr stretch
got your first bag of gear(Irish name for Smack) from a kid named fletch

"well every cloud's got a silver lining  these years,
the only silver you see is tin foil for your gear,
you gave your life for a buzz that passed way to soon,
its only now you get to see the dark side of the spoon"

well its release day,Seven years down the line,
three years in remission for good behaviour time
went in the Joy a teenager,comin out a man,
with a habit that's longer than a nuns,*******
went from hash and pills to a sharper doom
your life's over,now you're on the dark side of the spoon

so you slip into the underworld,but no more blags,
robbers don't trust junkies,and your hooked through the bag,

you whine about your bad breaks,how you coulda been big,
cos you're a shadow of yourself man,smack is a pig
you're too busy to contemplate,its rob,rob,rob,
and your arms are fulla craters,so there's still no job,
you got your girl hooked too man,ain't you great,
you look at life through eyes gummed up with hate,
social welfare have put you on a methadone course,
but that ***** just as bad,it just makes you worse,

your lifes flying by now in a haze of drugs,
morphine,Oxy,blueys(******) anything for a buzz,
Skip on a few years...**** what does it matter,
days pass like mist,the gears all that matters
your girlfriends screamin' ,babies long gone,
for both of you the needle sings a sad sad song,
look behind ya - your progress is as straight as a die,
another Irish ****** ****** up your life til you die,

The smack dealers are laughin' ,Politicians don't care,
you're a skinny,pale sweaty robbin' smack nightmare,
you gave away your whole life for the solace of a spike,
it didnt cost 4million,its cheap,it cost a life(the Spire in Dublin cost 4 Million(at least) to *****, and is coloquially known as "The Spike")

who the **** can you blame?,you made your own decision,
when you first creased a vein with a simple incision,
infusion of the drug is all you care about now,
the Dark side of the Spoon,there's no way out now

Well every clouds got a silver linin' but these years,
the only silver ya see is tinfoil for your Gear,
gave your life for a buzz that passed WAY too soon,
life's over now, you're on the Dark side of the Spoon

This is a distinctly Irish view of the ******/****** Epidemic,
I wrote it over ten years ago and have lost many friends through Overdoses,Disease and misadventure since then,
I have explained some of the "Irish Slang" in it, but hope that people will take the rest in without needing crib notes!,
I am always available to talk if anybody feels that ANY Drug is getting the better of them,
I offer non-judgemental non denominational common sense advice to all,
If you would like to see and hear The Dark Side of the Spoon put to music with a Slideshow video I put together many years ago here is the link,
please comment and let us know what you think!
GaryFairy Oct 2021
I am shocked that people still say "you reap what you sow". Really? I kind of get the idea they're thinking of sewing eyes shut, while reaping their vision. Then they shapeshift and look like a possum/demon ******. I don't think they were thinking purely. Just to say such a thing would get you killed in iowa, in some farmer communities. Other states too, but i like saying iowa...and ohio. Plus, the relation to sowing and reaping. Ohioiowa Iowaohio! That is fun. Maybe i am so twisted that i used those states so i could say the words. Sung it three times and see if you don't feel like a cross between drew carrey, slipnot, and neil young. Then see if you can make senior citizens believe it's some native words. Ohio and Iowa were named after tribes, but didn't we make the words? And senior citizens made us? So weird. Get it yet dopes? Some of you say dumber things out loud. Like "conspiracy theory" should be locked up for conspiracy to conspire with theory, or maybe "theory of a theatre" Even a plain and simple theorist can make a hypothesis. Do you know what this means? It means that there are more dumb citizens in america than there is illegal aliens. Speaking of aliens, why do you turn green with envy and then turn red when someone alienates you? Is it because they use education to alienate you and you use lack of education for everything? Well education beats you. A **** first grader could come up with theories, and probably spell it too. It's funny for a while, but really if it came down to it...and we could get along without you blaming your inability to communicate on anyone but yourself, who would wear the "i'm with stupid" shirt? It's my shirt, and i've been looking for you, so we could stand next to each other and talk. Can you imagine if i could get a real conspiracy, or theorist to open up and actually know what a thesis is, and be all theory and no conspiracy, we would be famous. I hope you did read this you mental health industry science project. Now, please go somewhere you've never went yet. I suggest school or hell. My bad, but hell keeps getting harder con theorist

company keeps company with who company keeps
do i look like those who don't sow what they reap?
only bleed at home, blood of defeated is for streets
a leech waits in mud for that life that it eats

serving sunday service mud made of human dirt
blurred first by certain pain and imperfect hurt
discomfort in the gospel hotheads stirs pots
personal relationships, demons heat with the hot

friends without sin you cast all of the stones
forget about sin choir join in to crush the bones
trends of the soul you better let your master know
perfect people who never search only reap what we sow
ArianaRusso Jul 2014
How i miss the nights of gritty lines of powder
not amphetamines
opiates and nicotine
some call it
a dopes hope
senseless vitality
nose out fine dust
peck of lust
down my neck
deaden caress
slump from a bump
pleased ease
composed mind.
Francie Lynch Dec 2014
I read about nooses
(Such silly gooses).
I read about pills
(Such terminal thrills).
I read about jumps
(Such silly dunces).
I read about ropes
(Such dangling dopes).
I read about guns
(Such a one is gone).
I read about blades
(Such ******* bray).

I don't dismiss you're under stress,
But tell me who cleans up the mess.
holly wray Apr 2015
Crystal **** was the thing
Its the high that gives you wings
Heat it up and watch it smoke
You feel great after just one ****
Send it round and watch it burn
Hope its not empty on your turn
Getting high felt so great
Coming down is what you hate
You have no conscience and feel no pain
Then you start selling everything
There goes your lights,the kids,and the home
It hits you hard when the dopes all gone
You need a couple hits and you'll think clearer
Until you see them blue lights in the mirror
Your mother cries to see you fall
Now its over,You lost it all......
This was wrote in 2008 after watching so many people lose everything because of  that drug
Antony Glaser Apr 2014
With bags on the trains spare seat
some have lost their decorum
the snobs have moved to Herne Hill
the way they think they are the movers and shakers
makes dopes of us to believe
that class leads by distinction
or Isas solves their children's trust,
their culpable  four by fours
shows impolite roadside manners
on  the Dulwich school run.
Victoria Batson Jun 2013
best friends.

they listen,
they're there,
I can count on them,
and they care.

they're mad,
they're loving,
they mean well,
and they're forgiving.

they're crazy,
they're dopes,
but without them,
I couldn't cope.

I love them with all my heart,
and I couldn't imagine being apart.
They make me the happiest I ever could be,
they're like my sisters, family.
Mike Hauser Aug 2018
Your friends were floored
When you found the Lord
Changing your way of life

Yet they saw in you
Something new
Different as day and night

Though every now and then
You dip your toes in
The muddy waters of the mainstream

But that's okay
It's not like you dip every day
Anyways it's only up to your knees

"Just because you're a Christian
doesn't mean you have a license to sin"

You grew up in church
Where the lessons you learned
Were all grilled into your head

Barely leaving a mark
Upon your heart
To be nurtured and Godly fed

Although you know Jesus
There's a consensus
You're still a babe in the faith

Eating soft food and milk
Not sure you ever will
Taste the true goodness that is The Way

"Just because you've been forgiven
doesn't mean you have a license to sin"

You do everything right
Know all the Christian sound bites
Pray sometimes when you get the chance

Don't drink or smoke
Know that dope is for dopes
And wouldn't dare dance if given the chance

You see the world in its mess
And so thankful you're His
And with the good as gone you don't associate

You dabble in love
Hoping that it's enough
While in your heart you still hold hate

"Just because you're a Christian
doesn't mean you have a license to sin"
Brent Kincaid Dec 2015
The current heartthrob,
In a long line of men,
And the goodbye speech
Hearing it all over again.
Said it wasn’t working
And I knew it as well.
Pretending he loved me
For him must have been hell.

By this time in my story
I had learned the ropes.
Neither of us felt we had to
Act like a couple of dopes.
We could divide up the music
The dishes and the clothes.
It didn’t work out this time.
That’s how it always goes.

We picked each other
Because we looked good
And felt things would click
And turn out like they should.
Before long we discovered we
Didn’t have similar dreams.
Two on different tracks together
Is not as easy as it seems.

It happened so many times
I became an expert at it
Because I had no ability
To effectively combat it.
It was love me and leave me
For too long of a time.
As if getting to know each other
Was some kind of a crime.

It would be years before I noticed
How I approached this love task.
They had to guess what I wanted.
It was no good if I had to ask.
That had to figure what I needed
And then they must give it to me.
That was the story every time.
That was my romantic M.O., see?

Today I know it was a stupid game
Like wishing for a dream to come true.
And it didn’t matter one little bit
How many others did the same thing too.
I discovered it wasn’t about good looks
Or some kind of storybook ending.
It’s more like an intense version of us
Becoming friends, our lives blending.
Big Virge Dec 2020
So The Song Is WELL KNOWN...
The One That Bob Wrote...

Where These Builders Refuse...
To Use Head Corner Stones...

They Now PREFER To Choose...
The Stones That They Can USE...
Like A Pair of Work Boots... !!!

But Bob’s Words Spoke TRUTH...
That Spoke of His YOUTH...
And How He Was REFUSED...
By His OWN FATHER... Who...

Was Quite Happy To Throw...
Away... His Corner Stone...!?!

But In This World That We Live...
There Are MANY Like Him... !!!

Who’ve Been QUICKLY DISMISSED... !!!
Because of Their SKIN...
By SADLY... Their Own Kin... ?

From... Michael Holding...

Corner Stones Have NOT Been...
What Have Been ACCEPTED... !!!

BELIEVE Me... This Is TRUE... !!!
From Those Who Make Tunes...
To Those Who Make Moves...
In BIG Business Boardrooms... !!!
To Those In Actors’ Shoes...

Corner Stones Are Refused...
If They WON’T Just ASSUME...
Positions For Missions...
That Lead To Submission...

Which Leads Me To Women...
And... Girls In This World...
Who Keep On Dismissing...
What They Should Be Licking... !!!

Because They’re NOT Thinking...
They’re Out There GOLD DIGGING... !!!

So CHOOSE To Be Linking...
With Heads Who Be Sinning...
When It Comes To *** Missions...  !!!

Cos’ They DON’T Seem To Know...
About... HEAD Corner Stones... ?!?

They Are Now QUICK To Throw...
Themselves Into Zones...
Where Dogs With Small Bones...
Can Slip Into Their Holes... !!!

That They Choose To Keep CLOSED... !!!
To BIG Head Corner Stones... ?!?
UNLESS They’ve Got DOUGH... !!!

You See The Point of This Piece...
Is To Show That It’s... MEANS...
Rather Than QUALITY...
As Well As SKIN TONES...
That PROVE How It Goes...
In This World That’s Now Broke... !!!

Because Head Corner Stones...
... ALL OVER The Globe... !!!

Have Let... Corona Roll... ?!?
So Have Caused Deaths To Toll... !!!
That Have Imposed Controls...
And Tears To Now Flow...
In All Kinds of Timezones... !!!

That AGAIN Goes To Show...
That People Make CALLS...
But Are Still QUICK To VOTE...

For... Political DOPES... ?!?
And Dogs With NO Bones... !?!

And Todays Dumbed Down Clones...

Who KEEP SNIFFING That Coc’...
And Now... EVEN DRONES...

As Their... Head Corner Stones... ?

It’s Just CRAZY To See...
That In TWENTY TWENTY... !!!

That The Words of MARLEY...
Have Become PLAIN To See... !!!!

Because Now You CAN’T Tell... ?!?
Where Head Corner Stones Dwell... ?!?

Who Is... Woman Or Man... ?!?
Or If News Is Now FACT... !?!

And Whose Got The NEW HACK... !?!
But THESE HERE Words Are Fact... !!!

But MOST Seem To Be BROKEN “...

And NO I’m NOT JOKING... !!!

The Quotient Is GROWING...
Who THINK They Are CHOSEN...
When They Are Just TOKENS...
With Potions Now BLOATING... !!!

How Worthy They Are...
To Be Where They Are... !!!
And Be Treated Like Stars...
Who’ve NEVER Seen MARS... ?!?

It’s All Become A FARCE...
This World That Imparts...

A Level of WOE... !!!
That Has Us In The Throes...

of A Game Filled With Thrones... !!!



... “Head Corner Stones”...
Inspired mainly, by the song, " Corner Stone ", by Bob Marley ......
grow your hair
no underwear
everyone dopes
everyone hopes
wear Birkenstock's
ignore the clocks
be brave don't doubt
turn on, drop out
on Alcott Lane
myself to blame
paint a full moon
in the living room
nothing as it seems
in our acid screams
Yenson Sep 2019
The fraud bourgeoisie
mobsters and hoods contract
chiller cinema screening terror vision
gutter psychology of the henchmen dopes
presenting the locusts and ants thriller invasion

the throngs underfed
issuing permits and warrants
reprobates, thugs and con-artists do apply
at the Bastille on the Victorian embankment
bring your disorders of crimson and singe the blues

The zen mentalist of Zenda dribbles rut
the guillotine feeders sharpen dirges blades
pale cowards party in full swing and checks abound
call the pirates of red sea and the mob to share the spoils
no coronation for a sun king a jealous mandate thus declared

the pepper-less hordes of lames
find El Dorado in a mirage in lies of bandits
Scipio Africanus in great and graceful throes incarnate
made thousands ploys and cuts anthems of craven imbeciles
wayward profligates who mired their obsolesces in parable David  

And he stood a Colossus edified
braving contract of thieves, ghouls, thugs and recreants
apostates of truths, corrupters of the just pilgrims' progress
burn in shame, reveling in asinine boast of personal fallibility
requiem for dregs, requiem for the humanization of the toxic heathens
Nights Are For Stuff Like This

It's 3am.
The city's sleeping and I'm not.
Lights like scattered dots burn dim outside my window.
People are dreaming and I'm awake thinking of the
life that's been passing through me like second hands-smoke
lingering in the slowed-down traffic of my DNA.
Nights are for stuff like this;

stuff like silken roads through ragged hillsides,
feelings blacker than night that disappear in the
day light, prisms  bouncing off grey ash, tiny sparks
falling through trap doors, never again to be seen
nor heard, nor taken for granted upon the long
laid train tracks of this ongoing dance.

Memory like loaded simi-trucks taking me all
the way back through corn fields and hay, through
old hard hitting rain that goes clank, clank in my brain.
Scars cutting  through my skin opening again and again
like songs that you hate but can't stop singing  on endless
streaming highways-hitching a ride inside my mind,

pitch-perfect pristine and off-key in the dark,
on a night like this blue black over amber gold.
I'm a million miles further away and one mile closer.
Signposts loud and large selling  big hopes for
happy dopes, emerging eyes now gone from me
peering through clouds because they can, because
they probably always will.

Because who knows how far they've gone and how
far I've come on this night of all nights awake in the
grid of passing stars and dividing lines, now merging into
my lane for better or for worse where gratitude needs no
promotion, because it just is or is not. Because it can't be faked.
nor pimped. Because it has no need for
patronizing nor apologizing.

Because it's outcome, a side effect of nights like this where
everything makes sense and where nothing makes any sense
at all in this gigantic freeway of time that will eventually reach
a dead end. Where sleep will come 'cause the poetry will have
run itself off the bend.
Ah yea nights are for stuff like this.
Memory stoking the fires of time ....Past appearing  and disappearing into the prism of Now.
Big Virge Oct 2017
Ya Know ....    
There HAS TO BE A ... BETTER Way ... !!!  
There HAS TO BE A ... BETTER Way ... !!!    
There HAS TO BE A ..... BETTER WAY ... !!!!!    
Than How We're Living Nowadays .... !!!    
NO Forgiving ... Minds Displaced ...    
Thinking Things That Lead To HATE ... !?!    
Drug Induced Cos' That's The  JUICE ...    
That New Age Crews Are Now Into ... !!!      
OTHERS Too Now Think It's COOL ... ?    
To Live Their Lives HIGH ON ... DENIAL ... ?!?    
There HAS TO BE A BETTER Way ... !!!    
To Nurture Seeds Inside Our Brains ...    
MORE Depth of Mind WITHOUT The Lines ...    
May Help You MORE ... I Think You'll Find ... !?!    
LESS Thought of War MORE Thoughts of Peace ...    
MORE Thoughts of Warmth Less Coldness PLEASE ... !!!  
Turn Down Fallacies So That We Can SPEAK ...    
About The Things We All ... Believe ...    
Less Dividing And Colliding ... !!!    
MORE Combining ...    
Those Who STAND For MORE Than Grands  ...    
So That We Can Build SOLID Plans ...    
That PROTECT Our Lands From HARMFUL Hands ... !!!!!    
UNITE Humans From DIFFERENT Strands ...    
The Game's To PLAY ... NOT Desecrate ... !!!!!      
It's NOT OKAY To HATE A Race ...    
Because They Move DIFFERENTLY To YOU ... !!!    
There HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY ... !!!    
Come On ... It's TRUE ... !!!!!    
Just ... THINK It Through ...    
Less Fights .................... In Sight .......    
Would Be .... ALRIGHT .... !!! ? !!!    
And May HELP You Feel SAFE At Night ... !?!    
Unless You're COOL With Life These Days ...    
If You Are ... OKAY ... !!!    
But Let's Get Things STRAIGHT ... !!!    
Things Are NOT ... Okay Today ... !!!!!!!!!    
RISING Hate Cos' Life's A STRAIN ... !!!    
Less Youthful Veins Than ... WEBSITE NAMES ... !?!    
MORE LIES Than Faith ...  
MORE Killers Today Than DINNERS On Plates ... !!!    
MORE Laws Than ... " States " ...    
MORE ****** Than ... " Babes " ...    
MORE Silicone Bits Than ... BIG OL' ***** ... !!!!    
SEE These Are Things That Make Me THINK ...  !?!    
There HAS TO BE ...    
BETTER WAYS To ... LIVE ... !!!    
And YES Okay A .... BETTER WAY ... !!!    
It's Just Wordplay ... At The End of The Day ...    
But ... THINK About The Things I Say ...    
And Things Now FOUND To Be DISPLAYED ...    
By People BOUND By What They FACE In Todays NEW AGE ...    
A World WITHOUT Millions of Pounds ...    
EXCEPT For Those Who Gave Them Roles ...    
That Fed False Hope And Ropes For DOPES ... !!!!!    
On Which To ... CHOKE ... !!!!!!    
Okay THAT Quote May ROCK  Some Boats ...    
But NOT In Ways That ... Systems SHAKE ... !!!    
Systems Built To CONTROL Wills  ...    
And LOCK THEM Down Like MANY Now ... !!!    
MANY MORE Than ... Years Before ... !!!    
So Now The HOARDS ... APPLAUD The Cause ...    
But Really AREN'T SURE What They're Clapping For ... !?!    
Because They Choose To ... AIR The View That ......    
"Everything's cool, but i'm feeling you !"  
"If you're feeling me ?    
Do something dude, and face what's true !    
Then maybe we can see less bleed,    
and more succeed in finding peace !"
LESS Room For Greed And FALLACIES ... !!!    
MORE SPACE For Plates And ... EQUALITY ... !!!    
So That ONE DAY ...    
We ALL Can Feed OUR FAMILY ...    
..... HUMANITY ..... !!!    
I Speak Sometimes ...    
Within My Rhymes ...    
About ... UNITY ...    
But Right Now It's EQUALITY I'm Trying To GET ... !!!    
Cos' It Seems To Me ...    
If I've Got ONE And ... You've Got ONE ...    
What We Fighting For We're Both Still POOR ... !!!    
Did That Line .... STUN ... !?!    
Were You Thinking ... GUN ... ?!?    
See That's The Thing ....    
It's Our Thinking That NEEDS TO Equate ...    
So That Balance Is DISPLAYED In ALL OUR WAYS ... !!!  
Now That's PRETTY DEEP ...    
EVEN For ... ME ... !!!!!    
"Whoa, now i'm SCARED !"    
So I Think That's Where ...    
I'll Let My Pen Now Find The End ...    
MORE TIME For Patience .........    
LESS Spent On ... Ignorance ... !!!!!    
MORE Upliftment ... !!!
LESS Time For ... DESPAIR ... !!!!!    
MORE Commitment ...  
LESS ... " I Don't Care ! " ...    
LESS Thoughts of HATE ...    
And Division of ... RACE ... !!!!!    
LESS ... LUST For FAME ...    
And A BLINGED' Out Range ... !!!!!    
What More Can I Say ... ?    
Well ... LESS GUN PLAY ... !!!    
Cos' There ... HAS TO  BE ...    
........ " A BETTER WAY " ........ !!!
Just viewing the world as we progress, I felt I had to express my view on how things could be improved ....
Ken Pepiton Jan 2024
My grand daddy taught me to start a rope,
with a Turk's head knot. This be that sort of rope.
-- it takes less time to use
than to make
long enough
for any actual perfect purpose.

Mimetic pretenders,
euphoric make believers,
ritual passage over or under open limen
- cross the t and dot the ego.
- seek and find the missing pages
- all the mysteries in time
- that form our fundamental
- common sense in crazy made time

Lacunae rise from forgotten reasons used
to teach guardians
of secrets reasons
for war, how
to love,
in all the ways love is made worth dying for.
Blut und Grund, das Sein,
und mein, danke Schön

-- time ghosts pass, remarking at the weather-
-fine day, suns ablaze, breeze is light,
bemusing the beguiled thinking
'tis fairy, times fairs became cities, and all agreed,
election by contest, war in the spirit, in truth
using mere words, no audio, no video,
no styling nor fancy letter forms, unicode
alone no secret scripts, only sound marks
accented acutenesses and all,

y nada mas, mere words, redeemed, for this.
one new day redeemed for glory story need.
Morning glory teas,
in tiny shell shape cups.

May all magnificence be truth's.
Kernels of truth,
seeds producing tomorrow's
criteria, substance of things hoped for,
picked out details
to see in myths, the accuser's uses,
mysterious roots in ancien' riparian realms.

Oreithyia and Pharmaceia, intercession
for the poor.
Early spring
bulbs and flowers
the maenads chaos wine,
effigy effigial me, burning
for your mis-perception
of procedural authority,
instant re-co-gnosis,
vestigial dreams
time minds
in tow, riding your own
around the spiral, down,
you would tell me if you were insane
so would I, the ego, living aight,
this it, you read, that's all she wrote
∞ *+
∞ -> =
aha, you think,
may be so,
say so, or no, go and
find the connection closed,
and energy flowing in to the either real realm,
or the null set, like old never minds, you had
while the circuits were fried
at the fusebox
for pennies
used to save a dime, to keep the energy
flowing to the magi's visual representation
of all that's known to hold attention,
by reflex,
look out, see windsense, energy electricity,
elect to let your curiousity fix all your if-I'da


open for conjecture, to catch subjects
objectified from the precept wisdom is, whole,
as the whole truth, we understand, makes sense
nets form nodes of both knowing, as a me,
we, each grow old at the same pace,
we become that which is,
at first step, precept assuring the runner,
there is always a place to put your foot,
goat-sense, Ein Gedi balsam eating
'scaped goat,
running down the cliff,
at the edge of annual reboots,
reconnecting reality, and the balm
traded for silk in Giliad, and
entertaing news
of miracles in smoke…
and mirrors of mercury, and
-------- time, out of mind dangling hook
make believe, fishing
we pretend, making be specific
imaginary gravity and survival codes,
for a chosen few, catchholds, grapples
for those not inclined
to lean
on a lesson
that demands experience,
to contend, hold that thought, this ain't war.

- Khai Vinh, set like the roof
- Ai can find the images,
- the place was real
- those were my antennae
- crazy true, after the fact, signal
- now, how much of that was CIA?

proud Mary keep on boinin', 'long
Bayou Bleu,
down Plaquemine way, deep night
on roads made from tiny wet white shells
that something made, while living in it,
- one way trace, wide enough
- for an auto me mover
- tugging my at to here
as we live inside our head, as far as
our fingers reach
from where we stand,
our feeling fingers only reach so far, so good.

Held a thought
a while back,
it may have been a trick, but listen, if it was,
I'd have taken it, and won, for midsent-morphing
turning tropes for the dopes hoping something new.
In fancy forms of wannabets.
Peace on Earth, is real.
the price is all the attention you can muster,
and then some, as time seems
to have
modes, like we have moods, hormonal
catch and release reflexes, you know, like…

what, what, who cares why, what must be first
priority, ah
what are we intending to pretend to be?
entertained, fed to satiation, what more, prior

to the next wisea
* asking me to believe, in hell.
I just came to fish.
I came after the curtain was torn, top to bottom,
nothing kept secret
for the artifactual value, remains
here. You know, free as any knowing, now.
There is no enemy that truth cannot love, once
you understand, the limits
of your learning curve, ai,
you accept, no lie is
of the truth, no wisdom form
is flawed, first glance,
glimpsed, real as war
glory, as valued a common lure
to the unshined …
initiate turn on … flip
the switch.
Imagine Grace.
Riches with no sorrow,
worth the effort, found
pure, then peaceable, gentle

right snap
fit, just right, no excuses, we got the mystery
imagined for us,
in the end, pain free,
in the collective consciousness some say is spirit
of our time, our Zeitgeist, doing what it does

close up, nothing spooky at a distance, eye
to eye, mere words with wishes twisted through

outs and ins and ups and downs, and
deep as pressure allows,
right, I ought to sleep, but buzz…

O' no, I said too much… or did not say enough.

Slowly, Monday came.
Morning harbinger to sailors, says sit tight.

Find a fire
far from the threshold, and wait.
Talk with the locals
from the same boat, survivors,
boast of storms ridden out, and ones
that swallowed brothers
and some malicious captains. Good riddance,
some say, while others flick a libation
offering a drop of grog across time's stream.

Lift up your eyes, look down
from your satellites and see the future
coming on the weather channel, thanking
all the forces fixing droughts and flushing deltas,

with the first of winter's predictable trials.

Hunker down and listen, feel your self, you
deep down, your sacred feeling, especial self

red sky warning seen
before by wiser men, older
by experience, made
acknowledges your luck,
as a ware for use
by innocents, listen, take heed,

all things work together
for good,
for keeps
for those with hearing ears.

Listen to the wind, and thank the dry truth
for being.

just being used to
form fibers for twisting into ties

---- long lines for this ride pray patient perfecting

Rush to judge the blown away reason.

To whom is thanks given, and why, I
the desert dweller bound for Tarsus, stuck

at the edge of the raging sea.

The whole world shuddered at the blow,
the earthquake, peleg in the old tongue,
as the story eventually got writ, in a modded
Phonecian script, survivors were mostly kids,
resiliency of innocents,
one here,
one there, some whole neighborhoods,
where all the kids were in the swimming hole,
all around the shuddering islands on this world.

It was as we have imagined,
until the grownups crossed lost time,
using lost knowledge locked in idle words,

deem the day redeemed,
feel the emotion defined

gratitude for gratified if I'd known,
missed terminals, crosst wires,
connect to the sea of God's forgetfullness,
relink the collar think canals on rivers,
holding the course men set for cities,
dhghemed damdamd-dayamd indeed…
No river muses suffer such for ever

we all know enough to be accepting
oddities in timed chance trial understandings,

we all know wills to power, and notions
to jump into the ocean and go on down,
to the bottom mind tele far long now mind

space shared across time, like the snow,
when the tv went native,
in the olden days
my minds child watched the hush of creation,

let it happen, let it be, this is it, or we are lost,
and that
is un thinkable, try.
Try thinking you do not follow the whole idea,
is us, all of us in our most common sense,
this one, translation by Google Bard,
passed my Hausa native speaker friend's
blind Turing test,

that happened days ago, next, ah
precept, reception tune to the humm,
listen, humm,

call the editor.

"very interesting." Rest assured,
after accessing the way made plain,

Habakkuk habit, make it plain,
make it make the motors turn minds
in to wills, and wills into power,
pure peace
prefects feel good flicked libation.
The entertainment, many minds
attention paying to the shared event,
Today. EXTRA, read all about it,
death has no lasting sting.
Live to the end. Redeeming your time.
Swiftly passing to the beat of your own drum.

One step past the simple, love,
you find sublime, nothing down and *****,
nothing missing,
nothing broken,

as one learns to think from the heart,
part of me that's thought in you, feels as
mere words some scribe imagined hearing

as he wrote,
line upon line, asangin' twangin'
a strangle hold, twisting hairs into a rope.

A riata, I think they call em.
Horsetail lariat, patiently plaited,
to make my own noose, when the time
comes to put the tool to use.

Plato, Phaedrus 229 (trans. Fowler) (Greek philosopher C4th B.C.) :
"Phaidros (Phaedrus) :
I should like to know, Sokrates (Socrates),
whether the place is not somewhere here
at which Boreas (the North Wind) is said
to have carried off Oreithyia
from the banks of the Ilissos (Ilissus)? . . .
Sokrates :
Oreithyia was playing
with Pharmakeia (Pharmaceia), when a northern gust carried her
over the neighbouring rocks;
and this being the manner
of her death, she was said
to have been carried away by Boreas."

Morally ambiguous. Us, our we, we know not valid reasons
to do useless things, making
vain repetitions, vain making of many books,
all vanity, the making of many things from nothing.
We live on a living planet, and we have tamed parts of it,
not the part common sense comes from, it is still forest dark and lively.
Big Virge Nov 2019
Why Girls ... WHY ... ?

Do You ... Like To TRY ...
To ... MESS With The MINDS
of .... " LOVING Guys " .... ?!?

Have .......... ??? .........
IN .... " Modern Times " .... !!!
and NOW ... " Resigned " ...
To Being ....... " Sly " ....... ?!?

THEY ... Seem To THINK ....
They're ... ALWAYS RIGHT ... !!!
And NEVER Want To ...
Now Be  ... " NICE  ? " ... ?!?

WHY Do This Girls ... ?
PLEASE Explain ... WHY ... !?!

DON'T You Want GOOD MEN ...
To Share YOUR LIFE ... ?!?

You ... CUT MEN OFF ...
With .... " EMOTIONAL Knives " ...
Which Simply Leads ...
To ... " PAIN and STRIFE !!! " ...

LOVE and TRUTH ...
Help Us ... SURVIVE ...
and HELP Create ...
MORE ... Loving Dates ...
And ... HAPPY NIGHTS ... !!!
of ... POSITIVE VIBES ... !!!

Come On Now GIRLS ...
PLEASE DON'T ... " Contrive " ...
And MEN Who TRY ...
To Give You ... HIGHS ... !!!

I'm Saying Girls ... !

Do You Think It's ... " COOL " ... ?!?
To LEAD Men Up ...
...." FALSE Avenues ".... ?!?!?!?

.... " AVENUES " ...
With ... ATTITUDES ... !!!

... " ATTITUDES " ...
That ... DARKEN Moods ... !!!

And Lead Men To ...
ABUSING You ... !!!

Things ... " Some DO " ....
Are Just ... SO RUDE ... !!!

Girls Like THESE ...
Make ... " STUPID Moves " ... !?!

They ... IGNORE Proof ...
And DISMISS Clues ...
That Things They Do ...

Are ...
FAR From ...................................... " SHREWD " ..... !!!!!

DON'T Make Arrangements ...
You ... CAN'T KEEP .... !!!  
And Think That Men ...
Will STILL Be ... " SWEET " ... !?!

DON'T DO That Stuff ... !!!!!

DON'T ................... DISMISS ME ..........
That You NOW READ ... !!!!!

This IS ... " CLASSIC POETRY " ...
Because It's YES ... " REALITY " ... !!!!!

Some Girls Now Be ...
Like ... " Female SHEEP " ....
of ... " TRUE LADIES !!! " ...

Kate Moss Like DOPES ...
Who ..." SNIFF THE Coc' " ...
And Take Mens' KINDNESS ...
For A ...... " JOKE " ...... !!!!!

Then Wonder ... " WHY " ... !?!
Their Hearts Get BROKE ... !!!
And End Up With ABUSIVE Blokes ... !!!

Girls ...  " TAKE THAT IN " ... !!!
Let ... THOSE WORDS SOAK ........................................

Your ... " INNER MIND " .........................
And Let LOVE FLOW ... !!!!

Then Find A MAN ...
Who's GOOD TO GO .... !!!

Girls ....
FEEL My Prose ... !!!

DON'T FILL Your Nose ....
With Stuff That Makes ...
Your Brain ... EXPLODE ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because That FOR SURE ...
WILL Give You ... " Lows " ... !!!

NOT Nights With Guys ...
of ... ****** HIGHS ...
Between Your THIGHS ... !!!
and In YOUR MIND ... !!!

Heed The SIGNS ... !!!
Within These Lines ...

These Are Rhymes ...
Reflecting ... Times ...

So Let's REWIND ...
And Think of Times ...
When Love Was NOT ...
So ... " HARD TO FIND " ... !!!

These Are Things ...
That Got Us Here ... !!!

... FREE Your Mind ...
and See Things CLEAR ... !!!!!

LOVE Is NOT ....
Something To FEAR ... !!!!!!

I'd Rather LOVE ...
Than ... Shedding TEARS ... !!!

Wouldn't YOU ..... ?!?

Come On Now  Girls ...
LOVE'S Got To Be BETTER ... !!!
Than PAIN - FILLED Moods ... !?!

But Some of You Girls ...
Like ... IGNORANT Dudes ... ?!?

Well ...
Here's Some News ...

Men Like THEM ...
Have Got ISSUES ... !!!

And May NOT BE ...
So Good For YOU ... !!!

Offer ... " LOVE " ....
When You ... GET IT BACK ... !!!

Is ... DANGEROUS ... !!!!

BELIEVE ME Girls ...
Cos' THAT'S A FACT ... !!!

FANCY Cars ...
And FANCY Clothes ...
DON'T Give You Love ... !!!

THAT'S The Stuff ...
You ... NEED TO KNOW ... !!!!!

Ashes To ASHES ....
Or ... Dust To DUST ....

Come On Now Girls ...
Haven't You Had ENOUGH ... ?
of PLAYING This Game ...
of .... " CALL MY BLUFF ? " ....

Life IS TOUGH .... !!!
We Both NEED LOVE !!!

Girls and Boys ...
Women and Men ...
When Feeling ... " LOVE " ...
Are A BEAUTIFUL Blend ... !!!

WHY Contend ... ?
With USELESS MEN ... ?!?

Walk AWAY Girls ...

YES ... Just LEAVE THEM ... !!!

But LEAVE ... " Your PROBLEMS " ...
In ...................... " THEIR BED " .......................... !!!!!

Then GIVE Yourself ...
ALL OVER Again ...

A ... " TROUBLED Mind " ...
To The ... " Next Guy " ... !!!!
Who Has Designs ...

A **** GOOD TIME !!!

Because That ... "DENIES" ...

The Chances of ...
A Night of SMILES ...

Where, Body, Souls ...
And Minds COMBINE ...

And FIND A Place ...
Where LOVE'S Your Guide ... !!!!!


" WHY GIRLS .... WHY ? "
There's always something to inspire a writer, when it comes to relationships, and a number of visions at the time inspired this.
Yenson Aug 2019
And so it took the peasants from the town of Muppetsomia
them air-heads, fools, buffoons, dopes, manics and lumps
two scores and a ten years to grasp the concept of subtlety
but alas too late, as all they do is always so lame and *******

Please pardon them for all they know are fellow Muppettians
in trailer trash community where idiocy is inherent in everyone
and by Jove, they do get riled and agitated when they see strangers
for they can never understand that others do not think like them

The Muppettians shout scream all day saying ******* they only know
they say they are planting seeds to grow in Muppettians minds
because they were brought up on dud seeds planted from birth
and the idea of anybody having a mind of their own is meaningless

And so it took the peasants from the town of Muppetsomia
them air-heads, fools, buffoons, dopes, manics and lumps
two scores and a ten years to grasp the concept of subtlety
but alas too late, as all they do is always so lame and *******
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
O how hard life can be, some days it dopes not pay to wake up.
But even in the days of evil, Christ is still in control of everything.
Nothing happens anywhere without Christ knowing in advance.
That it is going to happen top someone, for he is God alone.
So remember this the next time, that you are having a evil day.
Trust him, because he truly does love you and want only good for you.
Because even on a evilest of day, it is still far better then a day in h3ll.
For a day in hell is without love and without our Savior the Christ.

— The End —