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Ellen Bee Sep 2013
I like giraffes.
It's funny when they drink.

I don't care for orange.
I don't know why.
It doesn't excite me.
I don't expect it to excite me.

Rainbows are okay.
They're pretty cool.
When I see one,
I always say
Hey! There's a rainbow.

I like pillows.
They're comfy.
My pillow is the comfiest.

Zebras are melancholy.
Larry Potter May 2017
The comfiest human bed warmer I ever had,
My fundamental tutor of the good and the bad,
The original storyteller in my bedtime tantrums,
The resident photographer of my birthday albums.

The accidental magician who tricked me out of my worries,
A sympathetic dictator who scolds but allows my fancies,
My biased talent manager who always tells me I'm the best,
The loudest cheerleader who puts to shame all the rest.

The world's underrated chef cooking heavenly meals,
Our unpaid laundry lady worrying over water bills,
The overqualified nurse never leaving her patient,
Our top-notch budget analyst negotiating every payment.

The random gardener, she can grow anything with ease,
Our talkative historian, she stops recalling only if we say please,
The uncanny philosopher, we've learned a lot from her,
The lost and found administrator, tracking things hidden anywhere.

The most efficient multitasker I've ever known,
My trustworthy adviser who knows me down to my bones,
A tough fighter who keeps winning her every battle,
My life's co-creator and this world's greatest mother.
Happy Mother's Day!
R Mar 2013
Dear Poet,

I do not know you; yet I know exactly who you are.
I do not know your name; I know the verbs and the adjectives and the metaphors that can sprout in your mind like a flower ready to bloom at two o'clock in the morning. You're afraid, I know. You're afraid to open up to another person because you've been let down time and time again. You find it hard to trust people. No one knows how you feel except for that precious notepad and your favourite pen. Replace the paintbrush with a pencil and the canvas with some paper, and darling, you are an artist. Your world is coloured through the scribbled words in the margins of your study sheets, and the inspiration you get when you discover something amazing. The inspiration to write. To write about what's good in this world, to write about what's bad, about what makes you happy and what makes you sad.
You are not defined by your name. You are not defined by what others think about you. You are not defined by the way you see yourself in the mirror, or the way you interact with others. Instead, you are defined by your favourite colours. You are defined by the beautiful moments you have learned to capture in a single photograph. You are defined by the stories you tell about that day when you were 10 years old. You are defined by the songs you listen to when you're home alone. The movies that you watch; especially the ones that can make you break down in tears no matter how many times you've seen it. But most importantly, you are defined by the words you write. The string of thoughts that you could never say out loud. The words you should have said to that certain person can be told through your poems, and the words that you shouldn't have said can be scrubbed out with an eraser in the fraction of a second. See, this is why you matter.
You matter because you are a poet. You are not just an ordinary person; you have a passion like no other. You see things that the world does not; like the beauty of a sunset or the meaning behind a song or the sadness hidden through a smile. You over-analyse everything, but that's okay because you are a poet. You can find a reason to write just because of something someone said to you, or a good day, or a bad day. In fact, you cherish the bad days because those are the times when your writing shines like the sun coming up after a long day of rain.
You are so beautiful, and everyone can see it but you. You look in the mirror and count each and every flaw you see. You wish you could be prettier, you wish you could be happier, you wish you could be like the popular kids at your school. You wish you could play sports instead of hiding out in your room all day writing a bunch of crap. But it's not crap... It is the most pure and absolutely extraordinary thing in this world. Why? Because you are a poet. Your words are who you are. Don't you dare become popular; don't you dare change who you are. You are a poet. You are unique. You are so, so beautiful.
Hands stained with ink, pencil behind your ear, notebook hidden in your back pocket. No make-up, hair pulled up, wearing your comfiest hoody. You don't have brand name clothing, or an expensive car. You don't go out partying, or eat at fancy restaurants. Why? Because you are a poet. You drink tea, not wine. You wear sweatpants, not dresses. Converse, not stilletos. You are not a model. You are not an actress. You are not like the others.
You are not outgoing. In fact, you are extremely quiet and shy. But you are kind, so so kind. You care about others, not yourself. You are the listener, not the talker. You are the nurturer. You are the lover of books, of literature, of English. You are a poet.
I do not know you. But I hope to meet you one day, I hope to share my poems with you and cry over sappy love stories and get drunk off tea with you. Why? Because you are a poet. And so am I.

Sincerely yours,
Another Poet
Regan Troop Jul 2011
In the morning I'll wake
To the sunshine, rain, smell of new lawn
Jump up and for us, morning tea I'll make!
Walk around with next to nothing on

Take my time in the shower
But keep it under half an hour
Dress in the comfiest thing
Turn up the radio and sing

Flop down on the couch beside you
Wearing a little girl's smile on my face
Your shining eyes turn my heart to fondue
Holding me in this warm, ***** embrace
I wish that someday, this is how my mornings will start.
With some nature, fun, and the love of my life <3
Blossom Dec 2016
Looking at your sleeping figure for the last time
Sprawled across the comfiest couch we have ever slept on
I smile as softly as your snores that barely fill the room
Give your left cheek a swift kiss
As my silent goodbye you'll never know I gave

I slowly tuck the blanket around your hips and chest
Knowing how much you need to be held on to
Then walk out the familiar door I will never see again
Turning off my hurting heart the same way
I am forced to turn that golden, squeaky doorknob closed
Daniel Magner Apr 2013
My comfiest sweater.
My most relaxing t-shirt.
That one cap, that belt.
These things I can't take back,
stolen from past loves
at the exact moment we began to cry.
I starve for the chance
to wash them in smoke,
douse them in beer
so these clothes are no longer theirs
but mine.
© Daniel Magner 2013
bri Aug 2022
The bed has never been the comfiest place to sleep in.
Everywhere else is better than sleeping on a bed.
The couch is inviting, soft, weird place to sleep, but acceptable.
Single wooden chairs lined perfectly, not so much.
But still, better than a bed.
The floor too, albeit cold and flat, it stretched my muscles into place, held me to the ground until I was fast asleep,
so still, it is better than a bed.
Sitting while im on my desk supposedly doing my homework is also better than laying in bed.
Why was everywhere else so much better than being where I should be?
I never fell asleep on the bed. It was too stuffy, too suffocating, too boring, too everything.
It was loud, and banging on my mind with quietness and precision as it does every night.
But most especially, it felt too much like a coffin.
I’d rather sleep anywhere else than on the bed.
It's a new morning
so get up out of bed
and wipe the dust
from your eyes,
let the sun filter through
the curtains, let your mind
become adjusted to where you are,
what time it is, where your handkerchief
is and what you are doing here
in this bedroom that looks
oh-so unfamiliar, unpleasant
with tissues everywhere
and a broken lampshade
dangling dangerously
from the ceiling, my God
what a dump you think
but who gives a ****,
you'll stay a bit longer
and then consider what you've done,
what you didn't do,
what you should've done
and how many missed calls you have
on your phone from friends
asking where the devil you are
because you left early
and didn't let them know,
it really bugs them when you do that,
they must've been a bit worried,
but they needn't be now
because you're in bed,
not the comfiest, not the cleanest
but in a bed with blood on the pillow
and a can of Dr. Pepper on the windowsill
in a room that looks like hell,
you feel like hell
but what the hell.
Written: March 2012.
Explanation: Another poem that I may revise at some point in the future, written in my own time. Again, not so much a personal poem.
Mosh Microbiomes Apr 2017
Wore the flattest shoes tonight
So I don't foolishly tumble
Adored the comfiest XL size
For if my chest begins to crumble

The white noise shot-out, let's run now
In the oversized grey tshirt, all is numb now
"Do you want? Need? Like? SAY something!"
I can ******* scream but now I barely mumble

Don't sympathise, I do that just fine for me
Hold back or let me go, either way you can't see
Shadows of the noise that I can't shake when I am still
So I run and I run, until it's a distant melody
Keeley Golden Apr 2014
you're everything
you're the blankets that wrap around my body at night.
you're the moon and the stars and the earth and the sun, the reasons i'm alive.
you're the nightlight that keeps me safe.
you're the busy background noise that keeps me sane.
you're the moon and i'm the ocean waves.
you're that perfect amount of sugar in my morning coffee.
you're the sun that soaks up all of my energy, just to wake me up the next morning.
you're the music that plays in the car on the way home.
you're the shot of ***** on a friday night, keeping me on the edge, while pushing me to my very last inch.
you're the rush of adrenaline that pulses through my body as i sneak to your car in the middle of the night.
you're the low volume music that hums me to sleep at night.
you're the comfiest sweater in the long winter months.
you're the perfect summer storm.
you're the blast of caffeine that opens my eyes.
you're the imperfectly perfect painting that has always been my favorite.
you're my favorite song that comes on shuffle.
you're the mystery that i don't mind trying to solve.
you're the thing i'm most proud of.
you're the bustling city traffic during rush hour.
you're the sound of my heart beating.
you're my favorite movie, the one i love to watch on repeat for what seems like forever.
you're the goosebumps i get when you say my name.
you're the flicker of candle that i feel when you walk by.
you're the notebook filled with poetry that i carry, making your way into everything.
you're the perfect book on a sad day.
you're the nighttime darkness that keeps me from getting caught.
you're absolutely everything.
JC Lucas Oct 2014
When it's October 12th-
When it's a sunny Sunday afternoon
In the fall
When you're curled up in your comfiest sweater
Next to a purring cat curled up in his
And you sit in front of the bay windows of your home
Watching the clouds and cars and wind roll by
Carrying burning yellow leaves
In the updrafts.

When you want something,
but you don't know what.
Maybe it's a want to want,
misplaced in hopes of filling
the ever-present void in you.
Maybe it's happiness.

Maybe it's as close as you'll ever get.

Either way,
Maybe it's enough.
Jon Tobias Nov 2011
It is grey and snowy here
And I kinda miss the sun
She said

I am wishing you the warmth only a lover can offer
Via breathy nothings into your ear

Fills you like a balloon
And stands you so still
That your shadow on the snow
Looks more like a stain

I know you
Like the snowy backdrop of my foggy thoughts
When poetry is all that is left
To know who we are
And what we’ve become

It is us trapped in the porcelain distance
Between scalding hot coffee
And your shaking palm

So this is me
Wishing you warmth
And love
And burning belly cinderblock butterflies
The kind that don’t make you tremble
Just settle
Into the comfiest spot you know

Still cold?
I didn’t think so
Hope this helps. ;-{)
softcomponent Apr 2015
Far out, and beyond, and within, the Diamond Jubilee is the Diamond Sutra.

The Diamond Sutra.

There were so many moments, back whenever it was, when I would stop and listen to the nothing that corrected itself thru my earbuds-- bloodflow, cloth-blank losers in a wanna-wantnot trance.

It was eons in the making. And so am I.

What is it you wish to do with your life? Find a happy little wife or a burly, gunsling husband, something to get married to so-as to reinforce the stereotypes? (becus stereotypes are the comfiest thought-houses to live in, hm!)

Do you wish for money money and a jobby job with Bishnu arms to paint the 'bigger picture' at quadruple the speed only two hands ever could?

I wish for tears! Tears and frustration and suicidal thoughts, with reprieve to mind-explosions every time I see or hear of something beautiful. Something aching and *****, little silver fish crawling in the soup I made with the blood and sweat of all my friends' indifference.
pluto Jun 2015
Dear ——,  
There are a few things I wanted to mention. Don’t worry, this wont be long and depressing I promise. I just wanted you to know that I’ve learned a lot for my time on this planet. For some reason I feel like I’ve lived thousands of lives already, and gradually picked up on some things in my time. This is what I want to mention to you. I’m not sure if it’s the secret of our unfathomable lives, or just a bunch of cliche words tied together to make you feel something. But I’m still going to mention it.
I was in pretty bad place before, and I’m most likely still in a bad place but thats okay because I was there and I felt everything and everyone. Even if I hated them, I knew they came into my life for a reason. You see, I believe everything happens for a reason. And **** those people who say everything doesn't matter because it does. And it does because you’re there and they're there, and you are all there together and it all ******* matters because you matter. Don’t ever believe all of this doesn't matter. Because if you do, I’ll start to feel bad for you, and nobody likes being pitied.
I’ve also done many bad things. To myself and mostly other people. I’ve had a hard time in this life, but I think it was worth it. I think all the pain, the stress, the dissociation, the mental issues, the loneliness- it was all worth it for this moment I’m in right now.
Because in this moment, I’m in the comfiest red truck. I am covered in the warmest blanket. My favorite song in the whole universe is on a low hum. The sky is a bright orange descending into a faded twilight. The stars are so bright, and I don't even care if they are most likely dead, they are still hopeful. The mountains make me feel like I belong somewhere. The sun’s orange light is illuminating you, and I swear to god you look like an angel. And you love me with every bone in your body, and I love you with every atom in mine, and thats okay.
I guess what I’m saying is that, don’t be afraid of death. Don’t be afraid of the unknown. Learn to love it. Learn to love what you hate. Learn to love who you hate. Learn to give yourself to everything and everyone even if its dangerous. Learn to love goodbye’s. Learn to love Mondays. Learn to love the bad days. Learn to love every bad thing in the world. Learn that everything no matter how ugly it is, is so beautiful. And truly beautiful things never die.
So, this is goodbye. This is my last letter to you. These are my final words. They're not great, but thats okay. I just want you to know that right now I’m staring at you, and you are so ******* beautiful. I never thought I would love someone so much, but there you are, breathing everything in. You’ll be fine, I swear to you. And who knows? Maybe, I’ll see you my next life, because whoever’s up there knows I’ll look for you. I always do.

Caitlin Nov 2014
Every 13 minutes someone, somewhere in the world,
takes their own life.
That's the amount of time it would take you to:
Make your bed (we all know a remade bed is comfiest)
Listen to five songs
Read a chapter (or two) in your favourite book
Take a walk around the block
Play with your pets
Do a few chores and tidy up
Check up on a friend-
Not a long span of time when put in perspective,
is it?
Every 13 minutes a soul struggles to find peace.
Every 13 minutes someone commits suicide.
Every 13 minutes someone leaves this earth for good.
Every 13 minutes hearts break.

But it doesn't have to be that way.
Spread the word.
Suicide is not the answer.
Help is available.
Things do get better.
I miss you *******.
Rebecca McDade Feb 2014
There is a time
and place
for everything.

You may not
feel like
the top of
a mountain now,
but that is
You can feel
   like the dried line
   on the inside
   of your coffee cup.
You can feel
   like the leftover
   on the floor.
You can even feel
   like the rain must feel
   on a day
   the world wants sun,
but do not reduce yourself
   to the cobwebs
   in the corners
because you feel so.

For even if you don’t feel like
   the first ray
   of sunshine
   in the morning,
or feel like
   the comfiest cushion
   on your mum’s
or even feel like
   your favourite character
   from your
   favourite book,
remember that
you would not know
if you did not know

There is a time
and place
for everything.
Do not worry if your’s
is not now.
Seductive Poetry Jan 2021
Touch me with your hands. Your hand lightly placed on my arm as you giggle at my silly jokes. Your arm wrapped around mine as we walk under the moonlight. Your hand placed on my shoulder gripping it tightly as we kiss under the stars. Your hand interlaced in mine as we sit and share the day. 

Touch me with your heart. Love me through my darkness and add your light to mine so we shine brighter together. Heal me with your presence when life wounds me. Reflect all the love I give to you back to me and I will do the same to you.

Touch me with your body. Wrap yourself around me so we create the warmest, comfiest knot in the world. Wrap yourself around me as we become one and burn in a passionate blaze all through the night. Rest you head on my chest as we drift off to a deep slumber.

Touch me with your soul. Open yourself up and show me the deepest, darkest and most intimate parts of you. Open your soul so that mine can seek refuge in its light. Bear yourself to me, vulnerable and trusting and I vow to do the same.

Touch me with all of you. Touch me with your hands. Touch me with your heart. Touch me with your body. Touch me with your soul. Touch me until I can feel you in every part of me, in every part of my being. Touch me with all that you are and I will return the favor.

© Seductive Poetry
Riley Apr 2021
8:52 AM sitting at my local coffee shop. Looking out  into the overcast sky. Strong breeze knocks my napkin onto the ground, and I go to pick it up. Look up and down the street I see her, yellow dress white skirt the most vibrant person I've ever laid eyes on. She lights up the street, without doing anything out of the ordinary, just walking, but I find myself staring at her in awe of the beauty set before me. Beautiful amber eyes, long brown hair.  Shining ray of sunlight pierces the gray clouds of my boring life, swiftly illuminating me and wrapping my heart in the warmest comfiest blanket.  Still being crouched over caught in a situation I've never been in before I attempt to get up and return my napkin to the table. I won't probably ever see that girl again, but those few seconds of absolute radiance reminded me that there is a life worth living.
2D World Jul 2015
Sometimes I can never get enough
Looking for the comfiest bed and pillows that are fluffed
Enclosing me in a dream state
Executing all things no matter how big the weight
Preparing me for the next day that I await
#Dreamer #Love2Sleep
S cape Mar 2017
She thought of you as Sunday morning
You thought of her as Friday night
You were her cup of coffee
She was your hangover delight
She wanted you every morning
You only ever wanted her at night
She wondered what she could do to make you see that
To clear your blurred vision of life
You never listened to a word she said
all you ever wanted to do was get to the bed
She exceeded your expectations
But you were too blind to see
She could've been your Sunday morning, your morning coffee and your favorite type of tune
She could've been your messy bed sheets, your comfiest pjs and your midday afternoon
She could've been that but you were too naive to notice
now she's spending Sunday morning with someone who treats her like java beans and omelets
While youre laying in a bed full of empty on Friday night
Madeysin Apr 2015
No matter how many, new blankets, pillows and sheets. You pile high.
Like the princess & the pea, I'll never sleep. Shoved down in the bottom layer, under the comfiest cover. Is all the thoughts, that come out at night. Someone knock me out please
Peach Pietersen Oct 2016
A sadness so heavy
It's worn like a winter coat
It makes your chest tight
Until feel like your dragging it along
Is this where it belongs?

It sits on your eyelids in the mornings
Desperately trying to cling them shut
Only to sit on the lashes later that night
To stretch them wide

It consumes your spirit
Until you feel like flesh an blood
As if your skeleton
Was eaten by your sadness
Making it nearly impossible to get out of bed

It clings to your finger tips
Making you shake constantly
As if you're anxious
Or fragile
But that only confuses them more

It lays on your appetite
Until you're running dry on energy
And no explanation
Because no one can see the demons
Dancing on your stomach lining

It re-wires your thoughts
Until you're no longer yourself
Making you think you're lost
And completely self absorbed
Into your own sorrow

It climbs into your skin
Making you itch like an addict
Feeling uncomfortable
And paraiod in the comfiest of places

It hides behind your eyes
No matter how good you are at hiding it
Regardless of how much you smile
It doesn't matter if you're bubbly
One look in your eyes
And the truth is told

Once you take your sadness somewhere
It embeds itself in the location
When you go back the demons
Will scream at you rhymically
As you drag yourself through the door
Like the church bells chiming on Sunday morning

The problem with sadness is
It becomes comfortable
Somehow it writes itself into your personality
It prints itself to your skin
And it clings on to you forever more

The depressive thoughts will stop
But the profuse shaking
Battle wounds
Bags under your eyes
The memories in your favourite places
The way you think
The foods you eat
And the weight on your shoulders
Become a part of you

Not only does the sadness follow you
you follow it
October 2016 relevant again

— The End —