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MollyValentine Nov 2017
I saw them today
bundled in a pile
in my kitchen somewhere.
In them,
I see two children,
bright as sun,
good as gold,
foolish as the malcontent.
The nights
we loved,
the nights
we couldn't bare to.
And despite all,
in these photos
we are happy.
I keep it this way forever.
-I don't miss you like I miss the routine
599 · Nov 2017
Bel Air
MollyValentine Nov 2017
The most beautiful girl
in the world
and I
am taking her out to dinner.
She is wearing red tonight,
violet in the evening,
white to bed,
and blue in the morning.

I am inhaling the tropics outside
and through the hotel
My Rosaline,
My love,
you are the most Bel-Air
you will ever be again.

I left my heart there for sure.
-A sunset where you are is lust made visible
576 · Oct 2017
Charlie Boy
MollyValentine Oct 2017
The earth shatters again
and I,
believe too much in fate, I believe.
Quiet now, he walks in.
My Charlie Boy.

He is writing of me pretty words
an ugly girl, a *****
I love you so much I am worried it will be my demise,
My Good Charlie Boy.

I found the letters,
and I am not so bitter,
but Grey, he is.
Not Mine, are you, Charlie Boy?

My lust for the man.

Charlie died that night.
His beautiful ****** face,
the kindness of strangers far too profound
for they all said a gun was no way to go,
for my Dear Charlie Boy.
i miss you still, i think
519 · Nov 2017
MollyValentine Nov 2017
Now and then,
when the wind whips the world warm
and all leaves
are but the blanket to the soil,
early nights bring in the thought of you.
When I think of people
I have loved
I remember a silent memory
so loud
I still hear it in the distance,
They kick and scream.
And you,
peacefully perched
on the marble floor
smiling up at me
at 1am
'i missed you'

Every day since has been October.
-I miss you only twelve times a year
459 · Oct 2017
Notes on a Candle.
MollyValentine Oct 2017
Take that candle
from the step of the door,
for too much light is there
in these bed chambers
to which
your affection
I all but owe.
Would it be
so wrong to love
you in the dark?
there is nothing but soul to love.
When the face
and the body
are but planet to all
and I am left to love
double crossed sticks in the ground
what else will I adore?

remove that metal plate
from the step of the door.
Let it melt away!
Take it's harsh light to tomorrow!
Leave me with today
in which
I shall love you more
with every inch of darkness
that buries this room
and lets my affection
sprout from within.
Take my hand, we leave the cave together.
452 · Oct 2017
My Ivy.
MollyValentine Oct 2017
I wish I had been there.
I want the time back,
back to me.
The man I loved,
lost to the clock.

I wish I was there
when you fell in love for the second time.
He had my eyes
and looked at you
like you didn't even exist;
some Diamond Platinum alchemic soul.
He was not perfect,
a little torn, yes
and his edges all frayed from tragedy
but he was yours.
The first beautiful thing that was.

I wish I was there,
when your father died.
When the world fell from beneath your feet.
I was galaxies away,
and everything became but shapes,
on a metaphorical cave wall.
I become less the man you loved every day.
No superior,
your love without creates.

There will be a son someday,
and he will look like you,
and you will love him so much you will wonder if it will **** you.
My greatest love,
the wonderful father.

My Ivy,
all the growing up we did together,
and now I free thee.
My happy love,
happier without me.
-I didn't deserve you at all
450 · Dec 2017
MollyValentine Dec 2017
If you
take nothing else from this,
we all change.

you will leave this town one day
and the all the buildings,
and statues,
and concrete slabs
will miss you endlessly,
but you need life
and you will go

I know
how home feels sometimes
and how
Sunday nights
feel like magic
especially on Monday mornings.

In four years,
home will mean something different.
A hand,
the smell of jasmine,
and your little lad
who looks so much like your wife
it will give you faith in the world.

is where skies are always pink
and you are
always in bed
before the street lamps turn on
it is always sunny
and where
there will always be an
I love you
to be heard.

Most things equivocate change,
some evade it
all together.
-I'm driving home now, mam, see you in ten
430 · Nov 2017
The Red String
MollyValentine Nov 2017
The string
keeps me .
I tell people
it has broken
long ago.
If anything,
it has wrapped
around my body.
Every inch of skin,
and begs for more.
all over the floor
I am cleaning up
after a love too messy
to write about.
At night,
tug, tug, tug.

I feel it still.
-Pull harder, take me where you are
422 · Jan 2018
MollyValentine Jan 2018
I watch you
like I am watching the stars.
Four million things to see,
And three million more to do.
My darling,
have even more than I.
This I realised
the night we cried
on the couch
with all the lights in the house replaced with a starry night.
You cry tears of satin,
with rose petals for eyes
and I would wish for your success
on every shooting star in the world.

I watch you
like I am watching the stars.
Please know
the night sky is brightest after implosion.
It blooms and grows
as you will
in your own enigmatic charisma.

A beautiful girl, yes
but oh,
so much more.
-The brightest star in the sky, and I have the pleasure of knowing her.
421 · Dec 2017
MollyValentine Dec 2017
the city of London exploded,
I cried alone for days.
Was that it?
Crying for a man overseas
who hung painting
from a  west indie tree?
Some Imperial freedom
from which we develop.
The city explodes
and buzzes
for days afterwards.
I think of every word
in the mouth
of every woman
in every building in town.
comes to the Metropolitan centre
and we gossip
about men
who write like Bysshe Shelley
and love like Mary.
They have angels
about their homes,
I have heard soliloquised,
and knaves in the room.
I sob,
I am like them, too.
The primadonna
baby pink fin de siècle
will not free me.
affection is a
concept of avant garde
and of
the outer versus inner
comes absolutely nothing
a dissolution
of scientific certainty.
-A brave new world, braver newer woman
392 · Oct 2017
Wedding March
MollyValentine Oct 2017
And like our bodies,
Carrige-men take their horses over cobbles streets.
The faithful bride backseat,
holds in the waterfall of skin
so sweet and tender to touch.
The formal arrangements made easy work of
by the smile you wore
when the satin dress
kisses your shoulders goodbye.

The priest; your collarbone
holds the feast together
with horrid prayer and worship
which, to you,
are but kisses on bruises
left behind on the lily white wedding veil.

That kiss, us
minds entangled as knots
tied around pleasure in the stomach.
I become part of your body,
and in this,
far beyond married are we two.

The sacrement,
you become me slowly
and all at one.
Bedside table becomes a ceremony
your vows, my name
in hushed tones and prayer.
The rings;
A ring of lipstick on your thigh
there I have shown you
how much
I Love You
one thousand times tonight.
Until that little death do us part.
387 · Dec 2017
Our House
MollyValentine Dec 2017
I found her in our house
I burnt it to the ground
one million times over.

That place
built for you
with mine own cells.
with lavender walls
and rose petal front doors,
and you
hiding her among the weeds.

Constructing a home
out of paper airplanes
and coloured ties.
My heaven,
and yours,
frolic in the garden.

When I found her in our home,
our home became a house.
Her body
more than this mattress fills.
Her perfume
swells the vents.
This house
comes alive with her
And I hate it here.

I found her in my house
all Hell
erected beneath me.
the futility
trying to **** someone
who is already dead to you.
-Dead husband, beautiful mistress.
379 · Jan 2018
The World Burning in Prose
MollyValentine Jan 2018
We were in the kitchen the night you told me. You said, nonchalantly, as you always have done, you said 'I like this life just fine'. I thought about this for ages the way one can feel a lover's hip cupped in the palm of their hand for hours after the encounter. Now, perhaps you meant when you were little, and I did not know you. There are stories of you running, cherub faced and limitless, through a sunflower field in dungarees with ***** shins and muddy faces; playing like one of the boys. Back when people used to tell you you looked just like your mother and she would squeeze your small hand tighter. You were her one grasp on this frightening universe. Perhaps, you have came to the reasonable conclusion she is proud of you. Maybe, instead, you were thinking of this house. This small red build up in Manchester where we have built our life and where the foundations of our affection derive from such purity. We will raise children and die in these halls, happy and old, knowing our love was the chief beauty of my entire existence. I even gave some thoughts to those nights in Greece where you were drunkenly,  and magically, dancing with waiters until caramel sunrise brought you my way. I asked you the next morning what you meant, you smiled sleepily and kissed both of my cheeks with a hazy mouth. 'You love me in this life', you said, 'and such is all I have ever wanted in this world'.
So yes, I love you in this lifetime, and all my other lifetimes. I love you forever and shall adore you just as ferociously in the eternal falsification of our afterlife together. If there is ever any doubt, I wish to spend the rest of my life by your side and then whatever happens next is ours too. If I can, then I will....

But, I like this life just fine.
-It's only fair I should be chasing you forever.
356 · Nov 2017
MollyValentine Nov 2017
Once I loved an Irish lad,
beauty in overwhelming purity.
More northern than I,
and loved with the strength
of one thousand mountains.
The grassy mounds
of his affection
was where I spent six months at a time.

They all called him common,
my strapping Irish boy,
but from the exclusion of wealth
comes wealth enough.
The ultimate higher love.
-My Belfast lover drawn into the world
354 · Oct 2017
3 Years Ago
MollyValentine Oct 2017
The first time,
I saw you on a train.
I went home,
did not proceed to work,
did not live that September afternoon.
Bathed in bleach instead.

I saw you in my shower
and imagined
a funeral in blue.
I would have died in that waterfall,
all for the tender touch of your fingertips.
My mother,
cries over my corpse not knowing it was loved.

I saw you in space yesterday, love
Lover to the stars,
mistress of the moon,
I am coming to the conclusion I cannot live without you.
347 · Nov 2017
MollyValentine Nov 2017
Turn off the TV.
There is so much noise
in the world.
To much equivocation of pain,
to much
lust for suffering.
Turn off the TV.
Let mother nature
lull me to sleep
where the fate of the man
I love
rests solemnly on the head of a liar.
Turn off the TV.
My eyes subside on
a world at peace.
-I can't even think about what this must've been like for you
339 · Nov 2017
To god and then Beyond.
MollyValentine Nov 2017
When god is but a creation of us
and we fail to see the utility
of faith and love,
I shall be Your hold on the world.
I shall clasp at the ropes
which break and bind the cracks
of the earth
to the marks of Your Skin.
I shall take the out of place
which You have followed so wearily
and create a home
in each of the seventy-seven crevices of hell
For You.
I will love every inch of you
that you carry to the labyrinth.
I will hold sacred
the uncovered words
in the bible of Your Mouth.

In betrayed prayer and
unconditional sermon
I become but a story
of a damaged woman
and her awe stricken
who thought the world of her
and nothing of god
in the same breath.
-I believe in you more than anything
326 · Nov 2017
On poetry and such.
MollyValentine Nov 2017
A man who hates himself
is a writer.
His woman,
who loves everything
and who is beautiful under doubt,
is always the poet.
-you have saved my life, i would be lost without you
304 · Nov 2017
How I miss you.
MollyValentine Nov 2017
On Monday,
I waited for you
to come back from the bathroom.

Most days,
I feel like telling the stars
they are ugly,
Laughing heartily in
the eye of a storm,
watering the rivers
of the world
until they, too,
understand drowning.

Be with me now,
be still.
Most days,
I still can't stand the sound
of the doorbell ringing.
I know you won't be calling.
I don't even feel like me.

And this is how I miss you.
-I'll leave the light on, you'll have travelled a long way
272 · Dec 2017
My Finest Lover
MollyValentine Dec 2017
I wonder if he knows,
after he died
I went digging for him.

How sad it is
for someone to exist forever
and still be gone.
Should this be seen,
I have loved you most in death.
More beautiful somehow,
some ethereal,
natural sense
of serendipity
and I still
did not wade into the river.
I was scared of what I might find.

Part of me
wishes we had gone together.
Our hands
rot into each other.
I become you
becoming earth.
Now that I miss you,
I see you more everyday/

I know
if these words are in the world now,
you and I have both passed.
I hope we are reunited somewhere.
Clasping fingers,
touching lips,
every day
it is New Years Eve.
-Counting down the clock, my love
269 · Nov 2017
MollyValentine Nov 2017
My Duchess.
Never have I ever loved
another face.
Look at me,
if you can.
I burn.
Oh, my heart.
She is the most beautiful woman
in the world,
what I wouldn't give
to be between
those thighs.
Porcelain beauty.
Moving only
under my
and the gentle noise
so silent outside this room,
so loud to me.
My statute love,
mine forever,
poised like this.
Angels on air.
-stay quite still, you look so beautiful in the light
259 · Oct 2017
MollyValentine Oct 2017
Queen of Venus,
Ruler of Mercury,
the second time around
you will get
whatever it was you wanted
the incompetent space man
who loved you
to death.
You could hear my heartbreak from Mars
253 · Nov 2017
the open ghost of love.
MollyValentine Nov 2017
desperate as the carnivorous
turn of affection.
never so demanding
or pleasingly unattainable
that tender ferocity
it tears me apart every time
i do it again.
-maybe it feels that way the first time around
231 · Nov 2017
MollyValentine Nov 2017
and tell her
right now.
-Hello? Are you still there?
229 · Oct 2017
MollyValentine Oct 2017
I can't stop thinking about angels.
Where do i look first?
i search the closet of my old bedroom,
it smells like Bel Air in the summertime,
i come wearing frilly dresses,
dancing with gorgeous men thrice my age.
If i want Icarus,
i am told i will find Him at
the closest part of the sun that is not the sun itself
and yet,
i cannot name of any astronauts who have seen heaven.
oh, Angel.
My feather winged love.
My heart is weeping from the magic of it all,
and i
thinking You.
I wish you were mine
205 · Jul 2018
The Devil at Dawn
MollyValentine Jul 2018
For the past five days,
all of my dreams have tasted like whiskey
and every morning
sounds like champagne glasses.
I suppose this makes me haunted.
Perhaps the devil is a woman.

The night we met
was surrounded by the circumstance
of a mysterious blaze.
In the town centre,
we never counted the bodies
or the screams heard.
I never found
who held the lighter
or told anyone else.

told me awful fairytales
of her last lover,
and the last man
to double cross
such a tempting tempest.

Where we met
was in the porch of her mansion
in the middle of sunny California.
In my head,
she wore a silk red nightgown
and smiled a ring off my finger.

We made love that night
until I forgot who I was
and became
the ruler of all things unequal.

I didn't see her again.
When the flames were too tall for me to eclipse,
the whole world was first to know.
I heard New Orleans
erupted into inferno last week.
I wonder if she
is enjoying herself there
and who
she is telling about me now.
-If i'm onto you, you must be onto me.
198 · Jan 2018
MollyValentine Jan 2018
we ran for hours
about cheap wine
and how
all my lovers
had made me feel
like a pin
in a room full of drums,
They pound and scream and wallop,
I am so infrequently heard.
look at me like you've just heard my laugh
in a crowded room.
When in love,
some people turn deaf
and when you love someone
you hear yourself in them.

I think you see me,
I think you do.
-You are the last person in this world I want to hurt.
191 · Oct 2017
MollyValentine Oct 2017
It is hardly long in life
before we learn
from our fathers
and our mothers
and so many hard done-to-lovers
That some goodbyes
are just bigger than others.
When something rhymes, it's real.

— The End —