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Sillva Oct 2018
After all this time I can now sit an write
Forgetting my pass years of endless flights.
Desintations among the shadows,
Where images cannot Appear.
For some reason
I closed my self to this lonesome fog.
Making my ink
to stop.
My Agony becomes extensions of deadly Airs,
For dying leaves to settle in my grave.
My lonely nights
Are poems in a difficult times
Turning beautiful flowers to gloom
In cemeteries.
It appears me that I have open my self to a word of emptiness,
An rumours to me became a curtain for eyes to never see happiness.
As I say in between my words
An call out
"I feel Alone among millions"…..

                                                 ­          By  
                                                            ­    E.R.S
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2019
For Leonard: Two Years On (11/7/16)

don’t patronize, he laughs,
don’t want too much praise,
might go to my head,
which is still residing in Montréal,
ville de ma naissance

well you know, Natty, our tradition~prohibition
against excessive eulogizing (hesped),
and I know too,
some traditions you respectfully disrespect,
so try to be mindful,
wax not overly long

a suggestion by our mutual master songwriter,
follow the Song of Songs model,
write of new love,
born and reborn,
and borne
from the collection of beloved songs ancient

“His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem”
Chapter 5, Verse 16

kiss the comforter, that unmistakable gravelly voice chanting,
smooth anthesis, lips raining down blessings,
from places heard but unseen, that yet flutter the spirit

come to me, thy beloved, thy image mirrored,
our missing part, bare the lightness,
pour it into the crack,
that fire creates
when lips meet and sing a song of unity again
continuously perfected

go downtown, on rainy nights, when only few venture
to the venue, find the small bars with a stool and a spotlight,
smoking out back, the sound system half-busted,
where the tryouts for brave are held, keep those names,
make a list,
for these are the voices of angels hidden among the living

singalong, see the notes rising to glory bound,
clothed in shiny stainless steel, golden bronze,
metals of man and earth, forged formed,
for who needs fanciful gold and silver, soft and bendable,
earth presents, they’re over praised, 
 it’s on the base bass that the tower of love is founded,
and not just for the gifted

come my friend, the schooner captain^ has reserved your place,
with shiny eyes come to the new Jerusalem where poets rule,
and sweet lips all, only speak, in a united tongue,
only love songs
^ God, on the Day of Atonement
Written for the two year anniversary of his passing
Salmabanu Hatim Oct 2018
Dear Lord,
     I kneel before you in prayers,
Please do me a great favour.
     Pick the choicest roses from the Garden of Heaven,
Give them to my mum.
Tell her I don't go to her grave often,
For now,she is a soul with you in heaven,
And the miles are light years between us,
Till I meet her again, driven in a
       All I have left of her are beautiful memories,
And the sound of her sweet voices.
Her lovely smile after a hectic day,
Her reassuring bear hugs to say,
"There's always another day.
        Tell her that I love her,
I really miss her,
And when she gives a smile,
Hold her for me for a while.

Your Servant,
Maxim Keyfman Oct 2018
outside the window comes autumn outside the window goes
it goes slowly outside the window
outside the window is a favorite sweet time

outside the window snow rushing outside the window
fly they fly they are my joyful children
my yellow lovely leaves are running through the window

about how many years about how many days and hours
I breathe here among the houses in the middle of the moon
among the lanterns and among the stars alone

time passes it passes it rushes
flies and flies like a bird in the sky like cold
and how warm it all runs and runs

smiles and sorrows tears and dreams of joy and
only grief and love and gaze at the sea
all over and over with me all over and over

о the immortal melody
oh how much more will you be here oh how much
still i will be here such a sad joyful wanderer

blushing prince Sep 2018
silk blouses and cotton underwear
the nights merge into a sticky soup that falls into the pocket of a sweater i was wearing when they said that death is permanent
the voice echoing into the receiver of my first cell phone
the wavering tremble of someone in the middle of realms
sleep and consciousness turning the other side of the pillow
wondering if the smoke in my lungs felt comfortable
wonder if the moon sinks lower into your backyard
i was never good at distinguishing shadows and when i found myself on the dark side of the mattress;
my feet cold and feeble i wondered if you could hear my heart a thousand miles away
the fluttering of a drowsy bird, lethargically dragging it's clumsy wings into the plummeting stifle of open air
you said my lips were like the halves of a plum
i bit them until they bled but it was never as sweet
it was never as sweet
there's irony in the title
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Seconds pass
Minutes pass
Hours pass
Days pass
Weeks pass
Months pass
Years pass
Things haven't changed at all
Time still passes on
Not stopping
So don't stop your own clock
Or anyone else's for that matter
Maxim Keyfman Sep 2018
a huge piano and endless
piano sounds of endless sounds
about every day haunts me and everyone
day it sings to me so much already
many many years every day

and I remember the days of evening winter when my brother
and grandmother were together when everyone was
were near and when I did not know did not know the sorrows
o remember I began to paint and tears again
and again they have found me and eternity

all eternal eternity is a great eternity and all
the sounds of that piano of that past
happiness and the world of peace that has long been gone
world of a happy world of a bright warm world
not the world of the cold not of the world of
the terrible world of the sad

Kurt Carman Sep 2018
It’s something I think about often,
Do we fully understand the fragility of this life we possess?

And suddenly a loved one is taken …it inflames you to think.
Every consciousness is a precious and fragile gift.

These lives of ours are fleeting, gone in a minute.
When you suddenly understand this, everything fades into the background.

Pushing 70 now… I choose to soar out of bed joyfully rejoicing each morning,
That life has granted me another day above the dirt.

Life is strong and weak…it’s a paradox.
Keep your mind strong my friends, don’t hide behind your fears.

This life of yours is an amazing gift….live it with a smile!
I often think about my ancestry. In my living room hangs a picture of my Great Grandfather Isaac. And each time I walk past it I tell him how much I love him. I look forward to meeting him one day. But until then I refuse to let my death consume me and I hope you don't either.
DT Sep 2018
Words carved on the bedroom desk in a mental hospital

- My path is oblivious
- You are not alone anymore
- I still have my blade
- Dont cry
- My ex made me insane
- Some can't be saved
- I need to talk to Austin! My anxiety is acting up!
- I insert heart *****
- Better off dead
- Stay Strong
- I'm ******
- We're even, 911
- Bella insert heart
- I'm on a rollercoaster that only goes up
- I choose death
- Smile, you're beautiful
- I'll never tell
- God will show you the path
- **** those who said they'd always be here for me!
- Dear people, don't do this *******
- Get me out of here, I feel trapped
- Life's complicated
- **** this system!
- Why can't she love me like she used to? I insert heart Anaquin
- God is heal
- Him insert heart
- Her insert heart
-  You don't need someone else to make you happy
- It gets better
- We're not even
- **** your faith
- Sometimes I feel like no one understands
- I'm gay
- Nero Michelle Granillo + Mario Jonathan Larios 12•06•13
- I'm scared
- Let it be 11-23-13
- Help me get out
- You're pretty
- Eat me out
- I like your face
- Tired
- My taste in music is your face
- I've been here 2 weeks
- I want out
- Stay strong
- I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain

At the time these words comforted me and brought me closer to something. I felt closer to peace the more I wrote. I'll never know the people who wrote these things or why I wrote them down nearly three years ago and decided to write about it publicly now but I do know who carved the last one. Stay strong, time will give you peace.
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