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Sehar Bajwa Sep 2018
ancient beauty : a
visage untouched by pain and
yet ravaged by time.
golden days.
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2018
What do we do with all the time wasted together?
Stares exhanged in ***** hours,
Silent seconds ticked as our spellbound eyes
Took beauty in, sight devoured.

I used a multitude of minutes attempting
To beat insecurity, show you your worth,
You'd listen, I could tell you didn't believe,
But each night I drifted to sleep thankful for your birth.

Feasting on the flow of flattery we voiced,
To fill empty parts with desire,
Through my lowest days you stayed by my side,
I did the same even dead-tired.

I've accepted I will not gain back the years,
I lived in a haze, wish they felt real,
You think I abandoned our love,
The longer we were together the worse you made me feel.
I didnt leave because I no longer loved you. I left because the longer I was with you the less I loved myself.
Maxim Keyfman Sep 2018
and all the water lilies fell from all
parties and from all the islands to
they all disappeared long ago where they
all these water lilies have gone away for so many years
I lived among the swamp and nature so much
I wrote poetry there and went to
I kept looking at the moon with clouds and rains

disappeared the disappeared sea disappeared
people and disappeared myself I disappeared myself and I think
perhaps forever forever forever

Unknown Sep 2018
My Teenage years;
Teenage years with people saying 'sit down and shut up'
Teenage years with no one caring
Teenage years with physical abuse
Teenage years with razor blades
Teenage years with no mother
Teenage years with bottles of pills
Teenage years with ****** assualt
Teenage years with suicide attempts
Teenage years with no reason to live
Teenage years spent pining for what was lost.

© Copyright Tyler Atherton
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

Cradle each day of life within
your years

What better way to start the day than with a poem? Morning everyone! ^-^
Even when you're facing hardships, be grateful that your still here!
Treasure each day, both good and bad.
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
Isaac Sep 2018
Written 2 September 2018

1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
The rivers of youth and the blessing
of outer beauty will fleet
But it will live on eternal if your soul
holds onto it.
Beauty is only ever skin deep.
Lyn ***
Selienne Aug 2018
Clack. Clack. Clack.
Coins are falling down
hitting the stone floor.
You watch them helplessly
because you have no other choice.

One. Two. Three.
A calm, emotionless voice
counts them down indifferently.
You're trying to cover your ears
but the sound is too loud to block it.

Weep. Sniff. Hiccup.
Heavy, salty tears
flow down through your face.
Mourning each and every piece
of metal that's thrown onto the floor.

Tick. Tock. Tick.
The clock is constantly
measuring the passing time.
Coins represent years you've wasted
and when they're gone, you'll have nothing.

The only thing waiting for you
at the end is death after all.
Nikita Aug 2018
Don't become stuck
Years will pass
before you realize
it's the present you've been missing
Brandon Amberger Aug 2018
A daunting challenge.
After years Practicing.
For that one moment.
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