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Carlo C Gomez Jul 2020
The silver lining
of her otherwise fuchsia
underwear, was in its ability
to sense danger.

The gray area
of her otherwise rosy
lips, was in who they were
allowed to kiss.

The red alert
of her otherwise bronze
thighs, was for what attempted
to get between them.

The white elephant
in her otherwise beige
room, is what happened
to her prized possession.
adam olofantur Mar 2020
violet is the new black
violence is the new love
trying hard to fill the lack
lying down the backyard
dreaming something of
warming up my back
you watch the life above

you heal my scars from crack
Zywa Nov 2018
You can't see it
in the room, not on the floor
you can't see it anymore
in my sheath, the wound
of his blind attack
it's over, I am
myself, my body
washed, my home recaptured
ready for the fight
with you, whoever you are
you follow, until I release you
until I release myself

it is my bed, my belly
your pleasure has to wait
for what I want

because I didn't want to
not to see, not to feel, not to remember
I wandered over the ceiling

the nothing of nowhere
I was not there, not at home
in this room, on this floor
Collection "Bruises"
Graff1980 Mar 2020
Are you pleased
with the capitol
that these corrupt
institutions seized?

Are you happy
with the aftermath
of the blood bath
for which you asked?

How does destruction taste,
is it a bitter brew,
to see those who
you slew
in the name of greed?

Tell me did you need
to seed said chaos
to make us,
so ******* great
by bringing in
more ignorance
and hate?

How do you do
with this ****?
How do you feel
about misfits
who don’t fit
with this society
of war and depravity
in the name
of capitol games
that we now call

Watch this
and tell me
if you really believe
in the American dream.
Jay M Mar 2020
A cry in the night
A shriek in the fight
Hoping it wasn't blood spilling

That was just a time
It was supposed to be a happy time
But they weren't up for that red and green
Things turned mean
Behind closed doors
Hiding on carpeted floors

Then the second time
A shriek again
Small sounds
A heart did fall
Behind closed doors
Hiding on carpeted floors

People talk
Stalk about the house
Not quite a home
Never would one have ever thought
That sort of thing could be
Plea that all will be well
Yet, can that ever be?

Plans made
Agreements and bans
Gather what you can
No longer shall it be
Then what?
Stop it if possible,
Or just drop
Thoughts of secrets
How many can we keep?
Then take it
Every last bit
And put it on the page.

- Jay M
March 24th, 2020
Welp, that wasn't it.
Fredy Sanchez Mar 2020
Walking alone by a desolate park
Shouldn't have been there, it was well after dark
I heard a noise, quite like a bark
I'll be honest it caught me off guard "Where you from dawg?"
Came the question from a guy who was probably.... the same age as me...
Some voice, whispered, Don't stand there: Flee!
Yet another told me to stand still,
From my pocket I took out a dollar bill,
And said:
Where I'm from this is worth more than your life.
Your dad bailed '*** he was a lowlife,
Now You think you know strife?
At 10 I carried a knife,
By 11 I had used it twice,
And from very early I realized.
The where I'm from
In That hell I called home
Fools put a nine to your dome
For a quarter let it be known.
Every single one is worse than Satan's spawn.
I grew up Surrounded by this.
How in the hell am I supposed to find inner peace?
When I hadn't even seen lion king yet
But friends with holes on their neck?
Yes sir, you bet
What else can u expect?
When killing your brother is just another step to earn respect..
And I'm About to turn this fool's face into mince
Ready to lynch, my fist was clinched.... except....
The other guy was gone
The reflection from the water pond
The only thing staring back at me.
Now I didn't know whether to stay or flee.
But The one thing I knew well,
Is that in that place... home isn't better than hell
Growing up around the violence that my country had normalized made me realize that the only person who can stop me from becoming a monster... Is myself
Laiba Mar 2020
You kept her in a cage
Clipped her wings
Told her lies
Told her she wasn't good enough
And deserved to die
You battered her broken body
Told her fragile birds were never meant to fly
You succeeded in stealing away her self worth layer by layer
But not her will to live each day
For her children

To the nation's silent killer
To all you bombarded by family honour
You watched her leave those rusty cage doors that were latched on tight
You watched her smile cry
Beautiful creations  cannot be hidden
And Cannot be confined
He does not define her
He does not hurt het anymore
She escaped from the statistics
Because her sucide attempts was in front of her kids
She relised she isn't a number
She is a woman  
She is a warrior
She is a mother
MY mother.
She is  stronger
She is free from the nation's silent killer
Sorry mum. For not protecting you. If anyone goes though domestic violence PLEASE seek help. You do not deserve this nobody does.
Such a con man convincing me that I was so beautiful, his saving grace,
With his hands, he painted my face,
With make-up I would have to retrace,
I would dress pretty just for him,
I kept my body fit and trim,
Though for real, I didn't know it was a messed up,
I tried to be his best partner, his loving wife.
Shocked and and scared every time,
like it was something new, that just began,
He'd beg my forgiveness again & again,
how I always forgave, forgetting all the prior distress,
just to continue day after day.

Pulling my hair, using your fist to paint my lips the color of crimson red, fearing each time I'd die.
It even happened when you weren't full of whiskey,
I'd have moments of reality,
knowing I had to get out for my babies,
You had everyone convinced you were innocent,
I was the one that suffered your vengeance,
like an illusion, everyone took your side,
they all believed every time you lied.

I have no more shame, no more fear,
I don't have to pretend because I'm no longer your possession for abuse.
How do you feel now tough guy, knowing I'm free?
How does it feel every time you look up high,
Knowing I'm a shining light in the sky,
You probably don't feel nothing at all,
your just a parasite who is the devils delight,
You look so pathetic and small when I look down from heaven each and every night.
Be careful because for you, it's still a hard fall on the way down.
You're out of luck because I'm out of that box.
The last night I was scared to close my eyes was the last time that I closed them once and for all.
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