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eva-mae coffey Mar 2020
the softest glow of careless fight
classic books and candle light
Tissues missing from their box
soak up blood with knitted socks

love and sheets and dented dreams
ripped apart by broken teens
purple flowers, palest skin
blossom with the thought of him

there’s someone standing in my room
the shadow of the ghost of you
collarbones stick out so sore
hit and kiss right to the jaw.

walls they cry and shrink for you
bars will break and let you through
frightened for the fight of wives
laws because girls turn to knives
S Kim Nguyen Mar 2020
I have neglected you, dear one,
once so full and vivid, now
expatriate in the cheerless corner.
Look at you drooping, clinging
to the bloodless parts of you,
having long dwindled in
the thankless dark.
Here I come with a sharp pang,
lovely amputee.
How much happier you will be
to forget the bereft bits,
no longer of use in your unfolding.
Until memory pales,
will your phantom limbs
also rustle in the window’s breeze?
I have a lot of plants so I write a lot of plant poems.
Isaac Spencer Mar 2020
Metal giants: Whisper quick,
Clashing on streets of light,
Steel Goblins and ***** bombs-
Herald their rev'nant knight,

Each soldier: four stories tall,
With doomsday in each hand,
"To fight against Halls of Blight",
And to die on command.
Lost Girl Mar 2020
I just wanted to believe in us
But you gave me no reasons to

I thought things would change
That you would get better
That you’d treat me with kindness
And not be so bitter

Ohh I was fool to think you’d love me
Like you did when were 18

Now we’re in our twenties
And life hit us tough

You’d take it out on me
With the blow of punch
I conceal it with makeup
Around my family
But I know they know
Something is wrong

I don’t need saving but I’m lost

Ohh I want to believe that things will get better
I want to believe that our trust is forever

But it took one last beating for me to see that
You are monster
That cannot be reached
I read so many stories about both women and men being abused and it pains me. I hope they all find the help they need and love they deserve.
Big Virge Mar 2020
Ya Know These Days It Seems That Many Believe …  
That They're Ready To See … " The KILLER in Me " … !?!  

Now ….  
Why Would They REALLY Want To See …  
ANGER That Swells … DEEP Inside of Me … ?!?  

Cos' That WON'T Bode Well … !!!  
If I Decide To … UNLEASH …  
Those Things DEEP WITHIN ...  
That Fuel Me To … " SIN " … !!!!!  
Like … VIOLENT Sprees And DARK Tendencies …  
I Leave In My Dreams In FACT My ... NIGHTMARES … !!!!!  
That May Well Just SCARE … !!!  
If You're NOT PREPARED To Face Up To DEATH … !!!!  
YES … I Mean MINE …  
As Well As … Theirs … !!!!!!  
Yes Those Who DARE ...  
To Step Into The Lair of Wars With No Cause …  
Cos' of Threats They Design Inside of Their Minds … !!!!!  
But What Happens When … ?  
Their Conscience Starts To … GNAW … !?!  
"I killed him because of things that he said !"  
"Well, listen here son,  
when it comes to your death, heaven may reject,  
your wish to find love in the skies up above,  
such places are kept, for less ignorant heads !!!"  
"But, he showed disrespect I just couldn't accept !  
cos' the things he expressed, just got me upset !"  
"So, you thought it was best to start making threats ?!?  
Were you one, NOT schooled, to this here old tune … ?  
Sticks and stones may well, break bones,  
but, words of Virge aren't meant to hurt !
They'e just straight truth !
What's wrong with that dude, i'm a bit confused ?"  
SEE … THIS Is How I Use My Mouth … !!!  
But ….  
" THE KILLER In Me " ...  
Simply … WON'T SPEAK … !!!!!  
Is This The Thing They Want To See … ?!?  
Big Virge STRESSING … " No Poetry " ... ?!?  
Just Plotting How To ... Make Them BLEED …  
NOT STOPPING Til' I Hear Them SCREAM … !!!!!  
"But I thought you said, I should be DEAD !!!  
cos' my poems, upset your head !"  
"Well, that was then, but this is NOW !  
I want to live, cos' I have kids !"  
"Well me, I DON'T, so, think on this quote !  
You should of thought of that, before making threats,  
cos' now I'M MAD, and want to enlist,  
the demon within, who i've kept suppressed !"  
See People …. REACT …. !!!  
When They Should Step Back …  
Take A Minute And ... THINK ….........................  
Before Things Get SICK ….. !!!!!!!!!!  
Straight STOMPING On Heads ...  
Like In …. " History X " …. !!!!!  
YES CRACKING On Skulls … !!!  
Until They Are NULLED And Breathing NO MORE.  
YES These Types of Wars Are In … " Virge's Thoughts " … !!!!!!  
To Cause People PAIN Cos' of What's In My Brain … !!!!!  
Oh And YES I Am HARD When I Take A STANCE …  
That Defends My Honour Like … SUICIDE BOMBERS ... !!!!!!  
Which Is Why How I Roam Is Mostly … ALONE … !!!  
But DON'T MAKE The Mistake …  
of Thinking My Death Will NOT BE AVENGED … !!!  
I Know Some BAD MEN Who May Well Defend ...  
Sending Out TROOPS To Bring LIVING PROOF ...  
That What You Put Out ... DOES COME BACK TO YOU …. !!!!!!!  
See EVEN Some Chicks Be Thinking They SLICK … !?!  
When They Start To Run Gums … !!!!!!!!!!!!  
To NOT BE The Fastest …  
To Start Aiming At TARGETS … !!!  
Draw Cards And Then SHOOT ...  
Because of …. The TRUTH ... !!!!!!!!!!  
It Makes NO **** SENSE To Talk VIOLENCE … ?!?  
And Then Recite Poems That Mention GREAT HEADS ...  
Who'd NEVER DEFEND Such Thoughts Or Actions ... !!!!!!!!  
YES Times May Be TOUGH But DON'T Get Worked Up … !!!  
Try DEALING With Speech That's NOT … " Fallacy " … !!!  
See It ……. AS IT IS … !!!!!  
Speech That Is FREE ….........................................................  
Cos' THREATS I DON'T NEED And Will Start To Breed …  
What Deep Down BELIEVE ... NO-ONE NEEDS TO SEE …. !!!!!  
That Keeps HIM On HOLD … !!!!!  
The … OTHER Big V ...  
YES …  
" THE KILLER In Me ! " ......
What to say ?

Well, sometimes people should appreciate the patience and peaceful vibe that a person is showing, in the face of their ignorance !

This was in response to being threatened by somebody I no longer remember, however, as much as this a vent, it should not just be read as such, but read as the words suggest !

Thank whoever for the pen and it's ability to help us vent, hence this poem !
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
(a poem for Christina-Taylor Green, who
was born on September 11, 2001 and who
died at age nine, shot to death ...)

Child of 9-11, beloved,
I bring this lily, lay it down
here at your feet, and eiderdown,
and all soft things, for your gentle spirit.
I bring this psalm — I hope you hear it.

Much love I bring — I lay it down
here by your form, which is not you,
but what you left this shell-shocked world
to help us learn what we must do
to save another child like you.

Child of 9-11, I know
you are not here, but watch, afar
from distant stars, where angels rue
the evil things some mortals do.
I also watch; I also rue.

And so I make this pledge and vow:
though I may weep, I will not rest
nor will my pen fail heaven's test
till guns and wars and hate are banned
from every shore, from every land.

Child of 9-11, I grieve
your tender life, cut short ... bereaved,
what can I do, but pledge my life
to saving lives like yours? Belief
in your sweet worth has led me here ...

I give my all: my pen, this tear,
this lily and this eiderdown,
and all soft things my heart can bear;
I bring them to your final bier,
and leave them with my promise, here.


Published by The Flea, The Lyric, Copia Posterous, Elizabeth’s Ramblings, and Fullosia Press

Keywords/Tags: Child, beloved, lily, eiderdown, psalm, shooting, gun, violence, massacres, 9-11, evil, NRA, guns, war, wars, hate, hatred
Tiana Mar 2020
Staying silent isn't an option
Rather it has became a habit for us,
The habit
That's letting blood , cries and greenhouse gases
To stain our world's beautiful canvas;
Let's raise our voices and let our actions speak for our world
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