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Sydney Marie Jul 2016
I will trust in my wings to keep me flying.

I will trust in my moral compass to keep me straight.

I will trust in my mind that I will be okay.
YoungSymba May 2016
I'm a madman,I believe so now that I've paid close attention to my seizing the randomness instead of "carpe diem" because let's face it,an honest cliché that sounds much better  is "every dog has it's day". Now that I think about it,these "motivational" quotes sort of seem contrary when you pile them up and question them or perhaps they're just cliché words pieced together to provide comfort in any situation you're in you'd find the perfect "quote" for comfort. But that's unlike me because I don't like a lot of stuff (especially over saturated stuff) but I'm likeable though (I think) I'm actually a funny guy too. Sometimes I'd like to label myself as a regular,normal,average guy. Then at times I'd like to think I'm beyond the mundane. Because although to another person may conclude his observation of me as me being some other guy. I'd like to think I was born for greatness and I start to attach words such as "unique,different,creative" to further describe myself. In all honesty I don't know if that's cool or stupid and I really don't care by the way. Because there's a billion and something people on planet earth,with all different perspectives,perceptions,different tastes,different preferences and to cater to all these differences and receive satisfaction from all these individuals (or even majority) is impossible. So it's best one believes and themselves and trust his word. So yes,I've decided it's cool to believe you're born for greatness and believe that you're different. Although you'd walk the same path as many does not give anyone a right to label you as ordinary because uniqueness sources from the genetic make up(no one has the same genetic makeup as you). So yes of course I see beauty in one being able to acknowledge their differences and perceive them as being unique and beautiful too.

To further explain why I called myself a madman. I don't really take the usual route as most people,following procedures (by that I mean this,what you're reading right now. I didn't plan it. I just started typing out words and now I'm typing this because I love words,it's because of what words can do and how simple words like these pierced together can change someone's life. But I know  as I mentioned our views differ because we're different so that's inevitable. So whoever sides with me God bless you,if you don't side with me..may God bless you too(I guess)...(hahaha see I told you I'm actually funny)

Anyways I called myself a "madman" and that's crazy. Labels are crazy. Words are cool. I mean,it's crazy how a statement like that can evoke different thoughts on different people some will be like "oh god shut up" some will be like "he's probably boring" "he's crazy Haha" "cool *******" all that is beautiful(I'm sarcastic when I like sometimes). People are always going to label you as being whatever type of person they feel like labeling you. But all that really doesn't matter when you turn a blind eye and place importance on what you really stand for and who you really are.

If you've read up to this far. Thank you so much. Because I really wrote this all because of randomness and when I reached this point I hope I touched someone's life. You only got one life. Make the most of it. Feel beautiful. Believe you're the greatest person to ever live.
I didnt even get time to edit this...I just edited forget I said that. Anyways someone might argue since I said I'm different and say "but he eats apples and everybody does that. What's different about you?" See..human behaviour. I like humans though
Max Alvarez May 2016
This thought at times plagues my mind
Not in the sense of complete consumption,
But in a manner that strikes me with a sinking feeling
In the pit of my tum, in the depths of my soul
A secret fear, though I'm certain it's not exclusive
There will come a time that I will die.
All the moments, every single second
All my breaths and beats
Each twitch and blink
Will cease and become memories
Or will they?
When I slip into the ether, will I hold to my past sights and dreams
Or will I simply be a vapid void
Would it fall upon an ear if I were to scream?
Would I even be capable of tears,
The ones I'd certainly shed
Just the same a refugee does when fleeing their country-
Their home,
But more than merely a home.
It's all I and they have ever known.
I suppose it's equal fear in leaving home and fear of the unknown.
I cannot imagine anything other than green grass and the rumble of thunder
Southern rains and how they bring comfort
So as it begins to storm in my new year of twenty-four,
I cling tightly to this planet, this plane, my perception of consciousness,
My dearest kind, all the car rides, broken hearts, locked lips,
All the pain and it's opposite,
And I smile because of how beautiful this life is,
A gifted experience from the creator,
And I am thankful.
Jack Mandala May 2016
It is like I have been thrown into a washing machine and put into an endless cycle
You sing me beauty but feed me poison
I yearn to hear your voice but am tormented by your actions
You push me just enough so I don't fall, and leave me on a cliff hanger
Maybe it's because a straight line doesn't give me a heartbeat.
I came into this world knowing nothing,
expected to know everything.
Walking through the façade that making money is the goal.
When so many people around the world cant even show,
a little compasion for their neighbor.
They're just focused on the manual labor.
The labor that has them trapped in the notion that time is money,
and love is nothing.
Okay maybe not nothing but definitely not something,
as important as the currency.
But let me tell you one thing.
It's the notion that no one is worried about whats current, you see?
There's starving children and dying breeds,
yet all we're worried about is what we want not what we need.
Fighting for the money that we dont even have,
saying that its ours, but for what a new hat?
Maybe a car and a new watch,
now what about those who got botched?
Thrown out of the system,
saying that they're worth nothing and no one will miss them.
They all say that love is forever and that you'll die together,
well not unless you mess up and have nothing to rub together.
Since when does the amount of cash in your pocket define your worth?
What happened to personality and what was given to you at birth?
So i sit here confused.
Living in a world that says it loves you for being you,
but in reality we're all being used.
Being programed and abused.
Just to be burried dead and bruised,
with all you who thought you where
but ha jokes on you.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
A person who wants nothing never can be bought
A person who won't fight never can be fought
A person who doesn't lie never can be caught
A person who won't play the game never can be used
A person who dosen't cheat will always pay his dues
A persons who never thinks can never have any views
A person who dosen't care what you think will never leave you confused
A person who has nothing they will never lose
So never judge another until you step into his shoes
Memo Jan 2016
gate to your soul
blurry or dark reflecting your own reality.
iris miniature of earths splendor
the echo of the clouds
the everlasting tidal motion
where every blink reveal its limitless sentiment
hinder light, shine through
fluttering it's majestic views
solEmn oaSis Jan 2016
" Hear ye, hea..

but, wait a second!

What is this hear say
that there is no forever

Don't they really know
it does really exist
how about you? Yes you!

you who's reading this one moment in time,
what is your stand?
or maybe can we just sit
and talk awhile  this precious one

let me put it this way
for instance, you are the smart sender
and i am the silent receiver
do you think that whatever you say
i am about to ignore or pick it up as an essay

If there is a *lie
in the
middle of the word believe.
Just like lovers often do, they've gone
to broke-up because there is an over
at the rear of the word lover.
even those friends with best of reminiscence...

became unwanted all of sudden
where is now their companion?
Sadly, they had been finished
because the word friend has its end!
Now i will tell you something
it was started with one thing
not just anything but everything...

can't really last forever, yes there is nothing!
Yet in every rule there is an exemption
just like the natural law, 24 hours a day
night  changes into a morning glory
full moon into a quarter moon
from a star unto falling star
the spark having a kindling
from translucent to transparent

from sunrise to sunset
for what comes up must come down
being temporary to permanent
from permanent to change
and when the cold and darkness are absent
then the said "light and heat"
are the sanctuary and the existence of forever
So the word FOREVER it self do change
No hint just like our life span!

Never can tell by anyone and couldn't be scan
those unpredictable infinities and beyond.
that was the existence of forever would be!
And so i shouldn't be *over.

but i must end the lie that there is no forever
in fact, i would like to be apart of you!
You that i consider like my wind blows
Wind blows changing hues
Hues delighting our feelings
Feelings saying that we have the same bloods
Bloods overflowing into the root word of so called families
Family that no matter what happens it has... i, l, y,
i, l, y, which means i love you, yes i do!
Yes i do! but if you don't,, let me continue my disjointed introduction
**" Hear ye, Hear ye! viva forever!!, viva forever!!! "
forever (10w)
Changes are the living proofs of the existence of forever!
Kate Lion Nov 2015
but what of the men
who work hard
keep their hearts pure?

the age has passed where one would think to honor them

the only recognition comes

in being a working woman
or a man who believes he is a woman
or the man who has feelings for another man

but what of the every day men
who also do extraordinary things?
This is just to note my observation of how the role of average men who do not claim to be either homosexual or women has been minimized in our society. Everyone's contribution is important.
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