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aniket nikhade Sep 2015
Let's think about it
Discuss it out
In a team of more than two
Always it has remained important to take views of all.

Let each and everyone get a moment or two
Once thought and decided upon something
Then it’s time to take a proper line of action.

Between probablity and priority
Between the two of them
Priority will get the upper hand
Priority will get an advantage

Hence always decide upon something definite
In one way or other,
Some sort of solution to the existing problem will definitely come out
While working as a team it has always remained important to put the right efforts in the right direction.
Tree Jul 2015
I've never seen black or white. I live through a vision of grey filled with reason and understanding.
I don't have opinions, I have views. I see both sides, all sides, I see everything and feel nothing. Sometimes I'll see nothing and feel everything because feelings are fleeting but time has always been my companion. Time to think, time to seclude, time to make time when sometimes there is no time to be given. I think when I was a child my first step was a step backwards. A step not into life, but secluding myself from it. I will always have a hunger to see and go and do more but I've taken what I've been given and stepped backward to see and feel as much as I can. Always living in that farther place has made me believe I'm not experiencing what others experience. I watch and observe and I wait until I'm finally cozied up in a small shack at the bottom of a memory-filled place somewhere. Anywhere.
I don't think, I know. You truly are you surround yourself with and the areas that surround you. I know I will never reach my own personal enlightenment, or maybe happiness, until I'm in that happy place. So in the meantime I remain the minimalist I was born to be, letting few things into my grasp and few people into my life because I'm waiting for the day I can pick up and leave and take my first step into life.
In everything there's a double meaning.
Perhaps it is not of custom to do such a thing,
But I wished to thank everyone firstly:

For 250+ likes on my poems.
Not once did I ever start posting expecting for people to take notice
But this is the beauty of Hello Poetry.
I still remember that first like and the warm fuzzy feeling you got
Hell I still get it now with every like I recieve.

Thank you for 8k views
That in itself means alot to anyone, whether it be 10 views, onto 100, 1000 and onto 10k
8000 poem views, its truly special to feel valued for what you enjoy
Or just spilling out some emotion onto a page.

So thank you,
From one writer and poet (if you will)
To another
Heres to all of us
1 view or 1 million
We share a mutual understanding
This is something I shall cherish and hold dear as an accomplishment of my own persons
Alice Morris Jun 2015
I never thought it as being wrong,

after all inside I heard the love song,

it started as soon as I looked into your eyes,

it soothed me like a lullaby.

So now let them stand and stare,

Whilst we go start a love affair.
Amitav Radiance May 2015
Looking through a keyhole
World becomes smaller
A constricted view of the world
Lost the key somewhere
All the keys are redundant now
Within the four walls
Life revolves around the mundane
Only window to the world
Now hazy with perceptions
Now there is only one way
To look at the world
Holed up within the premises
But only to look though a keyhole
Locked inside aspirations
Never will the key be found
Just Me May 2015
Never the same,
In feeling, in touch, in thought
Once was then,
In feeling, in touch, in thought
Now a memory,
In feeling, in touch, in thought
why can't people just admit they have done wrong.
why do they need to find someone to blame
and make them fell awful,
put them to shame.
Can't you see I'm trying my best,
but I wont submit to you.
Not like the rest.
Just admit your faults
the rest of us do
you're not perfect.
You make mistakes too.
So yeah this one actually rhymes. im actually pretty proud of it
Rose went away
so the doctor is blue.
Ask Donna "wheres the doctor?"
she'll reply "doctor who?"
Sarah jane and Martha,
And now both the ponds
Had their fun with the doctor
and now they've all gone
so ask me again
Why the TARDIS is blue
there's a sad man inside
With both hearts torn in two
This is not mine I found it on instagram but its too good not to put on here
Everyone in the world tries to be different
So isn't that what makes us all the same?
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