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Smiling Queen Aug 2019

मेरे दिल में तुम्हारे लिए
बेशुमार इश्क है,  
पर तुम्हारे दिल के हाल से
अब तक अंजान हूँ ।

~your smiling queen :)
My first ever hindi shayari.
Brandi R Lowry Jul 2019
I'll be your loudest cheerleader
Even when the stands are empty
Be it with or without merit
I love you unconditionally

My life, I would gladly lay to rest
If doing so would preserve your own
To pull you from the depths of Hell
Without regret, I would sell my soul

Yet as my armour begins to rust
Exposing my open wounds
I realize I'm no longer strong enough
To carry us both through

Have courage to climb higher each day
Than you did the day before
Remember how to use your wings
When you're finally ready to soar

Your feet will never leave the ground
If you haven't the faith to leap
But you can bounce from star to star
If you're not afraid to dream

Be not defeated by trials you'll face
Silence the rhetoric of loathing and grief
Realize that through the ugliest of pain
We become our greatest masterpiece

I pray you find your way back home
With the map I made for you
My only wish for you, sweet child
Is that you find joy in all you do
A poem for my children
gabrielle Jul 2019
a glimpse of you
the eyes
wanders far from me

a look
and the stars within you
they glimmer too much

it sounded
as if your gaze
screams, "who are you"

yet the fool
believed you knew me
and it shatters me fully

an eye
for my heart
does overdue

i still love you
give me answers
The Tinkerer Jun 2019
Not in words,
Could it ever be seen.

Just how much,
You mean to me.

You show love,
Are loved,
Just know you're beloved.

Unwavering, my fealty.

To see you win all,
Be a bad *****.
To see you succeed.

Though, haven't been here for long,
I plan to be, from here on.

Beyond a pleasure,
Always, it's been.

Grateful, I am such.
To know, such a queen.

Hope this isn't too much.

Just want to put this out though.
I hope you believe.

To me,
You a friend like family.
Just another of my intermittent ramblings.
Hard to come across people who mean more than you'd know but when you know, you know.

- M
blackbiird Jun 2019
thank You for teaching me that
Your love for me isn't based on my performance
but You love me because
I am Yours.
MisfitOfSociety May 2019
My love,
You are like an isolated ray of sunlight, beaming down upon the earth, and bouncing back up again; gliding across the universe.
Boundless and open, free of gravity and restriction. You are unconditional, as giving as the light of stars in between the vastness of black; dripping down onto the planets, giving them life.
Soon you shall be immortalized with the furthest reaching stars of space.
You’re gravity will pull all loose connections together, as you pulled mine.
mom, you raised a girl who is not afraid to die, a girl that still thinks she can climb every mountain, just because you let her climb the fridge, the cabinets and the roof of her house.

you raised a ******* the road

in van traveling up the west coast with a man who longed to be free

to not wear shoes and not be bothered by the wind
brushing the rest of populace's feet

Mom you let your child run free with the dogs. Let her think she, too had four legs and could love someone as unconditionally as they do.
My dad did not want to settle down in one place. He bought a van and set off around the west coast with my mother and I. I spent the first years of my life on the road. My earliest friends were dogs. I always felt like dogs and their unconditional love was something to really stop and appreciate. This poem comes from the faded remembering of my childhood and the feelings of wonder and the questions “how big is our capacity to love?” “ what is the essence of our capacity to love“
I still think it’s unconditional.
I thought it wouldn't happen again
Imagining my life without you was so faded
To see you arrive I stood near the window pane
Talking to you I never got  jaded

I just want to be in your arms
Could share our bittersweet  charms
Hoping we could together live our hour
Without hiding any of our scar

Neither i'll forget the day we embraced
Nor any of your good night forehead kiss
Together in our stars we aced
Never knew you were such a bliss

Together we walked in our hard stage
And helped each other to fight are rage
Holding hands and moving our feet ahead
Just to leave behind our frightening dread

Would love all your feedback and comments. I hope I poem reaches the poet
Josh May 2019
She was tall, her arms far reaching
her beauty intangible
her presence impossible to ignore  

To the unknowing eye she may seem dispassionate
but her roots ran deep
only the learned knowing their extent

She was always forgiving
her shade unconditional
protecting all in her presence.
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