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Ryan Unger Jun 2015
Put down your **** phone when I’m talking and look me in the eye,
I know you think it’s hard, but you had better try.

All day long you sit with your face buried in that screen,
You do know there’s a whole world around you to be seen?
That world has actual people, and real things happening,
You’re missing out on all the joy that this world can bring.

Your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all of it can wait;
Social Media cast you a real long line and you took all their bait.
It’s exactly what they want from you, your complete reliance;
So throw them all a curve ball and show them some defiance!

Without them your life’s amazing! Just take a look around!
You’re on this beautiful planet standing here right on the ground!
There’s mountains, parks, and monuments to see, just look at a map;
And to see these you don’t need to download any app!

Instead of living in a chatroom behind your bedroom door,
Take a walk with a close friend; the satisfaction will be more.
You’ve been inundated with all of this technology for too long,
We’re losing connection with nature and it’s starting to feel wrong.

We should use the world’s beauty to give ourselves a rush,
Not spend 500 hours trying to conquer Candy Crush.
And is it so important to video record everything you see?
Just live in and enjoy the moment and trust me, you’ll feel free.

So look up I say! Look all the way up! And throw away the phone,
Learn to reconnect with humanity and don’t become a drone!
vaishax May 2015
You, photo sharing
pop-up rhymester
a one-day glory
for a full-time jester?

is that all you’ve got?

exulting in adulation
of ‘up thumb’ display
painstaking toil
for a chirpy convey

much bother for naught

go away from that evil
a rectangular cage
a duality so curbing
too daunting to assuage

surely, not asking a lot!

banter a bit, out of the cage
break her reckless grind
a cursed double-life
no cage to hide behind!
it wasn’t what she thought!

mother’s day isn’t just a day
it is your lifetime, borrowed
moment by moment
nourished and hallowed

a vicarious life – don’t let it rot!
Originally Published In My Blog:
Em or Finn Apr 2015
We haven't talked in awhile
Your voice like silk
Bringing a smile with it
Something I haven't done for months
I talk to you on Twitter
The bird a messenger to our secret conversation
Every time a white message box pops up
Every time I get a notification from you
My heart skips a beat
For every word you write, every sentence
Is worth the couple seconds it takes to read
We have a lot in common
We both have eating disorders
That couldn't be more different
We love the same music
As we rock out on Facetime
And laugh at my shyness and stupidity
Yet without social media
We would have never met.
I would never have smiled.
I would never have lived.
Idk what this is but yeah =^_^=
Kate Lion Apr 2015
We're like birds who've lost
our voices.  Trying to tweet,
but no sound comes out.
evildum Apr 2015
i’m about to retire
and i will surely miss
the blackboard
and the chalk,

the faces
and the eyes
and the hands
and the voices

of my students
who always talk
about the latest trends
in twitters and facebook

while my mouth bubbles
with poetry and revolution.
Dr Zik Mar 2015
When you found yourself
As you were unable to sneeze
to make the germs away from your chest
or even unable to sneer about facing unwanted situations
As you were unable to listen chirping of birds
As you were unable to tickle
Unable to fiddle
Unable to chuckle
Unable to snigger
Unable to heehaw
Unable to twitter a greeting
in the circle of deserving ones
And unable to work for them
Then there is no use of running blood in coronary veins
No use of being called alive person
No use of wandering about in own recognition
No use of prayers ……………… No use of prayers
You were alone ……………….. You were alone
soy sauce Mar 2015
I'm so bored
tell me a story
play an online game with me
someone text me

buy me a lamb
make a new tweet
take me shopping
buy me a wii u

I'm so bored
everything's so boring
I have no games on the wii
so I am bored as can be

someone post on instagram
something saying "yeet"
get me pizza with lots of toppings
is anyone else bored, too?
Nothing Much Feb 2015
I'm sick of hearing about drunken men
Slurring their thoughts out through the tips of their pens
And the history of poetry had been bleached as white
As the parchment on which their poems were printed
The challenge is to write a poem in 140 characters or less (something I'm doing for creative writing class)
Paul Butters Feb 2015
We friended on Facebook,
Scrolled down our profile pages.
Lived together in a virtual world.
Our images and websites we shared
With Instagram incisiveness.

Meet all my friends.
Block any you do not like.
All busy we are, doing nothing.
Like if you agree.

Laptops were not enough.
Users subscribed to Smartphones,
Iphones, and God knows what.
Google them if you wish.

And if you like my words
Retweet them.
But beware!
I now use words like lol,
And even ***!

Sometimes I multitask,
Flicking TV channels
Like a Subbuteo striker –
Gone virtual by now I guess.
Flicking and flipping while I scroll
My laptop page.

I make new tabs
As I message many friends:
Emoticons exploding
All along the way.

I’m Tivo-boxing clever
All the time,
King of my domain.

So get your VDU lit up
And monitor my words.
Download my thoughts
Into your memory banks.

I hope this all computes.

Paul Butters
Even Shakespeare couldn't use this language!!!
Rockie Feb 2015
Not too long ago,
Facebook and Twitter and other Social Networks
All seemed a novelty
A truce amongst unimaginative
Teens and kids and adults too

Whatever happened
To romantic paper printed notes
The blotched ink that actually meant something

Now it is loveless postings
And fake marriages
And fake relationships

This is all thanks
To the brain-cell killing
Well it's true, isn't it?
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