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Nothing Much Feb 2015
Some nights, she shines so brightly
That I forget that there is a half of her I will never see
Shrouded in darkness, forever turned away from the earth
The challenge is to write a poem in 140 characters or less (something I'm doing for creative writing class)
Atiya Ebony Jan 2015
He said he like my profile pic
Asked could we talk for a bit
But I know
That convo
will only be short lived
Flood of compliments leading to
"C'mon girl. Just the tip"
Passport stamps show I been on this trip
A reg in Deja Vu
The trouble the dance
of my hips & lips gets me into
My smart wits. I know I get it
Immature *******, they dig it.
But that noise
My conscious telling me to **** it
Sorry brutha but
you ain't sayin much that I like
I am flattered. Peace to you
I do appreciate it
I'm not a typical teenager
I don't facebook things
Or post my life to the world
I don't tweet
Or Twitter
Or all the other
I don't instagram
In fact
I don't like pictures
If me. I hide from the camera
Hoping no one will
Click the photo button
I don't party
Or stay out late
I sit at home
Watching TV
Or better yet
Cuddling up with a good book
I don't waltz around
In revealing clothes
Hoping for a boyfriend
I don't act all bubbly
I cry and worry
I don't worry about boys
And dates
I worry about depression
And cutting and if my
Friends are really fine

I don't doodle or draw names on a binder
I write poetry on a site called helo poetry
And the only thing that upsets me
About that, is that I didn't find it sooner
elizabeth Jan 2015
Don't tell me
what you learned in school
was useless

every day

the number of likes
you got on your selfie
to figure out the value
of your beauty,

perfectly formed tweets
to exude creativity and wit
you wish you
actually possessed,

status updates
from former friends
who always seem
to be doing something

become curious
about the lives
of people
you've never met,

why you waste
your time
comparing yourself
to carefully crafted personalities
that exist only
for Internet audiences
they would otherwise
be too afraid
to address.

Don't tell me
what you learned in school
was useless.
Word: comparing
David Doran Oct 2014
Facebooks News feed but it does not feed,
It fuels our perception of popularity,
It makes me wonder why is it this we need?
We get a thrill out of getting a like, it this humanity
Ruining ourselves with our own intelligence?
Are we not to evolve? This does not make sense,
On twitter we tweet,
But only birds tweet,
Birds are free and wild,
They do not worry about money or time,
Or if they can make the next line rhyme,
We are as free as a bird in a zoo,
Exact times to eat and use the loo,
We are slaves of our own mind,
These "intelligent" creatures which rule mankind
Daniel Mashburn Oct 2014
Oh I looked for something better,
but these lines; they were so bitter.
I find that self-destruction is the latest trend on Twitter.
Insufficient Oct 2014
Relax yourself,
As I digg through your mind
Scroll down the pages of your spine
Reading every word and thought on your face like a book
Stumbled Upon you then tumbled onto your looks--IGuess
I'm linked into you
You're my one and only interest

Will you follow me?
Tawanda Mulalu Sep 2014
We want to see ourselves
see ourselves
because we're afraid that nobody else will
ever want to capture us
in a camera flash- so we take our own pictures.

Click. Our front camera becomes
the one minute we had hoped our fathers had for us
when he wasn't busy on that same phone, speaking,
not clicking. Without us.

Or it becomes the one minute we had hoped
that our lovers would hold us
before they settled on to someone
with more likes,
more comments,
more friends,
more happiness...
than we could ever wait for.

We are impatient
like the frequency of data on our profiles:
here are our feelings now... here
are our feelings again, five minutes later,
performing for social algorithms
in place of photographers
besides ourselves who
see ourselves.

But our ignited pixels,
and overstuffed inboxes,
and masturbatory statuses,
and glittering timelines,
and social everything-

are popularity contests
that all of us are losing.

Yet still we want to see ourselves
see ourselves
even though we are afraid
of what we know is true...

...Because what difference
is a poem to a tweet
besides the number of characters
that we wish we had to populate our own stories?

Please let us be different,
just like everyone else.
It's elaborate I know, but I wanted to try writing something for 'the times.'
xyloolyx Sep 2014
high finance and terror
you had half a job
the commissioner made a huge mistake
where words just disappear
oh do help the rich and well-connected
they need you
careful that your boss does not see you
favoriting my tweets
unstar! unstar! panic! panic!

social media illiteracy
bio: follow or *******
**** the king of hearts
quadruple cheeseburger
acidic fruits
keep chugging
harm on y

a night of debauchery in the works
our minds refueled with petroleum
entropy hour with free *******
where truth gnaws at your legs
but you continue walking

human irrationality
gets beaten to a pulp
by bot rationality
how bland and discordant
getting them drawn and quartered
humanity can do without us

that **** poet saw the egg hatch into regrets
**** the only one who cares
manufacturing awkward silences
and making a killing
what the hell is anergy

miss world virginity 2012
what have we done
ghost eating humans or some **** like that
someone already thought of that
funny thing you wanted to say

your timeline can beat my timeline
mute only the users who make too much sense
the epitome of trying too hard
and then coronal mass ejection
all the over the place
you know this goes nowhere so you want out

no more outreach from this point on
shredded the flow chart
too much in the projects
exit stage down
not your mother's love poem
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