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Roses Thorns Apr 2019
Love at first sight
Cannot be real.

For love can only
Be felt, if
We trust.
And are honest.
And comfortable.

But it is real,
For we see
Trust in anothers eyes.
Honesty in ones
Lines of their face.
And find comfort
in the way
They move,
Ever closer.
Whisper Yes Jan 2018
Brand yourself
Get followers
Create a network
Make a website
Put packages together
Who are you??
What is your offering??
It's too ******* much
Hold my hand
Whisper in my ear 'I can do it'
Tell me there's nothing to push
Tell me there's another way
Tell me I can trust the quiet unfolding of my own being
Seminars, webinars
On how they did it
On how they became successful
**** that word
What does it even mean?
I don't want to know how you did it
Keep quiet and let my soul do it it's own way
I don't want to sell you anything
I want to sit beside you
And look into your eyes
So that your soul knows
It's all ok
Better than ok
All is coming
All you have to do is listen and make the moves your heart tells you to make when the time is right
Leila Valencia Apr 2019
There is so much more to life than a glance
We feel small

Disgusted, peeved, put off to no end

life truly captures our heart
In a space of excruciating exhaustion
of, hopelessness

And then the world blinks its eyes open to hold us
Remind us, tend to us, guide us
And believe in us

Intuition arrive with a screaming

Whisper softly
caress our most intimate
with assurance


everything will be fine
Sylph Apr 2019
I thought you would stay till the end
and keep what i hold dear to yourself
Not share it with the world
You kind comes so quickly
and i trust you so fast
i cared for you
i guess

      F L Y   B Y   N I G H T
Nikolas Mar 2019
What is that smile,
Threatening face?
Selfish desire,
Tie people on lace.

Everything for you
You don't see our needs,
Everyone's blue,
While her Majesty leads...

Show that you care,
But then spit in my soul?
Don't backstab me ever,
You won't see me fall.

Grin, laughter starts,
Pull me into your games,
You love broken hearts,
Throwin' us into flames
Luna Wrenn Apr 2019
saying i love you
to get you to stay
was like burning my
tongue on a sip of black coffee

-its scorching me
Kiara Hoxie Mar 2019
We were birds of a feather
Since we were small had each others' backs
Whenever we were together
Life is different now
But to have you as a confidant
I was always proud
Through thick and thin
Whenever storms arose
You lifted my chin
Always my most faithful friend
But the trust we shared
Has come to an end
You turned your back
When I was at my worst
Now my heart is under attack
Who can I trust and grow close
Since my oldest and greatest friend
Wasn't there when I needed her most
Karliah Mar 2019
Often I wonder,
To what end is your touch?
How can your fingers,
Still gather and refine,
New threads of my soul?
At times I wonder if he's even real. And then he is and I don't know how to love him proper.
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