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Lyn-Purcell Sep 2017
          are sharp
             in birth but
               blunt against
                   words. Though
                 I have become
                  used to pulling
                   knives from my
                   back, the words
                  that are said are
                    dropping pebble
                       in a still pond, rip-
                      pling through my
                      soul till the end of
                       days. Wounds heal,
                       right? The pain still
                        feels too fresh. And
                        do scars fade? How
                                          many do I have? Oh                  
                          well. I guess, no, I am
                           grateful, to be honest.
                             For every knife, I've cut
                             the cords of things unn-
                                ecessary. But the demons
                                     plague. My face is but stone.
                   My tears are void.
                   My heart is black.
                 The bare slashes
                  on me, I can deal
                  with. I can cope.
                 I can cope well.
                  I can cope. I can
                   cope. I can cope.
                     I-I-I just wish for
                  one thing. I just
                 wish that I was
                  easy to fix. I wi-
                  sh it was easy to
               breathe. Am I
              dying? Here?
            Alone? Yes...I
               am, aren't I? Fr-
                om my first bre-
               ath, I slowly be-
       gan to die.
Feelings for the day...
Debanjana Saha Aug 2017
You all are the thorns in my heart
Sharp pinching memories
hurt me all across from within & out!

But with love when all of you take shape
I melt like a chocolate ice-cream cone
Would do anything,
to be with all of you.
It hurts when loved & close ones not around including all my HP friends.
I fall in love with people and I do rise when all of you are around.
Elise Jackson Jul 2017
The crickets are comforting around here.
Day 24/31 of my "Six Words A Day" Challenge for the whole month of July, the whole collection can be found on my page on the first of August.
Janae Jun 2017
i feel like a fool
like a tool
thats not so

i feel like a ***
really dumb
you'll know from
the start

i feel like a headache
a bad mistake
people wish
to erase

i don't feel like myself
i don't think my health is well
that's how i'm feeling
Haruharu Jun 2017
I left my heart of glass in your hands,
trusting you would keep it safe.

You dropped it on purpose.

I'm now picking up the broken pieces,
cutting myself on some.

The best memories have the sharpest edges.

But I'll glue it back into one piece
with my bruised hands.

The cracks will only show how much I once loved.
Blah blah Jun 2017
People, are more like fragments with sharp edges, the more you let them in, the more they hurt.
**** people.
Oskar Erikson Apr 2017
Bite down
the stem of bitterness.
Drain it dry.
Think not
of sweetness.
Think of love
as a lie.
Poetic T Apr 2017
Life is like a pencil,
            Once you use up all the lead

All your left with is dead wood...
Chloe Chapman Mar 2017
The sharp jagged edge,
An exhausted little beak
Bedraggled feathers.
The Pain of New Life - Part 3
Haiku series
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