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Eleanor Rigby Jul 2015
They say that we're all just halves
Of what we are supposed to be...
But tonight, I am whole.

-- Eleanor
kneedleknees Jul 2015
I understand my panther pal.
if we lock eyes
we never turn our backs
to each other,
yet even if I did
his cuteness would creep
into my nightmares;--;
a phantom of fuzz
and moonish green eyes.
fiendishly plucking my
arm hair with his claws.
rend my flesh asunder
by nightly tongue lashings.
. . . . . .
I understand my panther pal.
it's where the thing lives, I swear to the gods
Idiosyncrasy Jul 2015
My words are merely echoes of yours,
I haven't said I love you,
Because you haven't said it too.

Those words are the only ones
I won't consider echoes,
I love you and I long to say that.
Addison René Jul 2015
you've got a lot to say
when you sigh
and you don't say anything
you don't know what it's like everyday
you're too young to understand why
tell me that it's not so simple
life isn't always the way it seems
seven hundred other cliches
about the time you almost jumped
how you're tired of just settling
how you're
being a fog that's settled at dawn
fighting the urge to lay down and yawn
like to sleep,
to escape
i like to sleep
so i can dream
dreams of eyes that say everything,
like a glance
that radiates what your thoughts sing,
a moment
where all things feel invincible
a time
where i don't feel so invisible
where it all comes into place
laced in between your fingers
and then you kiss my face
you don't say anything at all
i revised this
Eleanor Rigby Jul 2015
It's a shame you don't feel the same.
That's all I have to say.

-- Eleanor
Chirayu Writer Jul 2015

Hello friends today I m writing this letter small imagined poetry.
           what is life about to say....
        !!!what is life all about.  
To offer yourself to someone for smiles,
To share someone’s grief,
To have love in your heart for someone,
This is what life is all about.

Granted, we are poor, by the standard of our pockets.
Even so, we are rich at heart .

Perish for love that is Life,
Crave for spring that is life,
This we believe, though others may not,
That this is what life is all about.

Relationship between the heart and the hearts trust,
The name of love lives on because of us.

Even if we die, we will be remembered by someone,
That we will smile through someone’s tears,
A flower will tell a bud, on and on,
That this is what life is all about to say friends feel it and love it..

           keep smile always give happy and be happy
What do you tell me?
When you tell me I'm okay.
It's what you don't say;
left between you and your four
walls that I want you to state.
Lovey Jul 2015
Life- Ive been asked what the heck life is?
What is the meaning of it we all die in the end?
Well here it is the slim understanding of it.
Yes we all die in the end of our time but what about in between?
All the memory's you can make you may think your not born for a reason but truth is you are.
Every single persons here for a reason may not know right now where you are.
But you'll find out within time.
There is no reason to take your life or say its of no value if you dont know whats coming in the future.
You may feel like giving up on life and as if you mean nothing and do not matter at all.
But how do you know if you've yet to live the future or have seen whats to come.
What about all the people you may think dont care for you or you think would do better without you.
But if you were gone you'd be hurting not just yourself and your life but everyone in it.
Everyone has times where you feel like you would be better with dying.
And being gone forever and never having to deal with anything.
Where you feel like your a waste of everyone's time but your not.
You make an impact on peoples life good or bad and no matter what
you do something good even if you did make a bad impression.
You give them something to grow on and others give you horrible pain
its your experience not anyone else's.
Your story is yours you are the author of your book dont let it end
and be a short story
let it be long have it be multiple books and not just one..
With every tear is an amazing person.
Every struggle is just a way to make you stronger may not be the ways we wish but in the end
your one of the strongest among many people.
With every memory there are smiles and tears but not matter what
both are remembered for some reason good or bad both they make
you YOU and that who you are.
No matter how you end up you are built up strong  to go threw the thing called life.
Just takes time to be unbreakable
and that means you will get demolished and rise up out of it.
You cant automatically know how
to read a book it takes time so does becoming unbreakable.
Your life isn't a fairy tale.
If i had a dime for how how many times ive said or ive heard others say they wished the could
die i'd be a billionaire.
But Disney doesn't direct your life they only direct movies something thats not real called slim happiness
-Mickie Rouxe-
my original writing of this
Dan McGowan Jun 2015
Confucius Says but does he also do as he says
just wondering
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