When you’re down and out of sorts
With your shoulders knotted tight
Just loosen up - let feelings flow
And your burdens will feel light
When you’re “up” and feeling joy
When you feel your freedom rise
Accept and let the feelings flow
Flow with lows and flow with highs
Don’t call feelings “bad” or “good”
Flow with those that come your way
Question if your thoughts ring true
And change as needed day by day
Feelings flow most naturally
So keep emotions moving free
Feel them deep and then let go
Renew your hope, and fear will flee
This is Prosperity Poem 127 at ProsperityPoems.com and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below). https://www.prosperitypoems.com/delivery127FeelingsFlow.html
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Your life will be better when you LET them flow. Emotions are supposed to be in motions, not blocked up and resisted.