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"I like you!"
I wished to shout,
Something rare, right about.
A spark that burned through.

But I never knew you,
Well, it was for an instant—
We came upon,
I saw you, only you.
(And you never saw me.)

You never saw me,
I was translucent.
A shadow,
A breath between moments.
A whisper lost in crowded hums.

What we could be—
You never thought to oversee
Yet, only I hesitated.
Only I remained reluctant.
Only I remained reluctant.
Jeremy Betts Jan 16
Attempting new
Creative endeavors
Reluctant at first,
Old habits fear change
Steadily pushing to prove
To myself
Can grow

~ Acrostic ~
A poetic written composition where the first letter of each line spells out a word, phrase, or message.
The word Acrostic comes from the Greek word akrostichís, which is a combination of acro- (end or extremity) and stich (a line of poetry)
Heidi Franke Dec 2024
My tongue left me lost
Telling stories of jungle and mirth
Vines around my voice
Sounds that were not mine
Leaked out

My mind escaped all my plans
Evading the minstrel of imagination
Symbolically dampening my conceptions
Reluctant troupe performance
A coy castaway

My legs marched without me
Trampled every blade of grass
Concluding I have no where left to run
No path at all
Upright disorderly conduct
On two feet

My heart forbade another beat
Leaving a bowl of dust to swirl
Aimless joys and sorrows
Suddenly freeze dried
Without conduction for lust
Or anger

My life dropping out of sight
Evading the drones
Searching for me
Here I lay in this late hour
Evaporating like the rain puddle
With no where to go
On the hottest day of the year
Dissipating until
I vanish
Growing old challenges. Nothing is what it was before. Seems like a dream. If only I had paid more attention to the moments.
Spriha Kant Apr 2021
I have always been reluctant for stepping towards the path of expertise because the kid inside my heart laughs out innocuously on my foibles which I prefer over demeaning.

cold sweat trickled down her spine,
gasping reluctantly for air penetrated
her thoughts, but it was just;
she beamed upwards to sight the welkin,
relinquished— she stopped abruptly.
hi! i’ve been MIA for quite some time now. i’ve been rly busy with school. i hope everyone is safe! < 3
brandon mater Aug 2020
funny how l thought
l loved you

gave you my heart
broke it into 2

played my part
acted like a fool

you have no heart
all you do is use

broke me apart
as you always do

this isn't right
you screamed *******!!!!
l can't escape from a toxic relationship. when we are together, l forget how he's not good for me but after, l start falling apart
"You are late"
Said the so full of fact
Business Studies Teacher
Nicked, "Mrs Fatso".

It's like
    her account's green
    turns red
On the account of
    Leke's grin

I'm terrified
At why Leke is never

Cos as soon as
   that was said about
   Grand Pa
We saw him
    no more

And from what I saw
   in the poster
He changed his first name
   to the same

Why Joy in lateness?
Brynn S Nov 2018
What has literature become?
Mockery of the new age
They spit on the graves of former writers
They take their names and drag it through mud
Disgrace, distaste
Nothing fuels the flame
The elusive spark as died
We all try to grasp at fame
Only few may succeed
In comparison we falter
We are the ****** ones
left to pray at the alter
amanda Jun 2018
gradually they go-
the idiosyncratic, the mortal, the private.
nothing is left
but desolate halls.
before they go,
the mirrors gaze at them.
two-faced demons they see.
merciless hands
in a pool of ******.
i feel out of focus,
or at least a bit seedy.
breathe in, breathe out.
i don't want to fight,
i don't want to fight,
and i never will.
i fall cold.
the idiosyncratic, the mortal, the private
watch me.
"goodbye my child,"
and the silence grows ever still.
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