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Sara May 2018
I didn't want to see the signs so
I turned off all the light and smiled,
with rose-tinted shards stuck in my eyes,
I did anything for an easy life.
It is what it is and it was what it was
Gilang Perdana Sep 2017
who needs to learn
to wrap the tides
while the fisherman
cast the net of fire
from the darkest seabed
locked the doors of events
to keep an ancient calendar
still glowing on it's eyes
but within the time
the firts cry came
the lips of the ocean
became reluctant to return
for us to be afraid
to saw the wraith

of the fish
A bit of quandary
let in the laundry
crept for death mausoleum
where she the horror
left he the sheriff
and came her kingdom
through my absorption
here estranged life
would afford this supposition
in this place of heart
as theatre will fly to heaven
if immaterial is golden
and nonviolent always chosen
when never reluctant for change
a bill is always left in mind.
An attorney in mind
mk Jun 2015
whenever I take a step back
know that I am afraid
the past did not care for me
and I fear the future shan’t either
// one step forward, two steps back //
Lunar May 2015
You can run
But you can never hide
From all the tears
And fears you hold inside

Now who is lost
No longer can be found
You made your way down
Three-sixty degress around

Save yourself
It's unreachable
That string of hope
You won't be pulled

What to do
Why are you here
The reluctant hero
It's you, you fear
Claire Jun 2014
In my mind, I was
Prepared for your presence.
As if you would illuminate my world and
Tear down my mental fortress;
I was prepared for everything to be
So these preparations became the most daunting of dreams;
Wonders and hopes of everything
And even after you monotonously sauntered into my physical world
And everything hopelessly remained the same, if not worse,
I kept dreaming.
Months after, I dreamt.
Prepare? More like pretend,
Pretend that you, in fact, never did
Physically saunter
Into my monotonous world.
That you, somewhere, existed
In a consistent aura of love and affection,
Or even in just the sense of an ability to love would've been
You had to exist somewhere because,
For god's sake,
It surely couldn't be here;
This surely couldn't be the you I had dreamt of.
And it wasn't, it was the you that was irrevocably you
You were as good as you were going to get.
And I was the same.
Incapable of loving anyone,
Let alone you.
This was the "ok" that I had so long awaited,
and I was certainly not
So I dreamt.

How long can one continue to dream?
How long until they off themselves on the realization of the inescapability of hopelessness?
How long can one lie to themself?
The reluctant truth is that every reachable
Is really not ok at all.
ok is miserable and impossible and
Amongst those who are miserable enough to admit this reluctant truth.
ok is putrid and a liar because
I'll never be ok.
And I'll always say I am.
And you'll, from time to time, saunter back into my monotonous melancholy of an "ok"
And I'll never be happy.
And one day I'll off myself on the reluctant hope that there is an
Existing beyond you and I;
Beyond everything that I've dreamt of.
Because none of that was ever ok.
It was only a dream.
And all I've done is woken up.
emotion-packed dabble
Nasir Jan Jun 2014
You live your life
I live mine
I didn't ask for this
I'll be fine
Not a day goes by
that I don't think of you
In the sweetest way
I wish I could ask you to stay
You plague my mind
You shake me to the core
You weigh down my heart
like an anchor at shore
I long to be free
to live without restraints
But, without you
It would mean nothing
No one could ever take your place
You can leave if you want to
I won't beg you to stay
I promise I'll see you again
Someday- maybe a little after life.

— The End —