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belbere Jun 2019
you may not realise it
but you’ve stepped into new lands
and life is different here
you are different here

you’d thought the sun
had kissed you before
but it did not love you
like it did this place
the people here had
felt its arms wrapped
around their bodies
for generations,
its light imprinted in
their skin like melanin,
the same light
you’d seen shine
from your mother’s hands

you’d thought the sun
had kissed you once before
but you were different,
your light was dimmer,
harder to recognise
and even the sun wasn’t
sure you were its kin,
had to look twice
before it realised
your blood but you
remained a stranger
all the same

the way you talk is wrong
your words too delicate
your voice too soft
your speech without music

you’d thought your tongue
was universal, had been
both understood and mis before,
but you were the cub of a lioness
and didn’t know how to roar,
no pride would take
you in when you
mewled like a kitten
and no sunlight shone
from your skin

you’d thought your tongue
was no different to
your mother’s, but hers
never worked the same
when you spoke it,
never quite connected
to its audience, so
you stopped trying,
turned to the moon instead
and gave it your confession
the only way you knew how,
it told you you spoke just fine

you think somewhere else
things will be different
you don’t remember
it has always been this way

your family never once
pointed out the intricacies
of your branches to you,
why you matched neither
your father’s roots nor your
mother’s veins, but had blossomed
something different, something new,
and why that would ever matter,
your family never thought
about these things, never
talked about such things,
they just wanted you
to speak plain

your family never once
explained how home would
be new to you, how home
wouldn’t really be like home
after all, because home didn’t
welcome you like it should have,
didn’t greet you right, hold you
tight in its arms and make you feel
like you belonged, because you
were different, and it didn’t
recognise you for a moment
or two

you may not realise it
but you’ve stepped into new lands
and life is different here
and you are different here
one to start a collection of self-reflection, perhaps, if it comes willingly
Cydney Something Jun 2019
"I don't want you to think I'm racist. I love black people! I just hate *******."
Now, you will not believe how many people have said this to my face.
That they smile, thinking themselves so eloquent and clever,
Illustrates a problem to me much larger than the hatred of a race.

My tongue stays. I wouldn't want my "angry ******" to show her teeth.
She would ask if the color or the speech or the level of poverty made the black,
Or the ****** or the ***** or the **** or monkey or beast.
She may be eloquent and clever herself, but those white ears would never hear that.

We are conditioned to be blind and deaf and loudly ignorant to reality.
The rich and powerful have made us starkly numb to our own folly and pride,
So that we may believe ourselves to be indignant most righteously,
While we unconsciously hate all that is different, opposed, other, outside.

But I will be the same human with all my eloquence and cleverness, pride and folly,
Whether I am seen as "black" or "******" or maybe simply just "Cydney"
Vivi Jun 2019
I remember from years ago
We were quiet
In the dark
How I only heard my heart

I think you were looking at me

I remember last month
Sitting next to you
Listening to the music
But still hearing my heart

I know you were looking at me
In the dark

You were looking at my soul
Kliff Thee Poet Jun 2019
America the great, America the fake, history says our past was filled with mistakes. Maybe it was all that could be done, possibly they didn’t know their actions would cause us not to grow? Peace and acceptance is all we wanted, all we received was violence. Demonstrated with peaceful protest and was attacked by man and beast. Groups were formed to show unity, quickly the opposition infiltrated the groups with no impunity.  Using trickery to cause division, and murderous plots against all black leaders, or buying their voices to control black people, and made them black people steerers.

With this format in place it allowed them to do what they wanted to. No resistance just acceptance not willing to go to war, but stay quiet and take some more. We have held every possible position but look at the spot we are still in.

We teach our youth to stand up against bullies, all the while we are being bullied. Our fathers, our sons, and even our mothers are being killed, yet and still some black leaders will come on TV and ask you to be quiet and stand still. We will fight one another to the death about respect. It is time to show we won’t lay down and be checked. Be willing to protect yours and the brothers who are willing to stand on your right and left. Enough is enough and truth be told the pressure we feel is from our on hold. So it’s time to take your hand off your own throat. Time to show we are not taking no more. We want our respect from shore to shore.

By, C. E. Cheatham
Tuffy Mutombo May 2019
If you judge me based on race
You are blind to my inner grace
Overwhelming beauty
which gives me inner peace
I overdosed on selflove and confidence  
So your ignorance
holds no place in my presence
I suggest you have a dance with my intelligence
Which can outlast your ignorance
Giving it no room to impact my race
Tuffy Mutombo May 2019
Justice is just is
never changing always broken
the powerful get rewarded the weak get mistreated
morality gets wounded and then healed by fake promises
we gave justice eyes
because it seems to only serve those with lighter pigmentation
hidden in webs of lies, truth is not to be mentioned
justice is just is because no one wants to rightfully serve it
Ziya mansoor May 2019
Not only the racers in competition
but there are also racers ,
In the competition of life
we compete for happiness
and sometimes the losers get
awarded with sadness,
We compete for sucess and pleasure
and sometimes the losers get failure and gloom
but this game has no winners either losers  
the game of the life is a tie
we all get happiness
we all become sad
we get success
we even fail
but there is no one who had never gone through any particular section in this ,
we all are winners at the same time loosers
so never feel bad if you are loosing
because as this life is a draw competition
you will also win
at the same time we can even fail
Marri May 2019
Who am I?
I must be black because my absent father won’t come back.
I am eccentric. I am authentic.
I am something you would never forget to mention.
I am a Black woman.

Who do you want me to be?
I must be Asian because with eyes like these I can solve any equation.
I am intelligent. I am pure elegance.
I am delicate.
I am an Asian woman.

Who do you think I am?
I must be Hispanic because my last name simply states it.
I am diligent. I am militant.
I am an immigrant.
I am a Hispanic woman.

Who should I be?
I may be white by culture, but not by sight.
I am privileged. I am a perfect image.
I have no limits.
I am a White woman.

On paper, the box I checked says Asian,
But sometimes I forget.
What if my race isn't solo, or singular?
It’s a duet—or even a quartet.
My race is tricolor—sometimes invisible.
My race isn't inside, and no, it's not physical.

What if my race is the rushing water of the Mississippi river?
The river just flows and flows—
Runs wherever it may go,
But some are quiet as they trickle in;
Drop by drop a new river begins,
As the water mixes, roaring free.
If you want to label my race, fine, label me.
Label my hair, my customs, or my speech.
Race is just a rumor that mankind decided to teach.

I wish I could forget that I have a race,
That the color is still staining my face.
I'm tired of the separation,
The segregation, the humiliation,
The exhaustion of having a race.
Why label the color on my skin?
Why not embrace the person that I hold within?

*R.A.C.E. stands for Reclassify All Children Equally.
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