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dlfleurival Aug 2021

I could do so many other things right now in this moment
The possibilities are truly endless
But I decided to feel
To feel my feelings because I can’t keep avoiding them
So, I took a breath
And silently let my warm tears
Run down my face and drip onto my crisscrossed legs
And I am trying my damnedest to find the positive in this moment
I’m trying my hardest to see the light
The reason
Because being alive is hard
Living in this flesh it hurts
But living without purpose is death
And I chose today to be alive
Because I decided to feel and understand
And find the hidden beauty in my temporary pain
There’s always a reason and a lesson behind events in life that are hard
Jammit Janet Jul 2021
I was forged from the fire of will
I burn bright
To signal a new hope
To instill
dilshé Jul 2021
a tiring maze
a puzzle unsolved
a lightning phase
before your old
duty madness
weighs your soul
the human sadness
that can't be told.
an idle transcript
of ending time
oblivious to
your obscure mind
a hollow space
saved till you find
whats been missing-
The yet 'undefined'.
Brett Jul 2021
Summer ice box, bolted to the block like a hustler’s ambition.
King of the corner. Hand to hand to every family man or,
A fiends fever dream. Metal mattress for the meek.
Chill spot on the streets,
For a late-night congregation of labeled freaks;
To people passing by at least.
Neighborhood staple. A practicing painters graffiti canvas.
Crowned with empty coffee cups turned bank accounts for the beggar.
Bent from stray bullets, but never broken.
Stalwart, abandoned bodegas
But the ice box remains.
The signature of a city that speeds away, but
Will never change.
Diesel Jul 2021
Alone the world has alway' been,
In cold the space where planet bend,
Next mars or pluto lit between —
But none would ever bother them.
Then stands alone this human being
And wonder where he'd travel then:

He flies to worlds beyond the stars,
Can mend the dream before his will,
Can think of ogres, wizards all;
Can think a way into a thrill:
But further down he might recall
Where evil hides and watches still.

While mission plans fall on a whim,
And rarely do they e'en come true,
Man revisits one for him —
And hopes that someone listens too:
Like father to us all children
And mother like the earthy moon.
Kate Jul 2021
She was born with the brightest eyes like the first dawn of spring
Her soul was a precious gift meant to be kept and held tight by only herself

The dawn eyes turned to a summers green leaves
She held tight to her soul letting in only goodness and hope

The eyes that mirrored the trees began to fall like the leaves in autumn
Although she tried to keep her soul for herself she began to give small pieces to those undeserving

Those eyes that were once filled with color were frozen like the coldest winters day
A soul that once was her most precious gift was lost and soon forgotten
nim Jul 2021
i am a sword
that acts as a shield
and, thus, falls apart.
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