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Sh Dec 2019
You pressed down on my carbon body and said it is to make me into a diamond.

I let you.

I wanted to be the perfect, bright stone the world put on a pedestal to adore.

I basked in the pressure you put on me,
ignored the cracks,
the powder that drifted down my hands like falling sand.

I did not know how they chip away at diamonds to make them smooth and shimmering.

Shrink them, only to regret it later.

It hurt, but I let your steamroll compress on my carbon arms,

rolling my eyes as you taught me at the rockes that slipped out of your grip.

Even the ones that got away praised my endurance.

They didn't see the sweat dripping down, the heat in my eyes.

Or maybe they did and thought it was a price I am willing to pay.

The world taught me that diamonds are the most beautiful stones,
so I let you wash me of color.

Helped you peel away my blue and red and yellow,
leaving nothing but a hollow reflection of the world.

Staying up at night, I felt the weight of you,
pushing down at my lunges, seizing my heart.

Even when I was away, I still felt your unrelenting hold,
putting my head between your fingers and demanding I will not look away.

You pressed and compressed but I didn't turn to diamond,

I turned to dust.
Bhill Dec 2019
Yield this, yield that
What is it to yield, what does it begat

Think about this word, as it rolls off your tongue
Did you give up your space or surrender your run
Did you have a big crop and gain a large sum
Did you give up to pressure and feel very dumb

This word has many yields and deserves to be defined
Good luck as I yield, to your vast unyielding minds....

Brian Hill - 2019 # 315
Are you yielding?
Amanda Dec 2019
Trauma from the past
knows how to enter itself
back into your life
when you least expect it,
causing the dominoes of your
sanity to collapse under the
societal pressures you've housed
your mental state into, silently
praying there will be a glitch in
gravity that will cause all motions
and bad thoughts to cease, leaving you
with a state of uninterrupted peace and
numbness to shield your remaining
innocence and childlike mannerisms away.
Even if it's just for a second.
melli7 Dec 2019
When I was small I said “Mom
my tummy hurts” and
then kisses and maybe a spoon of liquid
(icky) tylenol followed and then
All Better!

when I’m bigger in shoe size, in brain
(in tummy)
Now when
my stomach starts to bubble and
roil and twist I know the source
is not candy and the
cure is no longer kisses and
I need so much more I need
slow breaths and
no maternal concern concerning
itself with my intestines, small or
maria Dec 2019
Feeling like I'm going to explode
Can't hold emotions anymore
Your interest
makes me sick
I'm drowing in a cup of tea
So much pressure
I can't breath
How did I end up like this?
I don't want to feel
Take your attention away from me
remind me to not cry when I'm alone again, that -at least somehow- I can take it

written on December 07, 2019
Andrew Dec 2019
P u s h i n g .
The further you go the better you are.
If you stop
you are
n o  t   h    i     n      g      .
You’ll never get into college
You’ll never be successful
You’ll never get out of where you are

You will
N e  v   e   r
be happy.
Max Neumann Dec 2019
don't push my desire to
write regardless
if i am about to write a
short story

hand me a shovel
will you?

i need to dig now
i need to dig deeply

no stress my dear
baby-faced sweetie

imma eat you
i need you
appetite tightness tizight tizzop
Jeremy Rascon Oct 2019
Some days I wake up
                                                                  Mind torn from    
                                                           stress dreams
                                                                And no desire to breakdown
                                                                             On campus.
                                                                  So I skip class.
                                                        Trapped in my mental jailcell
                                                I dissect my compulsive thoughts
                                                      Only to see they stitched
                                                               Themselves back together
                                                             And are resistant to leave.
                                          On days I can grasp and hold my will
                                                                           I stew in class
                                                     Noticing my classmates
                                        Who speak louder than I do,
                                        Who answer questions more eloquently,
                                        And speak science fluently,
                                                               I am left to boil in my
                                                 Lack of voice, skill, and knowledge.
                                                             At the end of my first class
                                                                   I am already overdone,
                                             A husk goes to the remaining classes
                                                                                 For me.
                                                                     On days I wake up
                                                                        I skip class
                                                                                  To avoid
                                                                      Fighting fire with Magma,
                                                                                this technique is
                                                                     purely self-destructive.
                                                                                           And I know it.
                                        Pressure builds like a volatile volcano…
                                                      I FAIL my classes and ERUPT
                                                   The peak that is my self esteem
                                      Shattered by emails from professors,
                                           The lava oozes down the slopes of Mt. Me
                                               “Maybe I don’t Belong  Here”
                                     Starts the a nearby tsunami forming
                                                                      Underneath my scalp
                                                           It gathers speed and force.
                                                           It decimates the cerebrum.
                                                                                       I have to rebuild...
                                              This land is recycled often
                       Tremors with magnitudes that match
                                                        My GPA
                                            Keep me vigilant and mindful
                                                               that collapse is part
                                                                       Of my nature                   The complex societies that are rebuilt within my mind always thrive
                                              ….at the beginning of next semester.
Daisy Ashcroft Oct 2019
I am but thirteen years old and yet
I feel as though I am older

I write, I read, I play, I laugh
All things that a child of my age should

And yet somehow I feel as though
There is more inside that I need to let go
I read these poems, row by row
But these writers shall never know
That I have looked up to them since long ago

I am young, I am smart
Therefore there is not much I can change into art

I'm a teenager, I'm at school
So on this site I feel like a fool

Right now, I don't have much to say
But maybe I will some other day
So please wait for the moment that I say 'Hey!
Here's something I can write about that won't just fade away.'
Maggieburn Oct 2019
We don’t get to be young,
We need to grow old,
We need to make choices
We need to go places,
and make sacrifices.

Life is not easy or constant,
Life is a path and not a contest,
Comparing yourself to everyone else
Is simple to do but bad for your health.

We don’t get to have fun,
We need to come undone,
We need to stop smiling, laughing and crying.

Life is a lie with one sole purpose,
Which has yet to rise to the surface
“You don’t get to be young,
you need to grow old”
This is what my mom believes,
But frankly this idea is meant to deceive.

If we don’t live now,
We could just say “ciao” to all our specialties,
And get drowned in legacies,
Without finding any remedies to our promised infancies.
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