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IMCQ May 2020
The words left unsaid.
Words deep within the hallow.
They smolder with an intense heat.
Demanding change.
Demanding freedom.
Demanding validation.
Its flame tearing into me.
The rasp of its scream deafens all rational thought.
I, the fool, stumble in its direction.
As the words ring aloud, I find myself
Ashen and burned.

* * *

The stillness of your voice.
Unfazed by the violent blaze.
Your expressions permeate like spilling tides.
Granting tranquility.
Granting patience.
Granting pause.
The waves wash over me.
Soothing tones give way to a clear conscience.
You, the faultless, guide the weary.
As you speak, I find myself
In the presence of peace.
Hear me.
Heal me.
kolsmusing May 2020
gloomy days
will pass
sunny days
are coming
Karijinbba Mar 2020
Stunned played by fate
She didn't play
any Chess games
to know
to Sheikh-mat cut off timely
the stonefish proud Greek
in his own chess biggoted
many a game with
non Greek queens

She noticed his weird gaze
morph his face
uglily though as he spoke of marriage deceivingly so

the mad Greek had been checkmated
by Greek evil Medeas
the freak in his far away land
Hellenic chess game of lure
under their jealous spell
of Synanceiidae
stonefish medea Kiriaki
and her many more Medeas
knowing his record
marked his queen for death

The geek proudly ignored
She me had checkmated
with great value King
American elite

in the chess game of life
having checkmated
such a valued King
she had won the chess game
of Life and love
knowing Chess games or not

She then sheikhmat
his deceptive Greek gaze
bone fish old man
She was no Queen in power
to move freely away
but she fled soon as she could

And as her true King
has the value
the queen has the power
for moving freely so
in his palatic home

to lose the value King though
cornered in his castle's bed
by other Queens

And in this Chess game
of life
to lose the value King
is losing the Chess game
and every other treasures
promised or received

this is a wise matter to know
to not lose
the many other games
surely to come
reigning at the king's court

In looking for love
dear queens!
know your chess game rules
calling out check mate timely
wins heaven on Earth
and the willing King's love
each time
revised 04-28-20
what is kept hidden within
can destroy us

what is put into action voiced
love patience courage grace
surender understanding
can build us trust-worthy
-Goat Apr 2020
You think of her every night
Pray that win her over you just might
Already you've made your lives' plan
But still she's with another man

You feel the warmth and all the light
and her day too seems more bright
She sparks with joy to the sound of your voice
so now all she's gotta do is make the right choice
You can fight for it all you want, but sometimes it's just not up to you.
and then again I hear them say
somebody will like you,
he’s on his way

but to wait for the right guy
is a lonely journey, can’t deny

and as the days go by
I look up in the sky

I tell myself to be patient
there’s no need to be racing

I’m longing for someone
a nice guy, can’t describe
somebody who will catch my vibe

I hope he’s coming
cause I need some real good loving

meanwhile I will do another rhyme
and just have trust in time

- gio, 12.04.2020
-Goat Apr 2020
Life is truly too short to take chances
instead, go find someone who makes you smile
and if it still persists after a while
only then you'll know it's worthy of your advances
Don't fill your dish with food you probably won't enjoy. Slow and steady wins the race
Your eyes
your skin
your body

hold inside them
someone I love

they are
of life

they allow me to find you
in flesh
they allow me to sit at the hearth
in front of your fire
they allow me to share with you
my ember

your brown
your soft

the days
and i thank every sunset

will become
Leah Apr 2020
In life the only thing you can do is just wait...
Rather if your waiting for your next relationship , friendship , or a job you name it.
We wait because after those two steps you don't want to regret the mistakes that will be created.  freemindedlee_
Natasha Tai Apr 2020
tightrope with balance
tethered to a fine thread.
break, swing, loom,
yet falling feels safer,
an appeal of sorts
put to test the water.
gravity drops me,
hangs hopes on a ledge.
beat, space, beat.
flow slowing, heart stopping,
digits slipping, valve skipping.
save this dear tightrope,
don’t let me fall
slash tell to let go,
winds will catch weight
waves break on walls.
tell me to let go - but only if you’ll catch
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Have patience dear one
Do not try to rush
Good things will come
You just have to wait
All is not lost
All is not out of reach
You will achieve your goal
Keep working
Keep trying
Wait for it all
You will not be forsaken
Good things come to those who wait.
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