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Cat Sep 2019
So warm,
So new.
Come closer.
A tingling air,
Ridged with fear
Now a shared air,
Calm with sweet smells
Beating heart,
Rhythmically shared here.
A smile that tore through confusion,
And a face that shined adversely.
A kiss that could..
Could find my way back home
A poem me and a girl read together after I was left in a country I was unfamiliar with in a dream. This was as close as I got recreating this poem I read in my dream.
Malia Sep 2019
The magical moment
When you wake up
But you’re still slightly sleeping.

The beautiful moment
When you are not worried
You are honest
You are content
Anger fear and hate
Seem to have never
Manifested in your mind.

You are a tree
You are a blade of grass
Blowing in the wind
You are the wind blowing.

You are...
Inspired by Jerry Spinelli’s book Stargirl. We are reading it in ELA class. It’s a really good book.
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2019
This comes to more than what I post
The life I lived and the moments I lost
In bringing the dreams together
All my wishes flew like butterfly
Birds shedding their feather
I leave each hope behind
Now I just live and breathe in unrest
Because I have got no conquest
Now all I do is wait
Wait to see what is stored in my fate
To turn my life around.
Amate piel desnuda
amate consternada
constelacion comandada
con sueños de hada.

Amate cebollita morada
que lloras bajo la almohada
no le temas a la parvada
vigilante atrapada.

Amate cristal censurado
de claro destello amado
corazon de candado
que sangra azul fluido.

Amate sensual florida
que escupe en la herida
flama candente herrada
sin tierra, sin ojos, sin nada.
Mathieu Sep 2019
Tell Me To Surrender The Moment
Such an Enigmatic Moment
Burnt Ochre Falls From The Heavens
Aurora in the waves

Silence In The Moment
Such Uninhibited Silence
Beautiful Quiet
Violins' Could Reverberate The Air

Drifting In and Out of The Moment
Sempiternal Golden
The Essence of the Broken
Nothing Feels Beyond Repair

Don't Let Go of This Moment
This Eloquent Component
Capture Life in All It's Beauty
To Feel Like You're Alive
Nigdaw Sep 2019
There is calm

early september pushes summer's
burning sun aside
light changes
air cools, like chilled water
on skin, drink it in

autumn beckons
winter threatens

there is a sadness in your heart
as the world changes
an eternal cycle of hellos
and goodbyes
punctuated with days
that you stick into that memory
scrapbook, which may or may not fade

but now there is this stillness
nothing is happening
before all Hell lets loose
I can be happy
savour a moment
a moment of truth.
Star BG Sep 2019
Every star that sparkles,
brings a million possibilities to surface.
To expand in mind and feel the energy of miracles.

Every moment in a step
is the vibration that seeds a thought
watered by action.

And every voice raised in unity inside differences
is the bridge
to become a sparkling star
that harbors love.
Inspired by TheidleOel--Thanks
Ya Boi Sep 2019
Taking a solemn moment to remember the pain
Starring at the light of start that never came
I can't set my eyes down
I wish I could put them aside
Rip them from my head
I'm scared of these skies and their same old joke
Showing me beauty then hiding away as I choke
My own words lost in my throat
Extending my arms to the sky I cry a silent moan
Setting foot one step further to repay my life's loan
Faizel Farzee Sep 2019
Remember!  the conversation we had? I clearly remember,
It was raining that night.
I asked if it was her that you chose, You stuttered
On your face i saw fright
I did not want to fight, i pushed you away
you grabbed me, then held me tight.

I felt like being swallowed by the earth under my feet,
You lifted my chin, looked into my eyes
God! you smelt so sweet
Slowly you whispered, you all i will ever need
i got lost in that eyes,  for a second all the rage did subside

I then remembered that this happened before, I remember the lies
i felt this saddened emotion,  from my soul it arise
The truth you telling me, a masquerade,
It's always in disguise.

Tears and anger cloaks me, like the dark in absence of light
i pull myself lose from your lifeless grip,
This just doesn't feel right, you not even holding me tight

I'm looking at this stranger standing in front of me
Unrecognizable, he starts to slowly speak
shut up! shut up!
all you do is lie, i gave you my heart,
Please! I don't want to cry

Is she worth it? I will die for you! look how i cry for you?
All the promises you made, This was all lies too
You ripped out my heart, stomped on it with your shoe
Do hear what i'm saying? You broke me in two

I'm sorry, is this all you can muster?
I gave you my life, my soul, What about her!?
What did she ever do!? to ever deserve you
did she stick to you when you were down, i thought our love was like glue

I guess this was a lie also, this also wasn't true

                          As you turn to leave,
                emotions a sunder, you din't look back
                   tears my companion,  I fall to my knees.
betrayal, for me is worst than hate,
it causes hate, it opens that one place
you never want to visit,  locked in your hearts space
the one you carry on your face
Lily Sep 2019
Roses grace the sky in a bouquet,
And a few fall down to me.
The last fleeting rays of yellow sunlight
Shoot up into the sky like fireworks,
Illuminating the beach for a brief moment.
A cool breeze whips across the shore,
And the sands drift in my face,
The sands that tell the stories of all
Who have watched these pink moments before.
The ocean whispers to me,
Its enticing scent pulling me in,
Saying, “the world is not so bad,
Watch this beautiful sunset.
Everything will be alright.”
The last rose petal falls,
And the clock reads 8:12 pm.
The taste of salt lingers on my tongue
As I turn and head for home.
The sunset says,
“Come back tomorrow!”
The inspiration for this poem was from this essay on NPR's website called "Pink Moments". Here is the link for the essay if you would like to read it (; it's a gorgeous work that I did not attempt to copy but that inspired me to tell my own "pink moment" story.
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