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n jacobs Sep 2019
Have you ever had that moment?
You’re standing on the mountain peak, for that one moment.

For that one moment, I can almost hear angels singing,
I can see the true beauty.

And it isn’t just the vast sky above me dotted with clouds,
It isn’t just a waterfall, or a desert scene of hot white rock,
Or majestic tress standing tall as to say, “I am”.
Or the stars coming together with their mother moon to almost dance in the twilight,
And say, “I am here, and so are you, and this is IT.”

It isn’t just as if I’m walking, down a long dirt path,
Lined with fireflies, and the sweet breeze accompanying me like
An old friend that I never met but somehow know.

It’s something to do with the birds chatter, and the child’s laugh,
The bliss of some sort of innocence, a lack of need for things
That I can have, but don’t bring me above the mortal, material, mundane.

No real understandable words, nothing really sets it off,
But it goes, as a shooting, pure assemblage
But its followed by deep chills, and some surrenderance upward.
Some serene, almost lonesomeness,
Yet accompanied by all the souls of the world.

I’m not self, but everything,
For one fraction of timelessness

and it’s almost like it all makes sense
It's set off by the scene of nature, and brings a split second of chills and unified peace.
MisfitOfSociety Sep 2019
Who am I,
I don’t know anymore,
I lost myself long ago.
I lost pieces of myself,
In those inner landscapes.
I’m struggling to find the pieces,
I can’t remember their names.

I forgot how I got here.
Where do I go from here?
B D Caissie Sep 2019
Oh fallen flower, how your colour burns more brightly ensconced upon this  weathered pew.  Fate, it seems has brought you to this resting place to soften its callus surface. Though your time left upon this crag is fleeting, your place is here and now.

Shannon Spivey Sep 2019
I thought you knew
Or maybe you do not
Your quiet composure
Penetrated my thoughts
We had a moment
And time slowed down
A second of eye contact
Has me turned around
Your smile says it all
And that glimmer in your eye
Maybe you don’t know
But if you asked I’d lie
Aman Aug 2019
The time we talk....
The time we meet.....
Is short......
It comes and goes....
But never stays.....
Makes us wait....
Forever and ever....
But don't loose hope....
Believe in the love....
We have.....
And make the.....
Stars believe.....
The moment we have....
Is the true gem....
No one can take away....
The love....
The strength.....
All that's needed....
Is your lovely smile....
And it will...
Be all good....
Forever after...
Even if it's....
For a while.......
Moment, wait, love
Alex Gifford Aug 2019
"It's okay, you're forgiven."
I wipe her tears while she cries,

And smile, feelings hidden.
I struggle to look in her eyes.

I took as much of her pain as I could.
Then balled up in the shower alone
to tremble and sob and groan.
During this difficult time I was motivated by believing that I was forgiven by Christ who did this exact thing to me in his death.
Faizel Farzee Aug 2019
Valentine's day again,
Your **** grin
It makes my head spin
Loving you this much, must truly be a sin
I dim,
The lights my hand on your thigh
Move closer, let me get lost in your eyes
You whisper… you’ll love me till the day that you die
We kiss, sweet
It tastes like honey pie
I loved you in past lives, this shouldn’t be a surprise
Who thought we’d be together again, certainly not I
Not being together I’d breakdown and cry
Stop it silly, she whispers, you know you all mine
You’ll always and forever be my only valentine
Our lips embrace, this feels sublime
I go down on one knee, I think it’s time
I produce the ring, god look how it shines
My dear will you marry me, I don’t have any rhymes
I will love you for all eternity, even though I don’t have many dimes
She shrieks! Your love is what counts!
Yes! I’ll marry you, how could there have been any doubt
I’ll count,
My blessings from this day out
You made me the happiest, I feel I can shout
We embrace hearts connected as one
Convey this message to the universe,
Today I have won.
Those moments that brings meaning to your life. That changes the core of who you are, whether good or bad...those are the moments we should be living, for those are the ones with lessons.
Haylin Aug 2019
That feeling you get
When you finish the show
Before anyone starts clapping.

That feeling of breathlessness and accomplishment all at the same moment.

That my friend, is what we march for.
I just finished band camp 2 weeks ago and tonight we just had our first rehearsal and I've got to say, this has been the best time of my life. I love these people and I can't wait to spend the next 2 years with them
MisfitOfSociety Aug 2019
****** into my sofa,
The infinite space of it.
The faces of my friends are melting off,
Like heated wax running down a candle stick.

I loaded the universe into a gun,
And I shot myself in the head.
I can not tell if I am breathing.
Am I alive or am I dead?

I’m strapped to the outside of a rocket ship with nothing in the way.
I’m taking off, and I just keep going. Reaching a height higher than heaven.
There’s nothing to orient myself. No time. No space. No self. Nothing but darkness stretching out all around me.
A roar of a million voices are screaming over each other, they’re resonating in my head.
I’ve come into orbit. Everything is beginning to crystalize.

Surrounding me are complex geometrical patterns of love and understanding.
Gibberish wall textures are whispering messages through their feelings.
This is all too much to take in,
It is like the universe orgasmed into my eye.
I just want to go home,
I think I am going to die.

A sense of calm echoes through me,
Probably brought upon by the faces of my long lost family.
They have so much dimension to them,
So beautiful, light and shimmering.
Looking like something out of religious doctrine,
They came out from the open.
Released me into my primal light laser body,
Everybody has been laughing at the joke never spoke.
And now that I get it,
It is infinitely funny.

It is like the sand man blew his sand,
Taking me on a train to dream land.
They are showing me everything,
I can not even begin to understand.
How am I supposed to understand infinity,
When I can barely understand a single moment.

I see God in a head of lettuce.
I feel the earth's rotation,
As I spin around the sun.
God handed me the universe loaded into a revolver,
And fired me into a flashing rainbow shower.
Friday's smoke opera has rendered me dumb.

Bathing in a melting rainbow,
The cosmos is dripping down my skin.
Infinity is stretching out,
And withdrawing within.

I become the colour,
And the colour becomes me.
I am in everything,
And everything is in me.

Coming out of the woodsmen's cloud,
I hear a child screaming out.
I didn't know what it was then,
But now I know what it is about.

The trees are no longer silhouettes,
My destination is not my goal.
I am in the middle,
Wherever I go.
This is my most ambitious piece of literature yet.
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