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Dominique Yates Jan 2018
So uhm.. I had a baby
I may be naïve
Newly graduated
Still asking my mom to make my doctor appointments
So I had.. a baby
In fact I was still a baby
I just got chewed up and spit out
Now I’m spitting out kids
Who would’ve guessed
So uhm yeah.. I had a baby
I met love in high school
They called him danger and he had blue eyes
Well danger and I uhm..
We kinda had a baby
It felt like the world was telling me this is it,
Welcome to your life
Well guess what world
I’m now invincible and a mom
I’m an invincible mom
I carried a human for nine months
Now I’m making appointments
Setting up schedules
Nothing is stopping me
Now let me repeat
A beautiful baby
A wonderful smart baby
I’m teaching him that
The littlest oops turns into
The biggest blessing In disguise
So I’ll tell you one more time
And my life has never been better
This is more of a slam poetry but written
Midnight Jan 2018
Thank god
I can look back
And laugh
In your face

You weren't ever pretty
But rather

No beauty
Or heart
No character

I don't know why
I ever loved you
Cause oh *******
I made a mistake
Sam Miller Jan 2018
Feathers in the wind
Crashing to the ground
Plucked from a bird who's sinned
Never again to be found
tears shall be shed
For a piece that has been lost
Her actions made it fled
for which she never  knew the cost
Oh though its gone and probably dead
It will move on to more
Feather to the ground
It has been lost soon to be found
A bit of an older one so a bit amatuerish in wording but hey may as well chuck it up
Sam Miller Jan 2018
Breathe in breathe out
I believe in you even if you have doubt

Happy thoughts and self control
Yelling will never heal your soul

Time to stop time to breath
Sure you yelled, put it back in its sheath

You ****** up but you fix it
It was just a one hit

She hates now she will hate you for ever
But that's what you deserve you pulled the lever

To late to stop to late leave
You lost control she isnt niave
Slight warning on this if you are sensitive to themes such as abuse be carefull wouldnt want you beutiful humans to be negatjvly effect by writings
Jewel M C Jan 2018
i feel like a ******* mistake
like a glitch in this ******-up system
an error that wasn't meant to exist

it’s like everything i touch turns to ****,
my mistakes are all i can create
it’s the tragic design of my fate

& most of the time i don't wanna be here
                                  on this planet anymore
                                  anyway, who cares if i stay?
دema flutter Jan 2018
your hands were on my shoulders
just a little bit above
where my heart was overwhelmingly beating,

I made a little prayer,
that I'd stay scared,
because your embrace felt like home,
and I guess you could say
I was too scared to leave my new warm home.

Your fingers fell on my hand,
a mistake,
I thought, I now love mistakes.

The closer and closer we got,
the more distances I wanted to
travel to get to you.

I swear
if this isn't meant to be,
I promise it wouldn't be much of a surprise,
I swear it would be just
another day,
another person,
another feeling
that doesn't want to stay,

some reasons,
I'll just never know.
Ryana Jan 2018
There's some mistake
I already fallin
And you,
Don't care
How ***** isn't?
Finally, i'm back :)
Its 2018, be great
Panda Boy Jan 2018
Establish various fates
To breathe out weight
From the chest.
Towers of time stand tall,
It shares its bearing with deep skies
So let your kingdom fall.

My wife will yell
If her puzzle is not complete;
Wake up.
Excuse your children
As all make a way through life
Leaving behind burnt food crumbs
Of mistakes and revolutions.
dont try, do.
trashcanpoetry Jan 2018
I forgot to latch
the door closed when I realized
you were actually gone for good,
only to let all the demons inside.
I should’ve known better-
it wasn’t my first time making that mistake.
Samantha Dec 2017
Anyone here have
Any quesions about the
Latest announcement?

We may be getting
Our first doggo tomorrow
and I'm excited

Each fan role gives you
Access to a special chat
Related to them

So I learned that there's
A website that lets you make
Your own fonts for free

She kept slapping and
Throwing things at me so I
Kissed her and she stopped.

Ahh... yeah. Kind of the
Reason why I thought you were
Older honestly.

Cats walk by putting
Both right feet forward and then
Both left feet forward.

I was unaware
I was being annoying,
My apologies.

But then again, in
That case you can use your socks
To kinda itch them.
A collection of accidental haikus I found. Some were mine, others were said by other people.
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